Ahsan Hanif – The Book Of Hajj Episode 1

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The importance of hedging during the hedge period is discussed, including the schedule and the importance of hedging actions during the period. The importance of physical and financial ability is emphasized, as well as the need for financial and physical ability to achieve hedging. The importance of affirming personal obligations and performing hedge actions during prayer is also emphasized. The speaker discusses cultural practices and hedging hedges, as well as the importance of protecting privacy and privacy for women and children. The importance of hedging is emphasized, as it is necessary for protecting one's safety and security.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim hamdulillah europian amin salam, wa salam o Baraka aniseed honkala ah Marino early he was sorry he woman surah Allah Seville II wanna je elomi Dino seldom at the Sleeman kathira Amoeba before Ramadan, as you're aware, we covered the chapter of fasting. And then we said that inshallah post Ramadan, we're going to do a slightly different schedule in terms of the classes of global muram and we're going to try to make it a bit more intensive

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and then spaced out more as well. And so inshallah we won't be missing as many lectures as we were before Ramadan. So inshallah the plan is that in the month of September from today until the end of September, we cover the shuttle and the whole of the chapter of hatch and then we'll break for Hajj and read and then inshallah, after Hajj and the hedge period We'll begin with the chapter of prayer, which we missed out previously. So

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inshallah we're going to begin with the chapter of hedge Kitab will hedge Alhaji linguistically means the intention to intend something this is its linguistic meaning and initially are its technical meaning is to intend to go and visit the house of Allah subhana wa Taala in Mecca to do certain actions in a certain period of time. This is the meaning of Hajj. So you must go to the house of Allah in Makkah, you can't perform Hajj here in Birmingham or in Medina, or in Syria or anywhere else. And you must go to do certain actions, like the tawaf and the say there are certain actions that must take place in the hunch, and it must be at a certain time, meaning you can perform

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Hajj whenever you want during the year you can go in the month of Ramadan for Hajj, you can go in Haram, there is a certain period of time that you go for Hajj, okay. The months of hunters Allah subhana wa Taala mentioned in the Quran, Allah says Allah had Jewish forum alguma. Hajj is in the well known months, and these months are three, the month of chawan, the month of the character and the month of luigia, three months, so after the end of Ramadan, from the beginning of chawan until the end of the last three months of the year, these are the months of Hajj Okay, that is the general timing of hedge. So for example, if a person wants to perform to make to hedge meaning they want to

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make armor, and then they want to make hedge, and they want to make the armor as part of their hedge that ombre for the hunt must be within these three months they must be either in Sha one or the other or the beginning part of the ledger before the days of hedge comments. So a person for example, Congresswoman Ramadan and make ombre and then go for hunt and make that tomato No, it must be in the time of Hajj el hijo Ashura mirdamad, that is the general timing of Hajj and hence also has a specific time and that specific time or the actual days of health from the eighth of the hedger until the 13th of the hedger these six days are the specific actual specific timings of

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hunch. So the vast majority of the actions of hunch performed within the 60 days from the eighth until the 13th of the region. So these are the two timings of and the actions of Hajj must be performed within these timings. And then there are certain actions that you need to perform as well in order for the Hajj to be correct and inshallah we will go into that in a bit more detail with nilay tala when the time comes, and the police comes. So the first chapter that Haman law mentions here.

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He says Bob will follow he will be a young woman fully Daddy, the chapter of the virtues of hedge and who it is obligatory upon.

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Harris number 592 and Avi hora de la jolla, la he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam upon Allah Rama to erotica Pharaoh to Nima Bina Houma will have Juma bro, lay Salah who just in the agenda on the foreseeable hora de la ronda that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, performing one or more between one Roma and the next oma is an expiation for everything between them, and the accepted hunch there is no reward for it except gender. And this is collected by Imam Al Bukhari and Muslim eras Mustafa punani several 100 mo Allah begins with one of the many a hadith that speak about the virtues of Hajj and Umrah now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said making many types of

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of Roma and many types of hygiene is something which will excrete all of the sins in between. So if a person performs ombre, then they go and perform. Again. All of the sins between those terminals are expiated and if a person forms Hajj and then they perform Hajj again then in sha Allah, all of the sins in between those two hedges are also expiated will help Jill Mamoru Lisa Winchester on in lagenda. And if a person has an accepted hunch, what is an accepted hedge? an accepted hedge is where a person with sincerity performs all of the actions of hedging all of the rights as they should perform them whilst staying away from anything which will diminish that reward any type of

