Abdullah Hakim Quick – Pivotal Moments in Islamic History #02

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The importance of history and history for understanding the spirituality of Islam is highlighted, along with the significance of the Middle East and the presence of prophets. The history of the Bible and its use in various religious circles is also discussed, including the use of the word "Lewical" to mean it is not exclusive to religion and the importance of protecting oneself and bringing faith into one's life. The segment also provides insight into the political and cultural context of the discussion, including the shift from temporary conquering religion to permanent one, the influence of Islam on the world, and the return of Islam to Eastern Europe.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala sailed over Aliwal Arkin in the Vienna Muhammad and while early he was happy he

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had Jemaine about. Our prayers are due to our Lord of the worlds and peace and blessings be constantly showered upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad to master the first and the last, and upon all of his companions, all those who call to his way to the Day of Judgment,

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my beloved brothers and sisters, to our friends, to our listeners and viewers, as salaam aleikum, wa Rahmatullah

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Alhamdulillah, Allah has afforded us an opportunity to reflect upon pivotal key moments in Islamic history. And when we say Islamic history, it is not to reduce it to a special section of the world, a separate ethnic group, minority group, but really, it is World History. And these events that took place in the life of Prophet Muhammad, Salah Salem,

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have done in the lives of his followers, and it's still happening now. There are certain key moments

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that affected not only the future of the Muslims, but it played a pivotal role in the world itself, the changing of the world.

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And this is very key to understanding how we are approaching this issue because when we talk about Islam, we are not talking about an Arab religion, or Semitic religion. But we're talking about the belief in one God is this lamp, the lamp, the submission to the Creator of the heavens and the earth. Prophets came to China, Prophets came to India, to Africa to Europe, to the Americans to all parts of the world, over 124,000 prophets and messengers came to every nation every track. So this is what we're talking about when we discuss Islam itself. The submission to the Creator.

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is the essence of Islam in its original sense, and the the submission to the Creator, wanting to bow down to one god Tauheed. monotheism is something which is not special to Semitic people. But it is an approach to religion to worship, that has been shared by every nation on the earth. And that is critical for us to understand.

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It is also critical for us to understand the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, did not come for the Arabs.

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But he was for all of humanity and the jinn.

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He was Arabic speaking, the Quran was revealed in a classical Arabic sense. But it was not specially for people in the Arabian Peninsula.

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And this understanding gives us a type of context. And we need to build this context around our understanding of Islam in order to fully grasp the pivotal moments. And this would give us a true history.

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When we talk about history, we're talking about the experiences of those who came before us. And we know the why statement that people will do not know the history, there'll be lost in the present because they don't understand why things are affecting them in the way they are affecting them. They don't know where they come from, or where they are going to. So in this light, we want to look at the Mediterranean region, the Arabian Peninsula, because Allah subhanaw taala chose this area, what is now known as the Middle East, to be the key point of

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The prophets. And when we say the Middle East, not middle from Europe, what we are talking about is an area that includes the Nile valley. It includes the eastern side of Africa. It includes the Arabian Peninsula, parts of Arabia, Iraq, parts of Syria, this whole region there

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was chosen by the Creator, as sort of a middle zone, a place where races met, were languages met. And so when you have an example, in the middle, it's something that can be followed by people in all different parts of the world. So in this light in the middle area,

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in the area, known as Palestine, Syria,

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Isa alayhi, salam, Jesus, son of Mary, may Allah be pleased with him, was teaching the belief in one God Tawheed.

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He taught it to the children of Israel, he did not come as a universal prophet. But it came to correct the children of Israel who had received a number of prophets and messengers, to bring them back to the straight path to bring the spirituality into their lives that are lost, that was lost. And his companions were known as a NESARA.

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The Jews of Nazareth, because they were 100%,

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bene Israel, they were from the children of Israel, they were Jews.

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And one of the key cities was Nazareth. So under surah, in English, we say, Nazarene.

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So the Nazarenes, were really Muslims. They were the early Muslims. In the time of East LA, Sam doesn't mean the Arabs remember, it means followers of one God.

