Abdullah Hakim Quick – Islamic Roots In The West

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the upcoming destruction of theOma in the region of Afghanistan and the potential impact on Muslims in other regions. They emphasize the importance of finding one's spiritual affiliation and finding one's true spiritual affiliation. The history of Islam is highlighted, including its rise in various countries and the importance of creating "monster" society to avoid destruction and inflation. The speakers also discuss the potential for price increases in the second half of the year and the potential for some price increases in the second half of the year.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa la ilaha illAllah Walia Sala he pasado en la Mohammedan Abu or a solo Hartman via he will mursaleen last Sunday was seldom Allah Abdi kawada zuleika Muhammad Ali he was happy women Xavi, that what he was studying recently at Isla Yomi Dean or sell them to Sleeman kathira My bad. I'll praise the due to Allah, Lord of the worlds

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and surely Allah is the friend and protector of the righteous. And I'd be witnessing Allah is one and has no partners,

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that Mohammed the son of Abu Abdullah, the servant is less messenger. mela always and constantly send peace and blessings to Mohammed to his family to his companions to all those who call to his way and establish his surrender to the Day of Judgment. As to what follows I begin with the greeting words of the righteous are Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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Alhamdulillah. It is a great privilege to be with you here tonight. And I pray that Allah would make you successful, and would continue to bless this community and the Muslims in this region.

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This is a very unique time that we are going through now. Muslims, the oma of the Prophet Muhammad SAW seldom is at the crossroads. It's at the crossroads in one direction, is imminent destruction, a well orchestrated plan of destruction for this oma. But in the other direction, there is light, there is light, there is hope, for us, and the decisions that we're making now

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are crucial, serious decisions.

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The moves that we make, that our leadership is making, the direction the young people are going in, will have a serious impact on our lives, and on the lives of people throughout the world. I have spent the last 30 years traveling throughout the Muslim world, living with Muslims in different conditions. And as a person who had embraced Islam,

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and who had embraced the Muslim world, and learn to speak, the Arabic language, traveling amongst the people, I was finding different signals and messages that I was getting. On the one hand, we have so many Muslims in so many places. bastions are filled in many parts of the world.

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We have extremely rich people in the oma some of the richest people on earth, are actually Muslims.

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We have great standing armies.

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We have intellectuals, we have books, you can take the books of Hadith, and tafsir. And fifth, and you can put it on a disk, put it on a chip,

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you put it in your pocket.

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But at the same time there's a contradiction

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with the great wealth, there is poverty, extreme poverty.

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With the great armies

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is a feeling of frustration.

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This frustration, is leading Muslims to feel a state of despair.

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To drive Muslims to do things that we have never seen before. In the oma

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people burning themselves to death is unprecedented in our oma is a Buddhist action. The Buddhists used to do that, during the Vietnam War. And other times the Buddhist used to do that but for Muslim to go to this extent, shows the level of frustration

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and despair that we are feeling the oppression that we are feeling, knowing that we can do so much. But we're being blocked from doing it. Knowing that we have so much riches in our own mind.

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But yet we can't get a job.

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We cannot feed our families. And so it is leading people into the streets it is leading people to to make extreme moves and they're hoping for something to happen, hoping for something to happen. And we can only make dua and pray that Allah subhanaw taala would protect and bless the Muslims in Tunisia and Egypt and Algeria in this region.

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We're in the streets. We're on the frontlines now,

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to make this change, this region has always been a very important land in the heartlands of Islam. And the events that happen there, no doubt, will have an impact

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on the rest of the Muslim world. And so we are in extremes. And in my travels, I live with Muslims in the southern part of Africa.

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And in Pakistan and in the Sahara and Cobra, the Sahara Desert, living with Muslims in certain places where they in Ramadan, they hardly had enough to break their fast.

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Then I moved to the Gulf region. And I spent a year living in the Gulf, and I found Muslims with so much wealth. They didn't know what to do with it.

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It's the same oma

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is the same Shahada,

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the same creator, the same prophet alayhi salatu, salam,

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but extremes were an extreme extremes. We have the same human tests and challenges in front of us. We have the same fate to live in this dunya for a short period of time.

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But we are living in extremes. And Allah azzawajal tells us in certain Anbiya kulu nacinda, a castle moat.

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And speaking in general, every soul must taste death. But in the same verse, there which is our verse number 35. After saying kulu nacinda Eco mode, one blue or Columbus shoveling well Heidi fitna y la Natarajan.

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Allah says every soul will taste death

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but we will test you. We will test you with evil and good a fitna. It will be a trial and tribulation

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and all of you will return to us. And so so de la hora de we are see it. See and it happened today.

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This fitna we are under the process Allah even said in one authentic a deep in the liquidly oma fitna while fitna to Amati allow, every nation has a trial and test. But the trial and test of my nation is well.

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We would have too much or not enough.

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It's an extreme that we are on. At the same time with the rise of the Muslim world.

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And with the decline of the Western countries, we have become a target. We have been misunderstood.

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We have been

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malign they have said things about us that are not true.

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distorted our history distorted our message and this is only adding to our frustration. But in times like this, we need to

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secret refuge in Allah azza wa jal

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seek refuge in Allah, patience and prayer

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and also the example of the Prophet Muhammad so Southern What did he go through? Look at his example and his followers in a time like this, in order that we get a type of opening

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a type of understanding of the greater picture.

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It is reported in the early days in Mecca. The prophets of Salaam and his companions were being tortured, driven out of their homes, abused, humiliated

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the province of solid himself people following him around calling him names

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throwing intestines and filthy things on top of his head.

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And one person in particular naman asked me while

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he used to follow the promises seldom and whenever the Prophet peace be upon him would speak to the tribes that would come in, alas, would say this man is useless he is

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an amateur when we say this in the Arabic we are talking about a person who is cut off, and in a paternalistic society like that. It also refers to the fact that he has no male descendants. He has no males, who will protect his family, who will sing his praises, who carry on his genealogy.

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And so in that type of society to a certain extent, he has no future

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A lot of us would say this about the process of someone calling him avatar.

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And sure this must have hurt the Prophet peace be upon him as a man growing up in Mecca at that time and having feelings is this was this was one of the worst things that you can possibly say to personally hurt this individual you want to hurt him in a way that will go right down to his essence.

