Abdul Nasir Jangda – Ramadan 2024 – Stories of the Prophets #03 Loyalty

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The Alay Wantle in the Middle East is a powerful holiday that affects the region's culture and the impact on their holiday culture. The transcript describes a series of disconnected sentences and phrases, including statements about a ship, a mountain, a family, a relationship, and a social media platform. The parent's loyalty to their child is recognized as powerful loyalty, and the parent's loyalty to their father is also a fruit of their loyalty. The powerful and fruitful relationships between the parent and their child are recognized as powerful and fruitful.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah. While early he was he he Marina salam Wa alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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Shala continuing with our study of the stories of the prophets from the Quran,

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yesterday we talked about the steadfastness of new Alayhis Salam is to karma to Nora. Today we are going to talk about the loyalty of new Alayhis Salam

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in solitude. Surah number 11. Allah subhanaw taala tells us about what transpired after the point that we were talking about in the previous lesson.

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Allah tells us we're all here illusion. And now who lane you mean I mean Omega Ilam and the Armen fella temperature is Rima Can we follow

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that it was inspired to know that no one from your people will believe except for those who have already believed.

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So it is time to move forward. So Allah commanded new Hyundai he Salam was not a full

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construct and build an ark.

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Well, yes, now urnfield Allah tells us that new Heilig is Salam, following the Command of Allah, He constructed constructing the Ark

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until had taught you that. I'm Runa. And then finally the judgment from Allah king.

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And what happened was that from the ground water started to swell up from the sky water started coming down.

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And then at that point in time, Allah commanded them to now board the ark, that they had been constructing it a kabuki ha Bismillah him Ha ha, MRSA. So they boarded the ark. Well, he had the GDB him Fimo Jin because you bought it.

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And now the water started rising up. The whole world is becoming flooded. And they are aboard this ship this art. And the waves are like mountains and stir. They're starting to toss them around. The waves are tossing this arc around.

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And then at that point in time, new Holly hits salaam

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sees something

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so terrifying.

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He sees his son

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outside of the art.

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And one of the narrations Mr. McCarthy mentions that he's riding a horse and he's going up a hill a mountain

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and he's riding up this mountain in new Halle Salem, with the believers is in this arc, and they're next to the mountain

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and no hunting some calls out to his son he pleads to his son. Well now that no one ever know who will kind of FEMA as Elan and he's outside of the ship. Yabu neg, oh my son. And even the word that he uses for son is a word that carries a lot of affection. My small son, my dear son, my beloved child.

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It could not enough get on board. Well that's a coma I can't fit in. Don't be with these people who denied and rejected the message of Allah and disbelieved in Allah. believe jump on board.

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But the son says so are we Eli jevelin Ya Simoni minima. I'm writing up these hills these mountains. I'm going to right up to the top of the highest mountain here and it will protect me from the water. No Hi ladies. Saddam says to him now ask him a younger man. I'm very lucky. Allama Rahim. There is no no one is safe today from the Wrath of Allah except for those who Allah has mercy upon and they are those who believe and those who get on this ark this ship.

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Will Hala Bina whom will merge. And just right then at that moment, a huge wave came crashing down between them. For condominial McCracken, and the top of the mountain that New Hollywood salaam son was riding up the whole mountain just disappeared into

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he was gone.

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Then some time passes.

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And Allah tells us Allah commanded yd Abler, Ema Aki were some who are clear he will he will call the Alhambra that Allah subhanaw taala commanded the water to recede down into the earth. Allah commanded the sky to stop raining down water

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And then the water eventually receded and Allah's Will had been done. And the ship came to rest. Allah Judy, upon Mount Judy,

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wealthy Lebra delille AMI Vani mean announcement was made from Allah from the heavens that perished, gone are the people who defied and disobeyed and disrespected Allah.

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And at that time no Heidegger's salaam

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his heart is still so heavy.

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He's still in so much pain.

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When I knew him, and this time new holiday he said I'm called out and cried out or Babu to Allah.

