Abdullah Hakim Quick – Modesty A Sound Heart In The Last Days 1

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The importance of the heart in Islam is emphasized, including its ability to affect the environment and the struggles faced by men and women in protecting their hearts and bodies, as well as the struggles faced by Muslims in protecting their bodies and emotions, including violence and criminal behavior. The speakers stress the importance of protecting one's heart and finding balance in behavior, as well as the need for strong intentions and control to avoid disappointment. They also emphasize the importance of avoiding confusion and taking time to make decisions, and the need for everyone to act in a safe and effective manner.
AI: Transcript ©
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There is no god

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smilla rahmanir rahim hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa rahmatullah Motoki, volare. Juana Illa Allah dalemain Rashad one La ilaha illallah wa sallahu wa Jalla wa shadow Mohammed Abdullah who was a pseudo sallallahu alayhi wa while Allah He was happy woman da da da what he was standing up so knotty Illa Yomi Deen Salaam to Sleeman kathira Ababa.

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All praise the due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.

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And surely, there is no animosity except for the oppressor. And I bear witness that Allah is one, and has no partners, that Mohammed the son of Abdullah, is a servant and his last messenger. And may Allah always and constantly send peace and blessings to Mohammed, to his family, to his companions, to all those who call to his way, and establish his son to the Day of Judgment. As to what follows my beloved brothers and sisters Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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Alhamdulillah It is a great pleasure to be here.

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And to again be in a Masjid, in the Ottoman style, the Turkish style Alhamdulillah it takes me back to a journey that I had to Istanbul, where we had a number of people who came from Cape Town and we went into the Middle East. And in the journeys of my life, I remember there was three times when I stood in a state of awe when I was

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dumbstruck by by the size and the majesty of the building. And the place where I was at the first and the greatest star experience that I've ever had, like many of you, is coming into Mecca, Tomoko Rama, and then looking at the Kaaba for the first time. And when you look at it, it strikes you, it takes you back centuries, Ibrahim alayhis salam,

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and you feel something of this, the spiritual presence, you know, and the people making tawaf There is nothing like looking at people who are making tawaf and so that memory stayed with me, and will always stay with me, also going to the prophets, mustard, mustard and unabie, Lisa, to Solomon, feeling this Sakina the peace as you enter into Medina.

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And I had the opportunity to go there to Medina, around 1973. And this is when Medina was totally different than what it is now. And you get more of the original feeling out of Medina.

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the next time when I was struck by, you know, a presence of physical presence of a location was in Cairo in Egypt,

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when I went to the pyramids,

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and when you stand near the Pyramid of Giza,

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and you see the size of this building,

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and you reflect upon the size of the structure, and the knowledge that the people must have had to build this structure. It's something that you know, you can't put it together

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and studying the history of history of Egypt, I recognize the fact that this pyramid was not built by the Federal own that we know.

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In the Quran itself. It was built long time before the federal and Allah subhanaw taala has told us well look at bath nafi Coolio mutton Rasulullah hon de la what's a better route that we have sent to every nation a messenger that they would worship Allah and stay away from false deities. And so the ancient Egyptians had something they had something that the world still does not fully understand.

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And I stood in awe at the size of this building.

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And to think that people at that point in time could have constructed something like this

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is, is mind boggling.

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The other time when I stood at all at a structure is when I went to Istanbul

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and then looking at the Blue Mosque, looking at the structures that the earth mania that the Ottomans had built,

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it struck me at the size of the structures,

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and how much power Muslims actually had. And if you go back in history and look at the buildings and other parts of the world, at that point in time, you realize how much power and authority actually was in the hands of Muslims, and how much of a loss it was to us, when the philosophic was taken down, in that part of the world, a major loss to the oma, that we will not regain until we have the consciousness, to rebuild the philosopher and to have our mirror meaning who at least can have some central authority for the Muslim world. And so 100 law against seeing this structure. And being with this community, I pray that Allah subhanaw taala would bless the people who are living in Turkey,

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and would renew the strength that all those who are struggling in that part of the world, May Allah give them strength at this point in time, in the struggle that they are going through with the secular forces, trying to stop Islam may allow raised back Islam in that part of the world, and give strength to the people as they had in the past.

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Brothers and sisters, Allah subhanaw taala has revealed to us in His glorious book,

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in the Arabic language, a revelation that was not only of vital importance to the believers in the time of the Prophet Mohammed Salah sallam, but it is still of great importance to us today.

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And when we read the court, and

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we should not read it, just as you read any book,

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we should not read it even

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as some people want to just memorize.

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But in the words of one of the great scholars of Africa, of North Africa, Sidi Ahmed zaru Rahim Allah

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and he in one of his texts, and the seehotel cavea. The manifesto Hello, Bill alfia.

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In this text, he was speaking about sincerity to the core and

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how are you sincere to the book of Allah? And he said this three things tahseen tilawat. He was the Who is he? what it's about a woman he three things. First, I seen till our tea, that we should beautify its recitation.

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And secondly, we should reflect on its verses. So it's not enough just to read the Quran with Tajweed. And the prophet SAW, Selim said the time would come when people would read this court and with beautiful tones, and it would not pass their throats.

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It would just be a beautiful sound. So tahseen tilawat, he was a double iottie he was, it's by a woman he that we should follow its commands. So it is not enough just to read it and think about it. But those thoughts need to be interpreted into actions, we have to follow what Allah subhanaw taala is telling us and look at this court as a guide and that which will give us knowledge, not only of this time, but of the future to come.

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And in this light, Allah azza wa jal has revealed revealed and the oft repeated verses are the Billahi min ash shaytani regime. Yeah, are you Hello Xena Armando taco, la haka Ducati wala to mutanda illa. When to Muslim, oh, you who believe.

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Fear Allah in the way he should be feared and do not die, except in a state of Islam.

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And so here Allah tells us that we should have the consciousness in this world and hope for Raja we should fear Allah hope in the mercy of Allah. surround ourselves with a with Kaya, a shield of taqwa.

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And we should not we should or try our best to leave this world, in a state of Islam.

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And so the word is used

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latur mutanda and this is a confirmation Illa will enter Muslim mode

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do not die, except in a state of Islam is this lab that you have submitted to Allah and so we're leaving the world and we should be in a state of Islam, Salah

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the Quran, speaking again

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about the hereafter

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takes us now from the stage of Death to the hereafter. And then Allah has revealed in Surah to shut out all verse 89 yo mala young Pharaoh Milan, voila banal. enlargement et Allahu, because been studied,

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that on that day,

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the day of judgment, your wealth, nor your children, will be of no benefit to you.

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The only benefit a person will get is the one who comes to Allah with a sound heart. Be Calvin Saleem,

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and Salim is also from Salama.

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And so that state of his Islam, the heart needs to be in the state of this this stuff is this lab, that we not only say that we're Muslims, but that we are in submission to Allah, enter into the barossa zone of the next life, as Muslims. And when we come to Allah azza wa jal, the only benefit we will get is to have a sound heart

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that we are in this tranquil state,

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in submission, and in peace. And so the heart is a crucial object. The heart is the essence, it is not just that lump of flesh, the heart, as you can see, coming to Allah subhanaw taala. It's not just the lump of flesh pumping blood,

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but it is your conscience.

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It is that which connects to your soul, which is telling you to do what is right.

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Which can be affected either way. It's something inside of us,

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which which energizes us and helps us to make decisions and gives us emotions in many of our fears.

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And this heart, one of the key elements in the hat is higher.

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It is modesty.

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It is decency. The promises seldom said even spoke about

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that higher and higher middle Eman. Well, amen. Phil agenda.

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That Verily, decency and modesty is part of faith. And Eman will lead you to paradise.

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So higher is a crucial concept. It's a crucial ability or a crucial quality that we should have within ourselves. and higher is not just modesty or shyness. It is something to do with limits, that we know the limits of each other. And the real shame and modesty is not just from human beings is from Allah subhanaw taala. And so we are modest because of our relationship with Allah subhanaw taala not because we fear people.

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The prophet SAW Selim said, there were three people in kodesh three people, they were the best of people.