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sinning or any type of Ludo evil acts. They stay away and refrain from that if a person does this with the right sincerity and following the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam then inshallah they will have an accepted hedge and its reward is nothing less than gender. In a similar Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever performs Hajj and within the Hajj they don't do any evil act, nor any act that is viewed, then they return as if it was the day that that mother gave birth to them, meaning that they are similar, it is an explanation for all sins. So this is something which is one of the virtues of hench in a different Hadith the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam said, perform hajj and perform Umrah over and over again for indeed they expel your sins and they expel poverty. So one of the reasons I one of the means by which you increase your risk and you get more provision from Allah subhana wa tada is that a person continues to perform hajj and umrah in another Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whosoever has the ability and the means to visit the house of Allah once every five years, there is a right of a law that they should do so. So if you have the means and the ability, the financial and the physical means and ability to go and perform either Umrah or Hajj once every five years, then you should do

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so. This is a writer Allah subhanho wa Taala has upon us and it is one of the ways that we come closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam only performed one Hajj during his lifetime, only one Hajj and that is known as hedgetrimmer Wada in the ninth year of the hedgerow, it's the only time he ever performed Hajj, and he performed for cameras during his life for Amara. During his life. However, he never performed more than once a year. just so happened that all of his rumana were at least one year apart. However, the scholars have said that it is better if a person is able to perform Umrah more than once a year. So maybe perhaps you go in Ramadan, then

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you go for Hajj, then again you go after Hajj three four times if you live in Saudi Arabia, you go a lot, this is something which is better and it is something which is more beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala based on this hadith of Abu huraira rhodiola one

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the next habit 593 When are you shutaura the long run Hippolyte onto your Rasul Allah, Allah Allah Nisa, jihad,

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Jihad una Peter Luffy Alhamdulillah.

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Allah, Allah was not who he was to decide on the very short of the long run, who said that I said, O Messenger of Allah, is there a Jihad upon the women? And he said, yes, there is a jihad in which there is no fighting al Hajj and Umrah and this is collected by human mathema deliberate mantra and the wordings of Hebrew magic, and it is an authentic hadith. And it is also mentioned in say * Buhari with a slightly different wording.

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This Hadith about a shot on the long run her when she asks the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about the type of jihad that is obligatory upon the women, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam equates Jihad to had a quiz she had to help. And we'll also speak about this in another study that is coming up shortly as well. And that's because jihad is something which is certainly something which is unique from the acts of worship and the Pillars of Islam, in terms of it needing both wealth, and needing both physical ability. So for example, if a person has to pray, they just pray, you don't need to be rich to pray. You can be very poor and still pray. You don't need money to be

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able to pray. When the month of Ramadan comes and you have to fast you don't need money, you don't have to pay too fast, you just fast. And if a person wants to perform as a car, then they need money, not necessarily physical ability. So if a person for example, they owned and they fail, or they're very ill, or they're suffering from some type of illness or disease, and they can't walk and they control it, they have enough money and the car is obligatory upon them as do upon them. They must still pay soccer because they have the financial ability. So the Pillars of Islam when it comes to the acts of worship, prayer, fasting and Hajj.

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split into two categories. One is physical. So that's like prayer and fasting it is purely physical. And the second one is financial. And that is Zakah, which is unique in the sense that it combines between the two. So just as Jihad requires both requires finances and requires physical ability, you can't do it without one. You can't do it unless you have both. Likewise hench requires both physical ability and it requires wealth as well and this is something inshallah, we will come on to a little bit more detail later. But this is the reason why I shall have the long run and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam equate Hajj and Jihad together. But the point of this hadith and why it

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nodular him Allah brings it here is because of the answer of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that yes, there is a type of jihad, that is obligatory upon women. And that is a jihad in which there is no fighting, no killing. And that is hunch and Amara, because hogenom requires a lot of physical exertion requires a lot of effort requires a lot of a lot of time, a lot of money. And so it is similar to jihad, but there is no fighting, no killing in it. I'll help Well, I'm wrong. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in this Hadith, he mentions both.

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He's saying that, yes, there is an obligation upon women to perform both of them on her channel camera, he doesn't just say it's hatch. And this is an issue then which comes as an issue of difference of opinion amongst the scholars of Islam are legion rock metal law. And that is what is the ruling of ombre, everyone knows the hedges obligatory and it's something which all of the Muslims agree upon, in Japan, which is obligatory, it's a pillar of Islam if you're able to do how you must perform hedge. But what about aamra? Um, what is a form of lesser pilgrimage is also obligatory at least once in a lifetime, like hunch, or is it just a summoner? Is it highly

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recommended? Is it something which a person should do but it's not an obligation? This is an issue of difference of opinion. And the reason why this difference of opinion is because of the way that the term hedge is used. So for example, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was saying that Islam is based on five pillars bonyen Islam, Allah hums, he mentioned the five pillars of Islam, and the fifth one, he says, we'll have one right hedge Lehman esta la semilla for those who are able to do so. So he doesn't mention camera, he says hedge and there are many a hadith like this as well. Yet in this hadith and other Hadith similar to this, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is

