Abdullah Oduro – Invocations of God #18 What Corrupts the Good Deed

Abdullah Oduro
AI: Summary © The importance of researching and reminding oneself of actions and behavior to avoid rewarding them is emphasized. The motivation behind researching and reminding oneself is to be seen for a specific job to marry a daughter. certainty is key to avoiding rewarded actions, and forgiveness is emphasized. The importance of not leaving Islam if someone dies is also discussed, along with narratives from the transcript.
AI: Transcript ©
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He He goes on to say, Rahim O

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He says here, so the knowledge of that

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an action while doing it

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or and

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nullifies and eliminates the reward after it's done

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is the of the most important

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that the servant should investigate

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and learn about

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and be diligent

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in his knowledge

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or doing.

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He says, a certain he said

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he said there's a famous statement that is

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particularly inshallah by scholars.

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He said,

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said, Verily a servant may do an

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in secret for Allah Subha Wa Ta'la that

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no one knows.

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he speaks about the good action that he

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So it moves from the tablet

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the the tablet of good deeds to the

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the tablet

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of good deeds that were in secret to

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the tablet of deeds that are in the

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it moves from the tablet of secret

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deeds that are not that are not known

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by anyone to that status and state, the

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state of rewarded that action will be at

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the state of an action that was known

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to the people by that person speaking about

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it. So the person spoke about the action

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and they spoke about it for what reason?

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It's going to be at that level of

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reward as opposed to when it was in

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secret, no one knew about it being more

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of a means of sincerity, more of a

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means of preserving it from any type of

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action or feeling

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that could nullify it.

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He said, so if the person spoke about

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it in the open

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for a reason to be heard by others

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or to or to gain some type of

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good reputation

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or a certain position

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with other than Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, then

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it is nullified. Allah will nullify that action.

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May Allah protect us.

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And he goes on to say Rahimullah.

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He says so if the person was to

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seek repentance

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from that,

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does the reward return back to them? Now

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this is a very important issue. This is

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a very important mess

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that all of us

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have probably

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subconsciously asked ourselves when we even learn

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in Fiqh about

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the Arcand of prayer because you're learning the

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conditions and the the

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obligatory actions of prayer.

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If you were to do that obligatory action

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but the action was a shell because inside

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of it was a form of riyat, wanting

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to be praised or you're thinking about something

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How does that obligatory

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act that you're doing take place? Is it

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accepted or not? Or a portion of it

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accepted and another portion is not or not?

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He answers for

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or he mentions the question then he says,

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it was mentioned.

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So this is fiqh. He mentions, it was

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he did that action for other than Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,

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the motivation

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was that for doing it other than Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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for verily it doesn't flip and turn to

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a good deed,

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right, with,

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Rather, it depends on the Tawba

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or its proportionality is the Tawba will either

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the punishment

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so it will not be for him nor

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against him. So

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the action is not accepted,

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but he's not punished for it. The action

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is not accepted, but he's not punished for

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it because

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the motivation

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behind doing the action

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was insincere.

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It was for other than Allah Subhanahu Wa

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he he after he did the action, he

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sought forgiveness from Allah. So, if someone

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went to pray salat al aasr

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in order to be seen

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by an individual,

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He says, I'm gonna go to the master

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because I'm gonna go to this master because

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so and so is gonna be there, and

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I wanna be seen by that person

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for a particular job to marry his daughter,

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you know, something with whatever it may be.

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Right? You're doing it in order to be

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seen. So the motivation

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behind you doing the action was to be

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by someone. The motivation behind you reciting Quran

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or to give a lecture is to be

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heard by a particular person. It is not

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for the sake of Allah. It is not

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because Allah loves it. It is not because

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you feel that you are coming closer to

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Allah by it, by doing that action and

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that's your motivation behind it. This is the

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That is what is important here, that it

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was that intention that served as the motivation

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behind it. In this situation, you receive no

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reward, but there will be no

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punishment. If there was sincere

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Tawba. So after you finish the prayer, you

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get a say, I'm stuck for the Lord

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of them. May Allah forgive me. May Allah

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forgive me for

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wanting other than your face and wanting other

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than you in doing that action. In this

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situation, it is neither for or more against

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them because the sincere toba

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equalize is equal with the sincere,

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riya, in other

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This is important here. This is the barbit

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and this is this

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is the

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particular point that needs to be highlighted

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therefore showing

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understanding of the religion. Here he says,

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But rather, if he was to do the

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action for the sake of Allah sincerely,

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showing off or wanting to be praised in

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this action of worship

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hits him or comes in front of him

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or it's something that he encounters or feels.

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Oh, to haddathabbihi

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or he speaks about it

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with that Riya.

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Then he seeks forgiveness

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and is regretful.

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said so the reward of that action could

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possibly return to him and won't be uplifted.

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And it's been mentioned that it doesn't return

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to him.

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Rather, he should just do it from

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all over. Just do it again. Do the

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action over again. And this is important. You

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some people, they would do the action over

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again after they pray. They're not sure. Was

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for Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. When I said

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Allahu Akbar, was I not attentive? I wasn't

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trying to show off, but I just got

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off of work. And it's salatulasa. I just

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walk in the message and say Allahu Akbar.

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My intention wasn't there. Right? They'll start and

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do their prayer over again. This is totally

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fine, Insha'Allah.

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And this really ultimately goes back to the

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It could go back to the fact that

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certainty is not eliminated by doubt but this

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doubt even scholars even talk there's levels of

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doubt. So, you know, am I doubtful of

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me praying 3 or 4 rakats? In this

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tabniya alayakin, you build off of what you

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are certainty,

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certain about. So you're certain about 3, uncertain

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of 4, you build off of 3. You're

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certain that when you made takbir, you were

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not, you know, attentive with the lost prophet,

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you were not disconnected, you were not present

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in your prayer, it's advisable to start over

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in this situation

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and Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala knows best.

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He goes on to Sarah hamahu Wa Ta'ala,

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He says, so this issue

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is built upon

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another a foundational principle.

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He says, does the ridda, does does,

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totally eliminate and nullify the actions with the

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fact of leaving Islam

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Leaving Islam blasphemy,

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is that a reason for leaving Islam if

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someone just does that?

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Oh, it doesn't do that except,

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on that he or she dies upon that

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blasphemy upon that leaving Islam.

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For the for the scholars, there are 2

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particular opinions. 'Wuhumaru wa yatanalilimam Ahmad' and there

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are 2 narrations from Imal Ahmad. Fa'in kullnatuurbitulalamalabinafsiha

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He says, 'If it is mentioned that

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it, meaning someone leaves Islam today, all of

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their actions are nullified.'

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He said so whenever that person becomes Muslim

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for Mata'asim, when they become Muslim, their their

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rewards for their actions

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and and

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whatever was before Islam is nullified and not

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He said, what if the person,

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and if if we were to say that

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the action is not nullified

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they die upon that.

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When he returns to Islam,

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the rewards of his previous deeds will be

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given to him. Wa haka delaabdu ilaha faalhasana

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thumma fa'alasayyah

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And that is the situation of the servant.

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It is if he does an action of

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good then does an action of evil, it

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will erase it.

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Then he was asked for forgiveness from that

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particular evil deed.

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Does the reward of that action that was

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return to him? The previous action.

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And that is what this issue,

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it it derives from this issue, and Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala knows best.

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