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When they spoke to you, they would tell you the truth.

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And when you spoke to them, they would not accuse you of lying. They would not suspect you.

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They believe what you say. In other words, they're innocent.

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You're innocent until proven guilty.

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They accept what you say. There's three people

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Abu Bakar, acidic

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Earth man, Ebony, our fan and Abu Zubaydah Ibn Al Jazeera rhodiola. Three people and of these three Abu Zubaydah stands up on the highest stage

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and he is described as having he was considered hyah.

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He was modest and shamed to the point where he wouldn't even look you in the face. But this modesty that he had is not weakness. He was just a shy person with believers. He is innocent person with you, but it is really

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reported that when the enemies of Allah subhanaw taala came Abu Zubaydah, they described him as the sharp part of the sword.

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He turned into a lion asset.

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He was humble and modest with believers. But when the enemies of Allah came when danger came, he became a lion.

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He was the first in the line,

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no fear in his heart.

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And so this is the description of a believer. This is the modesty we're talking about. This is the higher, it is a modesty with Allah subhanaw taala.

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It is a modesty that is so important to us.

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Especially today,

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in the time period, when the enemies of Allah subhanaw taala have now developed the ability to enter into our homes, with the television, and with cell phones, Internet, and they can teach our children you might be at work, you're outside and this thing this machine is teaching your children how to lie,

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or teaching your children filthy habits, how to swear racism

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to make them ashamed of being Muslim.

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And one of the most dangerous parts is it is taking away sensitivities, taking away sensitivities. That if you are watching a program, if the child is watching a program, and then sees that person sees on the program, he sees a man or a group of men * a woman.

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This is a horrific act, that most human beings will never see. If you live your life naturally in the world, you will never see anything like this.

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There are some times when they even have he rapes the woman and he kills her.

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And the child is watching that. How many people will see this in their life.

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How many times we will see murder going on. mass murder, people being tortured.

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And those who come from the frontlines, those who are involved in warfare

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go through a state of shock, a trauma that they go through. Because human beings are not used to seeing this. We're not used to seeing things like this. We're not made to see this. And it is said that when the American forces were landing on the shores, they always talk about World War Two. And they're coming on the shores and evil GMO. And these countries, they're raising the flag and they're coming on the shores. The psychologist revealed that when they hit the shores, about 60% of the soldiers froze, they couldn't move 60%

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they were in total fear. Because they knew that they would probably die. And the only time they started moving is when somebody shot them, or someone else got shot and they had to run now, and they have to react because somebody is trying to kill them. And a human being has a natural ability to survive.

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So in order to survive, you will run and you struggle because you have to survive. But it is not within a human being.

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To kill,

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or to just throw yourself to suicide that is not in a normal human being state of mind.

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Similarly, it is not within a human being state of mind, to be involved in adultery and fornication, and especially to see things like * and murder. What it does, it takes away your higher and the profit. So seldom said, is lm testa he first now.

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If you don't have higher, then do what you want to do.

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If you don't have produce, you don't have limits. You are capable of doing anything. You can do anything.

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And so this

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is a crucial thing.

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And the punishments, the things that are happening on this earth today.

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They talk about the environmental struggle.

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They talk about and they say it's overpopulation.

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But Allah subhanaw taala revealed to us over 1400 years ago we already knew what was going to happen to the environment. When insert to room verse 41. Allah reveals our ooh Billahi min ash shaytaan a regime the huddle facade to fill battery well, Baja Bhima, cassava idns, ludovica homebound under the umbrella

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The allomi Algerian corruption has appeared on the land and the sea, because of what people's hands have done.

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And we will make them taste something of what they have earned, in order that they would return to the path. And so for sad,

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it is here. It's environmental for corruption,

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In some countries in Canada, we even have what is called acid rain. And that is where the rain because it's so polluted the clouds when the rain comes down, it's filled with poison.

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And so it actually poisons you, instead of giving you benefit. And so the actions of people

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are what is bringing on what we see in the environment. And the prophet SAW Selim said and authentic deed is at the heart of Xena what Reba ficaria for cut a Hallelu be unfussy him available.

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That if adultery and fornication

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and interest and usury come amongst the people, then they have brought the punishment of Allah onto themselves.

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They have brought it onto themselves.

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And so de la hora de sadaqa Rasulullah alayhi salatu salam, it has come to pass.

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And our younger generation is in a serious situation.

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Because things that we never even considered.

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When many people in previous generations are growing up, they're not even involved in sexuality until they're in their late teens 20s or maybe in the 30 years old.

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But now the younger generation is seeing this and adultery is so widespread.

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It is a horrible thing.

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Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the court and Allah tells us what are Tucker bozena in the who cannot find Asia was supposed to be Allah. Allah said Don't come near to Xena he didn't say don't do it.

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Like you'll see other things other sins will not talk to the knifes or let the Haram Allahu Allah block Do not kill.

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Right do not take intoxicants. But here it says while our chakra bozena

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Don't come near to it. Why would that be?

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Because killing as we said, is not a natural thing to see somebody died.

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It is not a natural thing for a robbery to take place and somebody screaming and they lost their goods. But a relationship between male and female, Allah made us for that.

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Allah made an attraction between male and female. And so when you carry out the act, you are doing something natural.

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Your body thinks it's natural. That's what Allah said, Don't come near it.

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Don't come near it.

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And so the struggle that is going on the struggle for higher

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This is a crucial struggle, which is affecting Muslims today.

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And the the the the enemies of Allah subhanaw taala. The secular forces, they know this very well.

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And so they are pressurizing Muslims, pressurizing us to wear the tightest of clothes. This is not only female, that's male as well,

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pressurizing us, for the man to look like a woman for the woman to look like a man

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pressurizing us, especially for the woman in her job

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to force her to take it off. They can't stand it.

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They hate to see it.

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Because it represents HIA and the shaytaan. What he has to be learned is forces know that this is one of the elements that makes the heart of a believer sound.

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It makes you it keeps you on the path.

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It is reported that two years ago,

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a woman in Germany, a Muslim woman

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wearing hijab.

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That's she was taking her child out. And she went to a park and she wanted to have the child ride the swing.

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But on the swing was a skinhead.

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A right wing skinhead. He was riding this way.

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And he looked at her and she said, Can you get off the swing my baby can right. And then he started to swear at her at the cursor.

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To call her a fundamentalist Muslim Islamist

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terrorist, wearing your hijab, insulting her, and continuing on as much as he could.

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She was a strong sister, though.

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And she took it to the authorities.

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And in Germany and most western countries, they have laws against abuse.

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They have laws for this. And so she took it to the court.

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And the man was fined

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780 euros. You have to pay a fine.

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But the skinhead was mad because there's more to this thing than just paying the fine

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to him. It was a struggle. He had he had fought against a Muslim, a woman who's wearing hijab,

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who they think is attacking their society. He insulted her, he attacked her. He thought he did his job. So he appealed the case.

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The case came up last summer in July.

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And the system Marwa sherbini was an Egyptian woman.

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She and her husband were in the courtroom.

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And when she went to make her testimony, and she had her child with her, and she was pregnant, just imagine this now you are in the courtroom, a civil courtroom, the judges there. And all the people have suits on.

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And the press is there. And the police are standing there. And the skinhead jumped off his booth. And he grabbed the sister, and he stabbed her 18 times

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18 times.

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Not once, 18 times. He stabbed her in front of everybody. And then her husband got up and ran to try to save her. And the police shot her husband,

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not a skinhead. They shot the husband

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and then the world then it broke.

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And the world recognized this.

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But they did move the secular countries who saw who see the hijaab who see modesty as one of their enemies. They did move they didn't take it serious.

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Muslim countries tried to move.

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But they didn't take it serious.

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And finally, he has been found guilty.

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But where is the reaction?

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Where Where was the press? Where it Where is the people coming out and feeling disgusted? A woman pregnant with their child right there stabbed 18 times in a court.

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This is the battle for hyah is the battle for modesty.

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And this battle is deeper than what you take.

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It is deeper than what you think.

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The Christian missionaries called the battle, the battle for the hearts.

