Abdul Nasir Jangda – Shamail Muhammadiyah 09

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the cultural significance of wearing armor and leather armor, as well as the use of shrouds and a turban in clothing practices. They touch on narratives and references to clothing and clothing practices, including the use of shrouds and the use of a turban. They also discuss the cultural significance of the Hanah culture and the cultural significance of the culture's use of turf in praying. They conclude with a discussion of cultural significance of the culture.
AI: Transcript ©
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In these podcasts we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an attempt to learn about him, love him and better ourselves through his example, immersion, mentorship, companionship and data. These are just a few of the things we offer, alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at Sierra intensive, two weeks dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and his noble characteristics. So this winter, join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, their mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, go to Sierra intensive.com to register and for more information

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as we let him get a handle on salatu salam ala rasulillah you Allah Allah he was he edge mehreen

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shala we'll be starting from the chapter from chapter number 15 Babu ma Jaffe sefa t did a grocery lackey sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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This is the chapter about the description of the armor of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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So of course after having talked about the sword of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam name I'm sitting with he brings a chapter describing the armor of the prophets Allah

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Kala Hadassah, Abu serried Abdullah ibn Musa

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Bala head de Santa Yoon soo blue cape on Mohammed igneous hop on yahia even a bad even Abdullah Abu Zubaydah on the agenda here Abdullah Ignacio Bade onizuka Zubaydah vanilla awam radi Allahu taala on whom Allah Kana lnav sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a gumbo hood did iron

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for now haba illa sokrati from yesterday for appa tala to doctor who was our Eden Wu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ah Hata esta la Alessandra Kala semi Archer Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a opole our jabatan ha

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Zubaydah la radi Allahu taala and who says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the day of offered during the Battle of offered was wearing two armors one on top of another.

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So the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went to climb on to a big rock.

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And he wasn't able to. So Talia has sat down.

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And the Prophet of Allah Allah has him climbed on top of him until he was able to climb on top of the rock. And he says that I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Allah who said, I'm saying that paradise has become mandatory until Ha.

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Tell her radi Allahu taala and who it's related about him. The Sahaba used to say that hood was the day of Allah,

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or hood was the day of tala, we talked about it earlier today. But how are the Allahu taala and who was one of the people who fell back to protect the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the battlefield on the on the neighborhood. And it said that he was defending the prophets, a lot of them with even his body, he was fighting as many people as he could fight. But otherwise he was defending the process on with his body. And there was not a single place on his body where he didn't have some type of a scratch or a wound or something. By the time the battle was done, someone showed that his arm was injured so badly that he lost the use of his arm. So he on that day on the

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neighborhood, he was not able to. After that day, he no longer had the use of his arm. So the Sahaba is a and the profits a lot of them also then made this comment. But paradise has become mandatory on thumb Ha. So the Sahaba used to say that it was a day of fun.

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Now, it mentions that the Prophet ceylonese was wearing two layers of armor. And that basically is alluding to the fact that the Prophet sallallahu

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ala Xena, Abu hisako that takes something to protect you when you go out into the battlefield. The Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, of course, he taught us that kill half Amitabha can your kill whatever call that tie your camel and then have put your trust in Allah. So in his son, the son of the prophets a lot to take the proper means. And of course the Messenger of Allah loves him understanding that everything that he does, is guidance in and of itself in its very essence. And it sets an example and a precedent for those that will come after him. So the profits of lobbyists I'm also wearing double the armor was also for the purpose to teach the Muslims the Sahaba

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and us that we should always take precaution.

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measures and that in and of itself is from the sooner.

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The second Hadeeth Allah had death and I have no idea Mr. Bhalla Hadassah Sofia norina

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Anissa evening as EAD Anna Rasul Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, kana Allah He Yama over there on Carvalho rabina Hama,

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the Allahu taala and who relates

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that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the day of hood was wearing two armors but the VA rabina Houma, which means that he was wearing one on top of another, he had reinforced himself, he had reinforced his protection by wearing two layers of armor.

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Before we move on to the next chapter, as we talked about in the previous chapter, about the difference,

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swords of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So similarly, here, the scholars do mention again, even Allahu taala has compiled this information in his books out in my eyes about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And he says, that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had seven different armors that he wore in his lifetime.

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He had seven different armors that he wore in his lifetime, maybe not necessarily all at one time, meaning that he may didn't even possess all of them at the same time. But there are seven unique or different armors that the profits a lot of them wore throughout his lifetime. The first one was called Captain fool.

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The reason why this was called Captain Phil Dune was because it was very lengthy. It was very lengthy, it was a little bit longer.

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And this was something this was an armor that was made out of iron. It was very heavy, it was very strong. And this is the armor that the prophets allottee saddam had put down as a Iran as a deposits when he had taken a loan from the Jewish man Abu Shama. yahoodi, when he had taken the loan from the Jewish man, the famous incident where he comes to recover his loan before it was time to pay back. He came back like a few days early. And the loan the profits a lot of Gemma had taken was for a year. And he came back earlier than it was time for the repayment of the loan some narration say a month earlier, and the profits allowed him I put a deposit as well this armor of that and that was

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very heavy made out of pure iron. It was very expensive as well.

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And it came back to receive it early and he was very rude and abrasive with the profits a lot he said them and the profits, a lot of them told them look, the terms have not expired of the loan. You also have that on that deposit as well. But he was not budging. He was being very belligerent. And that's an Ahmadi Allahu taala anhu advanced forward and grabbed him and said, O Messenger of Allah, let me you know, take care of him. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reprimanded or motto the Allahu taala? No. And he said, No, that is not appropriate Yama. And then he said that I owe him money. He said, what you should have done is that you should have advised him to be more polite and

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respectful. And you should have advised me to repay his loan if he's no longer happy. And that's when the profits allowed him said take him to so and so and make sure that he is repaid his loan. Let them know that I'm asking them to repay him on my behalf. And then the profits a lot em todo mundo de la junta la new, you go and do something nice for him, because you were rude to him.

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So this is that incident. So this was that armor class out and we'll do the other armors of profits a lot of them possessed. One was called cotton we shot that we shot. Another one was called that to how ashy.

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Another armor was called a sadya.

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Another armor was called fedewa.

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Another armor was called El bathra.

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And then the seventh one was called a hidden and hidden.

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There are different reasons why some of the scholars mentioned why was named what it was named. A couple of them were named because of where they came from, like a Saudi Arabia and things like that. fitball had some silver in it, that Alicia or that to Hawaii. Basically the armor had like certain chain links hanging off of it. So things like that. So there were different reasons why they were named. They were named but the profits a lot of these I'm in total or seven different armors in his lifetime.

