Abdulbary Yahya – Understanding the Salaah

Abdulbary Yahya
AI: Summary © The importance of praying before the time of prayer is discussed, including the use of the word "help" in Maghrib time and the importance of learning the rulings. The importance of prioritizing prayer and learning to fulfill obligations is emphasized, as it is crucial for achieving success in life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of praying at home during the night to avoid wasting time and avoiding wasting money. The shaping of behavior and behavior in society is also discussed, including the struggles of parenting and the importance of shaping behavior in society.
AI: Transcript ©
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Shala we will continue with a new chapter in sha Allah today. And that is keytab Posada, the book on prayer, Kedah, Salah. So of course, we started off with what was the horror, the horror. Why did we start off with the horror when it comes to the importance of it? Why the reason is because, of course, the first thing that we have to

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that we're responsible for the first Weijun first mandatory action. And as a Muslim, is a shahada, Allah, Allah and Allah, the shahada, Allah, Allah, Allah Allah. So after that, of course, is the prayers. So the prayer should be first. But why isn't it first? Why isn't it mentioned first? Why didn't the scholar start off with Kitab masala from the beginning when it comes to the books of FIP and learning the rulings? Well, because in order for you to pray, there are also pre requisites you have to have before you can even start to pray, you there are, shoot, there are things that you have to

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fulfill first, before you can start to praise. And that is yet to be in a state of the horror. So before you're in a state of the horror, even you have to

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you have to do what you have to find out what types of water to use the purify yourself. And that's why the Scholars mentioned that way. Some scholars have said have said no Kitab Tahara. Okay, we agree that prayer is, of course, very important because it is the second pillar of Islam. So in order to fulfill fulfill the prayers, what's the next obligation, the next obligation that we have to fulfill is, of course in order for you to fulfill the prayer. They said, well, we'll do the majority the scholars said we'll do purification. But alma mater, he said No, before you even need to make wudu Do I even have to pray?

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If the time of prayer hasn't come in yet.

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So before I even think about making more do the time of prayer has to come first. So the time of prayer doesn't come? Then I don't have to make wudu yet. I don't have to go to yet. So what comes first, of course, Imam Malik. That's why his book and workbook the first chapter is the chapter on but I'll malarkey the prayer times. The majority of the scholars have mentioned that and then they mentioned the prayer times later on so Kitab masala, the book on prayer right now will will in

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in this compilation of Rwanda tilaka. The book from the we are in Hadith number 51 kitab a surah. The book on prayer in the chat this is these are the all of the chapters relating to prayer. So what's the first thing you have to do before you even pray? Of course, we have to learn about the prayer times and the importance of prayer time. So it starts off with Bob Elmo athletes, but mo l Murphy, the chapter on the prayer times. Why because in order for you to even pray,

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and in order for your prayer to be accepted, the default is that the prayer time has to arrive. If the prayer time has not arrived, if you prayed one minute before prayer time has arrived, then your prayers invalid

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your prayer is invalid unless of course during special situations and occasions like for example when you're traveling where you can combine prayers then you can go pray you can pray also before it's time during mother's time and the same way with mother live in Asia you can pray a shot before the arrival time during Maghrib time in special situations which we will inshallah covered cover so Bob and my wife Peter me apart and walked is from the world walk which is time and o RP is the times of prayer to the times of prayer of course is what we're talking about. So the first Heidi Hadith number 51 from Abby, I'm gonna a che Barney from abbiamo Pinochet Bernie. And of course I'm not

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gonna say this is an Arabic we call it a Kanye. Kanye, which is sort of a name that a person sort of like a surname when you call father so and so. And so in English, we would call it surname, surname for before and that's why you can you have for example, Johnson Robinson.

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Those are called what? That's like a surname. Right. Like we use the last last name, but in the old days, hey, this guy named Jack, who Jack was Jack, Jack Johnson. Johnson. That means the sun

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of John.

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Arabic you have the same thing you have an IV Amber. Amber is the father of Amber. The for who this is Mohammed and his people call him for example, but that's I'm a father or IGNOU so and so the son of so and so. And so that's that's an Arabic cornea and and a che Bernie was smooth side devenue es so this is in his name was ignorantly us and he said Paul had death any saw Hebrew had the hit dog had definitely so he is narrating a hadith and he's narrating Hadith next to someone's house next to someone's house. And then he says the person who narrated this hadith to me is the owner of this house, the person the owner of this house, well I shall not be a de la daddy. Abdullah had numerous

