Abdulbary Yahya – The Chapter of Straightening the Lines – Umdatul Ahkam

Abdulbary Yahya
AI: Summary © The importance of standing up in prayer and straightening lines during cricket practice is emphasized, along with the need for strong faith in praying for the Prophet and others. Prayer in anticipation of upcoming events and finding space in the front line is also emphasized. The importance of finding space in the front line and avoiding embarrassment is emphasized, and the need for students to practice the language of Islam and not let too many people come in too close. Prayer is also discussed, including the negative impact of following the Sunents and clapping marijuana to increase chances of problems, and the importance of building community and unity in the community.
AI: Transcript ©
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A lady named Monica Hola, hola. Kulu colon Cydia, la cama elegant way of looking with an Uber calm or mejor de la hora Rasulullah HuFa kind of 1000 Alima Ahmedabad

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jolla we're starting on Chapter Baba so forth but the chapter on so forth so far lines meaning standing up in prayer and lining up rulings that are connected to and related to standing up in prayer, where do you stand how do you stand and straightening of the lines and the first Hadith in the chapter is a Hadith of an s an American or the Allahu Anhu

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follow along

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the line is part

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started with obligation

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it is

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standing up in lines whether you pray

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in order, so, the messenger

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order the companions to stream so,

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this is an order

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an order is considered mandatory in order to consider

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the straightening of the line

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is considered mandatory. But

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can be ordered on order unless you have a DD that says it's not mandatory. The default is that it's mandatory. That means if somebody says, for example, I don't want to, I don't have to, I don't need to write it's it's only

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when you upgrade it becomes mandatory why

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because trading of the lines is part of Completion, Completion.

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Completion of something that means it's not complete it's not complete and it's not done correctly. So, some scholars

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of course some scholars have said that this is something that of course is mandatory

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it's mandatory

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the scholars have divided

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in into

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these are the pillars without

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is mandatory that it can be made up.

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Or it can be made up in some way. When there's when someone, when someone forgets, it can be made, either.

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Or if you let's say you forget something,

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you'll still be considered complete

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and valid, maybe not complete and reward. But intentionally, it's still valid, you have to repeat your prayer. And then there's some apps that are considered.

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And there are some apps that are inside the player itself. And there are some apps that are outside the player. It's not directly related to the player, but it's outside the player. So there's different types of access

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cultural, which are

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not connected to the prayer directly, but they are conditions, you have to have them before you can start to pray. So when it comes to straightening of the lines, does this mean

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does this mean that

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it is mandatory, like for the completion of the prayer, or is it mandatory for the

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for the mandatory in terms of the validity of the prayer or mandatory in terms of like the completion and the reward, that you should not be left out? So this is, of course, the majority of the scholars of course, I mentioned specific acts. And those acts are mentioned in and very, very importantly, when it comes to prayer. And that prayer, that hadith is at Mercy salata who the person who prayed incorrectly, that those actions are mentioned in that.

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There those actions are considered the core essence of the prayer, because the prophets of Allah who supported him when he prayed, and he came back and the prophets of Allah and I said them said, go back and pray because you haven't prayed yet. And then he said, he came back again, and it gives alarms to him. He said, Go back and pray because you haven't prayed. So the messenger of allah sallallahu wasallam, then says, is home to home, is upon Taylor Salah when you stand up for prayer, right? When you stand up for president, he mentioned everything in that hadith, which will cover each other coming up. But every everything in that prayer is considered. Everything in that hadith

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is considered mandatory. And there's discard some of the scholars look and say, oh, there's no mentioning of standing up in the prayer. But you have to understand this man prayed, ALLAH SubhanA, Allah knows best. This man prayed by himself. So if when it comes to pray in congregation, there are certain other things also, if you don't line up, and you pray by yourself,

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if you pray by yourself, and you don't line up, and you don't stay in the same line with the people, and you don't have any reasons for, let's say, you want to just start a new line, because you know, some people they come in,

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and they say, You know what, I don't want people touching me.

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I want to start a new line,

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I want to start a new line is that person's prayer valid?

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Majority of the scholars or the opinion that if there is space, there's two, there's one condition, and there's a couple of things I have to put into consideration. If their space and he doesn't go into that space. Even though there's space available for him, he forms a new line, just to make a line by himself, then it's not considered acceptable. I mean, it's not his prayer. If you start with prayer, the whole Prayer is not valid. Like that, because sometimes you can start by yourself and then people come by so he didn't pray the whole prayer by himself. And so but sometimes it's for you don't have any other option. And that's why some scholars have said you touch the person's shoulders

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to make them come back. Right, but we don't have any Allah knows best. But there's no specific proof that says you should do that. In fact, by doing that, you're doing something that is contradictory to the Sunnah, which is what, which is causing a gap in the line in front, and you're disturbing the person before you. So you've started a new line. It's not because you want to start a new line by yourself. It's because you have to because there's no more space and a line in front. So you start off. So he says so anyways,

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some of the scholars here when it says so, so forth.

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All this is something that is considered

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recommended. mean, it's something that is not mandatory in a sense that it nullifies a person's prayer. So let's say if someone were to come

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and they pray.

