Abdullah Oduro – Invocations of God #24 The reality of this life

Abdullah Oduro
AI: Summary © The importance of the dunya in protecting against shay bills and the need for a strong foundation to fight the Sh girlfriend is emphasized. The temporary aspect of life is also discussed, with a sermon from Jesus serving as an example of selling one's principles and actions to profit from the future. The importance of not letting people know too early is emphasized, with a focus on protecting one's principles and actions to protect themselves.
AI: Transcript ©
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Now that Ibn Uqaim Rahim Allah Ta'ala when

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speaking after speaking about the army and making

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the comparison

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of us in his life and he has

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given us that Allah has equipped us with

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what is needed to fight the Shaitan to

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ultimately be in Jannah and to have

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Shaitan in a high security

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jail cell that which she was for us,

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but we were saved because of our patience

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and our adherence to

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the Deen of Islam. He goes on, Rahemu

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Allah Ta'ala say to say,

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After Deborah Kaye talked about what we just

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mentioned, he goes on to speak about this

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this patience and adherence that you had was

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only a small period of time, Meaning that

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it was only in the dunya, and the

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dunya is temporary. In Islam, we believe

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that the dunya

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is this worldly life. The our physical element,

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the physical that us being here knowing that

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we have a limited time because we know

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by default that everything will perish. All human

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beings will die. Kuglunafsin

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that Iqatul Mauti as Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala

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said that every soul

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shall taste death. So now when looking at

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this, we understand now that there is shaytan.

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This is an ulsel that we need to

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a foundational

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uh-uh element or principle that we need to

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Allah has given us the faculties to fight

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the shayateen, that the shaytaan exist, that they

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will try to influence you, but it is

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upon you to

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struggle to fight against them, and that is

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a reward that you will get

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if the struggle is more.

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And, you know, if the good deeds are

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more, because the struggle is a good deed.

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He goes on to talk about the temporary

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aspect of the dunya. He

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said that it it was not Ibrahim O'lya.

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He says,

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and this is not except for about the

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an hour and then it has went away

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as though nothing really happened.

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All the hardship and war that you went

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through, it is in comparison

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to where you're going.

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It is as though nothing really happened.

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He says

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He says, and if the soul was to

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and if the soul was to be lax

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in recalling the brevity of this worldly life

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and how soon it will be over, then

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let him read the statement of Allah

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What is the statement? And on the day,

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they shall see what they have been promised,

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and it will be as this as if

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had been had tarried but an hour. And

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on the day when

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they had tarried but an hour from the

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from the day from the daytime. So it's

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showing that

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in the next life,

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the human beings,

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it would only they would only think it

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was about an hour that they spent on

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this Earth to show the comparison

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between the eternity

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and temporary.

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and temporary.

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You listening to this,

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watching this lesson

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know that you are in a particular phase

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of your existence.

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Know that this phase

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will end

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at a time that we do not know

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but Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, the Prophet Sallallahu

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Alaihi Wasallam had given us characteristics

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of certain things that will happen

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which will indicate

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the end of time

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or that the end of time is near.

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As a matter of fact, there are signs

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that the end of the times is near

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That the sad that people will

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That they will compete by building big towers

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against each other.

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And that is a sign of them

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showing their importance

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of the dunya over the. And Ibnokeim is

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gonna talk about that.

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So then he mentions that verse, and he

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mentions numerous verses here, but I want to

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you know, it's it's really with the same

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and showing that when they are asked, they

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will say,

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that we stayed a day or maybe

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part of a day. Ask those that are

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keeping count. In any case,

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they'll, you know, they they would mention that

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it was like a sa or it's a

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yom that we spent

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in the dunya.

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And then he says,

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He said the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam gave

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a sermon when the sun was at the

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crests of the mountains. So

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means head. So

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the head of the mountains. So basically, the

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sun is declining and Maghrib is coming in

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to where when the sun fully declines, the

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earth will turn. The sun is declining. The

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earth is turning. The mountains will cover. Okay?

