Abdullah Hakim Quick – Islam And The New World Order

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and current events of Islam, including its impact on politics, economy, and society. They stress the importance of science and technology in achieving Islam's goals and acknowledge the need for change in the face of tensions in the community. The New World Order has changed the way people are treated, including the rise of Islam and the deception of Muslims, and there is a desire for caliphates and privacy concerns to be addressed. The conversation also touches on the negative impact of "monster culture" on children, including negative mental health and negative emotions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Houghton, Milan ba he will mousseline say the Mohammed Valley. He was a big mind about In the name of Allah, most Gracious, Most Merciful. I begin with the greeting words of Paradise Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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And for those of our guests and friends who are here tonight, these are the words of peace. And I pray that these moments that we spend together tonight would be a source of peace and understanding.

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And I want to speak to you tonight concerning this issue of Islam and the New World Order,

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not necessarily from a very high intellectual point of view.

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But I want to speak to you tonight from the heart.

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And I want to try to look at the issue and also look at the reality facing Muslims and some of the changes that are going on in the world today.

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And Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran, the Billahi min ash shaytani regime, yeah, you have Latina Amina taco la wa kulu colon sadita. Slash Malecon young fella come to Newburgh on May UT Allahu wa sallahu faqad faza fosun ottima. Allah tells us, oh, you who believe, have the consciousness of Allah, and speak a straight forward word, he would repair your deeds, and forgive you of your sense. And whoever obeys Allah, and His Messenger, has surely gained a mighty triumph. And so in this spirit of Colin sadita, speaking, very straightforward with you, I want to look at this issue. For the past few years, I have had the opportunity to travel throughout the Muslim

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to look at the different communities where Muslims find themselves either in a majority situation, or a minority,

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and also to seek guidance from Islamic leaders to try to look at the situation that we are in and to understand what is going on in the world.

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And after a long time in the field, I've really come to the conclusion that we are at the doorstep of a great change. It is like the calm before a storm.

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And for many people who have embraced Islam, the times that we live in now are very confusing. And there's a sort of tension that people feel when they come to Islamic events. And

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sometimes this misunderstanding and although the numbers of Muslims are increasing, we also find to a certain extent, that in some areas tension is also increasing and misunderstanding and this I believe, is something is you can be

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attributed to deception.

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This word is hudl in the Arabic language

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and deception is a terrible thing. It can come internally, it can come externally. It comes through the mass media. It comes through the mouth of people. And sometimes even within the mind of the individual. There can be forms of deception.

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And Allah subhanaw taala and sorts of universe in the 16th first has told us for men of lemmo men men if Dada Allah He kept the bar or kept the Bobby iottie in the hula, blackfly almajiri Moon, a lot tells us and who is more unjust, then he who forges ally against Allah, or denies his science. Surely, the criminals the wrongdoers will never be successful. This is a very strong verse. And this word Majid him talking about Islam is a very strong description of of deceiving people of presenting the wrong image. And what we have noticed is that when the word Islam comes to the surface when people are from the mainstream, hear the word Islam or Muslims, an image of negativity comes to

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their minds and their hearts. And we did a study in Toronto, we went to the different corporations. It was an anti racist study.

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This is where we were testing that there's a psychology of people in relationship to different ethnic groups, or different physically or mentally challenged people. And so we there was a person who was a native.

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And there was a working woman.

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And there was a person of African descent. And I was the Muslim in the psychological tests. And so they asked the people look at the picture. And for instance, the picture would show them ice, and they answer cold.

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They see sugar, and they answer sweet.

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And then they saw Muslim, or Islam. And every single person in the corporation answered violence. Some of them said, holy violence.

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They said, holy violence. And so when I began to explain to them that the word Islam, the very word itself, comes from peace. And it really means submit, finding peace in submission to the Creator. and beginning to explain what Islam is, the people were in confusion, because what was presented to them, what they took in to be reality was something different than what we know about Islam, or we have learned about Islam, historically, in the Muslim world.

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This is a case of deception.

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Last week,

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I was called to New York,

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the week before to New Jersey.

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And in one of the gatherings we were in the schomburg, Institute for black culture in Harlem. And there was a program about slavery in Mauritania.

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And there were people there who had the actual footage of slave trade going on, or what appeared to be slave trade. And they were focusing on Mauritania.

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And when we listened to the terminologies being used, I was asked to be on the panel of the people, when we investigated the terminologies being used. When we investigated what was actually being said, we realized that the focus of that night was not upon the few sick individuals in Mauritania, or wherever it may be, who are trying to capture people or control people. It wasn't on that. But the real agenda was the painted image that Islam allows slavery encourages slavery, it is the religion of slavery, to present a negative image so that African American people would not embrace Islam. Because we know when you talk about slavery in America, you are talking about one of the most

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hateful concepts to the African people living in the West. And so by innocently coming in, and presenting slave trade in Mauritania, or so called slave trade, what was happening is that an image of that part of the world where many of the great scholars of Islam came from, an image would be presented that would be a negative image,

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that doesn't really deal with the issue itself on the ground, but spends more time

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being negative in a general sense about Islam.

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While we are here in Miami,

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and while we enjoy the peace and the calm, and the food, there are Muslims in the Muslim world who are suffering,

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it is becoming a very, very serious situation. And I had the opportunity to speak to some of the Muslims coming from the areas in the Muslim world and found out

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that what is happening on the ground, in many parts of the Muslim world is very much different than what comes over the media.

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in Kashmir. Today, there are people who are dying. There are people being arrested, women are being raped in Palestine. Now, although it appears to be a situation where leadership is moving toward peace. On the ground level, there are there are people being arrested, there are people tortured in prisons, the the the the pain of the people in Gaza, has not been lifted. It's a worse situation than it was five years ago.

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But what you get in the media in many cases is something totally different. But one of the most bizarre cases that I found out about recently is the case of Algeria.

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And the case of Algeria, Algeria, and there are many of us who are reading the papers constantly and feeling disgusted at the murders. What we are getting from the press, there are these murders of women and children being killed and throat slit something which is terrible, hundreds of people being just bludgeoned to death in these villages. And I had the opportunity to speak to some of the brothers from Algeria, who who have context on the ground. what is actually happening in Algeria itself.

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They showed me

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that for the most part, the areas where people are being punished are being killed, areas that support the Islamic movement.

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And this was this was confirmed to me in the Toronto Stock, when they had a very big picture of a Muslim woman was crying. And it said that she is from the village of Ben talha. And in this village, 200 people had been killed. But Ben talha is known to be a village where they support the Islamic movement. Then it said, however, it is not clear who carried out this slaughter. It is probably Islamic fundamentalists.

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Now, how are you going to slaughter people when these people support you. And this is happening over and over again.

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And so we are recognizing that people are being killed, families supporting the Islamic movement are being killed, maimed, terrorized. And then the children who may be trying to stand up for Islam are being blamed for the slaughter.

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And this is why Allah tells us for men as lemmo men, if tada like Khadija who is more unjust, and somebody who tells a lie, and Allah subhanaw taala, on people who are trying to be decent, and trying to stand up for their rights in that country. We also recognize the strategic importance of Algeria, and those who have studied colonialism recognize that over a million people died in Algeria, standing up against the French, and that it was it was an example for other nations. And that if something happens in Algeria, if Islam is established in Algeria, inshallah, that no doubt it would have a great effect upon the whole of the Muslim world. And it reminded me and the people

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who are suffering, you know, reflected on the Quran itself. And they reflected on the verse in Surah, took out off 127 when the people came to Pharaoh down to the Pharaoh, one of the pharaohs of Egypt, and they came to him and they said, What are you going to do about Moses? About Musa alayhis salaam and his people, these people are causing confusion they are challenging your authority. And so Pharaoh said, Sir, no. katello Abner who monastery de Nisa, whom was in Fukuoka, Hong Kong,

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he said that we will kill their male children and save their females alive. For we have irresistible power over them. And then Moosa answered in the same verse, Allah gives us the answer of Musa alayhis salaam, called a Musab Moosa likoma. History new biller, he was biru. In out of the lillah, he used to have mania Charlemagne a baddie, what are we battling with Taki Musa alayhis salam answered back and he said, seek your help from Allah and be patient. Surely this earth belongs to Allah belongs to the Creator.

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And he gives he gives it to whom he pleases from his servants. And the best reward is for those who have Taqwa, who have the consciousness of God.

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And so he spoke to them. He didn't say to them, get your weapons ready, get a large army,

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develop new ways of killing. He didn't say that, he said is the enabler he was people.

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Make your esteana seek your help from the Lord of the worlds and have patience. Surely, Allah subhanaw taala is ultimately the one who's in control.

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And so when we look at the situation with the world going through great changes in what is called this great new world order.

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We have to think of the words of Musa alayhis salaam,

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that even though Muslims to a certain extent, are being demonized are being made into the other.

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We believe strongly that is only a matter of time. And then if we have patience, that it will change to another subject, somebody else will become the enemy. Just like the Japanese had patience and you know, Germans were even being demonized and even Irish people to a certain extent. The native people are always being demonized. But after a while it changes. And now they're working on Spanish drug cartels and Afro American gangs and Jamaican posse. And they're also of course, the most terrible terrorist, terrorist you can bring to the screen is the Arab terrorist who's a Muslim? And then the heroes go to save the world. Chuck Norris,

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Steven Seagal guy with a little ponytail, Otto swats nega big man, all of them are out ridding the world of the new menace.

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There's a problem.

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And the poor Muslims are sitting there, you know what is going wrong in the Muslim world get to drinking Coca Cola and you're trying to go to McDonald's and, you know, you're trying to get a visa to America,

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an analyst what's nigga is angry at them.

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So it's hard for people to understand what is really going on.

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And some people who know the changes in the world, they say, just take it easy and become, because soon the greatest enemy that Hollywood has ever seen, and it is coming now will be in front of us and all alliances will drop to face this enemy. And we see it coming in now. It is the aliens.

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And so if the aliens take over as the enemy, then maybe inshallah somebody will leave us alone.

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Getting back to our subject, however,

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in an article written in 1994, speaking about revitalized Islam, and also in the same year, the Atlantic Monthly

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to Robbie's law, the crossing the crescent, Islam and the West, many of the important journals in the 90s have written articles concerning the great changes going on in the world.

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And in this article in The Economist,

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we find that they were dividing up the world in the 21st century, into three camps. This is how people would think in terms of the political world order thinking, they divided the world into three camps. The first is the West. And now in the West, Russia, is included in the West. Before Russia, the Soviet Union was the bad guys. And it was the Eastern Bloc in the western bloc, the Cold War was on. But now the Berlin Berlin Wall is down. And the Russians are eating at McDonald's.

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And it's changed. So they are part of the West. So that's number one. Two,

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was the countries of the Pacific Rim.

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The countries in the Pacific Rim Confucian based cultures, Asian countries and the growing economies, this is considered to be the second world power in the 21st century. And the third, they said was the world of Islam.

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And that's very interesting, because they didn't say Islamic fundamentalists. They didn't talk about a little cell group out to destroy the world. They were trying to be more intellectual, they looked at the whole situation, and they said, the world of Islam,

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and when they discuss this article, and also, when Bernard Lewis, one of the famous x so called experts of the West and Islam, spoke about this in the Atlantic Monthly.

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They looked at Islam, not in terms of individuals, not in terms of a little religious cult, but they looked at Islam as a civilization.

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Because Islam is really a civilization. And we know that when Allah subhanaw taala is telling us in that Deen and the law of Islam, that surely that way of life with Allah is Islam. He is not speaking about a religion in the religious, Western narrow sense, but our way of life. That includes your economic situation, your political life, your social life, your personal life, your collective life, all spheres of your existence come within your way of life. And so they recognize even though some Muslims don't yet recognize that Islam is a way of life,

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and no doubt,

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Islam has had a powerful influence on the world.

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And I like to look back at 1492, especially for people living in this part of the world, because historically is what it is one of the great cutoff points. And not just because of the fact that Christopher Columbus bumped into America when he was lost. And he was found by the native people here. They discovered him, not just because of that,

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but because of the fact that in 1492, was the fall of Granada.

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And that was when the authority that the Muslims had had in Western Europe for over 700 years, when the great achievements in science and math and all the different fields of, of intellectual thinking, the practical sciences, and that society, in Andalusia, that was built reached the pinnacle of civilization, where they were able to

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use the forces of nature, bring the water out of the mountains without causing pollution.

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They were able to develop chemicals and

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Make scientific achievements without poisoning the water

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without poisoning the air.

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They lived in an environmentally friendly way,

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although they were scientific.

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And what was also very important about this age, was the fact that not only were they at the height of science and knowledge, but they were at the height of monotheism.

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And so the scientists was a strong believer in the Creator.

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When the scientists studied botany and biology and looked into the creations of Allah, it strengthened his faith in the Creator. When the scientists when the doctor recognize the power of the immune system,

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that Allah has made a system within us that fights off the disease, even while we're sleeping.

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there when the doctor saw this, it increased his knowledge of the Creator. The more that the the scientist, the mathematicians, the intellectuals ponded, the creation, the stronger they became in their belief in Allah,

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the stronger they became in the determination to try to set a system up, that not only would give freedom of speech and thought to Muslims, but also allowed Christians and Jews and other people to function in the society and quiet as it's kept.

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In the time when the Muslims ruled and andalusi it was the golden age of Jewish literature. It was their golden age. Maimonides, Eben maamoun, many of their great intellectuals were in Muslim Spain. This is where they got the education.

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And so we recognize that they set up a society that influenced the whole planet. And our modern life that we are living now has a great depth to the Muslims. Like Al kashani, we had a computer in the 15th century,

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even seen

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in his the law of medicine called noon tip, where he laid down the law of medicine in this encyclopedia type, our work that he did that European scientists benefited from up until the 16th 17th century.