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old Radi Allahu Akbar. So he pointed to the house of Abdullah had no muscle. So he pointed to the house of a beloved nameless bow. So who he said, Sir Elton Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam meaning who said Abdullah had numerous roots. So he's narrating but he's pointing also. So the scholars have mentioned that you're the pointing and so forth. Ali Shara is something that is

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can also be used. And it's, it can be significant when it comes to in narrowing Hadith and it's something that's acceptable, in other words, so we'll mention a little bit more also about the lucky numbers I would rather the larger so who deposed narrator, who is the companion, who narrated this hadith? Who heard it from the Prophet salallahu answer? It was the lead no matter what he says far so I will I'm gonna share Bernie says, I heard from from the person who who the owner of this house, who is Abdullah animus Rudra De La Hoya also Otonabee sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Are you? A Hubble eel Allah?

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Are you there? I'm already

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a Hubble Illallah Abdullah no matter what he says, I asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which deed is more beloved to Allah subhanaw taala which D He says Paul a Salah to allow bhakti

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the salah to Allah work the prayer at its time.

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Prayer at it's time as salatu Allah wa

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and I will elaborate a little bit more what this means in sha Allah, praying on time call to sum

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all this, then after that, what's the most

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beloved deeds to Allah Burel validate it is being righteous towards your parents, being righteous towards your parents

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all to them. And then he asked again he says then after that, what is it? What next fall as you had to FISA villa, jihad in the path of Allah subhana wa Tada. All had definitely be hidden Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while it was the lowest desert to Lhasa Delhi. He said if I asked him if I were to ask him for more, he would have given me more.

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If I if I were to have asked him for more, he would have given me more money if I ask more. So How many questions did he ask? He asked three then he stopped. And so I'm delivering on his own he says if I asked him more, let me wait what after jihad? What's next? He would have given me more but he stopped he didn't go past three.

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Now so many of us he said he should have gone faster you would have benefited more right? Yeah, maybe would have benefited 134 Top 10 Give me a top 10 Like we always like list give me the top 10

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This the companions for them after the top three they always start

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Why did they always stop shallow elaborate, we'll get back to it right now. We'll go back to the Hadith the beginning of the Hadith, okay, so the Hadith number one he says

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I'm not gonna be I'm gonna be che Bernie

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was smooth sided, muddy as Paul had Destiny Sahiba had to hit duck. So the person who narrated from me is the owner of this house, where I shall be ID de la daddy Abdullah Hypno Masaru and they pointed so the scholars have said this hadith. One of the things that when that is applicable

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This is Alisha IRA. That means some people might say, you know, when it comes to the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. You can it's only the words of the messenger of allah sallallahu herself. But it's only the, you know, it's only his, you know, sort of like what he did his actions, but in terms of pointing out things, and making gestures, gestures are something that is acceptable. In other words, it's not something that is rejected. And that's why this hadith isn't Hadith Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim.

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Of course, then he says, of course, he points and what does he do? When he points while I shower Via de la bella bella knows. This is not something that we this is not something that the narrator said. He pointed No, he didn't. He pointed and he pointed know, these are the later narrators that mentioned this, because they don't know. But those who are there in the company have have side of nebbia as well.

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And he pointed right, and he pointed to the house, and he pointed and that's all they narrated. But everybody there knows whose house it is. Why? Because they

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you know, they're amongst the companions and those who are close. They know. So if I were the point, I said, I just, you know, one of the houses, one of the closest house to this machine has that house over there. Right? If I said that house, and I pointed that direction. Whose house Am I pointing to?

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You guys? No, no, no, I didn't have to tell you. It's arising, because I just came from that house over there. I got everyone here knows. Alright. seems possible. Okay. So the narrator, he's narrating he's pointing everybody there knows. But if you're not there, you don't know. You're just reading and he pointed. And he pointed to the house, whose house and so the other narrator will come later on, they say and he pointed to the house of Abdullah Masood.

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And so and he didn't mention, of course, he didn't mention who this person was. He saw he had done with the owner of this house, who's ordered this as we don't know, the people who are all there, they all knew whose house it was. It was Abdullah of numerous. One thing also Abdullah was under the law who was one of the most knowledgeable the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He was knowledgeable. He was in his in, in, in Quran. In fact, he received he said I learned over seven days somebody sorrows from the Prophet sallallahu emson directly. What does that mean? That means the Prophet sallallahu emsam taught him the sorrows directly because most of the companions,

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they learn the sorrows from other companions will learn it from the prophets of Allah.

