Abdul Wahab Saleem – Spitting Towards the Qiblah – Explanation of Sahih Al-Bukhari #10

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of following proper etiquette when wearing appropriate clothing and shoes, including proper clothing and foot choices. They also touch on the history of the Prophet's actions and the importance of the right side of the body. The speakers emphasize the need for evidence and proof to support their stance on the rule of the Sun airline, and provide examples of how the Prophet used the hand during various trips. They also emphasize the importance of avoiding negative surprises and rethinking the idea of "urgents" to avoid "urgents" surprises.
AI: Transcript ©
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spit out hamdulillah salatu salam ala Rasulillah

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Hamdu lillahi Hamdan UEFI in Yama who Kaffee OMA Zita are some Allahu ala Sayidina Muhammad wa ala early he also should be here edge marine Allah molybdenum and fauna on Fana Vemma Hello I'm Tina was in Ireland when Dr. Karim rubbish rally soldering were suddenly Emery positive melissani of coho coli or visit near ailment or visit near ailment or visit near Alma Allahumma la Salah Illa Niger Delta who Salah what interested you either has an either shooter Salah and we left off at Hadith number 26 Hadith number 27 Is the hadith of NSF romantic Radi Allahu Taala and that he said that an Obeah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam earn Ohama tenfold Qibla he saw some spit

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in the direction of the Qibla

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for Hakka, habia de sol, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he went and he he basically scraped off the spit with the mucus with his own hands.

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Okay, so a couple of things are happening here. Number one, the prophet is walking into the masjid. And when the Prophet SAW Selim walked into the masjid, he's cognizant of everything that's happening around him. He's just not walking in. Rather, he's noticing everything is in his place. Remember the prophets, Allah Salam is also the Imam of the Masjid. So that means he's going to be looking after he's basically in charge. Right? So He's considerate of what is happening in the masjid. When of all places, he walks in from one direction and he sees in the direction of the Qibla.

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He sees some mucus and he notices it. So the prophets of salaam he goes and he scrapes it off. And the Hadith continues and it says that World War II, I mean, hookah he atone Oh, cholera e agora here to Hooli that he can or should the two who Allah and the Prophet felt angry and it was noticeable that he was angry at this, that someone just comes in without any manners and etiquette and they simply just fit in the middle of the masjid. And other people have to pray and so on and so forth. So the Prophet at that point, he gave guidelines in regards to this. The prophets Islam said in a herder can either come of your salata he fit into who you naturally are. When one of you stands in

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prayer, then what he's doing is he's simply having a private conversation with Allah, Allah Azza wa Jalla.

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Okay, he's having a private conversation with Allah, or Buddha is a theologian. And in another report L on in rob the Hubei and who are they in tabler? His Lord is between himself and the Qibla. Now this doesn't mean physically. He's between himself and the Qibla. Metaphorically, this is the direction you pray to Allah subhanaw taala Furla. Yep, Zhu Khanna ahead to come clever electability, he don't let anyone

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spit in the direction of the Qibla. Don't let anyone spit in the direction of the Qibla. Why? Because Allah has chosen this direction to for a person to pray. So and then the prophets I send them he continued and he said, Well, I can And yesterday he Oh data, but there may he but rather, but rather from you can do it on the right side on the on the left side, or you can do it under your feet, meaning you scrape it, okay. Now, of course you don't do it over here because there's carpets and their element. They very clearly mentioned this, like, for example, the author of this motorsport himself, who is able to be general and dellosa. He mentioned in his explanation of Buhari

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as well of this book of is that this hadith is applicable in where there is where the masjid is basically, a dirt plain like the mystery of the prophets of Salem, or its sand. Okay, so like a Sunday service or a dirty service, or dirt based surface kind of like outside, okay, outside is all dirt imagine that to be the Masjid. In that case, if you have to spit you can go ahead and do it. But how do you do it? The prophets of salaam said don't let the person spit in the direction of the Qibla rather do it on his left side or do it under his feet. Meaning after you are done, then you go ahead and

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you scrape it off. This is very important because the scholars are cognizant of these differences. Dirt clean versus

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is sand playing because I remember many, many years ago when I was younger, a man he walked into the masjid and he brought his shoes in. And he started praying in the masjid with his truth. And everybody's looking at him. They're saying, What are you doing? And he said to Allah He there's a sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he prayed in his shoes, and Gibreel came down and told the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam to take his shoes off, and it was in the masjid.

