Abdullah Hakim Quick – Islamic Revivalism

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of Islam, including its cultural and political roots, and the challenges faced by Muslims in society. They emphasize the need for people to be aware of its reality and practiced Islam in achieving spirituality. The conversation covers the history and characteristics of the Islam system, including the transition from pre-commercialization to an spirit of control" over Islam in Saudi Arabia, the use of "imabouts" in language, political context, and political situations. The speakers emphasize the importance of learning about Islam and finding authentic leaders to avoid giving up Islam, and the potential for political chaos in political situations.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Taala Allah Allah say that a Muhammad Ali he was happy about. I begin with the greeting words of Paradise a salaam aleikum, wa rahmatullah.

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And I want to take this opportunity to also bring the greetings to the brothers and sisters here with the forum for social studies. From the 14th annual riada and Shura that was held in Cleveland, Ohio. It's still going on now there's part of assura discussion, which is going on now. And he mom, Jamil al amin, of Atlanta, one of the important leaders in America today, sent his greetings here to you. Hamdulillah, was a gathering of Muslims, brothers and sisters, who came together from all over North America and Canada, also, to enjoy themselves islamically. And there were workshops. And also today, there is a very important short discussion.

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And this is this riada is a new activity. This is the 14th one. And it's sort of an alternative Olympics, so to speak, there is a competition in basketball, there is track and field.

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There are a number of different sporting activities that go on for brothers and sisters. And it is a halaal way to be involved in sporting activities. And I can say that the Toronto team that was there made a good showing in the in the basketball tournament, we didn't win. But Alhamdulillah, we made a very good showing there. And so Toronto has a name now, and has a very good reputation in Islamic circles, not only for lectures and Islamic community, but also amongst the youth.

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And one of the very important discussions we had yesterday in this gathering of Muslims, was looking at the development of Islam in North America and in the West, to try to see how Muslims can relate to each other.

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And to try to look in a practical way at the problems that we are facing. And this is an ongoing discussion. Because the purpose of our gatherings, the purpose of the lectures and the knowledge that we are gaining, should not be only to attend the lecture. But it is crucial now that the purpose for our gatherings after seeking the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala should be to be very practical, a very practical effort to try to establish Islam, and to try to deal with some of the great problems and crises that we are facing in the Muslim community. And in the past two years, in the different cities and continents, I've had the opportunity to visit, I've noticed a very serious

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tension now that you find in many of the areas. And in many cases you find you come into a city and you find Muslims divided. And as we heard, you'll find ethnic Masjid, you'll find masjids based on Islamic movement.

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This is a crisis in our times. Because as we heard that, that the salaat itself, and all of the aspects of Islam emphasize

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that we should be together in one group and not divided. And there are so many places in court and where we see that Allah subhanaw taala tells us to do to stay together, hold on to the rope of Allah be not divided. And it really is one of the most important activities of a Muslim, to try to unite with other Muslims. And so with the great change that is coming about with the great crisis that we find ourselves in, when we turn to the Quran, we find that Allah tells us in the law allow you to be Coleman, what are you here to be unfussy him, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change that which is inside of themselves. And so the internal change that we have to go

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through is a great change. And we were looking at cultural continuity. We were looking at the closeness that Muslims have to each other. And there is actually a type of snad or a type of chain of information that has gone on between Muslims, not only in the early centuries of Islam, but even within the past two to 300 years.

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And so in this discussion,

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we looked at a very interesting historical happening that went on in the Caribbean,

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in 1821 22, in Jamaica, in a in a province known as Manchester.

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Some of the captured prisoners of war, who are known as slaves, made a great rebellion. And they were passing around between themselves a document written in classical Arabic language. Now this document, this form of Arabic is the mother to be script in the mother to be script the Father has has a dot underneath, and the cough has got one.on the top. And when you're writing along, when you end the sentence, it has sort of a half moon, and there's no dot and the noon. So if you see Darlene, there's no dot for the noon. And you have to sort of get used to reading it. This is one of the ancient Arabic scripts that was established, coming from the Arabian Peninsula. And then it was

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established in Andalusia, and in North Africa and in West Africa.

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And so this document was known as watseka and watseka.

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And a Nigerian scholar, Dr. was mad magaji was a very well known scholar from northern Nigeria, has recently put out a paper where he linked this document being passed in the Manchester province, in Jamaica, with a document written by a great Islamic revival. Check was man even foody Rahim Allah in West Africa, which was known as watseka, Abdullah Sudan. This is the document or the manifesto, to the people of the Sudan, meaning West Africa, Central Africa, and the whole of Africa. And this is sort of his manifesto of jihad. And so what this document did for the people there in the Caribbean, it was a call to jihad, that they should unite themselves, and that they should resist the fact that

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they were captured and the occupation that went on and a great rebellion happened, which is one of the rebellions that led toward the liberation of the people in Jamaica and in other parts of the Caribbean.

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What is important for us is the cultural continuity. Here are people now in America, who are passing out a document connected to a document written by a great scholar of Islam in West Africa.

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And to take it a step further. When we look at the life of shekels, man, even foody Rahim Allah who is known as with man den folio,

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we find that in the 18th century, there's a great scholar of India, Muslim scholar, Sharla Leola Adela Rahim a whole lot of those of you who are aware of Islam in the indo Pakistani subcontinent, know that he was a great magette did a revival of the faith specialist in Hadeeth. Specialist in Islamic sciences, and he worked very seriously throughout his life to revive Islamic knowledge.

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shower, Leola definitely was the teacher of Mohammed Mourtada as RBD.

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And he was also a Muslim scholar from India, who traveled to Yemen. And he settled at some point in zombied, a section of Yemen that is known for great scholars of Islam. And Mohammed Matata was the direct teacher of another scholar whose name was jabril ibn Ahmad. And jabril, Eben Omar was of the people who are known as to Latika and these two Latika people are the two attics, they live in the Sahara Desert, and they're known because the men cover their face. The turban comes around and the men covered cover their face. And so jabril Eben oma had his his snad from Mohammed Matata to shower Leola Adele Louie and jabril. Chef gibreel was the direct teacher of Shaq with Mandarin folio. And

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so his his snad goes right back there to this revivalism

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in another part of the of the shacks.

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His net or his ijazah the permissions he was given,

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there is the writings of there is a man by the name of Mohammed hyack, a Cindy,

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who was a great 18th century teacher who also came from India, and he settled in Medina and he was one of the most famous teachers of Hadith in Medina at the time, and many great revivals of Islam studied underneath Mohammed hayata Cindy, one of them was Abolhassan as Cindy and going back

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A little bit Mohammed hayata Cindy, amongst his students was Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahab who is famous for the revival of Islam that went on in Arabia. And we are still very much being affected by this Revival Today. Another one of his students was Abu Hassan snd. He also taught a number of scholars who went back to the Burma region, to Indonesia, to other parts of the Muslim world. And they also came with a revival. So Mohammed hayata, Cindy, also specialist and Heidi tafsir, revivalist of Islam, Abu Hassan, Cindy, and a man by the name of Mohammed Eben Raj, and he is the uncle of Shaq with Mandarin folio. And so Shaq was Mandarin folio coming in this tradition in the desert, studied

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with his uncle, he and his brother Abdullah, he, they finished Sahil Bahati, underneath Mohammed bin Raj,

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and this type of scholarship that they were involved in what is what is what is called the mu lezama system. And the millesimal system is a system of knowledge. And this is something now, which is being tabled by brothers and sisters here in terms of being a new form of education, to go on within the Muslim community, not only just the lecture type education, where there's a lecture there, and you go listen to the lecture, and everybody sits and then and then everybody goes home. This is the melasma system. And what this involves is that the teacher has sort of a community. It's a community based form of education, where you not only learn from the the the scholarship of the teacher, but

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you also learn from the life of the teacher.

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And so you don't just listen to the lecture, but you live with the teacher in a community. So you pray together, you eat together, you work together, you travel together. And so you not only pick up from the teacher, his his NAD, in terms of the intellectual information, but you also pick up from the teacher, his approach to Islam, his practical approach to Islam, how does he deal with the crisis? If a crisis comes in the community, then you're there with the teacher? And then you are able to pick up how he approaches the crisis? How does he call to the good? How does he forbid evil? How does he govern? How does it relate to the leader or the ruler in the land. And so this

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millesimal system was the one which was used by the LMR of the south of the Sahara Desert, and in many parts of the Muslim world and shack with Mandan folio, was involved in this. And just to give you an idea that again, this is the 18th century and we also had this discussion at the convention

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to try to broaden our understanding of Islamic scholarship. Just to give you an understanding, checklist, man, den folio, Rahim Allah, after studying underneath a series of teachers and getting a jazza or permission to be able to teach in Quranic Tafseer, and also his knowledge of Navajo, and sort of, of the grammar of Islam, also poetry. He also went on to study the Sierra of the properties of Islam, different areas of Islamic Studies, by the age of 20, he was considered to be a scholar, and he went into the field. And he spent 30 years in the dour. And after 30 years of teaching and preaching in different sections of an area called house, Ireland, he was he became a threat to the

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And the governor's at the time, were a pseudo Muslim, they were supposed to be Muslims, but but they were mixing up the local religion with Islam. In other words, all types of bizarre and cultural traditions are all mixed in with Islam. So the shack then was called to the court of one of these kings. And when the Shaq used to travel, he traveled with 1000 students. And so anywhere he traveled, where he stopped, they would have a lesson. And so this is how they moved throughout the countryside. And when they went to the court of the king, and this is somewhere around 1803 or so, when they went to his court, the king center court out who shot a gun at the shack, the gun

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backfired and killed the court. Yeah. And so then the shack left with the students and they made hegira. They followed the sooner they made migration, and they took beya they made a pledge to him, that they would be prepared now, to go to another stage of Islam, not only to be just students, but they took a beta to the leadership that they would be prepared to sacrifice even their lives in the path of Islam. This is how Islam evolves. And this is something that our communities have to look at, because we're stuck in the masjid

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In order to this conference phase where you just sort of go out, go to the conference, go to the masjid, everybody leads their lives. But there's another phase of Islam, where the Gema starts to be involved, and we are committed to each other on a higher level. And so at that point, the pledge was made and to make a long story short, a Jihad was caught. And the shack himself is reported, had a dream. And the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him came in his dream, along with other scholars of Islam, and he was given a sword, which is called the Sword of Truth. He was also given a turban, a green turban, and a mental and a Baya. And he was told in this dream that he had to go forward and

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defend Islam. And so they were successful at hamdulillah. And when the Jihad was finished, they control 250,000 square miles, his students became the governess. And they, and they used to, they used to communicate with each other in classical Arabic language, their letters, many of their letters are still available today, where they would communicate with each other.