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At the same time,

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amongst his companions, who were for the children of Israel, there were relationships with the other tribes. And one of the people who was very close to them in the area of Jerusalem was a man named Saul. And Saul was Jewish. He hated the message though. He didn't want to hear about the spirituality. And he punished. The father was an ISA Lai Salam, even though he was close to them. He was a colleague from the same peer group. He punished him and after SLA slab had ascended he, it is said that, Paul,

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his followers began to spread. And he went to he came back to Jerusalem. He came back amongst the followers of East LA salaam, and they at first, they rejected him. Now many historians say they rejected Paul, because he used to torture them. But when you look at his teachings, you will see something that is very clearly different. Paul, who was not one of the companions, not one of the close 12 close companions of Jesus is Ali Salaam.

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He was the next generation we would call a tabby, like Tabby in so Sahaba companions to have been other followers of the companions. Because even though we lived in a time of the Prophet, he did not have faith. But while he was on the Damascus Road, Sol claimed that he got a vision of Jesus, and he was inspired. And so he changed his name to Paul. And he began to make certain claims.

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Now, he claimed that the message of Jesus was not exclusive to the Jews. And this, of course, was totally against the message that was coming to Benyus. raio. But Paul said, No, it's not exclusive can be Gentiles, non Jews as well.

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He also said that it's not necessary to only follow the Torah, to stay within the parameters of Judaic law. You could incorporate things from other religions as well. And this of course, in our present day, Islamic theological terminology will be considered Bidda, who will be considered innovation.

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And the Prophet peace be upon him said Kulu bidet and Allah Allah will call Delilah to infinity. So all forms of innovations when you change in religion, it'll take you astray and that taking history will take you to the fire.

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Paul made these claims

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and he eventually left. Barnabas stayed with him for some time in Greece, in this area of Rome. And this is where the followers of Paul, where the name starts to come Christians. Because remember, somebody who is a Judaic following the law of Moses is a strict monetarist. But somebody who is now taking in the concepts of the Greeks and the Romans and other cults in the Mediterranean, and then incorporating it with his monotheism, this is a Christian, a follower of Christ. This is where this terminology came.

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And the Christians spread in the region. But the Romans were very cruel against anybody who would go against their religion, and they tortured the Christians, fed them to lions,

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tortured them in their coliseums. And so it was very difficult for them. So the Mediterranean region, in the early years of AD, was a hodgepodge of different fates. There were some who believed in one God, there was some who believed in a trinity, yes, Trinity, even even before what you know, as Christianity, because it was an Egypt, Horus, ISIS, and Osiris. It was an India, he was in many parts of the world. There was also people who believed in the Greek gods, the many forms that they take the Roman gods, and there was some or many who believed that the essence or the main god was the sun, so they would be considered sun worshipers. One of them was a famous Roman emperor, named

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Constantine. Now, historically, again, for our context, the Rome of Italy had gone down and had been destroyed by the Germanic people, and by the hundreds and the other people on the outside.

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And the power of Rome, was shifted to Constantinople. And it manifested itself to the Emperor Constantine. And Constantine was a sun worship. And this is very important to realize, because many people think that he was a Christian right from the beginning. But he was a strong sun worship, but he was a politician. So he wanted to bring together the different religions of the Mediterranean, so that everybody is happy, and he can consolidate Roman Rome. And so he introduced the concept of the cross. This is a cross of the ancient Egyptians called UNK. You see there's a loop there on the top of it. And according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, we would Google things today. But I just

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brought this it's a clear reference that is there. It says the use of the cross as a religious symbol, in pre Christian times, was almost universal, and often connected with nature worship, okay, so the cross that people are making constantly on themselves, or putting on their clothes, it was not something given by Jesus. It's an innovation. And most Christians do not know this. And they're shocked to find it out.

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He also built Constantine he built the is Sofia,

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a beautiful church, a monument of architecture, the largest house of worship, definitely in Europe, maybe in the whole world, at the time.

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And so this was his power in Constantinople. And in 325 ad, he wanted to bring people together. But there was some very strong people who oppose sun worship and Trinity. One was his bishop areas, and areas was from Libya, North Africa. He was based in Alexandria. And he believes strongly in monotheism. He was a Christian, did not accept Trinity, did not accept sun worship, but he was a Christian. And most people do not know this. And so in 325, ad, a council was called in Nicaea, which is in present day Turkey, it's called Iznik. Today, a council was called, there were some other county councils as well. This is probably the most famous of the council's and in it, they

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discussed the future of Christendom. They looked at all the books, they had many gospels. They had the Gospel of Barnabas, and there were other gospels as well. And they chose four of them. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, to put them together to make what they call the New Testament. And so they connected that with what was left of the two

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aura, which they call the Old Testament, and then psalms that were given to David, Tao, the laser. And then history, sayings of famous people. It was all put together in one bibliotech, a library of religious teachings. That's what you now know as the Bible. And so the present day Bible, in its modern form goes back to 325. Ad before that, there are no Bibles, that can go back to the original revelation that was given to SLA Salam, the injeel. Right. The Gospel given to Jesus has gone dead sea scrolls, is in Greek, and Jesus spoke Hebrew and Aramaic. So it's gone. But this council now consolidated Christendom.