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And then so you know, some people, they're like, they don't really care. And sometimes you don't know. This person says you should line up you on the row. Just like what happens our Masjid often. Some people were like back here, no, this, we should be behind that line. Because we have that line. Right. And so that's why that's why that's why I see this line here. Sometimes. Sometimes it causes more problems. Right? Sometimes people look at it, like somebody wants to stand in front of that line, someone wants to stand behind the front of the line. And then he's looking at, okay, and then half of them are in front of the line at the back of the line. And people are confused. They don't

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know where to stand.

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They don't know where to stand because everyone's interpreting what how to stand. There straight, based on what, based on your toe, your your heels are based on your toes, your toes, right. So some people's like, okay, it's here. And you know, sometimes people's feet are different recommended. Yes, and the order the Prophet, I'm ordering it, that means you should do it. But if someone doesn't pray,

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let's say he doesn't stay in the lines, is his prayer valid.

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His prayer is still valid, but he's contradicting the sudden never sometimes, he's not trying to contradict the Sunnah.

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His interpretation of what a straight line is, is different than your interpretation. So because cricket and so that's, that's why what should be done,

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the thing that should be done is like, first of all, the person in charge for the Imam to check to see if everybody's lining up straight. That's why you look back in the Messenger of Allah look back and as soon as everyone straight, but that's not usually that's not the problem from people coming later on. But people will come in later on at the beginning, everybody usually agrees on how to stand up and then the PSTN, but the people who are coming later, so you say so, so forth. So, so from the word Salah means to, to make it even, even in what, even both ways, even when it comes to straighten lines. And even when

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when it's when you when you make it the same, between left and right and front and back. Also, what I mean by left and right, left and right is that when you're coming back, when you're coming to the IMA to the masjid, what do you do?

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You stay in the middle. So behind the person staying over there on the right side and the other guy is going no we start here, the other person has not started there. So where do you start? You start from right behind the Imam because the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said so, so fufa come straight in your lines and also even your lines. And he says, For in show, because indeed, this is in his heart, the IChemE

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and this is emphasis for indeed the sweetness so forth, the straightening of the lines is part of the

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part of the

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part of the completion of the prayer. And so, when a person

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when, when when the person stands up, so, how should you stand up also,

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some people of course, you mentioned some people of course, they when they stand up, should you stand up your your, your heels, and your ankles should they be touching? Some people they say when they say that your your ankles, your ankles should be touching, that is part of the completion

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of the completion of the prayer. That means the straightening of the lines includes what includes the feet, touching each other includes the feet touching each other when you say the feet touching each other. The majority of the scholars are of the opinion that the feet touching

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each other should be the

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A tab, which is the the ankle, the ankles touching each other. Right, the ankles within the car are the two bones. Of course, if you're going to do that,

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sometimes some of the scholars have mentioned when somebody also, when somebody does that, they also

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when you have some people exaggerating, and that matter also where it's disturbing the person's prayer. And so that itself is not also, that's also something that's also something that's not, that's not.

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That's not,

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you know,

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it's not positive, not positive, it's not benefiting in terms of social. Because sometimes you focus on strain the line, the other person doesn't care what the other person is distracted by it, as soon as you touch them, they start moving away, right, start moving away, and you keep on going, touching them chasing after them.

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And then they keep on moving it away, then, in that case, sometimes it bothers them any bothers them more. So you just do as best do the best that you can. And you see some some brothers, mashallah, when they stand up, because of the people who the gap is so big, they sit down, they stand up with their, instead of standing straight, also, their legs are spread wide apart. And by doing that, also, you're not straining yourself also, you understand. So the best thing to do is to move,

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the best thing to do is to move, make sure that you're straight. And if there's a gap, allow someone else to come if you see a gap, and you feel that the gap. Or if you can just tug and pull the other guy towards your side, if there's nobody else on the other side also, but don't, you know, straining yourself also is something that is necessary. So you don't want to sit down like, you know, put your, your spread your legs out, and it causes even more problems because of because of extreme. Some people you know, like, I know, some, in some countries, like if you were to go to

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go to some countries, especially in Southeast Asia, and especially in Vietnam, when you people are so used to that, that when you go into a line, there's such a big gap there.

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There's such a big gap. And everybody is just like as soon as you can almost have two people next to you.

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And so you're sitting down, right, you're sitting down, and or you're standing up, even after sitting down, you're not touching anything.

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There the gap is so wide. And that's also Hilah for sunnah, that's also contradictory to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to leave such big gaps. And so that's not. And so some people also, when you when, when, when you're praying,

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you know, how, if you're praying,

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if you're praying in the front line.

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And of course, everybody wants to be in the front line. But there's such there's such a small space, and people are trying to, you know, trying to get into the front line, and there's not enough space. So it causes you to sometimes

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is to twist to the left and to the right, also, to the point where you're unable to face the pimp illustrate. And that's why that's also something that's also that's not, that's also contradictory. Also, so you want to make sure right, and of course, sometimes, of course, the front line is very virtuous, but it's very, very virtuous. And if there's enough space, you should try to make enough space and have as many people who want to come and able to, they should, but at the same time also, sometimes you have to choose between the straining and the lines and stay in the first line and following another student, which is, you know, how you sit down when you sit down. One of the

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Sooners of sitting down is called a tiller rook. Do you know what the Warthog is? Anyone know what the work is? There's two types of sitting is if the rash and the work.