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Chapter number 16 Bible my geography sefa t millefiori Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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This is a chapter about the description of the helmet of the profits of the levada center.

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The first lady's

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gonna have to take potato chips are eaten by the Hadassah Marie Kondo and as an English you're having an unnecessary Sydney manikin radi Allahu Allah Allah Allah BIA sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a de la caja de Mille foreign tequila who have the IGNOU hotton machala can be a salad Kava tea for color Aqua tulou

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and has been my Mallika, the Allahu taala. And who relates that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam entered Makkah and he was wearing the helmets.

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It was said to him that here is Caitlyn.

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And he is holding on to the curtains of the Kaaba, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, execute him.

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Now, first and foremost, of course,

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the topic at hand, and that is the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wearing a helmet. So again, a lot of description is not provided for the helmet other than the fact that the helmet was not very big or very huge that the profits a lot of them used to wear. It also was not extremely heavy, but the profits a lot. He said, we used to wear a helmet that would just about cover most of his head and also used to come down on his face a little bit to provide that type of protection. And we talked about it in the Battle of boyhood, the helmet of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, because of a strike ended up causing injury to the face of the prophets a lot he sent him. But nevertheless

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wearing a helmet was a standard part of wearing armor in the battlefield. And so the profits allowed him again similarly, would also donned a helmet he would wear a helmet to protect his head.

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there's some other narrations which I'll just kind of touch on here very briefly, because the narration mentions that he entered MCC on the day of the conquest of Mecca. So this is referring when it says duckula maka, he entered Makkah, this is referring to the day of the conquest of Mecca huts from Makkah, there are some other narrations which is scribed at the Prophet sallallahu Sallam at the conquest of Makkah, or at that time, in that occasion, was wearing a turban. He had a turban tight on his head. So there's a lot of discussion now between the Motley Fool and amongst the scholars, was the prophets along with him wearing the turban was he wearing a helmet. And then

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there's certain amounts of discussion, I don't quite want to say it's unnecessary, but there's a certain amount of to cut loose, some forcing the issue issue within some of the discussions where then they talk about that it's possible to profits allowed some kind of tie determine on top of his element, or something of that nature. But it's really unnecessary, unnecessary to try to merge the two narrations together, because the way to understand it is that when they were entering into Makkah, because that was basically a military procedure or military action, they were entering into Makkah formally as an army, that at that time, the profits, a lot of them was wearing the helmet

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because that's what's appropriate. But once they entered into mechanical, you know, there was no conflict, there was no fighting, there was nothing of that nature. But maka surrendered. And so the profits, a lot of them that at that time, removed his helmet, and that's when he had tight on his turban. So it depends on who saw the profits a lot. And when they saw the profits, a lot of the sudden on the day of the conquest of Macau when he was actually entering into Makkah, or rather when he had entered into MCI and entered into the masjid, because when entering into the ministry of the prophets, a lot of them did not want to wear the helmet. He removed the helmet and then tied

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determined, so to ask to enter the Michigan State of peace, not necessarily in as the state,

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not necessarily in a state of aggression.

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So that's a little bit of detail about some of the narrations and when the profits a lot of time entered, what exactly was he wearing at that time. Now,

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the other thing to mention here, which obviously jumps out about the narration.

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The other thing I wanted to also mention was when the prophets a lot, he was wearing the helmets and he was entering into muck as well. That never compromised. the humility of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam never compromises humility. But what's related about him is that the prophets a lot, it's almost traveling at the back of the army. And while traveling at the back of the army, the profits a lot he said he had his head lowered, and he was making the thick of it that this V in the duck beat of a las panatela he was praising and glorifying the lowest part of wattana there was no singing there was no celebrating. There was no blaring of the horns. There was no overt celebration

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of that time at that time, or boasting at that time. But it was very quiet very somber the profits a lot. He said. I'm happy

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instructed all the companions to engage in the praise and the glorification of Allah. And he himself was convicted at the back of the armies and his head was lowered. So even though he was entering, you know, dressed appropriately for battle, because that was the occasion, that still did not compromise the humility of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Now, obviously, the thing that's mentioned here at the end of narration that might,

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you know, some folks might be curious about what is this mentioned about disabling Kabbalah and exactly what's going on here. The Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when they entered into Makkah, the general advice and instruction from the prophets a lot, he said, was to forgive people, and to provide safety and the prophets a lot. He seldom said, anyone who goes into their homes or particularly to honor Abu sufian, because Abu sufian was the one

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who came and presented the proposal about surrendering Makkah and establishing peace in Makkah. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, anyone who enters Abu sufian zone will also be safe and protected, and anyone that stays within their homes will be safe and protected. We will not violate anyone's personal space, we will not enter anyone's homes. Unless and until somebody comes out into the streets armed wanting to fight. That is the only time that action will be taken against someone. There was an exceptional there was a list of individuals that were in exception

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that these were individuals who were convicted, confirmed to have killed Muslims in personal aggression. Not even necessarily in the battlefield. But individuals who had personally individually committed acts of aggression against other individuals, that there was a list of such people that was identified and that was designated. And they were specifically the prophets, a lot of them said find these individuals

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and basically carry out the punishment that is appropriate for them.

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The province a lot of them still provided

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an outlet for them. And he said that if they accept Islam, if they become Muslim, then we will not take any type of action against them because Islam will yeah the mecanica who, Islam eradicate whatever existed before it's so then we won't take any action against them. So in Hutton this individual, his own individual story is that he was somebody who came from Mecca to Medina and said that he was Muslim.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he at that time as the prophets Allah, He said them for some work, some responsibilities, and the profits a lot of a sudden said, Okay, fine, you can help me in collecting some of the sockets, some of the charity and the donations from individuals. He went to go and collect certain donations and things like that. He asked the prophets a lot, he said, and he said, Okay, if I'm going to go on this task, if you're going to give me this job, then I'd like for you to give me an assistant that can help me conduct this work that can help me do this job. So the prophets a lot of them gave him an assistant gave him an unsavoury Sahabi. And he said, he will

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assist you. He ended up murdering that authority, and then fled from there back to Makkah, and announced that I am not Muslim. I renounce my Islam. So this was something that was completely unprovoked unsolicited. He himself came from a country, Medina, said I want to become Muslim. As for work as for an assistant, then murders the assistant then runs away back to Makkah, and then renounces his Islam. And not only that, then, of course, what basically established the fact that this was all premeditated. And this was something that was planned was that bait when he went back to Mecca, then he used to brag about it, that this is what I did to Muhammad. And he had actually

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written some lines of poetry, which would talk about how I fooled Muhammad, and he would brag about it and you would have like you would hire singers to basically sing the lines of poetry and things like that. So this was somebody that was twisted, to say the least. So when the Muslims entered Mecca, him knowing what he had done was very severe and unforgivable. He ran into the Kaaba and grabbed the curtains of the Kaaba. Now, somebody also the question the Maha dethroned, has to question him grabbing the curtains of the Kaaba, can that be interpreted as him becoming Muslim?