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implying that both are obligatory, he mentioned, Anna, and that's why this call is different over this issue. Some of the scholars said that drama is obligatory just as hedges obligatory a once in a lifetime. Likewise, if you're able to do it and you have the financial and the physical capability, then it is also obligatory once in a lifetime. And the second opinion is that it is not obligatory it is a pseudonym, aka the highly recommended Sunnah. But if we don't do it, then you're not sinful. And the stronger of the two proof seems to be or the stronger of the two opinions seems to be that it is obligatory. I'm Rob is watching, just as hedge is watching. And the reason why in some

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ahaadeeth are many Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam doesn't differentiate between the two is because Hajj is a term that encompasses both Hajj is the major pilgrimage and Umrah is a lesser pilgrimage. Like when we say for example, that prayer is obligatory, we don't have to say fudger is obligatory war is obligatory uracil is obligatory muffle invisibility. Russia is obligatory, so understood, when we say Salah is worship that all five not just one, all five are obligatory. Likewise with Hajj, when which is obligatory it is the form of a greater pilgrimage. So the lesser pilgrimage comes underneath this as well. And this is taken from this habit of Arusha,

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rhodiola as well as other Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, in which he made a distinction between the two.

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one Joe Blow the last one, had his number 594 caller attend nebia sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Arabi for color asuna la familia and an ombre our Jeeva sakana and takamura.

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Raja Raja demon watching a 401 Java the long run homer for

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a lot

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of Java even Abdullah rhodiola one who said that a Bedouin came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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and several Muslim jamala informed me about Ramadan is there an obligation so he said no, but to do so. Is

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better for you. And this is collected in harassment and intimidation. And it is not a hadith but a statement of Jabba the Allah one and there is also mentioned but even what are the with a weak chain of narration, and then Abraham's Rahim Allah mentions and it was also reported from the symptom pan in jargon for the long run that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Hajj and Umrah both of them are an obligation.

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Both of these statements both of these ahaadeeth are weak, both of these ahaadeeth with these chains of narration, whether it is the first statement of gender of the loved one, or the second statement of Jabba rhodiola one, both of them are weak. Both of them are weak in the chain of narration. So it doesn't contradict what we just mentioned from the Hadith are very shallow the Allaha that both are both are obligatory, the Hajj and Umrah the next Huggies Hadith number 595 one Anderson the Allahu anhu Col. de la rasulillah Mr. v. Paula zodwa rahila Bravo Tanaka,

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Kim Raja Raja demon hannity miromar ala Wolfie is now the heel bar and authority of Ennis and Assad the Allahu anhu said that it was said O Messenger of Allah. What is the path that alaric zildjian mentioned in the verse in the Quran, he replied, is that you have transport and that you have provision collected by dharapani authenticated by Al Hakim, also collected by Timothy from the hadith of Ibn or Omar, and it has a weak chain of narration. This Hadith has many chains of narration for all of them are weak chuckle Benny says a lot of them are weak even though it has many different chains of narration. However, even though the Hadith is weak, even though the Hadith is

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weak, the reason why Ibrahim Allah brings it here is to show the conditions for Hajj and Umrah when does it become an obligation who is are obligatory upon, there are a number of conditions and criteria that must be met. Number one is obviously that the person must be a Muslim, that the person must be a Muslim. Number two is that they must be mature meaning that they reach the age of puberty. And this is something Sharla which will allude to shortly in another Hadith. Number three is that they have their faculty meaning that the same so how does not obligatory upon someone who is crazy, or someone for example, who is in a coma who doesn't understand what's going on number four, which

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is also obligatory upon a person who is free, so they must be free. So if a person is in bondage, or in slavery, which is no longer an obligation, these four criteria must be met. So how it is not obligatory upon children, it's not obligatory upon the insane is not obligatory upon the slave. And it's been obligatory upon the non Muslim. In addition to this, Allah subhanho wa Taala. In the Quran, he says, What do you learn here are the nasty hate jewel Beatty minister para la he sebelah. And it is an obligation of Allah for those who are able to do so that they make hatch of the house. So what is this ability that Allah is referring to in this area, this is what the Hadith is

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referring to. And even though it is weak, this is what is meant in the Hadith. What is this ability. So in addition to the four conditions that are mentioned, what is the ability that a person must have in order to perform Hajj or Umrah and what the Hadith mentions, and again, it is a weak Hadith, but the meaning is correct. And that is that a person must have financial and physical ability, financial ability and physical ability. financial ability means that you have enough wealth and enough money to go from your house, wherever you may live, to go all the way to Makkah to perform the hedge and stay there until the hedge finishes, and then return home. And at the same time you

