Abdul Nasir Jangda – Shamail Muhammadiyah 13

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of the Prophet sallavi campaigns and the use of symbols to identify owners and the importance of not calling the owner while eating. They also touch on the history of the Prophet sallavi and the importance of not overpaying for one's love. The speakers emphasize the importance of studying and bringing back text messages to avoid confusion, as well as the loss of profit and family members, including a woman who talked about her mother and her beautiful appearance.
AI: Transcript ©
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After another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, in an attempt to go ahead and love and better ourselves through his example to share a particular emotion, mentorship, companionship and deliberately out of the Prophet. So these are just a few students we offer alongside of the prophetic biography

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two weeks dedicated.

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So this winter, Allah even joined in Dallas Bharani Malanga

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out of the story, the life of the

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gentlemen mushiya go,

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register, and for more information

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on selling Marathi, Allahu taala says that she presented to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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the side part of an animal that had been cooked and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he ate from it. And then he stood up to pray and he did not make will do. This is of course only being brought here for the particular reason that there is a narration that talks about how the prophets a lot a Salaam ordered or he rather suggested that a person should make will do after they eat something that has been cooked over the fire.

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Will do me Mama setting now mean actually mama setting up and so making will do after you eat something that's been cooked over a flame or a fire. And so the understanding of that is one of two things, either the scholars mentioned that that was the earlier command for the prophets, a lot of he seemed to just overall because he noticed amongst the Arabs that there wasn't really a culture in place in terms of washing up after they had eaten food, but they would just kind of get up and go about their business. And so the prophets, a lot of them to instill good etiquette within the Sahaba he initially suggested or commanded, that they should make a fool do after they were done eating

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food. And then later on this was abrogated minzu that when the Prophet Salamis and saw that now the Sahaba the Muslims generally have some good hygiene and etiquette and disregard, then he no longer mandated he no longer necessitated it. And then the under others, the other understanding of it is is based off of a hadith where the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam after eating something that was cooked over the flame or a fire the prophets a lot of them rinsed out his mouth kind of washed his mouth and washed his hands and he's any commented by saying how that will do me Mama certain now this is what I meant when I said do will do after you eat something cooked over fire that just wash

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up. So from the very beginning he never suggested that someone should do what ritualistically what we call the will do the activity bother, but rather he just meant wash up after you're done.

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The next Hadeeth had a number 15 Kala hatanaka table Kala Hadassah mula hiya and Solomon Sulaiman Ebony has zeroed in on Abdullah bin and Hadith Kala kanima Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Masha and Phil machinery. This particular Hadith Abdullah bin how they throw the Allahu taala. And who says that we ate with the Messenger of Allah Salah, some roasted meat in the machine.

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And so again, this particular narration is brought here to demonstrate the fact that it is permissible to eat food within the machine.

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That by no means comments on if a particular machine or a facility has a policy of no food within the prayer hall, especially if they do have other parts of the facility where you can eat food. But that could be a policy that's instituted especially keeping in mind that the floor that they used to have was dirt or something like that that was easily you know, you just basically put more dirt and it's clean. In a situation like this where we have carpets and things like that there could be problematic. And so it does, it's not denying the fact that you can't have a policy. But even if there's a policy in place, or there's not a policy in place, there's no religious significance to

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eating or not eating food within the machine itself. And it has no religious or spiritual bearings, right? It's not like other types of things. Were the prophets a lot of them might have prohibited and don't do that in the masjid or don't do this in the masjid. But eating food in the masjid is not considered some disrespect to the masjid itself.

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The next Hadees had been number 16 Bala had death ramudu monovalent Allah hi Callahan our key on Colorado Sarah Massara and Abby Sacra. Jamie I've been cheated or shut down. And in mahira, Tiffany, Abdullah and mahira to be sure about Paula live tomorrow Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam adopted a Latin for OTB Jambi in Muskegon

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shuffle data for jolly Yahoo Zoo for hazily we have men who parlor for Javelin, you know who be Salatin for Al Kasha ferrata.

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Mr. malla hu 30 Bhatia dahu karlova Khanna Shari boo padwa for colada who aku laka Allah see rockin Oh kusa, who Allah see working.

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In this particular narration.

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Molina been sure about the Allahu taala and who says that I was a guest with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. One night that we were both guests together, we were both being hosted together. And so he says in this was in the house of Dubai, I've been to zubaid. radi Allahu taala Aha. And so they were both saying there as guests. And he says that

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the prophets a lot of symbols presented with again, the side of an animal that had been roasted.

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So the prophets, a lot of them picked up the knife or the utensil, and he began cutting some meat from the big piece that had been roasted. And he cut me a piece of the meat bilenda the Allahu taala, who came calling the van for Salah making the call for prayer. So the prophets, a lot of him put down the knife immediately. And he said, what's what's wrong with him? That he Bhatia dahu? That why is he calling it so early, so to speak literally to anybody that means May his hands be dirty. But it's a way of saying that why is he doing this? Then the movie Robin Sharma says that the moustache of blonde or the Allahu taala had kind of grown very big. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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said that let me trim your mustache for you by placing the seawalk and then whatever is left underneath there, then I'll trim that off, or you should do it, you should trim your mustache in that manner.

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So now this particular narration is commenting on the fact that the Prophet sallallahu sallam, you know, would play the host, even when the profits a lot of the time was the guest. He's cutting the meats and he's serving it to everyone else around him. That was the type of humility the profits a lot he sort of had. There's a very simple basic understanding and we need to understand this we all do understand this. Anytime the prophets a lot, he said was in a room with some other people, he was automatically by default, the most important person in the room, he was the most dignified person in the room. Having said that, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had such a remarkable humility about

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himself, that the prophets, a lot of them would be the host, he would make sure everyone else had eaten before he would eat. And that was just a character in the graciousness of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And so when Bill Allah The Allahu Allahu causa then the second thing that we notice here is that the prophets a lot of him immediately puts down the knife. Why? Because when the oven is called when it's time for a salad, and everything else needs to be stopped. Right and immediately you need to turn to the prayer. And then the prophets a lot he said when he says mana who What's wrong with him? Why is he calling it so early? That's not to say that beloved, the Allahu taala was calling the alarm before the prayer. But typically, in that scenario, what beloved the Allahu Jelani used to do was before you would call the man, he would always come and check on the profits a lot, he said, he

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would almost check with the profits a lot, even before he called the other to make sure in the profits a lot of the time was not preoccupied with something or was not handling something else. And so this particular time, not out of disobedience, right, but just due to now they're being somewhat of a schedule, and they're being a bit of a habit

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below the Allahu telefonu quality down without necessarily checking with the profits, a lot of them and that's what the profits a lot of the time was a little perturbed by, because if the Lama the Allahu talana would have checked with him, and some of the narrations also mentioned that this was a time of load. And there was a time ago who usually has a little bit more of a window in the wintertime right now it's a little bit smaller and shorter, but in the summertime, particularly as a huge window and the profits a lot of the time about the hard time in the summertime, he says that uh but he do with that go ahead and pray the hood a little bit later, maybe just about 45 minutes an

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hour after the time comes in that was as soon as the profits allotted to them. And so the profits a lot of them in this particular scenario was saying that if bilad would have come and checked with me, I would have told him Don't call the Amazon yet it's not the appropriate time yet. At the same time we have some fresh food in front of us. So let's go ahead and eat this first is the blessing of Allah subhanaw taala and also the prophets a lot he said I'm would have sat Bilal down to eat something with him as well. Knowing that bill Allah The Allahu taala, who is very difficult for him to come by food bill Allah The Allahu taala who says that, that

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was naka de la sala una Min vainio. Meanwhile, Ala Wai Molly will be la yaku acaba de la de la, the prophets a lot of them said 30 days consecutive 30 consecutive days and nights passed and myself and beloved between the two of us did not have anything to eat except for a little bit of food that will allow us to hide in his clothes. He will take a few dates that were given to the Prophet some at some point during the day. And the Prophet said some would just give things away to everyone, anyone that would come and ask for something, he would just give them away. So he knew that if the prophets a lot of them saw these days

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He would give them away to somebody out of his generosity. So sometimes below the Allahu talanoa. For the sake of the prophets, a lot of them will take a few dates and he would stash them. And the prophets, a lot of them we live says that we lived, we survived for an entire month in this manner in fashion, right? So the promises of knowing the situation of beloved the Allahu taala, and who kind of wish that beloved the Allahu anhu would have came and checked in first. But nevertheless, that didn't change the fact that as soon as now the other one has been called the prophets, a lot of them said, we have to at once go to the prayer immediately. And then he also kind of comments saying

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that, beloved, the Allahu taala and his moustache are grown longer. And it's from the Sunnah of not just the prophets, a lot of him but all the ambia that are shorter term insulin lamb, and one of them is

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to have a beard and to shout him, and to keep the mustache trimmed and small. So the prophets a lot of him instructed bilello the Allahu taala on how to trim his moustache. And in the first verbiage where he says here, let me trim it for you. Again, it shows the profits a lot of him was very compassionate, very merciful. He was a teacher, he was like a father figure to many of the Sahaba and he never felt it beneath him so below himself or troublesome or cumbersome to look after somebody and to help somebody out.