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Right, is there any validity there? So the, what the Madison mentioned is that the grabbing of the curtains of the Kaaba was something ganim in our data machine. Well, Canna min rusu myalgia helia that this was from the customs of the Jackie Leah. And this was something that the machine can use to practice and this was basically

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Done even bad jahi times. And it was a way to try to seek amnesty to try to seek protection.

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And so the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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he, they came to him the prophets, a lot of a sudden, they came to him and they asked him that.

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What about him? If what about this man, if he goes in, he grabs the curtains of the Kaaba, and the profits are lovely, some said, I'm a new home, feeling, what have you heard of, that? I will not grant that person amnesty, not whether he's outside of the huddle or in the huddle, whether he's outside of mucker in Mecca, but rather the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to Lou who were in order to move who machale can be a saddle cavity, he killed him, even if you find him hanging on to the curtains of the Kaaba. And so basically, he was taken and he was executed at that time. There is a little bit of a discussion now.

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There are two things that are mentioned. Two things that are discussed too much, if you will, two issues that are discussed here that are a little bit lengthy, but I'll summarize the issues. The first issue that's asked is, what about the sanctity of the heart of the Kaaba, the prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a narration Hadees. He says, that

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lie hidden only a honeycomb and Yama be Makita Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, it is not permissible for any one of you to carry weapons into Makkah. In another narration, the prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam specific so the first narration that yes, that's the first let's work with that Hadith. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, it is not permissible for any of you to carry weapons into Mecca itself. And then of course, there's further narrations which establish the sanctity and the sacredness of the Kaaba itself. So how was somebody ordered to be executed when they were arrested when they were in the GABA in the huddle? And then

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further How was somebody executed while they were in the sacred safe space safe space of Makkah. So of course, this was the exception to the rule. This is the exception, not the rule. All right. And this was because it was a time of war, it was a very serious scenario. And this was somebody who had committed a crime and was trying to use this as a loophole. And so from this, scholars actually extrapolate that if there is a convicted criminal, who runs into Mecca, specifically, with the agenda of trying to escape, you know, retribution or any type of consequences of their action, then at that time, as in a minimal capacity as possible, as minimally as possible, that they are allowed

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the use of force to be able to go and apprehend that person and then carry out whatever punishment needs to be carried out. Alright, so that is permissible in that type of scenario. Of course, the usage of force should be minimized, that should not be turned into an excuse for the invasion of a military force into Makkah. But nevertheless, there an exception can be made in these types of scenarios, obviously. Otherwise, this would create the most bizarre loophole in the world. Mako would just become flooded with criminals. So that's the first issue in terms of fick. The second issue that is brought up here is that the profits allowing some enters into Mecca, wearing a helmet.

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Does anyone can anyone point out to me what that lets you know, if the Profit System enters MCO, wearing a helmet, what does that tell you?

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state of war, anything else in particular?

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No, anything pertaining to fit anyone

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who did a very good job. So brothers who have are familiar with the rules of ROM, when going for HUD and being in a state of Islam, you are not allowed to cover your head in the state of Vietnam. You have to uncover your head in the state of Islam. So the fact that the prophets a lot, he said he was wearing a helmet, and later on when you removed his helmet, he put his turban on, as I mentioned, that tells you that the prophets allottee seven was not in a state of Islam. He was not going to say to me, why is that even relevant? Because there are narrations where the Prophet sallallahu Sallam emphasized that anyone who goes to Mecca should go to McKenna state of Islam. what that actually

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means is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if you are an outsider you are in fact at what is called an fic. In fifth terminology was called an FRP. You are not from Mecca itself.

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You are not a resident of Mecca, but you are an outsider.

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You are not from a castle if you are an outsider who visits Mecca, as we know about the masjid, that when you enter the machine, it is from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he said, the right of the machine is that you perform To cause to hear to machine, the prophets a lot. He seldom said that when you enter upon a gathering, it is the rights of that gathering that you say salam, right, so there are certain rights of certain places and situations. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said when you enter into your home, say Salaam that is the right of the home in the family to be greeted with Salaam to be entered with Salaam. Right so there are these types of rulings. Similarly,

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one of the rights of the heart of the city of Mecca is that when you enter Macau, when you enter the city of Mecca, you should perform a hedge or a camera. Right? So always perform some type of religious rights to give Mecca its duty to give my kids right so that Mecca does not become a tourist attraction. as all other tourist attractions we just don't go see and look at the Kaaba and say, Oh, very nice. And then leave. No Mecca is not a museum in Mecca is not an art gallery. Right. But rather Mecca is a sacred place of worship harem.

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Right, it has Houma. It has sanctity, sacredness, it is a house of Allah subhanaw taala. And so worship has to be established in Mecca.

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So the prophets a lot of time emphasized that whenever you enter Mecca from outside, always enter with Chrome, at the minimum be doing an ombre right and an ima is not something that's very difficult to do. It's not very lengthy. So at the very minimum, do an ombre. Now based off of that ruling, now we find this narration that the prophets a lot ism enters Makkah

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without the State of Iraq. So how do we reconcile that? Obviously it should be pretty common sense. This is the exception again, because of a state of war. And the profits. A lot of them said that this is the exception, but there is a difference of opinion amongst a fuqaha Imam Shafi Rahim Allahu taala. The Imam Malik as well the School of Medina as well as have the opinion that someone can enter Makkah, if they have a reason or a cause. They have some need and necessity they can enter Morocco without a state of Islam. It is not necessary to prefer almost every single time, at the very least it would be necessary to go by the huddle and at least establish some form of a bother at

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the huddle. Whether it's praying to the gods, whether it's just doing to have some type of other should be established at the huddle, and that would be okay and permissible. Enough. Abu hanifa Rahim Allahu taala and the scholars of Iraq are of the opinion that no, it is a requirement that you should enter Mecca this was a state of war. This is the exception. How many more times is that ever going to happen outside of that? normal people do what they have to understand is that whenever you visit Mecca, be in a harem, and at the minimum doing Ramadan, and Mr. Mohammed Duplo humble also has the same opinion.