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have enough money to look after your dependents and those people that you leave behind. So for example, if a person has enough money to go for Hajj, but they leave their wife and children behind with no money, they're penniless. They're like I'm going for lunch for a month, and you guys just told him you need to do I'll be back in no month. That's not ability they must have enough for themselves and enough for their dependence. Okay. And so all of that must be met that is financial ability. And the second type of ability is physical ability, meaning that they can physically go to help perform the Hajj, right in Mecca, and then come back. So for example, in the olden days, that

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meant that you had to be able to walk maybe, or for example, right a camel or a horse depending on how you would get there. And then also have the ability to perform Bob and Sally and the stoning and all of the different rights of hench. It also means that the path that you're going to take the road or the path or the travel route that you're going to take is one of security and peace. So for example, in the olden days, they would go by road. Okay, well, they would

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Go over land, and they will pass through desert. But if by passing through a certain area, they will, for example, bandits or pirates or there was a war going on there. Now there's no safety or security. So therefore, now you don't have the physical ability, the Sharia doesn't obligate obligate upon you that you go and put yourself in danger for the sake of hunch. So now it's lifted upon you that responsibility is lifted off of you. So for example, if a person has an illness, they have a disease, they're weak, the old their phone, and they take medical advice, and the doctor says, Don't go, it's too difficult for you, it's going to make your situation worse, now, which is

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no longer obligatory upon them. And that again, is something which inshallah will be mentioned in the Hadeeth shortly as well, if, for example, a person doesn't have enough money, or they have enough money for the entrepreneur enough for their dependence, then again, their obligation is lifted off of them, hardship is no longer obligatory upon them, until when, until both of those conditions are met, they have the physical and the financial ability. And once they have both, then which is obligatory, and once it becomes obligatory, it is obligatory immediately. So a common mistake that is made is that people have the ability financially and physically to perform, but they

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delayed for a year for five for 10 for 20. Or people think after I retire, I'll go for Hajj. When I'm in my 50s or 60s done I'll go for Hajj. And this is a very big mistake. Hajj is obligatory immediately, and some of the spanners said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had you became obligatory on the AP of the hijra. Shortly after the conquest of Mecca, Hajj became an obligation. But the prophet SAW Selim didn't perform Hajj in the eighth year from Hajj in the ninth year, the following year, so he delayed it by one year. And in the eighth year 100 became obligatory instead, he sent Abu Bakr rhodiola one and he told him to lead the Muslims in hajj. So some of the

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scholars said Why would he be late? And if we said that it's obligatory immediately, why did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam delay delayed? And the reason for this and the answer to this is because during that time when Hajj first became an obligation, that pagan Arabs had a lot of pagan rituals associated with Hajj. So the Hajj stems from the time of Ibrahim alayhis salaam and is married to his Sunnah. It stems from that time, and the Arabs had taken some of that, and they had brought it in to their culture, but they had also mixed it with their pagan rituals. So for example, they would make Baba just as we make follow up seven times around the Kaaba, but they would make the

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left naked for example, and that's because the polish the people who look after the karma, the pagan Arabs, the Polish, they will have the mentality that you can't perform Umrah unless you buy your clothes from Polish from the people of Mecca. So if you come from Medina you come from buy if you come from anywhere outside of Makkah, your clothes on impure,

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they're not of the right purity that you should then go to the Targa and make tawaf so you must buy our clothes. So the people in the vast majority of them were poor, they weren't rich, they would have one pair of clothes for for the whole year. And they would wash that same pair of poles didn't have a ham they're like we have like, you know whole wardrobes full of clothes and so didn't have enough money. So they would say we don't have enough money. So instead of saying to them, okay go and perform Hajj or Umrah or whatever you want to perform in your own clothes, they would say in that case, performing naked going to original state. Likewise, they would have often Sorry, sorry,

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sorry between safa and marwah, but what they did was pleased to idols now, if and

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Nagila, Nagila, and SF, two idols, one on Safa and Marwa and they would make sorry, between these two points between the two idols, so they had sorry, but it was also mixed with their pagan rituals. Likewise, the Arabs, the Irish in particular, they themselves would tell all of the pilgrims to go to arafa. But they wouldn't go to our offer. And the reason is because our offer is outside of the harem boundary. And so they would say that this art of standing on the pain of arafa is for those people who aren't from orange on from Makkah. As for us, we are the custodians of the Kaaba. And so we don't need to leave the harem boundary. So the point is that they had all of these rituals mixed

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up. Now had the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam formed in the film and he first became obligatory, then there would have been people because they didn't know any better. The rulings have not been set out. They would have been people making hydretain making others making a hunch between those Sally between those two idols, others not going to arafa and the prophets, Allah Allah wherever he will send them would be making hunch that because of all of this confusion as well, people would wouldn't know. Is this part of Islam? Is it not and it

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would become confusing, because we know that when the prophet SAW Allah made Hajj, there were over 100,000 companions 100,000 and so for the 100,000, when something newly becomes legislated, there would have been a lot of confusion. So what the prophets of Salaam did instead was he sent a boubakeur. And then shortly after him, he said, the idea of the long run with a list of rulings that Abu Bakar was to announce to the pilgrims, that you can't make him naked.