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And they ruled for over 100 years before the coming of the British into that area.

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And so what is important for us in cultural continuity, is the fact that the Chef rahima, hula was faced with a fitna.

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He was faced in the path of Dawa with divisions coming amongst Muslims, and with tensions that were coming. And so in tradition of his snat, going back to the scholars of the desert, of the Maliki tradition, going back to Mecca and Medina, where the revival of Islam was going on in the 18th century. And we need to look at this revival because this is very close.

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In terms of the the, the the revival itself, how do you go about cleansing your inside? What are some of the difficulties that are involved in this revival, and in one treatise done by the sheriff, in one section, he called the section modafinil sublease.

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He called it the inroads of the shaytaan.

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That the shaytaan la to La La has taken certain steps and by certain weaknesses, in the heart of a Muslim, or in the practice of a Muslim, the shaitaan is able to come in and to bring differences between Muslim and other Muslim Masjid and other Masjid Jamal, another JAMA, a group of people, another group of people. And so by that it holds down the revival of Islam, because people spend more time fighting each other. And being involved in confusion than dealing with hon maruf will not hear the mon card, calling to the good and forbidding the evil. And so this Medallia beliefs of the great scholars called makaya, a shaytaan. The tricks and the wiles of the shaytaan. When we look

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back in terms of cultural continuity, at the writings of this great great chef, known as a magette did a revivalist in West Africa, we find that his his net is in his way of approaching this is very similar to many great scholars of Islam. Even Tamia am

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emammal Khazali, you've been Rajab, you'll find many great scholars of Islam had a similar way of approaching this and I want to give you 10 points today. And we are studying this in a number of the circles a number of other conferences 10 points put down by the chef in this section of modafinil, obliques, when we should look at these points, study these points, and if they do exist within us, try our best to bring it out.

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In this work, the shakra himolla

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is point number one.

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Point number one is a hasard will help us this is envy or jealousy and envy.

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And this is one of the inroads of the shaytaan into the heart of a Muslim and into the community. And the Prophet peace be upon him said there is a lump of flesh in the body. Which if it goes wrong, the whole body goes wrong if it goes right. The whole body goes right and that is the hack. He also said alayhi salatu salam er Komal has said for nl hazard jackal has an anti katakolon natural hardtop. He said beware of jealousy, because jealousy eats up your good deeds.

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Like a fire eats up firewood.

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And so to cover that, as they would say in English, or the envy for your neighbor or another Muslim, we can be involved in prayer and fasting, in calling to the good familiar forbidding the evil. But if hasard enters the heart, according to this Hadith, it will burn up all of the good deeds. And so what is this? If another Muslim,

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if another person makes progress in life, they make material progress. They make intellectual progress. For instance, the new Ollie comes driving up and he has a new car.

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Ollie comes in this car is one of those new ones a bubble shaped Ferrari or something like that. And nobody knows whether it's a rented car or nada, what it is, but he's driving a Ferrari.

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And so everybody starts look at Ollie. Now, if you want a Ferrari like his, yo, okay,

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because you want him to have his, but you would like to drive a vehicle similar to that. So you can ride down the road and you can go very fast. But if you want one, and you don't want him to have his This is how sad

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it's a negative feeling. It's an evil type of feeling. And so this feeling makes sort of a negative vibration. And then Ali comes he gets out the Ferrari is now like a business. Polycom salon is looking away and Okay, this is real now. And some people get this feeling will either be left with little children, and I know that in some parts of Arabia, if a mother has a baby, the family has a baby. And then you come to visit them.

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And they have that little baby there. You have to say amongst the Bedouins in Medina, you have to say Mashallah, to Batticaloa. You have to say that, you got to say Alhamdulillah Mashallah, you gotta say something good. If you say something negative, or you don't say Mashallah to Batticaloa, they start feeling maybe this hassert.

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And people design the eye, the evil eye, and they are really afraid of this. And there's something in this i, this is something that the shaytaan can take, that negative vibration is like when you do good to somebody, you get a good feeling. When you're around a negative scene. Sometimes you can feel a coldness, your hands get cold, you feel tension in your nervous system. It's it's a, it's sort of a magnetism that we put out. And so this has that inheritance. Now is there and this is why we have certain Falak. Right? When you are seeking refuge, women shall rehash Eden, he that has that

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you are seeking refuge from the hassad, the envious, jealous person if they train this envy on you.

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Okay, so this is very

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evident today within our communities. A person makes progress.

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Jamal makes progress. One leader, another leader, we can see the danger of alhazred Well, here's this is the point number one.

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Point number two is Allah hottub was Shahada.

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And he talked about anger and uncontrolled desire, I'm just giving you an abbreviation of what he wrote. It is anger and uncontrolled desires.

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Now, anger is something which can come up in you. But if you cannot control your anger, then that can destroy the relationship of one Muslim to another. And when a man came to the Prophet, peace be upon them. On one occasion, the prophet said to him as a Nazi ha, he said, laptop dub, don't get angry.

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The next is uncontrolled desires. And in this society today, there is a push which is going on in the television, in the media, for this uncontrolled desires. And the height of it probably is, when you see the homosexual gatherings and whatnot, where people are just totally out of control,

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and where their desires and their animalistic instincts totally take control of them. This is a danger. And this also is a danger to Muslims. If that desire comes in now, for the things of this world, or the physical desires, this is one of the ways of modafinil, a blease and it is something we have to watch out for.

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The next point was atama. This is like greed and ambition.

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Greed, and ambition. And we find, one of the problems we are facing is ambition in leadership

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that people now fight for position within the Muslim community, or groups fighting for position, fighting each other for * or control over a Masjid, or group. And this is dangerous. And this is not in the way of the Sahaba wrote the alarm on him. Because amongst the Sahaba, you will find that when it came time for the leadership, they didn't want the leadership. And that is the sign of a person who should be the leader is the one who has the authority, the one who has the taqwa and doesn't want to be the leader. But the one who wants to be the leader

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who fights for it, that is the one where the police medalla shaytaan. And some people, even in voting situations, they will do something like they do here. They campaign. You know, here, if you're running for office, you have a campaign. And so you spend a lot of money and you put your sign in, I will build you new offices, and I will clean up the streets and I'll lower your taxes. And of course, when he gets in office, he doesn't do hardly anything that he promised you.

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But he campaigns so the Muslim campaigns.

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And it was as a brother, I want to be the Amir, can you vote for me, I think I have a lot of good qualities. And you know, whatever pull you aside, and look, we come from the same village. And I think that we should be the ones who control this Masjid. This is real, this is real. And what the heck was talking about it is it is a danger.

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That if greed comes in, we are living for the material things of this world. If ambition was striving against each other, to get positioned to get title, then that is a weak debt can weaken your heart. And it will stop the revival of Islam.

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Point number four is excessive love of food and drink.

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Excessive love of food and drink, especially beyond what is needed, you know, for your survival.

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And this is a serious problem because excessive love of food and drink is something that opens up the desires. And we were talking about this yesterday in America because in some parts of America, the people they fry a lot of foods, and then the sugar. So if some people if they get sugar and grease in their body, their personality changes. If there's too much sugar and grease in their body, this might sound strange to you. But if you drink a lot of Pepsi and Coca Cola, some people drink a lot of this get hyper when they start drinking so food actually doesn't this is the reason why look at the properties after Salaam, when he tells us that, you know, three times three days in the

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middle of the month, you should fast on the three White Nights. Now there is a definite connection between a full moon

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and the tides and, and mental disease. There's a definite connection between the change of the tides when they come in and out. And the magnitude because our body is mostly water, right? So there's a connection between the water and the magnetism. And some people can be thrown off and get agitated and nervous. During this time. You find in many of the classical movies and, and books of literature in the Western world that the werewolf or the vampire comes out on the full moon. Like when you see the full moon than the werewolf is calling in the vampire wants to drink blood and whatnot. What that is tied in with is that people who have schizophrenia and manic depression and many of the

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different diseases are affected by

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in some cases by the moon itself. So the private piece of Platinum says to do what fast

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so you don't put the food inside your body. You don't agitate your body during these times where you can get upset also the fast in Ramadan. If you fast once a year then it gives a different

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type of balance to the body, especially with the food in the drink. The next point that the chef made, Rahim Allah is a larger law. He said haste, doing things to quickly accept unnecessary acts of worship

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except unnecessary acts of worship. So in other words, if salaat is going out, you got to make your salaat then it is good for you to try to make it as soon as possible. Don't be lazy and take your time you got to make use a lot. Okay, if you have the wealth to make pilgrimage to Mecca, then you should make the pilgrimage to Mecca. If you have the ability to go you have the wealth you should make it as soon as possible. Don't

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Say to yourself in sha Allah, when I get to be 55 years old or 60 years old and whatever, then I'll make Hajj No, because Allah could take the life of a person at any point in time. So haste, doing things too quickly. And I can say, honestly, one of the problems in our community, his haste in marriage,

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getting married too quickly,

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without proper analysis being done by the Wali, for the sister, and without looking at both sides and trying to see is this a suitable marriage, other people suited for each other negotiation should go on in the marriage. But when a larger law comes, then everybody rushes into it. And now we are stuck with a lot of divorce. And the Prophet peace be upon him said, Elijah la mina shaytaan. There it is.

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That haste is from the devil. It's from the Shakedown. So there it is right there. But medallion Elise, La Jolla, min ash shaytaan.

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The next point is wealth. If it exceeds the amount needed to fulfill your basic needs, too much money,

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too much money.

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Because if you start if you get too much money, and you go beyond that you find especially in this world today, that you get caught up in all in in your taxes, and in mortgages and this and that, and when you get caught up in the life of this world, then that can be a roadblock for the practice of Islam. And the shack and looking at wealth, also looked at another relationship with wealth, and that is the danger of poverty, fear of poverty.

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And insert to the bucket of verse 268. We have that Allah subhanaw taala has told us, I will be lamina shaytani regime, a shaytani r as a common factor, we are Mortal Kombat fascia will allow you to combine fields and men who are fat, blah, blah, who was early in this verse, it says that the shaytaan Here it is again.

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He promises you and he tries to intimidate you with poverty. And he orders you with immorality, with indecency. But Allah promises you forgiveness, and a great preference. And Allah is most expensive, and he has knowledge over all things.

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And so you see the two the difference between the two, but the shaytaan now the fear of poverty. And we have many cases of people when the stock market crashed, or if they lose their job, then some people commit suicide

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or they become depressed. They become so depressed, that even they start looking at this a lot. And they say I don't even feel like praying now.

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I don't feel like fasting. Why is he depressed? When you when you ask him you find out he lost his job.