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If the rash and the water has we heard that before.

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If the rash is when you sit on your left foot, and you stray in your right foot, right

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foot, and with your toes facing the pivot like this.

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And if you're able to do that, then that's of course, that's for the first, the first two, and there's difference of opinion. But that's, you know, like the second marker before like a prayer in the last rock.

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According to the majority, the shaft array and

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the shaft a must have, and also the for rocker in the handle, you must have also in the Maliki madhhab, the Maliki meta was always to work. By the way, the work is what you do the same thing, but you slept, you slide your left foot

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to your under your right foot.

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Right you slide your left foot you have you can sit down here like that, that's called that sitting there is called Tower, a tower. But we're too crowded. You can't do that. Right? So it's too crowded, you can't do that. So if you can't do that, if you go to the frontline, and you can't do that.

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But if you stay in the second line, then you can apply that sadhana. So which is more virtuous

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to do to work, okay, so now you have a choice, there's a small space, if I go there, I know that I will have to sit if the Eros that means I can't apply the sooner because that one takes a little more space, right? It takes a little more space because you're spreading your leg out and you're putting it down. So it's like harder. And so sometimes, when it's really crowded in the front line, you can't do that you can't do to work, okay, so you know that you go to the second first line you can't do to work, you're gonna have to be able you'll be able to get the reward of praying in the first line, but you will not be able to get the reward of praying and praying, you know, in the last

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raka to follow the Sunnah of having the sitting According this. So which one takes precedence here? Anyone know?

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So sure you Okay, so some scholars are the opinion that any virtue that is directly in the prayer

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is more virtuous than that which is outside the prayer. So which one is inside the prayer the actions itself? It's the sitting of the work. So this inline is actually outside. And some scholars have the opinion that no the more virtuous is standing in the first line.

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The default rule the default the default

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principle is that actions in the prayer take precedence over actions outside the prayer.

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Do you understand this is a well known it's known as alpha L. L. Maka Celebi, Salah alpha L. El Mercado syllabi Salah means the virtues that are in the prayer take precedence over virtues that are outside the prayer. So like for example, if you come in, you don't have Google, you arrive at the masjid

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it's so nice. To make your will do what's the best the most complete, the most complete amount of times you wash

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three years the most complete, right? So naturally three, okay, but it's permissible to do two or one

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from one to two or one. So you're coming, the prayer has already started. And the man has started reciting. You know that if you make wudu and you do three, you wash yourself three times each Vilem three times you will be able to you will be able to apply the Sunnah of washing three times. But you will miss the first rock

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because you're going to take longer, but if you watch one time completely,

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you will be able to catch the first rocker. So which virtue takes precedence here?

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Do you watch three times

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and then miss the first vodka or do you watch one time and catch the first America

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Yes, very good Mashallah. Were like increased in all of your knowledge. You are one time so you can catch the first of all why?

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The reason is because the washing there's a couple of things here. The washing and the will know the virtues in judo are virtues that are part of the prayer but it's not I mean, it's it's connected to the prayer but not directly connected to the prayer

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It's not part of the actual prayer. But the fact that you the rock adds that you catch the virtues. And there are virtues that are specifically mentioned about what there are specific issues concerning catching the first one and catching the prayer itself. And the whole prayer, right. But when it comes to the number of a number of number of times you wash, it's a virtue. But there is no specific Hadith about specific rewards. That mentioned the amount of times you wash your hands. So now we come back to the prayer. So when you're sitting down, I can't pray, I can't sit to work.

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But I can do the work if I play the second line. If I move up on the first line, I know I can't do it because always crowded. It's always like tight, and I will not be able to sit according to this one. So I have to leave that sooner to acquire one sooner. Or I have to pray I can play the second block and can do complete Which one do you do?

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You pray the second rocker? Second row sorry, second row, the first row,

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pray the second row.

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Who put the put to you thinks the second row but why really first?

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One first row,

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something you guys don't know or don't want to answer.

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Either you take the first row. Why? Because the first row has virtues. The virtues that are mentioned about the first row are verbal virtues specifically, they are there are specific virtues, the reward is very great and the reward is specifically mentioned, that you should try to pray in the first row. The other virtue of sitting to work is that action of the prophets Allah any recommendation, verbal recommendation from the Messenger of Allah, Allah and His for the OMA. Of course, and we have many ideas that would take would take precedence over the application of the work, even though the work is part of the

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journey, but based on then the majority of the scholars or their opinion that that would be more virtuous. Because the virtues in standing up in the front of the prayer first line, as the Messenger of Allah, Allah, as I mentioned, if you guys were to know the virtues of the first line, coming early to the masjid

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and the virtues of the first line and also making

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the asana right, so then you would, you would pick lots if you had to,

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if you had to the virtues of the first row, you would pick locks. And you would, because otherwise you would fight my brother. Now, when it comes to first row, you take it.