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Go and cut down those idols on safa and marwah. Everyone has to go to Africa and so on and so forth. And so it was known during the Hajj, what the rulings of Hydra so the following year when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made his farewell Hajj, the issue was already resolved. There was no confusion, things were clear, and that's why we have as we will come on to later inshallah, we have the full description of the heart of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as he performed it step by step.

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That's how the 596 one in your bathroom will be a long run homer nebia sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah Jacobian Roja for Parliament? On muslimin for Paul lumen enter for Karla Rasulullah for OFAC le sobia we'll call it and he had the Hajj on and I'm Wallachia Joe Rogan Muslim. On the 30th of July bonobos are the Allahumma that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam met a group of people in the area called Aroha. And this is like about 73 kilometers from Medina and area called Aroha. So he said to them, Who are you people? And they replied, We are Muslims. And then they said, Who are you? And he replied, I am the messenger of Allah. So a woman from amongst them she lifted up a small

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child, and she said, O Messenger of Allah, does his child perform hajj, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said yes, and you will get the reward. And this is collected in Sahih Muslim. This Hadith kind of follows on from the previous Hadith when we said that one of the conditions of health is that a person must reach the age of maturity or puberty, but it's not obligatory upon children. And this hadith the prophet SAW, Allah met a group of people in this area, approximately 70 to 80 kilometers outside of Medina. And it shows that not everyone was aware of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, even though they were Muslims, because Islam had spread so much By that time, in

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the eighth, ninth 10th year of the Hydra, there were over 100,000 Muslims just on the hunch, so there must have been many more that didn't come. And it's not conceivable that all of them knew personally the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam by faith, so they met him and so on. And so some of them didn't know who he was. So they said, Who are you? The process of ask them, who are you? And they said, We are Muslims. And then they asked him, Who are you? And he said, I am the messenger of Allah. The point of this hadith is that then a woman, she lifted up a small child sob, and sob in Arabic language is like up to 567 years old, a small child, as you said, O Messenger of Allah, does

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this child perform hajj, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said yes, and you will get the reward. Meaning that yes, if you want to put the child through the rituals of Hajj, you can do so. So for example, you make the child where they from, you make them do the power, whether you carry them or whether they walk, or however you do it, they do the power off, and they do the site. And they observe all of the restrictions of economic and they do all of the different rituals, and you are there with them. Obviously, during the stage and during all of these stages. If they do so then you will get the reward. However, this hadith shows that because the mother or the parent gets the

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reward, that this hand doesn't lift off the obligation of hygiene. So when that child becomes mature, they reach the age of puberty, they must perform the obligatory hunt again, and that's the one that they will get the reward for. So the first one is because the parent makes the intention. The parent is the one who puts a firearm on them. The parent is the one who makes sure that they do all of the rituals, the parent will get the reward the mother or the father, whoever it is. However, once the child reaches the age of puberty, then they must go and make their own Hajj again and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best.

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The next Hadees Hadees number 597 or honeybee are basmati Allahu anhu, Moroccan Colonel folk opener bass and all the Allahu anhu Marathi for rasulillah his sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for sure a tomorrow to Manhattan for general for blue yonder. Oh la, la la la,

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la la la la la la silla, mostly for one shot photo de la Ilaha for quality rasulillah in the Florida to La Jolla and everybody from Abuja from Kabira. Now, yes, rahila

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was added a few 100 in Wada, la Ningbo Hari on the search of Abdullah

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are best for the long run the woman who said that will fulfill even our best for the long run, Homer was riding behind the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and a woman came from the tribe of cotton, and so forth and began to look at her and she began to look at him, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would turn the face of our father away from her. So she said, O Messenger of Allah, indeed, the obligation that Allah placed upon His servants of how it came, and my father was an old man, he's unable to write, so shall I perform hunch on his behalf? He said, Yes. And that was in the farewell, hunch, motif upon a