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And it is reported during these dark days that the prophet SAW Selim one night. He smiled and he told his wife that jabril la Salam had come to me and he has revealed to me a beautiful chapter in the court and he has revealed to me RO Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim in Altai narco cosa for suddenly lira beaker one half in Shani aka epitaph.

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Allah subhanaw taala revealed to the Prophet peace be upon him

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in Atlanta called Casa

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Verily, We have given you an abundance. We have given you a casa.

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That is also understood to be a beautiful river in Jenna that pours into the watering place allowed for the Day of Resurrection. The liquid inside of angkasa is as cold as ice, as sweet as honey, as white as milk. If you drink it one time, you will never be thirsty again.

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In the hatanaka, casa,

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for suddenly layer of beaker one harsh, so pray to your Lord and sacrifice in the shanaka who will sabotage the one who insults you. He will be cut off.

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This chapter revealed to the Prophet peace be upon him is a standing miracle.

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It is revealed in a time of extreme oppression,

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a time of frustration,

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a time of feeling like you just can't make it. You only had a few followers.

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And this beautiful chapter is revealed and what is so interesting about it, it only contains 10 words. It is the shortest chapter in the quarter.

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And I can believe that probably everybody here has memorized on Kosta, those memorize a culture raise your hand?

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Everybody that's the one if you want to do express salaat then you read a follow up NASS. I had everybody knows Sorento katha. It is the smallest chapter in the core n. But the miracle about it, it is expanding and expanding and expanding and will continue to expand until the Day of Resurrection. How is this possible?

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When the companions of the province of Southern looked at this chapter,

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and the scholars who follow them, they found that the word l katha from Castle Rock, that this word is in Arabic, the form of the word is called mukluk vedamo Duda. It is an open ended word.

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So the meaning is open ended. So we would translate it one of the translations given to this word is an abundance and abundance. Like it's a lot of things. It continues and continues it's an abundance. So when Allah said this, he said, Verily, We have given you and abundance, what is an calstock?

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When the companions looked at this, and the scholars looked at this, they said, Kosta? It is

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Kalamata tauheed. It is so heat itself it is Shahada. Because by getting La ilaha illAllah, he is connected with all of the prophets and messengers from the beginning of time.

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He is directly connected to Allah azza wa jal above seven heavens, who is eternal, who is unending, you know, infinite knowledge.

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So it is an infinite connection that he's given in this time of gloom and despair.

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Also in Java today, our

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his call was answered. People started to come in, cast it up to us hop. His followers increased and increased and increased and by his death, before his death in the arafat sermon, he

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Over 100,000 people with him.

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And so it increased. And now we can even see and understand this even more than in the past.

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Because the followers have increased to an unbelievable number. I recently was in Australia

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and met with an Aboriginal chief. These are the original people of Australia, called Aborigines

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in Malaya Orang Asli.

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They would say all right, honestly, that these people, they're accepting Islam.

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They're coming into Islam. This is something we never thought was possible. They're coming into Islam.

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I recently came back from Europe, and there and there are now Greek people coming into Islam, the Greeks are coming in. This is something we thought was not possible for the Greeks, because of their conflict with the Ottoman Empire with the Turks. But Greeks are coming into Islam. We established a Masjid now in Canada, where I'm coming from now, we established a Masjid on the North Pole.

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On the North Pole, there is a Masjid we carry they carried it up

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and put it in. So now you can make Salah on the North Pole

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and call Santa Claus to make prayers to

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hi in the North Pole.

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Everywhere people are coming in people who did not know Him who do not speak Arabic, who have nothing to do with him are saying a lot of them was on the other side of the mountain.

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From all nations capital, the US hub

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in na na casa have suddenly become one.

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Verily we have given you an abundance. We have given you an abundance, even as name

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which was not being used by the Arabs at the time.

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Named Mohammed now they recently did a survey some years back and they found it is the most popular name on Earth.

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How many people are called Jesus? Some Spanish people say hey Seuss,

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but it's only a few people who will dare to name their child Hey Soos. How many Moses? How many Alexander the Great. How many Julius Caesar. But the Muslims they won't say Abdul Karim. They will say Mohammed Abdul Karim.

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They will say saw they say Mohammed Salim.

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I even had a friend from the Sudan. His name was Muhammad. That's to Mohammed.

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Another friend of mine, he took out his passport and it said Mohammed Mohammed Mohammed three

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on his passport, three of them.

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So it is the most popular name on Earth. Look at the miracle in this and ask Ebony while how many people know Al Asad anyone who knows him? amongst the Arabic speaker who knows? Alas, the only way that you might even hear his name is his son. I'ma say Dada might have been the last, or the last one, or his grandson of July even ama asked where they learn Anoma. That's the only way you even hear his name. But on us, he's cut off. What's the last safe in the shanty yaka who was

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the one who insults you, he will be cut off,

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you will be given an abundance.

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This is a standing miracle.

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And one of the recent conclusions that historians have come to

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is that

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even the renaissance in Europe itself, the rebirth of knowledge did not actually happen in Europe.

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It happened in the Muslim world.

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And it was Muslims during the period between approximately 622 to 1492. Here is what we call the golden age of Islam.

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It is Muslims during this time,

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who came out the process some of them said to his followers, those who are present take the message to those who are upset. So they took it around the world. But they were seeking knowledge. They did not destroy the libraries. They did not destroy our the knowledgeable people. They brought them into the oma

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and so we gain knowledge at an unprecedented rate.

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rate was not known by other societies in any point in history.

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In 100 years, Muslims reached deep into China,

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on the western side to the Atlantic Ocean,

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in the northern side to the high Russian steps in the south, deep to the Swahili coast of East Africa.

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100 years, no ideology, no leader, no system has ever done anything like this.

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But one of the unique things about Muslims at that time is that they have open minds.

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They have open minds.

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And one of the believers in the ambassade period. Even developers called beta hikma,

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even invited scholars to come in

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invited Hindus, Buddhist Christian, bring your proofs. What do you think about this? What do you think about that? So knowledge was coming into the oma at a at a rapid rate. Muslims were developing rapidly in Spain and Portugal, known as Al Andalus.