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And he said, rugby, my lord, my master, it never name and actually

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my son was from my family.

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What in the world they can Haku will come will come in and your promises the truth, Yara, I do not question your authority. Never. And you are the most wise of all those who have authority.

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But I still plead before You, my Lord, that my son was my family. Who's from me he was pardon me.

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And Allah had promised that you would be safe.

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So I asked you My lord, my son.

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And Allah subhanaw taala said to know how they can sell them at that time. Yeah newer in the Hooghly Sameen lick.

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He is not from your family. So hello.

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Imam Razi, Rahim, Allahu Allah, one of the great scholars and commentators of the Quran. He says something here so powerful, he says, had the idea to the doula, Allah ancillary brata be corroborated de la Vihara. Vanessa,

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this verse shows us that the ultimate loyalty, the ultimate relationship, the thing that ultimately matters,

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is our association in our submission to Allah, and not even our association through blood.

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For enough, you have the surah. You know, someone can hear the story of Abu Lahab he was the direct uncle of the prophets, Allah, the Son, the brother of his father.

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But uncle and nephew is a relationship of course, but still it's a a relationship with a degree of separation. It's a relationship that goes through the Father, Son direct.

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But he says in fee have the sutra gun with carrapateena, somebody has said I've done min aku This is the most direct relationship, there is no more direct relationship, the relationship that a man has with his own child

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that a parent has with their child, there is no more direct relationship. And it's not even the child to the parent.

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Which is direct.

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But anyone who has a child and that means they've been a child, they know

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that a parent loves the child more than the child loves the parent.

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That's just a fact. Young people don't like to hear right, because your mom always said that. When you have kids then you'll know she was right. She was absolutely right.

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This is the most powerful direct relationship parent with a child there is no mobile icon no it no exaggeration in the statement that a parent would give their life for their child

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lacking lemma, interfaith cassava to Deen but when they were no longer associated, connected through their submission with Allah, La gentlemen afar hula hula Allah be available. alphaB Allah said your other relationship, as direct and as powerful as it may be parent to child is no longer relevant. When you remove Allah from the equation, no relationship matters. And Allah set it in such a powerful way in who laser Minh lick He is not your family Subhan Allah.

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And Allah subhanaw taala explains it in the who I'm alone Hallo solid. He had actions that were not righteous he was not submitted to his Lord. For that any malice Celica be here anyone do not ask me about matters that you do not know in the area who got into akuna minal Jacqueline, I warn you, so that you do not end up being amongst those that are ignorant, and that state the wrong or incorrect thing? No. Heiligen Salam is a great prophet and messenger of Allah. He teaches us what to do rugby in our own Lupica.

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Huh and as alaka Melissa Lieber here anyone, my lord, I take refuge with you from ever asking you about something that I have no knowledge of, protect me, my lord, from speaking out of line and out of turn what Allah to fill me water honey, and if you do not forgive me an have mercy upon me a communal hustling, I will be from those who are absolutely ruined.

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And so this is one of the toughest lessons of the entire book of Allah subhanaw taala.

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And this is the lesson of looting.

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We don't control necessarily, who we are related to through lineage or tribe or blood or family.

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But we do have to understand where our loyalties lie.

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And our loyalty first and foremost, always, is to Allah subhanaw taala. And this is such a powerful reminder that if there is a conflict between my loyalty to Allah, and my loyalty to someone else, who might be the most nearest and dearest human being to me in the entire world, and those loyalties have come into conflict, I must prioritize my loyalty to Allah.

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And this is lesson of loyalty from the story of Noah Hi, Leila.

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May Allah subhanaw taala protect us from ever being tested? May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to develop this kind of loyalty to Allah. May Allah subhanaw taala always make us loyal and devoted and dedicated to Allah above and above everything else. And before us, I mean, arable enemy may Allah subhanaw taala grant us all the ability to practice everything that's been said and heard Subhan Allah he will be handy he Subhanak hola como be Huntik Nashoba La ilaha illa Anta nutsack Pharaoh Ghana to Woodlake

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