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You take it right, unless it's right behind the EMA. Right, it's directly right behind the Imam, the person the people who are praying directly, right, Imam are people who should be able to lead the prayer. If the Imam cannot complete the prayer, for one reason or another, and this is by order of the prophets of Allah, so he said, The Eleni Hola, hola me when new having come nearly any, let those behind me who

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are in prayer, those who will hum when new Ha, those

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those are, who are adults. And those who have you know, in other words, they they know how to lead the prayer. They have the knowledge and the capacity to do so. So what does that mean? That means children

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even though they might memorize a lot of the Quran, if they haven't reached the age of puberty, they should not stay in the front row right behind the Imam but it doesn't mean they can't be in the front row they can but right behind the Imam itself should be someone who is able to take over someone who should be able to take over just in case the Imam breaks his will do or for some other reason. And I just wanted I know maybe I mentioned this one before the story one of the brothers he's first time leading the prayer that away prayer

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a friend of mine

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is first time you look as you go study right before you go say nobody loves me the prayer. You he goes to Medina comes back home my shot, and he's never led the prayer before the scared did everyone's split

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He's, he's like literally shaking. So he says, I was thinking so hard like, like, I don't know, what am I going to read? He's worried about what to read. And so he starts off. Because Allahu Akbar

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Tabarrok. Allah, the bat will release.

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Like he didn't even read up

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because he's so worried about what to read. He forgot everything. Forgot. He didn't know really this is my friend of mine actually was a friend of mine. He said I went home. First prayer I read. I didn't read it. I forgot because I was so concerned about what to read that I read that for her right away to work right from the beginning.

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And then when they tried to correct me, I was scared even more.

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Right your first time, you're really scared. And now everyone's

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what's going on? And he said, I told you for that. You know what he did?

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He was so scared. They cut them say Suhana Lord, he was thinking what

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am I reading wrong?

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was so scared? I don't know what he did. He didn't tell me what he did the rest. How did he correct the player? But you can tell right? You know, some people like the first time, you know, the

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you've never done it before. It's it's a frightening experience. And another brother, this brother, he, they told him you know, they said, Oh, easy leader. Just just just lead the leader, the tearaway prayer, the beginning the first tool, you know, the beginning, right? And just first time never let any prayers. Yeah. And they want it to him, you know, to, to lead part of the time that we have prayer and even prayer. They're the brothers they don't read the whole Quran. They just read Jews, um, and they read over and over and over again, in some villages, because they don't have a lot of fog. So they read very simple, like short sword. So he comes in leads and he was he was he didn't

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want to but everyone's pushing him. He got so scared. He said he went to roost

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and then he looked out the window he hopped out

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and you know, what the people were what are the people doing?

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Sometimes, you know, just because somebody goes un studies in Medina, especially the first year, you're just learning Arabic and everyone thinks, mashallah, he's a scholar already, but he's just learning and he's scared he doesn't. And so the people were like, you know, they, they look, they look up and then the mom is gone.

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And somebody somebody actually one of the brothers told me because this is this is another you know, and this is not a big mistake in the village, small town, small village. And so somebody said the mom's not there

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like right in the middle

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they raised up he raised his mom's GPA

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and of course after something like that happens everyone he gets him even more embarrassed like it's more embarrassing.

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So, to get back to this Shala

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so when we will choose you know, when it comes to FIP what is

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FIPPA isn't just knowing halal and haram

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and knowing mandatory and Sunnah. But sometimes there are two things, but which one takes precedence over the other? Because sometimes many times you put in a situation where one Halal is when one is more virtuous than the other. And sometimes the other one you put in situation was your was both things both are haram. But which one if you don't have any other option,

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which one is the lesser of the two of the harmful things? And that's why when it comes to sometimes in prayer and so forth, we have a lot of

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a lot of things a

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lot of actions in the prayer. So what we're talking about right now is this fear to so forth. Another part of this we have to suffer, straightening your lines and straightening yourself

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is what is the actual pointing

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00:35:00 --> 00:35:01

Put your toes,

00:35:03 --> 00:35:20

your toes, because a lot of people don't, don't apply this. And sometimes you're unable to like for example, some of you could probably see me pray right now, like I usually do to work but right now I'm unable to, if I if I, if I do it,

00:35:21 --> 00:35:23

I stretch my

00:35:24 --> 00:35:40

arm like my knee, and also the, you know, the some ligament that's pull. So when I sit down, it's very painful for me. And so I just fell down when it was raining the other day, and it's stretched, pulled it in. And every time I sit down,

00:35:41 --> 00:35:53

pulls more. And so when I turn my toes the other way, I can't I want to plan for apply the sadhana. But if I do it, it causes more harm for me.

00:35:54 --> 00:36:04

Cause it causes the injury to to continue. And also it causes a lot of pain. And sometimes I'm standing in prayer, and

00:36:05 --> 00:36:34

I want to read longer, but my knees, my knees are hurting me. So sometimes I show you know probably notice this last few weeks to live it shorter because when I'm coming out sometimes when I'm standing, it's just it's it's hurting a lot. So sometimes you're unable to do that. So if you're unable to apply some parts of the Sunnah. There's also difference of opinion amongst the scholars in relation to the so if someone like Imam Malik

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Rahim Allah He does consider, he said, if you're an Imam, and you cannot stand up and let someone else lead, let someone else somebody else. The majority of the scholars have said no, it's okay. And some of the scholars like Mr. Malik, he says, once in a while, it's okay.