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We also recognize that Isaac Newton, when when he discovered gravity, it wasn't just because the apple hit him in his head was probably reading an Arabic text. And Apple woke him up and he turned to the page on gravity.

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Because Muslims already knew about gravity, Muslims already knew about gravity, that was nothing new. Zero is an Arabic letter, I mean, a number cipher 12345 first traces of this use we see in ancient Egypt. If you go to the temple in Saqqara, the Great Pyramid and Saqqara, the Old Kingdom of Egypt, you will find zero and decimal numbers 3000 BC.

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In ancient India, you will also find the use of zero. But the Muslims were able to take it and to enter, revolutionize it. And to make it relevant. Taking science

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and making it relevant with your tawheed iq understanding your monotheistic understanding, make it relevant to the world

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benefit creation, enhance life, with your science and your technology. Keep your modesty and your dignity, although you have progress. That was that was the great achievement of the Muslims. And that I believe, is one of the important reasons why

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the economist and other groups looked upon the world of Islam as one of the three powers.

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Another reason

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and they also talked about this in the economist, is because within Islam in the economic system is zero interest.

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And that is the most frightening thing about the world of Islam. Not Sharia, Islamic law. They're not afraid of hijab of women being modest or men growing a beard. They don't care if you make a lot make it all night. But if you start taking you took all the money all the Gulf money out of the banks and put it in a bank with zero interest at the Sultan of Brunei and other places, took his money and put it in a bank with zero interest.

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You would change the economy of the world.

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All of the bank structures and the insurance buildings that you see every city that we go into and the brother we were driving by the the Miami skyline brother said this is Miami.

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And really for me, you know as I told him, this is similar to other cities in North America. Look at the buildings

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The biggest one is probably the bank, the insurance building, like everywhere else, the people who are dealing with interest.

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So if you say now that we want money to be shared between people,

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that the bank would give a loan to somebody based on their merit, and the bank and the person would share in the project,

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you have the land, he has the money. If the project is successful, you're both successful. If the project fails, you both fail. This is the Islamic system the way it is now if the project fails, you fail. But he keeps the money.

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And so we recognize the fact that this is a strong alternative to what we see in the world today.

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Another point, and this might sound strange to you,

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dealing with especially in the light of certain tensions in our community.

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In healthy Islam,

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the women are highly educated.

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In healthy Islam, women and children are participating in Islamic activities.

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And you go in the time of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam and you look at the revelation. The first person to accept Islam was a woman

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and she confirmed Islam. The first first person to die Shaheed to sacrifice their life for Islam Samia for the law is a woman.

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The person who report the second most amount of Hadith Ayesha rolanda is a woman

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in the Battle of or hurt. One of the people who defended the Prophet with her body was a woman.

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Many of the battles the women would would go the Prophet peace upon him withdraw lots would take lots between his wives and take her to the battle.

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In healthy Islam, the whole community participates in healthy Islam. Young people are involved in the masjid. Young people are involved in the leadership

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of the library our best even you must route. You can continue with the five Abdullah ease and Osama bin zaid ali, Vitali Fatima hafsa. Allah be pleased with them all young people involved in the leadership of Islam.

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It is reported in Andalusia, Muslims around the heights in healthy Islam, that one of the whole affair his name was his Sham Istalif is Sham, the third that he wanted to get married. And he was a scholar of Islam himself. He's the leader, but he was a scholar. So he wanted to get married. So he said, I, he put out the word to the community. And he said, I want to be married to a young sister. But the condition for marriage is that she has to memorize the Quran.

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That's the condition for my wife, and anybody within this city, the capital city and under lucea, who has a daughter ready for marriage, who's memorize the Quran put a candle in the window.

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That night, as history records 500 candles were lit.

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So the halifa was a little bit confused.

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So he put another condition, put another one. And he said not only should she memorize the Quran, but she should memorize elder law. The motto of Mr. Malik wrote the law on the famous book of Hadith, the first authentic ID should memorize a whole lotta with the Quran.

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And as history records 350 candles will let you imagine this. That means it with 350 women eligible for marriage, who memorize the whole Quran and the whole of the Murata. I'm not talking about their mothers. I'm not talking about their fathers. I'm not talking about the students in the madressa of Islamic knowledge. These are the general this is the general population. This is healthy Islam.

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When the whole community is involved in Islamic practice.

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But deception has another program.

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It has another program. Because within this order, and you hear a lot of political theories about and I'm not here tonight, to give you conspiracy theories of the Illuminati, and all the different groups that are out to destroy the world. No doubt there may be some groups like this, there may be some Masonic orders and secret groups that are plotting and they cause the French Revolution in World War One and World War Two. And they have some aliens hidden in New Mexico under the ground and you know there's a lot of things that could be happening

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I'm not I don't want to deal with that right now because it might confuse us and frightened us more than help us.

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But the reality of the situation

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that we have to look at

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is that within that New World Order, within this, this, this image which is being given Islam, healthy Islam is being demonized,

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healthy Islam is being demonized.

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And this is a major mistake.

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It is a major mistake, because within Islam is the answers to the problems of secularism, according to Bernard Lewis, in his article in The Atlantic Monthly, and other scholars, that in Europe itself, a great change went on in the Christian church. When there were battles between the Protestants, the people who protested against the Vatican, and great struggles went on people died, there was great tension. And also scientists were persecuted by people in the church. And so secular thinking developed. And that is where you keep your religion in your house, you pray in your church or synagogue or your mosque, but we run this society based upon civil law, secular law. And that law is

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something that has to be agreed upon by the people.

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Now, the problem is that we recognize when we look at how law has developed is that the masses of people have not really been involved in the decision making, that only a few have been involved, and that we have been fed propaganda. And the masses of people in Europe were fed propaganda and they went on the crusades, they went into the Muslim world thinking they were rescuing the true cross of Christ. But Christians were already there in the Middle East. Many of the other Arabs living in Palestine were Christians.

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But they went there and slaughtered the people and died. They were deceived. It is deception.

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Later on, other propaganda is being used.

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When the Conquistador days, Columbus, the gamma Bell Boa went out, they denied the civilizations of the Aboriginal people, all of the countries, they came to coming to America and say, I discovered you. And the people lived here for 10,000 years.

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People have a civilization of language of everything. And they probably saved your life and gave you something to drink and some oranges for your scurvy.

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And then you say, I discovered you and you give them the disease that you brought on the boat.

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But the worst thing is to say you discovered the place

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that you will deny the civilization of the people living in that area. Now what is happening is probably one of the most

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effective, diabolical means of propaganda, the television, the media, that, in its inception, appear to be a very innocent tool

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has now become a powerful tool of mind control.

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Anybody can be demonized. And people are watching that television and they believe in it. With the CNN says it, it must have happened.

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This is being beamed all over the world, in the mountains of Nepal, in the deserts of the Sahara. in the jungles of South America, somebody's got a TV.

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And they're watching the international

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or one sided information that is being spread throughout the world. This is the new deception.

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And so this order this, this order that some people speak about is an order

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that would have religion on the site. People who believe in God, you consider it to be an ignorant person, a backward person.

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It also glorifies race, and nationalism.

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It also promotes class divisions. There's the rich and the poor. And it seems like in many countries, the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer.

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That is what we see on the outside.

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On the inside of the people's heart, they are being deceived into the love of the life of this world. And I think this is one of the greatest parts of this new world order is that it is a confusion. It is a fantasy world being promoted to you. It is an international Disneyland

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which is being propagated to the people of the world. So you think that that's what the world is you think that everything will be okay? If you live in a certain way if you eat certain foods, if you act in a certain way.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:10

This is wrong. It is deception in the Toronto area. The deception of the people in the life of this world has reached a high level and I'm sure it's down here to

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Lhasa Potala tells us with Mel hayata dunya Illa matar

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that surely the life of this world is nothing but a material deception.

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And so people are putting their life on the lottery.

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Put down your money and hope for success. And in Toronto area. A few weeks ago, a woman 120 $1 million dollars. And the whole of Ontario stood still. poll of Canada stood still to look at this woman who won this money. And now she is successful. She has made it in this world. But in order father said, may God help us. That's what her father said. He had sense because after she won the money,

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people were calling her house to marry her to sell her things. She got death threats, she had to hire bodyguards, and now they had to move out of their house. So the money that she thought was liberation was actually a prison.

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It is a punishment.

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In England,

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just recently a man won 35 million pounds sterling in the lottery. And England the UK stood still.

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And he wanted to get as high as he wanted his dunya and he started eating food and eating food and eating food. And this is a real story came in on paper he stopped eating food because he wanted the dunya bring me Italian food bring me Russian food bring me Chinese bring me African bring me I want my dunya he started taking in the dunya until he reached 315 pounds and he dropped it

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within a few months.

00:36:57 --> 00:37:03

His hayata dunya destroyed him. Ramallah hayata dunya Illa matar

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This is one of the greatest weapons in the in the so called New World Order. And that is to take the people into a state of confusion. But I want to take it I want to take it to another level tonight. For the Muslims.

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There is a special form of deception for Muslims. This is interesting. And there was a scholar in the eighth century after the hegira.

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Ibn Kodama Alma de se Rahim Allah from Syria, in his main hudgell, posse Dean.

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This work that he wrote, he studied the internal workings of people.

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He studied the heart, he studied the Spirit. He looked not only externally but he wanted to know what makes us tick on the inside.

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And in his chapter Bible, hoorah. He had a special chapter for deception. And he showed us that when you talk about taqwa, you are talking about a combination of both what Raja

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that taqwa is fear, you feel the punishment of Allah, but at the same time, you hope in the mercy of Allah. And we know that Allah is most merciful. So Islam speaks more about the mercy of Allah than about the punishment. But there's two things going on at the same time. And he pointed out that that fear and hope

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are catalysts that stimulates you to action. Fear makes you run from something, hope makes you move towards something. But anything that stops you from working, that stops you from doing your actions of Islam is deception. It is raw, and it is alive and well. And the word guru also means in the dictionary, delusion, illusion, conceit, vanities, danger. And it also is used to describe the shaitaan himself. Because that is the essence of the devil's trick is to deceive is to deceive people. And so the great scholar looked at the Muslims and from amongst, what he came across, and it's so interesting, because this was in the eighth century, okay, we're now like 14 right now 15th

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And when you look at that, you will see

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that, as he pointed out, there's a general deception that the masses of the people have, like those who bet on the lottery. And you know, the person who gave the lottery to the woman in Toronto, his name was Yusuf.

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He was a Muslim who owned the 711

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and he was smiling and congratulate

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Her. So he's caught up in the illusion himself. So the Muslim can get caught up in that general illusion and deception that goes to the masses of the people. But there's another one. For people who have knowledge, people who have done things in Islam, once you're in Islam, and you're practicing one form of this role is of those people who have good deeds and bad deeds. They have Hassan act and say he act

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like a person, as the sheriff said, Who does instead of fire 100 times in the morning, he asked a lot to forgive him 100 times in the morning, and then he scandalizes muslims for the rest of the day. He backs by people talks about them, insults them, he's rude when he's dealing with them. But he thinks that because he made his default 100 times in the morning, that that will cover all the rest of his sense. That's deception.

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That's a form of law, try to understand this concept.

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Another one is that there are amongst the scholars, there are people who actually have the outward appearance of knowledge or piety.

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And there are some people who think that because of their families,

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that they don't have to do Islamic work. Oh, my father was a great scholar of Islam. I don't have to study. My mother gave him charity, I don't have to give us a cat.

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My family is the family of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. So we're all forgiven.

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This is deception. Even somebody who claims to have knowledge and who has the outward trappings of it can get caught up inside of this deception.

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Another group, which let's take it a step deeper, like the chef did, there's a group that knows that you're supposed to deal with yourself that, you know, don't just be Muslim on the outside on the inside, they know this.

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But at the same time, they don't practice it.

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And so they can tell you the theory. But they but inside their heart, they have jealousy. They do things for react to be seen by people. They want position. They want their name to be mentioned. They fight for authority, the ego controls their life. This is a form of deception.

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taking it a step further,

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we find that even put Dharma in the eighth century after the digital

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speaking and this is happening to us now that there are people who spend all their time on studying AML who laugh. They study the knowledge of dispute, how to argue with other Muslims. And so you they spend their time looking up answers about this issue or that issue. And so they spent all the time arguing about this issue, that issue and then all their work is finished. They don't do Dawa. They're not in the field, teaching Islam to people. They're not building an Islamic Society. They're not doing a Miliband model for now. yamantaka that are forbidding evil, where it's supposed to be forbid.

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But their time you know, is is consumed, fighting amongst Muslims and causing confusion. And they think that they're doing good. They think inside themselves that they're actually the true Muslims, the leaders of Islam, but they are holding back Islam.

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The Prophet peace and blessings be upon him in a hadith reported by a Timothy which is Hassan Issa here has said ma de la Coleman cut by the Huda Illa. To general

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that people did not go astray after guidance until they were given dispute,

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the art of dispute how to argue in debate with other people.

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And so we see this confusion that is coming out.

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And it is important for Muslims

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to recognize that although the the outward systems of the world, the material systems seem to be changing against Islam, or seems to be pushing people into another culture, to make everybody wear the same clothes and eat the same food, and you gotta have a check on your head, and even now that brother's got coo fees with a check on it on the Koofi and everybody's wants the same. I was in Mecca making hodgin. We went to Azizi and we came out of the cabin, we looked up and the Golden Arches in Mecca, Pizza Hut, Baskin Robbins, Burger King.