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They are struggling now in our countries.

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They are struggling using the mass media

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using internet movies battling for the hearts of people. And behind them is the shaytaan the evil one with yellow Bella who wants to take us off the path.

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And so this struggle that we see is a serious one.

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The battle for the hearts.

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The heart is that which is a prophet Sal seldom said there is a lump of flesh in the body is our solar hot sun algester Dooku what is our fest at that festival Jessa do kulu Allah he'll come he said there is a lump of flesh in the body. If it is sound, the whole body is sound. And if it is corrupted, the whole body is corrupted, and that is the hot. And so the struggle going on now. In our countries, it's not only a hot war.

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There is a hot war going on in many parts. Muslims are under the gun. But there is another struggle which is deeper, which is for the very essence, our essence our hearts. It's for the hearts of our children

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and for the future generations. And that is the real struggle that is going on.

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And our people are facing this all over the world.

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And so we have to realize how important it is to protect the heart. We need to protect ourselves and the great orlimar

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have told us very clearly

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man out of

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out of Florida. Whoever knows his heart knows his Lord.

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So we need to know ourselves. We need to know what's inside of us.

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And then we really have our relationship with Allah subhanaw taala. The scholars have also shown us that the heart is like it's like a fortress around it.

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And there are certain gates that lead inside of it.

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And there are soldiers protecting these gates.

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And so we need to know, what are the gates, the shaitaan and his forces are trying to get inside, trying to get inside the heart

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and to reach us to take us off the path. And this struggle is not as clear as what you think it is. Sometime It is very, it is something which you think is a trivial thing, but it's not a small thing. It opens up a way for your heart to be destroyed. And so we need to know modafinil it beliefs. We need to know the inroads of the shaytaan to our hearts what he has to be done.

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And the great scholars have shown us even Kodama al makdessi Rahim Allah and other scholars have shown us that from these modafinil

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entrances into the heart, one of the gates that the shaytaan used to get to us is how sad it is envy and jealousy.

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And how sad is that quality. When you see your brother or your sister who makes some progress, and you become jealous of that person, they have a new baby.

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He has a new car, and you see him inside of this and you're jealous of it. If you want one like his or like her, that's okay.

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But hustle is when you want the baby and you don't like their baby.

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And some people will say evil things.

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They will say evil things about abroad they see Zaid comes riding up in his new Lamborghini.

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Now how do you feel about your brother's age he used to like him right. But now you see Zaid in a Lamborghini.

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So now what do you say about him? Some will say well, you know, stock for law. Look at him. He probably got this on the lottery

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is the ugly car anyway, look at the color of it.

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So they will just say wicked things, right? That's the shape. That's how sad

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and this thing is a dangerous thing. And the worst thing about it is that the hassad

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is more affected than the Massoud.

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The one who has the HA said he is more in trouble than the other one.

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The prophet SAW Selim said he will hazard for nl hasa Dr. Kula sanity katakolon alhaja beware of jealousy, it will eat up your good deeds, like a fire eats up firewood. You go to Hajj.

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You fast and Ramadan. And you're jealous of another person. It burns up all your deeds.

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someone makes a little progress. They have a nice Masjid. And so what do you say I'm not going to go to that machine that's a Turkish Masjid. I'm not going to go there.

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That's the shape. I'm talking to you. This is the house of Allah

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regardless of who set it up.

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And so jealousy is one of the ways that the evil one can come to our hearts and destroy us in this world. Another point which was brought up in this study, is anger

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is anger. And this is considered to be who

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is the monster of intelligence. Because when you become angry, your intelligence is gone out your ear. You're no longer you don't think with your mind anymore. Emotion starts coming over the person.

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They foaming at the mouth, they tear they rip, they go out of control. And so anger is a dangerous way. And we need to control our anger, our emotions need to be for Allah subhanaw taala we need to love for Allah. And if we hate and have anger, it should be for Allah subhanaw taala not for ourselves

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and it needs to be controlled

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discipline and self control.

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And so this emotion, this actually is a door by which the evil one can come into our hearts. Another area is the shower. And this is desires. That through our desires. The Evil One

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comes to us, enters into our minds into our bodies, especially those desires. And one of the areas the Alomar show us is when we are filled, that is Shabaab when we are filled with food, when we feel satisfied with the dunya satisfied with the world, and we lay back, this is a way that the evil one yada Billa comes to us. And when we look at Islamic societies, and we were studying and illusio the other day, and you will see the early generations who entered into Spain and Portugal, it's andalusi tada kopin Ziad Rahim Allah Musa been lusail and when they entered in and they were striving and struggling, and calling to the good, forbidding evil, Allah gave them power.

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But the next generation got a little bit weaker.

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And by the third and fourth generation, when they were satisfied, and they welded poured in,

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they started getting corrupt.

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And so when that happened, then they lost their authority. And Allah subhanaw taala put upon them, forces that had no mercy upon them. And it was not until the Morabito came out of North Africa and revived Islam in Al Andalus that it came back to its heights. And so being satisfied, filling yourself up. This is a dangerous quality and and adore by which the evil one will he or the biller can come into us. Another interesting point that the scholars make is that one of the entrances of the evil one into the hearts is the love of fancy clothes,

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to have fancy clothes, a fancy house, right when you love these things, and you build these things inside of this world and you and you're into you love it so much. Then you start to forget Allah subhanho wa Taala and that does not mean that we have to walk around with rags on

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but we have to be moderate we have moderation

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in how we dress and how we act when we cover ourselves with gold and silver and with jewels and show off with our clothing. Then we have entered a dangerous area with the evil one can come to us. Remember how important it is.

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Remember, never forget that Allah says when he speaks about the Day of Judgment. Yo mala young Pharaoh Milan while our balloon, lm and Atala be Calvin Salim that on the Day of Judgment, your wealth, your money will be of no benefit, unless your heart is sound.

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So you have to protect your heart. Another one of the entrances into the heart is

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when you desire people, when you glorify people,

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and you make them like idols in front of your eyes, and then you desire to be like them.

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And you glorify and glorify and glorify individuals. And this is one of the ways the shaytaan ELO Billa comes into our house. And it's so strange when you come into different countries. And our countries have fallen into this too. When you come into the countries and you see in every door or every shop, a picture of the president.

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Everybody has a picture.

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And they glorify the individual. In some countries, the people hardly ever see the head of state.

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He is so protected and supposed to be so high in ancient times, the head of state, you could not even see him doing anything but sitting there. You can't see him like a human being who gets weak and has a stomach ache and has problems because they want you to glorify that person in the place of Allah subhanaw taala. When you look at the leaders, when they came into Medina, and they look for a miracle, meaning Omar Abdullah Katara de la Juan, who is the most powerful man in the world at that time, and they said Where is Omar? And they said, Look over there under that tree, and he's sleeping there with his turban on a rock, he's sleeping, nobody gets okay and they go over and they they call

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that's oma that's a mirror mini because he was not afraid of anybody.

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He was not afraid of his people. Today if I lead a comes three days the soldiers are standing on the street

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and they kick you out the way because the leader he's just gonna pass by in the car, and sometimes he's not even in the car.

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Totally different because that glorification leads to the position of the fair out

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of the target of those who are worshipped in the place of Allah subhanaw taala.

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Another important issue that comes up in this struggle for the hat is Elijah Allah, it is haste.

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And the Prophet peace be upon him said Allah Jalla min ash shaytaan.

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That haste is from the devil. That's clear.

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We do things are in a rush. And we find Angela in our relationship. One of the most dangerous things that can happen is when a man especially is angry at his wife and he said talaq, talaq, talaq, talaq

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and talaq comes out of his mouth like water.

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And after he says this, then he regrets it, he sorry that and he shops around for a fatwa. He wants to move to you will tell him, he can go back into his marriage. But he divorced his wife over and over and over and over again.

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Because he's hasty. He does things too hasty.

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And when we're getting into the marriages, we need to take time and to look at Kapha look at the wealth of the person, at their genealogy, their beauty, and especially their Deen and you judge these aspects and the promises of them said, If you choose the deen you will be successful.