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The Next Generation Hadeeth number 17 of this chapter, father had done awasu Lucknow Abdullah Allah Allah, Allah Mohammed, Al and Abby hyaena Jamie and Abby surah Avi hooray Raja radi Allahu taala and who call

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duty and abuse Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam Avila Herman for raffia Illa hit zero Makana to ijebu for now has a minha

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Abu huraira the Allahu Allah Allah says the prophets a lot of them was presented with some meat that had been cooked so the the raw the shoulder part of the meat the prophets a lot It was presented to him it was picked up and handed to him and so the prophets a lot he some very much what kind of to Archie boo used to like it very, very much. This has been added by the narrator that are we and he says finance I mean ha so the profits a lot of them began to eat it with his teeth. Like how we pick up something and you eat from a directly holding it in your hands. The profits a lot of him began to eat from it that way. And so again amounted to me the brings us narration to demonstrate that eating

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in that manner in that fashion is also permissible. The profits allottee some would even do it that basically it goes back to whatever type of food you're eating. That if it's the type of food that is best eaten by picking it up to your mouth and eating it from it, right using your teeth to take from it, then that's what should be done in that situation.

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Khalid Mohammed Abu Bashar Kala de la Buddhahood en su hadrianic Muhammad and Avi is how pancytopenia yob on ebrima sadhana de Allahu taala on call canon Abu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a you're a Jew who is zero. Your RGB with zero color was Summa

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wacana euro and Alia who doesn't know who.

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Even Massoud Abdullah bin Massaro de de la Coachella I know relates that the Messenger of Allah Allah, he said, I'm used to love the meats that was from the shoulder of the animal. And it was that same portion of the animal that had been poisoned. And it was

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understood or it was suspected, that it was the Jews that had poisoned or poisoned or poisoned him.

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So first and foremost, again, it's just demonstrating the fact that the profits allowed us to enjoy meats. And he used to have a fondness for meat as well, that the profits allowed him would eat all types of food. Now when it makes a comment about that's what had been poisoned and given to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that's talking about a particular incident when the profits a lot, he said went for the Battle of Hey, Bob, that at that time, he was invited to for food by someone there, the name of the woman that had invited the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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Her name was Dana bentyl, Hadith zeyneb into Hadith. She was a Jewish woman. She had invited the prophets, a lot of them for food and the prophets, a lot of these animals want to always respond to an invitation. So he went there, the meat had been poisoned, as some narration say he didn't eat it. Some narration say that he took a bite from it. And when he took a bite from Allah, Allah His Salam came to the prophet to lobbies him informed him that this has been poisoned, do not eat it. And so the prophets a lot of them stopped eating at that time, there was another Sahabi with the prophets allottee seven who did eat a little bit more, and he ended up passing away due to the poisoning.

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When this woman, this particular woman,

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she actually would accept Islam later on, and she would come to the profits a lot and she would admit, they get

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The meat had been poisoned. And I was told by my people to poison it once they found out that I had invited you. And he asked her, why would you do that? And she said at that time that Mohammed archaeologic Why would you do that? And she said at that time, in Gannon Abyan liar guru who symbol we're in? We're in LA is sarana Minho?

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That she said that the logic at that time was that okay, if he's a prophet, then it will not harm him. And if he's not a prophet, and therefore it ends up killing him, right, then we no longer have to deal with him. Right that in another narration, she says that, if he's not a prophet, then it'll kill him. And if he is a prophet, then God will protect him. And that's exactly what happened. gibreel Ali Hassan came and told you that it was poisoned, and so it didn't end up killing you. And that's how I knew that you were a prophet, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he necessarily wasn't severely poisoned, but the profits, a lot of them did comments on his deathbed, that he could still

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feel the effects of having eaten that meat and the effect that it had on his health that had weakened him from that point on forward.

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The next narration by Mohammed Abu Bashar, Allah Hadassah, Muslim, Muslim and blah blah him and Abaddon in need. And patata and Sharon how Cheb and Abby obey Allah to be * Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a patron, where can you RG booth zero for now? Well to the rasa mattala. Now we'll need Avira half an hour to go through makalah now Whitney Avira Rasul Allah will calmly ship shotty mandira. And for Karla well as in fcba de lo sacaton Lana Walton he Avira Amada, how to

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abort bought obey Daraa the Allahu taala who says that I cooked some food for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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who I read it has to be hot it should say tomato. So tomato, Nina visa, some Quran, I cook some food for the prophets a lot. He said I'm and used to love that, again, that meat from the shoulder part of the animal. So I found it within the food within the pot. And I gave it to him.

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And then after he was done eating it, he said that give me the portion of the food again. So I again found it and I gave it to him and he ate it. And then he said, Give me the shoulder part of the animal. And I said O Messenger of Allah and he's talking about the front, right, the front quarters. And I said O Messenger of Allah, how many front legs do you think a goat has? Right? I gave you two so how many front legs? Do you think a goat has the profits? A lot of them said I swear to a lot. That's if you would have been quiet and you would have just kept giving it to me. You would have kept on finding more and more front legs of the animal within the pot as many times as I would have

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asked you miraculously you had to ruin it.

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So the lesson from this narration is Don't be that guy. Alright.

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Sometimes just say Alhamdulillah and just keep on eating. All right.

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Number 20 Bala head Athena Allah has no no Mohammed zafrani Bala Hadassah yahia Abaddon and filet mignon Sulaiman Bella had destiny Raja min Bunny, a bad you call Allahu Abdul Wahab, Ubud and Abdullah is obeyed and are shorter of the Allahu taala an homage Marine, an apostle palettes and Chateau de la college. Makana Tierra de la Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Well, I can't know who can allow me to La La hibben Where can a yard you? Yeah, jello la Ha. De La Jolla. Hi I'm Jen.

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Shadow the Allahu taala on her. She says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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She says that the Messenger of Allah salado, he said, I'm in the front quarters of the goat or the sheep of the animal

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was not the most beloved type of meat to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam but rather, he would not get to eat meat, except very rarely and occasionally.

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And he used to want to eat it first, because it is the it is the quickest in terms of

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becoming tender, it tenderizes the quickest, the quickest. And so this particular narration shows us something that while we have been talking about the profits a lot from eating meat, and very, you know, very quickly starts to seem like this is a chapter and about the virtues in the philosophy of meat and meat eating right it starts to seem like that. I shut out the alarm.

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Coachella unha shows us exactly the context. She says that it First of all, meat was not the most beloved type of food to the profits, a lot of them. And within meat, something like the front quarters, were not like the most beloved type of meats to the profits, a lot of them either the profits, a lot of them would eat whatever was put in front of him. It was just simply the issue that the prophets a lot he said he didn't used to eat meat very frequently. He was not available to him, he used to eat it extremely rarely. And the word that she uses is the word they've been. They've been. Now the words have been loosely translates to rarely, occasionally, there are some further

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specifications in terms of how rarely or house, you know, occasionally, that something needs to occur because the Arabic language is a very specific language, you have the word Yanan. Right, and you have the word audit and eonon. Right? And then you have the word ribbon. Right? And so what what how frequently or how rarely should something occur in order to use the word have they been. So there's different things that some of the different lexicons mentioned, some say once a week, some say once every couple of weeks, if something happens, then use the word hibben. So this demonstrates the fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't use to eat meat, except for maybe once

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a week, once every few weeks. Right. And primarily because of the simplicity of the prophets a lot he said them. Secondly, because of it being something that was, you know, was a little bit more costly. Obviously, you were sacrificing you were killing an animal. And that's not something that they had the luxury of, and the profits, a lot of them didn't like those types of expenditures made on himself, even when he would receive food and he would receive gifts, the profits a lot. He's much more preferred to just give it to other people and share it with other people. So he very rarely ate meat. But when it was presented to him, then the prophets a lot. He said, we used to like to eat

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this. And this shows us another particular habit, the prophets, a lot of them had that the reason why you would ask, are there any of the front quarters within the meat itself? Because he says, No, john, it basically becomes very tender and cooks the quickest, right? And so the prophets, a lot of them didn't want to eat something that was raw, and therefore it could be unhealthy or even nasty, but the profits, a lot of them wanted to eat something that had been cooked thoroughly and properly. All right, and didn't want to get ill and sick because of it. Again, we talked about it, that how the profits a lot aid food as a need and a necessity, you have work to do you have somewhere to go,

