Abdul Wahab Saleem – Explanation of Sahih Al-Bukhari #20

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary © The Hadith is a message from the Prophet sallah, which advises not to fast on and not to do voluntary fasts. The importance of reciting the Hadith is discussed, including voluntary fasting and reciting the Shia Katha. The speaker emphasizes the need to pray before and after the time of the hood, as well as avoid mistakes made by people who do not know the history of the internet and online media. The importance of honoring people is emphasized, and the speaker discusses the dispute between two people about the use of the word salata.
AI: Transcript ©
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Now remember Haman hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa sallahu wa salam ala Ruth Rahmatullah mean nabina. Muhammad in El Amin el hecho de la salatu line was the team

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so all three La La Vela Houma for summer wa T or Matthew, Allah it Allah hate to say

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we are in El Behati we've done Hamdulillah 54 a hadith and that continues today and we are on Hadith number 55. Okay, so before we get into the Hadith, Hadith number 55 There is something that I want to remind everyone off. There are the bare minimums that

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Allah subhanaw taala has obliged upon us. And I think everybody already knows all those bit bare minimums if you're coming to MSG than your regular regularly so you know the bare minimums that you have to do in order for you to get to join now.

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When it comes to any prohibitions, there is no ifs ands or buts a person has to stay away from them.

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And when it comes to the obligations you do as much when it comes to the commandments of Allah, you do as much as you can, but those things which are obligations, there is no neglect fullness within that. That's not considered acceptable. And this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us in the Hadith, which is an hadith of Bootsy, or al Hadith al Ilahi, the Hadith which is reported from Allah azza wa jal, what is the Hadith what see, it is a Hadith that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam reports from Allah rewards it the words of it are not verbatim like the Quran, but rather the prophets Allah Allahu Allah was sitting on the Jets adjusts the words as needed just to

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get the message across. So these are called a hadith could see our Hadith Allah here.

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In this hadith, the prophets Allah salami tells us that there is nothing that a slave of mine can get closer to me through more so than those things that I've obliged upon him. And then the Prophet continued and he said, and a slave of mine can continue to get closer to me through the no offer, through the voluntary deeds and these voluntary Terry deeds are of many types among them are your fasts that you do voluntarily, Mondays and Thursdays if you so please, three days of a yam will be if you so please the day of alpha, if you so pleased the day of Ashura, the day before it the day after it all of these are voluntary fasts. So you can do them or just generally speaking, at any

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moment you wish to do a voluntary fast. It's okay. Except in the few situations where the profits are seldom deemed impermissible, which are those situations and profits are seldom taught us not to single out the day of Joomla or single out a day of Saturday. And the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam he taught us not to fast on and it's impermissible to do so. Not too fast on the two days of eat specifically, the days are very naughty a Yamagishi and and also actually the aim of the Shia Katha as well, so five days a year. So the days have read and the Yamagishi considerata five days a year, these are all days which is considered haram to fast Other than that, you're open to be as

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voluntary as possible. Similarly, there is obligatory Quran that you have to recite what is that Solothurn Fatiha is an obligation every day you have to do it 17 times. But then any thing you do beyond that, that is your nephila, that is your voluntary auction that you're doing for Allah. Similarly, when it comes to the prayers as well, there are voluntary auctions. Now these voluntary auctions they continue to get you closer to Allah and as the prophets of Salam said, Hector or Hubba, until I begin to love him I Allah and Hadith pudsey, while I as Allah Abdi Karabo lamb no affiliate, and my slave continues to get closer to me through the no often until I begin to love him

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for either I love to hook into some lady Esmeralda here or vasara, who later use Ruby wire they will let you build they should be her or Regina, hula TMG MGB her that when I begin to love this person I become the site with which he sees the ears with which he hairs in the hands with which he strikes and the feet with which he walks. And what that means is that Allah then gives you to fear not to look at the Haram or hear the haram. See, there's two things to through which a person consumes information your eyes and your ears. And those are two things that Allah can give you the Tofik to use in his BA obedience or

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If he can do his learn the opposite of tofu, and you end up using it in the Haram looking at something that is haram, repeatedly it will kill your heart hearing things which are haram reverse.