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The next one is in the chapter. Kala Henderson arisa Ahmed

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Abdullah bin Kala had their family Cubano and so on even if she had been an unnecessary Malik in radi Allahu taala on who Ana Rasul Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam adakah Takata aman fetch a cL millford polyfilla Manasa Ahuja who Rajan for Kala who, cotton machala GABA tea for Paula aku

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Carla Iannucci hub were Bella honey Anna Rasul, Allah He salatu salam ala couldn't go my eating ramen.

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And as we Malika the Allahu taala, who relates to the Messenger of Allah azza wa jal entered Makkah, the year of the conquest of Makkah, and he was wearing a helmet on his head. He says that when he removed the helmet, a man came to him and he says that he has grabbed on to the curtains of the GABA to try to plead amnesty, and the prophets a lot. He said, I said to him, that execute him kill him. Even if she had, he says that I also received I was also informed that the Messenger of Allah Salaam on that day was not in a state of Islam, and we talked about that particular issue. The next chapter, chapter number 17.

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Bible my geography and my material Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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The chapter about the turban of the description of the turban of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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The first Hadith Allah does Allah Mohammed Abu Bashar Allah Hadassah Abdullah Malik, no Maddy, Maddie and hammer digney Salima warhead de la

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calidad de La Hoya Qian and homogeny Salima

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Be Zubaydah and jabby radi Allahu Allah Allahu Allah and abuse Allahu alayhi wa sallam a Makita Yama

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Yama, Mr. Mattoon soda

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jabiru the Allahu taala Anna relates that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam entered Makkah on the day of the conquest of Makkah. And on him meaning he was wearing a black turban, a Mattoon soda, he was wearing a black turban, I explained how to reconcile the two that when he entered actually us wearing the helmets, and then later on, when he was first seen by many people, he was wearing the turban at that time.

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The next narration by the head the center of your Omar Kala Hadassah, Sophia anusara within Iraq, and Jafar in the eighth and a V. Eighth parlor or a to Allah see Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ma ma ma tanto de

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I'm Robin Hood eighth, not the Allahu taala Andrew relates that the Prophet of Allah that I saw on the head of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam a black turban, I saw a black turban on the head of the prophets la de Soto, the third Hadees by the head does an AMA movie Ilan. We're used to from nor aisaka avakian and musavat rock on January 28, and Avi and Anamika sallallahu alayhi wa sallam aka Vanessa Walia, Anna Mattoon, so that

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also relates that I that the Messenger of Allah Salaam addressed the people

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and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam addressed the people and he was wearing a black turban.

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The Next Generation

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Bala head doesn't know his heart. Aleem Alam Danny Callahan de la yahoo. yahia yBnL Mohammed Al Madani

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and Abdullah Abdullah zz Mohammed Donna Aveda live in your armor, and nafion marauding Allahu taala in Houma, Paul cannon Wu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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said Allah ma ma, ma ma ma who baina KTV Abdullah bin Amaro de la jolla. Anima says that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would wear in their mama a turban, he would hang the tail of the turban between his shoulder blades on his back.

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And then the last narration of this chapter

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there's an extra comment in some of the versions of Timothy's book, Nafisa polyalthia. What can I ignore Maria for Angelica Fowler obey the law, he will pass him no Mohammed was sadly many of atlantida Lika nafi. I says that even though I'm not used to do the same thing, and obey the law, the son of naff here says I saw a possum even Mohamed, who was again one of the tabea own of Medina, one of the scholars of Medina was Salim Salim was also another of the scholars of Medina, we get for Alani vaniqa they used to wear it the same way. And then the last Hadith of the chapter, but I had death and I used to ignore Isa avakian Galahad de la Abu Sulayman Wahab de Rahmani Bulova seal on a

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crema an evening a bastion of the Allahu taala and home and an obeah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. mahatama NASA wanna hear a man Mattoon so I lay here a mama tune desmo

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even though I bass I'm delivering a bass radi Allahu taala. And Omar reports that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam addressed the people, and he was wearing a dark turban.

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The word to explain just a word here, the word Esma. In the Arabic language refers to something that is very dark in color, the literal meaning of the word if you look up the root of the word, it could confuse someone, the word desam can almost refer to something becoming kind of dirty or filthy kind of oily.

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But of course,

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that is not how the turban of the prophets a lot of is being described as at all. But rather what the Arabs would do is more conversationally speaking even classically, the word death smell would be used to refer to something that was very dark in color. Right, so it was almost synonymous with black, but maybe he felt that it wasn't like pure black like jet black. But it maybe was a little bit light. It could have been that it was worn out. You know if you have black material and it's been washed a number of times. So it kind of loses like some of its some of its definition, right, it starts to fade a little bit, get a little bit worn out. So it's possible that the turban of the

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promises was a little worn out and that's why he's describing it as the SMA and not so the the other thing is that I read the narration where it says there a mama tune. In the text you have in front of you it says a word or a saw button, where a sabaton Materazzi fully a mama it is synonymous with the word a mama a Saba literally refers to something that you tie it literally means that piece of cloth that has been tied and so that is what they would also the Arabs would also call it a mama. So there are multiple narrations Some say a mama Some say a Saba, both are correct and both are authentic. Now to another thing I wanted to explain about this particular narration itself. There's two things

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that are very fascinating here. Number one is the fact that if you look in the chain of narration,

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it talks about what it says head death and if you look at the chain of narration Bala Hadassah Yousuf of narissa Kala Hadassah avakian para Hadassah Abu Sulayman what who are Abdul Rahman, Ivanova C. Wahoo. Abdul Rahman, Ivanova c. So, this Abu Sulayman his name was Abdul Rahman and his laptop. He was known by the title of a blue lava seal.

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Why was he called because he literally means the one who has been washed the one who has been bathed because he'll be out soon, the one who has been bathed, the one who has been washed, why was he called the son of the one who was bathed? So his name is actually a man.

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His kunia was Abu Sulayman and his full name is Abdul Rahman even Sulaiman even Abdullah ibn Han vada.

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Even Han viola, he is the great grandson. He is the great grandson of hanzal Otto the Allahu taala handler of the Allahu taala. And for those who are not familiar, was the Sahaba, who was martyred in the Battle of Orford.

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He was martyred in the Battle of boyhood that I didn't touch on it earlier today, because his dis mention of him was coming up in the narrations. I thought we could talk about it here, hands on out of the Allahu taala and who was basically at home in Medina.

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And he was at home. in Medina. He was actually in he had just now had been intimate with his spouse with his wife. When the announcement was made, when he heard people calling in the streets, that the profits a lot of them is leaving to

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the profits a lot. He said, he is leaving to open that it's time now to go for her.