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And there was a young boy probably from a Mexican family, who has the nicest form of capture you eat in the afternoon, nice food, you eat it, and he was in McDonald's with his big pants and his hat on and he had an attitude.

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He had an attitude, you know what I'm talking about you walking up like like, you know, like this, you can sort of like limp. You know, when you're walking right? And you got an attitude like you're angry, right? You're angry. Whatever.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:06

Buddy, you're not really angry, but you got this attitude right? This the boy had an attitude. I said to him,

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Do you know what this check is on your head? May Allah guide you, you know what to argue with these things.

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And when you see these things happening,

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not that it's haram to eat in Mecca.

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Okay, if McDonald's or Burger King here is using, if they're using vegetable, vegetable oil, if they have real halau beef, I wouldn't eat unless it's slaughtered by Muslims myself. Of course, this is a big difference of opinion among scholars. But But my problem is, I'm from this country. I'm not somebody make a fat 12 just came off a plane. And when you eat McDonald's, you eat everything you eaten toenails, his pawns, cardboard, everything mixed up with sauce and fast food.

00:45:50 --> 00:45:56

And it's probably half pork, and they don't even tell you. And the oil half the time it's got lard in it.

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For those of you who like your McDonald burgers a lot is in the oil.

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But the image of the arches is there.

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And this culture is spreading everywhere. It's unbelievable. And you know, there are certain groups in the Muslim world who are being targeted. I've seen this happening. We have a very large community in Toronto, over 250,000 Muslims. So we see a lot of things happening to different groups of people. There are some people in the Muslim world who have great potential that being targeted. Why do you think they're making such a noise about the Sudan? Why do you think they're making the noise? Because the potential oil, the Nile is there, you know that the knowledge is there, the crossroads of Africa, moving into the Arabian Peninsula, is there a society that could lead the Muslim world as

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they targeted different countries, Yemen, in North Yemen. They targeted the people call but our but our people live on the east coast of Africa. And they are known to be people who are involved in in knowledge and Tao and the spreading of Islam in East Africa. So they went to the but our people, they were having a problem. There's a big fight going on problems in Somalia in that region. They went to them and they said, no problem, we'll give you a visa to America. You come to America, okay. And really, you know, to a certain extent, it's good because at least it takes a person out of the line of fire. But when they got here, and didn't have any institution setup, the children become

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and get their attitudes.

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And if you don't have a madressa if you don't have a proper Islamic Society to show an alternative, you're caught in a confusion.

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Some of our brothers went to Mauritania, and they found a village in Mauritania, we were the people were the scholars of Islam. And when they entered this village, us like you hear the buzzing of bees, because the Quran is being recited.

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Every house had a half

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every house had a scholar, okay.

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Then the New World Order came in.

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And they said to the people, we will bring you electricity, that's progress. But they also said, anybody who wants a TV and a satellite dish, it's free.

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And they started putting in the satellite dishes. They gave the young people scholarships to America. They came back and after 10 years, when the brothers came back,

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the scholars had left the city they were in the desert. And there are people around boys walking with attitudes.

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And the Muslims were fighting over issues which day and you got to stop Ramadan, or ended fighting and be confused about their method method. Their school of thought things which they never had a problem with before suddenly is in there in the name of Islam in their community.

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And confusion is indeed it is a form of deception, which is being used on our communities.

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And it is important for us to understand what is going on with this great change.

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In the conclusion, I would like to leave you with a hadith which sets the groundwork for our look at the whole of the changes in the world. In this hadith which is reported in the Muslim Imam Ahmed, Rahim Allah

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and no amount even Bashir reports. It's a long Hadith.

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He said we were sitting in the masjid.

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With the Messenger of Allah settlement. Bashir was a man who did not speak much Abu Salah Al Hussein he came in he said, Bashir, do you memorize any of the Hadith of the messenger of law, peace and blessings be upon him concerning Amir's, the leaders. And then who they fought, he responded, another one of the Sahaba were the last one. And he quoted from the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him which is confirmed by the Messenger of Allah, and he's and then the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. What was quoted to have said in this hadith

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And I'll read the English because this is a very long Hadith, there will be Prophethood amongst you for as long as Allah wills then it will be raised by Allah if he wills then there will be he laughs it on the prophetic model. Okay he laughs at element has a new Booyah and it will be raised by Allah if he wills and we know the whole of Russia been raised, then there will be a despotic kingdom, for as long as Allah wills and it will be raised if Allah wills, then there will be a rule or a kingdom based on force for as long as Allah wills and it will be raised if Allah wills then there would be he laughs It Allah min Hajj, a new Buddha,

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then the Prophet was silent. And the Hadith goes, then they will be asuma takuna khilafah other mahadji Nobu Thoma sakata Prophet was silent after that. So we spoke about the different rules, he spoke about first Mukunda de

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and then he spoke about milken jabariya.

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These two forms, one that would be a tyrannical rule, you have no say, you'd be quiet, the rule will kill you, if you try to oppose it.

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Then there would be a rule based on force. And that's probably what we're living in right now. Might is right, so ever has has the power, not because you fear Allah or you have knowledge, No, none of that it is power. But after this, the prophet peace be upon him said, then there would be

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a society or a rule on the on the prophetic model, then he was quiet.

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And if we look at the changes going on now, this rule of power that is going on, where people are being persecuted for their opinions, this cannot last. And we know that this is a NEO colonial rule. This is this is something left over after the colonial system, and it is changing in the Muslim world. And we're moving toward the philosophy of the new Buddha, the prophetic model.

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But you have to realize, if you really want to be like the Prophet, peace be upon him, you have to live and if to live completely. You can't take some of it, and leave some of it.

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The Prophet peace be upon him was poor, he never struck any of his wives. He never hit them at all. He solved this problem in his home with his tongue,

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zero tolerance for violence.

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You want to be like him, you got to go all the way.

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When the Prophet peace be upon him was what had two issues in front of his companions. Two issues that were both halau he always took the easiest one.

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Not the most difficult one.

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What is happening now is that some people with knowledge they did they give you the most difficult fatwah not that not the easiest one, they might make life difficult for you. The Prophet peace be upon him said yes, siru will lead to a zero. But shadow will lead to enough to make things easy, don't make it difficult. Call people be positive, don't drive people away.

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Be positive. This is what Islam is about forgive each other.

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And I want to end with one Hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him because I really believe

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that in order for us to make a change, that we have to look inside of ourselves and Allah tells us in the law that you have to be Coleman hotter you have to be and forcing him, allow him to change the condition of a people to the changes to the change that which is in themselves.

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You want the Medina period, that you have to go to Mecca first.

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You want an Islamic State, then you have to have the character and the personality for an Islamic State. Otherwise you might be a worse oppressor than the one who's there now.

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Prophet peace be parliament, this hadith. This is a legacy he left for us. This Hadith it tells us and I mentioned this today to the brothers.

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It's authentic I do not so well known by by by by the masses of the people is reported by Ali Ibn Abi Talia karma logwatch. In this hadith he says lemma de mon to LA se la rasulillah salam salam wa jal to ficar em safe Rasulullah Raka fi ha Syl men kataka will accent Illa men Assa e Lake wa Kunal Huck Willow Elena fsic, this IDT Ali Ibn Abi taalib took possession of the weapons of the Messenger of Allah. He was the one who had was in charge of the burial. He was the oldest member of the Prophet's family, he had to deal with the personal things. So he got the sword

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Now what do you expect to see on a man's weapon?

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Most people when they have the weapons they put born to kill,

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or they curse the enemies.

00:55:11 --> 00:55:17

What did he have on this? It says, make relations with those who cut you off.

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do good to those who harm you.

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And speak the truth, even if it is against yourself. Three great principles that we can begin with, to look at what the Islamic New World Order would be. Because it starts within ourselves. Number one, make relations with those who cut you off, never cut off your relationships with families, other groups within Islam, you have non Muslim friends, keep your religion you don't have to follow all the ways that people but keep relations

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to good even if people do wrong to you. Now we stand up against evil, we will do that. But even if people did harm, the Messenger of Allah would forgive them. The people have taught have stoned him to blood put down his shoes, and the angel of the mountains came to him. And he said No, do not destroy them. Because maybe there are those who would accept Islam amongst them.

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And they live to see the people have taught if coming to Islam in crowds, that is the heart of the Messenger of Allah, Ramadan alameen a mercy for all of the worlds. And the last point is speak the truth, even if it is against yourself. And we have to be honest, if we're dealing with scholarship, we have to be honest, if we're dealing with Islam and the practicalities of it, we have to be honest and show all the positions of the scholars and all of the Hadees not just the ones that support opposition. I want to end this part of our program tonight. I asked Allah subhanaw taala to have mercy upon me and mercy upon you, and that we will be part of the Islamic New World Order. This

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would be a world order that would establish peace and justice. That would also allow people of other persuasions to live a good life. within our community. We respect the people of the book, we respect Jesus peace be upon him. We believe that he was born without a father that his mother was a virgin. May Allah have mercy on him? We respect Moses, we believe the water opened up for him. May Allah have mercy upon him. We respect all of the prophets, and we respect justice and peace and honesty, wherever we see it. And I pray that Allah would help us to be of those who are part of the society or that our younger generation would see a change and if you laugh it, element Hajj, a new Buddha.

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If you laugh it on the prophetic model, may Allah have mercy upon me and you akula Kali howdah, well stocked for lolly walakum wa salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

00:58:03 --> 00:58:05

The people have done that article.

00:58:07 --> 00:58:23

Cheering government growth from foreigners, they fund some of them cushion through these murders. They the money and they accuse the Muslim and always they make it unknown, but some of them the Muslim they hold them during Miss grace, and they found them a Christian, Muslim.

00:58:24 --> 00:58:49

Muslim. Oh, yeah. The brothers mentioned about the very confusing situation. They're in Algeria. And unfortunately, there are these different groups and he's reporting that there was a Christian group but what I've heard is these mafioso groups these mafias that drug dealers go on drugs and they sell drugs, thugs, and they're used by the system, you know, to punish the people who support the Islamic movement.

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Okay, Allah knows best. The other questions anybody has

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mentioned afterwards?

00:59:06 --> 00:59:07

A lot of the topics

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need at least

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two, well, you know, I think in terms of what we can do, that we have to try to get information, proper information, you know, from the ground itself, whatever part of the Muslim world it is, to hear from the people themselves what is going on in their country, and it is good to invite speakers to come in from the countries themselves, who can actually explain to the community what is going on, we can get information from another source. And you know, if there's any way to help and relief efforts and you know, whatever, it is also, you know, possible, some situations are very confusing ones, but whatever that you can do materially whatever, you can lift up your voice, you know,

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however, you can help me, we have

01:00:00 --> 01:00:13

To try to be concerned with the plight of Muslims all over the world, I think it's a very good point. Yes, but what do you feel about the possibilities of a caliphate, some type of Central leadership in the Muslim world?

01:00:14 --> 01:00:23

Well, I believe in the words of the Prophet peace be upon him. And I believe that this hadith is authentic, and it's net, in this chain, and I believe that this will eventually come about.

01:00:25 --> 01:01:02

And you can see people in the Muslim world are now getting more consciousness. And there's there are countries who want to be ruled underneath Islamic law. The problem is, is you know, it's been a long time since we actually were able to practice Islam, we were underneath foreign *. And, and is, and there's a lot of changes that's gone on in the world now with technology. So this is the storming that has to go on, and people, you know, the people who understand the book, who understand Islam, Islamic scholarship, have to sit with those who understand the changes in the world. And then in bring about that type of society that would keep us within the laws of Allah, but would also make

01:01:02 --> 01:01:23

us relevant to the issues that we are facing in the world. But inshallah I believe that eventually will come. When it comes, Allah knows best. Allah knows best. One thing about Muslims are, you know, we are a group that they we always move into Jama in a group, if one Muslim does something like everybody wants to do it, like, so if some Muslim country gets an Islamic, you know, state, you've had to watch out.

01:01:25 --> 01:02:01

Everybody will want to get, especially if it's successful, right? If it brings peace in the society, and you know, people can, you know, live in decent way, in practice, there's something that people will want that, because we want to be in a society with no drugs, and no drugs, no prostitution, no racism, you know, things that we would love to have a society like this. The question is, we always blame the West, CNN, etc, for many of our problems. Don't you think we as Muslims should take the responsibility, I agree completely. The person who wrote this, this is why I said that the real deception is within ourselves. And the law says you will not change the condition of people until

01:02:01 --> 01:02:08

they change that which is in themselves. He didn't say change all the things outside. He said, change what's in yourself.

01:02:10 --> 01:02:15

And that's the first stage that that Muslims have to go through. That is the stage.

01:02:16 --> 01:02:56

And please don't get me wrong. I'm not saying let's say everything on CNN is wrong. Nothing is haram prohibited to watch the CNN. Don't get me wrong, right. But I'm just saying that many times, you know, when you get the news, it is one sided, or it is not factual in terms of what actually goes on in the ground. And there's an agenda. There's a certain slant that the news does take, and unfortunately, normally news, you know about Islam is not, you know, good news. It's always something negative. We have a group, it's we applied for a government, charitable status, and it's Islamic social services. And the people wrote us back and they said, Islamic social services. Like

01:02:56 --> 01:03:08

how can the two words go together? If you said islamic jihad, Islamic terrorism? Islamic bomb? Yes. But Islamic social services, you feed the poor?

01:03:10 --> 01:03:18

You take care of children. Yeah. But then when we explain what it does, it just it's our spirituality. It's our spirituality.

01:03:20 --> 01:03:23

It's nothing to do with all this politics. You know, the things that you see.