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Put that over all things, take your time, and make a right choice. And so decisions, making decisions. That's where shorter comes in, for amerihome shorter baina hope that we should have mutual consultation, in everything that we do. Not only in our personal life, but in our family life, in our in our Masjid our community, we need to sit together and to make decisions together, the leadership needs to listen to the people in the Gema.

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So haste is a dangerous thing. But the scholars say that you you are allowed haste in certain areas, only in certain areas. One of those ways which you are allowed to do things fast is when salaat comes in.

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You can make your salon do it as soon as you possibly can.

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Also, if you have a Zed what rahila if you have enough money on you, and the ability to go to Mecca, then you should make Hutch. Don't wait and say 20 years when I reach 50 years old, or I reach 60 years old, then I'll make Hutch. Don't wait until that time.

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Don't take your money and go to our Paris. Or you go to London or you go to our Disneyland or you go to New York City.

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Make your heart if you have a zodwa rahila. If you have the ability to make that Hodge, then the scholar said do it right away, do it and don't wait. Especially if you're young and strong. And you can go there and perform your monastic properly, then you try to make that pilgrimage as soon as you possibly can. So these few points are the only ways where haste comes in

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another issue which is extremely important, and one of the entrances into the heart that destroys us. And this is an interesting point that the scholars brought up. And it's amazing. Some of these scholars live 1000 years ago, but it's like they're talking to us today. He said one of the entrances of the evil one into the hearts is when people become fanatical in their school of thought. Look at this. Look at this wisdom. You become fanatical in your school of thought.

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I am 100 free. I am Maliki

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I am Shafi. I'm not even talking about people who are outside of the DEA. I'm talking about writing on the Sunda Gemma that people will become fanatic with each other. A brother came up to me one time and he said brother Abdullah is it permissible for 100 feet to marry a Shafi?

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So I said what do you Jehovah's Witness and Catholics and what are you man?

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Is it permissible? The moms were students and teachers of each other.

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They had the highest respect for each other.

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And it is reported that what do you mama Shafi Rahim Allah when he went to Iraq, and he prayed for Russia in the masjid of Imam Abu hanifa.

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And the Sharpies fatwah was at fahcsia that you should make note

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that you should make this drop and the Sharpies will make to aku constantly in fashion. And so they asked the Imam to lead salaat

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and when he led the salaat he did not make to our canoes.

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And they said suparna la Imam, why didn't you make it? He said

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I am in the masjid of Abu imaam Abu hanifa. I respect his position.

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he respected his position.

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And so they were teachers and students of each other.

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It is reported that Imam Malik Rahim Allah,

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the mom of Darrell hegira, that he was in Medina, and the governor of Mecca sent a young person to him and said, teach this young man.

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And Mr. Malik was the kind of person he said, Okay, I don't follow the governor's what what is this? They said, look at the boy. So they brought up the young man. And Mr. Malik looked at him and asked him some questions. And then the people were surprised Mr. Malik said, This boy has a future.

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This boy has a future put them in a circle. Okay, you know that boy was that was the mama Shafi

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was the mama Shafi

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said this boy has a future.

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So these are teachers and students of each other.

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They did not give us fit, to divide us into different religions are different groups as though we are Protestants and Catholics.

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And so, the great scholars have been pajama, and other great scholars, they said one of the ways to shape talk and come to us is fanaticism in the school of thought

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I will take it a step further, even in Islamic movement.

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Because some people will not deal with another Muslim, because he is not in his movement.

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He's not part of his Jamaat, so I don't want to deal with him.

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But where did you get this from?

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As we discussed the other night when you look at the companions of the Prophet SAW some of them you will see people doing different things.

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You will see some people who are involved in reading the Quran. You will see other people who are involved in giving Dawa

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Musa Musa Ibn oma ma de bingeable you see them they're dropped. You will see other people who are involved in Jihad and struggle.

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You will see people doing all types of things, but at the end of the day, they are shoulder to shoulder. They do not have a special Jamaat for Dawa and especially Jamaat for aqidah and a special Jamaat for jihad, and a special Jamaat for Islamic education. No these are all aspects of a community.

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Yes, we need a Khalifa some people cry well, brother we can have nothing to do we have a Khalifa who in his right mind would not think that we need a halifa but how do we get a Khalifa? Do we deserve a Khalifa right now?

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If a Khalifa came today, if a person said I am the lever, I feel sorry for him. They will say you speak Arabic or so is that Do you speak or do

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you Turkish? Do you speak Swahili?

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We would kill him before anybody else.

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So we don't wait until we deserve a leader.

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The leader does not come out of space like an alien coming down and flying down on earth and suddenly is your leader. The leader comes out of you.

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The leader comes out of the teachers and madressa that we have

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you look at the great leaders It is said that the Sultan Mohammed Al Fattah, it is said his teacher said to him, you will open Constantinople. He was taught this lesson from when he was young.

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This is your mission. You will open up Constantinople.

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It is also said So Tom Salahuddin Rahim Allah, he was a student underneath our Notre Dame's engi

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he got his lessons from Notre Dame's engi and his teachers gave him the guidance. And then he grew up inside of this light and became the great Sultan Salahuddin Rahim Allah. So leaders do not come in a vacuum.

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They come out of our madressa they come out of our society and now is the time for unity amongst the Muslims. We need to look at each other and stop looking at another person and base his color

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or look at him and judge him because of his language. Or because of his tribe. We need to look at each other and judge another person it's taqwa. The purpose of Solomon said is the consciousness of Allah which separates us it is not enough

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These physical things, these physical things are here now, and it goes away.

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When I die, when you die, we go down under the ground, and the body is no longer there, the only thing left in me is my soul.

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So the real me is a room

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it is my soul, the real you is your soul. So we are a group of souls out of LA, who are here today with each other.

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And when we go into the bazaar, there is no Arabic soul is no Atomy. So there is no European soul, no African soul. There is no female soul, or male soul we are otherwise.

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Allah put us in this form, that we would know one another, not despise one another. It's a test, whatever for me put you in, that's your test. And you have to live with this.

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And so, it is the time of unity. And not fanaticism one way or another. If the moms saw somebody else amongst all ama, who had something different than them, or that they disagreed with, they would give advice to their brother.

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They would give advice. If the person disagreed, make,

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make to offer that person don't scandalize that person back by hate that person make dua for that person. Praise the law will help him if you think that you're right.

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That is the time that we are living in now.

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Another interesting point that comes in modafinil, at least in the way that the shaitaan comes to the hearts of individuals. And this is an interesting point

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that the scholars have brought up. They said when you force people

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to look for the the sifat the descriptions of Allah, if you spend your time looking for the descriptions of Allah, and trying to figure out who is allowed, where is Allah, and then you testing other people like this. You will go to a person and you say, Where is Allah?

00:52:24 --> 00:52:30

Give me this descriptions of Allah. If that person answers right, you say he's not a Muslim.

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Instead of teaching that person, something that you know,

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you will test that person in order to bring that person down. This is one of the ways that the evil one will el dobler comes to the hearts of the believers. And when we try to figure out the Qatar, Qatar and Qatar, and we spend that time trying to figure it out, it weakens us, because we will never figure out Allah subhanaw taala LASIK admit that.

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There is nothing similar to Allah. So why do we waste that time arguing over philosophy.

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When there's children outside taking drugs,

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our children are taking drugs. And as drug dealers coming into our communities, and they're selling drugs to our children, and they will turn our girls and boys into prostitutes. I'm sorry for being so straightforward. But it's happening right now. And it's in our community. And they will increase the drugs in our community, they will increase the * in our community. Why? Because they want to take higher out of our hearts.

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And they want to make us do those things that they know will take us off the path.

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The final point of the many points in dealing modafinil, at least that we need to watch out for, and that is sua dundun muslimeen. And that is when you have suspicion, you suspect other Muslim, you suspect people you think bad thoughts about individuals before you even go to them. Suzanne

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and that is an important thing that will destroy the heart of the individual. And so we need to protect ourselves from the inside. protect ourselves. Because Allah clearly told us in the law, you know, maybe Coleman tell you where you might be unforeseen. Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change that which is in themselves. No change.