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Muslim and the wording is of the moment bouhanni this hadith is the hadith of Abdullah buzzworthy Allahu anhu. rates from his brother alphabet, even in our best alphabet, it nobis was the older brother of Abdullah when ambus or the Allahu anhu. Benjamin, also the first cousin of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and because I'm the wedding ambassador of the Allahumma was young, during the Hajj of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam parts of this journey and the rituals of Hajj he relates from his older brother and father. And that's because the prophets on the long run he was selling them and we'll come on to this data, where the prophet SAW Selim would send up the

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library and bus with the women, meaning that because he was young of age, he would send you would send him with the women. But our father was older, and so he would stay with the prophets of Salaam and so Abdullah bus would take some of what happened in his absence, and he wouldn't read it from his brother. So his brother was riding behind the prophets of Salaam on his camel, and the prophet SAW cinnamon his journeys on his Hajj, he would make some of the companions right behind him, and this was obviously an honor for those companions, right behind the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and unfollow lipner Abbas was a very handsome young man, very handsome. And so this woman, a

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young woman, she came from the tribe of Houghton, to speak to the prophets of Salaam and asked him a question. And so he began to look at her and she began to look at him. And so the prophets of Salaam would turn his face away. So that obviously he doesn't look at her. And then he will look again and again, he would turn his face the other direction. And his hobbies obviously, we see that it is not allowed for a person for a man to look at a woman that is non Muslim for them that they should lower their gaze and that is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam turns his face away. Yeah, we also take from this Hadith, the beautiful character of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and

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the etiquette with which he turned his face away. He didn't say anything to him. He didn't say anything to the woman didn't shout at them didn't rebuke, didn't rebuke them. All he did was turn his face away. And when he would turn it back, he would turn his face away again. And this is from the beautiful character of the Prophet sallallahu and he will send them the point of this Hadith, though is the conversation between the woman and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and that she says that my father, when the obligation of hedge came, he was a very old man, and he was unable to write, meaning he doesn't have the physical ability to go and perform hunt. So can I perform

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hedge on his behalf. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Yes, there are a number of issues in this hadith that we need to bear in mind.

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This Hadith speaks about the issue of what is known as huddled by them, doing hunt on behalf of someone else, in order and there is another Hadith that speaks about this as well. In order to hunt on behalf of someone else. Number one, you must perform your own Hajj first. So you perform your own hedge first job to hedge when you can perform hedge on behalf of someone else. whether that person is related to you or not, whether they're a parent or whether they've, whoever they are, you can perform hedge on their behalf number to that person that you perform, how much on their behalf must be unable to do so themselves. So if a person has the financial ability, the physical ability, and

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they just want to sit at home, and they say you gone to my house, that's not allowed. However, if for example, like in this Hadith, a person is old, or they weak, or maybe they've passed away or something similar to this, then now it is allowed. And this is what is known as had better performing hedge on behalf of someone else. Number three. The third point from this hadith is that it's seen that it's allowed for each gender to perform the hunch on behalf of the other. A woman can perform Hajj on behalf of a man, a man can perform Hajj on behalf of a woman. And so the prophet SAW Selim here is saying to the woman you can perform Hajj on behalf of your father. So it's not only

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males for males or females for females. Number four, the fourth and final point is that they don't have to that person that's performing hajj on behalf of someone else doesn't have to be from that country or from the town. They can perform henchmen wherever they are. So for example, maybe that person that passed away used to live in Pakistan.

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But the person that's going to perform Hajj on their behalf lives in Mecca. Now they don't have to go all the way to Pakistan and then travel from there to make the Hajj. No, they make Hajj from wherever they are. And that's why this woman she didn't know the ruling, but she came to the professor seldom during the this is enhanced there in Mecca and now she asks a messenger of Allah, can I perform the Hajj on my father? And he says yes, and he doesn't say to go back to your tribe, then come back again with the intention nor are you allowed to perform Hajj on their behalf and the last panel, Allah knows best. How do you remember 598? What anybody embezzling? What the Allahumma

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Ratan Johanna jet in a Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a pilot. In Minato Ratan Tata Jolla method. I felt drawn her call and I'm pro Jana are a token on omega demon acconci poly for Lita, opa de la for La Hoya hoppel bewafa.

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On the authority of Abdullah Abdullah ambassador of the Allahu anhu mother, a woman from the tribe of Johanna came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said indeed, my mother took a vow to perform Hajj. But then she passed away before she could fulfill her vow. Shall I perform Hajj on her behalf? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said yes do so. Do you see that if your woman was in debt, would you not pay that debt off for her, then pay the debt of Allah for indeed that has more writer ish be fulfilled. And this is also collected by Imam and Buhari. This is a similar Hadith, another Hadith and that is

