Abdullah Hakim Quick – Fiqh-Us-Seerah 05

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The Middle East was an economic system that was an economic system that was implemented by Jesus 1000s and the Latin Latin Christian Christian Church. The history of the Middle East is discussed, including the rise of Islam in North Africa, the cultural and political bases of the region, and the use of Arabic language in various aspects of life. The transcript describes the court in the Arabian Corps, including the formation of the first court, the discovery of the first court, and the discovery of the first court in the first century.
AI: Transcript ©
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So when you get your hot cross buns around Easter time, that cross was being put onto the buns long before the time of Jesus 1000s of years before Jesus, it is the symbol of eternal life. And it was Constantine, who made that the symbol of Christianity.

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But Constantine, in mixing up the religions had a problem. And that was that from the disciples of Isa Elisa Lam, the true teachings of tawheed, spread to the Nile, especially to Iskandariyah Alexandria, northern part of Egypt to Lower Egypt. And it is said that one of the disciples Mark Rahim Allah, that he actually died on the Nile. And so the teachings of true teachings of Isa lay saddam actually found a home in Egypt, and then went south to the Sudan, and all the way down to what is known as Ethiopia, or aloha Basha Abyssinia.

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Within these teachings, it was believed that Jesus was a man,

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and that he was one of the mighty messengers of Allah, but he was not a god, nor was he the Son of God.

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And by the fourth century areas, was the main Bishop of the movie Dune, we could call them the people of one God, they were amongst the Christians. And you'll see a lot of discussion about them donatists and ariens. And especially in North Africa, and Palestine, they took a strong stance against the Trinity, and against the pagan beliefs of Christmas and Easter and Cupid and Valentine, and you can ask them, and all of those strange beliefs, the movie Dune took a strong stance against this. And so Constantine, being a crafty man, recognize the fact that and one of the bishops writes in a history book, he writes, that

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everybody in Christendom was speaking about the divinity of Christ. And if you went to buy bread in the store, the bread keeper, the bread salesman would say to you, was Christ divine or not? I believe that he was a man.

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When you asked your servant to pull the bathwater, the servant would say, did Christ die for sins? Or was he alive? Is he God? Or is he amen? Everybody in Christendom was speaking about the divinity of Christ. And so Constantine, then called a major conference in the year 325, of the Common Era or ad, called the Council of Nicea. It's a very important date for those who want to understand this history. And then the Council of Nicea. He gathered together all of the bishops, the bishops of the North believed in three gods, the bishops of the south and Palestine believed in one God, he gathered them together, and they chose the position that the three Gods would be the official belief

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in Christendom. Also, they taught that he saw a solemn Well, he had to believe that he was divine. Either he was the son of God, or God Himself, manifested as a man.

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They also put together the Bible, the present day Bible that the Christians have in their hands, was not a book given in Revelation to Isa Lisa, because Bible as you know, is biblio tech. It means a library in the Bible as the Old Testament, the Torah, the Psalms, the New Testament, so they have combined the number or remnants of a number of books, they have also put in our Gospels and sayings of their followers, hundreds of years after the time of Esau lays around, so they put together the Bible, and they put it out as an official book, and anybody who had any other gospel

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would be persecuted. 1000s of people were put to the sword. No Bible was allowed except for the Bible, that was sanctioned by the Council of Nicea in 325 ad and areas himself Rahim Allah was poisoned in the year 336 of the Common Era. And so the Roman Empire crushed the people of tawheed. But their message continued, and all of North Africa and Palestine, all the way up to the denial right to Ethiopia. There were people amongst the masses, who remembered areas who remember mark, who remember donatas, who remember the people who taught the belief in one God, and they were waiting for somebody to come. And that is part of the reason why, that when Islam spread to those areas, it

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stayed strongly in those areas. Up until now, we

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Find that 99% of the people in North Africa and going right into Palestine, the majority, the overwhelming majority of the people are Muslims. And so the belief in one God was strongly there. And what will be important for us in our study of the Sierra is Allah Bhatia.

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And especially the aksumite Kingdom, it was the kingdom called axon.

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And within that kingdom, the nagus, or Najafi, which was the title for the ruler, he ruled over a kingdom, where they believed in one God and they were very close to the teachings of Islam.

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And so the stage was set in the Mediterranean for the coming of the final message on the Eastern Front. And you can see in the maps that you have in any map will show you and it's important to get a map that gives you the the the countries in the time of East LA Salaam, because the present day Iraq and Kuwait and Egypt and Sudan, these countries are our imperialistic constructs

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which which, whose whose border lines were developed in the past few 100 years by colonial powers within our countries, they are not Islamic constructs, and especially they do not date back further especially past the time of the Prophet Muhammad Salah Sunnah.

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on the eastern side was the Persian Empire. The Persian Empire was called Hasani unit. The Senate's, and they ruled from approximately 224 to 642, of the Common Era, from 224 to 642. That was the rule of the Senate's and they were Zoroastrians following their teacher, Rasta.

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And he taught the supremacy of the Sun God, the sun, God was manifested through fire. And so there was a fire that there are their priests and bishops would maintain. And you can still see this fire being lit. It was used by the Greeks as well in the Olympics, when they carry the flame, and they keep the flame lit until the end of the Olympics. That's the same concept that was an ancient Persia, in ancient Greece and in Rome, in many of the countries who had the sun as their main God. They also believe in the struggle of darkness and light, darkness and light.