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Well, the prophets Masjid was like the dirt playing outside the dirt road outside. If you're in that type of a masjid, yes, it's a sunnah you can go ahead and do it. But if you're in a, in a masjid, which is carpeted and cleaned three times a day or so on and so forth, and you bring your dirty shoes into the restaurant, you're no longer following the Sunnah.

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You're no longer following the correct etiquette. And that's why it will be general Andalusi. He very, very clearly mentioned that this ruling in this hadith is specific to masajid, which have a dirt floor or a sand floor so that you just take the spit and you bury it. Why? Well because another Hadith says that, that the Godfather, or the expiation for spitting, is that you bury it? How do you bury it inside of a carpet? You can do that? How do you bury it inside of ceramic floor? You can do it right clearly so you don't spit within the masjid in that case. And then the Hadees continues from the thought of a reader II for bus of Buffy is Amara Raja Allahu Allah, thou Sakala with aloha

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Qaeda. And then the prophets of salaam took the corner of his cloth. And he spat inside of the cloth itself. And he he, he turned it not necessarily the sleeve but because of course the profit is likely wearing is r&d that right? He's wearing what we'd call the monkey and the upper garment similar to what you wear, it had on most likely he's wearing that even though the prophet had a couple of different dresses he would wear. So, so the profit took His cloth and, and he spat in it and he turned it why? He said Then the Prophet said, Oh, if I do haka, or if someone wants to spit, this is how you can do it. In other words, the modern day equivalent, either a handkerchief or you

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get yourself some tissues or some napkins or something else that you can spit in, you know, Kleenex or something, whatever you can use to go ahead and spit and put away your spit. That's the correct etiquette to to do that. Now. There's so much to really learn from this hadith. Number one, as I said, is that the Prophet was considerate of everything that's going on in the masjid number two, the Prophet himself would get involved also in the cleaning of the masjid number three, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He told us In another Hadith, although this hadith is a weakness, but it is nonetheless a hadith the hadith of eternity the prophets. So let me said that earlier the

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dialect yet guru Almighty even though because a man considered the Hadith sahih, but a Tirmidhi does not. So the prophets of salaam said earlier that Allah Who drew Almighty the old jewel of my nation, the rewards of my nation have been presented before me tell by that, even just a something like a pack of sand or dirt that's on the floor, you create you have Raju luminol masjid, that a man ends up picking up and throwing it outside of the Masjid. So if there's something that is bothering people in the masjid and you simply pick it up, and you throw it out, or

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or you make sure that you avoid making the masjid dirty in any which way, that act itself insha Allah is a charitable act even such an act Yes, it will be rewarded for an Allah will calculate it. So going back to the Hadith, yes, it may have some weakness, but we have a rule of thumb, if the meaning of the hadith is okay, we accept the Hadith because think about it. Isn't it true that Allah said in the Quran that Allah is going to bring even the mustard seeds worth of reward and even that will be recorded? So this hadith is say no different right? That even a peck of dirt or maybe like a pebble or something that's bothering people in the masjid you pick it up and you throw it out, you

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will be rewarded for it because every single thing we'll miss scholars will be accounted for and will be rewarded for. So that's the first Hadith had these number 28 Hadees number 28 Is the hadith of Aisha Radi Allahu Taala on ha

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and I shall the Allah Allah Allah said that Canon Nabil sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you should put them on that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he used to love

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On the right side in everything using the right and everything Miss Delta if he shared any he could leave however much he could the profit would always use the right in every single thing the right side

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in every single thing with some exceptions of course right but she's generalizing here and then she gives examples or the allow her to feel to who he he what Tara Julie he and another report fee will do he What are Julie he was an early in him doing for Hara sallallahu alayhi wa sallam purifying himself whether that be will do or a be wholesale as well, the prophet would use, do the right side right of his body first, and then the left side. Similarly, the prophet would do in will do as well the right sides, wherever you have to such like the hands and the feet. And then the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam will do the left. And in terms of the IRS, some scholars they believe that

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you can do them together because you have two hands you can do them together, but another group, they say no, even with the IRS, you put

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your your right first and then you go and you do your left side. So even with the IRS, if you can do the right hamdulillah because the Prophet would do, generally, the hara with his right side, right? What are Julie he, and also when the Prophet would be doing his hair when he would comb his hair sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and combing your hair is a sunnah of the Prophet, the prophets I seldom used to encourage it at least every second day, right? And what an early he and also when the Prophet would be full putting on the shoes.