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It reached a very high level. Muslims were tolerant at that time in dealing with other people. They took in the scholars from the Jews and the Christians. They were not forced to accept Islam. So the Jewish people in the Andalus had their high point in Jewish literature. It's considered the golden age of Jewish literature. The Christians, they sat at the feet of Muslim scholars.

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And by the year 1000, the city of Cordova, Cordova, in Andalus, it was the largest city on Earth.

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This is interesting in the year 2000, you remember, Millennium right? In the millennium, they are looking for the Millennium bug. And some change is going to come about some confusion. I think it was Newsweek magazine did a survey. What were the largest cities in the year 1000.

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And I was surprised to see that six of the 10 largest cities on earth were Muslim cities. The largest city was Cordova.

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Over a million people living in Cordova.

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They had 200,000 houses. They had 600 masjids

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900 public baths.

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They had hospitals,

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universities, schools, unions for their workers.

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trades were being encouraged.

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One of the great leaders in Cordova itself, who founded Cordova after I met him and Maria sacral Quraysh of dramatic darfield Rahim Allah, He gave education for all the children in Cordoba, Christian, Jewish Muslim, all the children would get reading, writing and arithmetic. Those who wanted to study the Quran and Hadith, they could study also the Quran, but everybody would be literate. And so by doing this, they develop an amazing society and the achievements that Muslims made during that time, I mean, the city of Cordova, it had lighted streets and running water. It's amazing because it took London and Paris 700 years to reach the same point.

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This is unbelievable 700 years. It took them to reach the point that Cordoba was

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this is where the European scholars went, they sat at the foot of a scholar.

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They learned the basis of the scientific method.

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They learned that the concept of zero suffer

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the 12345 the numeral system, algebra, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, they sat at the feet of our scholars and learned about modern medicine, surgery, pharmacology.

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The basis of just about everything that we have, I was surprised to even find that a scholar by the name of kashani he had a rudimentary computer in the 15th century, even the basis of the computer technology, Muslims had developed at that time.

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Even flying we had a person who was actually flying

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so the roots of

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The society

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came directly out of the work being done by Muslims. This is not mean we discovered everything. No.

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The beauty of it was that we were able to take the achievements of the people who came from the past

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with a tauheed ik understanding,

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bring them together tauheed are what how does he do not only the concept of God, we united knowledge, sacred and secular. We united people,

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all different colors, all different races, language, unity.

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And so some of the achievements are astounding.

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from them, you find some of the sciences that were originated by Muslims during this period. I'll just name a few for you. algebra, anesthesia, biology, botany, cardiology, chemistry, dermatology, embryology, emergency medicine, geology, metallurgy, modern surgery, modern medicine, modern arithmetic, optics, parasite ology, pharmacology, pulmonary medicine, toxicology, and urology.

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You also find sciences that were advanced by Muslims, acoustics, agronomy, anatomy, calculus, electro chemistry, engineering, genetics, geometry, geophysics, meteorology, physics, taxonomy, thermodynamics, and zoology. Our scholars were making amazing achievements. But to stop them, or to take it out of history, a type of amnesia was developed in history. They said, this was the Dark Ages. They called it the Dark Ages. And they said the lights are out. And maybe it was out in certain parts of Europe at the time, because the Roman Empire had fallen. But for Muslims, the light was shining brightly.

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It was shining brightly at that time.

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We brought in so many different products. It's amazing the product just to give you a few of the substances and other products introduced by Muslims, pendulums, cotton, paper, glass, mirrors, crystals, streetlamps, colored glass, satin, pepper, paper money,

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postage stamps, think about this. These are all the things that make you civilized, right. postage stamps.

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bookbinding clocks

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astrolabes soap. That was crucial one.

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composites slide rules, flasks, surgical instruments, windmills, artificial teeth.

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Interesting. Artificial teeth, spinning wheels, Globes, citrus fruits, eyeglasses, porcelain

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cables, cable's velvet Almanac, the almanacs that we used to use now you have Google and whatnot, but we used to go to the almanac before the encyclopedia, right? It's Almanac is an Arabic word.

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We used to go to the almanacs. Okay. And

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saddles, and leather shoes.

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Interesting that a study was done a person by the name of Walt Taylor. And he did a book called English words of Arabic origin. This is in the 1930s and he found a number of interesting things he found also like Admiral is ameerul baja

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alcohol alcohol, algebra Of course from Java.

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Arsenal and this is important for the people who are like soccer. Here everybody's waiting for the Super Bowl right? But if you're a World Cup, man, if you come from the UK or Canada, Arsenal right is one of the big teams in the Premier League. That's darsena Arabic word arsenal.

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Second place in the league. Dara Salah is the Arabic word.

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The word awesome. Also kalabaw your check, you write your check at the Bank of America. This is sec right

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Cotton magazine is my cousin. That's an Arabic word. Also maxilla, your mattress, your monsoons, your syrup from Shut up, right? Even the mayor of your city. And I was one time giving a talk in Detroit and I said, the mayor was there and the police chief was there. And everyone I said, The Amir is here, the mayor of Detroit, and the sheriff of Detroit.

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And they were looking at me like, you know, what is Arabic, right. But the word Mayor comes from Amir.

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And the word Sheriff comes from Sharif.

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directly taken from it, whether you're the sheriff of Dallas, Texas, or the Sheriff of Nottingham.

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And so

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it's an amazing

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achievement. And one scholar, se ljs. It was done some recent research He even took took it to the extent where he made the statement, and he's backing it up, that there was no renaissance in Europe. That's a serious statement to make. There was no rebirth of knowledge. Because when you read the records of the kings and the leaders in the 16th, century, 1516, seven, they were mostly burning witches. They were hunting down women, they thought were witches, and they were burning them at the stake. That was what they were mostly busy doing.

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what it was for Europe at that time was translation. They translated the works that were gathered together and improved and developed by the Muslims translated them into their, their languages. And then there was a Renaissance.

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So it was not scholars in the 15th century, taking Greek books, or Roman books from 1000 years before.

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And then rebuilding science. No.

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That was done by the Muslims. And it was through that activity, that we were able to give the impetus for Europe itself. How did Muslims do this? Where did they start from? It came from one man

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who was by himself.