00:36:55 --> 00:37:03

Once in a while, it's okay. But if you're going to do it all the time, then you should find someone else. Why?

00:37:04 --> 00:37:20

They say the Imam is very low. He can't pay standing up. So he prays sitting down. So if you pray sitting down all the time, that means every single time people come to that masjid, what are they going to do?

00:37:23 --> 00:38:05

They're going to sit down, right? And then imagine if the Imam is the imam for 20 years, your kids grow up? What do you think they're gonna think? We pray home, we stand up and we go to the masjid we pray sitting. So some of them might think that, you know, the sadhana in the masjid is sitting up. Right, but if it's once in a while, then it's okay. You know, once in a while, it's okay. But other scholars say no, it's permissible, like you let people know it's fine. And other scholars let him sit down and the rest people breastfeed, or the rest should stand up. And of course, that's another issue in Sharla, which we will discuss later on, if the man is sitting down to play standing up, or

00:38:05 --> 00:38:16

should you sit down with him? That's another issue. But right now we're speaking about standing up straight part of the standing test suite as a foo is also straightening.

00:38:17 --> 00:38:25

Straightening the toes. What do I mean by straightening the toes, that means the toes should be facing

00:38:26 --> 00:38:33

facing the Qibla. The straightening of the toes, because some people

00:38:34 --> 00:38:36

what do they do when they stand?

00:38:37 --> 00:39:27

They go like this, right? Or, or they go like this, because they're trying to get the ankles, to touch the other person's ankle. And then their toes are like this now, right? And some people are the other way. And so straightening the toes, is also part of the, the part of the part of the straightening of the lines, also part of the strain line, but sometimes you're unable to do so. And sometimes it's very difficult because it's crowded, you know, when it's very difficult, it's crowded. And so especially when someone on one side is to stretch their leg, and the other person is straight, and so what happens what happens you put your weight

00:39:28 --> 00:39:33

when you stand up, you're not standing up straight, and when you're not standing up straight, what happens.

00:39:35 --> 00:39:38

You not only push the other guy but we put weight on one leg.

00:39:39 --> 00:39:59

One of the one of the legs gets very tired. You guys been in that situation and think all of us, right? Sometimes you like this, and then the prayer praise for the prolonged a little bit. It's like this leg is like hurting now, but the other leg is stretched out the other way. And that also that

00:40:00 --> 00:40:34

It's also bothersome. And so that's why, when you're standing up for prayer, make sure you put that into consideration. Don't cause problems for the other person so that he can have any control. You know, try to help him to stand straight, you stand straight, and everyone should be trying to stand, right? Without encroaching on another person's space, to the point where you're harming him and causing him to lose crucial. Why? Because sometimes when somebody does that, you can't.

00:40:36 --> 00:40:49

You can't have for sure, you can have some people are so quick, you don't have the stand ups, and you don't have enough time to straighten your legs. And he's already Europe. He's already on your side ready. So you're sitting like this, your legs are like this, like, yeah.

00:40:52 --> 00:40:55

And so that's difficult also. So when you're standing up,

00:40:56 --> 00:41:12

Your toes should be straight. And also where should your toes be? When you're sitting down. Remember, we said to work, even if the rash, if the option to work, your right toe, your toe should always be

00:41:13 --> 00:41:31

facing, facing the FabLab. So you're right, even when you're sitting down, should always be facing the table. So that's another mistake that some people make when it comes to their toes not facing the Dibbler. And so, of course,

00:41:32 --> 00:41:36

like I mentioned, you don't want to cause any problems when it comes to

00:41:38 --> 00:41:48

standing up straight and causing problems for the other for the other people. Because what's what's one of the most important things in prayer it is for sure.

00:41:49 --> 00:42:31

And how short so if you are going to apply the sadhana and you exaggerate in it, you might do something that is contradictory, which causes you to lose your social, because for sure is an integral part of our prayer. And if you cause someone to lose the full show, that also is very, very harmful. Especially with nowadays when you have so many things. So many people having what having their phones as soon as the phone goes off, it's very distracting. Right? So that's why if you're unable if you can't, you don't have to bring your phone into the masjid then it's best to leave

00:42:32 --> 00:42:39

even in your car, if you can, and sometimes you know sometimes you might need it for one reason or another you know sometimes

00:42:41 --> 00:42:44

you know for some people, they need it.

00:42:45 --> 00:42:57

But when it comes to the prayer, at least shut down the phone during the prayer or make it go inside and inshallah so with that inshallah we'll move to the next Hadith, then this hadith

00:42:58 --> 00:43:03

is Hadith from a normative negotiator for the Lavon Houma Powell.