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And he heard the announcement and he was in his home. And he basically just when he heard the announcement, he was in such a hurry. He actually did not recall that he needed to take a lucilla bath of purification, because having been intimate with his wife. And so he just put his clothes on. He strapped his armor on, grabbed his sword and he ran out.

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And he was one of the Sahaba who was martyred. He was Shaheed in the battle.

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Now he was martyred. So the fifth of the martyr the Shahid so when we talk about a Shaheed This is a longer discussion, I'm not going to get into a lot of detail. When we talk about Shahada martyrdom, a Shaheed a martyr, there there is Shaheed hathi and Shahid hooked me a Shahada, hottie Leah, and Shahada, Huck Mia, there is a literal martyrdom and then there is a those who receive the reward of martyrdom. Those who received the reward of being a Shaheed a literal Shahid is one who was killed in the act of fighting in the battlefield.

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The ruling for the Shaheed hefty fee is that his body is not washed.

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If his clothes are still on his body, then his body does not even need to be shrouded.

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But he is buried as he is coming back on, He is buried as he is. And the profits allow me to mention the benefit and the purpose of that that person will come on the Day of Judgment before our last panel with Allah with their wounds, very fresh and still flowing with blood, with their clothes in the condition that they are in as a testament and as a proof that our law, this is a sacrifice I made for you.

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And so the body is not washed and the body is not traveling, if there's no need to try to of course, like we talked about today. In the case of hands out of the hotel, I knew his clothes had been ripped off of his body. So then you had to for the purpose of respectfulness, they have to cover his body. That's a different case in scenario.

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Of course, Shahada hooked me, I won't get into details here, but there's dozens of narrations where the profits a lot of them says somebody who dies defending his family like an invader and

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intruder into the home and dies defending their family that person should hate somebody who dies protecting their home their property that person is like somebody getting robbed and then trying to defend their property they get they they are killed. That person is a shade. Somebody who dies in a flood is a shade somebody who dies of organ failures and shame. Somebody who dies of an incurable diseases is Shaheed somebody who dies in a tragic accident decision heat, the profits. A lot of these I mentioned so many different general scenarios, that it almost points to the fact that almost anyone dying in a number of different scenarios, as long as somebody was not did not die committing

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a crime.

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It's as if the profits A lot has been saying reward of Ushahidi reward of a shahida reward machine. And that's the generosity, the kindness, the mercy of the profits, a lovely setup. And the lesson that the scholars extract from that to indulge just for a minute, that lessons of scholars extract from that is a tip sheet.

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That the importance of you know, the importance of being positive. The importance of positivity,

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that we don't need to worry about limiting the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala. Well, Brother, you know, I'm not sure if we can say that that person gets that type of reward. No, no, no, you have no business.

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Somebody says, oh, somebody did this. This is somebody who was memorizing color on and then they were trying and then they're really not able to, well that person still get the reward of being a half of the person. inshallah.

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Well, actually, no, they have to finish and they have to reset sort of tenacity machine full of people and then need to do afterwards. Right, then and only then will does a person count as a half is like preposterous, ridiculous. Garbage, right? There's no need to limit the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala. In naramata, he was here at Kula Shea. Allah says, My Mercy encompasses everything. Don't limit the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala there's more than enough room for everyone and the prophets alized and practically demonstrated that that it was almost as if anytime a death happened in Medina. Anytime the prophecy was informed of someone's death, he said, Oh, that person died in an

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accident for which are hidden. Oh, that person he died of an organ failure for who is shahidan? Oh, that person died it drowned. fugly. shahida

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Subhana Allah, you see the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala and the mercy of the prophets a lot and therefore the mercy of rd Alright, so that is the general ruling for Shaheed So getting back to the story that I was mentioning earlier, I see hands Allah hands a lot of the Allahu taala and who there's only one exception so those rules of Shaheed that I mentioned that were you don't wash your shroud the body that is only for the Shaheed Houthi, the one in the battlefield, not for any other Shaheed who gets a reward of a shade in sha Allah. Right, that is only for the Shahid hathi. There is an exception to that rule that if it can be confirmed, that that Shaheed was in need of a

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whistle, a bath of purification, then it should be given to Shaheed However, this being a very private issue of him having been intimate with his wife, this is of course, not public knowledge when I ever Billa the Sahaba were people of dignity and modesty. So this was not public knowledge and nobody knew. So when they were basically taking the bodies of the Shahada to bury them. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam looked over at the Allahu taala on his body and he said, Subhan, Allah

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Subhana Allah

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and the Sahaba were like, what's wrong? A messenger of Allah He says, Why is it that I see angels bathing hands Allah?

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Why is it that I see angels bathing hands, Allah, some Sahaba even testify there are some weak narration but some even Sahaba say, we saw water dripping from his hair.

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And the prophets of legend called Maha, Ceylon melodica, the one bathed by the angels.

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And so when the Prophet sallallaahu, and he sort of went back to Medina, he inquired, of course privately inquired from the wife of Hans Allah. Is there anything you can tell me?

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Or basically, you know, anything you can tell me about hands Allah before he came out to open. She said, a messenger of Allah, nothing really out of the ordinary. The only thing that I would be able to tell you is that Hans Allah was in need of a host of

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hands, Allah was in need of a husband, and he left before he had the chance to take the hustle because he was so eager to come and assist in the Battle of the hood. And then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Now I understand why the angels bathed hands Allah, so this man who is in the chain of narration, he is the great grandson of Huntelaar of the Allahu taala. And therefore, his love cub was a vanilla seal. So that tells you that the children and the offspring of handler the Allahu jalon, who used to be addressed with the respectful title as the children of Sila malaita, the one bathed by the angels as a sign of honoring the

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The Sahaba of the prophets a lot of humans great sacrifice.

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The other thing about this particular narration that is noteworthy that should be mentioned, is that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, if not a bat says that he was addressing the people. And he was wearing this turban. There are more extended narrations which actually tell us when this was, this was a couple of days before the Messenger of Allah salami son passed away. The brides this was not like the hood of Joomla. But he just addressed the people. And what happened was that the prophets a lot he was brought, he had to be brought yet to hold two people in common. And he came to the masjid and he was sat down on the steps on the member. He was sat down on the member

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the steps, and he sat there and everyone congregated. Everyone was brought together and the prophets, a lot of them addressed everyone. And he specifically there's a narration and Bahati that specifically what he spoke about on that day, was the profits. A lot of the sentiment spoke about the virtues of the unsought.