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In all of these cases, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would do the right side. And what's interesting about this hadith is that

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the first thing that our Isha mentions in which the prophet would use the right is an obligatory action, because the hara purify, purification, ritual purification is an obligation. When you do your will do that as an obligation without although you can't do your Salah if you are in the major, major state of ritual impurity, Geneva, and you go and purify yourself from Geneva, that's an obligation as well. So this is both these are both obligations then. So who is the obligations in the obligations the prophet would be doing with the right side? And what are duly he this is a sunnah it's a sunnah to do your hair. The Prophet recommended it in various a hadith and some of

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them he said, Do it every other day, what they're not really and also, putting on shoes, putting on shoes is not a sunnah, per se. Meaning it's not something that is most the hub. Not that the Prophet didn't do it, but not something that is most to have a recommended meaning it's not like a recommendations need by need basis. You need shoes, put them on, you don't need, you don't have to put them on. It's not like you're getting rewarded for putting your shoes on. In fact, there's a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the prophets are seldom would tell the Sahaba to walk their feet Ganon abuse Allah Allahu Allah wa salam, Ala Moana and Namshi who fatten the

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prophet would command us to walk bare feet, so that the feet also get used to the hardship of walking on their ground. And this was one of the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and it's something that you can practice. Again, depending on the situation, it probably is not recommended to walk in Edmonton, Alberta during the winter times, especially, but you might be able to do it and other times why? Because you want to get your feet used to walking on bare ground as well. And this is something that, personally I do, right. Even sometimes outside of my house, I'll walk around a little bit bare feet. Why? Because your feet get used to the hard ground as well. And

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you don't know in what circumstance you might need that if you're always used to socks and shoes and slippers and so forth. God knows what circumstance you may be put through eventually. That's why the prophets I seldom would recommend to the Sahaba to walk bare feet.

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So the point in all of this is that it's not a sunnah, it's mobile. It's something permissible, put your shoes on when you need it. You don't have to put them on when you don't need it.

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Now, there's a lot going on in this hadith, the first thing is that

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Yameen he will do the right side, why the right side? See this is a question that is a very troubling question. Why is left a problematic side? Do you understand what I'm saying?

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The reality is we don't have a very, very satisfying answer on this. I think the closest answer is the answer of alcohol. The Al are the original low data, who's a Maliki scholar and he has a shot of Sufi Muslim in the explanation of Muslim he talks about this, but again, this is a satisfied fine

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because it will become because not every answer is going to satisfy everything. Keep that in mind. Not everything has an answer for some things you just accept.

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Allah has chosen the right side to somehow be a side that is more virtuous and dedicated for virtual things called the reality he tries to come up with a reasoning and he says that the reason why the prophet would recommend this and perhaps the reason why Allah also chose this to be the side in which the people of the Good Book will be granted their book on the Day of Judgment is because Yameen Okay, yeah mean the word itself has a positive meaning.

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Right, in Arabic Yameen, that word itself has a positive meaning what do I mean by this? Human it means positive omen. Okay. So, a human is a positive Omen, a positive gut feeling, if you want to say right, so because of that, the Yameen the right side became more preferred. And because of that, Allah chose the right side to be the side by which the people of the good books will be granted their books, right. So this is perhaps a reason and in many instances, we see Allah choosing the right so when ALLAH is talking to Musa alayhis salam, Allah says when they now mean journey will total Amen, you are called Ragna Hoonah Jaya, we called him from the right side of tourists ina from

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the right side of the mountain. And we brought him very close to us, Musa alayhis salam. And Allah talks about the people of the right side in either people who will be rented the book on the with the right hands as well. What else have will you mean emails? How will you mean and this happens, obviously, in more than one place in the Quran, the companions of the right, who How do you would you know what the reality of the people or the companions of the right is? Okay, meaning that people will be granted their good books in the right hand, that people will be granted their books in their right hand, for a moment, odia keytab will be me, the person who will be granted his book with his

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right, Allah will make his hisab easy for him. So always, there's something positive being said about those people that

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end up using the right hands on the Day of Judgment, or Allah is saying that I chose the right side of the mountain for Musa alayhis, salam, etc. So because of these reasons, the Prophet also would love in his day to day practices to go with the right in every single thing that is either positive. Listen to this carefully, either. How about this, something that is an obligation, or it is recommended or it is indifferent, but not something that has a negative connotation to it. Like for example, when you're cleaning yourself after answering the call of nature, obviously writing that side is not the right side at this point, right? It's the left side that you use by

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all of this, there's another important thing to notice over here in this hadith as well. And that is that the prophets of Allah who it was sent them out you Isha says, gan in the views of Allahu Allahu wa salam you have with them on Allah's Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he used to love the right side.

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As much as he could muster law as much as he could, meaning there were occasions in which the prophet would not do the right side, because sometimes it's impossible or very difficult. So when you're in that scenario, where it's very difficult, you can forego this rule of using the right side.