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you have something to do so you eat quickly, and you go about your way. Right. So the profits, a lot of them wasn't very exotic and experimental with his food. So give me a few dates and call it a day. And if you did cook some food and bring it and make sure it was cooked properly. And that's it just put a little bit in front of me and the prophets allowed him what he did. And that's why the prophets hasn't used to ask, so I Isha. Now the Allahu taala. Anna knew the prophecies and very well, she said he would only ask for that because it was cooked properly, as the only reason for that. So speaking about this, since we were kind of commenting on these different variations and,

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you know, shout out the Allahu talana creates a lot of context for us. When she says the Prophet sallallahu some only ate it occasionally. There's a lot of different discussion about it. Because Allah, Allahu Allah for this very reason talks about how eating excessive or huge amounts of meat is something that is not good for the shower, that desires in the lusts of a person. Right that it's, it's something that increases that desire within that person and it shouldn't be eaten excessively. On one hand earlier, the Allahu taala and who again and these people consume these things in moderation, I lean on the Allahu Allah who is known as a Zahid. He was designed as had, right he was

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very extremely Ascetic. He didn't indulge in worldly things at all. And so Allah The Allahu taala on who he used to recommend eating of meat, he's used to say anila hammer, use 311 it is good for your body. It strengthens your body while you're single hook and it gives you a good character like you're in a good meat, good meat. You're in a good mood after you eat meat. All right, so that's sharings are in a bad mood apparently.

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And then but at the same time, he said woman taraka barbarina Yeomans, ah, Hulu, Hulu, he said that somebody who doesn't eat meat for 40 days will have bad character about o'clock right so, but Abraham Allahu taala he also says young Bahia de mundo de la la la la mi Farina who you refill them Rob

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aim Allahu to Allah because now think about the time duration, the time lapse between Allah The Allahu talanoa name and fame. Right. So I need are the Allahu taala who is living at a time where people you know, at the most eat meat once a week, once every few weeks and that at that situation, he's saying, well, when it's presented to you eat it is good for you. Right? But even Abraham Allahu taala, a few 100 years later, five 600 years later is now dealing with the circumstance where people are so excessively eating meats that

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He's saying that this is not good don't so excessively eat meat because it actually increases disease and it's not good for your health and your body.

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And one of the other ASLEF he said Latisha Aloo Tanaka, makabe, Lil haiwan that don't turn your stomach into a graveyard of animals. And that very much is the culture that we live in right now that breakfast, there's meat lunch, there's meat and dinner, there's meat, and we obviously see the effects of it on not just our bodies, but even in terms of our spirituality that we did, it just increases that lust than that desire that we have. The Next Generation called ahead definite Mohamed Mahmoud novella, kala Hadassah Ahmed ballhead de Missa palace Amir to shehan min famine, palace Ameer Abdullah Jaffa yeppoon Samia to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam icon in Attica Bella

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Mila Madani that the Prophet of Allah salatu salam said, Abdullah bin Java, the Allahu TA, who says that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, or I heard the Messenger of Allah salami, some saying that the best of the meat is the meat that's from the back of the animal. And again, the reason for that was that the prophets Allah He preferred it again because he would cook very easily and properly. And so the prophets Allah He said, I'm preferred that that's to not sit there and roast meat for hours and hours and hours and waste time on something like something simple like food. The Next Generation caller had done so Fianna Nokia and Paula had done as a double hubbub, and Abdullah Ahmed

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and Avi Malaika on shutaura de la jolla, Anna and an obeah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam apolonia man he damn well hello, again, eyeshadow the Allahu taala on her she says that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that vinegar is the best condiment or the best item to eat your food with. It's simple, it's ready to go and just it's easy to handle

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Hadamard 23 of the chapter by Henderson Abu Mohammed, Allah

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Allah Hadassah,

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Abu Bakar Yosh and saboteur Abu Hamza a sumali Anisha Hani radi Allahu taala college de la la and abuse Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam have a call or indication for call to law Illa HUBZone Yasuo halden for Kala hace ma

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ma UK for excuse me, mark for a beta admin or admin fee. Hello

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Mohammed radi Allahu taala on who

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Omani radi Allahu taala on Hi, excuse me the cousin of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. She says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to visit me. And he said, Do you have anything to eat? I said, No, I don't except for some dry old bread and some vinegar, the prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he told her that bring it and then he says my upfa beighton that that home is not empty from food that has vinegar in it. That home is not empty this word upfa in the Arabic language is very specifically used. In a very specific context. It's not a very commonly used verb so it's not like fully conjugated and used widely in the language but the

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Arabs and shad and stuff, they would only use it to refer to a home. It was exclusively used for when referring to a home of karate of karate. daru a karate dojo, excuse me, out ferrata daru a holiday doll. The home is empty, meaning that there's nothing to eat in the home. So the profits a lot of them said mokara beighton that the room is never empty from food that has vinegar in it. The Next Generation calahonda Mohammed Al muthanna, kala Hadassah, Mohammed Abu Jaffa, kala Hadassah, Shabana, Amara Mirage, and Mirage al Hamdani and Avi musala Shari radi Allahu taala, Anwar and Obi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a call for to Arusha Allah Missa eco for the theory the Alessia editor

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Abu Salah, Shatila, the Allahu taala and who says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said that the virtue of eyeshadow the Allahu taala over women in meaning over all other women is like the virtue of the food called steadied kind of like a porridge over all other different types of food that eat specifically so there's a few issues here first of all, what is that either referring to so the profits a lot of them again due to simplicity and also making the most have a little bit of food, the profits a lot of them used to prefer that if it was just a little bit of you know, something that was cooked some meat or some type of you know, curry or gravy or something was cooked

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and there was a little bit of coarse bread, the profits a lot even prefer to break it up into small pieces, put it inside of whatever the gravy was and let the bread kind of soak into it and then be able to eat it from there. It was clean. It was quick. It was easy, and it would also be more filling in that way. You wouldn't notice the scarcity of the bread

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And so the profits allegedly used to prefer this. And it would also make it easier then to share that food as well, because you weren't looking at a small piece of bread, you mix it in and I was seem like what was a bowl of food?

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So the profits, a lot of them used to prefer this. So the profits, a lot of them is now commenting on. So he said, this is the best type of food. Why is it the best type of food again, because it's making the most of a little bit of food, it's good for sharing as well. And you're able to take dry bread, which is not very good in and of itself, and you try to break it and eat it and it's not very, you know, it's not very edible. And then you then you're left with just maybe some curry or gravy, and then you don't know how to eat that either. Right? And so you're kind of stuck with two things you don't want to eat, and you put it together and you make the most of food. So the profits,

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a lot of them said, it's the food of simple people. This is the food of you know Misaki and so the profits Eliason said this is the best of food, right? It's a fight since everyone. And so now the third issue is that the profits a lot from commenting on the virtue of art and shadow the Allahu taala Anna says her superiority over all other women or her virtue amongst women is like the virtue of this food amongst all different types of food. And of course, why is he commenting on the virtue of eyeshadow, the Allahu taala Anna, that doesn't really need any explanation. It just needs an introduction to who eyeshadow, the Allahu taala is, who she was and what she means to our tradition.

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what she means to us and our Deen and how we received our Dean, our Chateau de la jolla. Anna was a beloved wife of the prophets a lot he said on one of the most beloved people to him publicly he was asked one time by Nancy la Who do you love the most in the prophets a lot a subset of Arusha.

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inshallah the Allahu taala

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is someone who studied and observed and learned every aspect of the book of a lion the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and transmitted onto us a shout out the Allahu taala unhiding the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam wrote the entire Quran by your hand she had her own words.