01:03:24 --> 01:04:02

The question is, is covering the face father, it is a compulsory No, it is not compulsory, the majority of the scholars, including the great scholars of the forest schools of thought, have not made it compulsory on women to cover their face. You know, the jumbo position is that she should cover everything, except except the face in the hands. That is the majority position, although it is permissible is a practice of the wives of the properties of Islam. And some of the women in the prophets time did do it. And it is permissible for a woman if she if out of modesty, she wants to cover her face. Next is what do you think about the the West trying to introduce its own brand of

01:04:02 --> 01:04:06

Islam under the new world order? Black and White Muslims?

01:04:08 --> 01:04:48

Yes, this this, unfortunately, is part of the confusion that is going on. And I don't know how it is in Miami, but if you're up in New York City, they have a new leader every week, man. You know, they have collisions and Maha DS and rejet dids and prophets and everybody running around. Okay, so So here is the problem that is happening within this type of, you know, of a situation. And unfortunately, there are groups that have popped up in the Muslim world. And this is not just right now, in the past few 100 years, and even before that have claimed Prophethood and they've brought in very bizarre forms of cult life, and they said it was a slap.

01:04:49 --> 01:05:00

It says can you talk briefly on the way government is in Spain treated non Muslim minorities compared to the way the later Christian government is treated? Muslim? Yes, I was reading

01:05:00 --> 01:05:24

That within the golden age of Islam, that Christians, Muslims, Jews were allowed to study and they were actually part of even like the the government courts and they were intellectuals and scholars and whatever and it was allowed within a society. I was very open society. In that sense, Islam was was the Rule of Life. But it was a very open society. Unfortunately, even though they were so tolerant,

01:05:25 --> 01:06:07

they had to go through the Spanish Inquisition, which came on later on 1415 16th century. Even later than that, to a certain extent, where people were put at the stake, they were put in front of an Inquisitor. And if you're not a Catholic, you're Jewish, or Muslim or anything else, they'll burn you at the stake. And so hundreds and 1000s of people died by fire, when they were driven out of their homes in that time. It's really a sad period in history to read, you know what happened, even though, you know, there were great achievements in Spain, sometime in Spain, we have to be honest, there was some rulers in Spain, who were tyrants to Muslims. Like it wasn't all good, right? We have

01:06:07 --> 01:06:38

good and bad. We have a revival. That's one thing we have touched deed. So they had touched deed in Spain, and Robbie tune and Dune groups came in and they made touch D, they they revived the original Islamic teachings. Next question is what is the end of the story regarding the scholar who was looking for the Muslim wife? How did he choose his wife? That's a very good question. Actually, you know, that that the historian who was telling, telling us never really told us the end of the story, he just said that, you know, the Khalifa eventually did get married.

01:06:40 --> 01:06:55

I think that was the last condition he put. But he did eventually get married. But I never really heard, you know, what was the final outcome? What was the important part of the story was that it showed how much scholarship that the women had in Spain at that time.

01:06:57 --> 01:07:02

Next says can you give some information regarding what Halloween means to non Muslims.

01:07:03 --> 01:07:44

For those who want a detailed look at that sound vision has released that tape here is called holiday myths. And in this tape, I'm giving you an overview of the nature based religions that influenced the teachings of Jesus peace be upon him. And you find the discussion concerning Christmas and the winter solstice, Easter and the spring solstice, and Halloween, which is actually the end of the year. And the new year before the day of some hane. Tonight is supposed to be the day of the Lord of the dead. And many people used to believe that the souls of the dead people would come to the surface. And they were very afraid. And they put bonfires and some even cover their

01:07:44 --> 01:08:05

faces with masks. So they wouldn't be terrorized by the ghosts who might come to the surface. And so it was a night really where the focus was on evil. So when the Christian church came in, they made All Saints Day, which is November 1, All Hallows day and evening before became All Hallows evening, which became all Halloween.

01:08:06 --> 01:08:13

What you see today, trick or treating is just American business. This is what this has become like this is American business

01:08:15 --> 01:08:56

acumen. Because this has become one of the best ways to make money quick. You know, if you sell sweets and stuff to kids, it's a big billion dollar enterprise also now, but for Muslims is a very confusing time in the sense because our literature and even Christian literature, if you really go into it, and Jewish literature, talks about the devil as the open enemy of humanity. The devil is not our friend. And we're not supposed to play games and just like little devils and run around vampires, and especially begging, we don't send our children out to ask for things. Prophet peace be upon him said I had an earlier Hayden when he had the software, that the upper hand is better than

01:08:56 --> 01:09:35

the lower hand. And so we don't teach our children to be begging for things that they should be giving things. And the next problem is even if you do get the candy, you don't know if it's halala not because there's pork products, byproduct gelatin, glycerin, all these things inside the gummy type, you know, candy things. And so and also, we know that the rise of the Church of Satan, Anton Levy, the San Francisco based Church of Satan, which is now spreading across America. And there are many Satanists who also the certain rituals that go on tonight, and certain groups and it's coming to the surface Now, what's happening with these, these occult organizations, so it's actually

01:09:35 --> 01:09:54

dangerous. And you'll see even in the greatest society in Toronto, they have a whole page showing how to protect your children on Halloween, even for non Muslims, so it really is getting dangerous and is some perverted people who are disguising themselves and carry out the acts of perversion on this night. very unfortunate.

01:09:56 --> 01:09:57

Yeah, yes, sir.

01:10:01 --> 01:10:01


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01:10:15 --> 01:10:53

Well, you know, as I said, many of the Muslims are caught up in deception, Malhotra dunya ilimitado, that this life is nothing but material deception. So many of us get caught up in that dream of winning the lottery or making money. And some people feel that they have to sell alcohol. Because if you don't, people won't come to your shop and you have to sell the lottery in order to get business, they just caught up. So even they will take things that are Haram, because they think that they have to because the dunya and the more money you get is the more you want. So it's like a cycle. It's a vicious cycle that people get involved in with, you know, get taken in money and spending money. And

01:10:53 --> 01:11:03

it is a form of deception. And unfortunately, many of the Muslims are caught up in this material deception in the society itself, may Allah guide them and guide us out of this deception. Yes, sir.

01:11:07 --> 01:11:34

Yes. Well, you know that this is a very good question. You know, the, the opposite question is what happens if people come to your house trick or treating? Now, basically, you know, we try to stay out of these things altogether, really. And if you have the type of a house where you can shut your door and turn off the front lights, you know, don't put a jack o' lantern in your window. Right? And, you know, you turn your lights off, the most people will just leave you alone. Can you give them? Like?

01:11:35 --> 01:11:49

Well, I mean, okay, one question I'll give you as a gift for all the question, can you give them a lot of chips, but the thing is still, I mean, see, but but that gets into a thing. Now, do you want to do it or not like one brother sent me he wants a Christmas tree. So he's going to get a palm tree for Christmas,

01:11:50 --> 01:11:57

with dates hanging off it, and that's going to be his Christmas tree. No matter if you don't get a Christmas tree, you don't get a Christmas tree.

01:11:59 --> 01:12:33

But we have to use wisdom. And there are some cases in very tight knit communities, where your neighbor is coming with the child, you know that people you see them every day, the child is just like a little angel. Right and the child comes to the door, it's a neighbor, okay, usually wisdom, open up the door, let them in, give them some halau cookies, you know, and some milk, you know, you don't have to give him you know, Halloween candy. But give them something, you know, wholesome, nutritious, you know, and tell them we have our own, you know, they even tell them, you know, about, you know, to watch out for the devil and what is opposition and the devil give some Dawa be friendly

01:12:33 --> 01:12:46

to the people, you know, in that case. But I think in general, it is wise for us, you know, to try to avoid this as as much as possible, you can close your door and turn off your lights and not be involved. I think it's the wisest situation.

01:12:51 --> 01:12:53

Children got to take part in

01:12:54 --> 01:12:56

Christian or Jewish or other traditions.

01:12:59 --> 01:13:24

With them with our own family failing, we are not working hard enough to do something for the youth that I don't see any institution that is gaining momentum, or even starting to do something on a larger basis. It's all well, and girls that don't do this. But you know, part of that said, some of them will stick to the

01:13:27 --> 01:13:50

knife of this word, because there is nothing else to attract them or to keep them drilling because what I'm seeing now in the United States, not everybody you are marrying outside of their faith. And there is very little being done. I certainly my own personal incidents when I was a student in England, I was 16 year old. And I used to play table tennis in a church.

01:13:51 --> 01:14:06

And I used to be partying with a girl and we started talking immediately the father came up to me, and maybe to convert or you can do anything and what faith is and what's going on. And this is important because we don't have anybody's enough

01:14:08 --> 01:14:20

interest or sincerity to do something practical, do really look at the roots of the problem and try to cut them down from there. Rather than look at the

01:14:21 --> 01:14:59

tree itself and say, Oh, we take the fruit here and do this. But this has to be at the root level because this is where we must do not have a Christianity you have these fathers who do not marry you go out into the world and serve Of course we do the same level of dedication that we need to this is where we're going to bring something into the youth that must serve or we must start or somebody should start to join hands because I don't see as when asked your own institution. Exactly. This is what you were doing because you mentioned something social services, how we can help you or somebody else who is doing something

01:15:00 --> 01:15:39

We can be part of it. And we can do it and not have the time I could do with money I could do with whatever we are. We all want to do things. But sometimes we find them in being foolish by going to the charities which are enabled. And this is where we have to establish something that is really authentic. And we can trust it table. And we can support it. This is what I'd like something from you, maybe we can quit smoking sources. Right, what the question is, is concerning the alternatives, we are saying that you should not be involved in Halloween, and Christmas and other occasions? And what is the Islamic alternative? This is a very good question. And actually, I would invite you to

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come to the next two programs, which will be tomorrow night and Sunday morning. And you'll be hearing the announcements, we're dealing with the dilemma of Muslim youth. And also we're dealing with the importance of Islamic education and some alternatives, they will have more time to really look at the issue and to discuss some actual practical alternatives to the problem we're facing. What I would like to say, since we're talking about holidays, is that the first thing we need to do is to put more emphasis on the Islamic holidays, our Eagle fitter, our eagle eyed ha that we have Muslims, some people go to work, man, they go to eat prayer in the morning, and they go to work

01:16:18 --> 01:16:51

after what the children don't even enjoy themselves on that day. So how do you expect the child not to want Christmas or not to want Halloween, when you don't have a day where they can enjoy themselves and feel good about themselves, learn about their religion, eat food, other people, you know, get nice things, we have to put more emphasis as a community on the eat and make the Aedes to be memorable occasions for the young people so that they would not need to have a Christmas tree or need to go trick or treating. Okay, other alternatives

01:16:52 --> 01:17:32

in terms of recreation, in shot and other areas. inshallah, in the program coming, we will be speaking very seriously about some of the other alternatives. You know, concerning, I think, one of the questions here, which I guess would be the last question. Last two questions. One is, is there any country in the Muslim world that you can give us an example of the Islamic New World Order, from my humble understanding of the Muslim world, I haven't seen or heard of any country that has really evolved into a proper Islamic State. There are some countries that have elements of Islam. There are some moving towards, but there are none that have developed into what we have studied to be the left

01:17:32 --> 01:17:46

element in the war. We pray that Allah subhanaw taala would change our conditions so that we have that country. The question is, is that my family is Catholic? Is it allowed to enter their houses when they are

01:17:48 --> 01:18:30

decorated with Christmas items? Well, you know, we should keep relations with our families. And you have to use your wisdom when you're dealing with people, the traditions of the people who you came from, because they raised you, right, you were a young child, they fed you they clothed you, you have to respect them for that. So therefore, you know, I don't think it's wise to totally cut off our relationship with them. However, we should not participate in their ceremonies where shirk is involved. polytheism rare, Kufa, anything eating big ham was put on the table, the drinking rum, or the pudding wine inside of the pudding of the pie. We don't involve ourselves in any of the Haram

01:18:30 --> 01:18:54

activities. However, Minh Baba Tao, and you know, with the intention of the Tao of spreading Islam, you can go to your family's house on certain occasions, spend some time with them, give them dour about Islam shoma good example. And then, you know, after a while, then you leave because usually people are civil and they meet and they talk about family affairs and and then later on, then they start breaking out the bottles.

01:18:55 --> 01:19:15

soon as that quote comes off, or that that you know, that bottle comes is a slowly, you know, peace be upon you. Hamada here, then you have to leave. Okay. So, you know, but but I think we should keep relations with our families. Because brothers and sisters have found that when they maintain the relationship, showed respect to the family, that

01:19:16 --> 01:19:43

it was a source of Allah subhanaw taala guiding people within that family to Islam, so that you should maintain it, but but try to stay out of their their activities, just walking in a place that has decorations, that in itself is not around Christmas decorations. Because I mean, the universe in Miami might even have some things hanging up around. Christmas trees are everywhere. They're downtown. Okay, this is Miami, I don't know, like in Toronto, it's everywhere. Right? In the north. It's everywhere. So northern.

01:19:44 --> 01:19:59

So yeah, so I mean, just that being there is not gonna it's not a you know, it's not haram and that's just the ceremonies that the food around food being taken in. So we try to avoid as much as we possibly can. But at the same time, use your wisdom.

01:20:00 --> 01:20:29

and maintain relations with your family. Okay, so I want to end here and we have the DDD the announcement in Sharla. And um anybody else can ask me some of the questions later. So particular home byham deca, Chateau de la lanton istockphoto una to Bri lake. So we love him. Alas, no unseren Luffy hos calella Dena amanu armina saly Harper tawassul bill Huck, but also the Saba masala hautala sadan, Mohammed Valley, he was a big marine. Well, after the Tao Juana and Al hamdu, lillahi Rabbil aalameen.