00:43:05 --> 00:43:09

semiotic Rasulillah he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Nicole

00:43:11 --> 00:43:13

Ladouceur woodenness Who Falco

00:43:15 --> 00:43:18

that is a witness of Foucault. Allah You hardly heard

00:43:20 --> 00:43:33

Harlequin Allah. By now we'll do HICO the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said in this Hadith from a normal animal never hear from a normal animal and we're here

00:43:35 --> 00:44:12

to so wouldn't Nestle fuckup let us I wouldn't suffer from this is an order, but it's an order that is a threat also a warning. Either you stray in your lines. Either you're straining or your lines or Allah subhanho wa Taala will make your faces though you holophone Allah, Allah Who Lena will do, Hickam he will cause your who will cause you to differ your faces to differ which means what? Which means that

00:44:14 --> 00:44:59

Allah Subhana Allah, Allah will cause one of the one of the one of the ways that we don't really know this is, this is something that, you know, only Allah subhanaw knows, but one of the reasons for the differences and in the community or in a group of people is because they don't stray in their lines because there's Baraka in straining the lines, that means you're straightening your lines and prayer also helps you to stray in yourselves meaning to to get along with each other also, to get along with each other. So the unity of the OMA also the unity of the community also, and in another narration well he must live in it

00:45:00 --> 00:45:05

Canada Sula Hisoka Anna Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam USA we so forth.

00:45:06 --> 00:45:12

The messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to straighten our lines.

00:45:13 --> 00:45:15

And Nima you so we, we had

00:45:17 --> 00:45:22

just like the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had the run of

00:45:24 --> 00:45:42

the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to stray in our lines. That means the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to straighten our lines, and he himself would come in straight in the lions, and the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to

00:45:43 --> 00:46:09

before the prayer, of course, he would tell them, tell the Companions, but he would check, not only would he check, but he would also ask the Companions, like, can you check your lines, because sometimes the lines are in the back. So everyone check their line, and he would not start the prayer until the lines were straight, until insert so that's why it shows what

00:46:10 --> 00:46:30

shows the importance of the prayer and this train in the lines of the prayer. So much so that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam would not start the prayer until the lines were already straight. And so, the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as mentioned here, can I use how we so forth

00:46:32 --> 00:46:40

and this was something that the computing straight person is looking at the other side has

00:46:42 --> 00:46:43


00:46:45 --> 00:47:00

the very like this case, Aaron should help each other to stay in the line, this is where we are correct the other person not where we are, you come this way. Now you we move forward, you will backward, you move forward to who is going to

00:47:02 --> 00:47:03

do you let the people choose?

00:47:05 --> 00:47:06

Who should be straight in the lines.

00:47:07 --> 00:47:23

The man behind the people should listen. Right? Because we let the people choose. Who's going to do it. Who's gonna, who's gonna listen to the other person, the right sides? I know you guys come this way. And the person right, I know you guys come this way.

00:47:24 --> 00:47:27

And so, so that's why the Messenger of Allah.

00:47:28 --> 00:47:31

So Allah Allahu wa sallam

00:47:33 --> 00:47:50

gave a stern, stern warning. stern warning. Let's do so one. Little so wouldn't the lamb here, Islam? Letters, one, this is an order. And also a, a emphasis.

00:47:51 --> 00:47:55

There's Tolkein, this emphasis here to

00:47:57 --> 00:48:24

show how important it is. And he says, notice a wooden sofa. This is also that noon, there is also another turkey, which means this is another emphasis. So you know, in the Arabic language, as I mentioned, in the Arabic language, you don't have you don't need. You don't need exclamation marks. You don't need punctuation marks. Like why don't you need punctuation marks?

00:48:26 --> 00:48:28

Question mark, commas,

00:48:30 --> 00:48:36

exclamation marks, semi colons. Those we have in where

00:48:38 --> 00:48:42

we have an English and other languages. But in Arabic,

00:48:43 --> 00:48:54

and classical Arabic? Of course, you don't have exclamation marks, you don't have question marks. Why?

00:48:57 --> 00:48:58

Because it's built into the language.

00:49:00 --> 00:49:08

The language itself has all that you need to express yourself even more clearly.

00:49:09 --> 00:49:28

That's something that's unique and amazing about the Arabic language in that all of the emojis you know, has some nowadays, when people send, they send a smiley face, they send what else all kinds of, you know, like faces, and symbols in the Arabic language,

00:49:29 --> 00:49:34

that all of those emotions are built into the language.

00:49:36 --> 00:49:41

All of those emotions are built into the language. And that's what makes

00:49:43 --> 00:49:59

also the Quran so beautiful. When you recite the Quran, there's so much there's so much it's full of so full of meaning and also it's the word of Allah of course. But the language itself there's no nothing like the like the Arabic language and that's why Allah chose

00:50:00 --> 00:50:02

In the Arabic language,

00:50:03 --> 00:50:24

to be the language of the final revelation, the Quran that was revealed to the best OMA to the best of the prophets, of Allah subhanho wa Taala to the best of humanity. And so, a lot chose the Arabic language because the Arabic has is a beautiful language, it's complete. It's the most,

00:50:26 --> 00:50:39

you know, the in terms of its strength in expression. And so the prophets of our lives and letters so wouldn't lead to so one. And he says, to someone that noon also

00:50:40 --> 00:51:02

is another emphasis, it means you better since you better straighten your lines, I will show you how the fanola Habana will do HICO. Or if you don't do that, then Allah subhanho wa Taala will cause you cause you to differ amongst yourself. And so this