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And not only that, but then she had commentary she had to cede have written that she had picked up from the prophets, a lot of them she had full side notes and footnotes and comments to see that she had taken down as well. So I showed her the Allahu taala not only wrote the Quran by hand, but she had commentary of the Quran that she wrote as well. He shadowed the Allahu taala and has narrated 1000s, of Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, min and max Irina Sahaba. She's from amongst some people who have narrated the most a hadith from the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and some scholars go as far as saying that not only does he shadow the Allahu taala and have a hadith in historical

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context pertaining to the events of history that were happening at that time, in regards to a theme that in regards to Imani out in regards to a badass acts of worship, and while I'm a lot in different dealings and interactions with people, she has a hadith narrated from the promises I mean, all these different areas, but particularly when it comes to you know, issues pertaining to taharah and to affairs of the home and family related issues are in shadow the Allahu taala has such an overwhelming amount of narrations that he she's transmitted to us that some of the scholars go as far as saying that she's responsible for transmitting half of the deen to us by the Allahu taala on

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her so that's why the prophets a lot is me saying that this is the virtue of our shadow the Allahu taala and

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the next generation had the number 25 of this chapter by the head doesn't even know her name is Mary Lou Jaffa but

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I'm delighted

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Madeleine slaughter you abou abou Wada, Anna who semi nomadic radi Allahu taala Ahuja Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Ah, Fatah Isha Allah Nisha ecofriendly serie de Allah itami similar narration that has been molecule at the Allahu talanoa this time so now that keep in mind of when Musashi relates to narration under cinematic release narration Abu Salah shot is an older man, and as you know, Malik is a younger man, that means the prophets a lot he Sam was saying this publicly and maybe said this more than once, that the virtue of eyeshadow, the Allahu taala, I know over women is like the virtue of this food feed kind of the broth or that porridge over all other

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different types of food. Right. So again, another little extrapolation that they take from this, and also that narration I mentioned where the profits a lot of time when he's asked publicly in the masjid amongst the Sahaba, who is the most beloved of the people to you? And he said, that it shows that this is not against any type of modesty, nor is it against any type of dignity or honor of a man to be able to express one's affection for one's family. Right? What is it madness is to now delve into intimate details about one's intimate life and that's not what the process is doing. He's just simply saying, I love my wife and I respect my wife. Right and that's something that needs

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To be said, these are oftentimes, you know, words of affection or words of respect. And that when that respect and admiration, you know, a lot of times it's that issue. While I say it to you, why do I need to ever express it in front of anyone else? Well, because people that you do love and respect and they love and respect you, they also sometimes want to hear you say to someone else as well, right. And especially, especially, this is a lesson for leadership, anyone that finds themselves in this capacity, right, that anyone that finds himself in a position of leadership, where other people have great respect and love and admiration for you.

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that a lot of times that people that are close to you, it means the world to them, for you to express your love and your affection and admiration for those people that are in your life.

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In front of the people that have love and respect for you. Right It means a lot to them and the prophets along with him is demonstrating that right all the Sahaba love the profits awesome so much. So he's expressing the fact that while I love Ayesha, but the Allahu taala on her

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Kala hatanaka Teva, dignitary, Bella Hadassah, Abdullah Zhi Zhu, Mohammed, and suhaila Abby Saldana and Avi Avi hooray Tata, radi Allahu Allah Allahu Allahu la Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Mata Baba min actually thodi update

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from Morocco akademin catfish shatin

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through masala well Amitabha

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Abu radi Allahu Jelani relates that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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he saw the Prophet of Allah Salallahu alaihe salam make will do after eating

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you know maybe a piece of the meat of an animal. Then he also saw the profits a lot of them eating from the shoulder of the sheep and the Prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam then prayed and he did not make will do so he's saying that once I saw the prophets A lot of you were sitting and eating meats and he maybe we'll do that another time I saw him he was eating meat and he got up and he pregnant didn't make will do and again both times you have to understand the meaning of it when he's saying I saw him make will do either he could be saying he cleaned up or more so what he's saying is maybe the promises are needed to actually make will do the hora before praying so he made will do and the

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second time around when he says he didn't make will do again the promises of might have cleaned up but he didn't make the whole ritual will do because he didn't have to make will do and it was not necessary.

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The Next Generation Allah Hadassah, Omar

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Kala Hadassah Sofia no no arena on why eliminator would an evening he will who are backroom noir Ella Anna zuri and Anna Sydney Malika the Allahu Allah Allah, Allah, Allah ma Rasulullah Ancelotti, Samira Sophia be somebody who was a week

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and has been Malika the Allahu taala, who says that the Messenger of Allah salatu salam hosted a walima the marriage feast, the wedding feast, the prophets a lot even hosted on one email when he was married to Sophia, radi Allahu taala Anna

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and the prophets, a lot of them served at the edema, he served dates. And so we so we basically again, the translation says porridge, what they would basically do is take maybe a little bit of milk and some honey and you know, different things like this, they would kind of take a mix of different things, some flowers, some, maybe sometimes the fat of an animal milk, the honey dates, and they would cook it all together and kind of mix it up to create like a porridge or something that was sweet. Basically, it was kind of a sweet and so the prophets a lot, he said, um, just had a little bit of food here and dairy, the rations of food, right. And so the prophets, a lot of them

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had put all of that together, cooked it together, so there would be enough for everybody more Buttercup, and then their profits, a lot of them serve that. And that was a walima of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to Sofia out of the Allahu taala. Anna, this is a walima of the Messenger of God sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with the mother of the believers, so radi Allahu taala on her. And again, we obviously know what type of commentary is coming after reading a hadith like that. It's just a little bit of a reflection about the state of, you know, these types of festivities and celebrations in our community today. Right, enjoying the profits, a lot of some seasons a hobby, one

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time, dressed in a very shabby condition, and he knew that he could afford a little bit better and the prophets allottee some commented, saying that in the law, you're able and your ferrania Mattila de, Allah loves to see the effects of his slave is upon Allah subhanaw taala loves to see the effects of his blessings upon his slave. No doubt, we enjoy the blessings of Allah we celebrate the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But there's also a particular line and a point in a place where maybe we're engaging in some level of extravagance and unnecessary expenditure. Right and this is a very contentious issue in our community. People are very sensitive about this

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particular topic, they feel that this is a this a lot of times turns into an issue of shaming people. It's not the issue of shaming people.

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But there it has to be some consideration the prophets allottee some says that, to narrations, I want you to think about the prophets. A lot of them says that the most blessing of weddings are the ones that have the least amount of expenditure attached to it. And by the way, that's not commenting on the math necessarily. Yes, again, bow should not be ridiculous. But math is a gift if a man is wealthy enough to give his wife a very good man, he should give it while in a while most Harry Potter

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right? Well, I'll tell you, nothing foreign.

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Right, give them a huge amount of mad if you can afford it. But that's actually going to someone.

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Right, that's actually going to someone but expenditures, all the other stuff on the side, all the fluff, that the most blessing of marriages are those that had the least amount of expenditure going into it. It's a little food for thought. Right? And this is just communal advice. I'm not trying to pit you know, you know, young people against their parents and, you know, against your extended families and create culture wars, and clashes. No, no, no. My advice to younger people who find themselves in this situation and might be a little bit more conscious of certain aspects of the deen. And this is a huge struggle for them when they're getting married. And now their parents and

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their grandparents and their uncles and aunts have a certain amount of expectation of what this occasion should be like, if they come and they talk to me. My advice to them is always to be very pragmatic. To be practical, that understand nobody ever you don't talk anyone to Dean by kicking the door down.

00:41:42 --> 00:42:03

Right? Nobody ever, you know, in part of the dean, the teachings of the deans and if you think that this is a worthwhile idea, and you think that this is what the dean teaches us, nobody ever taught the dean to anybody by having a protest. Right? No, I refuse to get married. Unless we don't we do it in this manner. In fact, nobody ever taught anyone to Dean like that.

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Right? No one ever taught somebody to Dean by throwing a fit.

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Right and throwing a tantrum. Nobody ever taught anyone to do. So maybe you did learn something of the dean that your family hasn't learned yet. happens. I'm delivering amarante Allahu Allah, Allah became Muslim before his father.

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The son of Rama became Muslim before Ramadan, the Allahu taala Hanuman.

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Right, it happens, sometimes you learn something before your parents do so.

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But if that emboldens you to be arrogant, and to be rude and to be obnoxious,

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you know, and throw it out in a hadith at them

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to try to you know, humiliate them, they are your parents. And I commented on this, the prophets, Allah subhanaw taala in the Quran says if someone's parents are forcing them to do shit,

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now to have a William and a banquet hall, right, if someone's parents are forcing them to do shit, Allah said, don't do shit. But still be respectful to them, food for thought,

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and food for thought. Right? So there's no room. There's no allowance for behaving in this manner in fashion. Right. And so talk to them, consult with them. But be practical, be pragmatic, understand, this is a long term project.

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This is a long term project

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that may be overtime, they'll see your point of view. And maybe you will change the culture over time when you have kids. And your kids are getting married. And at that time, you will also agree with your kids. Right about having more simpler occasions and things like that. And you know what a test of sincerity is one of my teachers told me this. He said, You know, I he didn't come from a household that was particularly knowledgeable practicing. It's kind of the first one in his family.

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Right. And so he said, You know, I had all these tussles with my folks and parents how traffic and how simple wedding and all of that should be.

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And so you know, what the real sets of tests of sincerity was? My my first kids first birthday.

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Same guy who stomping around the house, no Santa.

00:44:13 --> 00:44:20

Right. Now he's renting out, you know, Six Flags to have his first kids first birthday party.

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Right? He's got like, 300 kids in a Chucky cheese, catching all types of infectious diseases.

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places are nasty, right? So I bathed my kids in hand sanitizer afterwards, but you know, now now now he's renting out like a whole facility. right to have his first kids first birthday party, you know?