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a different type of obligation of hedge. Hedge is not obligatory once in a lifetime and that is obligation that Allah has placed upon every Muslim who is able to do so. However, hedge can also become obligatory in another way. And that is the hedge of another, when a person takes a vow, using an invoking a law's name that they will perform hajj, what is another what is a vow? a vow is when you vow when you take an oath by Allah you use a last name or one of his attributes. So what are his names, and you use that to invoke upon yourself and obligate upon yourself an act of worship. So for example, a person says, I promise a law or a vow by Allah or take an oath by Allah, that I will

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perform hajj, or that I will pray tonight, or that I will fast two weeks or something similar to this type of statement. Now it becomes obligatory upon that person to do so, is obligatory, not because allow me the obligatory but because they need obligatory. Now generally when it comes to vows, the ruling in Islam is that it is disliked. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, don't take a vow, for indeed the brings no God, and He only extracts from the miserly meaning that in order to worship Allah, you have to take a vow before you do so.

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So it's like you have to force yourself You promised Allah and now then you're going to worship Allah. And it also is a type of arrogance meaning that you it's like you do a lot of favor, you take a promise that you'll do something for the sake of Allah. And so the prophets of Salaam disliked it, and he told people not to do it for only extracts from the stingy and the amazing. However, if a person was to do it, it becomes an obligation. person then must fulfill that vow. So in this hobby if the woman, her mother took a vow that she would perform hajj, and then she passed away, before she could do so. So now that obligation remains, can that also be fulfilled by someone else the

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prophets on alarm, it was seldom said yes. Do you not see that if she had a debt, that you would have paid that debt off on her behalf? Then my point is, this is a debt that is owed to Allah. And Allah has more right that his debts should be fulfilled. And so this is a different type of obligation of

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Harry from a 599 we're living our best in the Allahu anhu makalah kannadasan Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, au masovian hijjah from Allah call him Zephaniah

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where you may have been had jessem over tocopheryl 100 and okra bro even a Shiva will be happy with each other apart

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to the fear of a woman my phone and

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this is a statement of m&r bus for the long run home out the narration saying that it is from the prophet SAW Selim is weak, so it is authentic as a statement of an Ibis that whichever child performs Hajj, and then they reach the obligatory obligatory age of puberty, then they must perform Hajj again. And whichever slave forms Hajj and then they are free, they must perform Hajj again. So this is something which we mentioned already that Hutcheson are obligatory upon a child more asleep. So if they do so it doesn't lift off that obligation. For the child once they reach the age of puberty, they must perform Hajj again, for the slave if they are ever freed, then they must perform

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Hajj again. It is a lift off the obligation in either case

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Hi this number 601 in our bedroom of the laquan homophonous submitted to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Yakubu

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rajabi ma ma ma

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ma ma ma ma ma ma June for Kala jasola in number 80 Harada handwritten or in New York to tip to philosophica de Vaca photon paddock erotic beautiful con la will not bow Li Muslim

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on the future will be done by some of the Allah wa Noma who said that I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam give a sermon and say that it is not allowed for a man to be secreted with a woman unless she has with her.

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And it is not permissible for a woman to travel except with the maximum. So a man stood and he said O Messenger of Allah, my wife has come for lunch, and I was supposed to go and participate in such and such a battle. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said go and make Hajj with your wife will tap upon highly collectible high end Muslim, and the wording is of a Muslim. This is another condition of Hajj specifically for the woman. And that is the issue of

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the Muslim is not a condition for the Hajj it is a condition for traveling to the Hajj is not a condition for the hunch. It is a condition for the journey. So for example, if a woman wants to live in Makkah, she doesn't need a Macron to perform hajj, she can just go and perform Hajj herself in Mecca. Okay, because she lives there she doesn't need to travel. However, if she's more than a traveling distance was the traveling distance, the distance where you shorten and combine your price if she lives beyond this distance, then she needs a maximum in order to travel. This is the opinion of some of the scholars of Islam and others said that she can travel as long as long as there is

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peace and safety and security. And they use as evidence for this that during the time of Ramadan the alarm rang the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would make Hajj and they would do so without a man. But rather Amato the Allahu Allah would send a man who can affirm or the Allahu I'm to be the chaperone if you like he was the one who would accompany them. And they will travel within their cohort which is like a type of

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room that they placed on a camera like the type of cabin, which they would write in, and they would do so without any Muharram and Allah knows best. And so some of the scholars said that if you have that ability to travel in safety and security and there is no harm and no threat, then it is allowed otherwise Muharram is needed. Whichever The case is or whichever the stronger opinion is no doubt traveled with the metronome is closer to the sun and it is a safer opinion. And Allah knows best but this is another condition of the hatch for a woman not specific per se for the hatch itself. But as mentioned here is because most women will travel to perform and they won't be from the residents of

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Mecca and Allah knows best had his number 601 one maybe they are best some of the long run Houma and then they'll be us on the long run he will sell them as semiological and Nicola Baker and chub Roma column and chukwuma kala, Julio curry booni for Carla,

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Carla, Carla for Jana, magenta Brahma, Brahma, Buddha, Buddha, blue magic banwell Raja

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and authority of an apostle the Allahu anhu meant that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam heard a man say, Allah I performed this hunt on behalf of SHABOOM he said who is sugar mama? He said He is my brother or my relative. So the Prophet was seldom asked him Have you performed Hajj for yourself? He said no, he said perform hedge for yourself and then perform hedge for Cheb Roma collected by a Buddha Award and the blue manager and authenticated by Immanuel Hepburn.