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And Allah subhanaw taala opened up on him. And a lot told him in dynaco, Casa have suddenly become one Hi, Verily, We have given you an abundance, the whole of the Renaissance. All of this can go back to the originator, the Prophet Muhammad SAW seldom who sent out his companions. This is our calsoft.

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And this is still happening today.

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The oma is expanding.

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Our potential is getting greater and greater and greater.

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Right now in Toronto, the GTA of Toronto.

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It's 10% Muslims in Toronto,

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from 2.5 million 250,000. In the official books, are Muslims. In Paris right now in Paris and mercy.

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People, for 25 years and under 50% are Muslims.

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In Holland, and Belgium,

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over 50% of the children born in the hospitals are Muslims.

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It's happening all over the place. It is a rise that is happening.

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But we have to realize we are in a test. The process of them said in the liquidity on my fitness, or fitness to have the oma allow.

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We are under a test with wealth, over abundance of wealth, or too little.

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Also, we have to look into ourselves, we cry for change. We're going out on the streets, we want change, you know what the law said in the law, how law you know, maybe Coleman tell you, Hey, you know, maybe enforcing a law will not change the condition of a people until they change that which is in themselves. We would have not gotten into this situation. If we did not change something in our hearts. If nationalism, tribalism, racism,

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class divisions rich exploiting the poor.

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If this did not come into our oma, we would not be in this position. And we're not going to get out of it until we change what is in our hearts. And this is a key point now as movement is going on, especially for the younger generation. It's not just gaining the victory. But what happens after the victory.

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This is something to think about. Because if we don't change ourselves, and have a

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balanced approach to Islam, not one extreme or another extreme. We're going on extremes.

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We have to stop being emotional, just emotional, and go back to the Sunnah and become balanced. And to really take this message, not only as something for Muslims, we are talking about humanity, because our responsibility is to the earth. It's to the whole world. It's not just to our little countries.

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This is what we have to realize.

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And so it is a very critical period that we are in. We need to make Toba.

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We need to make repentance to Allah azza wa jal, and in Toba, there is our self analysis and reconstruction, self analysis and reconstruction, that we analyze ourselves what other problems that we have within ourselves to get us in this predicament. What is the problem in our relationship to Allah subhanaw taala.

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We have to straighten this out

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and then reconstruct. reconstructing the way of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Salah, study the Sierra, study closely what happened in the different periods. Take the wisdom and the knowledge out of this and to raise ourselves out at this critical point in time. When the presence of them used to send his companions out. He used to tell them, bus shuttle will add to not fatal. Yes, zero will have to add zero.

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He told them give dread tidings. Don't drive people away.

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Make it easy. Don't make it difficult. To make the religion difficult. Don't go to extremes, but be positive. Be with them. Not destruction of everything. It is to build everything. It is to rebuild the society

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is to submit relationships with people all around the Earth. It is to deal with the crucial problems that are facing people in the world. And so at this crucial point in time, we seek refuge in Allah azza wa jal, Creator of the heavens and the earth. We ask a lot to have mercy upon all those who are suffering in the home of moments on Sunday. We ask a lot to have mercy on those who are in the streets giving their lives. May Allah make it easy for them, may Allah unite them. May Allah bring down all the tyrant targets that are that are ruling over our Muslim countries. May Allah subhanaw taala give us a just society, a balanced society and a balanced understanding of Islam. May Allah

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have mercy upon the sick and the weak of the omo Mohammed sounds Allah. May Allah have mercy upon all those who have fallen and died from the omo Mohammed cells Allah? May Allah raise leadership in this oma to guide our misguided political leaders from darkness into light and may allow raise up an oma deserving of the leadership of this world and remembering the blessings that Allah azza wa jal has given us Bismillah R Rahman Al Rahim in alta inocle Casa are suddenly a lot bigger 100 in the Shani aka who an actor was a la la hota Allah, Allah says Allah Muhammad, Allah, he was happy with some of them with salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh.

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For those who

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don't have questions right now, we invite you on behalf of the McGill Institute to come to our courses. There, we will have time. And we will go through some of this information in details. Want to give it to you in details, and a chance for feedback and relax time off of the questions that you may have.

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Today, I will never be able to look at it sort of

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the same way anymore. But today I was just reading

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cnn published report today that that 20 years ago, pretty much the conclusion was 20 years ago, one out of six people in the world when was

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today when in 20 years, the prediction is that one out of four, one quarter of 25% of the world's population will be missing. And they were talking about previously where

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there was a lot of fear mongering I was reading the comments people were scared. They're saying that the big

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so how do we address this when people come to us? When we talk about us expanding? If you're really becoming very fearful. How do we how do we address? Yeah, I think it's important

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That we first tried to redefine what Islam is within ourself. Because for many people, Islam was more of a family tradition, a cultural type of thing, instead of the principles of Islam, because we go back to the principles of Islam, we realize that we are connected to the profits from the beginning of time. So the original teachings of Moses and Jesus, and Abraham and all of the prophets is Islam.

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And this is what people have to realize, we're not coming with a new religion. We're talking about the same enshrined principles that the prophets and messengers had from the beginning of time. Some of them we know their names, some of them, we don't know their names.

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Also, it is a worldview, it is a culture. And if they can see if they can understand

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what we have actually done for the Western society, because this image is coming, that we are trying to destroy the western side, we built the Western society, it was built on our backs, from the information that we had, and we freely gave it to the people.

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We freely educated the people.

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So there was no clash on our part, the crusade is we're not going to save the true cross of Christ.

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Because Christian, Palestinians had lived there for centuries, without any problems. The Church of Nazareth was there. They were going there, because what Marco Polo told them about the riches in the east. That's what they want it. It was an economic war.

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And once people realize that there's no Clash of Civilizations on our part, right, we are coming back to life, we have always respected the traditions of other people, show them what the process some of them did, when he first came to Medina.

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And he and he developed the Constitution, where he recognized the rights of minority groups within Medina.