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00:44:43 --> 00:44:49

Right. What happened now, Mr. simplicity. So now, I didn't know. Chucky cheese was a Santa.

00:44:50 --> 00:44:59

Thank you for teaching me right then it's a test of sincerity. Right and one of my teacher he was of course in an older age at that time, and he was telling me and he goes, I

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was facing that same proposition as 100 law. You know, I am part of the dean and talking about the dean to my children as well. when my kids were getting married. I was the one that kind of wanted to have a nice big baller wedding, you know, kind of throw a big, nice wedding. My daughter's getting married on a show everybody what's up? Right, my baby girls getting married. I wanted to do it at that time. And then my daughter was kind of like,

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but now she acts up. Right? Right. Is that what you teach them? How the class? right and then it was a reminder to me and I remembered so hello, what a hard time I gave my folks. So it works both ways. You shouldn't be practical, pragmatic. But having said that, my advice just generally to the community is not pitting children against their parents or anything like that. My advice to the community

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is that if you do want to spend some money and enjoy the blessings of Allah enjoy the blessings of Allah spend them on loved ones.

00:45:56 --> 00:46:26

Right, but a lot of these expenditures that we unfortunately have gotten into the habit of and that we've created a culture of this is useless, and it's pointless. And it only gets worse and worse and worse over time. And I hate to go here because it just seems it seems like nothing like a chain grenade. But there are situations or circumstances in the world that we live in with all the tragedy and all the suffering and all the starvation and all the hunger that is going on in the world today. It is that at some point in time, there's got to be some question of some God consciousness.

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How am I ever going to stand before Allah subhanaw taala and justify $100,000 wedding when children die in this world from hunger? Like there's this at some point that thought has to cross my mind. My mind.

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That has to cross my mind. Right? So it's Oh Lama Rasulullah sallallahu ala Sophia, the tambourine was a week that was one of the most blessed man that ever lived.

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And our mother, Sophia, la de la, Quinta, Donna, their walima storage for the day sees keyed. Literally that's what it is. Key.

00:47:06 --> 00:47:13

Right, the rice pudding? Can you imagine? Imagine getting married inviting a bunch of people over and putting a bunch of rice putting out Bismillah

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Do you think like it's a joke?

00:47:18 --> 00:47:41

Do you even actually get married or not? Or was that nikka joke? Right? It's like inconceivable. That was a Lima of the some of the greatest people that ever lived. Right? And the other habito is going to tell you that's something to think about the profits a lot of them said the worst for Lima is the one where there's no end no room no place for poor people. Look around Masaki. There's no accommodation for them.

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May Allah subhanaw taala give us guidance until field.

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All right next narration Kala Hadassah Al Hussein Abu Mohammed Al basri

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tala Hadassah alpha de Lune Sulayman

00:47:56 --> 00:47:57

calahonda sana

00:47:59 --> 00:48:06

Farid Mola. obaidul The labneh leave now be it off here I'm allowed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

00:48:07 --> 00:48:14

called destiny obey to live no Ali. And just that he he Salma. Anil has alumna Ali.

00:48:15 --> 00:48:33

radi Allahu taala and basadi Allahu anhu open the jar for the Allahu taala on who I tell her for cannula Isner Ilana aman Makana your ijebu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were your senior UCLA Who? fatality Abuja Latisha Helio palabra

00:48:34 --> 00:48:59

is Bala Isner Ilana Polish polyphaga much for another che menceritakan for the HANA to themajor Allah to feed Adrian was such a amines 18 when the cattle fulfil were tabin for corrupt to LA for carrabba to LA him for pallet hatami Makana your ijebu Rasulo rasuna Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were you know UCLA

00:49:01 --> 00:49:02

so Selma

00:49:05 --> 00:49:07

the Allahu taala on her.

00:49:11 --> 00:49:54

She relates that has been the center of our leader of the Allahu taala and Omar, the grandson of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And Abdullah bin Arbus and Abdullah bin Jaffa radi Allahu taala on whom he married, all three of them younger Sahaba right before I actually come I wanted to point out something in the chain of narration is very fascinating. Where if you look at the chain of narration, first one is Hussein, Mohammed, Mohammed Al basri. Then it's Philemon Suleiman and it says had nothing he found it and explained to fire this fire is the molar the freed slave of obey the law, even Ali even Abby raffia Mola, rasulillah. He's allottee center. So he is the freed slave

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of obey the law. The son of Ali, who was the son of a boo Rafi who was also a slave free

00:50:00 --> 00:50:34

By the Messenger of Allah ceylonese Hello. So we see that this was kind of how this tradition would start the profits a lot of unfreedom boiled off here, and he would free people his son would go on freeing people and his grandson was continuing to free slaves. Right? So this is part of that Muslim Islamic tradition. Nevertheless, now these three young Sahaba, the grandson of the Prophet sasm has an idea Allahu Allahu Abdullah bin Abdullah Abdullah Jaffa, the Allahu taala on Houma. They all come to Selma radi Allahu taala on her and they say that

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cook some food for us, please, that the prophets, a lot of them used to like and he used to enjoy eating it. She said, My beloved Yamuna young, my beloved Son, these are all three very beloved people. Right? They are all related to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. So she says, My beloved Son, please don't ask for that today. Right. Let me make you something else. And make you something else your guests in my home. It's a pleasure to have you the family of the profits a lot easier. Let me let me make you something else is a no no, no. Make for us what the profit system used to like, sir, okay.

00:51:10 --> 00:51:50

So they said no, it's not he made that for us. So she stood up, and she took a little bit of barley, and she grinded it out. Then she put it in a pot. She poured some olive oil over it. And then she took some spices and grinded them up and sprinkled them on top. And she kind of stirred it up. And she put it in front of them. She said this and she says this is what the profits a lot easier for us to enjoy. What do you select and what do you still enjoy eating? I mean the simplicity of the food, the simplicity of it. This is what the prophets Eliza used to eat.

00:51:51 --> 00:51:51


00:51:54 --> 00:51:58

Then next generation had eaten for 29 from this chapter.

00:52:00 --> 00:52:20

But 111 calahonda Santa Paula had the Santa Sofia and so dignitize innovation Ilana z and javelina, Abdullah colorata Nana boo sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a few min zelena for the for the ban Allahu schatten for colic Anna Houma Alamo and nanohub allama of Sutton.

00:52:23 --> 00:53:03

Jabir bin Abdullah the Allahu taala, who says that the Messenger of Allah, so a lot of him came to us came, visited us in our home, and we had sacrificed a sheep for the prophets a lot, he said them, and he said, It is as if they knew that we enjoy eating meat. And there's a longer story in this particular narration. This is of course, the Narrator The long story is the one that we talked about from the Battle of conduct the Battle of the trench with Jabba the Allahu taala and who invites the prophets a lot of him and tells him to bring a couple of people because they've cooked the sheep. It was a smaller animal. And so we have a limited amount of food and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, he

00:53:06 --> 00:53:08

makes an announcement.

00:53:10 --> 00:53:55

The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam makes an announcement where he says that Java, Java excuse me job, what are the Allahu taala on who is inviting inviting everyone to is Yeah, I live in a Java sub Santa. Su run for hate, hate, hate. For Hey, yo, holla become, right, the Java Java has made food for you. So he's inviting all of you Hello, mousseline. Everybody go quickly. So he says that but then he told me he said that. Don't take the pot off of the stove until I get there. Don't open anything until I get there. The profits a lot. He said when seminaries and say you play some of his saliva in it, he may do it for the food and then the profits, a lot of them serve the first bit and

00:53:55 --> 00:54:02

he says start feeding the people and everyone. The narration in this particular nation, he says well, omo elfen

00:54:03 --> 00:54:14

will own elfen about 1002 people came and he says for oopsy mobila I swear by Allah Javid, says naka kallu hatanaka who wants sorrowful

00:54:15 --> 00:54:27

he says that they ate and after they left that there were still the pot was still completely full of food. Right? So this is narrated in Bukhari and Muslim so that's the longer story.

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There's also another very

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the story actually continues on

00:54:34 --> 00:54:35

it's very interesting

00:54:42 --> 00:54:46

that when he had invited them for the food

00:54:49 --> 00:54:59

and when the profits a lot even was going to be coming before he knew the situation was going to happen jabberjaw the Allahu Allahu said that the prophets a lot of sin was dealing with a lot of difficulty at that time. It was a battle of the trench.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:35

They had been out there in the cold, starving hungry, the profits a lot of them had been very worried. There was 10,000 soldiers on the other side wanting to not just kill the Muslims were burned Medina to the ground. He was under a lot of stress he was dealing with a lot. So Jabba the Allahu taala annually says that I said to my wife, not to Cali me Rasul Allah, he's a lovely Soma lattice, Lee, that when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam comes, don't talk to him, and don't ask him any questions. All right, let him come. Let him eat in peace. Please don't ask him any questions. So he says the prophets a lot of them came, you know, and he ate and when he was about to leave,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, he thanked and he praised them for the food and he thanked them and when he was leaving, Jabara, the Allahu taala and who says that my wife came out and she said Sunday Allah Allah zoji Oh Selena, that she basically came out and said Udo Nana on messenger have a lot to offer us and the profits a lot. It seems that Allahumma salli ala him. also send your Peace and mercy upon them. And he says that I turned to my wife. And I said to her Elisa, Padma Hazuki woman Didn't I tell you?

