Abdullah Hakim Quick – From Morocco to Spain to The Americas Class #6 Islam in The Americas before Columbus

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The history and achievements of the Middle East during the golden age of Islam, including the rise of Muslims, the discovery of the magnetic needle, and the use of language and culture in various industries. The importance of culture in the Americas and the use of language and currency is also discussed. The history and cultural advancements of the Middle East, including the discovery of gold, the use of language and currency, and the importance of Islam in bringing back the Western world and bringing back the Western world. The segment also touches on the use of mathematics, scientific method, and cultural changes in various industries, including modern medicine, engineering, physics, and technology.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen or salat wa salam ala saled or walima Arkadin nabina, Muhammad, wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa Baracus Allah.

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All praises are due to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings be constantly showered upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad, the master the first and last, and his family as companions and all those who call to his way, and establish his sunnah to the Day of Judgment.

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As to what follows 100 Allah, we are continuing in our study, and our reflection on Muslims, and the history and legacy in North Africa, Mediterranean, Spain, Portugal, West Africa, and now we're looking at the Americas. And that might sound strange to many to even consider Muslims in the Americas, unless you're talking about the 20th century. But there is an ancient history, which we are bringing to the surface. In many cases, it's information that is hidden in plain sight. But in other cases, it's information that has been distorted.

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Growing up in America,

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I was taught that Christopher Columbus discovered America. And he discovered it in 1492.

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And that was a concept that shaped historical categories, or chronologies throughout the world. I traveled to parts of Asia and to Africa. And I asked the people who discovered America, and they said Columbus, and I said when they said in 1492.

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But the question that I asked them, which was similar to what I asked my teachers and the thoughts that I had when I was young, is that how can you discover a place when the people are living there already?

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Let's try to break this down. Because this concept is like a type of mind block.

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It's a type of what they call now cognitive dissonance, where you literally forget about a whole block of history and reality and you only focus on particular statements or particular understandings

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and so on

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Columbus coming out of Spain. And again, 1492 is very significant date. Because in our study, we recognized that 1492 was the year that Abu Abdullah, known as Bob dill, surrendered Granada to Ferdinand and Isabella, of the Trinitarian Christians. And so it was in 1492, that the power of Islam on the ground was ended.

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And a new era began, in a sense. So this date is really important not because of this journey, but because of the shift in power that happened in the Mediterranean region.

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But still, people in the Americas celebrate. And even though history has been revealed in our times, they still celebrate it. And up until 2017, they had built replicas of the Nina and Pinta. These are the two other boats of Columbus, Santa Maria was the third. They built the replicas and sailed them from Brazil, into the Caribbean, up into the United States on the East Coast, and even up into Canada in the Great Lakes.

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This is a distortion of reality.

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The distortion reached the point where Columbus became a Columbus Day became one of the important holidays in America. And there are maybe more Columbus's in the United States than any other name. It's a really important date in the mindset of the people. But what we have been trying to do, and we really need to focus on now is deconstruction of history.

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And that is that we are able to look at reality on the ground, and the statements given to us, deconstruct the statements and replace them with the reality.

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In 1492, indigenous people were celebrating amazing cultures in the Americas. And it is reported that somewhere between 10 to 20,000 years ago,

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was the beginning of the presence of the indigenous people in the Americas. This here that you see is in Peru. It is the Inca civilization, which was a grand civilization long before Columbus and could actually parallel any of the civilizations or rival. You could say any of the civilizations in the world.

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And so the Incan civilization, the Mayans in Mexico Aztecs, the great civilizations, in the United States and Canada, throughout South America, over 73 million people living in this region.

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Pyramids, philosophy,

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corn itself, if you think of international products, corn that we eat universally came from Mexico, tomatoes came from this part of the world, potatoes came from this part of the world. And you can go on and you will be shocked to find out what has actually been exported from the West, or from the Americas to the rest of the world. And so when you look at this pyramid, for instance, which is in Mexico, if you can focus your eyes on the little white dots, that around the bottom of the pyramid, these are actually people.

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So this pyramid could rival the Great Pyramids of ancient Egypt.

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The civilization was an amazing one. And this is what Columbus is son Ferdinand was the first to actually set foot in the Americas. Columbus only stayed on the islands. He left from Spain. And he went to the islands in the Bahamas. And he went around the Caribbean but never actually set foot in Central America or in South America. And the reality is

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that and if we could deconstruct the statement, Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. We should say Columbus was discovered in 1492 because he was lost, and he bumped into the Americans.

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On his way to India, he thought he was an Indian. So he called the people Indians. They're not Indians.