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And so their ruler, whose name finally was kisara

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was the kisser or their leader

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in this dynastic rule was a series of struggles going on. And we find just before the time of the problems of the salon, that the kisser actually killed his father, in order to come into power. So that shows you what kind of family relationships they actually had. And he surrounded himself in luxury. And it is said that the Persians had the most luxurious or the rich Persians had the most luxurious culture in the world, beautiful Persian carpets, he loved the color purple,

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and bright yellows, bright oranges, he had what is called the peacock throne.

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He had a palace filled of delights and filled with wonders. And he had a strong standing army, and the major world war was going on between the Romans and the Persians, and you'll see this being played out. Even in the court and itself, you will find a chapter called sorta room, the chapter of Rome. And we will see later on how Allah subhanaw taala even made the miracle of showing the events that would happen between the struggle going on between the Persians and the Romans.

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And so, the Romans in the Mediterranean, the Persians on the eastern side, the Ethiopians controlling what would be the southwest side of the Arabian Peninsula, and then Jazeera to add up what is important for Jazeera to Arab or the Arabian Peninsula

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is of course, the center of our story.

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And it was chosen by Allah subhanaw taala to be the site of the final revelation.

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The word out up a lot of this word itself in language means desert, the Sahara, or it means wasteland or barren land. So the Arab are the people of the barren lands. And you can divide up in some of the scholars divide up the Arabs into three groups and there is a book I would recommend to you or he called Maktoum, the sealed nectar, which I believe is available here in the city. This is an excellent, summarized version of the Syrah and it can give you solid

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authenticated facts, it's available in Arabic and in English. And so we can see within the study of the scholars, that you could divide Arabs into three parts.

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The first part is a lot of al Qaeda, who are the perishing Arabs, the ones who were being phased out, and amongst the perishing Arabs, or even a number of Semitic languages that actually died. Because according to some historians, the Semitic languages could be the oldest language group on earth. And some historians even dare to say that the language of Adam alayhis, salaam was Arabic. And this is being said, because in all the Semitic languages, Arabic has the most solid vocabulary that the broadest vocabulary, the most solid grammar and the Hebrew linguists now, today, Jews, Hebrews, who are trying to reconstruct Hebrew, using the Navajo and sort of the grammar of Arabic in

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order to reconstruct Hebrew.

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So the further you go back, the closer you will find the people to speak in the pure forms of the Arabic tongue.

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amongst a lot of Bell bow, EDA is an ad with a mood and Tessa m block, and a number of the nations that were living within the Arabian Peninsula. The second group is out of arriba. And these are the pure Arabs.

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The third group is out of Al Mustafa raba. And these are Arab ized Arabs. And I'll go into the details of these three groups from amongst the Arab, a lot of that back into the perishing Arabs. There is the stories and we will get many of these stories within the port and itself, the stories of ad and thermwood. And I want to bring to your attention. The story that was that that came out in Time Magazine, February 17 1992. This is very interesting, because it shows how technology is even bringing out more in the court and even though the people are working against the revelation, they actually bringing out more of the Quran itself.

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In surah

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chapter 89 verses six to 14 Allah tells us all the Billahi min ash shaytani regime, lm tada k farfalla rabuka be add edema data Emad, let's see lamb you flock Mr. halfhill beloved with a Moodle, Edina Java sufferable word will fade out Adele Oh Tad, Allah Vina Tahoe Phil beloved for UK Theroux fee Helfer sad for sobre la him rabuka, South SATA adab. In our bacala, Bill Meursault. In these verses, it says, Did you not see or Mohammed, how your Lord dealt with the people of add the people of Iran, which had lofty pillars, the like of which were not created in the land, and some mood the people who viewed out rocks in the valley to make dwellings. And Pharaoh who had stakes to torture

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people who transgressed all bounds in the lands and made their in much mischief. And so your Lord poured on them different kinds of severe punishment. Verily, your Lord is ever watchful.

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And so in this, you can see the mention of ad and thermowood. And further on.

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Now, people had been searching for centuries, for this mysterious Kingdom of ad. And it is said there was a city called Uber.

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And it was a city. It was set, it was created in a jewel encrusted oasis. In the southern deserts, it was an imitation of Paradise, and the grand jury and the lofty pillars and idiom it is described as it'll also get a medallion, Emad, that big, lofty towers. And so for many years, the different wanderers and fortune seekers searched in the Arabian Peninsula to find Iran and to find this last city. And it is not until the 20th century, it's not really until the 1990s you'll find that a California team team coming out of America, using experts from around the world using satellite technology. They're able to look down Now, onto the earth. They use it mostly for the military, but

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you can look down and you can literally see under the sand. And if there is an imprint under the center road, or if there are towns, you can literally see it with satellite technology now, digital technology. And so when they looked in the Arabian Peninsula, they saw roads leading to this Southern outpost and when the team went into the desert they

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dug down, and they found actually an octagonal castle with high walls and towers. And they said this sounds like the one that was described in the Quran itself.

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