00:56:09 --> 00:56:35

Right. woman did not tell you and Carla, she said terrassa lai salon, shamkhani Latina, Vallejo, Lana, she seemed to be quiet. You're the fool here. The Messenger of God who loves him comes in our home and eats in our home and you're gonna let him leave without making to offer us right? You're the one who doesn't understand what he's doing and you stop telling me what to do. All right. And so it's a very interesting interaction.

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The Next Generation

00:56:39 --> 00:57:13

caller had the center of your Omar calahonda Santa Sofia unfollow Hadassah, Abdullah, Mohammed ma RT. Anna who's me, and Carla Sophia waha de Tana Monica and Jabir. rhodiola Coachella Anoka Raja Rasul Isla de cinema Anima who, Allah Allah, Allah and Sati Fatah Bahasa who schatten Amina attacks who be Tina I'm in rota for akademin huzzah moto de la masala from and sarafa to be orality minerality shots for Akela thermacell Allah azza wa jal Amitabha.

00:57:14 --> 00:57:18

In this particular narration jabil the Allahu taala on who

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he says that I went out with the Messenger of Allah, the prophet system went out and I was with him. And he went to go visit one of the homes of the unsought, one of the women of the unsought. She had sacrificed a sheep or a goat, and she had prepared it for the profits a lot he sent him. So he ate some from it. And then she came and she presented some dates almost like a desert. And the Prophet says, I made some of that as well. And he then he made will do and you prayed for her.

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And then the prophets, a lot of them came back, and she brought some of the leftovers or Alana in the Arabic language means like leftovers. So she brought some of the leftovers that here's some food that was left from the meat and the prophets, a lot of them ate it. And he went straight to go for some time and you pray to answer without making will do, again to demonstrate the fact that the Buddha was not necessary, but it's more just cleanliness, which is important, right? That you're not picking your teeth in your salon. And you're not like you know your hands and faces not dirty, obviously. And the other thing that also shows is that the profits, a lot of them again the

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simplicity, he would eat leftover food, he would eat anything that was available, he would say Bismillah Alhamdulillah and he would eat the food. The next generation

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had the number 31 of this chapter calahonda Allah abasolo Mohammed a duty calahonda Tana unisono Muhammad, Allah had the Santa Fe, a man on earth man, Abdur Rahman and jacobina abeokuta and mill Mundell pallette de la la Rasulullah hasta la de da ma Hua Li Yun, one another walima Allah, tala Jana rasulillah Addison yaku wa Alaykum wa who yaku for Kalia Ali in Maja Ali for in the canopy one pallet for generali when abuse allottee some Jaco pallet for Joshua himself and Russia, Iran for callin abuse, allegedly Ali minha acid for another opha pulak.

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In this particular narration,

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on women there will be Allahu taala on her. She says that the Prophet of Allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam, this was one of the ons of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So she says that the prophets a lot of him came to visit me.

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And he had an idea of the Allahu talana with him. And we had one another walima aloka which basically means that we had some bunches of dates that were hung. So sometimes they would just tear like the whole branch that had the bunch of dates, and they were just kind of hang it inside the house. Because again, if you place it down, then it would kind of start to go bad. So they would hang it so that they would stay proper

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and maybe

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You don't have that experience with dates but with bananas, that's kind of the same experience. So in that sense, we would hang the dates to keep them fresh longer. So she said we had these dates that were hung in the house and the Prophet of Allah Salafi, some started to take dates from there and eat them. I literally Allahu Toronto also started to say some of the dates and needs. So the prophets Allah Some said, Salima, stop, what are you doing?

01:00:23 --> 01:00:57

He said stop early, because you are recovering. Earlier, the Allahu Tanana must have been sick for some time. And so the prophets, a lot of him is telling him that Take it easy, don't need something like this. This is something that's just maybe he had an upset stomach because of his illness as well. So he's saying that this is not something you should eat, it's not going to sit well with you. So she says, you know the Allahu taala and who sat down. So this by saying earlier, the Allahu taala who said sat down, that means the prophet SAW someone standing up grabbing the dates off the bunch, and he was eating them. So demonstrates that while the son of the prophets, a lot of him was to sit

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and eat with dignity properly, but the promise of some at times was seen standing up and eating right? Well, for another luckily by a ninja was he did that to show that it is permissible, it's not Haram, it's permissible. If the need presents itself, and the prophets a lot of them continue to eat. So she says that I went and I made some silicon was her eat on

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silicon, in the Arabic language, basically refers to some vegetables or something green, almost like a salad. So she says that I went and I basically made a salad. And I brought it into profits a lot simpler, da da, da, da Allahu talana that eat this, because this will sit better with you. All right, so again, we see that the Prophet of Allah salatu salam was particular about what he ate. And he understood that sometimes certain types of food and again, this, this is to demonstrate again, that we don't necessarily have to create this dynamic, if something someone is allergic to something, right. A lot of times this happens in certain situations, someone's allergic to something

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somebody just physically cannot stomach something cannot eat something. And at that time, we're trying to force feed them families will force feed them the food, no, no, he This is from the blessing of Allah. say Bismillah Nita and then say Alhamdulillah Ryan, poor guys throwing up and vomiting all over the place and we're like, that's the blessing of Allah. Right? It's unnecessary, the promises and recognize the fact in fact, he had an upset stomach and he's eating the dates and the Russian saying, don't go No, don't eat this until something is brought that would sit well with him. He says he this so that we have to just be intelligent and understanding about these things.

01:02:30 --> 01:02:33

The Next Generation caller had Athena mahmudullah Helen

01:02:34 --> 01:03:06

Keller Henderson, Abhishek Manu, sorry. And Sophia and Tatyana initiative Nutella, and Ayesha Binti, tell her on the show mean are the Allahu taala on Hippolyte cannon abuse sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a teeny fairfull are in the key highdown for akula for kulu in the saw him call it for attorney Yeoman for poultry Rasul Allah in the Atlanta de Aton. Paloma here to hasten colorama in the us back to Simon collard, Makana,

01:03:08 --> 01:03:45

Chateau de la Coachella and her the mother of the believers. She says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam would oftentimes come home in the afternoon and he would say, do you have anything to eat for lunch? And I would say no, I don't have anything and the profits a lot. He said I'm would then remark he would say that while I'm fasting then in the same I'm gonna go ahead and fast. And so one day he came to me and he and I said O Messenger of Allah, somebody brought some food for us as a gift, like somebody gave us some food. And he said, What is it? And she said, Hey, ice haze basically was when they would specifically like cook dates and things like that into milk. Right? So

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she said, somebody brought that in, and like we read the process of Musa like, sweet things. And so the profits a lot he said them, you know, it sounded very enticing. So the prophets, a lot of them said, In the morning, I thought about fasting. And then she says, but then he ate the food. Right? might as well eat it. All right. And so

01:04:07 --> 01:04:25

obviously, it shows that the Prophet of Allah ceylonese him would make the best of his situation, if there are food, he would say Bismillah Alhamdulillah if there was no food, then Allahumma and he saw him online fasting, he made the best of his situation. Either way, it's all good. Right? And that was the attitude of the prophets a lot. He said a month Do I have to complain about

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living breathing family love Deen Islam, like what do I have to complain about? I have nothing to complain about. Right. So that was the attitude of the prophets allottee center. And that's what he taught us as well. There is a little bit of a mess that comes from this. It's a very complex issue of food. I'm not going to get into a lot of detail, but this is this particular narration is quoted by Imam Shafi, Avraham, Allahu taala, for his position that when you engage in a voluntary act of worship, when you begin into a voluntary act of worship,

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Then it does not become mandatory, and you can basically opt out of it at any time. So if you started fasting, and it's not a faster Ramadan, or a makeup fast or something like that, but it's a voluntary, it's a Monday or Thursday,

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then if you want to opt out of it in the afternoon, or in the evening, whenever you are allowed to do so, and you won't have to make up that fast. I've already thought of him. Allahu taala says, when you start something, you have to finish it. And his explanation for this is that when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says that in the morning, that's why I translated that way that he says I was fasting in the morning, more so the profitsystem is saying that I was thinking in the morning that I will end up fasting today. So it's just perspective and it's how you look at it. I'll take the question of how did number 33 of this chapter by the head doesn't Abdullayev? No, Abdur Rahman. Kala