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When you hear people doing that walk away, discontinue disengage politely. So if you can stop the person stop him, if you can give them let's see how to do it. But that is the Haram and is going in your ear and it's killing your heart.

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But the person who goes and he insulates himself with the no awful Allah protects him from those Muhammad Allah allows him to use his ear, in the form of Allah. And similarly he doesn't walk but to halal and he doesn't walk but to the thought of Allah the obedience of Allah. And he doesn't use his hands in the Haram way as well. He doesn't strike anybody who is weakened in front of him because he is the powerful he doesn't touch a woman or a woman doesn't touch a man which is held on for him or her because they fear Allah and Allah gives that person to feel so this is what happens when you do the no affair. And today we are talking actually about the Noah film related to the prayer in our

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Hadith the hadith is the Hadith or Abdullah have normal well the Allahu Allah Allah know that the prophets Allah Salam or the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Ghana will solely a couple of Buhari raka attain or that the hurricane he used to pray before Lord to rockers, and he would pray after the two rockers as well. Well that Adele Maghrebi rocketing and he would pray after mothering to rock as in his house, this was in his house also will that Russia Iraq attain and also after he would put pray to rock is not in this hadith but in another report, Fi beta he as well in his house. So these two were prayed in his house. Well, you will certainly better than Juma it Hatay

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on sorry for you. So lira Catherine. And also after Juma he wouldn't pray, except that he would go home and pray as well. But again, a lot of these the Prophet was praying at home because we have in the hadith of many of the women what many and actually they're the ones who are mad, meaning the Mothers of the Believers. They're the ones who reported about the voluntary prayers of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam because they would see him in the house. And also, abassi reported some of them as well because he was the cousin of the prophets as a limb and also the nephew of my Munna. So he was very close to the prophet, but I'll give you a breakdown a summary of all of the Hadith on

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the topic, okay.

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This is one Hadith it's not talking about the whole picture, I'll give you all of insha Allah all of the reports and a summary of them. So the first one is the tool rockers before Fajr we have the hadith of Aisha Radi Allahu Allah Anna, that she said that Lamia Coonan, Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah che immunoaffinity

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ushered them in who they are, who then Allah Category Manager, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was not more keen upon praying any voluntary prayers more so than the two before Fajr. The Prophet would do this stuff out on O'Halloran, he would do this while he was traveling. And while the prophets I seldom was in his residence as well. So these are the two archives before before Fajr. And then you have Wuhan. And Google has cuddly and Budhia. Remember, we always have to whenever we're talking about the no orphan, we have no orphan which are Coppelia, and we have no option which are bad idea. Now often, which are before the prayer and know often which are after the

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prayer as well. Not every prayer has both, but most of them have both, okay.

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So when it comes to the home, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he would pray in his house for Raka.

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Before and he would pray in the hadith of Isaiah, he would pray to raka us afterwards as well. So the most common habit of the Prophet was that he would pray for before to afterwards but there's another report. And that is the report of him Habiba that she said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in sunnah and it did me the segment Salah cobbler glory urban. Well, that urban haram harana Hola, Elena, that whoever prays before the before and after Lord for Allah azza wa jal forbids him from entering the hellfire. So that means we have to before Fajr for before will have to after Allah and if you wish, you can add another two as well because of this other sunnah of

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the Prophet the Prophet sometimes his sunnah is reported reported Bolian and other times fairly and sometimes it's reported as a as a statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and other times the prophets of salaam sunnah is reported because they somebody saw the Prophet doing the action