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But the Abdullah hipness erode is one of the early companions who accepted Islam in Mecca. He was one of the early people who in fact, he was the first of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who went out and recited the Quran in the open. Men, he recited the Quran for the Quraysh to hear at a time in which the operators were persecuting those who said La ilaha illAllah. They were persecuting those who said la isla, he was the first one to go out and he says, No, the police have to hear this. We can't just hide and he went forward and he was a he's, you know, in the in in Makkah, you have different groups of people. You have the aristocrats you have the very

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wealthy, the merchants, the business people, and the chieftains pretty much have their tribes and clans. And then you had the rich people. And then you have also the low class people. And then you have of course the slaves. Abdullah Abdullah Hypno Masuda de la hora, he was not of the people who have high status and he wasn't rich. He was very poor. In fact, he was a shepherd.

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He was a shepherd. And you know, being a shepherd

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is a job in those days that you know, it wasn't high pay. It was, you know, you just, you just do that because that's all you can find. That's an hour. That's all the money you can't you don't have enough money to do business. You know, you just you just take care of other people's sheep. You don't even have your own. So people hire you to take care of their sheep. And so Abdullah had no Masuda de Lovato was one of the most knowledgeable the companions and we have time for the shallow we actually he deserves a lecture all by himself, in terms of his virtues, and his service to Islam and the Muslims and

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the virtues that the Prophet sallallaahu some mentioned, some of the things that he did, he was a very, very

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small and short in fact, some of the scholars have mentioned that others Companions would be, you know, they would be sitting down, and he's standing up, and they will be here with some of the taller companions will be sitting down, and he's standing up and they're the same height,

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the same height, and he had very scrawny legs, meaning is very small legs, to the point where he was climbing. One of the, one of the

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Nephalem know, the date palms, and some of the companions and the other wind blows, and they saw his legs. And they were like, get those legs, like they're so small, right? And he says, So the Prophet said a lot. He said, he said, those legs, in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala, are more weighty than the mountain of overhead.

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When invading the mountains of a city, you guys are laughing at those those legs. That's Abdullah Abdullah Hypno med school or the law.

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He used to always be at the service of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, in fact, he was the one that was known to be the word person who carried the miswak of the Prophet sallallahu herself. And he would carry the issue of the prophets of Allah Islam also, when the messenger of Allah and Allah needed, you know, he had, he would bring water, so that the Prophet son would make will do, he was always at the surface of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he was the type of person that one of the most knowledgeable in terms of the understanding of the Quran so much so that he said, you know, if I knew someone

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you know, in anyone who knew a hadith, anyone who had knowledge, he would go to them right away. And he said, If I knew anyone who knew more than me, anything and I could reach that person on my steed, or you know, my camera or my horse or whatever he had, but I could write to them, then I would have done so I would have already done so. Like I wouldn't be here to target you and I would, I would be honest way if I knew someone who knew more than me for in terms of the Quran and the Sunnah I knew exactly all the verses where it was revealed and when it was revealed and in what circumstances it was revealed and that's Abdullah no mystery about the Levant was not like bragging about himself or

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anything like that. It's just reality. He's telling people like you know what, if you want knowledge, you have to make another you have to make an effort. You have to go out he's ready to go out anyone who knows anything he goes and that was the type of person that have the large numbers old was and he was also of course, notice here are so Abdullah Abdullah had no muscle it says, Sir open Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because of his health, his eagerness to learn, seek knowledge. He was always also he was always asking the messenger of allah sallallahu.

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And what was his eagerness also, to learn that which is beloved to Allah subhana wa Tada. And not just to learn anything, okay? What's the most beloved to Allah? subhanaw taala like, you know, I want to do that which is pleasing to Allah, what's the best thing that I can do? So the Prophet he asks us in the visa lottery, I said, Are you learning which deed is a humble Illallah is more beloved to Allah subhana So yes, there are deeds that Allah Subhana Allah loves, and there are deeds, each there are different deeds from this hadith. We also recognize and we realize, and we know that, that there are different levels of virtues. Some deeds are more virtuous than others.

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Some deeds are more virtuous than others. And so he's asking, Are you alarmingly a humble illAllah? Which deed is the most beloved to Allah subhana wa Tada and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, a Salah to Allah wa

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salatu Allah work to her prayer, praying on time, praying on time, what is praying on time mean?

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Praying on time me. Some scholars have said praying on time means you pray. You pray when you pray in during the time that prayer. So during the whole prayer, you pray there's over praying and praying answered prayer. That's what that's what the and not praying on time is. When you're praying when prayer time is over. That's what some scholars have mentioned concerning the meaning of this. But that is a little bit

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problematic. Why? Because you're comparing something that is mandatory with something that's haram.

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Is it permissible to pray after that?

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Time is over.