01:20:32 --> 01:20:43

He didn't say to them, get your weapons ready, get a large armies develop new ways of killing, he didn't say that, he said is the enabler he was

01:20:45 --> 01:20:55

make your esteana seek your help from the Lord of the worlds and have patience? Surely, Allah subhanaw taala is ultimately the one who's in control.

01:20:57 --> 01:21:04

And so when we look at the situation with the world going through great changes in what is called this great new world order.

01:21:06 --> 01:21:08

We have to think of the words of musala is

01:21:10 --> 01:21:16

that even though Muslims to a certain extent, are being demonized are being made into the other.

01:21:17 --> 01:21:59

We believe strongly that it is only a matter of time. And then if we have patience, that it will change to another subject, somebody else will become the enemy. Just like the Japanese had patience and you know, Germans were even being demonized and even Irish people to a certain extent. The native people are always being demonized. But after a while it changes. And now they're working on Spanish drug cartels and Afro American gangs and Jamaican posse. And they're also of course, the most terrible terrorist, terrorist you can bring to the screen is the Arab terrorist who's a Muslim. And then the heroes go to save the world. Chuck Norris,

01:22:00 --> 01:22:09

Steven Seagal, guy with the little ponytail on Oh swats nigga, big man, all of them are out reading the world of the new menace

01:22:11 --> 01:22:12

is a problem.

01:22:13 --> 01:22:22

And the poor Muslims are sitting there, you know what is going wrong in the Muslim world get to drinking Coca Cola and, you know, trying to go to McDonald's and you know, you're trying to get a visa to America,

01:22:23 --> 01:22:25

an analyst what's nigga is angry at them.

01:22:27 --> 01:22:30

So it's hard for people to understand what is really going on.

01:22:31 --> 01:22:51

And some people who know the changes in the world, they say, just take it easy and become because soon the greatest enemy that Hollywood has ever seen. And it is coming now. We'll be in front of us and all alliances will drop to face this enemy. And we see it coming in now. It is the aliens.

01:22:52 --> 01:22:57

And so if the aliens take over as the enemies, then maybe inshallah somebody will leave us alone.

01:23:00 --> 01:23:02

Getting back to our subject, however,

01:23:04 --> 01:23:14

in an article written in 1994, speaking about revitalized Islam, and also in the same year, the Atlantic Monthly

01:23:16 --> 01:23:28

to Robbie's law, the cross in the crescent, Islam in the West, many of the important journals in the 90s have written articles concerning the great changes going on in the world.

01:23:30 --> 01:23:32

And in this article in The Economist,

01:23:33 --> 01:24:08

we find that they were dividing up the world in the 21st century, into three camps. This is how people would think in terms of the political world order thinking, they divided the world into three camps. The first is the West. And now in the West, Russia, is included in the West. Before Russia, the Soviet Union was the bad guys. And it was the Eastern Bloc and the western bloc, the Cold War was on. But now the Berlin Berlin Wall is down. And the Russians are eating at McDonald's.

01:24:10 --> 01:24:15

And it's changed. So they are part of the West. So that's number one. Two,

01:24:16 --> 01:24:19

was the countries of the Pacific Rim.

01:24:20 --> 01:24:36

The countries in the Pacific Rim Confucian based cultures, the Asian countries and the growing economies. This is considered to be the second world power in the 21st century. And the third they said was the world of Islam.

01:24:37 --> 01:24:52

And that's very interesting because they didn't say Islamic fundamentalists. They didn't talk about a little cell group out to destroy the world. They were they were trying to be more intellectual. They looked at the whole situation and they said, the world of Islam

01:24:53 --> 01:25:00

and when they discuss this article, and also when Bernard Lewis one of the famous x

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So called experts of the west on Islam are spoke about this in the Atlantic Monthly.

01:25:06 --> 01:25:14

They looked at Islam, not in terms of individuals, not in terms of a little religious cult, but they looked at Islam as a civilization.

01:25:16 --> 01:25:57

Because Islam is really a civilization. And we know that when Allah subhanaw taala is telling us in Diener and the law of Islam, that surely that way of life with Allah is Islam. He is not speaking about a religion in the religious, Western narrow sense, but our way of life. That includes your economic situation, your political life, your social life, your personal life, your collective life, all spheres of your existence come within your way of life. And so they recognize even though some Muslims don't yet recognize that Islam is a way of life,

01:25:59 --> 01:26:00

and no doubt,

01:26:01 --> 01:26:04

Islam has had a powerful influence on the world.

01:26:05 --> 01:26:26

And I like to look back at 1492, especially for people living in this part of the world, because historically is what it is one of the great cutoff points. And not just because of the fact that Christopher Columbus bumped into America when he was lost. And he was found by the native people here, they discovered him, not just because of that,

01:26:27 --> 01:26:32

but because of the fact that in 1492, was the fall of Granada.

01:26:34 --> 01:26:59

And that was when the authority that the Muslims had had in Western Europe for over 700 years, when the great achievements in science and math, and all the different fields of, of intellectual thinking, the practical sciences, and that society, in Andalusia, that was built, reached the pinnacle of civilization, where they were able to

01:27:00 --> 01:27:06

use the forces of nature, bring the water out of the mountains, without causing pollution.

01:27:07 --> 01:27:14

They were able to develop chemicals and make scientific achievements without poisoning the water.

01:27:16 --> 01:27:17

Without poisoning the air.

01:27:19 --> 01:27:22

They lived in an environmentally friendly way,

01:27:23 --> 01:27:25

although they were scientific.

01:27:26 --> 01:27:38

And what was also very important about this age, was the fact that not only were they at the height of science and knowledge, but they were at the height of monotheism.

01:27:39 --> 01:27:43

And so the scientists was a strong believer in the Creator.

01:27:44 --> 01:27:57

When the scientists studied botany and biology and looked into the creations of Allah, it strengthened his faith and to create it. When the scientists when the doctor recognize the power of the immune system,

01:27:58 --> 01:28:03

that Allah has made a system within us that fights off the disease, even while we're sleeping.

01:28:05 --> 01:28:20

Then, when the doctor saw this, it increased his knowledge of the Creator. The more that the the scientists and mathematicians, the intellectuals ponded, the creation, the stronger they became in the belief in Allah,

01:28:21 --> 01:28:40

the stronger they became in the determination to try to set a system up, that not only would give freedom of speech and thought to Muslims, but also allowed Christians and Jews and other people to function in the society and quiet as it's kept.

01:28:41 --> 01:28:56

In the time when the Muslims ruled and andalusi was the golden age of Jewish literature. It was their golden age, Maimonides, even Mark moon, many of their great intellectuals were in Muslim Spain. This is where they got their education.

01:28:57 --> 01:29:13

And so we recognize that they set up a society that influenced the whole planet. And our modern life that we are living now has a great depth to the Muslims. Like el kashani, we had a computer in the 15th century.

01:29:14 --> 01:29:31

Eben Siena, in his the law of medicine called noon fifth tip, where he laid down the law of medicine and this encyclopedia type of work that he did that European scientists benefited from up until the 16th 17th century.

01:29:32 --> 01:29:45

We also recognize that Isaac Newton, when when he discovered gravity, it wasn't just because the apple hit him in his head was probably reading an Arabic text, and the apple woke him up and he turned to the page on gravity.

01:29:47 --> 01:29:59

Because Muslims already knew about gravity, Muslims already knew about gravity. That was nothing new. Zero is an Arabic letter. I mean a number cipher 123456

01:30:00 --> 01:30:13

As traces of this use we see in ancient Egypt, if you go to the temple in Saqqara, the Great Pyramid in Saqqara, the Old Kingdom of Egypt, you will find zero and decimal numbers 3000 BC.

01:30:14 --> 01:30:27

In ancient India, you will also find the use of zero. But the Muslims were able to take it and to enter, revolutionize it. And to make it relevant. Taking science

01:30:28 --> 01:30:36

and making it relevant with your towheaded, understanding your monotheistic understanding, make it relevant to the world

01:30:38 --> 01:30:53

benefit creation, enhanced life with your science and your technology. Keep your modesty and your dignity, although you have progress. That was that was the great achievement of the Muslims. And that I believe,

01:30:54 --> 01:30:56

is one of the important reasons why

01:30:57 --> 01:31:04

the economist and other groups looked upon the world of Islam as one of the three powers.

01:31:05 --> 01:31:06

Another reason

01:31:07 --> 01:31:16

and they also talked about this in the economist, is because within Islam in the economic system, is zero interest.

01:31:18 --> 01:31:46

And that is the most frightening thing about the world of Islam. Not Sharia, Islamic law. They're not afraid of hijab of women being modest, or men growing a beard. They don't care if you make a lot, make it all night. But if you start taking you took all the money all the Gulf money out of the banks, and put it in a bank with zero interest at the Sultan of Brunei, and other places, took his money and put it in a bank with zero interest.

01:31:48 --> 01:31:50

You will change the economy of the world.

01:31:52 --> 01:32:04

All of the bank structures and the insurance buildings that you see, every city that we go into, and the brother we were driving by the Miami skyline. The brother said this is Miami.

01:32:05 --> 01:32:19

And really for me, you know, as I told him, this is similar to other cities in North America. Look at the buildings, the biggest one is probably the bank, the insurance building, like everywhere else, the people who are dealing with interest.

01:32:21 --> 01:32:25

So if you say now that we want money to be shared between people,

01:32:26 --> 01:32:36

that the bank would give a loan to somebody based on their merit, and the bank and the person would share in the project.

01:32:38 --> 01:32:54

You have the land, he has the money. If the project is successful, you're both successful. If the project fails, you both fail. This is the Islamic system the way it is now if the project fails, you fail, but he keeps the money.

01:32:56 --> 01:33:03

And so we recognize the fact that this is a strong alternative to what we see in the world today.

01:33:05 --> 01:33:09

Another point and this might sound strange to you

01:33:10 --> 01:33:16

dealing with it especially in the light of certain tensions in our community.

01:33:17 --> 01:33:19

In healthy Islam,

01:33:20 --> 01:33:22

the women are highly educated.

01:33:24 --> 01:33:30

In healthy Islam, women and children are participating in Islamic activities.

01:33:31 --> 01:33:39

And you go in the time of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam and you look at the revelation. The first person to accept Islam was a woman

01:33:40 --> 01:33:49

and she she confirmed Islam. The first person to die Shaheed to sacrifice their life for Islam Samia, well the law is a woman.

01:33:51 --> 01:33:56

The person who report the second most amount of Hadith Ayesha rodilla Rhonda is a woman

01:33:58 --> 01:34:03

in the Battle of or hurt. One of the people who defended the Prophet with her body was a woman.

01:34:05 --> 01:34:13

Many of the battles the women would would go the Prophet peace upon withdraw lots would take lots between his wives and take her to the battle.

01:34:14 --> 01:34:24

In healthy Islam, the whole community participates in healthy Islam. Young people are involved in the masjid young people are involved in the leadership.

01:34:26 --> 01:34:31

Abdullah you believe our best even you must rude. You can continue on with the five Abdullah

01:34:32 --> 01:34:41

and Osama bin Zayed a Libra Vitaly Fatima hafsa will be pleased with them all young people involved in the leadership of Islam.

01:34:42 --> 01:34:59

It is reported in Andalusia, Muslims around the heights in healthy Islam, that one of the hola his name was his Shama. Elif is Sham, the third that he wanted to get married and he was a scholar of Islam himself. He's the leader.

01:35:00 --> 01:35:15

But he was a scholar. So he wants to get married. So he said, I, he put out the word to the community and he said, I want to be married to a young sister. But the condition for marriage is that she has to memorize the Quran.

01:35:17 --> 01:35:29

That's the condition for my wife, and anybody within this city, the capital city, and Andalusia who has a daughter ready for marriage, who's memorized the Quran, put a candle in the window.

01:35:30 --> 01:35:35

That night, as history records 500 candles were lit.

01:35:37 --> 01:35:39

So the halifa was a little bit confused.

01:35:40 --> 01:35:58

So he put another condition, put another one. And he said, not only should she memorize the Quran, but she should memorize l mulata. d'amato vema Malik rodial, on the famous book of Hadith, the first authentic ID, she should memorize a whole lotta with the Quran.

01:35:59 --> 01:36:29

And as history records 350 candles will let you imagine this. That means that with 350 women eligible for marriage, who memorize the whole Quran, and the whole of the mulata, I'm not talking about their mothers. I'm not talking about their fathers. I'm not talking about the students in the madressa of Islamic knowledge. These are the general this is the general population. This is healthy Islam,

01:36:30 --> 01:36:34

when the whole community is involved in Islamic practice.

01:36:37 --> 01:36:41

But deception has another program.

01:36:42 --> 01:37:17

It has another program. Because within this order, you'll hear a lot of political theories about and I'm not here tonight, to give you conspiracy theories of the Illuminati, and all the different groups that are out to destroy the world. No doubt there may be some groups like this, there may be some Masonic orders and secret groups that are plotting and they cause the French Revolution and World War One and World War Two, and they have some aliens hidden in New Mexico under the ground. And you know, there's a lot of things that could be happening. I'm not I don't want to deal with that right now. Because it might confuse us and frighten us more than help us.

01:37:19 --> 01:37:21

But the reality of the situation

01:37:22 --> 01:37:24

that we have to look at

01:37:25 --> 01:37:35

is that within that New World Order, within this, this this image which is being given Islam, healthy, Islam is being demonized,

01:37:36 --> 01:37:38

healthy Islam is being demonized.

01:37:40 --> 01:37:42

And this is a major mistake.