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And then they reported as well. Okay, Jimmy. Now what about Joomla? This is an important question. Well, we know in the hadith of Abu Hurayrah, as well in Timothy and others, that the that the prophets I seldom said whoever wishes to pray, after Dumas that let him pray for regard and even miss route used to pray before Joomla before and after Joomla four as well. So that means it's the same story as the whole, generally, the scam of the hood and Joomla are the same. Generally speaking, the rulings related to Joomla and the hood are the same. But of course, there are certain differences as you all can observe as well when you're praying. But because Joomla is basically a

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replacement for the whole, that's why we have two hotspots replacing two lockers, and then we have two lockers replacing the other two lockers as well. So when it comes to this one and they have the same ACA, when it comes to the voluntary action surrounding it, the rocker out how much are you going to pray, how many how often you're going to do, it's going to be the same and we can see that from the practice of Mr. Rude, praying for before of praying for afterwards as well. Another point to actually point out over here is that the day of Juma is an exception from you not being able to pray Salah at the time of zenith, remember there are five times a day in summary three times a day

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in which a person is not allowed to pray. One of them is when the sun is at its peak in the sky, meaning right before the time of the hood a few moments before the time of law. So Juma is an exception to that. And that's because people are at the masjid they're worshiping. And, and this was the practice of the Sahaba as well that they would pray before Joomla and even sometimes before the other one as well right. Now what about us, sir? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he told us in the hadith of Timothy, he said Rahim, Allah hombre and Salah capital or ban, may Allah have mercy upon the person who prays before Azur for locka so it's a sunnah to pray for Raka at after there is

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no Salah after Hassan except the prayer that has a reason that is before the existence of the prayer or at the moment of the existence of the prayer. How so? Well before the existence of prayer, when you walk into the masjid, what happens? You have a reason to pray, like the hated Masjid. So you're allowed to create the higher dimension. Jimmy. So

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what about mothership? Well, in terms of moving him you have to rock as before which are not emphatic, they're not emphasized. But you have to rock as afterwards which are considered emphatic, right, they're emphasized. So that we have by the way soon, which will occur in Hermetica, as well meaning in fact excellent things that the Prophet would almost always do. And, and some of those pretty much always do, and things that the Prophet would do whenever capable whenever possible, right. So after maghrib is emphatic before Maghreb is a general sunnah? What's the general sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said they in a coolie Nene Salatin is Hadith Buhari by an

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Akula. Nene salatu bein Aquila, Aeneas Salatin three times he said this, and then the narrator said was with Sally Sati dementia, that between every two other hands, there's a prayer between every two events. There is a prayer in between every two events, there's a prayer and the third time the prophets of salami said for whom ever wills it's not an obligation. What are the two events or than in a coma? Okay, so between every other one and every comma, those that time there's two raka as you can pray, this is not emphatic for the prayers where there hasn't been another advised sunnah. Remember before Fajr there's a sunnah that is clearly known

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before the whole sunnah clearly known before. So again, sunnah clearly don't the formality we don't have a general sunnah of the Prophet, but we have this statement. That is, again, an overarching principle between every two events. There is a prayer so you can pray that, that sunnah, and this was the Sunnah of the Sahaba as well, that the the Sahaba they would as found in the Hadith as well that either know the Bill Murray, if there was somebody that has a habit whenever McGriff, Salah would be called the dawn of Maghrib would be called, if the rosary they would go to the pillars and they would stand there to pray. So of course, we don't have any pillars here. But what you can do is

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you can go to the walls. And by the way, I've talked about this many times guys, let's let's start working on this okay, and sisters as well go to the walls, don't pray just ad hoc anywhere, right, go to the walls or put a chair before you unless you are in a region where you're sure that no one is going to come in front of you, right? But if you pray in the middle and there's so much space, you can go in that corner you can pray all across as well. You can take one of these chairs and do that. Do that this is the Sunnah of the Sahaba

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This is what the Prophet SAW, Selim taught us in the hadith of sutra, which we already spoke about as well. So go to the walls, and pray

