Akhi Ayman – A message to the reverts! DUA is key Reverts
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So this is a big shot to reverse Roe. Understand you've become a
Muslim. You've come to the deen of Allah. And you're scared that your
mother, your father, your uncle, your auntie, whoever it may be,
that could die upon go for it make dua for them, because guidance
only comes from Allah. Because if they if it was the guidance of the
Prophet Muhammad salah, Salah McKee, His own uncle would have
taken shahada
but his uncle was one of the biggest enemies to him.
Abuja * when it comes to the battlefield, and let me show you
try and put this in your head and put this in your heart. Abu Jihad
was the one that got killed by a 13 and a 14 year old. I'm not
telling you to go and grab your match bow and we're about to ride
out now.
We're about to go and put in some work. We're about to go and defend
the Muslims novel