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So you lost your job, but your risk is Mark tube. Your provisions are written by Allah subhanaw taala. You have to strive, but you but you have to depend on Allah, that if you don't get your provisions in one way, Allah will provide for you in another way. So the fear of poverty or excessive wealth when it exceeds the amount that you need to survive.

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The next point is and this is a very heavy point for us.

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fanaticism attacks, so little method.

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This is fanaticism

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for the school of Islamic jurisprudence, fanaticism and so we have today a struggle going on in our community and needless struggle between the followers of Imam Abu hanifa Imam Malik Imam Shafi Imam, Ahmed, and also many brothers and sisters who say I don't want to follow a method.

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That's another method.

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So there's a struggle going on now between these groups. And when you look to the scholars themselves, when you go back and actually see what they wrote and spoke about, there's no tension amongst them, because they were students and teachers of each other.

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And so this is this is really another difference coming up. And as I mentioned before,

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a person even came to me and questioned and said, Can I hanafy marry a sharpie

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can Hanafi Marissa Shafi has Oh, is that right? Are you Catholic and they are Jehovah's Witness.

00:34:57 --> 00:34:59

Are you another religion? Are we hidden

00:35:01 --> 00:35:08

What are we talking about? Okay, Maliki marisha. Imam Shafi was the student of Mr. Malik.

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And when you look at them, you find that they took from the same source. And Mr. Malik Rahim Allah was reported to have said, Everybody is subject to mistake in affairs of Sharia, except for this man. And he pointed to the grave of the Prophet is not to say,

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only that person is not subject to mistake in affairs of Sharia. But all of us are subject to mistake. And so the mom said he does sahadi for Hua Madhavi, if the Hadith is correct, that's my school of thought.

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And so it is important for us today, if you are established with the school of thought, that's fine.

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But if there is a discussion of a scholar

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that overrules the discussion of your school of thought that there is nothing wrong with you following another scholar of Islam, as long as they are basing it on Quran and Sunnah. There is nothing wrong with this, and fanaticism to us sub. And fighting each other in the school of thought is one of the inroads of shaitaan to break up our community.

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Another point is

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hatred and contempt. For those who disagree with our opinion.

00:36:31 --> 00:37:02

This is a very serious issue in in London, England, and India, in New York, in certain areas, this is a serious situation, that we actually have Muslims. And it's here to a certain extent, maybe not as bad as it is in London or in New York. But it's here. And that is sometimes and I've witnessed this myself, I've traveled to London with one particular group. And there's lectures and gatherings. And then two months later, I go back to London with another group. And then the other group says, will you in town,

00:37:03 --> 00:37:17

because they do not attend any gathering of the other group. They don't go to their mass, they don't allow advertisements or flyers in their area. They discourage their people to go to listen to the lecture.

00:37:19 --> 00:37:28

And they say these are deviant Muslim, or he doesn't have a school of thought, or he has the wrong school of thought, he can't speak Arabic,

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whatever it is, he doesn't dress islamically enough or she doesn't dress islamically enough or whatever the argument is, it becomes a means an obstacle, it becomes an obstacle or barrier for unity amongst the Muslims. And this is the crucial area that we need to study to see what are the obstacles that are dividing us up?

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The next point point number nine.

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This is burdening the common people with pondering the essence and descriptions of Almighty Allah more than is absolutely necessary. This is another important point. It is here in Toronto, but it is not as intense as it is in London or New York or in other parts of the Western world. And that is students of knowledge, who gain

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an understanding in arcada. And this is particular in an area called tawheed. A smile was the fact and in the time of check with Mandarin photo or Hema hula, there was a book called Akita to Surah. This is a book done by a famous scholar named as Sanusi a Sanusi. The Sanusi order was a very famous revivalist order in Libya, and in the deserts and Shekar Sanusi wrote a book called, acceded to Surah. And in this work, there's a very heavy emphasis in terms of tawheed a smile is the fact that the names and descriptions of Allah subhanaw taala should be confirmed as the way they are, you should not add to them you should not take away from them.

00:39:12 --> 00:39:24

And you should not try to compare Allah to the creation. You take a middle position. And if Allah says something about himself, you accept that and you don't try to say how it is.

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Okay, this is part of the revival of Islam. It is part of the revival. And the snap check was man Dan fodio Rahim, Allah goes back to this net of many of the revivals in the 18th century. But the problem is some of the students of knowledge, were taking this understanding of tawheed. And instead of teaching Muslims, they were using it as a test. They would test you with it, and they say, brother, whereas Allah

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What do you think about this book? And if you don't answer the question correctly,

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They will say you're a deviant. You're a deviant Muslim, don't go to the lecture, stay away from that person. And they would they would ostracize the person from the movement. So the shack was what wrote a number of treatises in this area and showed these students of knowledge that he called a looter kalamoon. He showed them that the Muslim who makes Shahada La ilaha illAllah. Muhammad Rasool Allah to Islam, and prays to the Qibla is on the fitrah. That person is on the natural way of Allah subhanaw taala. And so, if that person does not know detailed information about toe heel, or smells of fat, then you should teach that person because their heart is clean. If they don't know, teach

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them, don't use your knowledge as a means of testing the people and putting the people to a fitna see the difference between the two. Because if that knowledge that you have in arcada, is being used to test the people and to punish the people, it will become an obstacle in the path of the revival of Islam.

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And it is happening today in our communities.

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Other people outside of Toledo smaller sifat in tafsir,

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or an Arabic language, or in Hadeeth, who gain knowledge, use the knowledge as a sledgehammer to pound the head of another Muslim. Instead of using that knowledge to raise and elevate the other Muslim. That's what the knowledge is for, because there's always somebody who has more knowledge than us. And Allah is Allah Elohim. Allah has knowledge of all things. And so our knowledge in comparison to Allah is nothing.

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The last point of the 10 points is holding suspicion against Muslims. This is called super advanced. And Allah has told us in court and in certain calf, verse 12, it's Teddy boo cathedra mean other than in about the Van ethem

00:42:15 --> 00:42:16

stay away from

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most forms of suspicion, because surely even some of suspicion is a sin

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sua Thun and that means that you look at somebody or you hear something about somebody, and you assume the worst about that person.

00:42:38 --> 00:42:49

But the Sharia gives a type of Bara to a Muslim, if you are Muslim, praying to the Qibla you have Shahada, then you are innocent until proven guilty.

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But if a person has sewer then you're guilty until proven innocent. You see the difference between the two, Suzanne. And it is reported that there were three people amongst the Sahaba who, when they spoke to you, they told you the truth.

00:43:07 --> 00:43:12

And if you said if you spoke to them, they would not accuse you of lying.

00:43:13 --> 00:43:21

Abu Bakr Siddiq was mad even they are fan and Abu Zubaydah epinal, Jarrah rhodiola one

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that was a great quality that they had, and Sue have done has, is causing confusion in the community. Sometimes Suzanne might even be how you dress,

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or who you're with,

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or where you going, where you make salada

00:43:41 --> 00:43:47

or what school of thought you are, or which country you come from. There's different ways to Suzanne can come in,

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at but a Muslim should be given the benefit of the doubt. And if there is something wrong with another Muslim, then it is our duty to go to that person and to let them know in the best of ways but let the acid we say to them, we will let them know about the mistake in a gentle way.

00:44:07 --> 00:44:35

In a gentle way. As the Quran says or the Latin meaning is that an lol caffine that you are humble with believers, and you are powerful and mighty with the disbelievers. And so these are 10 of the points made by the chef Rahim Allah and His remedies. Some of his remedies include the fact that we should strengthen always our taqwa

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and that our consciousness of Allah should be a combination of Allah how what Raja fear and hope it's a combination that you fear the punishment of Allah but you hope in the mercy of Allah, also Toba, that we should practice Toba repentance, that if we do wrong, we repent to Allah subhanaw taala

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If as long as we have repentance, then we can always have an optimistic look at life. Once repentance goes out of the house, that person doesn't realize repentance. They give up and they go into despair. And so Toba is a very important thing. Also the check also focused on tawakkol, Allah Allah

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and that is dependent on Allah The more we depend on Allah, the more we see Allah as a rasik as the provider

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and have faith as the protector, Allah Claudius

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one who has power over all things, and alim knowledge of all things, when we start to look at Allah in the proper way. And we depend upon Allah, then the fear of poverty,

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that the shaitaan brings the fascia he commands us with indecency, then then

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inshallah we will not fall victim to these things.

00:46:01 --> 00:46:14

Also, that we should focus upon rudock contentment, that however Allah has made us, whatever wealth that we have been given, we say Alhamdulillah

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and as the Hadith says, our job and it is strange affair of a Muslim, of a believer that if something are good befalls them, they thank Allah and they get blessings for it. If something evil befalls them, they have patience, and they still get lessons. So this is the Umbrella Movement, this is the way of the believer that have ridot and have subak Have patience, that we have patience with the creative things, patience with what Allah has prohibited us from, and patience with what Allah has commanded us with. Also, he gave the example that we should also consider Zoho it. And that means that we do not focus upon material things that we can live without material things.

00:47:05 --> 00:47:36

And many of us who may have come from humble backgrounds, and I'm talking about myself Also, if you have come from a humble background, and you come to a place like Canada, and then you start to get used to hot and cold running water and hydro was on all the time and you go to loblaws and look at the food and loblaws and Mashallah, I mean, we have to go out and say, I won't eat sugar today, I won't eat starch. You gotta tell yourself, I don't want to eat food. Then you go back to the Muslim world,

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where they're establishing Salah with Islam is being practiced, were higher modesty is still there. But the lights go off five hours per day. Maybe the water goes off for 10 hours. And if we don't watch out, you change, and you say I can't live like this. You get a little stomach ache, because the food that happens to everybody, you get malaria, oh man, some brothers that are running from malaria.

00:48:05 --> 00:48:20

But the virus that's hitting us here in Toronto is five times worse than malaria. I'm telling you, I had my malaria. I went to the desert in northern Nigeria and I got malaria. But the virus I got this year after Hajj, it was worse than malaria.

00:48:21 --> 00:48:41

Okay, so forget about that. If the water goes off, and hamdulillah you catch your water earlier in the day, and then you know, the water is there. If the lights go off Alhamdulillah but if we get too used to these things around us, and we can't go back to simple life, then the shaytaan will threaten us

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with the loss of wealth,

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the fear of poverty. And that fear of poverty and loss of wealth has caused Muslims to do some strange things. Some strange things turn against each other, turn against their faith,

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give up practices, which are sometimes compulsory practices of Islam.