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We start making a move on ourselves. forgive each other. Forgive the brother forgive the system, unify with other massages.

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Pray with other people who are making us a lot in another Imam. Enjoy the benefits of all of the scholars of Islam. Learn to love each other and to love the broadness of the Sunnah of the prophet SAW Selim.

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Have this type of wisdom. This is what we need today.

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We will get an argument over a point in the other day when we were in the the the University of Melbourne and the brothers were upstairs and then they made salaat. Some of them follow the Jamaat, and some of them made their own press, and they start fighting each other.

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They said, I'm right. One said no, I mean, you can't follow them. You can't see them. The other one said, Well, no, you can't see them in Mecca. Either. You're on the third floor, you know, whatever, what's your problem? So one made it and the other made it and they both you know what it reminded me of? It reminds me of the time of bento coda that the prophet SAW Selim after the Battle of the trench, the angels came to him and said, you know,

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the angels have not taken off their armor yet. Go to battle cordetta. This is the place of the yahood who had made treachery against the Muslims and opened up that part of Medina. And so the premise of some of them said, do not pray except in Benbrook. correo de la Yu San Leanna arducam alasa illa de Banneker ADA, Oklahoma, Colorado, Salah, none of you should make us a lot until you reach benaco data. Some of the Sahaba said no, the prophet said this, but Allah subhanaw taala said we should pray us on time.

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So I'm making salaat because Allah is above the Prophet, that's his decision. The other people the other people said no Rasulullah saw someone said this. So we're gonna hold us up and reach Pinnacle data. And they start fighting each other. I am right like my fetch wise, right? They didn't say my school of thought they didn't have the moms then right.

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But then they said no, my opinion is this yes or no, my opinion is that and so when they reached the promised sell, sell them and they said which one is right? You know what his answer was? Both of you are correct. You are both correct. You made your decision, based on submission to Allah. You made your decision following the Sunnah of the prophet SAW Selim, you are both correct. And we say to our brothers, in consultation with the with the Imams and leadership here, whether you're upstairs in the University of Melbourne or prayed by yourself, you're both correct. We don't have to fight each other over small things like this. This is how the shaytaan the evil one comes to us and brings

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disunity in the ranks of the believers. So I leave you with these thoughts. And I asked Allah subhanaw taala to have mercy on me and you and I pray that Allah would bless this Masjid and bring back the glory of the great WrestleMania of the Ottoman Empire. May Allah bring it back to the Muslim Ummah, and unite the ranks of the believers everywhere we are in this planet aku holy * that was Dr. Li walakum wa salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah he without a captain.

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In Canada, we even have what is called acid rain. And that is where the rain because it's so polluted the clouds when the rain comes down, it's filled with poison.

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And so it actually poisons you, instead of giving you benefit. And so the actions of people

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are what is bringing on what we see in the environment. And the prophet SAW Selim said and authentic hadith is at the heart of Xena what Reba ficaria for cod a Hallelu be unfussy him as Abdullah.

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That if adultery and fornication

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and interest and usury come amongst the people, then they have brought the punishment of Allah onto themselves.

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They have brought it onto themselves.

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And so de la hora de sadaqa Rasulullah alayhi salatu salam, it has come to pass.

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And our younger generation is in a serious situation.

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Because things that we never even considered.

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When many people in previous generations are growing up, they're not even involved in sexuality until they're in their late teens 20s or maybe in the 30 years old.

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But now the younger generation is seeing this and adultery is so widespread.

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It is a horrible thing.

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Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the court and Allah tells us when our Takara bozena in the who can aphasia was Sasabe Allah. Allah said Don't come near to Xena he didn't say don't do it.

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Like you'll see other things other sins will not talk to the knifes or let the Haram Allah Allahu Allah block Do not kill.

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Right do not take intoxicants. But here it says while our chakra bozena

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Don't come near to it. Why would that be?

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Because killing, as we said, is not a natural thing to see somebody died.

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It is not a natural thing for a robbery to take place, and somebody screaming and they lost their goods. But our relationship between male and female, Allah made us for that.

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Allah made an attraction between male and female. And so when you carry out the act, you are doing something natural.

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Your body thinks it's natural. That's what Allah said, Don't come near it.

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Don't come near it.

01:00:41 --> 01:00:45

And so the struggle that is going on the struggle for higher

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This is a crucial struggle, which is affecting Muslims today.

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And the the the the enemies of Allah subhanaw taala. The secular forces, they know this very well.

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And so they are pressurizing Muslims, pressurizing us to wear the tightest of clothes. This is not only female, that's male as well,

01:01:10 --> 01:01:15

pressurizing us, for the man to look like a woman for the woman to look like a man,

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pressurizing us, especially for the woman in her job

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to force her to take it off. They can't stand it.

01:01:27 --> 01:01:28

They hate to see it.

01:01:29 --> 01:01:40

Because it represents higher and the shaytaan. He has a villa and his forces know that this is one of the elements that makes the heart of a believer sound.

01:01:42 --> 01:01:44

It makes you it keeps you on the path.

01:01:46 --> 01:01:50

It is reported that two years ago,

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a woman in Germany, a Muslim woman

01:01:55 --> 01:01:57

wearing Hijab

01:01:58 --> 01:02:06

that she was taking her child out, and she went to a park and she wanted to have the child ride a swing.

01:02:07 --> 01:02:10

But on the swing was a skin hit

01:02:11 --> 01:02:14

a right wing skinhead. He was riding the swing.

01:02:16 --> 01:02:21

And he looked at her and she said, Can you get off the swing my baby can ride.

01:02:22 --> 01:02:30

And then he started to swear at her at the cursor, and to call her a fundamentalist Muslim Islamist

01:02:31 --> 01:02:39

terrorist, wearing your hijab, insulting her and continuing on as much as he could.

01:02:41 --> 01:02:42

She was a strong sister, though.

01:02:44 --> 01:02:45

And she took it to the authorities.

01:02:46 --> 01:02:52

And in Germany, and most western countries, they have laws against abuse.

01:02:53 --> 01:02:57

They have laws for this. And so she took it to the court.

01:02:58 --> 01:03:00

And the man was fined

01:03:02 --> 01:03:06

780 euros. You have to pay a fine.

01:03:07 --> 01:03:11

But the skinhead was mad because there's more to this thing than just paying the fine

01:03:12 --> 01:03:21

to him. It was a struggle. He had he had fought against a Muslim, a woman who's wearing hijab,

01:03:22 --> 01:03:30

who they think is attacking their society. He insulted her he attacked her. He thought he did his job. So he appealed the case.

01:03:31 --> 01:03:34

The case came up last summer in July.

01:03:36 --> 01:03:41

And the sister Marwa sherbini was an Egyptian woman.

01:03:42 --> 01:03:45

She and her husband were in the courtroom.

01:03:47 --> 01:04:03

And when she went to make her testimony, and she had her child with her, and she was pregnant. Just imagine this now you are in the courtroom, a civil courtroom, the judges there and all the people have suits on.

01:04:05 --> 01:04:17

And the press is there. And the police are standing there. And the skinhead jumped off his booth and he grabbed the sister and he stabbed her 18 times

01:04:18 --> 01:04:20

18 times.

01:04:21 --> 01:04:33

Not once, 18 times. He stabbed her in front of everybody. And then her husband got up and ran to try to save her and the police shot her husband

01:04:36 --> 01:04:39

not a skinhead. They shot the husband

01:04:42 --> 01:04:44

and then the world then it broke.

01:04:45 --> 01:04:47

And the world recognized this.

01:04:48 --> 01:04:59

But they didn't move the secular countries who saw who see the hijaab who see modesty as one of their enemies. They did move they didn't take it serious

01:05:01 --> 01:05:03

Muslim countries tried to move.

01:05:05 --> 01:05:07

But they didn't take it serious.

01:05:08 --> 01:05:12

And finally, he has been found guilty.

01:05:13 --> 01:05:15

But where is the reaction?

01:05:16 --> 01:05:28

Where Where was the press? Where, where is the people coming out and feeling disgusted, a woman pregnant with their child right there step 18 times in a court.