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This is something which you previously mentioned that if a person wants to make haggard better hedge on behalf of someone else, they must first perform their own hedge. And that's why when the professor silom had this man, make his intention on behalf of someone else. He asked him, Have you performed your own hedge? And when he said no, he said, perform your own hedge first, then perform hedge for your cousin or your brother named Siobhan. And that's something which we also mentioned previously as well. The final headings in this chapter what are the best some of the Allahumma Pon katakana Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam of Nepal in the La Casa de como el Hajj for common

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Frequently Armenia Rasul Allah, Allah, Allah wa Shabbat and huduma Rafa Mirza for what Total War Rome Saavedra tinamou he was a Muslim man ha de la la rhodiola, Ronnie and the third Ebner, bassanio, la Noma who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was giving a sermon in which he said, Indeed, Allah has made obligatory upon you Hajj. So one of the companions by the name of an upright habit, he stood up and he said, O Messenger of Allah, is there an obligation every single year? So the prophets on the lower end he was seldom said had I said, yes, it would be

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console, Alhaji is only once and whatever is more than this, it is voluntary. And this is affected by the five except to Timothy. And it is also mentioned in Sahih Muslim but from the hadith of Abu huraira

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this hadith is mentioned as a Muslim as the author mentions in the hadith of Buddha robiola one that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said all people, Indeed Allah has performed Hajj upon you. So make Hajj. So a man stood up and he said, O Messenger of Allah, is that every single year, so the prophet SAW Selim remain silent. And again, he repeated the question every year. And again, the prophets of Salaam remain silent and a third time, he repeated the question. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, had I said yes, then it would become obligatory, and he would be unable to do so. So leave me so long as I leave you alone, for indeed those who came before you were

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destroyed, because of their many questions and because of the difference with their profits. If I order you to do something, then do as much of it as you're able. And if I prevent you from something, then leave it alone. This hobby

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has a number of benefits. The primary benefit, obviously, is the hatches only obligatory once a lifetime, it is only obligatory once a lifetime. But from the other benefits of this hadith is that the etiquette of seek knowledge, and that is that a person, they should only ask those questions that are relevant to them. And those questions that don't, for example, cause confusion amongst others as well. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying to this man, that if I were to say yes, as a result of your question, then it would become obligatory every single year, and you wouldn't be able to do so. And we all know that if hundreds obligatory every single year, we

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wouldn't be able to do so. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying, leave me alone, so long as I leave you alone, meaning Don't ask me questions that I don't place upon you. And that's why the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were forbidden. Those who were close to him, were forbidden from asking many questions. And Allah says in the Quran, your Lavina Amanullah Eliana Shia in took de la quinta Tsukamoto who believe? Don't ask about those things, which if they become clear to you will harm you. Meaning don't ask so many questions like the other nations did with their prophets when they would ask question after question after question. And

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because of those questions, Allah would make things more and more difficult upon them. So when Allah says it's obligatory, it's obligatory, you don't have to ask is in this way, and that shape and this fashion, but you just leave it. And that's why the companions or the alarm, random would be happy when the Bedouins would come and speak to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because they would ask a lot of questions. And the prophet SAW Selim wouldn't see anything to them. Why? Because their visitors they would come today, and they'll be gone tomorrow. Whereas those people who are regularly with him, they were prevented from asking questions, and that's why the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam said in another Hadith,

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from the worst of crimes that a person can perform from the worst of crimes in the sight of Allah, that a person can perform Is that something becomes haram as a result of their question. So during the time of the prophet SAW Selim if someone, something was handled, but because of the persistent questioning, the process of Silla made haram that is a grave sin. The law makes things easy in the Sharia, and so we make things difficult upon ourselves. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is establishing this important principle but as we said, the main benefit from this hadith is that Hajj is obligatory only once a year. Okay, inshallah, there won't be a class tomorrow because

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of the conference, but inshallah from next week every Wednesday and Thursday, there will be a class and inshallah we will aim to finish this chapter of Hajj by the end of the month, Bethany lightoller. So if there's any questions, inshallah we'll take them all those will conclude Eau de la mina shavon Isla de

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