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And so these are some of the advices given to us by one of the great magette did scholars of Islam, revivals of Islam are chained leading back to the revivals of the 18th century. And I asked Allah subhanaw taala that he would help us in these times into a new revival of Islam that we can revive the Sunnah of the prophet is not to slam we can go back to the time of the Sahaba then we can go to the sources and put it in a practical way that can be used within our communities. akula Cali Heather was stopped for LA Li walakum wa salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.

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If you have any questions, you could come to the microphone and ask and before we break,

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or if you want to write in just write it down and pass it on here. For replay.

00:49:59 --> 00:49:59

Yes, well

00:50:00 --> 00:50:04

Like you talked about the system

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needs to be attached to a certain shape

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just because

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shapes in this machine right?

00:50:21 --> 00:50:32

This system is not going back to, you know, that sort of way where people get attached, they sort of lose focus on where they should be.

00:50:36 --> 00:50:36

And take off.

00:50:38 --> 00:50:55

Okay, this question what the question is, the brother is asking about the mu lasma system. And that is the system where you are underneath a share, and you are studying and living with that person. And the question is concerning,

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you know, some people are into this check so much that they almost worship the chef. And his words become like Quran and Sunnah. Know what I am talking about the difference between I think what you're talking about is something that is used in some groups of two solo.

00:51:11 --> 00:51:56

That is where you you take on the ship as like a motor shit, or a guide in your life. Right? As a total guide, what I'm talking about is the educational system. It's an educational system. This is the traditional Islamic educational system that has been practiced over 1000 years in the Muslim world. And that is, there are certain specialties you see the idea of having everybody in a university right? in one building in a university, and you sit and you have a blackboard and chairs, that is a recent UNESCO 20th century idea. The traditional idea is if you look at Bukhari and Muslim and the people who compiled Hadith, they would travel to certain parts of the world, because there

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would be a shift in the area who was specialized, who knew a Hadith, or was specialized in a certain area. So you would go to that person for your specialization. And from the time of the properties after Salaam, there were certain people who were specialists, there were people in Tafseer.

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There are people in Quran there are people in, in in halal and haram in general fifth jurisprudence, and the province of Islam, you know, showed the oma that these people are like, haha, like Ali Ibn Abi taalib, was fucky.

00:52:30 --> 00:52:34

Okay, they have been dabit. If you want your Quran, you go to date.

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Okay, so this is a system that developed out of that. And what it means is, there is a certain scholar, who knows the study of, for instance, now, Grandma, so you will go to that person, and you study with that person until you complete the texts. But you're also living with the person, okay? When you're finished, if you are successful, and you can teach, he gives you what is called ijazah. He gives you ijazah. And then you go to another chef in another area, sometimes you get a check that has five or six abilities at once. That's where you get the words like Shere Khan Islam, and you get terminologies like this. But when you go back and look at the great scholars of Islam, in the books

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that you're reading, whether it's Ibn taymiyyah, Ibn katheer, Alec azali, whoever it is, you see that they say in their biography, he took his Hadith from that person, he took his Tafseer from that person, he took his novel from this person, this is the traditional Islamic system of learning. Okay, that's a little bit different than I think what you're talking about, you're talking about a motion system, using some of the characters, the Sufi telling, that's a little bit different, because it goes into a different relationship, what I'm talking about one that's based on education, and an application of the knowledge. So it's a knowledge based system that is being used and, and

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people are now seeing the advantage of going back to this knowledge based system where the practice of Islam is also tied in. Okay, so it's a little bit different system. And again, it is something used by the revivals, and the great scholars are throughout Islamic history.

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Now, the question is, are we allowed these days to have beta on the hands of some leader and On what basis? What are the qualities of the leader who wants beta?

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Okay, now, this is a very important question. Because in America, it's not so much in Toronto, when in America, there are groups that take beta.

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And the beta means a pledge and the time of the Prophet of Islam, the first vayyar that any Muslim we all take as Muslims is a shadow unless ilaha illAllah Muhammad Allah, that is a pledge.

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So when you enter Islam, that's your main pledge. Okay? But however, when you look at, for instance, the Battle of better in the Battle of Babel

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When the prophets Islam had organized the believers to go out for a caravan, they had their goods, the goods had been stolen from Mecca. And when, you know, in the course of events, when they turned around, they saw an army from Mecca three times the size of their army. So the Prophet said, you know, he did a shout out, you know, he went to the Sahaba and said, Where do you stand?

00:55:25 --> 00:55:26

Okay, and they made a pledge to him.

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They made a play will follow you anywhere. So now it changed from dealing with the caravan to facing an army three times your size, and it was a confirmation commitment to go to another stage and they took the commitment. Another famous Bay are they up with one is when the Sahaba rhodiola, one whom went with the province of Islam to make ombre.

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And they set out even our fan to negotiate with the co founder, the word had come to them with man was killed.

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Now they had intended to make omura but because of the killing of Earth man and the hostility, the prophet took me he did a shadow, he did a shout out again.

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And they made a pledge under a tree

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that they would now change from people who came to make oma to Mujahideen who would give their life that is a

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it is a pledge a commitment to go from one stage of involvement to another stage, okay. Then there is another beta which is spoken about in Sahih al Bukhari and that is the beta which is taken to the Khalifa

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when there is a halifa in the Muslim world and authentic Khalifa that we all as Muslims should have Bay out to that Khalifa. And if you don't have Bay out to the Khalifa, you could die as a Christian or a Jew in the eyes of Allah. Okay, so this is just a summary there's more discussion on this but basically speaking, the bay are today we have no Khalifa today, inshallah we get one soon. According to the traditions, we're coming close to the time of the rightly guided leadership again, it's coming. So inshallah we're going to get one soon. So that bear for the Khalifa is not in effect. And if any leader comes along today and says you follow me, and if you disobey me, you're gonna die like

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a Christian or a Jew, or your blood is halau. This is a wrong understanding, from my own view. From my understanding, and the understanding I have gotten from questioning, I have questioned scholars about this. And the scholars that told me that that br does not apply to your organization's okay, but you can take a limited commitment for a specific goal. You're going to do educational program, you're going to be committed to the Jamaat.

00:57:55 --> 00:58:07

And that's okay. you commit yourself, but it doesn't mean if you broke the commitment that your munafo your or your copper or something like that doesn't mean that okay, this is taken a little bit out of context.

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It says why is the whole Muslim world in a mess, though, where Islam is in practice properly. Even in Saudi Arabia, people have no rights. Education is denied to expatriates, children, our children and so on no human rights. We are in a transition period. And even Khaldoon Rahim Allah and His mukaiyama looked at the history of Islam in a cycle, a circular motion, that we go from a low level to a high level we go around this generations where we practice Quran and Sunnah, it's dynamic, when we forget about it, then corruption sets in. And so we are coming out of a corrupt state where we have left Quran and Sunnah are leaders with become the worst people with no mercy. And now we are

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moving back in Sharla towards that time of the practice of Quran and Sunnah people are calling for this practice all over the Muslim world.

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But the leaders that were installed after the colonial period, are people who defend the colonial system.

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They look like us, they have our languages, but they defend other laws than the laws of Allah. That's the reality. And so what is going on now we're in a transition period. And may Allah help us because it's a fitna

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but as a Prophet, peace be upon him said and along had DITA per day, when when Hosea was was was was speaking. I asked him about the last days and the end of this Hadith, the Prophet peace upon him said in the time of the fitna and the crisis, or lay Campbell Jamal go with the Jamaat and the email, and leadership, then with Eva said, What if there's no drama and no email?

00:59:55 --> 00:59:59

Then the parties upon him said then hang on to your faith, buy onto you like bye

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onto a tree, hang on to your faith until Allah meet you in that condition. So if you cannot find an authentic Jamaat or Imam, that does not mean you give up Islam,

01:00:11 --> 01:00:20

because when you go on your grave and I go in my grave, you're going to be questioned for what you did. And you can't say well, he mom such and such he wasn't a good Muslim,

01:00:21 --> 01:00:27

the Saudis or the Iranians or the Egyptians, that that's not the question of noncurrent akia.

01:00:28 --> 01:00:53

About the Muslim world, the king of Morocco, that that's not noncardiac here, they want to know about our deeds. So the first thing we have to do is to try to deal with ourselves and try to be around as many practicing Muslims as we can and to try to have patience, because we are in a transition period and inshallah in the next 10 years I believe we will see some tremendous changes going on in the Muslim world inshallah.

01:00:59 --> 01:01:03

Here it says common Muslims are has been labeled as inactive

01:01:04 --> 01:01:09

no ideas in his mind how minds function not able to present Okay, I'm not sure this question here.

01:01:10 --> 01:01:33

It says Islam tells us to follow only for imaams Where does Imam Muhammad Abdul Wahab fall in Okay in this case the the word Eman is used in many different ways. Okay. He mom generally is used as a person who leads Salah okay.

01:01:34 --> 01:02:00

There are other times Imam is being used as a person who is a scholarly person who leads people in jurisprudence. But what you have to understand that I'm going to be very honest and straightforward with you, along with the four Imams, there were other imams. They were not the only imams of jurisprudence. There is a whole there are scores of Imams, and some of them had books.

01:02:01 --> 01:02:33

But it is because these imams their jurisprudence was taken by the leader of part of the Muslim world. And he established that as the fifth of his key laffitte or his rule. Then it became the fifth of the people in that area. For instance, the Abbasid hula took Abu hanifa school of thought as their fic. And so therefore, all of the lands that were underneath the Abbasid Khalifa, you will find up until today, they are following the Hanafi Fiqh

01:02:35 --> 01:02:38

when one of the roommates of Dr. Mann asaka,

01:02:40 --> 01:03:13

fled and established along with the Muslims of North Africa and West Africa, and the lucea Al Andalus. They carried along with them. The fit of Imam Malik Rahim Allah who never lived in North Africa, who never lived in Andalusia, he he lived in Medina, right. But they carried his feet and they made the thick of the rule of Islam in Andalusia in North Africa and West Africa, the Maliki fit. So therefore, that is where you will find people who are Maliki's up until today.

01:03:15 --> 01:03:24

Imam Shafi Rahim Allah from Bahasa originally from la casa, established himself finally in Egypt. And so the Red Sea area,

01:03:25 --> 01:04:16

Egypt, Sudan, then going down into where the people took the trade routes, Southern Arabia, Yemen, Swahili lands and then going into Malabar in India, Malaysia, Indonesia, these areas connected by the trade routes of the Shafi areas. Okay. So when you understand the spread of Islam, when you understand the political setup, you'll see why these four Imams, they're they're their fifth became the dominant, but they are not the only maps. They are not the only maps. Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab was a person who was a scholar, a hanbali. He was hanbali. And he was a scholar of Islam in Arabia. And he tried he tried to revive Islam in the Arabian Peninsula. That is all. He is not one of the

01:04:16 --> 01:04:32

Imams of the jurisprudence of Islam. He is a recent phenomenon, the 18th century, someone who tried to revive Islam, these other people, other major scholars of Islam who have given us the fifth and jurisprudence are not all the same. Imam can go to anybody.

