Abdul Nasir Jangda – The Book of Guidance #02
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Allah subhanaw taala spoke to us about the importance of gratitude. Watch guru Li, Allah says Be grateful to him, and do not be ungrateful. After talking about gratitude, now Allah subhanaw taala is talking to us about patience. And Allah is enjoying upon us to seek the help and the assistance of Allah through patience and prayer. Why? Because those are the two states and the two conditions that any human being experiences. For in the lab, the IMA, hakuna Fini, finfish crua,
that the servant of God finds him or herself in the blessings of Allah. And in which case, they need to express gratitude. ofii Nick Martin, for Yesware Allah, or the servant of Allah finds him or herself in difficulty and adversity, in which case, then they have to be patient upon it. So there are two states that the human being experiences the believer and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has talked about this idea of entity movement. Look how remarkable the affair the life of a believer is, that the believer, our Jiminy unreal movement, that if the believer finds him or herself in blessing, then they are grateful.
And they are rewarded for that kind of hate and the who that is good for them. Or they find themselves in difficulty for us with Ali Baba. And then that person is patient in the face of difficulty for kinda hate Allah Who and that is good for the person. So Allah subhanaw taala speaks to us about being grateful. And now Allah is speaking to us about being patient. So the previous
gathering in the previous session, we talked to quite a bit about patients we started talking about patients and what patients actually means
I wanted to get into a little bit more detail here today to talk a little bit more about how we practice patients. Allah subhana, Allah is telling us is there a novice server, seek the help in the assistance of Allah through patience. The scholars have explained to us a Savusavu Iran. There are two kinds of patients, sovereign Allah sia tila. There's patience, while resisting the temptation to fall into the disobedience of Allah. So when you are being tempted, when you are being pulled into the disobedience of Allah, and you stand firm and strong, and refuse to be sucked into the disobedience of Allah, that is patience, for Sahiba, whom we jacket,
and a person that practices that kind of patience, is someone who is striving in the way of Allah
was sub Runa. I'll ALLAH Ta tila. And the second kind of patience is when you are patient, in practicing the obedience of Allah, you're doing what's right, you're doing what you've been commanded to do. And that isn't always going to be very comfortable. It isn't going to be very easy. We're in the month of Ramadan, we understand that. But if we stay strong, and we remain on the obedience of Allah, facade, people who ibid then the person who's practicing that, that person is now a true worshipper of Allah.
Without any luck, veterans, Robin, and the person who remained steadfast patient, while obeying Allah, practicing the obedience of Allah, that person gets greater reward. And that is what Allah has demanded of us.
So, and then they mentioned if a person can put both of these things together,
that person can learn to be patient,
in resisting temptation of falling into sin, and a person can remain patient meaning strong in practicing what Allah has commanded.
And that person is able to put both of those things together. Oh, Raja hula who are radar because He, Allah subhanaw taala will grant that person
fulfillment and contentment with the decree of Allah subhanaw taala. That is how a person will find satisfaction and this contentment
and that serenity, that confidence, that tranquility, that we also eagerly crave. We all want to be we all want to get to a place where we are able to achieve that inner peace. How do we achieve that?
Well, this is the secret. This is why Allah is telling us about patients here. That if I can be patient, against committing sin, I can be patient in engaging in the obedience of Allah.
That will lead me to inner peace. And then what ultimately is the sign of that sukoon will be Bhima would either Allah Neff similarly mcru, hottie will robots, then a person achieves this state of equilibrium. You know, another thing that we all struggle with as human beings, Allah subhanaw taala talks about this in the Quran. In in Santa Holika Khalifa, the human being was created
as a creature that is very nervous and very anxious.
We have the tendency, we have the propensity to be nervous and anxious, to be jittery.
That's something that we are prone to.
But again, if we learn to practice patience, Allah has forbidden me from this. No matter how much I want to I'm going to remain strong and not fall into it. Allah has commanded me to do this. I'm going to do it. And even when it's a bit challenging, I'll be patient and strong and keep doing it. Once I put those two things together, then I unlock this inner sense of peace and tranquility. And then what happens is that anxiousness that nervousness, that jitteriness, that is so disorienting, it's exhausting, it's fatiguing. We're tired of living that way. That starts to go away. That's the secret that gets unlocked.