01:05:30 --> 01:05:36

This is the battle for hire is the battle for modesty.

01:05:37 --> 01:05:39

And this battle is deeper than what you take.

01:05:40 --> 01:05:42

It is deeper than what you think.

01:05:44 --> 01:05:48

The Christian missionaries called the battle, the battle for the hearts.

01:05:49 --> 01:05:52

They are struggling now in our countries.

01:05:53 --> 01:05:55

They are struggling using the mass media

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using internet movies battling for the hearts of people. And behind them is the shaytaan, the evil one yellow biller who wants to take us off the path.

01:06:09 --> 01:06:13

And so this struggle that we see is a serious one.

01:06:15 --> 01:06:16

The battle for the hearts.

01:06:17 --> 01:06:48

The heart is that which is a prophet Sal seldom said, there is a lump of flesh in the body. These are solid, somehow Jessa Dooku. What is our faster that faster, they'll just do kulu Allah he'll call he said there is a lump of flesh in the body. If it is sound, the whole body is sound. And if it is corrupted, the whole body is corrupted, and that is the heart. And so the struggle going on now, in our countries, it's not only a hot war,

01:06:50 --> 01:07:03

there is a hot war going on in many parts. Muslims are under the gun. But there is another struggle which is deeper, which is for the very essence, our essence our hearts. It's for the hearts of our children,

01:07:05 --> 01:07:09

and for the future generations. And that is the real struggle that is going on.

01:07:10 --> 01:07:13

And our people are facing this all over the world.

01:07:14 --> 01:07:24

And so we have to realize how important it is to protect the heart. We need to protect ourselves. And the great orlimar

01:07:25 --> 01:07:27

have told us very clearly, man out of

01:07:29 --> 01:07:34

out of Florida, whoever knows his heart knows his Lord.

01:07:35 --> 01:07:41

So we need to know ourselves. We need to know what's inside of us.

01:07:42 --> 01:07:51

And then we really have our relationship with Allah subhanaw taala. The scholars have also shown us that the heart is like it's like a fortress around it.

01:07:52 --> 01:07:56

And there are certain gates that lead inside of it.

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And there are soldiers protecting these gates.

01:08:01 --> 01:08:11

And so we need to know what are the gates the shaytaan and his forces are trying to get inside, trying to get inside the heart

01:08:13 --> 01:08:41

and to reach us to take us off the path. And this struggle is not as clear as what you think it is. Sometime It is very It is something which you think is a trivial thing. But it's not a small thing. It opens up a way for your heart to be destroyed. And so we need to know modafinil it beliefs we need to know the inroads of the shaytaan to our hearts what he has to be done.

01:08:44 --> 01:08:54

And the great scholars have shown us even Kodama al makdessi Rahim Allah and other scholars have shown us that from these modafinil

01:08:56 --> 01:09:06

entrances into the heart, one of the gates that the shaytaan used to get to us is how sad it is envy and jealousy.

01:09:07 --> 01:09:17

And how sad is that quality. When you see your brother or your sister who makes some progress, and you become jealous of that person. They have a new baby.

01:09:18 --> 01:09:27

He has a new car and you see him inside of this and you're jealous of it. If you want one like his or like her, that's okay.

01:09:28 --> 01:09:33

But hustle is when you want the baby and you don't like their babies.

01:09:34 --> 01:09:36

And some people will say evil things.

01:09:38 --> 01:09:42

They will sell evil things about abroad they see Zaid comes riding up in his new Lamborghini.

01:09:44 --> 01:09:58

Now how do you feel about your brother's age he used to like him right? But now you see Zaid in a Lamborghini. So now what do you say about him? Some will say well, you know stock for law. Look at him. He probably got this on the lottery

01:09:59 --> 01:10:00

is the auction

01:10:00 --> 01:10:01

The car anyway Look at the color of it.

01:10:03 --> 01:10:06

So they will just say wicked things, right? That's the shape done. That's how sad

01:10:08 --> 01:10:13

and this thing is a dangerous thing. And the worst thing about it is that the hassad

01:10:14 --> 01:10:16

is more affected than the Massoud.

01:10:18 --> 01:10:22

The one who has the HA said he is more in trouble than the other one.

01:10:23 --> 01:10:38

The prophet SAW Selim said he will have said for in Al hasakah Koolhaas unnati katakolon, Allah hotta beware of jealousy, it will eat up your good deeds, like a fire eats up firewood. You go to Hajj.

01:10:39 --> 01:10:45

You fast and Ramadan. And you're jealous of another person. It burns up all your deeds.

01:10:46 --> 01:10:55

Someone makes little progress. They have a nice Masjid. And so what do you say I'm not going to go to that machine that's a Turkish Masjid. I'm not going to go there.

01:10:56 --> 01:10:59

That's the shape I'm talking to you. This is the house of Allah

01:11:01 --> 01:11:03

regardless of who set it up.

01:11:05 --> 01:11:17

And so jealousy is one of the ways that the evil one can come to our hearts and destroy us in this world. Another point which was brought up in this study is anger.

01:11:18 --> 01:11:22

It is anger. And this is considered to be who

01:11:23 --> 01:11:30

it is the monster of intelligence. Because when you become angry, your intelligence is gone out your ear.

01:11:31 --> 01:11:37

You're no longer you don't think with your mind anymore. Emotion starts coming over the person.

01:11:39 --> 01:12:02

They foaming at the mouth, they tear they rip, they go out of control. And so anger is a dangerous way. And we need to control our anger, our emotions need to be for Allah subhanaw taala we need to love for Allah. And if we hate and have anger, it should be for Allah subhanaw taala not for ourselves

01:12:03 --> 01:12:05

and it needs to be controlled

01:12:07 --> 01:12:09

discipline and self control.

01:12:10 --> 01:13:08

And so this emotion, this actually is a door by which the evil one can come into our hearts. Another area is the shower. And this is desires, that through our desires. The evil one comes to us and is into our minds into our bodies, especially those desires. And one of the areas the Alomar show us is when we are filled that is the Shabaab when we are filled with food, when we feel satisfied with the dunya satisfied with the world, and we lay back, this is a way that the evil one Yahoo Billa comes to us. And when we look at Islamic societies, and we were studying and the lucea the other day and you will see the early generations who entered into Spain and Portugal, it's and the lwcf tada kopin

01:13:08 --> 01:13:19

Ziad Rahim Allah Musa been lusail and when they entered in and they were striving and struggling and calling to the good, forbidding evil, Allah gave them power.

01:13:20 --> 01:13:23

But the next generation got a little bit weaker.

01:13:24 --> 01:13:30

And by the third and fourth generation, when they were satisfied, and they welded poured in,

01:13:31 --> 01:13:33

they started getting corrupt.

01:13:34 --> 01:14:30

And so when that happened, then they lost their authority. And Allah subhanaw taala put upon them, forces that had no mercy upon them. And it was not until the Morabito came out of North Africa and revived Islam in Al Andalus that it came back to its heights. And so being satisfied, filling yourself up. This is a dangerous quality and and adore by which the evil one was able to be law can come into this. Another interesting point that the scholars make is that one of the entrances of the evil one into the hearts is the love of fancy clothes, to have fancy clothes, a fancy house, right when you love these things and you build these things inside of this world. And you and your

01:14:30 --> 01:14:39

interview, love it so much. Then you start to forget Allah subhanho wa Taala and that does not mean that we have to walk around with rags on

01:14:40 --> 01:14:42

but we have to be moderate we have moderation

01:14:44 --> 01:14:58

in how we dress and how we act when we cover ourselves with gold and silver and with jewels and show off with our clothing. Then we have entered a dangerous area with the evil one can come to us. Remember how important it is.

01:14:59 --> 01:15:00


01:15:00 --> 01:15:09

But never forget that Allah says when he speaks about the Day of Judgment, your mother or your father or mother in law by noon, lm and utter law, because

01:15:11 --> 01:15:17

that on the Day of Judgment, your wealth, your money will be of no benefit, unless your heart is sound.