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He thought he was on some islands, just off the coast of India, he would meet the great mogul leaders of India, he was totally wrong. But this mistake that he made, was placed into history, and used as a turning point from one era into another one, one of the most important historical facts that has been translated into almost every language. So deconstruction, of information is critical for us to understand Muslim presence in the Americas, How is this even possible? How can you consider Muslims? Muslims are a backward nation? What did Muslims do for the onward flow of civilization but bomb and kill and destroy? Let's try to look at the full picture. And that is what

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we call our story. And not his story. He said, History, his story, this is not his story. This is our story. And so we have a principle that people who do not know that history will be lost in the present.

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And that is the reality we are facing.

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And so

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in looking at this,

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and what is called by many people, when you look at history, and this period of time between 400 to 1500 ad, it is called by many, especially European historians, the Dark Ages. So that is the question, was it the dark ages to the lights go off after the Roman Empire fell? And then they went back on

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during the Renaissance or the rebirth in the 15th century? No, it was the golden age of Islam. And so if I can use this term, these dates, of course, are arbitrary. But generally speaking, we could say in terms of science, in terms of civilizational, progress between 1622 to 1492, proximately. In that time, it is really a golden age. For Muslims. That's totally different than the concept of the Dark Ages, right. And so what is the basis of this golden age? Now normally, when you think of the spread of Islam, to different parts of the world, we think about Tawheed. And that is monotheism. Because the most important element that Muslims were carrying, was the belief in one God, pure

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communication with the Creator of the heavens in the earth. And so this unity, this monotheism was the basis of the message. But there's other parts of Tawheed it's not only one Creator, it's one human family. And so all human beings need to look at each other as cousins, this is another idea altogether. And thirdly, one source of knowledge, that whether it be sacred knowledge, or secular knowledge, it all comes from the same source, Allah azza wa jal. So that was the basis of what they were carrying.

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Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, once said, Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave. And so Muslims were empowered with their Islam, they are empowered to seek knowledge to go out, not just conquer, but try to understand the civilizations that they are reaching, try to, to to go to to heights, in terms of bringing together vast amounts of information. And it's during this time period and seventh century, right, Muslims had something special, and that is open minds. They were not locked down with their language with their scientists with their understanding. They had open minds. And so they assembled the knowledge and the writings of the ancient Egyptians, the

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Indian Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, all the different peoples who they came across, they assembled in knowledge, and we find that it was during this time period, that astronomy itself

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so many different subjects, but one of the ones that we will be focusing on because remember now we're talking about Muslims leaving the the these

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Spain, Portugal, the coast, Morocco, West Africa, going into the Atlantic.

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Okay, how are you going to do that if you only study the Quran, and you only know the Hadith, astronomy was encouraged by Islamic practice. Why? Because when you become a Muslim, one of the first things you do is make Salaat which direction do you pray, you need to know Qibla. So you need to know the direction of Mecca. And that requires understanding your relationship with the heavenly bodies, your understanding of the earth, in order to know direction. See, that makes everybody have a type of desire

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to learn science, and especially to learn astronomy.

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One of the five pillars also was Hajj. And that is the pilgrimage to Mecca. Once in a lifetime, the believer is required to try to do this.

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How do you get to Mecca? If you're living high in the mountains? How are you going to go down to the desert? If you live in the oceans?

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Japan, the coast of India?

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How can you make a theme you need to understand geography. That's another science. You see. So it's a natural process that went on. And so Muslims started to develop what you'd call today think tanks. Probably the greatest one. And the Islamic world was in Baghdad. And that was Baitul hokhmah, the House of Wisdom. And so the Muslims then having international power, unlimited amounts of gold brought together scientists and scholars tbaytel hikma and they studied different issues. And what they were able to do is not discover information, like Columbus discovering America, no, they were able to bring the information together. And they were able to

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to develop a scientific method to perfect it. And then to make precise experiments based on their own theories, and those of the ones who came before them. So this was an amazing accomplishment. In other words, you make the knowledge of the Ancient Ones relevant to your time.

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So this is what they were able to do. And it's a long story. But to give you an example, again, Baghdad was the best example of this. The Khalifa Moon

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needed to have fractions, because he had a huge city. It was divided into sections. So how do you distribute water? How do you deal with property management? How do you deal with finance, construction, agriculture, navigation, so many different areas, you need fractions? What's half what's a quarter 1/16 inheritance? And so he went to one of his scientists, Alcoa is me. And he asked him

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to develop a science for this so that we can deal with these multiple issues that we are facing in Baghdad in the Muslim world. So we'll cover is me. Did his famous book Kitab al matassa V Sabol Jabbar well macabre?

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So this book and you can listen to the Arabic where it says Kitab al Montesa, like the abbreviated version fee in Ysabel. Jabba

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he Cybil Jabbar,

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right. So this is the type of math of algebra, algebra, he developed the science of algebra.