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So we have we have spearheaded the concept of civil society, the concept open are your thoughts, we have spearheaded these ideas. And so this needs to be shown to people. But really, the bottom line, to a great extent is not just our words, it's our actions, we will have to be involved in projects in this society, which meets the needs of this society. You cannot think all the time about the other part of the world. If there are problems in this society, and we are part of the society, then we need to develop programs to help people. You know, recently in Canada, they did a study, and they found that alcohol is more dangerous for a person than heroin and cocaine.

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This is serious, because we used to consider heroin and cocaine to be hard drugs.

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And alcohol. Well, you just took a little nip, he's just high and they laugh. Alcohol is complete destruction of a human being. If a person becomes an alcoholic is not only him, his family 25 to 30 people around that person is going to be destroyed. Not only is he destroying his body, is destroying his relationships with *, Abuse, all types of things. And then accidents on the highway. Look what happens around Christmas season, when people are getting drunk. So they have classified alcohol has more dangerous

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than drugs. Look at our position. We have we have an alcohol, drug free lifestyle.

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Friday night comes. Saturday night comes and we can smile and enjoy ourselves without getting drunk.

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This is this some people would think it's impossible.

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You cannot socialize without a drink.

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He can't talk to her unless he has something to drink.

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It's impossible. We have a drug free, alcohol free way of life if we practice Islam.

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We have an alcohol free way of life. And this is what people need to get from us. Because they want to know how can we do this? How can we live? How can we enjoy ourselves without the scourge of alcohol and drugs. This is something that we can give to the society. There are many gems that we have within our lifestyle that we can give to the society if we try to understand what are the ills and problems in society and try to help reach out to other communities and work together for the for the homeless work together for the needy work together for the different problems people are facing. Then they will look at Muslims in a totally different way.

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You're no longer just foreigners in the building somebody shouting some strange thing from the roof and you're wearing these long clothes.

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You're no longer this. Now you're a living part of the society. So

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it is a pleasure to be with you. I pray that Allah protects you and unites you and helps the Muslims at this very critical point in our history. akula Kali has stuck for lolly walakum wa salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah

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testings and filthy things on top of his head

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and one person in particular name have asked if any while Asahi, he used to follow the province of solemn and whenever the Prophet peace be upon him would speak to the tribes that would come in, alas, would say this man is useless he is uptight.

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And avatar when we say this, in the Arabic we are talking about a person who is cut off, and in a paternalistic society like that, it also refers to the fact that he has no male descendants. He has no males, who will protect his family, who will sing his praises, who carry on his genealogy.

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And so in that type of society, to a certain extent, he has no future.

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So a lot of us would say this about the profits of someone calling him

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and sure this must have hurt the Prophet peace be upon him as a man growing up in Mecca at that time, and having feelings is this was this was one of the worst things that you can possibly say to personally hurt this individual. You want to hurt him in a way that will go right down to his essence. And it is reported during these dark days, that the prophet SAW Selim one night. He smiled and he told his wife that cabriolets salam had come to me. And he has revealed to me a beautiful chapter in the court and he has revealed to me Ooh belie even a shade on the regime. Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim in our Thai National Council, for suddenly there have become one half in Shani, aka

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Allah subhanaw taala revealed to the Prophet peace be upon him.

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In Otto inocle Casa

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verily we have given you an abundance. We have given you a casa.

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That is also understood to be a beautiful river in Jenna, that pours into the watering place allowed for the Day of Resurrection. The liquid inside of angkasa is as cold as ice, as sweet as honey, as white as milk. If you drink at one time, you will never be thirsty again.

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In the hatanaka houses, for suddenly there have become one harsh. So pray to your Lord and sacrifice in the shiny aka who will be the one who insults you. He will be cut off.

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This chapter revealed to the Prophet peace be upon him is a standing miracle.

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It is revealed in a time of extreme oppression,

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a time of frustration.

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A time of feeling like you just can't make it. You only had a few followers.

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And this beautiful chapter is revealed and what is so interesting about it, it only contains 10 words. It is the shortest chapter in the quarter.

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And I can believe that probably everybody here has memorized

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those memorize a culture Raise your hand.

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Everybody that's the one if you want to do express a lot. Then you read our follow up NASS. I had everybody knows Sorento CalHFA. It is the smallest chapter in the core n. But the miracle about it, it is expanding and expanding and expanding and will continue to expand until the Day of Resurrection. How is this possible?

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When the companions of the province of Southern looked at this chapter,

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and the scholars who follow them, they found that the word el katha from El kassala that this word is in Arabic, the form of the word is called mukluk vedamo Duda. It is an open ended word.

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So the meaning is open ended. So we would translate it one of the translations given to this word is an abundance and abundance, like it's a lot of things. It continues and continues it's an abundance. So when Allah said this, he said, Verily, We have given you an abundance, what is an calstock?

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When the companions looked at this, and the scholars looked at this, they said, Acosta, it is

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Kalamata tauheed It is so heat itself it is Shahada. Because by getting La ilaha illAllah, he is connected with all of the prophets and messengers from the beginning of time.

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He is directly connected to Allah azza wa jal above seven heavens, who is eternal, who is unending, ah, you know, infinite knowledge.

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So it is an infinite connection that he's given in this time of gloom and despair.

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Also in Java today, our

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his call was answered. People started to come in, kept it up to

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his followers increased and increased and increased and by his death, before his death in the arafat sermon, he had over 100,000 people with him.

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And so when it increased, and now we can even see and understand this, even more than in the past,

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because the followers have increased to an unbelievable number. I recently was in Australia

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and met with an Aboriginal chief. These are the original people of Australia, called Aborigines

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in Malaya, Orang Asli

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they would say, all right, honestly, these people, they're accepting Islam.

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They're coming into Islam. This is something we never thought was possible. They're coming into Islam.

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I recently came back from Europe, and there and there are now Greek people coming into Islam, the Greeks are coming in. This is something we thought was not possible for the Greeks, because of their conflict with the Ottoman Empire with the Turks. But Greeks are coming into Islam. We established a Masjid now in Canada, where I'm coming from now, we established a Masjid on the North Pole.

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On the North Pole, there is a Masjid we carried they carried it up

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and put it in. So now you can make Salah on the North Pole

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and call Santa Claus to make prayers to

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high in the North Pole.