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they, anybody who oppose them,

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was in serious trouble.

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And Arius took a stand. He refused to accept their plea, because they wanted to push the fact that not only was he sadly, Islam, very important person, but he was the son of God. He was manifested, there was a trinity. So he took this trinity concept that had been used by pagan religions. And they put Father, Son, and Holy Spirit into this triumvirate concept. And in some cases, they said Jesus was the Son of God. Sometimes they said he was God, changed into a human being areas refused. The monotheists amongst the Christian refused, and so in 336 areas was executed. Over a million of his followers were also executed, and they spread throughout the earth. And even in the life of Prophet

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Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. They ran across

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the store. These are monks Behera. Monks, that we're all on the trade routes, looking for a last profit. Who are these people within a story and Christians. These we believe are the followers of areas who spread on the land, because they will call heretics more Ted, like apostates, is a terrible term to be given. And they were ruthlessly slotted. So when the Prophet peace be upon him, in the medina period, and remember, he's a prophet to all humanity, he sends letters to the kings. And the letter that he sent to her Oculus, who is the leader of Rome, the Roman emperor in Constantinople. He sent it to him to Christendom in the north. And he addressed him telling him, I

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accept Islam, you will be saved, you get to rewards. And if you do that, you will get your reward and also the reward of the OECD.

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And the OECD in some translated hastily as peasants, but others said, no, that sounds like Aryans are the followers of areas.

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So we believe that Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him, was actually concerned with the followers of areas, anywhere where Tawheed was not just confined to the Arabian Peninsula, the message was now being spread out to the world.

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And so this is a key point in our history,

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and the Romans attacked, they realized this is a lesson messenger. He's He's uniting the Arabs and other people. So they attacked the Arabian Peninsula. The Muslims responded in the life of the prophet and after his death,

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and Allah gave them victory on the land. And they opened up Jerusalem, they opened up all of the Syrian area, and they began to take back the holdings of the Byzantine Romans. Now it's interesting because when you study the history of Egypt, you find that the Christian and non Muslim circle historians say that when the Muslims entered into Egypt, and that was say that honorable asked for the Allah one, a great companion when he entered Egypt, and this is non Muslim speaking, there were Coptic Christians. They were Roman Catholics, and they were Aryans. So some of areas as followers were around. These are believers in one God. The message started to go west, and it met the Burba

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people who call themselves Amazon. And the Amazon people they are the original no

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habitants of North Africa. Amongst them were people who believed in one God. Yes, there were some who believed in the sun, who believed that idols.

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This is a group of people who would live for 1000s of years in North Africa and in the Sahara region. And I'm a little bit lost and this is his Masjid in Cairo, Egypt, if you get a chance to visit Cairo go to this, this the first Masjid in Egypt. And

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it began to spread

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right across North Africa.

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And so we find that the great companions like Obi Wan Nafisa, Rahimullah and Tabby in, they went right across spreading the message until Akbar even wrote into the Atlantic.

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This is how far they went. So they reach all the way to the western side of Morocco. And he said, If I knew there was land, there were people beyond you and land, I would go there. And I'd take this message. And so

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you could say that this section here now became the western side of Islam, of the Muslim world. And this was the side that most Muslims do not understand, of course, people from North Africa and West Africa, and those who were in Spain understand that very well. But people from the heartlands of Islam in Arabia and Iraq, Syria, and then Turkey, Pakistan, Indonesia,

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East Africa don't tend to know much about

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what happened there in the western side of Islam, but crucial events, pivotal events took place, because this is now the struggle in the Mediterranean.

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The struggle between Tauheed and Shirke, between monotheism, unity, and polytheism. That's the struggle of the Mediterranean.

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Muslims brought monotheism, the message of Islam all the way across North Africa.