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Now, the average person, especially in the Western world, doesn't have a clue. That algebra, which is such an important subject for students all over the world was developed by a Muslim, a pious Muslim.

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That's just an example of it. And just to give you an idea of what Muslims actually accomplish during this period, let's look at some of the different sciences that Muslims began. They began the sciences, okay, algebra, anesthesia, biology, botany, cardiology, chemistry, dermatology embryology in

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Emergency Medicine, geology, metallurgy, modern surgery, modern medicine, modern arithmetic optics, parasitology, pharmacology, pulmonary medicine, toxicology, Urology. This is like a university. So literally Muslims again, taking the knowledge of the Ancient Ones and their own understandings and putting it together and precise methodologies. They're able to make leaps, travel leaps and bounds in terms of their knowledge.

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What are some of the sciences advanced by Muslims acoustics, agronomy, anatomy, calculus, electro chemistry, engineering, genetics, geometry, geophysics, metallurgy, physics, tax harmony, thermodynamics and zoology. This advanced by the Muslims during this time

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some of the substances and devices introduced into Europe now remember Cordoba, far ahead of London, far ahead of Paris, to Lido Seville, all these major cities in Al Andalus.

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Okay, Europeans came down into Al Andalus. To study and to learn about civilization they lost it. The Romans had reached a certain level, but that was destroyed.

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And so look at some of the devices. How do you consider yourself civilized today? What is the difference between a two star hotel and a five star hotel? What do you look for? You look at the linens. You look at the furniture. You look at the service that is there. You look at the different devices. Okay, let's look at what Muslims introduced into Europe. pendulums, cotton, paper, glass, mirrors, Crystal street lamps, colored glass satin, pepper, paper money, posted steps bookbinding clocks soap,

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Aster leaps, compasses, slide rules flash surgical instruments, when meals artificial teeth.

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Just think if the Europeans did not have artificial teeth,

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spinning wheels for textiles, globes, citrus fruits, eyeglasses, porcelain, gunpowder, cables, velvet, almanacs, encyclopedias, saddles, and leather shoes. These are just a few of some of the civilizational changing

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devices and substances by the Muslims. Look at some of the words in a 1930s Walt Taylor and American scholar recorded approximately 1000 English words of Arabic origin.

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Some of these words are like as follows. Admiral

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Amir al Baha Okay, that's the leader of your navy right. Amir al Baha, the ocean

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alcohol from alcohol, Carl Koval. Koba algebra, Algebra from algebra, a logarithms. How important is that today? Alpha is me.

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almanac that was like your Google before if you wanted knowledge before 20 years or so. an almanac?

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Okay, it's Almanack. It's literally an Arabic word Amba from Amba Arsenal from Dara Sinha assassin that sounds like Muslims right? What is assassin come from Hashem?

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caliber from Calib camp for Carrefour check your check at the Bank of America sec.

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Chemistry from Alchimia cotton from cotton lemon from lemon magazine Time Magazine Maclean's magazine Makkasan

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mattress is muttrah monsoons for most of them. Sugar some soaker syrup is from Shut up typhoon from to fan and zero is from suffer. This is amazing. That's what you call cognitive dissonance. Literally, understanding is blotted out within our collective memory.

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This is what we're talking about now to try to break down if we want to even enter the discussion of Muslims in the Americas.

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Okay, and I'm

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There are a number of works

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here, which are important books and for instance are agile from the miracle of science. Okay, there is LG is it LG is it very important Algerian scholar, and he did the hidden debt to Islamic civilization. Now, if you go to Baitul hikma press, that's an Oxford. He has two books among many. And the other one is the golden age of decline of Islamic civilization. Okay, this army didn't know feasts was some contribution to geography. There is JD Bernal science and history. As an aside NASA, say at NASA Science and civilization saturon. introductions to the history of science. There is well Taylor, in his Arabic words in English. Okay, just to give you an idea. And

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when you look at the Americas, before Columbus,

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then again, what's the concept? Where would Muslims be actually going? If they left Spain, if they left Portugal, if they left Morocco, West Africa, where are they going? What's on the other side? 75 million people.

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2000 separate languages.

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Right? Migration, okay, from 10,000 years ago.

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That's what's there. And

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there's theories and understandings that people migrated from the Bering Straits from Russia, and came into Alaska into the Americas. Right, and that's the northern third of the Americas. Okay. Now, we also have and we'll skip just a little bit here.

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Very important concept, and that is that Tauheed existed before the coming of the Muslims. There was no heat already here.

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a group of the First Nations people called MC Mac, the MC Mac people in Canada,

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when the understanding of the elders was actually revealed, then we found that amongst the MC Mac people, they had a concept called NIS scam.