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He spoke about the virtues of the unsought and he talked, he gave necie hand advice because the prophets a lot he said, um, as Abubakar, the Allahu gelato informs us, part of his was CEO was that he wanted the leadership to be with who he wanted the leadership to be with them. Oh, * Loon.

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So the prophets a lot of them specifically mentioned this, that however, do not ever let alone abuse forget about abuse Do not ever take the unsought for granted.

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These are selfless people who said these are selfless people. They will give themselves up, they will sacrifice themselves for your sake. They are selfless people, generous people, kind hearted people.

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Gracious people, do not ever take them for granted.

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Do not ever take them for granted. So he spoke about the virtues of the unsought and the narration says the Mambo hottie says in the narration or he relates in the narration, what I'm Yes, I did remember about the dialect. That was the last time the process of ever sat on his member. He never ascended the member ever again after that.

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So that's something really remarkable about this particular nation and where this generation is from.

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Now, a little bit of just understanding about the turban of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Of course, a word in the Arabic language is there a mama? That of course, again, comes from the root word, which means to wrap and in the Arabic language da mama is my you my you lefou Allah Rossi. It is what is tied on the head is called an a mama.

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And so this was a practice of the prophets, a lot of these ma synonyms the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, particularly when the prophets a lot of these symbols stand up to pray. He was very particular about it. There's some discussion about again, is will this be called a Sunnah? One that is just a historical fact about the Prophet system? Or will this be identified as a noteworthy or recommended practice, a recommended practice of the prophets, a lot of the scholars do have a difference of opinion on the issue. Basically, what they say is it's not necessarily an emphasized practice, if someone does it, they definitely do get the reward of emulating the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wasallam however, it is not as emphasized as maybe some of the other sunon of the profits allegation but it does nevertheless hold significance and hold virtue because of the of how the profits allottee some talks about it and how particular he was about it. There's even some narrations which allude to the fact that wearing of the turban or wearing of the A Mama was something that many of the prophets were other prophets word as well.

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The Prophet of Allah Allah, he said, um, there's a lot of different discussion and certain narrations. Some scholars have brought about how long the Imam of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was, was it long was a short How long was it? Some mentioned it was seven feet long. So I mentioned that it was 12 feet long, some engineering was six feet long or five feet long. How long was the turban of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Even with a human rahimullah, which I'll after going through all the narration says there is no authentic account, there is no authentic narration even Hjelm Allahu taala and virtual body, also commenting that there's no authentic account of how long

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determine of the prophets allottee send them was, however, email Noah, he does choose to mention that while we do not know, authentically, from any narrations about how long his turban was, he says I do find that the Sahaba generally would have two types of turbans, the Sahaba would have two lengths of turbans, some of them would wear a shorter turban, that was basically about six feet in length, so it was not as bulky when wrapped on the head. And then some of the Saba would wear a turban that was 12 feet in length, so that it would be a little bit larger and a little bit more bulkier after it was tight on the head. And maybe this was just simply because during the summer

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They would tie the smaller one. And during the wintertime, they would tie the larger one where they would actually wrap it even lower down on their head to cover their ears and things like that to protect them from the cold as well. So they had a very practical usage for it. There's some other narrations as well. So then there's a discussion about what color was a turban of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam obviously mounted with the in this book. In this chapter, he brings narrations which all talk about the first two which talk about fetch from Africa, the conquest of Mecca,

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or rather the first one and then the second one says he was giving the hook but that is also actually from France from UK as well. And then the last one is just from the masjid of the prophets are the first few are the first three excuse me, the first three are from the conquest of Mecca. And then the last one that we saw was from Medina before he passed away. Now

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there's a lot of discussion about the particular color, dar narrations that the angels when they were observed in the Battle of Baghdad. They were wearing some narrations, a green turban some narrations mentioned that they were wearing yellow colored turbans.

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There's a narration about the night of other Laila to other that also the angels come down wearing green turbans on that nights, excuse me as well.

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The prophets a lot of them is seen in a number of these narrations wearing black turbans. But at the same time there are other narrations where the prophets a lot he said, um, emphasize generally the wearing of white. And if you look back at that, he gave very general advice about wearing whites. And it was observed that the prophets a lot of them used to wear a white turban and use or recommend the wearing of a white turban to the Sahaba. What is extracted from that is the general practice of the prophets, a lot of them was to wear a white or lighter colored turban, the black turban was worn by the prophets, a lot of the sentiment specifically on fenstermacher because, again, it was a

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situation of possibly of war, it was a possible situation of war. So that's why the Prophet ceylonese award the black turban as for the end of his life, him wearing that turban, the black turban, again the darker German, again, the reason why is described as the smog because it was very worn out. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam basically was wearing that because it was the profits a lot he was ill he was sick. And so he was generally just wearing even Isha, we're going to see it in the next chapter, I shadow the Allahu taala on her, when she presents the clothes of the process of that he was wearing before he passed away, they were very old, worn out pairs of clothes.

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So the profits allows him to be in a very humble state. And in a very in a state of humility. When he passed away, he was actually wearing some older clothes, some worn out clothes, because he did not want to leave this world wearing, you know, shiny new clothes, but he wanted to be wearing some of the older worn out clothes. pesky rotten little multilocular. Right, basically implementing, will ask you not to hate on Rebecca, that the life of the Hereafter is better and longer lasting. Right. So that is maybe why the profitsystem chose to wear that turban on that day was because it was more worn out material and he wanted to wear something that was worn out that's what he was wearing, will

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love the town that will be so out. So nevertheless, what we do find is that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did either white or a black turban is automatically proven that the prophets a lot of them wore those colors.

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The next topic that they the next issue about the turban of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is basically that How did he exactly wrap the turban again, we don't have any type of precise detail how we used to wrap the turban The only thing that we do know is that the profits allowed him did not use to wear the turban in a messy way. It was out messy was actually worn very nice and neat, tight, very nice and tight. And the profits a lot of him would not just kind of wrinkle up the cloth, you know, kind of bunch up the cloth and just wrap it around his head. So it looked like you're just kind of wrapping like wires, like how you would wrap up an extension cord. That's not

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how the process of wore a turban. Right But the prophet doesn't was always dignified in his presence. He was always extremely presentable. Right, so he's very nicely tied on his head. The other thing is that when he would tie the turban on his head, what about the the tail of the turban because oftentimes we've seen that there's a tail. So first and foremost did it there are three narrations about the prophets a lot. So one narration mentioned that the turban of the prophets allows him he was seen having tied a turban that had no tail

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that when he tied the turban, he completely wrapped it up around his head. And this is what how the profitsystem would tie his turban when sometimes he was kind of doing some work. When you

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was doing work or something, then he would wrap it up completely so that it wouldn't flop around or get in his way. All right, and it wouldn't disrupt him. So you'd wrap it up completely, he was seen wearing it like that filament in doing action, like, like working for Shogun. The second way to profits a lot a similar scene tying the actual turban was that he would, or actually, I should say there are four ways. One other way that he was seen tying a turban is that he would start by placing the end of the cloth on his head, he would wrap it all the way up, and then the end of the cloth, he would leave a little bit extra hanging, and he would tuck it into the top. So there would only be

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one piece of cloth hanging one tail hanging, but it would hang down from the top, that was also seen as well.