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to some things so that you have that enclosed space, nobody walks in front of you, you're able to focus on your prayer more, as you can see the Sahaba, as soon as the dawn of Naga would go into the rosary, they would race to the pillars, so there'll be no space for other people to pray as well. And if you go to and I remember when I was in Saudi Arabia, and massage and especially rotala, with the train would come, you'd always see all of the pillars filled up. Because everybody knows the Sunnah of the Prophet, that they would go to the pillars. And so people will be trying to find like one corner of the pillar so that they can actually pray. So you have this whole wall. After all of

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that finishes, we have that sutra over there as well use it if not chairs we have, you have more than enough space, you always find space where you can pray such that nobody will be bothering you insha Allah by now, about vicia again we have the general principle of being Aquila Adelina salaat and then we have after Isha, we have the Hadith which is saying to raka us but then after Orisha isn't, is many duat many reports from the prophets of symptoms sometimes is praying for sometimes it's praying six, sometimes eight. Of course he adds to that the winter as well. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sometimes is praying 10 and added to that or winter, in some reports, even he's praying.

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He's praying 12 added to that or with that as well. Okay, so there's a lot that the prophet is doing. There's different habits most commonly 11 raka art after his after Asia, two is immediate. And then he also has his Nightfire as well. And that's where the idea of a traka art for the tarawih came as well. Okay. And here I want to say something important. Yes, the Sunnah of admirable kebab

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is that I'm going to hubbub when he appointed, obey even

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to lead the Sahaba in prayer. He gave them in the Hadith and water he gave them the directive to pray 20, Lockhart and then three in winter, but the eight is not a bit as well. You know, issues of how Subhan Allah when will be on my stop with this. Because one group

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they say this is a vida. The other group they say this is the better

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a group is like if you pray 20 That is the better even though throughout centuries they've been praying 20 in the heart.

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The people who want to do 20 And nothing more than they say are a little hubbub established a sunnah. Right? The established a sunnah that you pray 20 And he knows better what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to do and even that is not

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you know a matter that is that is definite. We have other reports as well about what the people of Medina used to do. And then on top of that, if we look in the middle, and then each group claims one group claims all of them are that have agreed 20 And nothing less but no in the amalickiah There's one rewire from Malik that says 11 raka art as well for tarawih. So and and on top of that, the owner mountain a lot of the cinema and have confirmed confirmed this for my Musharraf in Mauritania, they pray 11 madhhab Malik, one of the rewired in the mathematic. So this is okay and this is okay. Why make a big deal out of these things Subhanallah this fella fat in the Hadith, that's right after

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it is going to be in this vein as well people they you know, whatever opinion they have, they want to shove it down everybody's throats. But if we will start looking at the rewired you will begin to see that everybody has a reason for what they're saying they are considering much more than what you may be able to consider. Let's look at this next Hadith the hadith of abnormality Allah Allah know

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the hadith of abnormal codon Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Lana, Lama Raja Amin and when the Prophet came back from the battle of Zarb law, he said law you will solely in the trenches Yanni law you will solidly in a whodunnit. Luffy Benny arriva don't allow anyone to pray Salah to answer except when they get to Bunnell pura Nova ye by Makarova had broken the covenant with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and because of that breach the prophets of Allah wanted to get there immediately to teach them a lesson, right? By Noah Cordova being the Jewish tribe over there, right? So the Prophet told all of the Sahaba as they're returning from the battle guys up he told them

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don't let any one prayer Assad except when you arrive in Benin Corolla now for the rock

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that'll go home and your buddy forgot about the homeland or somebody had done it. Yeah. So salata, so time came, a group said, we're not going to pray until we get there.