01:15:19 --> 01:15:26

So you have to protect your heart. Another one of the entrances into the heart is

01:15:27 --> 01:15:33

when you are desire people, when you glorify people,

01:15:34 --> 01:15:39

and you make them like idols in front of your eyes, and then you desire to be liked.

01:15:40 --> 01:16:02

And you glorify and glorify and glorify individuals. And this is one of the ways the Chateau de la bella comes into our house. And it's so strange when you come into different countries. And our countries have fallen into this too. When you come into the country, and you see in every door, or every shop, a picture of the president.

01:16:04 --> 01:16:05

Everybody has a picture.

01:16:06 --> 01:16:13

And they glorify the individual. In some countries, the people hardly ever see the head of state.

01:16:15 --> 01:17:01

He is so protected and supposed to be so high in ancient times, the head of state, you could not even see him doing anything but sitting there. You can't see him like a human being who gets weak and has a stomach ache and has problems because they want you to glorify that person in the place of Allah subhanaw taala. When you look at the leaders, when they came into Medina, and they look for a miracle, meaning Omar Abdullah Katara de la one, who is the most powerful man in the world at that time, and they said, Where is Omar? And they said, Look over there under that tree, and he's sleeping there with his turban on a rock, he's sleeping, nobody cuts Okay, and they go over and they

01:17:01 --> 01:17:07

they call that oma that's a mirror Mini, because he was not afraid of anybody.

01:17:08 --> 01:17:15

He was not afraid of his people. Today, if our leader comes three days, the soldiers are standing on the street.

01:17:17 --> 01:17:23

And they kick you out the way because the leader he's just gonna pass by in the car. And sometimes he's not even in the car.

01:17:27 --> 01:17:33

Totally different, because that glorification leads to the position of the fair out

01:17:34 --> 01:17:39

of the target of those who are worshipped in the place of Allah subhanaw taala.

01:17:40 --> 01:17:47

Another important issue that comes up in this struggle for the heart is a La Jolla, it is haste

01:17:49 --> 01:17:52

and the Prophet peace be upon him said Allah Jalla min ash shaytaan.

01:17:53 --> 01:17:56

That haste is from the devil. That's clear.

01:17:58 --> 01:18:11

We do things are in a rush and we find Agila in our relationship. One of the most dangerous things that can happen is when a man especially is angry at his wife and he said talaq, talaq talaq talaq

01:18:12 --> 01:18:14

into lock comes out of his mouth like water.

01:18:16 --> 01:18:29

And after he says this, then he regrets it he sorry that and he shops around for a fatwah. He wants to move to you will tell him he can go back into his marriage. But he divorced his wife over and over and over and over again.

01:18:30 --> 01:18:33

Because he's hasty. He does things too hasty.

01:18:35 --> 01:18:54

And what we're getting into the marriages, we need to take time and to look at Kapha look at the wealth of the person at their genealogy, their beauty and especially their Deen and you judge these aspects and the promises of them said if you choose the deen you will be successful.

01:18:55 --> 01:19:28

Put that over all things take your time and make a right choice. And so decisions, making decisions. That's where shorter comes in, for amerihome, shorter baina home that we should have mutual consultation, in everything that we do. Not only in our personal life, but in our family life, in our in our Masjid our community, we need to sit together and to make decisions together. The leadership needs to listen to the people in the Gema.

01:19:30 --> 01:19:45

So haste is a dangerous thing but the scholars say that you are allowed to haste in certain areas only in certain areas. One of those ways which you are allowed to do things fast is when salaat comes in.

01:19:46 --> 01:19:49

You can make your salaat do it as soon as you possibly can.

01:19:50 --> 01:19:59

Also, if you have Azad, what rahila if you have enough money on you and the ability to go to Mecca,

01:20:00 --> 01:20:11

Then you should make Hutch. Don't wait and say 20 years when I reach 50 years old, or I reach 60 years old, then I'll make Hutch. Don't wait until that time.

01:20:13 --> 01:20:20

Don't take your money and go to Paris. Or you go to London or you go to Disneyland or you go to New York City.

01:20:22 --> 01:20:46

Make your heart if you have a zodwa rahila. If you have the ability to make that Hodge, then the scholar said, Do it right away, do it. And don't wait. Especially if you're young and strong. And you can go there and perform your monastic properly, then you try to make that pilgrimage as soon as you possibly can. So these few points are the only ways where haste comes in.

01:20:48 --> 01:21:16

Another issue, which is extremely important, and one of the entrances into the heart that destroys us. And this is an interesting point that the scholars brought up. And it's amazing. Some of these scholars live 1000 years ago, but it's like they're talking to us today. He said one of the entrances of the evil one into the hearts is when people become fanatical in their school of thought, look at this, look at this wisdom. You become fanatical in your school of thought.

01:21:17 --> 01:21:19

I am a Hanafi I am Maliki

01:21:20 --> 01:21:37

I am Shafi. I'm not even talking about people who are outside of the deen. I'm talking about writing on the Sunday wajima that people will become fanatic with each other. Our brother came up to me one time and he said brother Abdullah, is it permissible for 100 feet to marry a Shafi?

01:21:39 --> 01:21:43

So I said what do you Jehovah's Witness and Catholics and what are you man?

01:21:44 --> 01:21:48

Is it permissible? The moms were students and teachers of each other.

01:21:49 --> 01:21:51

They have the highest respect for each other.

01:21:52 --> 01:22:01

And it is reported that woody mammas Shafi Rahim Allah when he went to Iraq, and he prayed fauja in the masjid of Imam, Abu hanifa.

01:22:03 --> 01:22:07

And the Sharpies, fatwah was at fahcsia that you should make a note

01:22:09 --> 01:22:17

that you should make this draw and the Sharpies will make to afternoon constantly in fashion. And so they asked the Imam to lead salaat

01:22:18 --> 01:22:22

and when he led the salaat he did not make too accurate.

01:22:23 --> 01:22:32

And they said suparna law Imam, why didn't you make it? He said I am in the masjid of Abu hanifa Imam Abu hanifa. I respect his position.

01:22:33 --> 01:22:35

he respected his position

01:22:36 --> 01:22:39

and so they were teachers and students of each other.

01:22:41 --> 01:22:44

It is reported that Imam Malik Rahim Allah

01:22:45 --> 01:22:55

the Imam of Dar Al Hijrah, that he was in Medina, and the governor of Mecca sent a young person to him and said, teach this young man.

01:22:57 --> 01:23:16

And Mr. Malik was the kind of person who says, Okay, I don't follow the governance, what what is this? They said, look at the boy. So they brought up the young man. And Mr. Malik looked at him and asked him some questions. And then the people were surprised Mr. Malik said, This boy has a future.

01:23:17 --> 01:23:23

This boy has a future put them in a circle. Okay, you know that boy was that was the mama Shafi

01:23:24 --> 01:23:25

was the mama Shafi

01:23:27 --> 01:23:28

said this boy has a future.

01:23:29 --> 01:23:33

So these are teachers and students of each other.

01:23:34 --> 01:23:45

They did not give us phip to divide us into different religions, or different groups as though we are Protestants and Catholics.

01:23:47 --> 01:23:58

And so, the great scholars have been Kodama and other great scholars, they said one of the ways to shape talk and come to us is fanaticism in the school of thought

01:23:59 --> 01:24:03

I will take it a step further, even in Islamic movement.

01:24:04 --> 01:24:08

Because some people will not deal with another Muslim, because he is not in his movement.

01:24:10 --> 01:24:12

He's not part of his Jamaat, so I don't want to deal with him.

01:24:14 --> 01:24:15

But where did you get this from?

01:24:18 --> 01:24:24

As we discussed the other night when you look at the companions of the Prophet SAW some of them you will see people doing different things.

01:24:25 --> 01:24:32

You will see some people who are involved in reading the Quran. You will see other people who are involved in giving Dawa

01:24:33 --> 01:24:43

Musa Musa Ibn Amir Muhammad bin Jabba. You see them they're dropped, you will see other people who are involved in Jihad and struggle.

01:24:44 --> 01:24:59

You will see people doing all types of things but at the end of the day, they are shoulder to shoulder. They do not have a special Jamaat for Dawa and especial Jamaat for aqidah and a special Jamaat for jihad.