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and another thing to remember in this hadith, or from this hadith is that combing your hair is is a is an important practice. This is something that prophet would do, he would recommend. In fact, there was one time that a man walked into the masjid and he hadn't combed his hair, right? It was all over the place. Personally, what I do is I just shaved my head so that I don't have to comb. It saves me the time. But

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someone walked in to the masjid.

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And he hadn't combed his head, and his hair was all over the place. So the prophets of Allah while he was setting them literally told him to leave the Masjid.

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He literally told them sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the isnaad of this hadith is acceptable, that just leave the Masjid. He told them to basically

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leave the rest of them and then

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correct yourself. Salallahu Alaihe Salam. And the Hadith

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literally says after the man came back, and he said that does one of you enter the masjid as if he's a chaise bong and a Hoosier

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To find, meaning, make sure you're looking acceptable when you're going to the masjid. Another thing to note over here is that

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there are other things that you need to do with the right hand as well, which are not mentioned in this hadith. But they're mentioned in the generality of the Hadith, he would love to use the right side in everything, including eating, for example, there was a man at the time of the prophets and salam, the Prophet told them to re eat with that right hand couldn't be Amin, ik. So the man he refused. He literally refused. The prophet is commanding here, and this man he decided to refuse, he is from the sahaba. But keep in mind, and this is very, very important.

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Just yesterday, someone asked me a question, which is telling of how important this knowledge is to be delivered as well. Not everything is a hobby does his or her job? Is it evidence?

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The evidence is one of four things. I've repeated this so many times, but try to get this engraved in your minds. It's either the Quran, its sunnah.

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It's the consensus of the scholars Iijima or it's the US or it's analogical reasoning, the Sahaba we can use them as supporting evidences, the Prophet said this, and as a hobby is doing XYZ, but can these Sahabi stand alone make up a rule?

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If they are from like the very elite Sahaba then we would hope that they are definitely intending by this that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has recommended this or suggested this, or they are doing their own each day, which is acceptable, but it is not a Hoja a standalone evidence.

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Okay, this hobby is a hobby, but he's refusing to obey the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And the prophets of salaam he got angry, and he made dua against the sahaba. And he said, Let's the blocked, may You not be able to. And his hand stopped working

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as authentic hadith as well. So using the right hand is very, very important. And the Prophet took it really literally that seriously. But the question is, is it an obligation? It's not an obligation. But the reason why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam made this dua against his hobby, right? Is because technically he is disobeying the Prophet. And he's telling him, right, there's a difference between Yes, this is a general rule, versus I want you to do this young man.

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And the person

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deliver deliberately says, I'm not going to do this. Now you have a sense of arrogance that is beyond par. So the prophets is Salam, just to show him that you don't have the right to tell me, I'm not doing it. I'm the Prophet. I'm telling you to do something. And if I thought that you were not capable of doing this, I would have told you

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the prophets SLM is granted why revelation from Allah, Allah Azza wa Jalla. Right, fine. So

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similarly, as you're entering places, use the right side as well unless you're entering places which are discouraged. Okay, so if you're entering the house of Allah azza wa jal ignore him or the Allah I don't want us to walk into the masjid with the right foot as well. Like the next Hadith, the hadith of Khabib Malik, Gannon, Nabil sallallahu alayhi wa salam, either Kadima men suffer in weatherable masjid, the facade Luffy Whenever the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would come from a travel, he would start with the masjid and then he would pray in the masjid as well.

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So this was the Sunnah of the Prophet that when he would come from a travel he would go to the masjid first pray in the masjid to lockers, and there are so many reports about exactly what you would do. I'll tell you some of them inshallah. So, for example, in Lucena De Lima, Muhammad, the hadith of Abdul Rahman even cab from cab, cabin Malik as well, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he would every time he would come from a travel he would arrive from a travel he would do so at the time of Doha morning time. So that he has his all day to do things in the city as well, right? Obviously, the day he comes over, people are all going to want to meet the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, someone has questions. Someone has things his wives, family, children as well. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would come at a time go to the masjid. And at this junction there are different reports. What exactly would the Prophet do after he's done the Masjid? But the first thing always is what? After he comes from a travel he goes to the masjid sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prays to rock us, and there's a hikma behind this, he wants to basically tell everyone in town I'm here. So you go

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To the most central location, which is the masjid everybody's going to be there. So, people will start talking about the fact that the prophets of Allah, why do you said living here? Go pray to Allah cause also it is a sunnah to pray, so a lot of Doha in the masjid as well. So the Prophet would go and pray Salah to Doha, at Doha time in the masjid as well. By then, again there are different reports. Sometimes the prophet would sit in the masjid this point. This is the hadith of gab in Muslim Al Imam Muhammad the Prophet SAW Salem would sit in the masjid.