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The third way that he was seeing tying his turban, is that he would actually leave the tail hanging from before. So it was from the bottom and then you would tie it up on top and then tuck it in. And then you wouldn't have a second piece of cloth hanging, there was no second tail, it was just one tail and it was at the bottom hanging down. And then the profits a lot he was also seen where he had one tail at the bottom, and then you would wrap it up in some extra cloth would be left and he would tuck it in. And therefore he had two tails or two pieces of cloth hanging out from the server and one from the bottom one down from on top.

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The gist of it is the summary of it is is that the profits a lot of them tied it in different ways, however, was convenient for him at that moment. It was not something very strategic or very planned. But the process of word very casually as clothes should be worn casually. Alright, so the prophets Eliza would wear it very casually. Of course, it was very presentable. It was clean, it was very nice, is very dignified, very elegant, and sophisticated in its appearance. Nevertheless, he was he tied it in that sense very casually. The last issue here that is mentioned about the turban of the prophets of sentiment. That's why mom did them in the in the fourth narration brings the narration

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to demonstrate it is when he did have a tail or a piece of cloth hanging from the turban, then how did it exactly hang? Right? Where did the profits a lot of some place that piece of cloth? Where did he place the tail. So it says that the norm was that it would basically fall on his back between his shoulder blades. And that as well as been seen that some narration say that the longest we ever saw it was basically a foot in arms length, that was the longest that we ever saw it. And then of course, when he didn't have the tail at all, the he didn't leave a piece of cloth hanging at all. And then the shortest that we ever saw, it was like the the width of a hand. So he sometimes kept it

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very short. Right, sometimes he kept it very short. And sometimes the profits, a lot of them kept it lengthier or longer as well. So both were seen. And as for most of the time he would he would he would have it on his back. There are some different discussions. Some of the scholars say that no, it's good to leave it over the right shoulder, the enemy, the enemy, so some kind of booty, Amman, frequently Shea used to prefer the right side, some of the scholars mentioned leaving it on the left side, because that's the side that the heart is on. So there's some discussion about that as well. However, the Hadith of the prophets, Elijah mentioned that it did obviously very naturally fall

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forward sometimes, and it would end up on the shoulder. But the profits doesn't matter habit of moving it back to his back and he would keep it hanging on his back or laying flat on his back will look Matala on a movie. So um,

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the last thing is that even if Abraham Allahu taala mentions in his book zadan, my iPad,

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that all the ahaadeeth that specifically, the key word here is specific, all the narrations that make very, very specific mention about the rewards of wearing a turban. The reward of wearing the turban, the imama in and of itself is from the fact that the process I'm used to wear and use so frequently was seen wearing it. That That in and of itself is its virtue. But all the other narrations that are oftentimes brought or mentioned, such as solatube BMR, Mateen hadal min hum similary, shalina, Salatin villari Mama, that Salah prayer wearing in a mama is 25 times more virtuous in prayer without a turban or a mama or Juma Arjun be a mama teen halal mean Sabrina Juma

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attend Villa remember that the day of Friday, basically performing Juma prayer within a mama is 70 times superior to performing Juma prayer without the turban or the mama. All of these narrations majority of them are actually fabrications.

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They are Imam

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even Allahu Allah has compiled them together in his in a book and must know a few modifications

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have eaten Matador and those that are not completely fabrications are designated as being extremely, extremely weak or lacouture Allah Allah movie saw but of course the last panel was Allah knows best. So we'll go ahead and stop and pause here inshallah.

01:00:20 --> 01:00:39

Also overall, I guess before I just kind of concluded, the last thing is that the profits a lump sum was seen wearing their a mama, he was also seen without a mama. And he was also seen sometimes just, you know, covering his head with something that looked kind of like a cap. So the prophets of sin was seen in all different manners as well.

01:00:41 --> 01:00:43

Any questions? Yes, amen.

01:01:04 --> 01:01:16

Very good. I actually forgot to mention that. That's a very good point. Say, ma'am, Timothy RAM, Allahu taala. The methodology of the Mojave tune was that they didn't like to mention things. Basically, they would kind of

01:01:17 --> 01:01:38

core correlate some a Hadith, the other a hadith. So the fact that he mentioned the narration earlier that the prophets, a lot of these him recommended the wearing of whites. So by means of veneration he established, that's the norm, he only brought the ahaadeeth, where he wore black turbans to demonstrate the fact that that is also permissible, or that is also from the Sunnah.

01:01:42 --> 01:01:43


01:01:49 --> 01:01:51

people are identified.

01:01:57 --> 01:01:59

It's a very difficult issue.

01:02:00 --> 01:02:44

It's a topic and a subject of a lot of discussion amongst the scholars, and particularly the fuqaha. That what is to be done in a situation in a scenario where something that is, you know, from the practice of the prophets a lot, he said, um, or something that is, particularly the prophets a lot. So, some scholars, you know, they talk about the fact that the a mama was like, from the she out of the profits, a lot of them, that is something that he prominently used to wear, and it was observed about him. So what is to be done in a situation where something like that basically becomes a very common practice of, you know, another religious community? Then what to be what is to be done in

01:02:44 --> 01:02:46

that type of situation?

01:02:47 --> 01:02:48

It's very difficult to say,

01:02:50 --> 01:02:58

the scholars, you mentioned that if there is a place that is a place or a situation, or maybe it's a particular season,

01:02:59 --> 01:03:36

where that is there dominance practice, then maybe only in that place, or only in that season, it's best to avoid it as to not create any confusion, particularly in the case of da Mama, that is exactly why the scholars do place a lot of emphasis on the fact of the leaving of the, the tail of the turban that that differentiates it, and the overall shape and how we exactly tie it. That's why wearing a smaller turban, and leaving a tail of the turban is something that is emphasized by our own ama today as to differentiate it from how maybe other religions might also wear a turban.

