Abdul Nasir Jangda – Stories of the Prophets #20 Purpose

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the story of the prophet S pain AlayIFis, which is a part of his mission to protect and bring back his mother to death. The importance of fulfilling God's priorities and not being deterred by negative behavior is emphasized, particularly in addressing the need to live a Christian's life of submission to the creator. The speaker also provides a lesson on balancing one's needs and purpose, emphasizing the importance of fulfilling God's priorities and not losing his purpose in life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Inshallah, continuing with our series here in the

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month of Ramadan, the stories of the prophets

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from the Quran.

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We are talking about the prophet Musa, alayhis

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The story of prophet Musa, alayhis salaam, as

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I mentioned in the previous session,

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it is the most frequently

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mentioned story within the Quran. And Allah

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tells us about different events from the life

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of Musa alayhis salam.

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Yesterday, we talked about or we've talked about

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2 things from the life of Musa Alaihi

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Salam. The story about the Tawakkul,

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the trust and reliance of Musa alaihis salam's

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upon Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala that Allah would

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and bring him back to her.

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Then in the previous session, we talked about

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how Musa

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desperate situation,

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and Allah

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provided for him

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even in the most desperate of circumstances.

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The story of Musa Alaihi Salam, the part

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of the story of Musa Alaihi Salam we're

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going to talk about today

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is the part of his story where Allah

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gives him his mission.

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And what we've been doing these stories is

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we try to extract

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lessons that we can apply in our own

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And so the particular lesson from the life

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of Musa alaihi salam that we are going

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to be focused on today

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is the lesson of purpose.

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What does it mean to have purpose?

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What does purpose look like?

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And then how do we go about in

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realizing and actualizing and fulfilling

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our purpose?

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala tells us in the

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previous session, we talked about Musa Alaihi Salam

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was given a family,

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was given a home, was given a job.

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And now where we pick up,

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Musa alaihi salam is traveling with his family.

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Allah tells us in surah number 20, Surah

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Look at the story of Musa.

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He was traveling with his family and he

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said to them, he said, y'all wait here.

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They were trying to stop on their journey.

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There weren't hotels and places where they could

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comfortably stay. They had to just kinda camp

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out in the wilderness. So he said, why

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don't you stay here?

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I think I see a fire in distance,

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and maybe I can bring some fire back

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from there or maybe I can find

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I can find some directions

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there at that fire.

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So when Musa Alaihi Salam came close to

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the fire,

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he heard his name being called, oh, Moses.

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Oh, Musa.

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And Allah said,

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I am your Lord addressing you, remove your

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shoes, you are in a sacred valley.

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And I have chosen you.

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I have chosen you.

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So listen very attentively and carefully

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to what is being revealed.

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And what's fascinating about this Allah saying that

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I have chosen you, Allah addresses us in

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the Quran

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in Surah Al Hajj,

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in surah number 22,

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where Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala tells us

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who watch tobacco.

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Allah tells us in the Quran,

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God chose all of you.

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You have been chosen.

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You have been chosen.

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So Allah is saying Musa alaihi salam, you're

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not just or some ordinary

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but you have a purpose.

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So I've chosen you. So pay attention,

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listen very carefully. And then Allah tells him,

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and Allah,

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I and only I

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am Allah and God, the only one worthy

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of worship.

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No one is worthy of worship except for

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me Allah says.

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So Allah tells us worship only him.

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And Allah says establish the prayer to remember

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fulfill your purpose. Allah tells us in the

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that we were only created for to for

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the worship of Allah, to obey Allah,

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to live a life of submission to Allah.

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That is our purpose.

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Everything else that we do in this life

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and sometimes the things that we do might

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necessary for survival,

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but there's a big difference between doing something

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that needs to be done, a need, and

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a purpose.

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I don't need to give the very basic

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simple analogies. Everyone here is intelligent

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but we have to go to the Russian

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But that's not our purpose.

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We even joke when we talk with one

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do we eat to live or live to

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And what makes that so ironic

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is that again, we have to eat to

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survive, to live,

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but that's not our purpose.

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Allah says,

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You don't have forever.

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This world will end.

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Every single persons.

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When a person dies, their has started. And

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And then collectively for all of humanity and

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all of creation, this world will inevitably end.

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And then there's the afterlife.

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And then we will face

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for whether or not we fulfilled

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our purse.

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And then Allah also tells us that by

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the way,

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there will be people, there will be things

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that will distract us from our purpose.

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Do not be distracted by them. Do not

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be deterred by them. Do not be confused

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them. Remember your purse.

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And then Allah

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through Musa alaihi salam teaches us this very

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beautiful and remarkable lesson.

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What's in your right hand?

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Musa Islam responds.

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It's my stop.

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I'm a shepherd.

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That's your job, not your purpose.

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And the stick, he says, has a function.

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It might have a function,

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but that's not its purpose.

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That I knocked down leaves from the trees,

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I use it to shepherd my animals,

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a function.

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But he describes it as

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this is what this stick is for.

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says, no, everything in

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Every single thing in this world is a

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A sign of the greatness and the oneness

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of Allah. That's its purpose.

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While it might have many functions,

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but we can't confuse function with purpose.

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And then Allah tells Musa alaihis salam,

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throw the stuff down.

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When he threw it down, it became a

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huge snake, a serpent.

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It became a serpent

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moving rapidly.

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Now again, a

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snake has a function.

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But Allah

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says focus on the purpose here.

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Grab the live snake,

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the serpent.

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And don't be afraid.

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We'll return it back to its original form

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and state.

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And that's exactly what happened. Musa alaihi wa

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sallam grabs the snake by the head.

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Mentions that he grabs it by the head

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and immediately becomes a staff again.

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And then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says, take

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your hand and place it

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under your

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arm and then pull it out and it

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was glowing

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Another sign.

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We are showing you our remarkable miraculous signs.

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So that you understand and then you can

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take signs

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to go fulfill your purpose.

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That go to

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because he has crossed the line. He has

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lost his mind

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and go check him.

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Preach to him. Call him. And if all

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else fails, then you check him. That's your

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Our purpose

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is great.

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It's noble.

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It's remarkable.

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It just can't simply be. I'm talking to

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myself here. My purpose can't just simply be

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that I earn a few dollars and I

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spend that.

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My purpose can't just simply be

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even relationships.

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They are sacred. Allah mentions in the Quran

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But again, it's not a relationship for the

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sake of a relationship.

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It is Allah's

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right and his command that we see in

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the relationship.

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We honor our father why?

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Because the father has been made the middle

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gate of paradise and the pleasure of my

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Lord is in the pleasure of my father.

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We honor our we cherish our mothers.

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Because paradise lies under their feet.

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We fulfill the rights of our spouse.

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Because the prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam said, every

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act of kindness towards one spouse is a

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sadaqah that brings you the reward and the

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pleasure of Allah.

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We raise and nurture our children. Why?

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every single thing that we do for our

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and a perpetual reward that will bring us

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and earn us the pleasure of Allah,

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And so

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from the story of Musa alaihi wasalam, we're

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inspired to understand

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that we need to live for a higher

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To obey Allah, to worship Allah,

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to serve Allah,

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to believe in Allah,

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to fulfill to to uplift humanity,

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to show them the beauty of Islam,

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to demonstrate

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how remarkable

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this way of life is,

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to achieve justice

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and help the oppressed.

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This is what we call purpose. And Allah

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reminds us of that purpose here.

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So we ask and we pray and we

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beg that may Allah allow us to live

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a life of purpose.

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And may Allah

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forgive us for our negligence in the past.

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And may

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Allah never allow us to lose our purpose

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in life.

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