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It's not, you can't pray when time is over. So it's not about which one's better than what How can you say this is better, it's mandatory. And the other was haram. There's no extra benefit when in saying, praying during it's right

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on time paying on time. So what is a solid dalawa mean? It means prayer at the beginning of its type.

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Prayer, it just like in other narrations, that clarify

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a solid, a solid praying.

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And Allah worked here, there's a elaboration fee only worked meaning at the beginning of its time. So Allah worked in praying on time. Here, it literally means praying on time praying, and it's titled as proper time. But what is the proper time was the best time it's always the beginning. And that's why you have to prioritize. Why is prayer mentioned first more beloved than anything else. Because it is also the world the it is also the deed, that we are accountable on the Day of Judgment. It's the first deed that were asked about, I will have my household will abdomen piano. The first thing that a person will be accountable on the Day of Judgment is

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the prayers, the five the five daily prayers specifically, and the prayers and if his prayers are in line that he will be successful for Africa. If his prayers are online in line if it's if they're not in line, the Allah will say look at his

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extra prayers, his sunnah, prayers and the welfare.

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Check those prayers does he have any if he does, then they will patch that which is missing or makeup or complete that which is that which is lacking? Complete that which is lacking. And that's why for us, we have to try to pray as much sooner as possible, because when we're praying, yes, we're praying. But most of our prayer is what?

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A lot of times we're not concentrating. It's not the way that it should be. So if you want it to be really complete, and in accordance

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if you want it to be complete,

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encoded and do something that's beloved to Allah, prioritize your prayer, prioritize your prayer. So that's, of course, there's this thing here. A salata Allah was pretty cool to somebody. And then I said, Who is this assizes supposed to? Abdullah Masotti said to mine. And then after that, what, what next? He said, beautiful validate. He said, being righteous towards your parents. So the first thing is being

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after the first thing of course, is the right of Allah subhanaw taala is your connection with Allah Subhana Allah, and then it's your connection with

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your connection with the creation of Allah subhanho wa taala. If you can perfect these two relationships and connections, then in sha Allah, you will have Jana, SHA, Allah, you have Jana. Why? Because when you perfect your

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relationship with Allah subhanaw taala

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then everything that you do, you're doing it for the sake of Allah in fulfilling your obligations. And if you did that, only that's not enough. Because there's another thing when you're living in this world, you're also responsible to fulfill the obligations that are around you, the people who are with you, the creation of Allah subhanaw taala and that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, there are two things the inter people agenda the most. What are those two things that will Allah rehearsal Hello, taco Allah. That's your relationship with Allah. Consciousness with Avila and hospital Hello, is good, moral good character. That means that you are your relationship

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between you and Allah subhanho wa Taala strong and the relationship between you and the creation of Allah is also strong. And the strongest relationship between you and the creation of a lot of the closest or your parents or your parents. And the strength the strongest the thing that you that strengthened us and connects us with Allah subhanho wa Taala is praying and praying on time. What salata Allah work they are praying, and it's right time mean praying at the beach.

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Getting up the tide, the beginning of the prayer time, which means when prayer time comes, you drop everything that you do, and you prioritize prayer. And so that's why one who prioritizes prayer is beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala because he's doing something that's beloved to Allah, a Salah to Allah.

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So my bill will validate. So my god Allah Jihad visa vie Lilla and then after that, what's next? Is Allah Jihad visa vie de la, Jihad feasability Why do you have visibility Allah is your sacrifice and struggle, and your willingness to sacrifice everything for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala fighting in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala by spending your net your spending your wealth and the path of Allah. Also, in giving, you know, going out and fighting for the, for the

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for the deen of Allah subhana wa Tada. So that the Lai La La Calima to lie here earlier. So that anticodon Kalamata Allah, He Alodia al jihad, he's feasability. Allah is when you want, it's not for anything else. It's not for nationalistic purposes. It's not for tribal reasons. It's not for patriotic things. Patriotic purpose. No, it is because you want La ilaha illallah to be the highest. You're doing it for for Islam, and then he says, God had destiny we hidden Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So he the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam narrated or hid that he said, he narrated that that to me, these to this hadith, these three things. And then he said, languish,

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because that to who if I were to assess LFC into like esteana is seeking. So if you if I asked for more Lazada he would have given me more. What does that mean? That means if I ask him, and then after that, what next after jihad, what next? He would have mentioned it to me. But Abdullah had no muscle drive, the lavado stopped after three. Anybody know why he stopped after three and why all the other companions had stopped after three always.

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Adam, because they were very well mannered.