01:05:46 --> 01:05:51

Hadassah Morocco have siblings. Leah's father had destiny, kala Hadassah Abbey,

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and Mohammed, Abu Yahya al Islami and Yazidi May our unused Abdullayev in Salam colorata Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a kiss Rotom in hopes to share it further. Alia Tamara chandrakala ha de dama de la Cana

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you use of even Abdullah bin Salaam

01:06:17 --> 01:06:25

Ravi Allahu taala anhu. He says that I saw the Prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam take a piece of

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bread made out of barley. And he put a date on top of it and he said this goes with this and then he ate it. A date sandwich, right? Very simple. Again, whatever you have in front of you just say Bismillah Nui and then the last hadith of this particular chapter, follow up delight not abderrahman palomba Amba Nasser indiglo Sulayman and Abadi Bonilla Varma woman who made in unecessarily Allahu taala. anumana Rasulullah he's a lovely Cinema Camera, your ijebu Fufu Kala Abdullah Jani mabati Amina

01:07:01 --> 01:07:10

this particular narration from Annette signal Malik or the Allahu taala and who he says that the Messenger of Allah, Allah, he said, we used to enjoy a thoughtful

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and so the narrator of the Hadith, the teacher of humanity with the Abdullayev knob that our man, he comments, he explains, he explains the team, I'm Timothy, what is a Fufu it means what is leftover.

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What is leftover little bit of like bits and pieces of food that's leftover. Normally, if we sit and eat and there's a couple of ends of the bread,

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right or something like that, that we just pass away, the processing would save that and he used to enjoy eating that

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simplicity, not wasting food.

01:07:44 --> 01:08:25

Again, the profits, a lot of them, you know, again, this this, it seems like we're guilting ourselves or people. But it's not. It's a legitimate thought process. That when I'm throwing this away, when I'm throwing half a banana away, when I'm throwing the ends of my bread away, I don't like it, when I'm throwing it away, thinking that there's people in the world that are dying, because they don't have this. This would be enough food to kill some children alive for maybe another day or another couple of days Subhanallah somebody would really think about, right and so these are some of the lessons that we learn from how the profits allow the semies to eat and what he

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used to eat. Very, very powerful, very profound that God consciousness. Our Dean, I commented on this before I'll reiterate here. There's this idea that Dean should tell me when to pray and how to pray. And then leave me alone.

01:08:43 --> 01:08:46

slum Tell me when to pray and how to pray.

01:08:48 --> 01:08:49

And then get out of my way.

01:08:50 --> 01:08:50


01:08:51 --> 01:09:00

right? For Jericho hora samagra buryatia right. 24434. Fellas now

01:09:02 --> 01:09:10

how I eat, what I eat, how I conduct myself how I talk, how I walk, how I do business, how I interact with my family. No, no, no, don't tell me what it

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is. Some has no interference with this.

01:09:15 --> 01:09:17

My religion should not tell me that there's this idea.

01:09:19 --> 01:09:22

But that's not the deen the prophets. allottee sometimes

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Islam is something that it needs to influence every aspect of our lives.

01:09:32 --> 01:09:34

God consciousness stuck

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thinking about our last parallel even when I eat food, what am I eating? How much am I eating? How am I eating this? What am I going to do with this food afterwards? Did I wasted it? Did I not with all of this is a concern. This is taqwa. This is God consciousness. Right raising the bar raising the standard of how we live

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where Allah subhanaw taala is some

01:10:00 --> 01:10:13

We think about Allah subhanaw taala, that Allah is part of the equation, when it comes to anything and everything, that's a different way to live. That's automatically a way of life. That is a hero driven,

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that is a hero centric,

01:10:18 --> 01:10:35

where the Hereafter is the primary focus, where we will sacrifice his dunya for the life of the hereafter not the other way around, which is unfortunately, where many of us find ourselves stuck today that we keep on chipping away at our aka to just get more here and now, how do we reverse that process?

01:10:37 --> 01:10:46

Think of Allah subhanaw taala and everything that you do. That's how you start reversing that process where you'll give up this dunya for the sake of the hereafter.

01:10:47 --> 01:11:13

May Allah subhanaw taala guide us off. Now, particularly about our study of this collection, the Shama, Shama, Al mohammedia, the prophetic personality, I wanted to explain to the students, just some of the, you know, kind of the thought process here, obviously, we didn't finish the text in the book, and what you have in front of you is not even the entire text. It's what I had aspired

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to try to cover. But we are about halfway through with the text. And the idea here is to basically be able to complete these courses of study. Right, complete these courses of study. There's always been this disparity, I talked about it with y'all earlier today. There's always been this disparity. either go, like I said, before, wander about in the wilderness, sitting under a tree, spend a decade of your life, and then you get to study this stuff. Or otherwise.

01:11:48 --> 01:11:54

Just a little bit here and there. Same old conversation, same old discussions. That's it.

01:11:56 --> 01:12:38

But how do we increase? Like a crop we talked about, right? How did the profits awesome changed the world, the last one to teach people read, educate, inspire, motivate, right, so this is our attempt at doing so facilitating this growth, this development for folks? Who can, you know, leave reality for years and years of their lives? That How can they also then still study this, and learn this and implement this and carry this to others. So this is our attempt a very humble attempt at making that happen in facilitating that. All right, and that's why we require you to come here, at the same time, we're not watering it away, we're not washing it down, you know, we're not ruining the

01:12:38 --> 01:13:17

process, we asked you to come here. And we all sit together in the house of Allah subhanaw taala immerse ourselves in an environment. And then we read and we study and we learn and we discuss and we talk, right, that's the process. So it sometimes might take a little bit longer than we hoped and expected. But the goal and the objective going into it was that over the course of two of these intensives inshallah, this year, next year philosopher with Allah allows us and permits us to, that we would end up completing this text, right. And so, you know, in this, based off of that, Hamdulillah, this is still even something remarkable in huge, right, I'm looking in another version

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of the text. You studied 184 a high beef with the chain of narration and its full contents and his full explanation. Huge. I mean, ask yourself, if you have read 184 ahaadeeth in your life up till this point,

01:13:33 --> 01:14:18

right now not to belittle anyone. I asked myself that. Right, that in two weeks time to sit here, and in such a short amount of time, to go through nearly 200 ahaadeeth gems and pearls from the life of the most blessing human being that ever lived? What a huge blessing of Allah, what a gift from Allah. Right? And so inshallah, what I wanted to just tell the students is that the intention is to complete the text. And as I mentioned to you earlier, the way that we're going to help you to be able to complete the text as well as you obviously see it gets recorded, so inshallah hopefully to be able to make the recordings available to you. And even all at the same time. Students who

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Mashallah you know, make that sacrifice and that investment to come and learn, we'd like to continue to maintain that connection and keep a link with them and continue to help them grow as well. And so in sha Allah, what we do every single year for the intensives and is the previous year students who have come in years past, we try to livestream the class and then provide that link to the students who have even come in years past, so that inshallah hopefully next year, wherever you may be, you still have access to this and you're able to tune in and continue the study of the Shema in at the very least in sha Allah. All right, however, even this was so profound, right?

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We learned so much so many lessons from how the profits a lot from what he used to eat and what his perspective was even in regards to something like food. But of course, again, just you know appreciating your time and your dedication and your devotion and sacrifice. I wanted to end on a particular note, at least our study here in the evenings. We do have tomorrow morning.

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But at least our sessions here in the evenings, I wanted to end on a particular note, there is a remarkable narration describing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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that is found in some other of the books of Hadith like double Ronnie and some other texts, some books of the seat I mentioned it some mentioned in the Shema, particularly, it is authenticated. By the scholars of Hadith Imam Habib Mahajan. Many scholars call al Hakim, many different scholars, they authenticate it's an authentic narration. It actually and I didn't talk about it when we came across it in the timeline, because I wanted to kind of end on this particular note here in the evening Sessions is is famously known as a hadith of oma but

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this is famously known as a hadith and Ethan mushu the hadith of Omar but when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with Abubakar Siddique or the Allahu taala anhu and one of Abu Bakar of the Allahu taala on who's

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freed slaves Ahmed bin for Haydar

01:16:23 --> 01:16:39

accompany them for some time as well. And they had a fourth person with them who Ahmed when for hate, I would leave later. But the third person moreso traveling with them was that guide that they had hired Abdullah no racket. So as they were traveling at this time, they were four.

01:16:41 --> 01:16:48

They came across, they had just left the cave where they had been hiding out the Cave of phone.

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01:16:52 --> 01:17:05

they were in need of some type of food and sustenance. Right. They had been hiding out in the cave for three days and three nights. They came across kind of like an open area where there were some bedwin people that lived

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and they came across a FEMA attempt simple folk. They came across the tent, and there was an older kind of like a very rough looking woman.