01:04:34 --> 01:04:59

So the person's the Imam of todich Mosque. Mr. Mohammed jabya like I'm saying his name in goodness, may Allah protect them and help him. That doesn't mean I'm saying he's like Imam Abu hanifa. Right. If you follow Mr. Mohammed, it's like following email Malik. Right, he's the Imam of todich. You pray behind him. He leads us in Salah. He helps us in our in our needs in the masjid

01:05:00 --> 01:05:02

Okay, so your mom can be used in many different ways.

01:05:04 --> 01:05:23

It says today there are a lot of groups that talk to you and tell you to leave the country because it is impure and go back to your home. Yet whenever they run into trouble, they come to Canada for help. I'm 16 years old and was born in Canada and English is my first language. I can speak Arabic fluently

01:05:24 --> 01:05:33

originally from Egypt, but I live here and plan to stay here. What right do they do they have to do this. This area of hedger is a very long discussion.

01:05:34 --> 01:06:03

And I don't believe that there's no set answer to this. And I remember a number of years ago check Java check Idris it was an isn't a convention at the zonal convention in Canada. He made a statement and he said he cannot see any anything in the Islamic law. That gives the right for Muslims to be living in Canada and America today. There's no proof that we should be here that we're there. We're living in Harare.

01:06:04 --> 01:06:08

Okay now, and he was being sincere because if you look in the books, you don't find anything.

01:06:10 --> 01:06:51

Because there has never been a precedent where Muslims leave Darul Islam, and they migrate to Dar Al Kufa. They leave the abode of Islam and they go to the abode of disbelief. There's no precedent for this amongst the scholars. And the people chased shot check Jaffa into his room and they kept him up all night to the next day, he had to come back. And he revised this statement. Okay, showing the flexibility of a scholar. And he said, Yes, because people made a legitimate argument that sometimes you're leaving the Muslim world because of your oppressed. In some parts of the Muslim world if I was to say this what I'm saying now, the secret police will be waiting for me right there.

01:06:53 --> 01:06:57

It's okay, Mr. Hakim, to fuddle. Much Cora to the jail.

01:06:59 --> 01:07:07

So far though, right away, okay. I think there's even a copy of them which time are they talking about? huria in Canada

01:07:08 --> 01:07:16

at the recent midterm, our magazine and I'm talking about Korea and some people look at people like me or someone else like we're mad men we're crazy.

01:07:17 --> 01:07:40

But that is not because we're mad men that is because one good part of this part of the of Canada and America is that they give you freedom of speech. They This is one good part of this this this area was supposed to be Islamic. They give you freedom of speech, they're not going to take you to jail. Just because you say something of course, if you start going too far, then there is our obscenity laws.

01:07:41 --> 01:07:53

Okay, but but basically you can express your opinion. Right? So there's no set answer. If inshallah there is a halifa who arises, then we would be obligated to go to that area and May Allah raise that Khalifa.

01:07:58 --> 01:08:02

Yeah. Okay, so there's a few other questions here and inshallah we'll take these are

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a little bit later. Thank you for your patience with salaam aleikum, WA,

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Braddock Tafseer. And also his knowledge of, of natural and sort of, of the grammar of Islam, also poetry. He also went on to study the Sierra of the properties of Islam, different areas of Islamic Studies. By the age of 20. He was considered to be a scholar, and he went into the field. And he spent 30 years in the Dow. And after 30 years of teaching and preaching in different sections of an area called hausa land, he was he became a threat to the government.

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And the governors at the time, were a pseudo Muslim, they were supposed to be Muslims, but but they were mixing up the local religion with Islam. In other words, all types of bedarra and cultural traditions are all mixed in with Islam. So the chef then was called to the court of one of these kings. And when the shack used to travel, he traveled with 1000 students. And so anywhere he traveled, where he stopped, they would have a lesson. And so this is how they move throughout the countryside. And when they went to the court of the king, and this is somewhere around 1803 or so, when they went to his court, the king sent the coachee out who shot a gun at the check the gun

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backfired and killed the court. Yeah. And so then the shack left with the students and they made hegira they follow the Sunnah, they made migration, and they took beya they made a pledge to him, that they would be prepared now to go to another stage of Islam, not only to be just students, but they took a br to the leadership that they would be prepared to sacrifice even their lives in the path of Islam. This is how Islam evolves. And this is something that our

01:10:00 --> 01:10:43

communities have to look at, because we're stuck in the masjid phase, or the conference phase where you just sort of go out, go to the conference, go to the masjid, everybody leaves their lives. But there's another phase of Islam, where the jamaah starts to be involved, and we are committed to each other on a higher level. And so at that point, the pledge was made, and to make a long story short, a Jihad was caught. And the shack himself and is reported, had a dream. And the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him came in his dream, along with other scholars of Islam, and he was given a sword, which is called the Sword of Truth. He was also given a turban, a green turban, and a mantle and a

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buyer. And he was told in this dream that he had to go forward and defend Islam. And so they were successful Alhamdulillah and when the Jihad was finished, they control 250,000 square miles, his students became the governance and they and they use the trick they used to communicate with each other in classical Arabic language, their letters, many of their letters are still available today, where they would communicate with each other.

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And they rule for over 100 years before the coming of the British into that area.

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And so, what is important for us in cultural continuity is the fact that the shack rahima hula was faced with a fitna.

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He was faced in the path of Dawa with divisions coming amongst Muslims, and with tensions that were coming. And so in tradition of his snat, going back to the scholars of the desert, of the Maliki tradition, going back to Mecca and Medina, where the revival of Islam was going on in the 18th century. And we need to look at this revival because this is very close.

01:11:59 --> 01:12:19

In terms of the the, the the revival itself, how do you go about cleansing your inside? What are some of the difficulties that are involved in this revival, and in one treatise done by the sheriff, in one section, he called the section modafinil, a police.

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He called it the inroads of the shaytaan.

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That the shaytaan la to La La has taken certain steps and by certain weaknesses, in the heart of a Muslim, or in the practice of a Muslim, the shaitaan is able to come in, and to bring differences between Muslim and other Muslim Masjid and other Masjid jamaah, another JAMA, a group of people, another group of people. And so by that it holds down the revival of Islam, because people spend more time fighting each other. And being involved in confusion than dealing with hon maruf will not hear the moon card, calling to the good and forbidding the evil. And so this modafinil, it believes other great scholars called makaya, a shaytaan, the tricks and the wiles of the shaytaan. When we

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look back in terms of cultural continuity, at the writings of this great great chef, known as regedit, or revivalist in in West Africa, we find that his his net is in his way of approaching this is very similar to many great scholars of Islam, even Tamia, km

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emammal Khazali, even Roger up you find many great scholars of Islam had a similar way of approaching this. And I want to give you 10 points today, and we are studying this in a number of the circles a number of other conferences 10 points put down by the sheriff in this section of modafinil, obliques. And we should look at these points, study these points. And if they do exist within us, try our best to bring it out.

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In this work, the shakra himolla

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is point number one.

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Point number one is AlHassan will help us this is our envy or jealousy and envy.

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And this is one of the inroads of the shaytaan into the heart of a Muslim and into the community. And the Prophet peace be upon him said there is a lump of flesh in the body. Which if it goes wrong, the whole body goes wrong if it goes right. The whole body goes right and that is the heart.

01:14:47 --> 01:14:59

He also said alayhi salatu salam er Komal hassad for in Al Hassan yakko Hassan at katakolon Otto Hata he said beware of jealousy because

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Jealousy eats up your good deeds, like a fire eats up firewood.

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And so to cover that, as they would say in English, or the envy for your neighbor or another Muslim, we can be involved in prayer and fasting, in calling to the good familiar forbidding the evil. But if hasard enters the heart, according to this Hadith, it will burn up all of the good deeds. And so what is this? If another Muslim,

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if another person makes progress in life, they make material progress. They make intellectual progress. For instance, the new Ollie comes driving up and he has a new car.

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Ollie comes in this car is one of those new ones a bubble shaped Ferrari or something like that. And nobody knows whether it's a rented car or nada, what it is, but he's driving a Ferrari.

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And so everybody starts to look at Ali. Now, if you want a Ferrari like his, you're okay.

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Because you want him to have his, but you would like to drive a vehicle similar to that. So you can ride down the road and you can go very fast. But if you want one, and you don't want him to have his, this is how sad

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it's a negative feeling. It's an evil type of feeling. And so this feeling makes sort of a negative vibration. And then Ollie comes he gets out the Ferrari is now like a recessed Polycom salon he was looking away and Okay, this is real now. And some people get this feeling. Well, he has a villa with little children. And I know that in some parts of Arabia,

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if a mother has a baby, the family has a baby. And then you come to visit them.

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And they have that little baby there. You have to say amongst the Bedouins in Medina, you have to say Mashallah, to Batticaloa. You have to say that, you got to say Alhamdulillah Mashallah, you got to say something good. If you say something negative, or you don't say Mashallah to Batticaloa, they start feeling maybe this hazard.

01:17:22 --> 01:18:02

And people design the eye, the evil eye, and they are really afraid of this. And there's something in this eye, there's something that the shaytaan can take, that negative vibration is like when you do good to somebody, you get a good feeling. When you're around a negative scene. Sometimes you can feel a coldness, your hands get cold, you feel tension in your nervous system. It's it's a, it's sort of a magnetism that we put out. And so this has that inheritance. Now is there and this is why we have certain Falak. Right? When you are seeking refuge, women shall rehash Eden, you either How sad.

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You are seeking refuge from the hassad, the envious, jealous person if they train this envy on you.

01:18:12 --> 01:18:14

Okay, so this is very

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evident today within our communities. A person makes progress.

01:18:21 --> 01:18:29

Jamal makes progress. One leader, another leader, we can see the danger of a hazard. Well, here's this is the point number one.

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Point number two is aloha dub was Shahada.

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And he talked about anger and uncontrolled desire, I'm just giving you an abbreviation of what he wrote. It is anger and uncontrolled desires.

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Now, anger is something which can come up in you. But if you cannot control your anger, then that can destroy the relationship of one Muslim to another. And when a man came to the Prophet, peace be upon him on one occasion, the prophet said to him as a Nazi ha, he said, last covered up, don't get angry.