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And some said, we're not going to pray. Some said, we are going to pray because now it's a lot of time and if we keep going,

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then Salah is going to come to it and the Prophet SAW Selim intended a metaphor, he didn't attend it literally. Do you see the difference? So one group is taking the words of the Prophet. Absolutely, literally, they're saying he told us not to pray. This is the commandment directive of the Prophet. Even if we miss salata acid, we're still going to go to burning burning Corolla. And that's what we're going to do. Another group says, No, this was just a metaphor, encouraging us to get there faster. And that's what that was the intention. The Prophet wanted to be very directive. He's a he's a statesman. sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So he's giving us a harsh, strong, very, very clear and

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stern directive goal get to Bukola that that was the intention of the prophets, Allah. So those that group they decided to pray us up because they said in a salata planetarium, Amina Kitab no porta Salah is established on a specific time for the believers and they should not delay it from that time. So when they got their group as prayed to us or another group didn't pay us

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and they missed salata, so think about that. They literally missed salata acid.

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So the Prophet SAW Selim, did not scold this group, the Trinity that hadith continues in Bihari, that the prophets when we told the prophets of Salam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't blame any of the two groups. He didn't say, You guys are wrong. And he didn't say you guys are wrong. Why? Because the Hadith actually could have been interpreted in both ways. Sometimes words have the capability to have two interpretations. So when we hear someone saying this is clear in the Sunnah, we say no, no, no, no, you have to learn what clarity means. Okay? Sometimes it is clear in the sun. I agree. Those words are called. They're the ones that are taught to you Delilah, they are

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the ones which are absolutely conclusive in their meanings. But sometimes they're not. Oftentimes they're not. Because Malik Shafi, elated and sad is hackable. Rahi these are people who are close to Allah, they're not disagreeing with one another because they have desires to to disobey the prophets of Allah who already was passionate Allah, they don't have any of those desires, if people who are spending their whole lives collecting the Sunnah, directing people to the Sunnah, right? But they have different ways of interpreting the Sahaba they took the same words of the Prophet they interpreted them in different ways. And that is why we have the Hadith also in Buhari as well of the

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prophets of salaam where he said that either Hackerman Hakeem fudge the head when a ruler or a scholar he gives his ruling and he does is he had he tries his best to best to get to a conclusion, then he gets it right some ASABE then he gets it, right, fella who agilon That person will be rewarded to rewards what either How come and when he rules fetched ahead, then he does his he had his giving his ruling on a specific matter.

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And he makes a mistake, fella who are Julian and another reports outside of the hot body fella who Jordan was that the person will be given one edger.

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You understand? So you're in those situations, either you get two edges because of the fact that you tried. If you're a scholar, of course.

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And if you're interpreting and have the capacity to do that, either you'll get one reward. Or you will get

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two rewards if you get it right hamdulillah there's two rewards. If not, then you get it wrong, and there's still a reward. You're not devoid of reward. And I'm going to tell you an incident from the Quran, where Allah taught us how to deal with differences of opinion. Okay, are you ready?

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This is the incident in which a case was brought before Dawood Ali Salam and Sulaiman Ali Sarah.

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And Allah says in surah, two MBR were there who there was Willimon

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if you go man, if health is never shut up, you're gonna move on, or canal, you hook me him Shahidi that, remember David and Solomon, as they were giving a rule, they were giving a ruling, that would actually mean they're giving their ruling in what they were taught. They were giving the rule about two people who came to them with a dispute. And the dispute was that one of the two people had sheep, that sheep had went and caused some mischief, mischief and destroyed the crops of another person.

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Okay, corrupted all the crops of another party started grazing over there. And so the person with the crops came to that wood. And so the man, and the person with the sheep came to that would answer the man and said, This person has sheep. They came into my field, and they started grazing their end, and they ate away my crops. And these were crops that were valuable to me. That would that he said, he said that, okay, let's value the crops, how much are they worth?

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When they value the crops, and they value the sheep, they found that both of them were equal in terms of how much they're worth the cost. So he said, Okay, the sheep are now owned by the person who was the owner of the crop because the Shepherd was not able to look after these. You know, he went into somebody else's field, he didn't go grazing with his herd outside in the open fields, which is helpful for him to eat right? Or halal for his livestock to eat from cinema and said, No, he said, I have a better idea. He said, that.