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They are a very, very well matter. First thing that they're taught and they lay they learned from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is manners. You know, somebody keeps on asking, asking, asking, asking too much.

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I mean, you want you you want to seek knowledge, right? You want to seek knowledge, and you want to know as much as you can. But you also have to learn how to respect the teacher also, and have added. And so that's why the Companions, they used to ask the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And after they got to three, that was it.

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After three, that's it, because the first one, yes, that's your knowledge, right? Second one, that's you, you're adding more and you're happy to learn more after the third Hamdulillah you know,

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I, you know, I'm gonna stop there, maybe another time, we can ask them something else. Right, we can ask them something else another time, or something similar to that. But after three, they always stop. In fact, I only know one situation one circumstances, or one question where the prophet was asked four times. And that was when the prophets of the levada who I said was asking, Medina have put nursery Hosni Sahaba Oh, Messenger of Allah, who has more right for me to be good to.

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Like who? And so what did the Prophet some say,

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Omar, your mother, and then the companions that the WHO next? The Messenger of Allah Salam said that your mother, and then the companion said, Who next? He said your mother? Is that your mother? Your mother, your mother? So that's three? Most of the time, they would stop that. Why did he stop there? Why didn't because it was the same answer. Just one more. Okay, just one more.

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We never got the second we know.

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Your mother, your mother, your mother. And then after they heard x your father, after they heard Father, what did they do? That's it. Even though they only got three two answers, right? For answered but they pretty much only two, but the mother got everything. So that's why Islam Islam, you know, 123 Right. That's where first, second and third. That's when you get something. You know, like in the Olympic race. The mother gets in Islam. The mother gets the gold, the silver and the bronze. Right. The whole podium belongs to the mother. And then the father goes home cried because number four is the worst. You're almost there. You almost got it.

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You're number four. What do you

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get, you get a flower.

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That's if they give you a clap.

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You get a participation trophy baby. Right? Number four, you don't get anything.

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Number four is like you're just barely made it. So it's the worst idea number 10. That's fine. I never made I never even got close. It's okay. But number four, you're so close, but you didn't get it. So, in Islam, the mother gets the gold, the bronze and the silver, the gold, the silver and the bronze. And the father goes home crying.

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That's, that's that's the status. But the point here is when the companion said, so my son, Mama, and then after who next? Your father, they stopped. Why? Because they were so well mannered.

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They learned they knew manners. They had manners. And so so he said, and if I were to ask, Louis doesn't do Lazada if I were to if I were to ask, but I didn't ask anymore. I stopped after three.

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I stopped after three. That was what I'm told me was

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mentioned. And as I mentioned, a salatu.

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Allah worked to

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train on time. In another narration, that's, you know, that, that's in other books of Hadith as philosophy outwardly worked to a solid fee or when he was behind, and this is, of course, this, these aren't narrations that are in IGNOU, whose aim is to ban al Hakim and so forth. But that hadith that we have here is a Serato Allah work they have ideas even if you don't say a salata, he only wants to hear the it's still means that it's still it still means you pray at the beginning of the time.

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So the earlier you pray, the more rewarding it is. Right? the only the only notice and by the way, a salata Allah Allah Allah wa T ha praying and it's appropriate time is actually more sound more in terms of linguistically more perfect in terms of the ruling also why because not every prayer is best prayed at the beginning.

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The onset so you say a solid Allah work to work the nature of the work Delicia Asia theory.

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My theory so at the end of it right after as what? Why? Because that's, that's an exception to the beginning. So it's a salata and I walked into little Asia.

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So as worked, salata, lochia, continue, the understanding is that for all the prayers, it's at the beginning. At the for Asia, it's at the end, when you might say, Well, what do you mean at the end? That mean Should I wait for Asia until I went to almost five times and I pray that I get more reward?

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No, the end of Asia is when

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the end of Asia is monjasa laid at the middle of the middle of the night. What's the middle of the night? When When does the night begin?

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And when does when does the night end? I'll find you when the break of dawn but the night the night the night ends a break of dawn right the night ended break it up. So the end of Isha Prayer is at the middle

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and the middle of the night.

00:33:41 --> 00:33:49

Not always 12 o'clock but close to it around. So the middle of the night. So that means what? A shot has two endings.

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The first is the ending of the preferred time.

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The preferred time is middle of the night. That means what that means you should never delay your Isha Prayer past the middle of the night. unless it's an emergency.

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unless it's an emergency so somebody might say well it's at two o'clock already you're still playing around hanging around so no no certainly it's not time yet the time that over No, no. Midnight is times over you should be praying right now already. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one time he was sitting in the he was the companions are waiting for him to hang on. I want you to look at the the patience of the companions.