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And because of this, the importance of this region, a huge landmass the will may a dynasty set Musa Bindo ser Rahim Allah whose father was originally a Christian bishop, who was captured and freed and then accepted Islam. So Musa had sensitivities. And Musa was set as the leader, the Emir of the Muslims, there in North Africa. And

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Musa being very sensitive to the Amazonian people, and to people who are originally not Muslims. He gave them opportunities. They learned Arabic, they became Muslim. They became very active. And so people started to come into Islam, in crowds.

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Across the streets across the Mediterranean, is the land known as Al Andalus. So and de Lucia, that was the land that the vandals and the Vandals were not a bunch of criminals. You know, you say the house was vandalized last night, meaning somebody robbed it? No, the Vandals were a Germanic people who lived in the Iberian Peninsula, now, Spain and Portugal.

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And many of them believed in one God.

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And this region, which was a beautiful, fair seeming region, it was also a place of migration. And we find that in 586, when Nebuchadnezzar of the Assyrian Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem, that many of the children of Israel fled, and a group of the Jewish people landed there in Al Andalus. So from the sixth century B. C,

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the Jewish people had a presence. So monotheism was in the land. They will also from the vandal people, those who did not accept the Council of Nicaea.

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So monotheism is in the land. This is your struggle. Now remember, Trinity versus unity.

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And so across the streets, Musa was a very cunning, crafty leader.

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He knew that and de Lucia was there because Weber van de Lucia, vandal van de Lucia,

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van de Lucia becomes anda Lucia, and Arabic Al and the loose land to the vandals. This is where it comes from. He knew that there was land across there. But he also knew that the Visigoths, another Gothic group, who are empowered by the Rome by the Trinitarian, Romans,

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King Roderick, he terrorized the people. Remember, these are monotheistic vandals

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to the Jewish people, he put the taxes upon them He punished them cruelly.

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And so they lived under oppression. And it is reported that one of the leaders underneath Musa his name was Ileane, or Julian. Now the tip in Morocco right there, you can see the look at your map, where the red

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sign is. That tip is called SUTA. It's in Morocco,

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or SEPTA in Arabic, it was controlled by the Spanish, but the Spanish paid the jizya. That's the poll tax, so that a Christian can live under a Muslim. And it's less than this account of the Muslims. Right, it's less than what Muslims pay normally in their poll tax. And so they lived under the Muslims. And Elian was originally from Spain, wanted his daughter who was exceedingly beautiful to get a good education. So he sent her to Toledo, in Spain. And when Roderick heard about this, he found out that she was very beautiful. He proposed to her she refused and he raped her. And the news got back to the governor. He went to Musa Bindo says, I want revenge. But Musa then clearly stated

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to him.

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We have no desire, really to go into Al Andalus.

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The land in Algeria was not Algeria, Morocco, Spanish Sahara, Tunisia, Libya. This is a very this is a huge swath of land. very fertile as well. People think that it's a desert, but it is really in the North of Africa and all this region where the Romans planted most of the olive trees.

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The economies that bolstered Europe came out of this region there.

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And so Musa was consolidating the territory, consolidating the land.

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Eliane wanted revenge. So Musa told him, I will give you an opportunity prove yourself because maybe this is a trick and we don't want Muslims today.

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And so Eliane then attacked himself and came back with plunder. He showed the Amiga Musa I've got boats I can take you across, there's oppression happening in the land. And so under the DDD flag of honorable Morrow for nya Mancha, calling to the good and forbidding evil Musa Dan sent his general topic pins yet and this is the revenge

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for Ileane but it was an opening for the Muslims. So todich ibn Ziad Rahim, Allah. Now this is your epic moment that is now happening, this whole North African experience. It's part of our epic moments in time and it leads to a climax because Ana Lucia is the gateway to Europe. It is it is a beautiful country. What is now Spain and Portugal. It is key.

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It is the base that gives you your route into France and then it goes north to the British Isles. And it goes it will take you right across Europe until it meets right back at Constantinople. Target and Ziad was a bourbon and emphysema people he spoke Arabic. He was fearless leader, pious person, he took the lead. And this is really our key moment that is coming. Because Tarik now not knowing what the consequences will be, try to gauge what would happen in the year before. This would be in 710.

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Teresa bin Malik, another Muslim general he took a small group across on some of aliens boats. And they landed at a place now known as Teresa that's still there in Spain. So if you go to Spain, you'll see Malaga and then you go along the coast and you'll see Theresa right and then you will go along and it'll take you right across to Gibraltar. Right. And so this is your your Costa del Sol. That is your sunny coast of Spain. That up until now is a very important place. So Teresa came back he was successful. He defeated the forces of the Christians that we're there in southern Spain.