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Like, you know, an older Bedouin desert woman. Right, who was sitting outside her tent. She was a little bit older.

01:17:29 --> 01:17:46

She kind of had you know, the the rough hands, somebody who works with their hands, living life in the desert, handling all that difficulty and hardship she had that look about him about her. And her name was Omar Biddle who's Aria? She narrates this hadith. So she says that

01:17:48 --> 01:17:59

what kind of so first initially, Abdullah bin are rapists. Or they're they're narrating this, that the Wakanda timolol attune

01:18:00 --> 01:18:42

bodies attend Bursa tan gel data and data BB phenol hemmati rough older woman sitting outside the tent from a dusty water mo fossa Aloo Allah Herman with summer unleashed a room in her right so they asked her, if they could buy some type of maybe they could buy some meats or some dates from or some food from or they could purchase it. Not taking it from her not asking even for hospitality. We'd like to buy something from you. For them you sleep more into Hashem italica she didn't have anything. What kind of FOMO would mean they're very poor, simple people must meeting they had been suffering through a drought. For another aerosolized salami last shot in

01:18:43 --> 01:18:46

the profits. A lot of them saw that there was a sheep

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that was on the side of the tent. For Karla mahadasha to mama bird. Well, what about the sheep? Oh, mama bird. So she said chaton Holla Holla do Anil Khanna that the drought came and went and this was one of the This was one of the few animals that we have remaining After all that, you know, drought

01:19:09 --> 01:19:22

helped me I'm in Lebanon, he asked does it give any milk? And she says he admit valic No, it's long gone milk is a is history will be lucky if this animal even survives.

01:19:23 --> 01:19:44

So the profits or losses himself at that than in any attack vanina Lee and Luba Do you give me permission to be able to milk the animal? She said brb until we're only in raw HBr halben fashola he she says that, okay, I mean, if you can find milk then go ahead and make you know, more than welcome.

01:19:45 --> 01:19:59

For the eyebrow slice allottee Cinema for masa habia de la Ilaha to Allah. Allah Hafiz Shatila, the prophets a lot he sums that okay, bring me the sheep. He sat down to Bismillah touch his hand to the others of the animal

01:20:00 --> 01:20:50

Then made do I and for the fat jet on a on a moderate fat storage for the albina in booty, B for the for the albina in Yoruba do urata. So all of a sudden she says that the others of the animal started to swell up and milk started to come from it. So the profits a lot of them asked for a big bowl like there were some dishes or bowls or pots that were sitting there. He asked for one of the larger ones. He said, Bring that one to me. And it's described as you to be good rot. Like you could feed a whole army. You could feed a whole group of caravan. 400 Buffy third Gen. The process of milked the sheep into that bowl. It was clean. It was clear and it was to the bowl was full hatao 11.

01:20:52 --> 01:21:13

It was overflowing from masahito. Then he went and he gave it to Omar. He said please have some served her first. And she drank until she was completely done. What's the cause Hubba tat Oh, then he made all the other three that were traveling with him drink before him again. You see the profits a lot he said them until they were full. Well should you buy a funeral home

01:21:15 --> 01:21:44

rather than the profits alone is him drain finally at the end until everybody was full and everybody was good? So Mahadeva Hispaniola had that and then the profits a lot of some milk again, until the bowl was, again completely full had tombola inasa, Mahara who are in the hazama by yaha water Hello. And then the profits along with him gave her the bowl completely full of milk depop full of milk. And then the profits a lot of them said thank you very much. And they traveled on from there for Panama lobby.

01:21:45 --> 01:22:06

After a little while her husband abou my bed came. Yes. hoopoe out are losing their age often get this out what snack who's Alan, that he came after trying to go and graze some of their sheep in their flock. But the animals seemed like they were like emasculated. They seemed like they were, you know, very weak, very frail.

01:22:07 --> 01:22:13

Caledon that it's like they had nothing in them they seemed hollow. Just bone skin on bones.

01:22:15 --> 01:22:57

So for them ah boo mehrabad 11 algebra we say this is bold is pot full of milk. And he's like, Where did this come from? Ballymena lucky have a Yamaha bed where'd you get this from? What shot was gonna hurt you don't you see the situation of our goats and sheep. They can't provide anything. When I helluva Phil Beatty there's nothing to give milk in this entire home. Where did this come from? She said law and law he in whom Urbina? Rajan lovara con she says no Let me tell you this. She said a very blessed man came by here min Holly he cassava color. So she said that he was really amazing you you can't even imagine how amazing he was. And so she said he says to her he says Sophie Lee Young

01:22:57 --> 01:23:26

mama but tell me more about him your mama but so now she starts describing the profits allottee Center. She says Fine. Let's run into Roger Lanza hero Baba, I saw a man who is radiant, who's beautiful Abdullah gel YG. His face was inviting husen and hassanal who hulky he was really use a pleasure to look at. right he was handsome lamb. Dr. Eva who suggested to him while I'm Tuesday he Salatin

01:23:27 --> 01:23:55

that she says that he was not so tall that he was intimidating. nor was he so short, that somebody would look down on him was *, a *, that he was very well proportion balanced in his body fee if he died when he had dark eyes, or if he is fat, he was when his eyelashes were long.

01:23:57 --> 01:24:38

She goes on to say well, he sold to his salon. He had this this conviction in his voice when he spoke of he honestly he sat on his neck was a little bit longer like he, he seemed like he was standing up straight. Do you get good posture? Well, if he had he catheter, his beard was thick. As that do occur, I knew he had deep dark eyebrows that were not connected in the middle in so much for an Alienware car. When he was quiet, he had this air of dignity about him. He had a reverence about him. When second nimasa ma Hua Allahu Akbar. And when he spoke,

01:24:40 --> 01:24:42

you were blown away by him. You were amazed by him

01:24:43 --> 01:24:59

as Manu nassima bahagia member Aden when you looked at him from afar, he was the most beautiful human being you had ever seen. What I said who was a woman or a man when you got close to him, he was still the most beautiful human being you had ever seen. Who will take the first land he's raised

01:25:00 --> 01:25:01

In his speech

01:25:02 --> 01:25:04

and he spoke with pauses

01:25:06 --> 01:25:22

Lana's room while I have room he didn't speak so much that you wished you would stop and he didn't speak so little. were created awkward pauses gana montecalvo karatu Nef miniata had done

01:25:23 --> 01:25:35

that when he spoke, it was like pearls that were falling from a string manager pearl necklace and the pearls are falling. When he spoke it was like pearls were falling from his mouth.

01:25:36 --> 01:25:42

You wanted to grab each and every single word robber attune that he was very well built.

01:25:43 --> 01:26:16

law does not woman to Linda la takahama who is the main person. Again she says that he wasn't too tall, nor was he too short. Woosnam bainer, whose name use a branch in between two branches is very interesting expression. What that means is couple of things, because you have companions with him. He had people with him. So he fit in with people. He didn't stand out from the people. He saw that means he was humble. He sat with his people. But he was still so remarkable that you noticed him amongst the people.

01:26:18 --> 01:26:22

He was noticeable, yet not above the people

01:26:23 --> 01:26:32

for who are under who philosophy Mandarin. He was the most like breathtaking of the three people that he was with what I said to him,

01:26:33 --> 01:27:00

he was almost beautiful in his conduct and character lovullo fukao your phone number he, he had friends who loved him dearly care about him, you can tell they care about him, who circle around him. In thalassemia, only only he when he speaks they hang on to every word. When Amara terbaru illa Umbra he. When he asked them to do something, they rush to do it. My food, my shoes

01:27:02 --> 01:27:03

that he is cared for.

01:27:04 --> 01:27:08

And he's surrounded by people who care about him and love him.

01:27:10 --> 01:27:12

Law I'll be soon Well, I'm offended when

01:27:14 --> 01:27:18

he is not angry. Like he's not mean and abrasive.

01:27:19 --> 01:27:25

And because of that he's not by himself. He's not like a lone wolf. He's not alone by himself.

01:27:26 --> 01:27:41

So this is how mama bud describes the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Abu Muhammad basically tells her he says to her, says Why didn't you hold on to him for a little bit longer, so I could have actually seen him and met him. She said he's gone he had to go.

01:27:43 --> 01:28:21

So this is the hadith of Omar. But so I thought that this would be something for us to just kind of again recapture that image of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and his honor and his dignity and his beauty and his simplicity and his humility, his sophistication, right that the profits a lot of them had any embodied and again, we studied this we read this we learned this to try to embody the profits a lot and everything that we do, and inshallah we'll be talking more about this tomorrow morning when we are concluding our study of the CSR inshallah Allah Subhana Allah Subhana columbium Nick Machado, La Ilaha, Illa and Santa Safaricom.



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