Abdullah Oduro – Invocations of God #14 The Strong Heart P2

Abdullah Oduro
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of glorifying orders and prohibitions in Islam, citing the verse of Allah's the words in the holy book as a means to achieve their
AI: Transcript ©
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The second situation or affair that makes the heart upright is as he Rahimahullah says,

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He said the second situation which makes the heart firm is making great and glorifying the orders and prohibitions.

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And this is derived from glorifying the one that legislates the order and the prohibition.

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For verily Allah SWT despises or we could say lessens the greatness or quality of the one that does not make him great nor the one that does not glorify his orders and prohibitions.

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He mentions the verse of Allah SWT in the chapter of Noah verse 13 where Noah says to the people,

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What is the matter with you that you do not give Allah his glory?

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He said that if he tafsiriha that is mentioned tafsirim engineer, the explanation of this verse is saying what is with you that you do not fear Allah SWT with glory?

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That the fear of Allah SWT is due to his glorification.

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You fear him because of his glory, of the glory that you know of him causes you to fear him, right?

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That is what is understood here from the verse.

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He says Rahimahullah,

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He says and what is most beautiful, the one is the statement of Sheikh al-Islam in the orders of prohibitions, glorifying the order and prohibitions.

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He says here,

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He says here Rahimahullah,

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And it is not that the Ta'alima Amr-e-Nahi,

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It is basically you are not abiding by the laws by being negligent or laxadaisical.

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Being negligent or laxadaisical on the orders of Allah SWT.

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And Jeff is like dry.

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Tarkhis is like a concession or you're always looking for concessions or having a concessionary approach.

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Where is it easy on this? Where is it? Allah makes the Deen easy.

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A Deen el-Asafi, the harshness, right?

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This is where you will use that as a means to always find the easy way out and not perform actions that you know you should be doing.

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And then he also says,

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And not to be of those that are harsh and going beyond the bounds as well.

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There's a middle course.

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Do not try to choose an action that will lessen or weaken your allegiance and following of the religion.

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To always try and be effective characteristic.

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You know, is it possibly this?

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None of the scholars have mentioned it, but there's possibly a reasoning behind this.

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Therefore, I don't have to perform that action.

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He makes the Inqiad weak.

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Wahan is weakness.

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To where it will make your allegiance and you're following weakened or weak in essence.

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He says,

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He says,

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He explains it now.

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He said that the first of the levels when it comes to magnifying Allah, the truth, is to glorify His orders and prohibitions.

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When we talk about glorifying Islam, Islam is composed of orders and prohibitions and recommendations and that which is disliked, etc.

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These are the levels of responsibility or the levels of that which holds the servant in a certain rank.

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Five prayers are obligatory.

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The prayers outside of the five prayers, some would be super arbitrary, highly recommended or less level than that.

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And then there's things that are Makru for example.

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Some may say praying Salat al-Asr, praying after you've prayed the obligatory prayers of Asr is Makru.

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It is not recommended to do so and some would say it's prohibited as well.

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So here, he's saying making the orders and prohibitions great is the first level of glorifying Allah.

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He says,

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He said because the mu'min knows that his Lord, he knows his Lord by the message of the Messenger of Allah,

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that the message that was given to or that was sent to or that the Messenger, the message that the Messenger was sent with to all of mankind.

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And that necessitates or should result in following the orders and the prohibitions.

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And this can only be by this glorifying his orders and prohibitions can only be by following it.

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And also by glorifying the prohibitions by avoiding them.

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So he says here,

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The mu'min making Allah's order and prohibitions great is a sign of making Allah great.

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And then he says

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And then he goes on to say,

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And the proportionality of this greatness and glorification of Allah will determine the level of righteousness and iman and the iman that they have with Allah SWT and the Deen of Islam.

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And their claim of allegiance to it, how strong that is.

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And the correctness and soundness of their faith

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And their total disconnection and no sort of affiliation or connection to hypocrisy, the great hypocrisy.

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And then the mu'min goes on to say

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He said for really the mankind will approach the order that Allah SWT has prescribed.

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So people can look at him or in order for people to look at him or to receive a certain position or reputation.

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So now Ibn Qayyim is going on to talk about, there may be those mu'min and nas, there may be those that follow the order or the prohibition.

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But it is with the wrong intention.

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And he leaves off the prohibited acts for the wrong reason.

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He leaves it off because he doesn't want people to look at him or to look down upon him and think less of them.

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Right, less of him.

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And he says, and he to leave off the uqobat at Dunyaweah or he's doing it in fear of the worldly punishments from the hudud, from the punishments that the Prophet SAW has prescribed.

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So it is not because you are making Allah great that you leave off that action.

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It is you fear something of this life, a punishment of this life, right?

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You fear that punishment.

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So someone may pray, so for example, you know, a child, for example, prays because they don't want to be punished, right?

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Or they don't curse because they don't want to be punished.

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It should be you pray because you making Allah great because he ordered the prayer and you know that it's best for you.

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And you leave off lewd speech because it is not befitting because Allah SAW dislikes it.

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It's not because someone else, another form of creation dislikes it, wants it or doesn't want it.

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And that could be a soft or preliminary or introductory attitude towards polytheism because your motivation is not Allah.

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Your motivation is something else.

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Then he goes on to say here.

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And he says, so the actions of this person does not emanate or was not motivated by glorification of the order and the prohibition,

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which that glorification of the order and prohibition is emanates from glorification of the one who ordered and the one who prohibited.

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So that is where he talks about this Istiqamatul Qalb and there's going to be more here.

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But honing in on that part of talking about that the love of Allah SWT and the greatness of him.

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That is a sign of Istiqamatul Qalb and the Istiqamatul Qalb, the uprightness of the heart.

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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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