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And when you read it, it's like the 99 names of Allah. Look at the dress even of the Big Mac people.

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You have the Great Central American civilizations, the Aztecs, you have the Mayans, you have the Olmecs. These are all great civilizations, here. Okay. Now, with all these great societies, on the other side, Muslims making great progress. How did it come together?

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Let's look at some of the first journeys that were taken by Muslims into the sea of darkness. How could they do it? How do they know direction you're gonna get lost? One of the great developments that the Muslims made was a development of the magnetic needle that led to the first true compass. The Muslims develop the compass, astrolabes quadrants, sectors. All of these are developed by Muslims. This is how the text look, there's like an Arabic text but scientific book. It's not just Tafseer okay. And if you look at the travels of some of the great travel travelers in the world, Muslim like Ibn Battuta Rahim Allah. And if you look at the places that he went to all over the

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world, when you focus on Africa itself, he came from Tanja, from Tangiers, and Morocco.

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And he went up into Granada.

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Okay, and if you look at his journey, there in West Africa, he crossed the desert.

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He went down into Mali.

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It was connected together. Because as we had learned before, through the power of the Marathi tune, Allah He don't. There was a unity between West Africa, the desert, North Africa, and Al Andalus. Okay, so that's the connection that we made, but Muslims were all over the place. Now want to give you an example, because historians will first say to you, what is your proof? I want evidence. And today, people especially want written evidence. How can you prove that Muslims coming out of Spain and Portugal Al Andalus went across to the Americas. This is a while

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notion. Let's look at some examples.

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For instance, in 956, Elon Musk Rudy, who was one of the great Islamic historians and geographers, his name was Abul Hassan Ali ibn Al Hussein Ibn Ali Al was Rudy. Okay, and he wrote a book mirage of the harbor model, Joe has the metals of gold and inquiries of jewels. Okay. Now, in this book, he spoke about the journey of Muslims. Now, according to the text, and I want to read a translation of one passage for you. This journey was people who made contact each spoke about a person whose name was hush cos, even side, even us what? Okay, so another interesting point, he was the grandson of a black man, as well. And he crossed into the Atlantic, and he made contact with people on the other

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side, and he returned in the year 889.

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AD, or C 89. Is when he returned, and must early wrote the book 956. Now, this is what must Rudy brings to us, we have the information in Arabic and French. Here's an English translation. He writes. Some people feel that this ocean, meaning the Atlantic, is the source of all oceans. And in it, there have been many strange happenings. We have reported, some of them in our book, aka as a man.

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adventurers have penetrated it at the risk of their lives, some returning safely.

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Others perishing in the attempt, see, so he's talking about adventures going into the Atlantic, we have the technology

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Lisbon was part of of the of the hill avid. That's Portugal, right on the coast.

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One such attempt, one such man was an inhabitant of anda Lucia, then khachkars. He was a young man of Cordoba,

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who gathered a group of young men and went on a voyage on this ocean. After a long time, he returned with a fabulous booty, every Spaniard or and the Lucien knows his story. This is amazing.

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So he goes into the Atlantic, and he comes back with her nema. He's got treasures, everybody and an analyst knows about this. This is like breaking news within the society has has rich America, the Americas, or you read somewhere out there.

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Another important point is a number of sources buy another one 999 This is a Robocop but Omar Al Katya

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Okay, and he relates the story of urban Pharaoh, who landed in February 1999. In Gandel, or the great Canary, he visited King granny Riga continued his journey westward. He went Canary Islands in the inlet, he went west, till he found islands he called cap capillaria and blue Tana. In May of that year, he arrived back in Spain.

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Okay, written discussions and proof.

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Another important one is a great scholar, Abu Abdullah Mohammed Al idrisi.

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Okay is famous Arab physician, a geographer, he established himself in Sicily. This was an era besides court, at that time was controlled by Christians. And King Roger the second.

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And so Idris is famous as a great geographer and historians for Muslims. So he wrote a book called Kitab al Malik, well, Masonic, right, so this is the book of the kingdoms and the journeys that went to these kingdoms. Okay, 11th century we're talking about? Look at addresses report, a group of seafarers sailed into the sea of darkness and fog from Lisbon, in order to discover what was in it, and to what extent were its limits. They were a party of eight, and they took a boat which was loaded with supplies to last them for months. They sail for 11 days, until they reach turbulent waters with great waves and little light. They thought they would perish, so they turn their boat

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south, southward and travel for 12 days. They finally reached an island that had people and civilization but they were captured and chained for three days. On the fourth day a translator

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came speaking the Arabic language. He translated for the king and asked them about their mission. They informed him about themselves, then they were returned to their confinement. When the westerly wind began to blow, they were put in a canoe blindfolded and brought to land. After three days, sailing.