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The patience of the companions.

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They were all sitting in the masjid waiting and they didn't have boards like this for the prayer time, right?

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They didn't have like precise timing.

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All they had was the horizon. You look at the horizon. When the redness on the horizon is gone. That's a shot okay, we can now we we

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When they see that they know that, okay, let's go to the masjid and then they go to the masjid. Imagine going to the masjid right now at, let's say, at six o'clock, 666 15, six o'clock 610 615. They sit, they sit,

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and they're waiting for the Prophet salallahu to come up.

00:35:21 --> 00:35:30

Right? They're not looking at the clock. They're not looking at their phones. They're making dickeya Some people are praying. Some people are excited and

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they wait.

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And he doesn't come out.

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Nobody complains. They wait

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to the point where there are some people in the masjid.

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They have those.

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And you can hear heavy breathing.

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Already. Some people in the back some people in the masjid already.

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Like they're sleeping. And they've been waiting for a long time. But everyone continues to wait. Everyone continues to wait until finally.

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It's so long. It's been a long time. Probably hours, not just one hours. And they're in the masjid. They're waiting for Isha prayer.

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And so the prophets of Allah

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has still hasn't come out. Omar knows exactly where the prophet is. He's just behind the door.

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Right because his house is connected. Oh ma stands up, he says. He says

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he says he said it up at the site when it was severe neuropathy that knee SAT was was severe. The woman, the woman or messenger of Allah, the woman hand and the children of all slept.

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In other words, everybody in the media is asleep, except for us in the masjid. Though the women and the children are the only ones who are not in the masjid. The men are all in the masjid waiting for the prophets of Allah. They are seven he says everybody sleeps already on Messenger of Allah.

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Everybody everybody's asleep so late.

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And then the Messenger of Allah comes out with water dripping on his beard,

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water dripping his beard. And he said by Allah in Hello, and

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he said this. This is the time for Aisha Lola, Lola and Masha Allah Almighty. If it wasn't so difficult for my OMA, I will have made this the time for it. That means all you guys every time you will be praying at this time only. This is the time for this is the time for if it wasn't so difficult for my own man. And so that's why the more you delay the prayer, the more rewarding it is in Asia, on Asia. And of course, of course, you should always be praying in the masjid, the reward is even greater. And there will come a time

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there will come a time when the leaders the Prophet suddenly mentioned not that he learned the signs of their judgment. So there will come a time when your leaders will delay the prayers.

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Your leaders will delay the prayers with what does that mean? That means in the massage, it's instead of praying on time, they're gonna delay the prayer. Now Isha prayer with Asia, of course, everyone wants to pray right away. So they go home and have the rest of the night off. Right. But the regular prayer fajr prayer,

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and all the other prayers, everyone says, You know what? We they always delay the prayer, your leaders.

00:38:42 --> 00:38:46

And so the prophets of the companions, they said, O Messenger of Allah, what do we do in that time?

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Do we abandon the congregation?

00:38:50 --> 00:39:00

When do we pray, do a banner cannot come to the masjid then, if we know that the masjid they're praying in the wrong time, they're not praying at the best time. They're delaying it significantly.

00:39:01 --> 00:39:14

So like, for example, find your cancer comes in 623. They're praying at 723 Almost almost, almost fight your time. Right? Like maybe 20 minutes or 30 minutes fit. So why because some people get more sleep late.

00:39:16 --> 00:39:22

There will come a time when people will delay the prayers like that. So what do we do? Because the best time to pray is at the beginning.

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And so we want to pray the best time the best time that the machine is going to pray the beginning but if the machine doesn't pay the beginning, what do we do? They're delaying the prayer mean they're abandoning the most. They're abandoning their preferred time, to a time that is almost towards the end.

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So what do we do? The Prophet sallallahu said you pray and you pray your eyes first. After you finish they go pray with them also.

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You pray with them also. Why so you get the you get the reward of that.

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You get the reward of praying on time, at the early time, and you get the reward of the congregation to say

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time you get the reward, or the congregation, also at the same time, so I know like some massage, it's like five years, they play really late. And some massages, they pray different prayer like really, really late based on what based on people's work schedule or things like that. So there will come a time when people will always try to delay that means what they don't care about praying on time. So if that happens, then pray at home. And then go to the masjid also, instead, you get the reward of praying in the masjid, also. So the second thing, the first is a Serato. And I worked we have close to semi for all your revalidating beer LBM means righteousness towards your parents, What

00:40:45 --> 00:40:49

is righteousness towards your parent? First of all your parents.