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cover the sun because of,

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the sun declining. The prophet made a beautiful

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comparison of the reality of this life. What

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did he say?

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Prophet SAW Salam said relative to what has

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there is little time left in the world

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as there is in this day.

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There is little time left in the world

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as there is in this day, showing

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that this life is temporary. So

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be patient

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and struggle against the Chaitan with your artillery

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and using the and protecting yourself with the

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Then he says

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Hadith. So the one that is diligent,

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and and intelligence will think and ponder over

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this hadith.

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He says, let the person of intelligence seeking

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counsel for himself reflect on this hadith and

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let him know what can befall him in

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the time that remains of this world.

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Let him know that living in this world

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is full of illusions and confused dreams.

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He says, and he should know that he

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has sold the happiness of eternity

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and the bliss, the everlasting bliss

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a despicable

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that doesn't amount to anything.

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That's he that's how he compares

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the individual falling victim to their desires or

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falling victim to that shaitan that's locked up.

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You have sold the akhirah,

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the actions of the deen.

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You know, using what Allah has given you

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in the way that is not permissible. You

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that is indirect way of selling

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your soul

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to this life that is temporary.

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So when you sell your soul or you

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sell your morals

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and principles

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to something that is temporary

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in this life, for a person, for a

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to get a certain position

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in a person's mind or even heart,

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and a condition of that was

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to compromise

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your principles,

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your Islamic principles,

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or totally disregard them. That is how one

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their dunya.

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Sells their their next life for this life

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because to sell is an exchange

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And that's how Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is

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using it many times in the Quran.

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It says here

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He says here,

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and if Allah

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but if he seeks God in the abode

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of the next world, he will be given

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his full measure and much more.

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And then he says the statement of

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somebody it's a statement about the ad far.

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So some of the salafs, they used to

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say this.

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They said, Oh, oh, the son of Adam,

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the next sell this life for the next

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life. You will profit from both,

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but do not sell the next life for

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this life for verily you will be at

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loss from both. And then he says,

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He said, oh oh,

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You are in need

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for your portion of this life.

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But in reality,

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your necessity,

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you will need

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your portion of the ajira much more.

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If you were to start by taking your

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portion of this life,

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then you would have placed

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your your,

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your portion of the next life.

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you would lose

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your portion

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of the ish,

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the next life, and the hereafter.

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And then he says or

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what the statement of some of the

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and you were,

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you were

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you were,

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and you are with this portion that you

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have upon it was very dangerous.

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It says here, but if you were to

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with your portion of the akhirah, then you

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would be victorious with your your portion of

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the dunya.

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And that would have been ish that would

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have been,

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your your to your

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organized way or in in a in proportionality

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would have been or the way you have

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done it is correct.

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So he's saying here, you start with your

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portion of the akhira,

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meaning that that should be your concern. Meaning

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that the akhira

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are the actions of the akhira

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doing things that Allah loves

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and that you receive the reward in the

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next life.

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When you do that, everything from the dunya

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will fall into place. This is very, very

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When one is looking for a career, one

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is looking for a job, one is establishing

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or maintaining a relationship, and the motivation behind

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are their principles.

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Or the motivation behind abstaining from that

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are their principles. Islamic principles. That's the

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the person that is concerned with their akhirah,

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not the principles of the one that is

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concerned with their dunya, and the

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is a good thought. No. It is that

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the individual

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is concerned with the next life, And that's

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the beautiful,

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aspect of this statement

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that look where you're starting from. Look at

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what your motivation is behind

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embarking upon anything or doing or abstaining from

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Does it stem from

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your love of Allah? Does it stem from

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you fighting those desires? Does it stem from

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the army, the fortress,

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and the armor?

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And does it stem from

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you being patient

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in this small period of time

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and having adherence

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to that which protects you in this life

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and will also be a good portion for

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you in the next life. So may Allah

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make us of those that in the next

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life he is pleased with.

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