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They were left on the shore, with their hands tied behind the backs. When the next day came, another tribe appeared, freeing them, and informing them, that between them and their lands was a journey of two months. Look at the details in this. And one of the important witnesses is that they had so much contact with Muslims, that the king literally had a translator who could speak Arabic. So they could communicate. So there was there was trade, there was a brisk movement that was going long before Columbus now, this is the 11th century. So this is some of the written proofs that we have there. Then they would say, Okay, what about your maps? You don't have maps? How is that possible?

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This here that you see

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is a map made by Elon Musk, Rudy. And you see it says 957, he did this map. And it's it's pointing to a body or a bit of land, a continent, and he called it out modular, unknown territory. Now, let me shift around the map.

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And if you look at the map closely, you will see Africa is here. You can see Arabia. And then if you go around, let's go around this Indonesia. There's mdsc Go way around the top there, Scandinavia. And if you go down, you can see and the Lucia

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you can see Italy.

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Okay, you can see Turkey, yeah.

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Anatolia. Now, Africa is here. And the map is pointing towards our much hula, a huge continent. These are the Americas.

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This is back in 1957.

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Showing that Muslims were actually mapping this.

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But some people would argue and they say, Well, I want more.

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I want more. Now, there's a great map maker Perry Mohiuddin. Race. And he did a handbook on navigation. And it is reported that in 1517 that Pirie race presented a map set of these maps to the Sultan Salim the first the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire.

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it's an amazing set of maps, he's gathering maps, from all different sources and Ottomans had, you know, they were all over the oceans and they had power. And they were into knowledge. Okay, so so they were able to bring that knowledge together. So 1517 There's a map now, you know, what's important about this, this part of the map, which we have today,

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in Istanbul, this is showing South American coastline. Now, if you follow the arrow, as I go down the coastline, right, Guyana would be just north here for the Guyanese people who are watching. Go down Brazil,

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go down the coastline. Look at how it goes. Look at the exact coastline of the Amazon of Brazil. This is 1517. If Columbus discovered America, in 1492.

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This is 25 years later, how do you get details like this? And when they check the latitude and the longitude on this, it's almost exact.

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This is hard evidence. And this is where geographers historians start backing up. They start backing up because you bring in them hard evidence. But let's take it a step further.

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What type of boats what how can you get across this ocean?

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How can you make it Atlantic is a difficult ocean, not like Mediterranean.

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On the ocean there is what is called equatorial currents. Now on the map, you see the currents take you right across. It's like a magnetic power in the ocean. You don't need sails. And so you can see the current takes you right from their hair. You are in an Andalus okay or West Africa. You get on the current. He can take you right across there. Another one takes you right down there, too.

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Do you want to Brazil takes you into the Caribbean Barbados and the Caribbean? Okay, that's another proof. That's not enough. Many people say I needed European

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because you third world people. I don't believe you.

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I Norwegian scientists Thor Heyerdahl is in the 60s, he had African people build

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a boat made of papyrus to show African indigenous materials. And he took the rather second across, and he left from Safi in Morocco. He travelled across and he landed in Barbados. So he proved

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that African people that Muslims could have crossed the Atlantic. So many solid proofs of this of this presence. Now, what we have to remember now I want to take you back the connection between North Africa and the loose, remember your map or Islam spread, it went right down the Morabito and took the message down.

00:41:06 --> 00:41:59

So this whole area here was part of beloved the Sudan or Beloved Al Maghrib, the western side. So when we talk about the West, there was the Northwest and it was the southwest of Mecca and West Africa, because of Morabito and because of the movie dune because of the great scholars and the exchange of information. It was all part of one culture, in a sense. Okay, so we look at all together so we talk about a nugget here. We're also talking about West Africa, because the same knowledge was being used look at the trade routes from going north Tripoli, takes you down to cannonball new in Lake Chad. Right Badewanne would take you to Tahoe it down into Ted Mecca and Gao.

00:42:00 --> 00:42:09

Okay, and Fez, Morocco takes you to sigil masa out the gust and can be Saudi, West Africa

00:42:11 --> 00:42:23

and the people who are embracing Islam in large numbers at first, this is the Niger River in West Africa. We're demanding Mandinka people are the mandate people.

00:42:25 --> 00:42:38

The most important well known person amongst the mandate people was Mansa Musa, and Mansa means Amir, it is your leader, okay, and Mansa Musa

00:42:39 --> 00:42:43

who was the leader of the Mali Empire,

00:42:44 --> 00:43:09

and the Mali Empire had fabulous wealth. Remember, this gold is of huge amounts one of the most active gold mines on earth at the time. And so the caravans are coming, you saw the trade routes and then going back north. So Mansa Musa, he had so much wealth, he made pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324. Okay, but he carried so much gold with him.