And then the third level of patience is then
what was Cebu Island massah EB one hour.
Then a person unlocks a whole nother level and that is the greatest tragedies.
The greatest calamities May Allah put
Text us all.
But the greatest tragedies or the greatest calamities could be fought that person and that person will be strong. They won't be shaken.
And we're going to be talking about that in the next verses.
I wanted to
also share something very beautiful and very profound.
That even cathedra Allahu Taala he mentions
the great grandson of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
His name is Ali Abdul Hussain.
Radi Allahu Anhu mage Marine. He's famously known as Zeno, the IV Dean. He is a very righteous pious man, a great worship of Allah and he was the great grandson of the Prophet salatu salam.
He says that on the Day of Judgment, either Gemma Allahu Allah wa Alina, Allah Irina, you know the Munna din, that when Allah gathers together, all of humanity on the day of resurrection on the Day of Judgment,
a caller will call out.
And he will say Aina sabe room?
Where are the people that practice patience? In the dunya
Leah dahulu agenda taka Bilal Hassan
so that these people may be allowed to enter into paradise? Before the reckoning even begins? Forget about entering paradise before everyone else. They will enter paradise before the accounting even begins. Do you understand how beautiful and profound that is? Right? Think about the idea of patience. The idea of patience is when people are rushing and people are fighting and people are shoving. I know we just got done having a thought. Right.
So when people are rushing and people are shoving and people are pushing and pushing and fighting and all of this. What's the sign of patience? The person stands quietly.
Somebody comes in and pushes they say it's Okay brother. Good, good. Well, this one,
they get food. They see somebody sitting there on the side.
Kind of maybe waiting. Maybe they're occupied with something. It's an elderly person, or somebody holding a child. So they can't get up and deal with the whole hustle and bustle.
So they take their food and they give it to the person. No, no, you eat bread, then it's okay. I can wait. Patients, I can wait.
So the reward of that patience.
The reward of that patients ultimately as what
that Allah subhanaw taala that Allah subhanaw taala will say, now you get to skip the line.
You waited
quietly patiently with dignity even though you were getting cut in front of so today, you get to skip the line. Forget about skipping the line you get to skip even before the line is formed. Just go ahead
and it's not just done. He then says for your call Morano Kamina NASCI
a group of people will stand up for tilaka who will melodica The angels will come and greet that person. Fair. Oh Luna Isla Aina Yeah, Bunny Adam. You will say where are y'all going? Fair cool. Luna lol Jana.
They'll say we're going to paradise. We received the invite. Fair coluna workable, he said
you're gonna go to paradise. Before the reckoning even begins. The angels will say
hallelujah. And he said yes, that's what we were told.
So the angels will say well, man and
who are y'all? What makes you so special?
That you get to go to Paradise before everybody else before the reckoning even begins. We haven't even called people up to the gate.
The lines haven't even formed.
What makes you so special?
Palu a sabe rune. We were the people that practice patience in the life of the world.
Talu Subhana Allah ta Tila was Savannah and Marcia Tila had that our fan Allah Who? We were patient in practicing good. We were patient in resisting evil and temptation and sin.
Until the moment came,
when Allah subhanaw taala took us away from the world.
Follow unto karma Quantum. The angels will say absolutely. You are correct. Oh hello, Jana.
Enter into paradise. For Nia I'm a general Amylin.
Indeed, remarkable is the reward of the people who strive
is hard.
Remarkable is the reward of the people that work hard. What we're talking about here in terms of patience,
to state the obvious, just because I'm talking about it so easily and you're listening to it so comfortably, doesn't mean it's that easy. We're talking about something that's challenging. But Allah also says remarkable is the reward of the people
who do hard things,
who are up to the challenge. We had only had a cola who's Subhana, who were to Allah. And then he recited the verse of the Quran in surah, to Zuma. Zuma is number 10. where Allah says, In NAMA, you are for sabe Runa Agera, whom the lady is having, that indeed, the reward of the people that practice patience, will be given to them in full, without any limit, without any cap, without any limit, an unlimited reward will be opened upon them, and that is the reward of patients. Now, continuing on here.
verse then says, Seek the help of Allah, through patience.