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Everywhere people are coming in people who did not know Him who do not speak Arabic, who have nothing to do with him are saying a lot of us on the other side.

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From all nations Canada to us,

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in China, Casa have suddenly lira become one hash. Verily, We have given you an abundance. We have given you an abundance, even his name,

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which was not being used by the Arabs at the time.

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Named Mohammed now they recently did a survey some years back and they found it is the most popular name on Earth.

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How many people are called Jesus? Some Spanish people say hey Seuss,

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but it's only a few people who will dare to name their child Hey Soos. How many Moses? How many Alexander the Great. How many Julius Caesar. But the Muslims they won't say Abdul Karim. They will say Mohammed Abdul Karim.

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They will say solly say Mohammed Salim.

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I even had a friend from the Sudan. His name was Muhammad a that's to Mohammed's

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another friend of mine. He took out his passport and it said Mohammed Mohammed Mohammed three

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on his passport, three of them.

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So it is the most popular name on Earth. Look at the miracle in this and ask anyone. How many people know Al Asad anyone who knows him amongst the Arabic speaker who knows us. The only way that you might even hear his name is his son. I'ma say Dada might have been last rhodiola on or his grandson of July. He is an AMA herbalist where they love Anoma. That's the only way you'd even hear

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His name, but on us his cut off, whatever the law says, In the Shani, aka who was

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the one who insults you, he will be cut off,

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you will be given an abundance.

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This is a standing miracle.

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And one of the recent conclusions that historians have come to

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is that

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even the renaissance in Europe itself, the rebirth of knowledge did not actually happen in Europe.

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It happened in the Muslim world.

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And it was Muslims during the period between approximately 622 to 1492, here is what we call the golden age of Islam.

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It is Muslims during this time,

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who came out process on them said to his followers, those who are present take the message to those who are upset. So they took it around the world. But they were seeking knowledge. They did not destroy the libraries. They did not destroy the knowledgeable people, they brought them into the oma.

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And so we gain knowledge at an unprecedented rate, a rate that was not known by other societies in any point in history.

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In 100 years, Muslims reached deep into China,

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on the western side to the Atlantic Ocean, in the northern side to the high Russian steps in the south, deep to the Swahili coast of East Africa.

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100 years. No ideology, no leader, no system has ever done anything like this.

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But one of the unique things about Muslims at that time is that they have open minds.

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They have open minds.

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And one of the believers in the ambassade period. Even developers called beta hikma even invited scholars to come in

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invited Hindus, Buddhist Christian, bring your proofs. What do you think about this? What do you think about that? So knowledge was coming into the Obama era at a rapid rate. Muslims were developing rapidly in Spain and Portugal, known as Al Andalus.

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It reached a very high level. Muslims were tolerant at that time in dealing with other people. They took in the scholars from the Jews and the Christians. They were not forced to accept Islam. So the Jewish people in the Andalus had their high point in Jewish literature. It's considered the golden age of Jewish literature. The Christians, they sat at the feet of Muslim scholars.

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And by the year 1000,

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the city of Cordova, Cordova, in the end the loose, it was the largest city on Earth. This is interesting in the year 2000, you remember, Millennium right? In the millennium, they're all looking for the Millennium bug. And some change is going to come about some confusion. I think it was Newsweek magazine did a survey. What were the largest cities in the year 1000.

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And I was surprised to see that six of the 10 largest cities on earth were Muslim cities. The largest city was Cordova.

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Over a million people living in Cordoba.

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They had 200,000 houses. They had 600, masjids

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900 public baths.

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They had hospitals,

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universities, schools, unions for their workers.

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trades were being encouraged.

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One of the great leaders in Cordoba itself, who founded Cordoba, of dramatic urban Maria, Sakura Quraysh of dramatic dahil Rahim Allah, He gave education for all the children in Cordoba, Christian, Jewish Muslim, all the children would get reading, writing and arithmetic. Those who wanted to study the Quran and Hadith, they could study also the karate, but everybody would be literate. And so by doing this, they develop an amazing society and the achievement

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admits that Muslims made during that time in the city of Cordoba, it had lighted streets and running water. It's amazing because it took London and Paris 700 years to reach the same point.

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This is unbelievable 700 years, it took them to reach the point that Cordoba was,

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this is where the European scholars went, they sat at the foot of our scholars,

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they learn the basis of the scientific method.

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They learned the concept of zero cific,

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the the 12345, the numeral system, algebra, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, they sat at the feet of our scholars and learn about modern medicine, surgery, pharmacology.

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The basis of just about everything that we have, I was surprised to even find that a scholar by the name of kashani, he had a rudimentary computer in the 15th century, even the basis of the computer technology, Muslims had developed it at that time,

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even flying we had a person who was actually flying.

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So the roots of the society

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came directly out of the work being done by Muslim This is not mean we discovered everything. No.

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The beauty of it was that we were able to take the achievements of the people who came from the past,

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with a toe hermetic understanding,

01:01:48 --> 01:02:00

bring them together. tauheed are what Hadar you are here do not only the concept of God, we united knowledge, sacred and secular. We united people,

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all different colors, all different races, language, unity.

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And so some of the achievements are astounding.

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from them, you find some of the sciences that were originated by Muslims during this period. I'll just name a few for you. algebra, anesthesia, biology, botany, cardiology, chemistry, dermatology, embryology, emergency medicine, geology, metallurgy, modern surgery, modern medicine, modern arithmetic, optics, parasite ology, pharmacology, pulmonary medicine, toxicology, and urology.

01:02:53 --> 01:03:43

You also find sciences that were advanced by Muslims, acoustics, agronomy, anatomy, calculus, electro chemistry, engineering, genetics, geometry, geophysics, meteorology, physics, taxonomy, thermodynamics, and zoology. Our scholars were making amazing achievements. But to stop them, or to take it out of history, a type of amnesia was developed in history. They said, this was the Dark Ages. They called it the Dark Ages. And they said the lights are out. And maybe it was out in certain parts of Europe at the time, because the Roman Empire had fallen. But for Muslims, the light was shining brightly.

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It was shining brightly at that time.