00:43:10 --> 00:43:23

He changed the economy of every country that he reached. He carried over up to 72,000 people to make Hajj pilgrimage that's in 1324. See cognitive dissonance.

00:43:24 --> 00:43:31

He's still there today. I want you to Google. Those young people quickly Google who's the richest man that ever lived.

00:43:32 --> 00:43:34

Right? It's not Elon Musk.

00:43:36 --> 00:43:37

Who is it? Mansa Musa,

00:43:38 --> 00:43:41

pound for pound, he had more gold than anybody

00:43:42 --> 00:43:43

that we could remember.

00:43:45 --> 00:44:45

Now, when he came back from pilgrimage, he found a beautiful town called Timbuktu. This was right in the north by the desert, and he became the center of the trade, gold trade. And then later knowledge was coming to Timbuktu. He fell in love with it. And he built up the city even more than it had been built. Till by the 16th century, Timbuktu had over 150 schools is a black African Muslims, over 150 schools, a major university called St Coda University, which enrolled 2000 25,000 Students studying not only Quran and Hadith, but studying astronomy, medicine, all of the site. They're connected with Qatar when they connected with Cairo connected with Cordoba. It's all part of a movement of

00:44:45 --> 00:45:00

knowledge. Okay, now what is important? You remember the great writers are written evidence. One of the writers His name is Al Romani, and he wrote a book called masala called abre female Malika

00:45:00 --> 00:45:22

I'm sorry, the journey of the enlightened ones into the into the kingdoms in in your of the world. Okay amazing journeys okay 14th century book that's 1300s so he interviewed or his man interviewed Mansa Musa in Cairo, Egypt.

00:45:24 --> 00:45:36

Where did you get this knowledge from? He asked, Monza said I'm part of a lineage and my older brother, my predecessor Abu Bakr went into the ocean with 2000 ships, and he never returned.

00:45:37 --> 00:45:43

Okay, 2000 ships. Think about this. This is an amazing story.

00:45:44 --> 00:45:46

Where did he get the money from?

00:45:47 --> 00:45:51

They were the richest people, pound for pound ever lived.

00:45:53 --> 00:46:10

In terms of gold, we would say nobody saw a man at least, you know, had all kinds of things, but in terms of just how people count gold and bank accounts, so he put together the fleets 1000 for his men, 1000 for supplies, and he went across into the ocean.

00:46:11 --> 00:46:36

And now there is proof of African Muslims visiting Brazil and Peru, before Columbus. They had pictographs that are their inscriptions Mandinka and descriptions here and Pedro saying it man to pursue worship to mature to become matter. Without life. Man pursues a cavernous place. In other words, you go into your graves.

00:46:37 --> 00:46:40

Okay, they found these in Panama,

00:46:41 --> 00:47:11

traces all the way up into Mexico into the United States. This is the bust of a head that would that was of a series of artifacts that were displayed in Mexico. And before Columbus, look at it closely, and you will see the scarification like West Africans, but look what he has on. He has a turban, and a cap. This is a Muslim. And this is found in Panama.

00:47:14 --> 00:47:18

For those who want the information, unexpected faces in ancient America,

00:47:19 --> 00:47:21

okay, this Alexander von Butano.

00:47:22 --> 00:47:27

This is your text he held on display in Mexico City for a long time.

00:47:29 --> 00:47:30

Unexpected faces

00:47:31 --> 00:48:04

amazing discoveries before Columbus. Now, Ferdinand when he reached Central America, he found amongst the people, the women actually, in many cases like in Honduras, northern Honduras, they pierced there is and had gold there. That's similar to the Mandinka full of Fulani women of West Africa, because they had so much gold and the women would be like treasures they would carry their inheritance. Look at that. That's pure gold in this picture, by the way.

00:48:05 --> 00:48:10

Okay, so the air lobe extends the same thing he found in Central America.

00:48:12 --> 00:48:21

They found a number of things. And it appears that these Mandinka explorers even reached United States and

00:48:23 --> 00:48:37

Leo whiner in his book Africa and the discovery of America, Harvard University professor he wrote about this Leo whiner Africa and the discovery of America.

00:48:39 --> 00:48:45

What else did Columbus find? They found amongst the indigenous people in the Caribbean region.

00:48:46 --> 00:49:18

guanine they call their gold guanine Okay. And what is amazing about this is that the alloy of this guanine is similar to the West African alloy made up of you know of copper of silver silver, because you don't just have gold itself, but you put it in a strong base, okay. And the words like Ghana, honey can a can in an in this is Mandinka words. And they were literally calling it quinine in the Caribbean.