01:25:00 --> 01:25:07

In a special our Jamaat for Islamic education, no these are all aspects of a community

01:25:09 --> 01:25:24

Yes, we need a Khalifa. Some people cry well brother we can have nothing to do we have a Khalifa who in his right mind would not think that we need a Khalifa. But how do we get a Khalifa? Do we deserve a Khalifa right now?

01:25:26 --> 01:25:31

If a Khalifa came today if a person said I am the Khalifa I feel sorry for him.

01:25:32 --> 01:25:36

They will say you speak Arabic or so is that Do you speak or do

01:25:37 --> 01:25:40

you Turkish? Do you speak Swahili?

01:25:42 --> 01:25:44

We would kill him before anybody else.

01:25:46 --> 01:25:49

So we don't wait until we deserve a leader.

01:25:50 --> 01:25:59

The leader does not come out of space like an alien coming down and flying down on earth and suddenly is your leader. The leader comes out of you.

01:26:01 --> 01:26:05

The leader comes out of the teachers and madressa that we have

01:26:06 --> 01:26:22

you look at the great leaders It is said that the Sultan Mohammed Al Fattah, it is said his teacher said to him, you will open Constantinople. He was taught this lesson from when he was young.

01:26:23 --> 01:26:26

This is your mission. You will open up Constantinople.

01:26:28 --> 01:26:36

It is also said so time Salahuddin Rahim Allah, he was a student underneath our noted Dean's engi

01:26:37 --> 01:26:53

he got his lessons from Notre Dame's engi and his teachers gave him the guidance. And then he grew up inside of this light and became the great Sultan Salahuddin Rahim Allah. So leaders do not come in a vacuum.

01:26:54 --> 01:27:09

They come out of our madressa they come out of our society, and now is the time for unity amongst the Muslims. We need to look at each other and start looking at another person and base his color.

01:27:11 --> 01:27:32

Or look at him and judge him because of his language. Or because of his tribe. We need to look at each other and judge another person it's taqwa. The purpose of Solomon said is the consciousness of Allah, which separates us. It is not any of these physical things, these physical things are here now, and it goes away.

01:27:33 --> 01:27:42

When I die, when you die, we go down under the ground, and the body is no longer there. The only thing left in me is my soul.

01:27:43 --> 01:27:46

So the real me is a rule.

01:27:47 --> 01:27:57

It is my soul, the real you is your soul. So we are a group of souls out of law, who are here today with each other.

01:27:58 --> 01:28:04

And when we go into the body, there is no Arabic soul.

01:28:05 --> 01:28:16

There is no Atomy soul. There is no European soul, no African soul. There is no female soul, or male soul we are otherwise.

01:28:17 --> 01:28:30

Allah put us in this form that we would know one another, not despise one another. It's a test. Whatever for me put you in, that's your test. And you have to live with this.

01:28:32 --> 01:28:49

And so it is the time of unity. And not fanaticism one way or another. If the mom saw somebody else amongst all ama, who had something different than them, or that they disagreed with, they would give advice to their brother.

01:28:51 --> 01:29:06

They would give advice. If the person disagreed, make dua make to offer that person, don't scandalize that person back by hate that person make dua for that person. Praise the law will help him if you think that you're right.

01:29:07 --> 01:29:10

That is the time that we are living in now.

01:29:12 --> 01:29:21

Another interesting point that comes in modafinil, at least in the way that the shaytaan comes to the hearts of individuals. And this is an interesting point

01:29:23 --> 01:29:27

that the scholars have brought up they said when you force people

01:29:28 --> 01:29:48

to look for the the sifat the descriptions of Allah, if you spend your time looking for the descriptions of Allah and trying to figure out who is allowed, whereas Allah and then you testing other people like this, you will go to a person and you say, Where is Allah?

01:29:51 --> 01:29:57

Give me this. Descriptions of Allah. If that person answers right, you say he's not a Muslim.

01:29:58 --> 01:30:00

Instead of teaching that

01:30:00 --> 01:30:01

Person something that you know,

01:30:02 --> 01:30:31

you will test that person in order to bring that person down. This is one of the ways that the evil one will el dobler comes to the hearts of the believers. And when we try to figure out the kata, kata and kata, and we spend that time trying to figure it out, it weakens us, because we will never figure out a loss of LASIK admit the shape. There is nothing similar to Allah. So why do we waste our time arguing over philosophy

01:30:32 --> 01:30:35

when there's children outside taking drugs,

01:30:36 --> 01:31:04

or children are taking drugs. And as drug dealers coming into our communities, and they're selling drugs to our children, and they will turn our girls and boys into prostitutes. I'm sorry for being so straightforward. But it's happening right now. And it's in our community. And they will increase the drugs in our community, they will increase the * in our community. Why? Because they want to take higher out of our hearts.

01:31:05 --> 01:31:10

And they want to make us do those things that they know will take us off the path.

01:31:11 --> 01:31:33

The final point of the many points are in dealing modafinil, at least that we need to watch out for, and that is sua dundun muslimeen. And that is when you have suspicion. You suspect other Muslim, you suspect people you think bad thoughts about individuals, before you even go to them. Suzanne,

01:31:35 --> 01:32:00

that is an important thing that will destroy the heart of the individual. And so we need to protect ourselves from the inside. protect ourselves. Because Allah clearly told us in the law, you value Luma toman tell you where you might be unforeseen. Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change that which is in themselves. No change.

01:32:03 --> 01:32:11

We start making a move on ourselves. forgive each other, forgive the brother forgive the system, unify with other massage it.

01:32:12 --> 01:32:30

Pray with other people who are making us a lot in another Imam. Enjoy the benefits of all of the scholars of Islam. Learn to love each other and to love the broadness of the sooner the premises seldom had this type of wisdom. This is what we need today.

01:32:31 --> 01:32:47

We will get an argument over a point in the other day when we were in the the the University of Melbourne and the brothers were upstairs and then they made salaat some of them follow the Jamaat and some of them made their own press and they started fighting each other.

01:32:48 --> 01:33:13

They said I'm right. One said no. I mean, you can't follow them. You can't see them. The other one said Well, no, you can't see them in Mecca. Either. You're on the third floor, you know, whatever. What's your problem. So one made it and the other made it and they both you know what it reminded me of? It reminds me of the time of bento coda that the prophet SAW Selim after the Battle of the trench, the angels came to him and said, you know,

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the angels have not taken off their armor yet. Go to bed. Oh cordetta. This is the place of the yahood who had made treachery against the Muslims and opened up that part of Medina. And so the premise of some of them said, do not pray except in Benton. correo de la Yu San Leanna arducam alasa illa Fie, Benny corita, Oklahoma, Colorado Tesla. None of you should make us a lot until you reach benaco data. Some of the Sahaba said no, the prophet said this, but Allah subhanaw taala said we should pray us on time.

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So I'm making salaat because Allah is above the Prophet, that's his decision. The other people the other people said no Rasulullah saw some of them said this. So we're gonna hold us up and reach benaco data. And they start fighting each other. I am right, like my fetch wise, right? They didn't say my school of thought they didn't have your mom's then right.

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But then they said no, my opinion, is this yes or no, my opinion is that and so when they reach the promise or sell them, and they said which one is right? You know what his answer was? Both of you are correct. You are both correct. You made your decision, based on submission to Allah. You made your decision following the Sunnah of the prophet Sal Sal, you are both correct. And we say to our brothers, in consultation with the with the Imams and leadership here, whether you're upstairs in the University of Melbourne or prayed by yourself, you're both correct. We don't have to fight each other over small things like this. This is how the shaytaan the evil one comes to us and brings

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disunity in the ranks of the believers. So I leave you with these thoughts and I

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ask Allah subhanaw taala to have mercy on me and you and I pray that Allah would bless this Masjid and bring back the glory of the great WrestleMania of the Ottoman Empire. May Allah bring it back to the Muslim Ummah and unite the ranks of the believers everywhere we are in this planet aku holy * that was Dr. Li walakum wa Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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