And then the second thing it mentions is was salah, and through prayer.
Obviously, we're familiar with the meaning of prayer, and we've talked about it earlier in the sessions in the beginning of sort of Bukhara, however, to understand why is Allah highlighting prayer here?
Allah is highlighting prayer here, because prayer is the most beautiful, the most beloved, the most remarkable act of obedience that a human being can perform.
The word Salah itself originates from the root cellar, so that means connection.
So what is Salah? He is similar to
be in a lab Do you have a Nairobi it is the connection that we have between our Lord. It is our opportunity
to engage in a one on one conversation with our Lord, a Salah to me Rajan movement, it is the ascension of the believer.
And salah is the way to find calm.
peace, serenity, tranquility, in the midst of the storm. That is the life of this world. That's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, Do I let Karatu I need for Salah.
the coolness of my eyes, my calm my peace, my tranquility, my Serenity
was placed in prayer for me either Hezekiah who Amarone firstly, I Isla Salah
that the moment that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was troubled by something, he was distressed by something. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would at once immediately go to the prayer
when the Mikasa Sabra. And this is very fascinating. Allah is telling us that we if we want the help of Allah, and we want Allah to be with us, the help of Allah, the Mercy of Allah, the power of Allah, the might of Allah, the Promise of Allah, if we want that with us in our lives, as we navigate this very difficult life.
Then Allah is telling us two things subvert and salah, why sober is the internal state
server is a state of mind. Server is the conviction of the heart. It's the internal correction.
And salah is the external submission
server tells me
that I have submitted myself internally to Allah. That no matter what comes upon me, when I'm faced with what I'm dealing with,
I will remain completely committed to Allah.
I will not panic.
I will not doubt my Lord.
I will not lose my faith.
None of that I am completely committed to my Lord internally.
And salah is the external submission.
Why you don't think about salah salah is a pure act of devotion. It's a pure act of submission and therefore it's a pure act of love
for Allah subhanaw
Tell them
are there two records in budget?
For info her?
For an ASA? Okay? I see the logic, nope, three and Maghrib and for inicia.
Why do we do those numbers? Because Allah sets him.
We have not been given any rhyme or reason as to why.
And then let's look at each unit of the prayer. Okay, you stand. So far, so good.
Then you go into the core, make sense? Bowing, it's humility, then you stand back up. Okay, I guess that kind of makes sense. Reset. Then you go into sujood. Beautiful, that makes sense. You go lower and lower. Imam Ghazali. Rama Allahu Taala says something very beautiful. In the here. He says when the person is standing,
their brain is above their heart.
You're still thinking first, and believing second.
Then when you go into the core, they are at an equal level. And then finally, when you end up in sujood, the heart is higher than the brain.
Now you submit it. Now I just believe. Anyways, getting back to it. We stood. We did record we stood back up. Okay, it's a reset. And then we went into sujood. Perfect. So we set up from sujood. No, wait, now we go back for a second such. Why is there one recover two soldiers in America? Because Allah said, so.
What do we read?
Whatever we were taught to read, it's pure obedience. It's absolute submission. And that's the idea that if we can, again, put those two things together, internally, I'm submitting to Allah by being patient, holding my tongue, containing myself
practicing that self control,
and then through salah, I am engaging in absolute humility and obedience to my Lord, and doing exactly what I was told how I was told when I was told where I was told why I was told. That's it.
And if we can achieve that,
then the Promise of Allah subhanaw taala in Allah, ma sobbing, that indeed, Allah subhanaw taala is with those who are patient and we read the reward of what it means to be amongst those that are patient, we talked about it here.
That those are the people that will be called in summoned by Allah subhanaw taala. Before everyone else, in granted admission into paradise for all of eternity. May Allah subhanaw taala make us amongst those people. I mean, the horrible Allah mean, so with that inshallah we will conclude for this week. We've talked about it number 153 and inshallah we'll proceed from there. May Allah subhanaw taala give us the ability to practice everything we've said and heard Subhanallah he will be handy he Subhana Allah Who Moby Dick Nashua, La ilaha illa Anta the Saphira Governor tabula