01:03:50 --> 01:04:18

We brought in so many different products. It's amazing the product just to give you a few of the substances and other products introduced by Muslims, pendulums, cotton, paper, glass, mirrors, crystals, street lamps, colored glass, satin, pepper, paper money,

01:04:19 --> 01:04:27

postage stamps, think about this. These are all the things that make you civilized, right. postage stamps.

01:04:29 --> 01:04:31

bookbinding clocks

01:04:32 --> 01:04:36

astrolabes soap. That was crucial one

01:04:37 --> 01:04:38


01:04:40 --> 01:04:49

composites slide rules, flasks, surgical instruments, windmills, artificial teeth.

01:04:51 --> 01:04:59

Interesting. Artificial teeth, spinning wheels Globes, citrus fruits, eyeglasses

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01:05:03 --> 01:05:17

cables, velvet Almanac, the almanacs that we used to use now you have Google and whatnot, but we used to go to the almanac before the encyclopedia, right? It's Almanack is the Arabic word

01:05:18 --> 01:05:22

we used to go to the almanacs? Okay. And

01:05:23 --> 01:05:26

saddles, and leather shoes.

01:05:27 --> 01:05:46

Interesting that a study was done a person by the name of Walt Taylor. And he did a book called English words of Arabic origin. This is in the 1930s. And he found a number of interesting things he found also like Admiral is ameerul baja

01:05:48 --> 01:05:52

alcohol, alcohol, algebra, of course, from Jabba

01:05:54 --> 01:06:09

Arsenal, and this is important for the people who are like soccer. Here, everybody's waiting for the Super Bowl, right? But if you're a World Cup, man, if you come from the UK or Canada, Arsenal, right is one of the big teams in the Premier League. That's darsena Arabic word, arsenal.

01:06:11 --> 01:06:16

Second place in the league Daraa, Salah is the Arabic word.

01:06:17 --> 01:06:53

The word arsenal. Also caliber. Your check, you write your check that the Bank of America, this is sec, right? Cotton magazine is makkasan. This is an Arabic word, also mcla, your mattress, your monsoons, your syrup from Shut up, right? Even the mayor of your city. And I was one time given a talk in Detroit and I said the mayor was there and the police chief was there. And everyone I said the Emir is here the Emir of Detroit, and the sheriff of Detroit.

01:06:55 --> 01:07:01

And they were looking at me like, you know, what is Arabic, right. But the word Mayor comes from Amir.

01:07:02 --> 01:07:05

And the word Sheriff comes from Sharif.

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directly taken from it, whether you're the sheriff of Dallas, Texas, or the Sheriff of Nottingham.

01:07:14 --> 01:07:15

And so

01:07:18 --> 01:07:19

it's an amazing

01:07:20 --> 01:07:55

achievement in one scholar, se LGs. It was done some recent research He even took took it to the extent where he made the statement and he's backing it up, that there was no renaissance in Europe. That's a serious statement to make. There was no rebirth of knowledge. Because when you read the records of the kings in the leaders in the 16th, century, 1516, seven, they were mostly burning witches. They were hunting down women, they thought were witches, and they will burn them at the stake. That was what they were mostly busy doing.

01:07:56 --> 01:08:13

what it was for Europe at that time was translation. They translated the works that were gathered together and improved and developed by the Muslims translated them into their their languages. And then there was a Renaissance.

01:08:14 --> 01:08:23

So it was not scholars in the 15th century, taking Greek books, or Roman books from 1000 years before.

01:08:24 --> 01:08:28

And then our rebuilding science not

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that was done by the Muslims. And it was through that activity, that we were able to give the impetus for Europe itself. How did Muslims do this? Where did they start from? It came from one man

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who was by himself.

01:08:50 --> 01:09:13

And Allah subhanaw taala opened up on him, and a lot told him in dynaco cosa have suddenly become one Hi, Verily, We have given you an abundance, the whole of the Renaissance. All of this can go back to the originator of the Prophet Muhammad SAW seldom who sent out his companions. This is our Casa

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and this is still happening today.

01:09:19 --> 01:09:20

The oma is expanding.

01:09:22 --> 01:09:26

Our potential is getting greater and greater and greater.

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Right now in Toronto, the GTA of Toronto.

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It's 10% Muslims in Toronto,

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from 2.5 million 250,000. In the official books are Muslims. In Paris right now in Paris and mercy

01:09:47 --> 01:09:53

people for 25 years and under 50% of Muslims

01:09:54 --> 01:09:56

in Holland and Belgium

01:09:57 --> 01:09:59

over 50% of the children born in the US

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Hospitals are Muslims.

01:10:03 --> 01:10:08

It's happening all over the place. It is a rise that is happening.

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But we have to realize we are in a test. The process of them said in the liquidity on my fitness, we're fitnah to have the boom.

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We are under a test with wealth, over abundance of wealth, or too little.

01:10:27 --> 01:10:56

Also, we have to look into ourselves. We cry for change. We're going out on the streets, we want change, you know what our law said, in the law law, you know, Bobby Coleman, tell you, Hey, you know, maybe unforeseen, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change that which is in themselves. We will have not gotten into the situation. If we did not change something in our hearts. If nationalism, tribalism, racism,

01:10:57 --> 01:11:00

class divisions rich exploiting the poor.

01:11:01 --> 01:11:20

If this did not come into our oma, we will not be in this position. And we're not going to get out of it. Until we change what is in our hearts. And this is a key point now has movement is going on, especially for the younger generation. It's not just gaining the victory. But what happens after the victory.

01:11:21 --> 01:11:34

This is something to think about. Because if we don't change ourselves, and have a balanced approach to Islam, not one extreme or another extreme, we're going on extremes.

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We have to stop being emotional, just emotional. And go back to the Sunnah and become balanced. And to really take this message, not only as something for Muslims, we are talking about humanity. Because our responsibility is to the earth. It's to the whole world. It's not just to our little countries.

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This is what we have to realize.

01:12:01 --> 01:12:07

And so it is a very critical period that we are in. We need to make Toba.

01:12:08 --> 01:12:33

We need to make repentance to Allah azza wa jal, and in Toba, there is a self analysis and reconstruction, self analysis and reconstruction, that we analyze ourselves what are the problems that we have within ourselves to get us in this predicament? What is the problem in our relationship to Allah subhanaw taala.