00:49:19 --> 00:49:36

Also in Honduras. There are African people who call themselves el mammies. And Al mammies comes from Imam and then in Africa imamo and Western West Africa they say Al mammy

00:49:37 --> 00:49:37

same name.

00:49:38 --> 00:49:44

Also Jaras guavas Kava is found all over Central America.

00:49:46 --> 00:49:47

It's amazing. It's still there today.

00:49:49 --> 00:49:58

And there are people today, a distinct group called Garifuna. When the British came they said they're black Caribs.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:14

Okay, remember they call the people in our wax tariffs. So they said these are black Arabs. But the problem is, if you try to say they're runaway slaves, why is it that when the Spanish came, they were already there?

00:50:15 --> 00:50:22

Why is it that when the so called conquistadores are coming into Panama

00:50:23 --> 00:50:49

and Balboa and his people, the indigenous people that we call Latino today, they said don't go to the, to the coast by the Caribbean as black people they would be it's and they're fierce. How is these people there? Today? They're called Garifuna. The Garifuna are found all over this region now. They believe in one God for the most part. They don't eat pork, strong family traditions.

00:50:51 --> 00:51:01

Even some of them cherish a crescent type of thing. And now Alhamdulillah, many of the Garifuna people are actually embracing Islam.

00:51:02 --> 00:51:19

And they're coming into the faith. And so, this is an amazing presence that we see of the Muslims before Columbus, coming out of Al Andalus. We have written proof

00:51:20 --> 00:51:39

coming out of North Africa, we have the journey of the seafarers allegedly spoke about coming out of West Africa and Omari talking about Manesar Rebekah 2000 ships, going into the Atlantic never coming back

00:51:40 --> 00:51:46

traces of these people in South America, Central America, up until today.

00:51:47 --> 00:51:48

Traces are still left.

00:51:50 --> 00:52:18

This is hard evidence. But this is the holy grail. You say Columbus did not discover America for a long time. They would not accept you, they would kick you out. One of the great researchers named Ivan Van Sertoma. He's from Guyana. And I had the opportunity to meet him and to discuss with him and he encouraged me to go forward in this knowledge, especially because I could read Arabic, which he could not. But he was really the leader of those who broke

00:52:19 --> 00:52:46

that veil of ignorance of what happened to the Americas. He wrote a book called They Came Before Columbus. And when he wrote this book, he was talking about Nubians. Also in ancient times Olmecs when he wrote that book, he's a tenured professor and rector's University. The next week, he was visited by government officials, and they said, you and your wife are deported from the United States, you're deported.

00:52:47 --> 00:53:20

Fortunately, they had adopted an American child, and they could stay. Why are they deporting him? He's cracking the false image. He's breaking down the Holy Grail, and bring in the truth. The reality that there were many peoples who were coming across the Atlantic long before Columbus and Columbus himself, recognize that if you read his memoirs, he was talking about dugout boats that are going across into the ocean.

00:53:21 --> 00:53:33

He even went down toward West Africa to sort of see what was going on. The connection is that Columbus 1492. After Abu Abdullah surrendered Granada.

00:53:35 --> 00:53:38

He then went to the king and queen and said, Now you need wealth.

00:53:39 --> 00:53:41

Outfit me and I'll get you gold.

00:53:43 --> 00:53:48

That was the main reason why they went to the Americas. So it ties together.

00:53:50 --> 00:53:51

Our presence was already there.

00:53:52 --> 00:53:57

And another presence actually begins with Columbus.

00:53:58 --> 00:54:18

And with the movements going across, after 1492. So we want to look at the Americans in these two phases. This was the first phase it was before Columbus. And then we will look at the next phase, which was after Columbus.

00:54:19 --> 00:54:49

And for information about this because I know that you'll say okay, I need some information. And some of the names you know are there that I gave you, but for quick information, I have a book called deeper roots. And you can find this at my website, www dot Hakeem quick.com Ha kimquick.com You can write and you can

00:54:50 --> 00:54:59

purchase it I'll send it to you, and it'll bring you the proofs Elon Musk Rudy's translation, and it receives translation even Katya, so you could follow it up yourself.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:27

Okay, you can reference sources about presence of Muslims. Okay, this is times are changing. And we need more young people, researchers to open up the doors open up knowledge to the rest of the world. So I want to open up the floor for any questions that anybody may have. This is a lot of shocking information for some people who are not familiar with this work.

00:55:30 --> 00:55:32

There are a lot of comments

00:55:37 --> 00:55:39

that the HIV vaccine

00:55:44 --> 00:55:46

is a question of care. I think they were asking it.

00:55:48 --> 00:55:49

Okay, so what was that question?