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The next is uncontrolled desires. And in this society today, there is a push which is going on in the television, in the media, for this uncontrolled desires. And the height of it probably is, when you see the homosexual gatherings and whatnot, where people are just totally out of control.

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And the way their desires and their animalistic instincts totally take control of them. This is a danger. And this also is a danger to Muslims. If that desire comes in now, for the things of this world, or the physical desires, this is one of the ways of modafinil, a blease and it is something we have to watch out for.

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The next point was automa

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This is like greed and ambition,

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greed, and ambition. And we find, one of the problems we are facing is ambition in leadership

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that people now fight for position within the Muslim community, or groups fighting for position, fighting each other for * or control over a Masjid or group. And this is dangerous. And this is not in the way of the Sahaba rhodiola. One, because amongst the Sahaba, you will find that when it came time for the leadership, they didn't want the leadership. And that is the sign of a person who should be the leader is the one who has the authority, the one who has the taqwa and doesn't want to be the leader. But the one who wants to be the leader

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who fights for that is the one where the police modafinil is shaytaan. And some people, even in voting situations, they will do something like they do here. They campaign. You know, here, if you're running for office, you have a campaign. And so you spend a lot of money and you put your sign in, I will build you new offices, and I will clean up the streets and I'll lower your taxes. And of course, when he gets in office, he doesn't do hardly anything that he promised you.

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But he campaigns so the Muslim campaigns.

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And it was just a brother, I want to be the Amir, can you vote for me, I think I have a lot of good qualities. And you know, whatever pull you aside, and look, we come from the same village. And I think that we should be the ones who control this mastered. This is real. This is real. And what the scheck was talking about it is it is a danger.

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That if greed comes in, we if we are living for the material things of this world, if ambition, we're striving against each other, to get positioned to get title, then that is a weak that can weaken your heart. And it will stop the revival of Islam.

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Point number four is excessive love of food and drink,

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excessive love of food and drink, especially beyond what is needed, you know, for your survival.

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And this is a serious problem because excessive love of food and drink is something that opens up the desires. And we were talking about this yesterday in America because in some parts of America, the people they fry a lot of foods, and then the sugar. So if some people if they get sugar and grease in their body, their personality changes. If there's too much sugar and grease in their body, this might sound strange to you. But if you drink a lot of Pepsi and Coca Cola, some people drink a lot of this get hyper when they start drinking so food actually doesn't this is the reason why look at the properties of this lamb. When he tells us that, you know, three times three days in the

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middle of the month, you should fast on the three white knights. Now there is a definite connection between a full moon

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and the tides and and, and mental disease. There's a definite connection between the change of the tides when they come in and out. And the magnitudes because our body is mostly water, right? So there's a connection between the water and the magnetism. And some people can be thrown off and get agitated and nervous. During this time. You find in many of the classical movies and, and books of literature in the Western world that the werewolf or the vampire comes out on the full moon. Like when you see the full moon than the werewolf is calling in the vampire wants to drink blood and whatnot. What that is tied in with is that people who have schizophrenia and manic depression and

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many of the different diseases are affected by

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in some cases by the moon itself. So the Prophet peace upon him says to do what fast

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so you don't put the food inside your body. You don't agitate your body during these times where you can get upset also the fast and Ramadan. If you fast once a year then it gives a different

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type of balance to the body, especially with the food in the drink. The next point that the chef made, Rahim Allah is a large Allah. He said haste, doing things to quickly accept unnecessary acts of worship

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except unnecessary acts of worship. So in other words, if salaat is going out, you got to make your salaat then it is good for you to try to make it as soon as possible. Don't be lazy and take your time you got to make a lot. Okay, if you have the wealth to make pilgrimage to Mecca, then you should make the pilgrimage to Mecca if you have the ability to go

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You have the wealth, you should make it as soon as possible. Don't say to yourself, inshallah, when I get to be 55 years old or 60 years old and whatever, then I'll make hatch No, because Allah could take the life of a person at any point in time. So haste, doing things too quickly. And I can say, honestly, one of the problems in our community is haste in marriage.

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Getting married too quickly,

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without proper analysis being done by the Wali, for the sister, and without looking at both sides and trying to see is this a suitable marriage are the people suited for each other negotiation should go on in the marriage. But when a larger law comes, then everybody rushes into it. And now we are stuck with a lot of divorce. And the Prophet peace be upon him said, Elijah la mina shaytaan, there it is.

01:25:59 --> 01:26:10

That haste is from the devil. It's from the shaytaan. So there it is right there. But medallion Iblees, Elijah, LA, min ash shaytaan.

01:26:11 --> 01:26:22

The next point is wealth. If it exceeds the amount needed to fulfill your basic needs, too much money,

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too much money.

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Because if you start if you get too much money, and you go beyond that you find especially in this world today, that you get caught up in all in your taxes, and in mortgages and this and that, and when you get caught up in the life of this world, then that can be a roadblock for the practice of Islam. And the shack and looking at wealth, also looked at another relationship with wealth, and that is the danger of poverty, fear of poverty

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and insert a bucket of verse 268, we have that Allah subhanaw taala has told us, I will be leaving the shaitana regime, a shaytani r as a common factor. Mortal Kombat fascia will allow you to combat ferrets and men who are fat, blah, blah, blah. Similarly, in this verse, it says that the shaytaan, here it is again.

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He promises you and he tries to intimidate you with poverty. And he orders you with immorality, with indecency. But Allah promises you forgiveness, and a great preference. And Allah is most expensive, and he has knowledge over all things.

01:27:42 --> 01:27:57

And so you see the two, the difference between the two, but the shaytaan, now the fear of poverty. And we have many cases of people when the stock market crashed, or if they lose their job, then some people commit suicide

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or they become depressed, they become so depressed, that even they start looking at this a lot. And they say, I don't even feel like praying now.

01:28:08 --> 01:28:16

I don't feel like fasting. Why is he depressed? When you when you ask him you find out he lost his job.

01:28:17 --> 01:28:41

So you lost your job, but your risk is muck tube. Your provisions are written by Allah subhanaw taala. You have to strive, but you but you have to depend on Allah, that if you don't get your provisions in one way, Allah will provide for you in another way. So the fear of poverty or excessive wealth, when it exceeds the amount that you need to survive.

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The next point is and this is a very heavy point for us

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fanaticism or taso little method.

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This is a fanaticism for the school of Islamic jurisprudence fanaticism. And so we have today a struggle going on in our community and needless struggle between the followers of Imam Abu hanifa Imam Malik Imam Shafi Imam, Ahmed, and also many brothers and sisters who say I don't want to follow a method.

01:29:22 --> 01:29:23

That's another method.

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So there's a struggle going on now between these groups. And when you look to the scholars themselves, when you go back and actually see what they wrote and spoke about, there's no tension amongst them, because they were students and teachers of each other.

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And so, this is this is really another difference coming up. And as I mentioned before,

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a person even came to me in question and said, Can I Hanafi marry or Shafi

01:29:54 --> 01:29:59

can a hanafy marry a chef? Yes. Oh, is that right? Are you Catholic and they are Jehovah's Witness.

01:30:01 --> 01:30:03

Are you another religion? Are we Hindus?

01:30:05 --> 01:30:11

What are we talking about? Okay, Maliki marry Shafi. Imam Shafi was the student of Imam Malik.

01:30:13 --> 01:30:28

And when you look at them, you find that they took from the same source, and Imam Malik Rahim Allah was reported to have said, Everybody is subject to mistake in affairs of Sharia, except for this man. And he and he pointed to the grave of the Prophet. That's not to say,

01:30:30 --> 01:30:46

only that person is not subject to mistake in affairs of Sharia. But all of us are subject to mistake. And so the Imam said he does sahadi for who I met Hubby, if the Hadith is correct, that's my school of thought.

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And so it is important for us today. If you are established with the school of thought, that's fine.

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But if there is a discussion of a scholar

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that overrules the discussion of your school of thought, then there is nothing wrong with you following another scholar of Islam, as long as they are basing it on Quran and Sunnah. There is nothing wrong with this, and fanaticism to us sub. And fighting each other in the school of thought is one of the inroads of shaitaan to break up our community.

01:31:23 --> 01:31:25

Another point is

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hatred and contempt. For those who disagree with our opinion.

01:31:34 --> 01:32:06

This is a very serious issue in in London, England. And in the in New York, in certain areas, this is a serious situation, that we actually have Muslims. And it's here to a certain extent, maybe not as bad as it is in London or in New York. But it's here. And that is sometimes and I've witnessed this myself, I've traveled to London with one particular group. And there's lectures and gatherings. And then two months later, I go back to London with another group. And then the other group says, will you in town,

01:32:07 --> 01:32:21

because they do not attend any gathering of the other group. They don't go to their mass, they don't allow advertisements or flyers in their area. They discourage their people to go to listen to the lecture.

01:32:22 --> 01:32:31

They say these are deviant Muslim, or he doesn't have a school of thought, or he has the wrong school of thought. He can't speak Arabic,

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whatever it is, he doesn't dress islamically enough or she doesn't dress islamically enough or whatever the argument is, it becomes a means an obstacle, it becomes an obstacle or barrier for unity amongst the Muslims. And this is the crucial area that we need to study to see what are the obstacles that are dividing us up.

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The next point point number nine.

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This is burdening the common people with pondering the essence and descriptions of Almighty Allah more than is absolutely necessary. This is another important point. It is here in Toronto, but it is not as intense as it is in London or New York or in other parts of the Western world. And that is students of knowledge, who gain

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an understanding in arcada. And this is particular in an area called tauheed. A smart was the fact and then the time of share command and folio rahima hula, there was a book called Akita to Surah This is a book done by a famous scholar named a Sanusi a Sanusi the Sanusi order was a very famous revivalist order in Libya, and in the deserts and Shekar Sanusi wrote a book called Akita to soda. And in this work, there's a very heavy emphasis in terms of tawheed a smallest effect, that the names and descriptions of Allah subhanaw taala should be confirmed as the way they are, you should not add to them you should not take away from them.

01:34:15 --> 01:34:28

And you should not try to compare Allah to the creation. You take a middle position. And if Allah says something about himself, you accept that and you don't try to say how it is.

01:34:29 --> 01:34:56

Okay, this is part of the revival of Islam. It is part of the revival, and the snout of check was man Dan fodio Rahim, Allah goes back to the is net of many of the revivals in the 18th century. But the problem is some of the students of knowledge, were taking this understanding of tawheed. And instead of teaching Muslims, they were using it as a test. They would test you with it, and they say, brother, whereas Allah

01:34:58 --> 01:34:59

What do you think about this book?