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todich realized that was time and so he mobilized his forces to go

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across and it was 711. So, this is your climax point now 711 pivot

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this is your pivotal point, because once that pivot is made, then the massive change comes about and things will flow from the pivot. And this is one of the important pivots not understood by many people in the Muslim world, but of critical importance to our history and the history of the world. So I setting is that

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Tarik then has a small group,

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the year is 711.

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And Tarik Rahimullah.

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He's got with him about 12,000 men, and they're crossing in boats. And this was serious because they're basically people who live on land. They were not generally seafaring people, there was so much land, and to the south of them, of course, was a sea of sand.

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The Sahara and gold was coming from the south to the north. So this is now taking people across the street. The streets of Gibraltar, now known as

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and he had 12,000 men.

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Word is coming out about the Visigoths, Roderick himself was engaged in fighting the people called the Basque and that is in the north of Spain. And when he heard about todich been Ziad coming in from the south, he gathered a mighty force. He brought together his warriors, estimated to be around 100,000.

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And he came with 1000s of men in metal, literally wearing helmets and shields. And when they describe him, they describe him coming in a chariot type of special

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you know, sitting place pulled by mules, and that he is wearing silk clothing with pearls. Over it rubies and emeralds spread all around him, constantly shielded from the sun. He's living in splendor, because he was taxing the people there in the north, he was ruthless. A ruthless leader and Spain is such a productive part of the world. And so he must is 100,000 warriors. Now 100,000

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in this area, now you look at your map and you can see now that tip right there in Morocco in the south, and then north you will land in what is now known as Gibraltar. And then you can see Malaga to your right, this is all now what is known as southern Spain, or Al Andalus section of Spain.

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And Tarik

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with his boats, and they landed there

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on the shores.

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It was a really, really decisive time. This 100,000 Men

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Tarik was given some extra men, so another 7000 or so as sent. So it's about 19, maybe 20,000 to 100,000.

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So in those days because of the faith of the believers,

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five to one is about equal. See, that's how Muslims think.

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Because they're not just fighting for physical things. They are fighting for higher, higher cause for spiritual things. And so Tarik then landed in the area, scouts are sent on both sides. And and there are many stories about you know, what had happened at this time. When Tarik was just on his way over. One report is even saying that he had a dream. And in his dream, Rasulullah saw Selim and his companions came, and they were dressed in armor,

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and they told him go forward todich Go forward and carry out the will of Allah. And they went forward themselves. And so when todich woke up with this inspiration, this amazing inspiration, he told his companions, and he gathered them together, and he gave them a hot bath. He gave them a mighty sermon.

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And in this sermon, he reminded them that we're not fighting for material things. Yes, there are rich

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As, yes there is plunder, but we are not fighting for this. We are fighting for the Creator of the heavens in the earth. And if you win, then you will be successful you die, then you will be successful in the next life shaheed.

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And follow me, this is the key thing that Tarek said, I want you to follow me follow my example. And if you see me go forward, I will go forward for the king, because of the king is struck down, that will put fear into the hearts of the unbelievers. And so I want you to follow my example, because of the leader goes down, they will panic. But if I go down, I want you to find somebody who is courageous, Who is Allah fearing, who also can unite different people because they were Arabs, there was a mosaic people, the Berbers, they were West Africans, they were all types that were with them, who can unite the believers.

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If I go down, follow the other leader, because I didn't fight for you only. I'm fighting for Allah and you are fighting for Allah.

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And follow my example. Now.

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There are some reports that come that say that Tarik also burned the boats in backup.

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And by burning the boats, he then said to his followers, looking back of you there's no retreat, the ocean is there in front of you is the enemy. And so you have to go forward now. And this is being reviewed, and Dr. Tanaka sway then from Kuwait, checking with historians and going into the texts, actually found out that this is more mentioned by the orientalist writers the secularized than it is by the Muslim writers themselves. It is vague, and it's not actually in the original texts of his cookbook that he gave.