00:55:52 --> 00:55:55

Yes, so again, this concept of Maus.

00:55:56 --> 00:55:59

Okay, remember, Maus is a made up name.

00:56:01 --> 00:56:11

Because the Spanish were using this for all the Muslims, because models from Latin means colored people, people of color, that's all it means.

00:56:12 --> 00:56:50

Okay, but technically speaking, they are the most in a generic sense of how this terms is being used. But morals is a made up term, these are Muslims. And the Muslims have identities. Were not just colored people. The Muslims have Arab identity have African identity, they have Amazon, if either a Persian identity all types of, you know, amongst the Africans, there is the full of there is Mandinka. There is Wolof, there is so many nations amongst the Arabs, there are Yemenis, there is Kurdish, there are Syrians there are you know, amazi in the different nation. So that's who we are. Moors just gives you this general term.

00:56:51 --> 00:56:56

So you can sort of disregard people, but technically speaking, yes.

00:56:57 --> 00:57:01

These would be the Moore's in a general sense. Question.

00:57:04 --> 00:57:10

Muscles are such scientists and ventures in those days, why are we behind nowadays in science?

00:57:11 --> 00:57:43

What happened? What's was missed out to become behind in science, what we need to do in these modern days in order to shine the Muslim community again, in terms of science and innovation. Yeah, so this is a important question if Muslims were so you know, advanced in science, you know, then why are we behind today? And what can we do? Remember even called dunes, you know, concept, and that is that when we are practicing our Islam, we are on the top of a cycle, and we are strong. But when we leave the Quran and the Sunnah,

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when we love the dunya, the life of this world, when we start having tribalism and racism, when we start splitting hairs and our arguments and fighting each other, then Allah promised he would take away the power.

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And so literally, the advancement that we made, was taken away, another cycle happened and they came back again.

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And we are in a cycle now. And inshallah we're moving up, even though it seems difficult, there's over 2 billion Muslims in the world. And if you look at many of the of the scientific, think tanks go to Silicon Valley, in America, and you find a lot of them are Muslims. Go to Cape Canaveral. And you find many of the engineers and technicians are Muslims, especially Egyptians.

00:58:32 --> 00:58:50

You will see that Muslims are still very much involved in science but our country's because of lacking Islamic practice. We were conquered in the 19th 20th century by the colonial powers of Europe. They subjugated our countries,

00:58:52 --> 00:59:05

changed our educational systems. We had to struggle to come back. We decolonized we threw them off. But there is a new type of colonization, that is the colonization of the mind.

00:59:06 --> 00:59:30

That is where you think Eurocentric thought. You think the North is educated in the south is uneducated. The North is the first world and you're the third world, your mind is colonized. So this is the process that we're doing deconstruction, decolonization of the mines. And that has to be done and our curriculums in our schools have to be changed.

00:59:32 --> 00:59:44

Don't say in Arabic that Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. Some people wrote this, it Teshuvah Columbus Amreeka for Yom elf Arabiya, it named with testing, you can say it in Arabic,

00:59:46 --> 00:59:58

but as the same thing, so the deconstructing change, Columbus was discovered in 1492. He was lost. And he bumped into America on his way to the Indians.

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01:00:00 --> 01:00:04

So, yes, we need Islamic revival.

01:00:05 --> 01:00:10

Islamic revival starts with the heart, goes to the character

01:00:11 --> 01:00:28

goes to our practice, to our families, our societies, eventually to the Muslim world, revival touch deed. That is where we're at at this point in time. We have a study of the revival of Islam in the institute, go to islam.ca.

01:00:29 --> 01:00:40

And you will see our study of Islamic revival. They're very important today in bringing us back to where we were question.

01:00:42 --> 01:00:49

Are all questions. Any other important comments? Yeah, so people are saying, Thank you for clarification of the question.

01:00:51 --> 01:00:54

Yeah, somebody's saying deep roots is an excellent book.

01:00:58 --> 01:00:59


01:01:04 --> 01:01:15

Alhamdulillah we have people from Trinidad from Chile. From what other places are people coming in from Can you see any other countries and places coming from Canada? Of course the United States?

01:01:23 --> 01:02:00

Yes, Alhamdulillah so we thank Allah subhanaw taala for this opportunity to share this information. And next week, Inshallah, we will continue on for the second part of Muslims in the Americas. Okay, we looked at our shoreline of Portugal, Morocco, West Africa. Now we want to go after 1492. What happened to us? Did we actually make it to this part of the world? Yes. And we want to show you next week in sha Allah. So I leave you with these thoughts. And I ask Allah to have mercy on me and you

01:02:01 --> 01:02:12

Subhanallah Rebecca Robin is at the mIRC phone was salam ala mousseline will hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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