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We will take the sheep, and we will temporarily give the sheep off to the farm owner. And then the shepherd will go and grow the crops. So the crops come back. In the meanwhile, the farm owner benefits from the sheep milks them or does whatever he needs to do all of the other benefits that come with livestock, right.

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And then when the crops grow back, the sheep are returned back to the owner of the sheep, the shepherd, and everybody goes back to normal. And Allah subhanaw taala. He says, For for him, now ha Sulaiman. We gave the correct answer to Solomon Ali Salam.

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So he's saying to pee to two of the prophets of God. And that same goes with the incident. Remember, when Musa alayhis salam had went to meet Allah azza wa jal and Harun la salaam he made as he had, he made his personal judgement about Ben Israel, who started to want to worship the calf. So how to let them do it. How long as a prophet of God they're doing should he let them do it?

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He let them do it. This isn't the Quran.

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But he was doing he had he thought if I try to correct them, what's going to happen is I don't have a strong personality. And he said in the Hershey to intercooler for Dr. Boehner, Bunny Surah Al Williams. Well, Mr. Cook Kohli, I was afraid that you're going to come back and say to me, you have you have divided by age, so I let them all be one. So once you come back, you with your strong personality are able to bring everybody back, Musa and he said I'm filthy than the wrong. So they're disagreeing prophets of God, right over here. How does Allah treat this enough?

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This disagreement between prophets of God as well, he says to the man got it right.

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But then he honors both of them. He says, what could you learn the common words, and both of them we gave to them prophethood and knowledge as well. And then he increases another factor. He mentioned another thing he mentioned some of the Phala and and virtues of their wood. So nobody starts to look down upon that with Ali salaam, and he says, was a Hernan would elgiva Like you said no plate. And we allowed the mountains to become submissive to that would Ali Salaam and that status. And also the birds they became submissive to that will the LA Salam as well, we couldn't find it in. And we were the one who did all of that we gave all of those virtues to that route, but he still got it wrong.

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But the fact that he got it wrong, he didn't lose all of his other virtues as well. This is the way we deal with disagreements. nowadays. You know, in the past, they used to say there are a group of people who are scholars for dollars, they'll give you a fatwa. Now we know people who are bashing for cash. Every time someone gets something wrong, they get on top of YouTube, they get on YouTube, they record a video if the person is 99%, right?

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And he has 1% Wrong. You destroy the person persona of the person in front of public entirely and you say, Look what he's saying here. Look what he's saying there. liquidy saying over there. No, you have to continue to honor and respect the people, even if they make mistakes, because everybody makes mistakes. Tabari made mistakes, who's a great scholar of deceit and I told some of those mistakes of authority before just to explain to you how grave mistakes can be. But nobody's ever said stop reading authority and know why we made mistakes, but no one has ever said stop reading the books of annoying.

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Even Taymiyah made severe mistakes and so much so that he was brought in front of the court of law multiple times within his life but no one's

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That what some people said, but no one could credibly say that stop reading the books of Ibn Taymiyyah because if you see someone 99 or 95% Right, and then they have a few mistakes that you can count on the hand is this what Allah is teaching us how to how to handle those people. Think about the near the intentions of these people when they make these videos, they get their large clickbait whatever they do, and at the end of it, they say, look down, support us and pay us and Patreon and this and that and the other. What do you think they're trying to do bashing for cash? They don't have good intentions. These people, people make mistakes.

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Don't do turbo rottenness. Manta Barolo, the ugly hater, Allahu Allah.

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Woman detect the Allahu Allah Who, further who will have visual feedback to him

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that whoever follows the secret mistakes or, or faults of people, if you go through and comb through hundreds of hours of someone's comments, and you come across one small error. Of course, one lie he, I haven't been tested with this. But if someone starts combing through my videos, they'll probably find lots of mistakes as well. Why? Because I'm a human being guys.