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Orientalist won him like a suicide bomber, because this is what they want authentic. This is what they want to try to push. And know. He went forward in the name of Allah. And it is so interesting because this took place in the month of Ramadan. Think about this. For most people, Ramadan is the time to go to sleep. At during the day, they're sleeping all day. And at nighttime, they're eating hot time Athlon fudge until the rising of the dawn. That's how it is in many Muslim countries. Now, unfortunately, it's a time of sleep. You run away from the life of this well, that's not the original Ramadan. The original Ramadan is a time of action. It's a time that good confronts evil. It

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is a time to to struggle within ourselves, and also for those things that are outside of us that are evil. And so it was the last 10 days of Ramadan. Could you imagine this? And Tarik is now giving them this chance of tahajjud. Imagine a tahajud like the spiritual reality that the people would be on. And on this occasion. It's amazing. And todich had his followers. It was a brutal battle.

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forces coming out the Muslims holding their ground using tactics using their strong movements. When Tata gets a chance, according to historical reports, he sees Roderick. So he says follow me and he burst forward. And with his Calvary goes straight into the enemy's forces. They run to the sides and he goes forward until he strikes Roderick. He wounds him. Roger then fades away.

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And when his forces then see

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Roderick fading away they get weak. But the battle continued. It continued for three days after eat. Now think about your Ramadan. And think about Eid Mubarak,

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eating your food. And then afterwards, they're still fighting

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the next day, so while they're still fighting, the next day, they're still fighting. The next day they're still fighting.

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But they continued on.

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Look at the Spirit the endurance that the Muslims had. And Allah subhanaw taala in these circumstances historically, has given his help.

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This is a pivotal moment. Because these 100,000 warriors of the vandal of the Visigoths forces represent Trinity

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Aryan Rome. This is the power in the Mediterranean region, and the power of monotheism that is coming forward the power of a new civilization. It's a civilizational change for humanity no longer the old Roman way of doing things when in Rome to like the Romans do. It is a new civilization. That is a monotheistic based civilization, which is now in a pivotal shift.

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they continue to struggle

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until Allah subhanaw taala gave them victory, and Roderick himself vanished. They never found his body.

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They only found in one of the marshy area, one of his sandals, that they said was worth 1000s of dinars, because of the pearls and diamonds that run the setlist imagine

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the wealth that this individual had couldn't find them at all.

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00:41:05 --> 00:41:14

the area where Tarik landed, which was known as double todich. This is now known as Gibraltar.

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This is Gibraltar. Okay. And then you look at your map and you'll see

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were Tory for Ben Malik landed, that's there too. And then you'll see Bulka what the what the Muslims called Malta.

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And that is now known as Malaga.

00:41:37 --> 00:42:11

So the names all in this area are profoundly affected by Muslims. I remember some time in the past, a Muslim historian even checking linked linguistics out, you know, looked at the influence of the Muslims and you'll see what type of influence that it had on the society. So this is Gibraltar now. And they'll say, strong as the Rock of Gibraltar. So this is a key place in the world. pivot

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is a pivotal change how that is happening. And

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when Roderick calm was destroyed,

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Spain opened up. Now you have to realize that the cities in Spain and in most parts of the world, were surrounded by walls, because you have to protect yourself. And especially there in Europe, because of the fierce competition, they would have a moat, which would be 100 Duck trench, and then you have huge walls. And so it very difficult to get into cities, you'd have to lay siege to the cities that will be months before you can get in.

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And but the word started to spread, that the Muslims did not

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force people to accept Islam.

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They did not destroy the lands of the people who they conquered. They did not kill the prisoners.

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They were coming in adjust with with justice. And so by this, the doors started to open. And as they went north doors were opening city by city. The doors were flung open. And history reports that many of the Jewish people

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who were believers in one God and who knew that Muslims were monotheists. And who were in key positions in cities, especially like Toledo, which was the previous capital of Spain.

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They opened their doors up because they had been suffering for years under the Visigoths. And under this Trinitarian rule. And they knew that they would find justice, they could believe in one God, they would not be forced to be Muslim. And so as they went and has todich went north, he started to move north. And he continued. Now Musa remember that the Emir is in the South. He just wanted to open up that southern region there, but Tarik, because of information coming to him, started to go north. So Musa then came across and brought his forces and met Tarik had they went together.

00:44:33 --> 00:44:59

And they continued on. And this is called a Veer. Ydl Kabir, which is outside of Cordoba, Cordoba, right, which was later to become the capital of Islam in that area. So you can still see the Islamic type of structures that are there. And so they came to Cordoba. There's a Roman aqueduct and Roman bridge

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If that was shut or broken down, difficult to get across this river, it was opened up. So the Muslims could go through. And so within a short period of time,

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the the people rejoiced with the revival of the Muslims, especially Toledo. Toledo is a very important because is impregnable. And I got a chance to visit Toledo it's a natural fortress, there's no way that you would get inside there for months. But the Jewish people who were in control of Toledo, they opened up to this.