00:51:03 --> 00:51:06

this particular Hadith, of course, is Hadith

00:51:07 --> 00:51:09

that tells us

00:51:11 --> 00:51:21

that it is very, very important. And the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave this warning. When we stand in line,

00:51:22 --> 00:51:37

we stand in line. And the prayer is a very integral part of course of our deen. When you're standing in line, everyone is standing on, you know, whether you're rich or poor. And that's why in the massage, it's

00:51:38 --> 00:52:25

not permissible to reserve a place. Like I said, in some massages, you have an uncle always sitting in a suit particular place, if somebody takes that place. Right, that he will he will get mad, he will be angry. Because that's his place, right? And some massages you have, I know some massage. It's like a certain alcohol like, that's it, that's his place. But if he comes early, and he always chooses that place, and he's able to make it's fine. But if he's not there, then you can say he's a little bit late and somebody takes his place and like, No, you can't. Brothers my place. No, there's no reservation in the masjid. You know, there's no reservation in the masjid for a place like, Okay,

00:52:25 --> 00:53:00

this is mine. Because I was, you know, this is always my place. And some people they do that this has always been my place, and they'll yell at you. Right and some massages and so that's not something that is permissible. So when you line up straight, low roses to indicate also, our in front of Allah subhanho wa taala, we're all equal, and that we're all going to stand in front of Allah subhanho wa taala. Again, also on the day of judgment. And so when you do not stray in your lines, and you don't form your lines properly, what does that cause also?

00:53:02 --> 00:53:10

It is going against the Sunnah that causes people to hate each other. Like even that uncle that sits in that place. Do you think people like that?

00:53:13 --> 00:53:45

It's gonna like, feel more like who does he think he is? And so what just the fact that he did that causes problems already in the community, kind of because he thinks he is deserving of that particular place. And that's why anytime you don't follow the Sunnah, you don't straighten your lines, you don't follow the Sunnah. Then it also causes other problems that we may not think about because there are so many things, you know, ALLAH SubhanA, Allah does all wise.

00:53:46 --> 00:53:47


00:53:48 --> 00:53:54

is done for a reason and the wisdom and wisdom that Allah Allah, Allah knows. And sometimes we

00:53:55 --> 00:54:26

are given the knowledge of it, and sometimes we don't know, the wisdom behind it. And that's why the rule of Allah subhanho wa Taala is always perfect. When people start making up their own rules and going against the Sunnah, then that's when you have problems, because humans don't see the results of something. Because they can't. There's so many variables. I'll give you an example. Like right now we have so many so many problems with homelessness, and drugs

00:54:28 --> 00:54:35

in the United States of America, right and so who are the people who wouldn't? What do you think was in this

00:54:36 --> 00:54:41

you know, increase in crime and drugs? When did it start?

00:54:42 --> 00:54:43

It started

00:54:44 --> 00:54:47

to increase when

00:54:48 --> 00:54:50

marijuana became

00:54:51 --> 00:54:55

became legal. Marijuana and why do you think they made marijuana legal

00:55:00 --> 00:55:38

And they say that one of the reasons remember when they were trying to put her on the ballot, they say, You know what, we can take out? The drug dealers, right? We can solve the drug problem, you might as well it's not that harmful, right? It's not that harmful. So just allow people to use marijuana and there are over 21 That didn't use marijuana. Right. And then we saw the problem that drug dealers, you know, will have any point will have anything else to sell because it's legal now. Okay. So then we solve that problem. They say, Okay, we'll have less problems. But you know, what ended up happening?

00:55:40 --> 00:55:49

It becomes worse, because the drug dealers, you put the drug dealers out of business, they can't sell marijuana anymore. So what do they sell?

00:55:50 --> 00:55:56

They sell something worse, fentanyl. That causes even more problems. So you want

00:55:58 --> 00:56:03

you want so you're thinking I'm not saying that it's good to clap tech to smoke marijuana. It's not

00:56:04 --> 00:56:31

something permissible. But I'm just saying that people when they do things based on their own reasoning, this person's reading that person's reasoning. You don't think about all the variables and so all the when the drug dealers are out of business are gonna go out of business, they're gonna find something else. So what are they? What do they find out, they find things are worse than marijuana. They can't sell marijuana because anyone can buy marijuana legally. Like, nobody's gonna buy from me.

00:56:33 --> 00:57:03

All right, so I gotta find someone else, something else to make money. They're not gonna start selling it. Now. They can't sell marijuana, they sell that which is even worse than that. That causes even more problems. And then you have more people who are homeless have drug problems. And because it's so strong and affects the mind so much. You have people with mental issues also all over you have zombies walking in the streets at nighttime crime widespread everywhere. And then you say God defund the police.

00:57:07 --> 00:57:25

What do you what do you want? What do you expect? Everyone is thinking, This is good, this is good. But you know, when you let criminals make the laws, if someone steals, okay, and that's why you see the Republicans, for example, they want to defund the IRS. Why? Because they're all cheating on their taxes.