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Other times, some of the reports have it that the prophets I said Lim would go to his daughter, Fatima, he would go to his daughter and there's a long Hadith in Mirjam Kavita Votto. Bharani where the Prophet went to the masjid pray to Allah cause went to his daughter Fatima. Fatima was very sad, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had dirt all over him from the travel and so on and so forth. And she started to clean up and patch up the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, so the Prophet gave her some good words, then the prophet would go to his wives after that, okay, so why is that? Because the Prophet wants to tell all of the family members that aim home.

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Okay, this is one of the etiquettes of the Prophet, one of the manners of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in going, coming home from travel. So home coming manners of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, there's a number of them, one of them, start off with the Masjid. Number two, if you look at the way the prophet does it, he doesn't go to the wives first. He goes to Fatima first, okay, and he goes to his daughter, and this is from the humility of the Prophet. Many parents, they're like, if their kids get married, and they're what often they're gone, they will never go visit them. They say Who do they think they are? Where are the parents? The Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam had a practice of visiting Fatima regularly.

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Fatima knew that, that he's going to come al Hassan and Hussein knew that he is going to come so they will should prepare al Hassan and Al Hussein for the prophets and salam to meet the prophet as well. He would, you know, get them ready and basically the modern day version of the diaper changes and all that stuff so that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam complete with his grandchildren, right? So this was a sunnah of the Prophet to go and visit his children, right?

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So that's another ethic then he would go to his wives salAllahu alayhi wasallam. And there is another Hadith also in Sahih al Bukhari as well that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to dislike Ganon Nabil sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Yakata who are yet to Raju, El Toro can the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to dislike that a man comes to his family Turo can just like that without giving them a warning. So the reason why the prophet is going to the masjid is why everybody gets to know I'm here, and I'm going to be coming home. Why? There is another Hadith in Sahih. Muslim, the Sahaba they were with the prophets of Salam. And they said that Furama Cardinal Medina

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when we got to Medina, the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi, wa sallam he said, Emmylou, he said, Wait up, hang on, had learned hola Leyland, wait up and hang on until nighttime comes and we enter at nighttime.

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Okay, why?

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Well, there's a reason. The Prophet said that the Shinto heteroatom, Tasha Bashir is what does the huddle Mareeba or al Maha Yoga, that

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that so that the woman who hasn't done her hair, she gets her hair done. And the one who hasn't prepared herself in other ways.

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She gets herself ready.

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What's the reason for this? Well, because obviously, a pious woman wants to ensure that when her husband is coming home, she's going to be looking,

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you know, smelling and feeling like a million bucks, right? So the profits are settling, wants to give that opportunity to his wives, that when I come home, you're going to be ready. And also all of the others have as well. He told them all hang on some time to go home. Just let them get an idea that we're already in town now, so that everybody is ready. And there's another Hickman behind this, as well mentioned as well in some of the reports that technically you don't want to see something that you don't want to see.

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There is no doubt that

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it's one in a millions, right?

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and children, and anyone who doesn't go against the rules of the person who's in authority. So if there are rules fixed by the man,

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there is no doubt some of them are going to be broken when you're away.

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Okay? It's not a good thing to do. It's a horrible thing to do. It's not a quality of a pious woman, the prophets. I said, Let me said, I'll have a word to the lady, the Hatfield, Allah, one of the descriptions of pious woman is that they protect the rules when they happen to be by themselves, right? But not everyone does this. So the prophets, I said, Allah wants to decrease marital discords and problems. And he says, Just tell them that you're coming home. So they get everything as you want it right. So that your, the way you want to things are all in that same way. And that's why it's so nice to do this. And so we have to rethink this idea of going, coming home and just out of a

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surprise, like surprising people when you're coming home. Right? Surprise, and then you're gonna be surprised. So you don't want to be surprised the profits, I certainly didn't want you to be surprised. And that's why it's a signal to just tell the people that Okay, I'm coming home. And that goes, although this is related to the wives and the children, it's related to even if you were to be going to your parents house or anywhere else. Don't surprise people in this way. Why? Because you might actually be surprised in a negative way. So you won't want to tell the person that look, I'm going to be arriving, and this is my time, etc. So they have everything prepared, and there are no

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surprises on either side. And we'll stop here in sha Allah SallAllahu ala Sayidina Ramadan, while early he was a big marine

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