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So this is the just rule of Islam. This is a pivot point.

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And you will even see in what is now known as democracy, the rule of law in Europe, that this much of it is taken from the Justice rule of the Muslims. So this is a pivotal move, not only in the history of the Muslims, but in the history of Europe itself. And really the history of the world.

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Being such a kind ruler,

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and ruling with justice and fairness. And ruling by example, the people who were tired of this Visigothic Trinitarian rule, they start entering into Islam, because they realize that Muslims believe in Jesus, verses believe in Mary, may Allah be pleased with them, that Muslims are going to establish the justice of Islam. And so Islam started to enter the hearts of the people. And this is another key point. And you will see as we go on, that Islam entered into Europe,

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not as a temporary conquering religion of the Moors, because the term that was being used later on by the Spaniards, was that the Muslims were Moors that means colored people, because morels is from dark skin.

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So they just call them colored people.

00:47:21 --> 00:47:34

So the year when you read Spanish history, and I was surprised to find out that the Spaniards in the past 100 years, you could say or even more, they have the least understanding of Islam of anybody in Europe,

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because it was systematically taken out of their society.

00:47:40 --> 00:47:43

But this move that happened in 711.

00:47:45 --> 00:47:55

It was consolidated in 712. In the next few years, it is a pivotal point in the whole history of this region.

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Because Al Andalus becomes a shining example of the power of Islam in all spheres of life.

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And we will be looking at another pivotal shift in Europe. And I want to focus on this inner pivotal moments, because there's another major pivotal shift that if it didn't happen, the whole evil entities would have gone down.

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So as a pivot after a pivot,

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which influences not only

00:48:30 --> 00:48:34

Muslims, but it influences Europe and the whole world.

00:48:36 --> 00:48:39

This pivot shows us Al Andalus.

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It is a beautiful example of Islam practicing all spheres of life.

00:48:47 --> 00:49:25

And so these are some of the key points that we should never forget. Of course, we have so many pivotal times in the Middle East or in the Arabian Peninsula in those places, but not many people realize how important was Western Islam. This is a map right the Western capitals of Islam and how it influenced Muslims, the Maliki school of thought you and you're going to see how much it has an influence on the history of the Muslims and the rest of the world.

00:49:26 --> 00:49:34

So I want to at this point to open up the floor for any questions that you may have.

00:49:36 --> 00:49:38

And any comments

00:49:42 --> 00:49:43

you can put it into the chat

00:49:45 --> 00:49:45

or the q&a.

00:49:47 --> 00:49:50

And then we will investigate to see

00:49:52 --> 00:49:58

if there's any anything for us. You know that we can check out now

00:50:02 --> 00:50:04

One interesting comment is saying,

00:50:05 --> 00:50:24

I want to inform that the aristocracy of Latin America is largely adverse towards the Muslim legacy of Andalusia and Spain. This, of course, because when the Spaniards came to America, they were actually carrying the same mentality

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that the conquistadores or the Congress fought Muslims for almost 800 years. Remember, between 711 and 1492, you're talking 781 years.

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And so that same mentality, that aggressive mentality want to blot out Islam, because Muslims were so critical in understanding their history.

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And did so much as you'll see in the coming session, they wouldn't have a society without the presence of Muslims. And so they carry that with them to this part of the world, a bias against Islam, which is totally unfounded.

00:51:10 --> 00:51:14

We have a viewer also coming from Malaysia, masha Allah.

00:51:15 --> 00:51:19

And we want to see if there are any other

00:51:21 --> 00:51:27

questions that anybody has, floor is open for any questions.

00:51:28 --> 00:51:36

And you can put it in the q&a, or you can put it into the chat room. Again, we are looking at the pivotal

00:51:37 --> 00:51:48

changes that happened in world history. And this point here, 711, it needs to be put in all the world history books,

00:51:49 --> 00:51:59

that Islam entered into Spain, into an Al Andalus. As you will see in the coming session, Inshallah, what an impact that it had.

00:52:01 --> 00:52:02

You wouldn't have the world as it is today.