01:12:34 --> 01:12:36

We have to straighten this out

01:12:37 --> 01:13:04

and then reconstruct, we construct in the way of the Prophet moments of Salah, study the Sierra, study closely what happens in the different periods. Take the wisdom and the knowledge out of this and to raise ourselves out at this critical point in time. When the present seldom used to send us companions out it used to tell them, Bushido will lead to not fatal. Yes, zero, while at two, zero.

01:13:05 --> 01:13:10

He told them give glad tidings. Don't drive people away.

01:13:12 --> 01:13:30

Make it easy. Don't make it difficult. Don't make the religion difficult. Don't go to extremes, but be positive. Be with them. Not destruction of everything. It is to build everything. It is to rebuild the society

01:13:31 --> 01:14:15

is to submit relationships with people all around the Earth. It is the deal with the crucial problems that are facing people in the world. And so at this crucial point in time, we seek refuge in Allah azza wa jal created the heavens and the earth. We asked a lot to have mercy upon all those who are suffering in the form of Mohamed Salah. We ask a lot to have mercy on those who are in the streets giving their lives. May Allah make it easy for them. May Allah unite them. May Allah bring down all the tyrant toto hoods that are that are ruling over our Muslim countries. May Allah subhanaw taala give us a just society, a balanced society in a balanced understanding of Islam. May

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Allah have mercy upon the sick and the weak of the omo Mohammed sounds Allah. May Allah have mercy upon all those who have fallen and died from the omo Mohamed Salah. May Allah raise up leadership in this oma to guide our misguided political leaders from darkness into light and male or raise up an oma deserving of the leadership of this world and remembering the blessings that Allah azza wa jal has given us Bismillah R Rahman Rahim in our dynaco calsoft have suddenly lira beaker 100 in the shell yaka who was Allahu Allah, Allah says Allah Mohammed, clearly he was. He was one of them was salaam aleikum wa

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Lucky, Rebecca.

01:15:04 --> 01:15:04

For those who

01:15:06 --> 01:15:25

don't have questions right now, we invite you on behalf of the maglev Institute, to come to our courses. There, we will have time. And we will go through some of this information in details. Want to give it to you in details, and a chance for feedback and relax time off of the questions that you may have.

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Today, I will never be able to look at it sort of

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same way anymore. But how today I was just reading.

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CNN published report today that that 20 years ago, pretty much the conclusion was 20 years ago, one out of six people in the world.

01:15:54 --> 01:16:06

Today, when I find in 20 years, the prediction is that one out of four, one quarter of 25% of the world's population will be missing. And they were talking about pretty much they were like,

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there was a lot of fear mongering I was reading the comments, people were scared. They're saying that the big.

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So how do we address this when people come to us? And we talk about us expanding? If you're really becoming very fearful? How do we how do we address? Yeah, I think it's important that we first try to redefine what Islam is within ourself. Because for many people, Islam was more of a family tradition, a cultural type of thing, instead of the principles of Islam. Because we go back to the principles of Islam, we realize that we are connected to the profits from the beginning of time. So the original teachings of Moses and Jesus and Abraham and all of the prophets is Islam.

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And this is what people have to realize, we're not coming with a new religion. We're talking about the same enshrined principles that the prophets and messengers had from the beginning of time. Some of them we know their names, some of them, we don't know their names.

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Also, it is a worldview, it is a culture. And if they can see if they can understand

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what we have actually done for the Western society, because this image is coming, that we are trying to destroy the western side, we built the Western society, it was built on our backs, from the information that we had, and we freely gave it to the people.

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We freely educated the people.

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So there was no clash on our part, the crusade is we're not going to save the true cross of Christ.

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Because Christian, Palestinians had lived there for centuries, without any problems. The Church of Nazareth was there. They were going there, because what Marco Polo told them about the riches in the east. That's what they want it. It was an economic war.

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And once people realize that there's no Clash of Civilizations on our part, right, we are coming back to life, we have always respected the traditions of other people, show them what the process of them did when he first came to Medina. And he and he and he developed the Constitution, where he recognized the rights of minority groups within Medina.

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So we have we have spearheaded the concept of civil society, the concept open are your thoughts. We have spearheaded these ideas. And so this needs to be shown to people. But really, the bottom line to a great extent is not just our words, it's our actions. We will have to be involved in projects in this society, which meets the needs of this society. You cannot think all the time about the other part of the world. If there are problems in this society, and we are part of the society, then we need to develop programs to help people. You know, recently in Canada, they did a study, and they found that alcohol is more dangerous for a person than heroin and cocaine.

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This is serious, because we used to consider heroin and cocaine to be hard drugs

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and alcohol. Well, you just took a little nip, he's just high and they laugh. Alcohol is complete destruction of a human being. If a person becomes an alcoholic, is not only him, his family 25 to 30 people around that person is going to be destroyed. Not only is he destroying his body, he's destroying his relationships with *, Abuse, all types of things, and then accidents on the highway. Look what

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happens around Christmas season when people are getting drunk. So they have classified alcohol has more dangerous

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than drugs. Look at our position. We have we have an alcohol, drug free lifestyle.

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Friday night comes. Saturday night comes. And we can smile and enjoy ourselves without getting drunk.

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This is this, some people will think it's impossible.

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You cannot socialize without a drink.

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He can't talk to her unless he has something to drink.

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It's impossible. We have a drug free, alcohol free way of life if we practice Islam.

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We have an alcohol free way of life. And this is what people need to get from us. Because they want to know how can we do this? How can we live? How can we enjoy ourselves without the scourge of alcohol and drugs. This is something that we can give to the society. There are many gems that we have within our lifestyle that we can give to the society. If we try to understand what are the ills and problems in society and try to help reach out to other communities and work together for the for the homeless, work together for the needy, work together for the different problems people are facing, then they will look at Muslims in a totally different way.

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You're no longer just foreigners in the building, somebody's shouting some strange thing from the roof and you're wearing these long clothes.

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You're no longer this. Now you're a living part of the society. So Alhamdulillah It is a pleasure to be with you. I pray that Allah protects you and unites you and helps the Muslims at this very critical point in our history. Aku Kali has stopped Fulani walakum wa salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi

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