00:40:50 --> 00:41:30

They have a right upon you. Because you know when you pay, whether they no matter how they are with you, they still have a right upon you. Which means Allah subhanaw taala orders us to worship Him to perfect our relationship with Him. And also with our parents. Why? Because most people don't realize a lot of times, you know how much how much the parents sacrifice and love their children. Especially nowadays, you know, with a lot of children, they don't realize they don't appreciate. In fact, they learn from a very young age,

00:41:31 --> 00:41:36

they learn to be disobedient. And this is how the shaytaan This is how the shaytaan

00:41:37 --> 00:41:40

tries to split up and break up families.

00:41:41 --> 00:41:42


00:41:43 --> 00:41:48

many movies in fact, some cartoons, a lot of cartoons like for example, Disney cartoons.

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A lot of people don't realize it, but it's feeding into the minds of children to be disobedient to parents.

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To be disobedient to parents, there's always a struggle.

00:42:01 --> 00:42:07

There's always a struggle. And one of the main struggles as a child is a struggle between

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your parents and what you want. Right? So there are so many if you just think about it, the thing is some of the cartoons I don't know you guys watch Disney cartoons for those who are familiar, there's always this happens, okay, something like this.

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Like the girl falls in love with some bum.

00:42:28 --> 00:42:34

Okay, falls in love with some bum. And he wants to go on number, you know, carpet ride with this bump.

00:42:37 --> 00:42:47

He has nothing, he's, he's a thief or whatever it is. Right? But he's in love with him. For whatever whatever particular reason it is. And

00:42:49 --> 00:43:03

the parents are protected. Right. And then, of course, the parents will say he wants to, eventually he wants or she wants to be with him or he wants to marry him. And because the parents are like, No, you I don't want you to marry this bum.

00:43:05 --> 00:43:09

I don't want you to marry this guy. fee for this bum and this person has no life.

00:43:10 --> 00:43:47

This person has no life. You're somebody who's really good. And this person has no life. Why are you trying to run away with him going? You have a better life right here. Right? And so she goes, and then she she eventually she runs away. And then something happens and struggle and so forth. And in the end, the father is wrong, something he did something wrong. And then he's remorseful. And then she comes back and she says she's Yeah, oh, before that even there's always a scene where she's yelling at her father, or she's yelling at her mother. She's yelling at the parents. And so most people don't realize, but the children are watching this.

00:43:48 --> 00:44:03

Right? And when when you watch something you learn from it, even if you don't think about it too much, but it affects how you deal with the people around you. Because what you watch affects how you behave also, especially at a very young age.

00:44:04 --> 00:44:14

Right at a very young age, and eventually so what was the lesson? The lesson is that you know what, just do whatever you want. In the end, your parents will be okay with it. You don't have to listen to them.

00:44:16 --> 00:44:17

You can marry whoever you want.

00:44:18 --> 00:44:23

You can do whatever you want. You can go anywhere you want. Don't listen to your parents.

00:44:24 --> 00:44:38

You know, they don't know anything. They don't know anything. In the end, everything will be okay. But that's not always what life is. But that's what the shaitan wants to instill. And that's why you have

00:44:39 --> 00:44:59

the disobedience of children. That's just one thing. You know, just one thing, but all of society, with the movies and so forth affects how people behave. And there's always the struggle and you will see many of these movies and in cartoons, and these are like a supposedly children's cartoon right and you

00:45:00 --> 00:45:10

You're supposed to like, allow your kids to watch. But all of these characters that they watch, they have every one of the Think about it.

00:45:11 --> 00:45:35

There's a struggle, right? Like maybe a mermaid. Maybe it's a mermaid that wants to be human, she wants to be something else. Right? And her father says, No, you got something better here. What are you doing? Why are you going to go there join with the lousy humans. They don't know anything. You have a better No, but she wants. And then there's, there's an argument that she runs away.

00:45:36 --> 00:45:42

So if you go up, you see your children running away. Maybe they left it from this day,

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you know, there might come a time they find fault. They think they fall in love with this bump. They don't who has no Dean or anything like that, and then they run away. And so also the, the guy also sometimes this and listen, he's yelling back at their parents in some of these movies. There's always if you know, if

00:46:04 --> 00:46:25

you watch some, some of these movies, I'm not telling you to watch them or anything like that. But but you might see some of the struggles, that happens that really it's actually built into it. And that's how society effects what happens in society. Because what happens in the movies has a great influence on what how people behave,

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how people behave, people behave. And that's why the more you show people how to be bad, the more bad people you're going to have.