00:52:04 --> 00:52:40

If Musa had had had said to the emir, Ileane and SUTA. Now that your business, we're going to stay in North Africa and consolidate ourselves, he had plenty to do, he did not need to go into Al Andalus. In order to have land in order to have territory didn't need it, of population, he didn't need it. And so it was by the will of Allah, that the decision was made. And it was a pivotal point in the history of the planet. So the floor is open again, for any questions that you may have.

00:52:43 --> 00:52:46

Any anything in the q&a sections

00:52:47 --> 00:52:48

that anybody has

00:52:50 --> 00:52:50

to say?

00:52:52 --> 00:53:15

And we're looking for more results to come in, you know, from our question is, and this is part of our series, again, I'm bringing out some of the key pivotal points that may not be so well known, by the most of the tends to be a focus more on the Arabian Peninsula, and on the so called Middle East.

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And then

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00:53:20 --> 00:54:01

and the North did, it tends to be key understanding of some of the major points in that part of the world, not realizing how critical things were also in this part of the world. Okay, so this is your western side. And this side actually has an impact upon us in the West, because it is here. It is from here that Islam began to go west. And this is long before the recent migrations. And you will see the impact, such an impact that Muslims had, on an end to loose which is now Portugal and Spain that literally people went across

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with the conquistadores who were Muslims in disguise, as well as they were Jews in disguise, the Muslims will call Moriscos. And the Jews are called Moreno. Remember this name Moreno, I believe, one of the Presidents I think it's Ecuador. His name is Moreno and a Moreno is a Jewish person who was put to the Inquisition. That's when the Spain the Spanish eventually came back, and they conquered the territories. And if you believe that one God, they will put you in the Inquisition.

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Some people couldn't take it. So they said, Okay, I'll become a Catholic, but they hid their faith. If a Jewish person did that, that person would take on this identity Moreno's.

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And if a Muslim did it, the person became Moriscos so the Marasco Marino's these are important names to know and to understand. It's going to open up your mind when you understand these terminologies similar to the concept of Moore's

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The Moors in Spain now people are looking at Shakespeare and Othello. Where did this understanding come from? Shakespeare was extremely influenced by Muslims. The whole history of Europe is influenced by the Muslims, the coffee that they drink, the clothing that they wear, the hygiene, the science will go into more details in the coming session Inshallah,

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influenced by the Muslims. And so it takes the pivots by the will of Allah.

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And again, there's some major pivots coming today. And some things are happening in this world that I believe and Allah knows best is going to make major changes in humanity. And these will be ushering in, it'll be ushering in the signs that the last days

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a question comes to everyone in Spain become Muslim?

00:56:01 --> 00:56:07

We'll look at it in a little more details. No, everybody did not become Muslims, because the Muslims did not

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force people to become Muslim. Even though they were ruling in some areas for 781 years, they did not force the people. So therefore, Muslim, Christian and Jew, lived side by side competencia this is what it's called. And so therefore, although at the height of Islam in Al Andalus, Muslims were the majority. But that majority, and this is coming out

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in amazing discussions. And these are, I want to give you a little secret program you can watch tonight, and you can get on YouTube. And this is called when the Moors ruled in Spain.

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It's by a British journalist called Bethany use, use Hu G H es, when the when the Moors ruled in Spain.

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Who will that and you can watch this beautiful documentary. And it's gonna show you she is not a Muslim. But she's proving that the average Spanish person white people, European people, they embrace the stigma embracing Islam.

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Okay, there's one point where the majority, not everybody, because most of them did not have an inquisition. We did not force people to accept Islam.

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Or Muslims be true their lifestyle, industrious life sciences, belief in God, belief in Jesus and Mary.

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It was it was very interesting to the Christians and they naturally became Muslim. But it was not the overwhelming majority of people.

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Muslims still were able to live with other minority groups in a state of relative peace, and they were able to consolidate that rule by ruling with the rules of Islam.

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So keep that in mind the pivotal pivotal moment. 711 Tarik Gibbons Yeah, think about Gibraltar. So next time you hear the Rock of Gibraltar, realize that your browser is Jebel Tarik. And there's a lot of words in this world that we take as everyday terminologies that actually come from Arabic, or they come from Muslim sources. So I leave you with these thoughts with another interesting pivot in the pivotal moments of Islam. And Muslims. I leave you with these thoughts are Arcata Dhawan and 100 Allah who wrote the law to me, was salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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