01:37:43 --> 01:38:32

It is a major mistake, because within Islam is the answers to the problems of secularism, according to Bernard Lewis, in his article in The Atlantic Monthly, and other scholars, that in Europe itself, a great change went on in the Christian church. When there were battles between the Protestants, the people who protested against the Vatican, and great struggles went on people died, there was great tension. And also scientists were persecuted by people in the church. And so secular thinking developed. And that is where you keep your religion in your house, you pray in your church, or your synagogue or mosque, but we run this society based upon civil law, secular law. And that law is

01:38:32 --> 01:38:35

something that has to be agreed upon by the people.

01:38:36 --> 01:39:06

Now, the problem is that we recognize when we look at how law has developed is that the masses of people have not really been involved in the decision making that only a few have been involved, and that we have been fed propaganda. And the masses of people in Europe were fed propaganda and they went on the Crusades. They went into the Muslim world thinking they were rescuing the true cross of Christ. But Christians were already there in the Middle East. Many of the other Arabs living in Palestine were Christians.

01:39:07 --> 01:39:14

But they went there and slaughtered the people and died. They were deceived. It is deception.

01:39:16 --> 01:39:19

Later on, as the propaganda is being used,

01:39:21 --> 01:39:36

when the Conquistador is Columbus, the gamma Bell Boa went out, they denied the civilizations of the Aboriginal people, all of the countries they came to coming to America and say, I discovered you and the people lived here for 10,000 years.

01:39:38 --> 01:39:45

People have a civilization of language of everything, and they probably saved your life and gave you something to drink and some oranges for your scurvy.

01:39:47 --> 01:39:51

And then you say I discovered you and you give them the disease that you brought on the boat.

01:39:53 --> 01:39:56

But the worst thing is to say you discovered the place

01:39:57 --> 01:39:59

that you will deny the civilization

01:40:00 --> 01:40:06

Of the people living in that area. Now what is happening is probably one of the most

01:40:08 --> 01:40:22

effective, diabolical means of propaganda, the television, the media, that, in its inception appear to be a very innocent tool

01:40:23 --> 01:40:26

has now become a powerful tool of mind control.

01:40:28 --> 01:40:37

Anybody can be demonized. And people are watching that television and they believe in it. But the CNN says it, it must have happened.

01:40:39 --> 01:40:47

This is being beamed all over the world, in the mountains of Nepal, in the deserts of the Sahara. in the jungles of South America, somebody's got a TV.

01:40:49 --> 01:40:51

And they're watching the international

01:40:52 --> 01:40:53


01:40:55 --> 01:41:00

on one sided information that is being spread throughout the world. This is the new deception.

01:41:01 --> 01:41:07

And so this order this, this order that some people speak about is an order

01:41:08 --> 01:41:16

that would have religion on the site. People who believe in God, you consider it to be an ignorant person, or backward person.

01:41:17 --> 01:41:20

It also glorifies race, and nationalism.

01:41:21 --> 01:41:32

It also promotes class divisions. There's the rich and the poor. And it seems like in many countries, the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer.

01:41:34 --> 01:41:35

That is what we see on the outside.

01:41:37 --> 01:41:56

On the inside of the people's hearts, they are being deceived into the love of the life of this world. And I think this is one of the greatest parts of this new world order is that it is a confusion. It is a fantasy world being promoted to you it is an international Disneyland

01:41:57 --> 01:42:21

which is being propagated to the people of the world. So you think that that's what the world is you think that everything will be okay? If you live in a certain way if you eat certain foods, if you act in a certain way. This is raw, it is deception. In the Toronto area, the deception of the people in the life of this world has reached a high level and I'm sure it's down here to

01:42:22 --> 01:42:32

Lhasa Potala tells us with Mel hayata dunya Illa matar Gouda that surely the life of this world is nothing but a material deception.

01:42:33 --> 01:42:36

And so people are putting their life on the lottery.

01:42:37 --> 01:42:45

Put down your money and hope for success. And in Toronto area A few weeks ago, a woman 120 $1 million.

01:42:46 --> 01:43:06

And the whole of Ontario stood still. poll of Canada stood still to look at this woman who won this money and that now she is successful. She has made it in this world. But you know what her father said, may God help us. That's what her father said. He had sense because after she won the money,

01:43:08 --> 01:43:21

people were calling her house to marry her to sell her things. She got death threats. She had a higher bodyguards, and now they had to move out of their house. So the money that she thought was liberation was actually a prison.

01:43:22 --> 01:43:24

It is a punishment.

01:43:26 --> 01:43:27

In England,

01:43:29 --> 01:43:38

just recently a man 130 5 million pounds sterling in the lottery, and England the UK stood still.

01:43:40 --> 01:44:01

And he wanted to get as high as he wanted his dunya and he started eating food and eating food and eating food. And this is a real story came in on paper. He stopped eating food because he wanted the dunya bring me Italian food bring me Russian blue bring me Chinese bring me African bring me I want my dunya he started taking in the dunya until he reached 315 pounds and he dropped it

01:44:05 --> 01:44:06

within a few months.

01:44:08 --> 01:44:14

His Hayato dunya destroyed him. mela hayata dunya Illa Matata

01:44:16 --> 01:44:32

This is one of the greatest weapons in the in the so called New World Order and that is to take the people into a state of confusion. But I want to take it I want to take it to another level tonight. For the Muslims.

01:44:33 --> 01:44:44

There is a special form of deception for Muslims. This is interesting. And there was a scholar in the eighth century after the hegira

01:44:45 --> 01:44:53

even Kodama al makdessi Rahim Allah from Syria in his manhandle posse Dean

01:44:55 --> 01:45:00

and this work that he wrote, he studied the internal work

01:45:00 --> 01:45:00

Have people

01:45:02 --> 01:45:10

he studied the heart He studied the Spirit. He looked not only externally but he wanted to know what makes us tick on the inside.

01:45:11 --> 01:45:24

And in his chapter Bible hurrah. He had a special chapter for deception. And he showed us that when you talk about taqwa, you are talking about a combination of both what Raja?

01:45:25 --> 01:45:46

That taqwa is fear, you fear the punishment of Allah, but at the same time, you hope, in the mercy of Allah. And we know that Allah is most merciful. So Islam speaks more about the mercy of Allah than about the punishment. But there's two things going on at the same time. And he pointed out that that fear and hope

01:45:47 --> 01:46:42

are catalysts that stimulates you to action. Fear makes you run from something, hope makes you move towards something. But anything that stops you from working, that stops you from doing your actions of Islam is deception. It is gras. And it is alive and well. And the word guru also means in the dictionary, delusion, illusion, conceit, vanities, danger. And it also is used to describe the shaytaan himself. Because that is the essence of the devil's trick is to is to deceive people. And so the great scholar looked at the Muslims, and from amongst, what he came across, and it's so interesting, because this was in the eighth century, okay, we're now like 14 right? Now 15th

01:46:42 --> 01:46:43


01:46:44 --> 01:46:48

And when you look at that, you will see

01:46:50 --> 01:47:03

that, as he pointed out, there's a general deception that the masses of the people have, like those who bet on the lottery. And you know, the person who gave the lottery to the woman in Toronto, his name was Yusuf.

01:47:04 --> 01:47:08

He was a Muslim, who owned the 711.

01:47:09 --> 01:47:37

And he was smiling and congratulating her. So he's caught up in the illusion himself. So the Muslims can get caught up in that general illusion and deception that goes to the masses of the people. But there's another one. For people who have knowledge, people who have done things in Islam, once you're in Islam, and you're practicing one form of this law is of those people who have good deeds and bad deeds. They have Hassan act and say yet,

01:47:38 --> 01:48:03

like a person, as the shack said, Who does instead of five, 100 times in the morning, he asked a lot to forgive him 100 times in the morning, and then he scandalizes muslims for the rest of the day. He backs by people talks about them, insults them, he's rude when he's dealing with them. But he thinks that because he made his 100 times in the morning, that that will cover all the rest of it, since that's deception.

01:48:04 --> 01:48:07

It's a form of law, try to understand this concept.

01:48:08 --> 01:48:17

Another one is that there are amongst the scholars, there are people who actually have the outward appearance of knowledge or piety.

01:48:18 --> 01:48:21

And there are some people who think that because of their families,

01:48:23 --> 01:48:34

that they don't have to do Islamic work. Oh, my father was a great scholar of Islam. I don't have to study, my mother giving charity, I don't have to give zakat.

01:48:35 --> 01:48:40

My family is the family of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. So we're all forgiven.

01:48:41 --> 01:48:49

This is deception. Even somebody who claims to have knowledge and who has the outward trappings of it can get caught up inside of this deception.

01:48:51 --> 01:49:05

Another group, let's take it a step deeper, like the chef did. There's a group that knows that you're supposed to deal with yourself that that, you know, don't just be Muslim on the outside on the inside, they know this.

01:49:07 --> 01:49:09

But at the same time, they don't practice it.

01:49:10 --> 01:49:29

And so they can tell you the theory. But they but inside their heart, they have jealousy. They do things for react to be seen by people. They want position. They want their name to be mentioned. They fight for authority, the ego controls their life. This is a form of deception.

01:49:31 --> 01:49:32

taking it a step further,

01:49:33 --> 01:49:39

we find that even Kodama in the eighth century after the digital

01:49:41 --> 01:49:59

speaking and this is happening to us now that there are people who spend all their time on studying email who laugh. They study, the knowledge of dispute, how to argue with other Muslims. And so they spend their time looking up answers about this issue or that issue.

01:50:00 --> 01:50:15

So they spent all the time arguing about this issue that issue and then all their work is finished. They don't do Dawa. They're not in the field teaching Islam to people. They're not building an Islamic Society. They're not doing a Miliband model for Nadia Mancha. They're not forbidding evil, where it's supposed to be forbid.

01:50:17 --> 01:50:35

But their time, you know, is consumed, fighting amongst Muslims and causing confusion, and they think that they're doing good. They think inside themselves, that they're actually the true Muslims, the leaders of Islam, but they're holding back Islam.

01:50:36 --> 01:50:46

The Prophet peace and blessings be upon them in a hadith reported by a Timothy which is Hassan Issa here, has said, Mandala Coleman cut by the Huda Illa ooh to Jeddah

01:50:47 --> 01:50:59

that people did not go astray after guidance until they were given dispute, the art of dispute how to argue and debate with other people.

01:51:00 --> 01:51:03

And so we see this confusion that is coming out.

01:51:04 --> 01:51:06

And it is important for Muslims

01:51:07 --> 01:51:45

to recognize that although the outward systems of the world that the material system seems to be changing against this lab, or seems to be pushing people into another culture, to make everybody wear the same clothes and eat the same food, and you got to have a check on your hat, and even now, the brothers got coup fees with a check on it, on the Koofi and everybody's wants to save I was in Mecca, making hodgen. We went to Azizi and we came out of the cabin, we looked up and the golden arches, in Mecca, Pizza Hut, Baskin Robbins, Burger King.

01:51:47 --> 01:51:59

And there was a young boy probably from a Mexican family, who has the nicest form of capture, you eat in the afternoon, nice food, you eat it. And he was in McDonald's with his big pants and his hat on and he had an attitude.

01:52:01 --> 01:52:17

He had an attitude, you know what I'm talking about. You walk in a like, like, you know, like this, you can sort of like limp. You know, when you're walking, right? And you got an attitude like, you're angry, right? You're angry with everybody. You're not really angry. But you've got this attitude, right? This the boy had an attitude. I said to him,

01:52:18 --> 01:52:23

Do you know what this check is on your head? May Allah guide you, you know what to do with these things.

01:52:25 --> 01:52:27

And when you see these things happening,

01:52:28 --> 01:52:30

not that it's haram to eat in Mecca.

01:52:31 --> 01:53:00

Okay, if if McDonald's or Burger King here is using, if they're using vegetable vegetable oil, if they have real halau beef, I wouldn't eat unless it's slaughtered by Muslims myself. Of course, there's a big difference of opinion among scholars. But But my problem is, I'm from this country. I'm not somebody make a fetch, we just came off a plane. And when you eat McDonald's you eat everything you eat and toenails is pawns, cardboard, everything mixed up with sauce and fast food.

01:53:01 --> 01:53:07

And it's probably half pork, and they don't even tell you. And the oil half the time has got lard in it.

01:53:08 --> 01:53:13

For those of you who like your McDonald burgers, a lot is in the oil.

01:53:17 --> 01:53:19

But the image of the arches is there.

01:53:20 --> 01:54:00

And this culture is spreading everywhere. It's unbelievable. And you know, there are certain groups in the Muslim world who are being targeted. I've seen this happening. We have a very large community in Toronto, over 250,000 Muslims. So we see a lot of things happening to different groups of people. There are some people in the Muslim world who have great potential to being targeted. Why do you think they're making such a noise about the Sudan? Why do you think they're making the noise? Because the potential oil, the Nile is there, you know that the knowledge is there, the crossroads of Africa, moving into the Arabian Peninsula, is there a society that could lead the Muslim world is

01:54:00 --> 01:54:01


01:54:02 --> 01:54:43

they targeted different countries, Yemen, in North Yemen. They targeted the people call but our but our people live on the east coast of Africa. And they are known to be people who are involved in in knowledge and Tao and the spreading of Islam in East Africa. So they went to the but our people they were having a problem. There's a big fight going on problems in Somalia in that region. They went to them and they said, no problem. We'll give you a visa to America. You come to America. Okay. And really, you know, to a certain extent, it's good because at least it takes a person out of the line of fire. But when they got here, and didn't have any institution setup, the children become confused

01:54:44 --> 01:54:46

and get their attitudes.