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This is the reality and everybody has. And even those people who bash and ask for cash afterwards, they're also making mistakes as well. That's the reality. And they're probably doing it a lot more than other people, but they haven't been tested yet by someone else. Who does that to them. So the way we deal with the mistakes of scholars when we've identified that these people are in fact scholars is that we say okay, this is the correct opinion, that is the wrong one. But everybody has their virtue. And Allah forgive me in them. You understand? Jimmy?

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And from this hadith, we understand another thing as well.

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From this hadith to understand another thing as well, and that is that when the HD heart is done, when people have given the ruling, okay, when a scholar has given a ruling, then the person who's following that ruling, the average person, he doesn't need to be called out. You don't need to say Oh, brother, you are going against the Sunnah. Because you have to go back to the drawing drawing board and that is the Timnah can be interpreted in different ways. But that has to go back again to the initial principle is this guy following a scholar and his interpretation of the Quran and Sunnah. Got it? Because we say law in Gaddafi Messiah. There is no harsh refutations whenever it

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comes to matters of disagreement. I'll give you another one thing.

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Listen very carefully, and this one's a bit technical. So I need all of your attention. Okay.

00:32:51 --> 00:33:10

Allah says in solitude, he says, well, OSHA or Buka when OSHA or book ledger Allah NASA metanoia Haida if Allah wishes he would have made the Oh Ma, he would have made the he would have made the people one nation

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you with me so far?

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Again, it's gonna get complicated. So listen very carefully. If Allah wished,

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Allah could have made the entirety of humanity one nation

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what nation would that have been? Answer?

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Muslims, by then he says wala USA Aluna book Delphine. And they will continue to disagree with one another.

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In our regime or book except for the people upon whom Allah has his mercy.

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Is that clear?

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who are these people? If Allah wished Allah could have made them on OMA, there's two opinions. One group of scholars they believe this, these people are Muslims if Allah wished Allah could have made them all on one opinion, but this is the wrong opinion. Why? Because Allah is talking about people at large. And this is what International says as well. Clear. So if Allah wished Allah could F does aka Mahila particle delphic.

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If Allah wished.

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Allah could have made humanity into one nation or E Muslims. But the reality is they will continue to disagree with one another or is some will become Jews. Some will become

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Christians, some will become atheists. Some will become the Rastafarians, others will become Buddhists. So they will disagree from this one or MA that Allah could have made everybody is that clear so far following my train of thought.

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Then he says in Lama

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Rahim Allah book except for those people upon whom Allah has his mercy.

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So that means Allah is saying that those people who disagree within the scope of the Ummah, they are, they are within the Mercy of Allah azza wa jal

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and that's why we have the tradition of via tweak, which says that if de la materia Ramadan, that the disagreement of my nation is considered Merci, even though that tradition is weak, but this idea, it encourages that this tradition should be strengthened and that is that if Allah wished Allah could have made all of humanity into Muslims but he didn't someone to do Christianity other ones to do other religions and so forth. But Allah Rahim Allah book except for the people upon whom Allah had his mercy, ie, Muslims at large. Got it. So everyone who is within the general masses of the Muslims, even though they have different ways to pray, someone is doing for rock art, and

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they're doing them directly without the slim in the middle, there's a report that is to that effect as well. This is what the Hanafi I do. And then another person is taking the Torah class and they're breaking them up with the slim there's a report of the Prophet that he used to do this as well. So all of them are taking from the prophet or at least understanding from the prophets of Allah who it was when we get to understand this. Then Allah He a lot of the problems we have in heart in our heart towards other Muslims they end up decreasing. Okay, Jimmy,

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and with that, insha Allah Who to Allah we will stop and ask Allah subhanaw taala to make us among the people who have Allah has this mercy upon Allah Hammami because Aqua Mala hood and for listening are SallAllahu ala Sayidina. Muhammad It was early he was talking to him he may

How To Deal With Difference of Opinion

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