00:46:36 --> 00:46:48

And so 11111 example, do you guys know that? You know, like right now? I don't know the people still race like kart race, like street racing.

00:46:49 --> 00:46:53

You hear about sometimes, right? Still right. But it's not that big of a deal. Is it still big?

00:46:54 --> 00:47:13

They're still doing it? Yeah, before growing up, you didn't have too many. Right? It wasn't that big of a deal. It was just you know, it was just isolated situations in cases. And then there after what this one this one particular year,

00:47:14 --> 00:47:17

street racing became widespread

00:47:18 --> 00:47:20

all over the world.

00:47:22 --> 00:47:36

And I remember when this movie came out, I was in Vietnam, and the authorities had problems because they were racing motorcycles every night. And I was living in an area where there was like, empty streets still, because there was a lot of construction. Every night I would have

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one and the cops would come.

00:47:40 --> 00:47:51

Right. And the same thing happened in Seattle, and Los Angeles, and Chicago, and New York, and Houston. All over people are trying to stop people from

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street racing. Why? Why all of a sudden, street racing became so popular.

00:47:59 --> 00:48:00

Anybody know why?

00:48:03 --> 00:48:06

Overnight, it became popular.

00:48:07 --> 00:48:11

It was popular Yeah. But it became overnight very popular and but you know why?

00:48:15 --> 00:48:16

Because there was a movie came out

00:48:18 --> 00:48:18

What movie was

00:48:24 --> 00:48:25

slow, impatient.

00:48:28 --> 00:48:30

You know, the movies fast.

00:48:32 --> 00:48:34

And I wasn't slow, impatient.

00:48:36 --> 00:48:37

Fast and Furious.

00:48:38 --> 00:48:42

movie Fast and Furious came up. And it had

00:48:43 --> 00:48:46

screen racing, right? It has street racing.

00:48:48 --> 00:48:59

And I still haven't I never saw the movie, but I know that it's about speed racing. But afterwards, everybody started racing. So it has a big effect. One movie

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can change the perception of society.

00:49:06 --> 00:49:09

One movie can cause problems for all the police officers in the

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one movie. And so that's why

00:49:15 --> 00:49:28

and it's not just because because of Hollywood has so much influence that some of these movies become popular and there's some movies, they spend a lot of money to try to promote it. And there are things in there that are put

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that put inside that will change people's perception

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and they will change people the good becomes bad,

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the bad becomes good.

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That that was acceptable is no longer acceptable, and so forth, and vice versa. So inshallah we'll end it with that.

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And we'll continue inshallah next week with the hadith of Aisha Radi Allahu anha. And I'll just read the next time

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so that we'll know what Hadith we'll have next. The hadith and Hadith number 52. And now Chateau de la vida, Pilate la Katakana Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you saw Lilford for yesh, huduma Huni, salmonella, Minette,

00:50:14 --> 00:50:52

Mottola, ferritin be Maruta hidden so my your journey Isla beauty hidden, my You're my wife, my iPhone, my iPhone, I had mineral mineral wallets. So the Hadith, the Prophet Solomon said that but can also Watson you solid, the Messenger of Allah used to pray for you, we shall do Manisa on mineral minute and there are a woman amongst the believers who used to pray with the prophets of Allah and the messenger and moto Luffy it can be Maruti hidden, they would be covered up in their, you know, like the, the gal gowns.

00:50:54 --> 00:51:03

There are two there are two types. One is like, you know, you have the sometimes you have to, and then you have the big cover, like sort of like,

00:51:05 --> 00:51:35

moreover is like the ones you put your from your head all the way to your toe, like a sheet that you cover all the way so they will be covered. And of course they used to wear black. Right? So my your January beauty hidden on my phone before $100 million. Nobody would recognize who it was, nobody would know, would recognize these woman because of the violence because it was darkness. In other words, what does that mean? That means the Prophet, someone prayed for budget

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at the beginning of his time, right at the beginning of its time. And so sometimes you might say, well, let's delay it a little bit. Well, the thing is, sometimes if it becomes too early, and it might be difficult for the people, they might be reasoning to do so. But the best time of course even further time is to pray at the beginning of its time, not when it's already bright, not when it's already bright outside. And so inshallah we'll cover that also because there are different opinions when it's best time to pray fajr When it's best to pray isha and soap and all the other prayers, some of the other times we're allowed to delay and so forth. And so the lesson to learn

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from here is that one of the most beloved deeds to Allah subhanaw taala of course is our prayers and praying on time. Praying at the beginning of its time is one of the most beloved deeds to Allah subhanho wa Taala because it shows that you're concerned about the connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala does anybody have any questions?

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