01:35:00 --> 01:35:48

If you don't answer the question correctly, they will say you're a deviant. You're a deviant Muslim, don't go to the lecture, stay away from that person. And they would, they would ostracize the person from the movement. So the shack was what wrote a number of treatises in this area and showed the students have knowledge that he called a looter kalamoon. He showed them that the Muslim who makes Shahada La ilaha illAllah, Muhammad Rasool, Allah Islam, and prays to the Qibla is on the fitrah. That person is on the natural way of Allah subhanaw taala. And so, if that person does not know detailed information about toe heels, or smells of fat, then you should teach that person because

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their heart is clean. If they don't know, teach them, don't use your knowledge as a means of testing the people and putting the people to a fitna see the difference between the two. Because if that knowledge that you have in our feeder, is being used to to test the people and to punish the people, it will become an obstacle in the path of the revival of Islam.

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And it is happening today in our communities.

01:36:19 --> 01:36:23

Other people outside of tawheed, a smaller subset in Tafseer,

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or an Arabic language, or in Hadith, who gain knowledge, use the knowledge as a sledgehammer to pound the head of another Muslim. Instead of using that knowledge to raise and elevate the other Muslim. That's what the knowledge is for, because there's always somebody who has more knowledge than us. And Allah is Allah Salim. Allah has knowledge of all things. And so our knowledge in comparison to Allah is nothing.

01:36:56 --> 01:37:20

The last point of the 10 points is holding suspicion against Muslims. This is called su advan. And Allah has told us in court an insert of calf, verse 12, it's Teddy boo casiotone mean other than in about the Van ethem stay away from

01:37:21 --> 01:37:28

most forms of suspicion, because surely even some of suspicion is a sin.

01:37:30 --> 01:37:40

Sua Thun and that means that you look at somebody or you hear something about somebody, and you assume the worst about that person.

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But the Sharia gives a type of Bara to a Muslim, if you are Muslim, praying to the Qibla you have Shahada, then you are innocent until proven guilty.

01:37:54 --> 01:38:15

But if a person has suicide, then you're guilty until proven innocent. You see the difference between the two, Suzanne. And it is reported that there were three people amongst the Sahaba who, when they spoke to you, they told you the truth. And if you said if you spoke to them, they would not accuse you of lying.

01:38:16 --> 01:38:24

Abu Bakr Siddiq was man, even a fan and Abu Zubaydah epinal, Jarrah rhodiola, one

01:38:25 --> 01:38:36

that was a great quality that they had, and Sue have done has, is causing confusion in the community. Sometimes Suzanne might even be how you dress

01:38:37 --> 01:38:38

or who you're with,

01:38:39 --> 01:38:42

or where you you're going, where you make salada

01:38:44 --> 01:38:50

or what school of thought you are, or which country you come from. There's different ways to sua Thun can come in,

01:38:51 --> 01:39:09

at but a Muslim should be given the benefit of the doubt. And if there is something wrong with another Muslim, then it is our duty to go to that person and to let them know in the best of ways, but let us when we say to them, we will let them know about the mistake in a gentle way,

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in a gentle way. As the Quran says or the Latin meaning is an lol caffeine that you are humble with believers, and you are powerful and mighty with the disbelievers. And so these are 10 of the points made by the chef Rahim Allah and His remedies. Some of his remedies include the fact that we should strengthen always our taqwa

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and that our consciousness of Allah should be a combination of alcohol, what Raja fear and hope it's a combination that you fear the punishment of Allah but you hope in the mercy of Allah. Also Toba, that we should practice Toba repentance

01:40:00 --> 01:40:24

If we do wrong, we repent to Allah subhanaw taala. And as long as we have repentance, then we can always have an optimistic look at life. Once repentance goes out of the house, that person doesn't realize repentance. They give up and they go into despair. And so Toba is a very important thing. Also the sheck also focused on tawakkol, Allah Allah

01:40:25 --> 01:40:33

and that is dependent on Allah The more we depend on Allah, the more we see Allah as a rasik as the provider

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and have faith as the protector altcar there's

01:40:40 --> 01:40:52

one who has power over all things, Allah Halim knowledge of all things, when we start to look at Allah in the proper way, and we depend upon Allah, then the fear of poverty,

01:40:53 --> 01:41:00

that the shaitaan brings the fascia he commands us with indecency. Then

01:41:01 --> 01:41:04

inshallah we will not fall victim to these things.

01:41:05 --> 01:41:17

Also, that we should focus upon rudock contentment, that however Allah has made us, whatever wealth that we have been given, we say Alhamdulillah

01:41:18 --> 01:42:06

and as the Hadith says, our job and it is strange affair of a Muslim, of a believer that if something are good befalls them, they think Allah and they get blessings for it. If something evil befalls them, they have patience, and they still get blessings. So this is the Umbrella Movement. This is the way of the believer that have rhythm and have Sabbath, have patience, that we have patience with the created things, patience with what Allah has prohibited us from and patients with what Allah has commanded us with. Also, he gave the example that we should also consider zuid. And that means that we do not focus upon material things that we can live without material things.

01:42:08 --> 01:42:39

And many of us who may have come from humble backgrounds, and I'm talking about myself Also, if you have come from a humble background, and you come to a place like Canada, and then you start to get used to hot and cold running water and hydro was on all the time and you go to loblaws and look at the food and loblaws and Mashallah, I mean, we have to go out and say I won't eat sugar today, I won't eat starch, you got to tell yourself, I don't want to eat food. Then you go back to the Muslim world.

01:42:41 --> 01:43:07

Where they're establishing Salah with Islam is being practiced with higher modesty is still there. But the lights go off five hours per day. Maybe the water goes off for 10 hours. And if we don't watch out, you change, and you say I can't live like this. You get a little stomach ache, because the food that happens to everybody, you get malaria, oh man, some brothers they're running from malaria.

01:43:09 --> 01:43:23

But a virus that's hitting us here in Toronto is five times worse than malaria. I'm telling you, I had my malaria. I went to the desert and in northern Nigeria and I got malaria. But the virus I got this year after Hajj, it was worse than malaria.

01:43:24 --> 01:43:44

Okay, so forget about that. If the water goes off at Hamdulillah, you catch your water earlier in the day. And then you know, the water is there. If the lights go off Alhamdulillah but if we get too used to these things around us, and we can't go back to simple life, then the shaitaan will threaten us

01:43:45 --> 01:43:48

with the loss of wealth,

01:43:49 --> 01:44:02

the fear of poverty. And that fear of poverty and loss of wealth has caused Muslims to do some strange things. Some strange things turn against each other, turn against their faith,

01:44:03 --> 01:44:08

give up practices, which are sometimes compulsory practices of Islam.

01:44:09 --> 01:44:44

And so these are some of the advices given to us by one of the great magette did scholars of Islam, revivalist of Islam, a chain leading back to the revivals of the 18th century? And I asked Allah subhanaw taala that he would help us in these times into a new revival of Islam that we can revive the Sunnah of the prophet is up to Islam. We can go back to the time of the Sahaba then we can go to the sources and put it in a practical way that can be used within our communities. akula Kali Heather was stopped for lolly walakum wa salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.

01:44:50 --> 01:44:55

If you have any questions, you could come to the microphone and ask it before we break.

01:44:56 --> 01:44:59

Or if you want to write in just write it down and pass it on here for

01:45:00 --> 01:45:00


01:45:02 --> 01:45:03


01:45:05 --> 01:45:07

the system

01:45:09 --> 01:45:10

will be attached.

01:45:24 --> 01:45:35

This system is not going back to, you know, that sort of way where people get attached, they sort of lose focus on where they should be.

01:45:42 --> 01:45:58

Okay. Question what the question is, the brother is asking about the plasma system. And that is the system where you are underneath a chef and you are studying and living with that person. And the question is concerning

01:45:59 --> 01:46:13

you know, some people are into their check so much that they almost worship the ship. And his words become like Quran and Sunnah. Know what I am talking about the difference between I think what you're talking about is something that is used in some groups have to solo

01:46:15 --> 01:47:00

that is where you take on the ship as like a modal shift, or a guide in your life. Right? As a total guide, what I'm talking about is the educational system. It's an educational system. This is the traditional Islamic educational system that has been practiced over 1000 years in the Muslim world. And that is, there are certain specialties you see the idea of having everybody in a university right? in one building in a university, and you sit and you have a blackboard and chairs, that is a recent UNESCO 20th century idea. The traditional idea is if you look at Bukhari and Muslim and the people who compile Hadeeth, they would travel to certain parts of the world, because there would be

01:47:00 --> 01:47:15

a shift in the area who was specialized, who knew a Hadith, or was specialized in a certain area. So you would go to that person for your specialization. And from the time of the properties up to Salaam, there were certain people who were specialists, there were people in Tafseer.

01:47:16 --> 01:47:32

There are people in Koran. There are people in an AI in a halal and haram, in general fifth jurisprudence, and the prevalence of Islam, you know, show the oma that these people are, like fuqaha, like Ali Ibn Abi taalib, was fucky.

01:47:33 --> 01:47:38

Okay, they have been dabit. If you want your Quran, you go to date.

01:47:39 --> 01:48:23

Okay, so this is a system that developed out of that. And what it means is, there is a certain scholar, who knows the study of, for instance, now, Grandma, so you will go to that person, and you study with that person until you complete the text. But you're also living with the person, okay? When you're finished, if you are successful, and you can teach, he gives you what is called ijazah. He gives you ijazah. And then you go to another chef in another area, sometimes you get a check that has five or six abilities at once. That's where you get the words like shackle Islam, and you get terminologies like this. But when you go back and look at the great scholars of Islam, in the books

01:48:23 --> 01:49:01

that you're reading, whether it's urban Tamia, urban Cassia, Allah kasali, whoever it is, you see that they say in their biography, he took his Hadith from that person, he took his Tafseer from that person, he took his novel from this person, this is the traditional Islamic system of learning. Okay, that's a little bit different. I think what you're talking about, you're talking about a motion system used in some of the tarifas, the Sufi trick that's a little bit different, because it goes into a different relationship, what I'm talking about one that's based on education, and an application of the knowledge. So it's a knowledge based system that is being used, and people are

01:49:01 --> 01:49:17

now seeing the advantage of going back to this knowledge based system where the practice of Islam is also tied in. Okay, so it's a little bit different system. And again, it is something used by the revivals, and the great scholars are throughout Islamic history.

01:49:19 --> 01:49:28

Now, the question is, are we allowed these days to have beta on the hands of some leader and On what basis? What are the qualities of the leader who wants beta?

01:49:29 --> 01:49:38

Okay, now, this is a very important question. Because in America, it's not so much in Toronto, but in America, there are groups that take beta.