01:54:47 --> 01:54:54

And if you don't have a madressa if you don't have a proper Islamic Society to show an alternative, you're caught in a confusion.

01:54:55 --> 01:54:59

Some of our brothers went to Mauritania and they found the village in Mauritania. We were the people were

01:55:00 --> 01:55:07

We have scholars of Islam. And when they entered this village, it was like the you hear the buzzing of bees, because the Quran is being recited.

01:55:09 --> 01:55:10

Every house had a half

01:55:11 --> 01:55:14

every house had a scholar, okay?

01:55:15 --> 01:55:17

Then the New World Order came in.

01:55:18 --> 01:55:27

And they said to the people who will bring you electricity, that's progress. But they also said, anybody who wants a TV and a satellite dish, it's free.

01:55:29 --> 01:55:39

And they started putting in the satellite dishes. They gave the young people scholarships to America. They came back and after 10 years, when the brothers came back,

01:55:41 --> 01:56:04

the scholars had left the city they were in the desert. And there were people around boys walking with attitudes. And the Muslims were fighting over issues which day and you got to stop Ramadan, or end fighting and be confused about their method method. Their school of thought things which they never had a problem with before suddenly is in their in the name of Islam in their community.

01:56:06 --> 01:56:11

And confusion is indeed it is a form of deception, which is being used on our communities.

01:56:12 --> 01:56:17

And it is important for us to understand what is going on with this great change.

01:56:18 --> 01:56:31

In the conclusion, I would like to leave you with a hadith which sets the groundwork for our look at the whole of the changes in the world. In this hadith which is reported in the Muslim Imam Ahmed, Rahim Allah

01:56:32 --> 01:56:35

Nomad, even Bashir reports. It's a long Hadith.

01:56:36 --> 01:56:38

He said we were sitting in the masjid

01:56:39 --> 01:57:10

with the messenger will also Solomon Bashir was a man who did not speak much Abu Salah Al Hussein he came in he said, Bashir, do you memorize any of the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah, peace of blessings be upon him concerning Amir's leaders. And then huzefa, he responded, another one of the Sahaba were the last one. And he quoted from the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him, which is confirmed by the Messenger of Allah, and he and then the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him, was quoted to have said in this hadith

01:57:13 --> 01:57:24

and I read the English because this is a very long Hadith, there will be Prophethood amongst you for as long as Allah wills then it will be raised by Allah, if he wills then there will be

01:57:26 --> 01:58:00

on the prophetic model. Okay, he laughs It element has a new Booyah. And it will be raised by Allah, if you will, and we know the whole of Russia been raised, then there will be a despotic kingdom, for as long as Allah wills and it will be raised if Allah wills, then there will be a rule or a kingdom based on force for as long as Allah wills and it will be raised if Allah wills then there would be he laffitte Allah min Hajj, a new Buddha,

01:58:01 --> 01:58:20

then the Prophet was silent. And the Hadith goes, then there will be also much akuna khilafah Allah mahadji Nobu through masa kata Prophet was silent after that. So we spoke about the different rules, he spoke about first Mukunda de

01:58:21 --> 01:58:23

and then he spoke about milking jabariya.

01:58:24 --> 01:58:33

These two forms, one that would be a tyrannical rule, you have no say, you'd be quiet, the rule will kill you. If you try to oppose

01:58:34 --> 01:58:52

then there would be a rule based on force. And that's probably what we're living in right now. May is right, so ever has has the power not because you fear Allah or you have knowledge, No, none of that it is power. But after this the Prophet peace be upon him said then there would be

01:58:53 --> 01:59:00

a society or a rule on the on the prophetic model, then he was quiet.

01:59:01 --> 01:59:23

And if we look at the changes going on now, this rule of power that is going on where people are being persecuted for their opinions, this cannot last. And we know this is a NEO colonial rule. This is this is something left over after the colonial system, and it is changing in the Muslim world. And we're moving toward the khilafah of the new Buddha, the prophetic model.

01:59:24 --> 01:59:35

But you have to realize if you really want to be like the Prophet, peace be upon him. You have to live and if to live completely. You can't take some of it and leave some of it.

01:59:37 --> 01:59:48

The Prophet peace be upon him was he's poor. He never struck any of his wives. He never hit them at all. He solved this problem in his home with his tongue.

01:59:49 --> 01:59:52

Zero tolerance for violence.

01:59:53 --> 01:59:55

You want to be like him, you got to go all the way.

01:59:57 --> 01:59:59

When the Prophet peace be upon him was what had to issue

02:00:00 --> 02:00:06

Choose in front of his companions to issues that were both halau he always took the easiest one

02:00:08 --> 02:00:09

not the most difficult one.

02:00:11 --> 02:00:34

What is happening now is that some people with knowledge they did they give you the most difficult fatwah not that not the easiest one, they might make life difficult for you. The Prophet peace be upon him said yes, Cyril will lead to a zero. But shadow will lead to not feel, make things easy, don't make it difficult. Call people be positive, don't drive people away.

02:00:35 --> 02:00:39

Be positive. This is what Islam is about forgive each other.

02:00:41 --> 02:00:47

And I want to end with one Hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him because I really believe

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that in order for us to make a change, that we have to look inside of ourselves and Allah tells us in the law that you know, maybe Coleman had tell you how you might be enforcing him, allow him to change the condition of people to lead changes. So they change that which is in themselves.

02:01:03 --> 02:01:07

You want the Medina period, that you have to go through Mecca first.

02:01:08 --> 02:01:17

You want an Islamic State, then you have to have the character and the personality for an Islamic State otherwise you might be a worse oppressor than the one who's there now.

02:01:19 --> 02:01:27

The Prophet peace be parliament, this hadith. This is a legacy he left for us. In this Hadith, it tells us and I mentioned this today to the brothers

02:01:28 --> 02:02:14

it's authentic hadith not so well known by by by by the masses of the people is reported by Ali Ibn Abi tala Carmela watch. In this hadith he says lemma de mon to LA se la rasulillah salam salam wa jal to ficar em se for Sula, la Rocca fee ha Syl men kataka will Asin Illa men Assa e Lake wa Kunal Huck Willow Elena fsic, this IDT Ali ibn Abi Talib took possession of the weapons of the Messenger of Allah. He was the one who had was in charge of the burial. He was the oldest member of the Prophet's family, he had to deal with the personal things. So he got the sword. Now, what do you expect to see on a man's weapon?

02:02:15 --> 02:02:18

Most people when they have the weapons they put born to kill,

02:02:19 --> 02:02:21

or they curse the enemies.

02:02:22 --> 02:02:28

What did he have on this, it says, make relations with those who cut you off.

02:02:30 --> 02:02:32

do good to those who harm you.

02:02:34 --> 02:03:01

And speak the truth, even if it is against yourself. Three great principles that we can begin with to look at what the Islamic New World Order would be. Because it starts within ourselves. Number one, make relations with those who cut you off, never cut off your relationships with families, other groups within Islam, you have non Muslim friends, keep your religion you don't have to follow all the ways that people but keep relations

02:03:02 --> 02:03:23

to good even if people do wrong to you. Now, now Now we stand up against evil, we will do that. But even if people did harm, the Messenger of Allah would forgive them. The people have taught I have stoned him to blood put down his shoes, and the angel of the mountains came to him. And he said No, do not destroy them. Because maybe there are those who would accept Islam amongst them.

02:03:24 --> 02:04:05

And they live to see the people have taught if coming to Islam in crowds. That is the heart of the Messenger of Allah, Ramadan, Al amin, a mercy for all of the worlds. And the last point is speak the truth, even if it is against yourself. And we have to be honest, if we're dealing with scholarship, we have to be honest, if we're dealing with Islam and the practicalities of it, we have to be honest and show all the positions of the scholars and all of the heads, not just the ones that support opposition. I want to end this part of our program tonight. I asked Allah subhanaw taala to have mercy upon me and mercy upon you, and that we will be part of the Islamic New World Order. This

02:04:05 --> 02:04:49

would be a world order that would establish peace and justice. That would also allow people of other persuasions to live a good life, within our community. We respect the people of the book, we respect Jesus peace be upon him. We believe that he was born without a father that his mother was a virgin. May Allah have mercy on him? We respect Moses, we believe the water opened up for him. May Allah have mercy upon him. We respect all of the profits, and we respect justice and peace and honesty wherever we see it. And I pray that a lot would help us to be of those who are part of the society or that our younger generation would see a change and if he left it alone man has a new Booyah a

02:04:49 --> 02:04:58

philosophy it on the prophetic model. May Allah have mercy upon me and you akula Kali howdah well stocked for lolly walakum wa salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

02:05:14 --> 02:05:15

The people have known that

02:05:18 --> 02:05:59

getting government growth from foreigners, they fund some of them cushion through these murders, they pay the money. And they accuse the Muslim and always they make it known, but of some of them the Muslim they hold them during mascaras and they found them a Christian Muslim. I want to tell the Muslim about that. Yeah. Are the brothers mentioned about the very confusing situation, they are in Algeria. And unfortunately, there are these different groups. And he's reporting that there was a Christian group. But what I've heard is these mafioso groups, these mafias, they're drug dealers who are on drugs, and they sell drugs, thugs, and they're used by the system to punish the people who

02:05:59 --> 02:06:00

support the Islamic movement.

02:06:02 --> 02:06:03

Okay, Allah knows best.

02:06:04 --> 02:06:05

Any other questions? Anybody has?

02:06:14 --> 02:06:15

Watch I mentioned afterwards?

02:06:17 --> 02:06:18

Because a lot of the topics are there.

02:06:20 --> 02:06:20

Yes, probably

02:06:24 --> 02:06:25

getting a message.

02:06:27 --> 02:06:28

So send me let me

02:06:31 --> 02:06:31


02:06:34 --> 02:07:09

Well, you know, I think in terms of what we can do, that, we have to try to get information, proper information, you know, from the ground itself, whatever part of the Muslim world it is, to hear from the people themselves, what is going on in their country. And it is good to invite speakers to come in from the countries themselves, who can actually explain to the community what is going on, we can get information from another source. And you know, if there's any way to help and relief efforts, and you know, whatever, it is also long, you know, possible, some situations are very confusing ones. But whatever that you can do materially, whatever, you can lift up your voice, you know,

02:07:09 --> 02:07:16

however, you can help me we have to try to be concerned with the plight of Muslims all over the world. I think it's a very good point. Yes.

02:07:17 --> 02:07:24

What do you feel about the possibilities of a caliphate, some type of Central leadership in the Muslim world?

02:07:25 --> 02:07:34

Well, I believe in the words of the Prophet peace be upon him. And I believe that this hadith is authentic, and it's not in its chain, and I believe that this will eventually come about.

02:07:36 --> 02:08:13

And you can see people in the Muslim world are now getting more consciousness. And there's there are countries who want to be ruled underneath Islamic law. The problem is, is you know, it's been a long time since we actually were able to practice Islam, we were underneath foreign *. And, and is and there's a lot of changes that's gone on in the world now with technology. So this is the storming that has to go on, and people, you know, the people who understand the book, who understand Islam, Islamic scholarship, have to sit with those who understand the changes in the world. And then and bring about that type of society that would keep us within the laws of Allah, but would also

02:08:13 --> 02:08:35

make us relevant to the issues that we are facing in the world. But inshallah I believe that eventually will come. When it comes, Allah knows best. Allah knows best. One thing about Muslims are, you know, we are a group that they we always move in a jamaa in a group, if one Muslim does something like everybody wants to do it, like, so some Muslim country gets an Islamic State, you've had to watch out man.

02:08:36 --> 02:09:12

Everybody will want to get specially if it if it's successful, right? If it brings peace in society, and, you know, people can, you know, live in decent way, in practice, there's something that people will want that, because we want to be in a society with no drugs, and no drugs, no prostitution, no racism, you know, things that we would love to have a society like this. The question is, we always blame the West, CNN, etc, for many of our problems. Don't you think we as Muslims should take the responsibility, I agree completely. The person who wrote this, this is why I said that the real deception is within ourselves. And that the law says you will not change the condition of people

02:09:12 --> 02:09:20

until they change that which is in themselves. He didn't say change all the things outside. He said, change what's in yourself.

02:09:21 --> 02:09:26

And that's the first stage that that Muslims have to go through. That is the stage.

02:09:28 --> 02:10:00

And please don't get me wrong. I'm not let's say everything on CNN is wrong. Not saying it's haram prohibited to watch the CNN. Don't get me wrong, right. But I'm just saying that many times, you know, when you get the news, it is one sided or is not factual in terms of what actually goes on in the ground and there's an agenda. There's a certain slant that the news does take, unfortunately, normally news you know about Islam is not you know, good news. It's always something negative. We have a group it's we applied for a government, charitable status, and it's it's not

02:10:00 --> 02:10:19

Social Services. And the people wrote us back and they said, Islamic social services. Like how can the two words go together? If you said islamic jihad, Islamic terrorism, Islamic bomb? Yes. But Islamic social services, you feed the poor.

02:10:21 --> 02:10:30

You take care of children. Yeah. But then when we explain what it is, it just is our spirituality. It's our spirituality.

02:10:31 --> 02:10:34

Okay, it's nothing to do with all this politics, you know, the things that you see.

02:10:35 --> 02:11:13

The question is, is covering the face fault is a compulsory No, it is not compulsory. The majority of the scholars, including the great scholars of the forest schools of thought, have not made it compulsory on women to cover their face. You know, the the the jumbo position is that she should cover everything, except, except the face in the hands. That is the majority position, although it is permissible is a practice of the wives of the properties of Islam. And some of the women in the prophets time did do it. And it is permissible for a woman if she if out of modesty, she wants to cover her face. Next is what do you think about the the West trying to introduce its own brand of

02:11:13 --> 02:11:17

Islam under the new world order? Black and White Muslims?