00:57:29 --> 00:57:33

And then the robbers, the Democrats, like all of them,

00:57:34 --> 00:57:44

right? They want to do this and so they want to do this, and they want to do that, like Oh, defund the police. Because if you let people who still make the laws,

00:57:45 --> 00:57:58

they're gonna weaken the authority so they can steal more easily. Right? So they're looking at that those types of things. I mean, oh, no, no, we can use that money for education. Yeah, Allah.

00:58:01 --> 00:58:02


00:58:04 --> 00:58:08

You can use that money for education. But what I'm getting to right now is

00:58:10 --> 00:58:11

there is wisdom

00:58:12 --> 00:58:14

in following the Sunnah of the Prophet.

00:58:16 --> 00:58:49

When you go against the Sunnah, that's when you have chaos. There's even things that you may not understand, understand why, like making window before going to sleep, or straightening your lines. How does that affect the community? It affects us it affects the community, you might think. Okay, so we have a lot of division in the community. Where do we start? A lot of people start thinking about so many things. But the first thing you have to do is give people back to the sooner

00:58:51 --> 00:59:06

even some of the simple things as you might think they're simple. But straightening the lines in prayer, teaching the people to pray correctly, calling people back to the masjid. Because those are the things that bring our hearts together.

00:59:08 --> 00:59:54

And if you don't have the unity, and calling people back to Allah, calling people so to sincerity, because if people are not sincere, how do you have unity? You can't have unity. You can't come together. If you don't have sincerity, if nobody's doing if somebody is doing for their own, for their own benefit and other people are doing for this and doing it for that. Because sometimes the community is is divided because of lack of sincerity. So you have to build this sincerity. How do you build the sincerity by teaching people to pray? Pray, what pray tahajjud then they strengthen their sincerity connection. They connect with Allah subhanho wa Taala because we would get so much

00:59:54 --> 00:59:58

more done if people didn't care who got the credit.

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01:00:00 --> 01:00:21

Sometimes we have a project, but people are not. They're not in on the project, because they didn't start it. And they might even go against the project. Why? Because, oh, it's not my idea. So the idea, so I'm not going to support it, even if it's a good idea. Because he, it's his idea. He doesn't want to support it.

01:00:22 --> 01:00:28

And then the other person doesn't want to support the other one also, because it's not his idea because he's gonna get the credit.

01:00:29 --> 01:00:31

And why do why do people want the credit,

01:00:33 --> 01:00:40

because they're not doing it for the sake of Allah. Because if you do it for the sake of Allah, you don't care who whose idea it is, if it's a good idea,

01:00:41 --> 01:00:53

then you support it, that you support it. And so that's why there are so many things that we, you know, we tend to, we tend to overthink a lot of things.

01:00:54 --> 01:00:57

And we sometimes get very philosophical.

01:00:58 --> 01:01:01

Right, but the most simple thing is to return back to the sadhna.

01:01:02 --> 01:01:15

And prayer, and although, and the actions that we're doing, you know, that's why it starts with, it starts with that, and starts and so the problems of the OMA

01:01:16 --> 01:01:18

have to be solved from within,

01:01:19 --> 01:02:03

from within, because when we are strong and sha Allah, Allah Subhana Allah will help. And that's why, you know, we, we should always look at ourselves first and foremost. And so the first thing that we need to also do is to educate ourselves and to learn what the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is to return to the Quran and the teaching of the Sunnah because it's all there's so much wisdom and so much benefit in applying it so and one of the one of the things is the prophets of Allah Hassan said you better stay in your lines or your fate your or you have differences amongst yourselves like you're the or you have differences amongst yourselves which

01:02:03 --> 01:02:08

means that your faces will be differ differing each other and

01:02:11 --> 01:02:45

the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to straighten the lines because it was so important and the Companions they just they said had to get an MOU so we be held Qaeda which he used to spray in the lines just like how people sharpen their sharpen their what the you know, the arrows and the spheres and you have the tip. You want to sharpen it you want to make it perfect you don't want you know, when you're sharpening, that means he was so meticulous,

01:02:46 --> 01:02:49

even the little things so you see something's

01:02:50 --> 01:03:01

not straight, you straight in it. So like the arrows you know, sometimes when a person when arrow arrow is cricket, or it has like this part sticking out, how's it gonna fly?

01:03:03 --> 01:03:24

When you shoot it, what happens? It's not gonna go straight. Right? How do you mean go straight, make sure that everything is perfect. So he said, the Prophet, some of the companions, they said, he used to straighten the line, just like one of us, we will strain our arrows, you know, when we will take our arrows and we're straightening it, making sure that it's perfect.

01:03:25 --> 01:03:35

And that's how meticulous the Messenger of Allah for them was, when he came to straighten the lines and that's something that's very, very important, when it comes to straighten the lines and

01:03:37 --> 01:03:47

and also, you know, the reward of course, is very, very great also, which we will mention later on inshallah and with that a child will, will continue on with this hadith, it's a law Hadith.

01:03:48 --> 01:03:54

There's a lot more more issues that we want to speak about, but inshallah we'll continue next week.

01:03:56 --> 01:03:59

And speaking about that anyone have any questions relating to this or anything else?

01:04:01 --> 01:04:03

Open this floor for questions if you have any questions.

01:04:06 --> 01:04:07

If not, shyness and panic

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