01:49:39 --> 01:49:52

And the beta means a pledge and the time of the Prophet of Islam, the first beta that any Muslim we all take as Muslims is a shadow unless ilaha illallah wa, under Muhammad Allah so that is a pledge.

01:49:54 --> 01:50:00

So when you enter Islam, that's your main pledge. Okay? But however, when you look at

01:50:00 --> 01:50:27

For instance, the Battle of better in the Battle of better when the prophets of Salaam had organized the believers to go out for a caravan. They had their goods, the goods had been stolen from Mecca. And and when, you know, in the course of events, when they turned around, they saw an army from Mecca three times the size of their army. So the Prophet said, you know, he did a shout out, you know, he went to the Sahaba and said, Where do you stand?

01:50:28 --> 01:50:30

Okay, and they made a pledge to him.

01:50:31 --> 01:50:55

They made a play will follow you anywhere. So now it changed from dealing with the caravan to facing an army three times your size, and it was a confirmation commitment to go to another stage and they took the commitment. Another famous Bay are they up with one is when the Sahaba were the last one who went with the province of Islam to make ombre.

01:50:57 --> 01:51:04

And they set amount of money are found to negotiate with the kofa the word had come to them with man was killed.

01:51:06 --> 01:51:16

Now they had intended to make Amara but because of the killing of this man and the hostility, the prophet took me he did a shadow, he did a shout out again.

01:51:17 --> 01:51:19

And they made a pledge under a tree

01:51:20 --> 01:51:27

that they would now change from people who came to make oma to Mujahideen who would give their life that is

01:51:28 --> 01:51:42

it is a pledge a commitment to go from one stage of involvement to another stage Okay. Then there is another veil which is spoken about in Sahil Bahati. And that is the buyout which is taken to the Khalifa

01:51:43 --> 01:52:28

when there is a halifa in the Muslim world, and authentic Khalifa that we all as Muslim should have been out to that Khalifa. And if you don't have Bay out to the Khalifa, you could die as a Christian or a Jew in the eyes of Allah. Okay, so this is just a summary there's more discussion on this, but basically speaking the bay today we have no Khalifa today, inshallah we get one soon. According to the traditions, we're coming close to the time of the rightly guided leadership again, it's coming. So inshallah we're going to get one soon. So that bear for the halifa is not in effect. And if any leader comes along today and says you follow me, and if you disobey me, you're gonna die like a

01:52:28 --> 01:52:57

Christian or a Jew, or your blood is halau. This is a wrong understanding, from my own view. From my understanding, and the understanding I have gotten from questioning, I have questioned scholars about this. And the scholars that told me that br does not apply to your organization's okay, but you can take a limited commitment for a specific goal. You're going to do educational program, you're going to be committed to the Jamaat

01:52:58 --> 01:53:10

and that's okay. you commit yourself, but it doesn't mean if you broke the commitment that you're munafo you're or you're a kafir or something like that doesn't mean that okay, this is taken a little bit out of context.

01:53:18 --> 01:54:04

It says why is the whole Muslim world in a mess, though, where Islam is in practice properly. Even in Saudi Arabia, people have no rights. Education is denied to expatriates, children, our children and so on no human rights. We are in a transition period. And even Khaldoon Rahim Allah in His mocha dama looked at the history of Islam in a cycle, a circular motion, that we go from a low level to a high level we go around this generations where we practice Quran and Sunnah, it's dynamic, when we forget about it, then corruption sets in. And so we are coming out of a corrupt state where we have left Quran and Sunnah our leaders with become the worst people with no mercy. And now we're moving

01:54:04 --> 01:54:11

back in sha Allah towards that time of the practice of Quran and Sunnah people are calling for this practice all over the Muslim world.

01:54:12 --> 01:54:18

But the leaders that were installed after the colonial period, are people who defend the colonial system.

01:54:19 --> 01:54:34

They look like us they have our languages, but they defend other laws than the laws of Allah. That's the reality. And so what is going on now we're in a transition period. And may Allah help us because it's a fitna

01:54:35 --> 01:54:57

but as a prophet peace be upon him said in a long hot data per day, when when Hosea was was was was speaking. He asked him about the last days and the end of this hadith. The Prophet peace upon him said in the time of the fitna and the crisis, or late can bill Jamal go with the JAMA and the Imam, and leadership, then he was able to say what if there's no drama and no email?

01:54:58 --> 01:55:00

Then the purpose upon him said then

01:55:00 --> 01:55:13

Hang on to your faith by until you're like biting onto a tree, hang on to your faith until Allah meet you in that condition. So if you cannot find an authentic Jamaat or Imam, that does not mean you give up Islam,

01:55:14 --> 01:55:23

because when you go on your grave and I go in my grave, you're going to be questioned for what you did. You can't say what your mom such and such he wasn't a good Muslim,

01:55:24 --> 01:55:30

the Saudis or the Iranians or the Egyptians, that that's not the question of non current nicaea.

01:55:32 --> 01:55:57

About the Muslim world, the king of Morocco, that that's not mukarram they're curious, they want to know about our deeds. So the first thing we have to do is to try to deal with ourselves and try to be around as many practicing Muslims as we can. And to try to have patience, because we are in a transition period and inshallah in the next 10 years I believe we will see some tremendous changes going on in the Muslim world inshallah.

01:56:02 --> 01:56:06

Here it says common Muslims are has been labeled as inactive

01:56:08 --> 01:56:13

no ideas in his mind how minds function not able to present Okay, I'm not sure this question here.

01:56:14 --> 01:56:36

It says Islam tells us to follow only four imams where does Imam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab fall in Okay in this case, the the word Eman is used in many different ways. Okay. He mom generally is used as a person who leads Salah okay.

01:56:37 --> 01:57:03

There are other times Imam is being used as a person who is a scholarly person who leads people in jurisprudence. But what you have to understand that I'm going to be very honest and straightforward with you, along with the four imaams. There were other Imams, they were not the only imams of jurisprudence. There is a whole there are scores of Imams, and some of them had books.

01:57:04 --> 01:57:36

But it is because these imams their jurisprudence was taken by the leader of part of the Muslim world. And he established that as the fifth of his key laffitte or his rule. Then it became the fifth of the people in that area. For instance, the Abbasid hola took Abu hanifa school of thought as their fic. And so therefore all of the lands that were underneath the Abbasid Colaba, you will find up until today they are following the Hanafi Fiqh

01:57:39 --> 01:57:42

when one of the roommates of Dr. Manoj Sokka.

01:57:43 --> 01:58:16

fled and established along with the Muslims of North Africa and West Africa, and the lucea Al Andalus. They carried along with them. The fit of Imam Malik Rahim Allah who never lived in North Africa, who never lived in Andalusia, he he lived in Medina, right. But they carried his fit and they made the fit of the rule of Islam in Andalusia in North Africa and West Africa, the Maliki fit. So therefore, that is where you will find people who are Maliki's up until today.

01:58:18 --> 01:58:28

Imam Shafi Rahim Allah from Bahasa originally from Bahasa established himself finally in Egypt. And so the Red Sea area,

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Egypt, Sudan, then going down and where the people took the trade routes, Southern Arabia, Yemen, Swahili lands and then going into Malabar in India, Malaysia, Indonesia, these areas connected by the trade routes, or the shopping areas. Okay, so when you understand the spread of Islam, when you understand the political setup, you'll see why these four imams their their their fifth became the dominant, but they are not the only imams. They are not the only moms. Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab was a person who was a scholar, a humble he was humble. And he was a scholar of Islam in Arabia. And he tried he tried to revive Islam in the Arabian Peninsula. That is all. He is not one of the Imams of

01:59:21 --> 01:59:35

the jurisprudence of Islam. He is a recent phenomenon, the 18th century, someone who tried to revive Islam, these other people are the other major scholars of Islam who have given us the fifth and juris proofs are not all the same. He mom can go to anybody.

01:59:37 --> 01:59:59

So the person is the Imam of todich Mosque, Imam Hamad jabya and I'm saying his name in goodness, may Allah protect them and help him. That doesn't mean I'm saying he's like Imam Abu hanifa. Right. If you follow Imam Hamad there's like following Imam Malik, right, he's the Imam of todich. You pray behind him. He leads us in Salah.

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helps us in our needs in the masjid. Okay. So demand can be used in many different ways.

02:00:08 --> 02:00:27

It says today there are a lot of groups that talk to you and tell you to leave the country because it is impure and go back to your home. Yet whenever they run into trouble, they come to Canada for help. I'm 16 years old and was born in Canada and English is my first language. I can speak Arabic fluently

02:00:28 --> 02:00:36

originally from Egypt, but I live here and plan to stay here. What right do they do they have to do this. This area of hedger is a very long discussion.

02:00:37 --> 02:01:06

And I don't believe that there's any set answer to this and I remember a number of years ago check Java check Idris it was an isn't a convention or the zonal convention in Canada he made a statement and he said he cannot see any anything in the Islamic law that gives the right for Muslims to be living in Canada in America today. There's no proof that we should be here that were they were living in Haram.

02:01:07 --> 02:01:12

Okay now, and he was being sincere because if you look in the books, you don't find anything.

02:01:13 --> 02:01:54

Because there has never been a precedent where Muslims leave Dar Al Islam, and they migrate to dar el Kufa. They leave the abode of Islam and they go to the abode of disbelief. There is no precedent for this amongst the scholars. And the people chase shock check Jaffa into his room and they kept him up all night to the next day, he had to come back. And he revised this statement. Okay, showing the flexibility of a scholar and he said yes, because people made a legitimate argument that sometimes you're leaving the Muslim world because of your oppressed. In some parts of the Muslim world if I was to say this what I'm saying now, the secret police would be waiting for me right

02:01:54 --> 02:01:55


02:01:56 --> 02:02:00

It's Okay Mr. Hakim to fotball mush Cora to the jail.

02:02:02 --> 02:02:10

To father right away okay. I think there's even a copy of them which term are they talking about who Ria in Canada

02:02:11 --> 02:02:43

at the recent which Tamar magazine and it's talking about Maria and some people look at people like me or someone else like we're mad men we're crazy. But that is not because we're mad men that is because one good part of this part of the of Canada and America is that they give you freedom of speech. They This is one good part of this this this area was supposed to be Islamic. They give you freedom of speech, they're not going to take you to jail. Just because you say something of course if you start going too far. Then there is our obscenity laws.

02:02:44 --> 02:02:57

Okay, but but basically you can express your opinion right? So there's no set answer. If inshallah there is a halifa who arises, then we would be obligated to go to that area and May Allah raised that Khalifa.

02:03:02 --> 02:03:06

Okay, so there's a few other questions here and inshallah we'll take these are

02:03:07 --> 02:03:10

a little bit later. Thank you for your patience with salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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