02:11:19 --> 02:11:59

Yes, this this, unfortunately, is part of the confusion that is going on. And I don't know how it is in Miami, but if you're up in New York City, they have a new leader every week, man. You know, they have collisions and Maha DS and rejet, dids and prophets and everybody running around. Okay, so so you know, this the problem that is happening within this type of, you know, of a situation, and unfortunately, there are groups that have popped up in the Muslim world. And this is not just right now, in the past few 100 years, and even before that have claimed Prophethood. And they've brought in very bizarre forms of cult life. And they said it was Islam.

02:12:00 --> 02:12:43

It says, Can you talk briefly on the way government is in Spain treated non Muslim minorities, compared to the way the later Christian government is treated? Muslim? Yes, I was mentioning that within the golden age of Islam, that Christians, Muslims, Jews were allowed to study and they were actually part of even like the the government courts, and they were intellectuals and scholars and whatever. And it was allowed within a society. I was a very open society. In that sense, Islam was was the Rule of Life. But it was a very open society. Unfortunately, even though they were so tolerant, they had to go through the Spanish Inquisition, which came on later on 14 1516 16th

02:12:44 --> 02:13:23

century. Even later than that, to a certain extent, where people were put at the stake, they were put in front of an Inquisitor. And if you're not a Catholic, you're Jewish, or Muslim or anything else, they'll burn you at the stake. And so hundreds and 1000s of people died by fire, or they were driven out of their homes in that time, is really a sad period in history to read, you know what happened, even though, you know, there were great achievements in Spain, sometime in Spain, we have to be honest, there were some rulers in Spain, who were tyrants to Muslims. Like it wasn't all good, right? We have good and bad. We have a revival. That's one thing we have touched deed. So they had

02:13:23 --> 02:13:49

touched deed and Spain and Malawi tune and more hidden groups came in and they made touch D they they revived the original Islamic teachings. Next question is what is the end of the story regarding the scholar who was looking for the Muslim wife? How did he choose his wife? That's a very good question. Actually, you know, that that the historian who was telling us, telling us never really told us the end of the story, he just said that, you know, the Khalifa eventually did get married.

02:13:51 --> 02:14:06

I think that was the last condition he put. But he did eventually get married, but I never really heard, you know, what was the final outcome? What was the important part of the story was that it showed how much scholarship that the women had in Spain at that time.

02:14:08 --> 02:14:13

Next, it says can you give some information regarding what Halloween means to non Muslims.

02:14:14 --> 02:14:55

For those who want a detailed look at that sound vision has released that tape here is called holiday myths. And in this tape, I'm giving you an overview of the nature based religions that influenced the teachings of Jesus peace be upon him. And you find the discussion concerning Christmas and the winter solstice, Easter and the spring solstice, and Halloween, which is actually the end of the year. And the new year before. The day of some hain tonight is supposed to be the day of the Lord of the dead. And many people used to believe that the souls of the dead people would come to the surface, and they were very afraid and they put bonfires and some even covered their

02:14:55 --> 02:15:00

faces with masks, so they wouldn't be terrorized by the ghosts who might come to the

02:15:00 --> 02:15:16

surface. And so it was a night really where the focus was on evil. So when the Christian church came in, they made All Saints Day, which is November 1, All Hallows day and evening before became All Hallows evening, which became all Halloween.

02:15:17 --> 02:15:24

What you see today, trick or treating is just American business, this this is what this has become like this is American business

02:15:26 --> 02:16:07

acumen, because this has become one of the, you know, best ways to make money quick. You know, if you sell sweets and stuff to kids, it's a big billion dollar enterprise also now. But you know, for Muslims is a very confusing time in the sense because our literature and even Christian literature, if you really go into it, and Jewish literature, talks about the devil as the enemy of humanity, the devil is not our friend. And we're not supposed to play games and just up like little devils and run around vampires, and especially begging, we don't send our children out to ask for things. Prophet peace be upon him said earlier, earlier, Hayden, many of the software, that the upper hand is better

02:16:07 --> 02:16:46

than the lower hand. And so we don't teach our children to be begging for things that they should be giving things. And the next problem is even if you do get the candy, you don't know if it's halala not because there's pork products, byproduct gelatin, glycerin, all these things inside the gummy type, you know, candy things. And so and also, we know that the rise of the Church of Satan, Anton Levy, the San Francisco based Church of Satan, which is now spreading across America. And there are many Satanists who also the certain rituals that go on tonight, and certain groups and it's coming to the surface Now, what's happening with these, these occult organizations, so it's actually

02:16:46 --> 02:17:05

dangerous. And you will see, even in the greatest society in Toronto, they have a whole page showing how to protect your children on Halloween, even for non Muslims. So it really is getting dangerous and there's some perverted people who are disguising themselves and carried out the acts of perversion on this night. very unfortunate.

02:17:07 --> 02:17:08

Yeah, yes, sir.

02:17:12 --> 02:17:15

Muslim hookup communities from Anastasia

02:17:19 --> 02:17:20

said alcohols.

02:17:22 --> 02:17:22


02:17:26 --> 02:18:03

Well, you know, as I said, many of the Muslims are caught up in deception, Malhotra dunya, ilimitado, that this life is nothing but material deception. So many of us get caught up in that dream of winning the lottery or making money and some people feel that they have to sell alcohol. Because if you don't, people won't come to your shop, and you have to sell the lottery in order to get business. They just caught up. So even they will take things that are Haram, because they think that they have to because the dunya and the more money you get is the more you want. So it's like a cycle. It's a vicious cycle that people get involved in with, you know, get taken in money and

02:18:03 --> 02:18:15

spending money. And it is a form of deception. And unfortunately, many of the Muslims are caught up in this material deception in the society itself. May Allah guide them and guide us out of this deception. Yes, sir.

02:18:18 --> 02:18:45

Yes. Well, you know that this is a very good question. You know, the opposite question is what happens if people come to your house trick or treating? Now, basically, you know, we tried to stay out of these things altogether, really. And if you have the type of a house where you can shut your door and turn off the front lights, you know, don't put a jack o' lantern in your window. Right. And, you know, you know, you turn your lights off, the most people will just leave you alone. Can you give them like?

02:18:46 --> 02:19:00

Well, I mean, okay, one question. I'll give you the question. Can you give them a lot of chips, but the thing is still, I mean, but but that gets into a thing now, do you want to do it or not like one brother sent me he wants a Christmas tree. So he's going to get a palm tree for Christmas?

02:19:01 --> 02:19:08

with dates hanging off it, and that's going to be his Christmas tree? No, man, if you don't get a Christmas tree, you don't get a Christmas tree.

02:19:10 --> 02:19:44

But we have to use wisdom. And there are some cases in very tight knit communities where your neighbor is coming with the child. You know that people you see them every day. The child is just like a little angel. By and the child comes to the door. It's your neighbor, man. Okay, usually wisdom opened up the door, let them in, give them some halau cookies, you know, and some milk, you know, you don't have to give them you know, Halloween candy. But give them something, you know, wholesome, nutritious, you know, tell them we have our own, you know, they even tell them you know about you know, to watch out for the devil and what is opposition and the devil give some Dawa be

02:19:44 --> 02:19:58

friendly to the people you know, in that case, but I think in general, it is wise for us, you know, to try to avoid this as as much as possible. You can close your door and turn off your lights and not be involved. You know, I think it's the wisest situation.

02:20:01 --> 02:20:04

Sweet children got to take part in

02:20:05 --> 02:20:18

Christian or Jewish or other traditions must place them with our own because this is failing, we are not working hard enough to do something for the youth.

02:20:20 --> 02:20:32

I don't see any institution that is gaining momentum or even starting to do something on a larger basis. It's all well and good that don't do this. But you know, part of that

02:20:33 --> 02:20:35

has to go to the

02:20:37 --> 02:20:37


02:20:39 --> 02:21:01

life of this word, because there is nothing else to attract them or to keep them winning. Because what I'm seeing now in the United States, a lot of our youth are marrying outside of their faith. And there is very little being done. I tell you my own personal incidents when I was a student in England, I'm 16 year old. And I used to play table tennis in a church.

02:21:02 --> 02:21:17

And I used to be partying with a girl and we started talking immediately the father came up to me, maybe to convert or to do anything, and what faith is and what's going on. And this is important, because we don't have anybody's enough

02:21:19 --> 02:21:31

interest or sincerity to do something practical, you really look at the roots of the problem and try to cut them down from there, rather than look at the

02:21:33 --> 02:22:13

tree itself and say, Oh, we take the fruit here and do this. But this has to be at the root level, because this is where we must do not have Christianity, you have these fathers who do not marry into the word and serve. Of course, we do that well. But is it the same level of dedication that we need to this is where we're going to bring something into the youth that must serve, or we must start or somebody should start to join hands. Because I don't see as when asked your own institution, exactly. This is what you're doing. Because you mentioned something social services, how we can help you or somebody else who is doing something, that we can be part of it, and we can do it and not

02:22:13 --> 02:22:51

have the time to deal with money I can deal with whatever we are, I mean, we all want to do things. But sometimes we find that they make foolish by going to the charities which are in name only. And this is where we have to establish something that is really authentic and believing we can trust him. And we can support it. And this is what I'd like something from you maybe where we can put our energy sources. Right, what the question is, is concerning the alternatives, we are saying that you should not be involved in Halloween, and Christmas and other occasions. And what is the Islamic alternative? This is a very good question. And actually, I would invite you to come to the next two

02:22:51 --> 02:23:31

programs, which will be tomorrow night and Sunday morning. And you'll be hearing the announcements, we're dealing with the dilemma of Muslim youth. And also we're dealing with the importance of Islamic education and some alternatives, then we will have more time to really look at the issue and to discuss some actual practical alternatives to the problem that we're facing. What I would like to say, since we're talking about holidays, is that the first thing we need to do is to put more emphasis on the Islamic holidays are either either ad hoc that we have Muslims, some people go to work, man, they go to eat prayer in the morning and they go to work after what the children don't

02:23:31 --> 02:24:02

even enjoy themselves on that day. So how do you expect the child not to want Christmas or not to on Halloween, when you don't have a day where they can enjoy themselves and feel good about themselves, learn about their religion, eat food, other people, you know, get nice things, we have to put more emphasis as a community on the eat and make the EADS to be memorable occasions for the young people so that they will not need to have a Christmas tree or need to go trick or treating. Okay, other alternatives

02:24:03 --> 02:24:41

in terms of recreation in shot and other areas. inshallah, in the program coming, we will be speaking very seriously about some of the other alternatives, you know, concerning thing. And one of the questions here, which I guess would be the last question. Last two questions. One is, is Is there any country in the Muslim world that you can give us an example of the Islamic New World Order, from my humble understanding of the Muslim world? I haven't seen or heard of any country that has really evolved into a proper Islamic State. There are some countries that have elements of Islam. There are some moving towards, but there are none that have developed into what we have

02:24:41 --> 02:24:43

studied to be the left element.

02:24:45 --> 02:24:57

We pray that Allah subhanaw taala would change our conditions so that we have that country. The question is that my family is Catholic. Is it allowed to enter their houses when they are

02:24:59 --> 02:24:59

going to decorate

02:25:00 --> 02:25:41

With Christmas items, well, you know, we should keep relations with our families. And you have to use your wisdom. When you're dealing with people, you know that the traditions of the people who you came from, because they raised you, right? You were a young child, they fed you, they clothed you, you have to respect them for that. So therefore, you know, I don't think it's wise to totally cut off our relationship with them. However, we should not participate in their ceremonies where shirk is involved polytheism or cofa, anything eating big ham, I was put on the table, the drinking rum, are they putting wine inside of the pudding of the pie, we don't involve ourselves in any of the

02:25:41 --> 02:26:05

Haram activities. However, Minh Baba Tao, and you know, with the intention of the DAO of spreading Islam, you can go to your family's house on certain occasions, spend some time with them, give them doubt about a Stan Schumacher example. And then, you know, after a while, then you leave because usually people are civil and they meet and they talk about family affairs and and then later on, do they start breaking out the bottles?

02:26:06 --> 02:26:45

As soon as that court comes off, or that that you know, that bottle comes? He says slowly come, you know, peace be upon you. Hamada here, then you have to leave. Okay. So, you know, but but I think we should keep relations with our families. Because brothers and sisters have found that when they maintain the relationship, showed respect to the family, that it was a source of Allah subhanaw taala guiding people within that family to Islam, so that you should maintain it, but but try to stay out of their, their activities, just walking in a place that has decorations, that in itself is not around Christmas decorations. Because I mean, the universe in Miami might even have some things

02:26:45 --> 02:26:54

hanging up around. Christmas trees are everywhere. They're downtown. Okay, this is Miami, I don't know, like, in Toronto, it's everywhere. Right? In the north, it's everywhere. So northern.

02:26:55 --> 02:27:38

So yeah, so I mean, just that being there is not gonna it's not a you know, it's not haram and this this, the ceremonies that the food around food being taken in, so so we try to avoid as much as we possibly can. But at the same time, use your wisdom and maintain relations with your family. Okay, so I want to end here and we'll have the DDD the announcement in Sharla. And anybody else can ask me some of the questions later. So particular one will be humbucker shawanda illa nanton istockphoto canobie Lake Villa Manor Himalayas. handelman Sara Luffy hos Hillel Edina, Amina Muhammad Ali had to also block but also the Saba was Allah tala Satan, Mohammed Valley. He was a big marine. Well, after

02:27:38 --> 02:27:40

the DA Juana and Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen

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