01:03:41 --> 01:03:55

So in terms of the Obama is this, you say you'd get if you were Edison, right? So is that the same for a mama and a cat? And also the second follow up question is in terms of the sila, the promises that have ever been

01:03:58 --> 01:03:59


01:04:02 --> 01:04:04

Right. So

01:04:05 --> 01:04:07

I like the way you stated that so

01:04:09 --> 01:04:49

it's very, very diplomatic, Mashallah, I'm going to have you read my emails for me. So, the, there is reward for always, you know, trying to emulate the prophets, a lot of them to the best of our ability. That being said, you know, if somebody does wear it for the purpose of emulating the Prophet sallallahu sallam, whether it be just a covering of the head, or time dare Mama, then that would definitely have reward for that person. And it's, it's not something that is, you know, as I mentioned before, the scholars don't even refer to it as an emphasize from now. So there's obviously no sin and not wearing it. As for wearing not covering his head when praying. It is actually proven

01:04:49 --> 01:05:00

that the prophets a lot he said, was seen on a number of occasions, most prominently within his home particularly, only once or twice was he seen praying outside of his home without the a mama on it.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:27

The interesting thing that when they say he never prayed without covering his head, he never led the prayer in the masjid without covering of his head. So while that fact is there, that also can be understood and needs to rather be understood that that was the prophets, a lot of him also observing the fact that in that position of Imam he was in that formal position of leadership of the community, right. So that was almost kind of like a dress code.

01:05:28 --> 01:05:37

In that position of leadership, that was more so the understanding of that, so there is no sin on somebody even praying, like men praying without the covering of their head.

01:05:39 --> 01:05:55

But nevertheless, again, once somebody is in a position of leadership, it is appropriate, recommended for that person to then go ahead and cover their head, to just respect that position of the member to respect their position of the muscle and the position of leadership.

01:06:24 --> 01:06:40

Right. So, there are some discussions and that there are certain types of turban, whether it be a particular color, or whether it be of a particular design, or whether it be a particular method or manner of wrapping it, that become kind of

01:06:41 --> 01:06:55

standardized practices of different groups of people, maybe the people of a region, maybe it's the scholars have a particular region, things like that. So again, if that just kind of become something that is a

01:06:56 --> 01:07:28

kind of a dress code, or almost like an alumni type of thing, that that's permissible, there's no harm or foul in that, as long as no specific reward becomes attached with it, that we don't see any type of virtue or significance to it. That would, is what would become problematic, as far as when they talk about there being a particular ijazah for the method of tying a particular turban will love whatever I'm in my research are my experience, I haven't found that to be something very sound

01:07:30 --> 01:08:08

you know, many of the you know, and of course, those who jazz out basically go back to certain family members, descendants of the prophets, a lot of them, or they go back to particular scholars, they do not go back to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam himself. However, even the narrations and majority of what's called animal cell salad, most of the ahaadeeth that go all the way back to the prophets, a lot of them and have a particular practice or a physical action attached to it. The majority of those narrations are not authentic either majority of the muscles that are weak, the wording of the Hadith will be sound, but the action associated with it will actually end

01:08:08 --> 01:08:43

up being weak. And that's simply based on the fact that these things just did not. That either may be the process of never really intended for the action to become a part of the Hadith itself. Of course, it was done out of love for the prophets, Allah him it's not a bad thing. It was done out of love for the prophets a lot a Salaam, an emulation of the prophets all of a sudden, but nevertheless, he was never intended by the process to be a part of the Hadith itself. So majority of them did not maintain authenticity. So suffice to say that usually things of that nature are not authentically all the way linked back. Right.

01:08:49 --> 01:08:50

Right. Absolutely.

01:08:59 --> 01:09:10

Very interesting. Two very good questions. So first and foremost, of course, we understand that and the scholars talk about this in a lot of detail. Even if a human or human Lakota Allah has a huge discussion on this in southern my eyes,

01:09:11 --> 01:09:17

that we do have to understand that the mannerism of general clothing like the Zod and that

01:09:18 --> 01:09:58

the mama, things like that word, the general practice of the Arabs of that time, right and so this was worn by other people, Muslims and non Muslims alike at that time, that is significant. And that is to be noted. However, at the same time, if the profits a lot of them did adopted, then it says if he's validating it, he's saying this is okay. There were certain things that were worn by people at that time that the process of did not adopt. So as if to say that that's not okay. But nevertheless, what we do arrive at the conclusion is that, generally speaking with clothing, like we talked about earlier, that there are a few very specific rules, like we talked about in terms of modesty, and how

01:09:58 --> 01:09:59

much of the of your body

01:10:00 --> 01:10:05

They cover being attained permissibly men not wearing silk.

01:10:06 --> 01:10:17

And basically outside of that the general ruling with clothing is permissibility. The second question is that is there anything about making massage wiping over the turban?

01:10:18 --> 01:10:47

There is a narration one singular narration again, where it's observed that the prophets a lot isn't wiped over his mama, a mama. However, Mr. Motta Howie Rahim, Allahu taala Amanda, how are we in his book? Manjula thought? He brings multiple different narrations of that same incident from different vantage points, where the Sahaba actually notes that the turban of the prophets so when he sat down to make will do he had pushed his turban back

01:10:48 --> 01:11:30

when the prophets a lot of them sat down to do will do. He had pushed his turban to the back of his head. And so when the prophets a lot of them actually wiped over his head, he wiped over the front part of his head, Messiah ha, Allah nasiha t he he wiped over the front part of the head. And as we know from the tip of will do that wiping over even the the front part of the head is sufficient it suffices and fools fulfills a freedom. It fulfills offerees minimum Shaftsbury Rahim Allahu taala is of the opinion that even wiping over you know a few hairs fulfills the law. But nevertheless, the wiping over even this portion of the head will fulfill the funny then because they were traveling

01:11:30 --> 01:11:31

because they were in Germany.

01:11:32 --> 01:12:09

masala nasi at a cafe, the Haditha Molina been sure about they were traveling so that's why the process of them at home he would go ahead and just remove his turban and then he would make myself properly that's why the Hadith narrated about his will do mention him Messiah holla see he he wiped over his entire head but this time he was traveling so maybe he didn't have a place to put his you know the turban down. And it could be that and Molina been sure about was basically pouring the water for the profits a lot of time to be able to make will do so there was nobody to really hold the turban. So in that situation, the promises are pushed into the back of his head and more

01:12:09 --> 01:12:15

minimally did his massage rage is wiped over the front of the head. All right. shala It's like let's call it a night.

01:12:19 --> 01:12:19


01:12:21 --> 01:12:21


01:12:23 --> 01:12:24

Sure, sure, sure.

01:12:29 --> 01:12:58

The root of the word Shahe that means to witness to be present habita shahida he was present. And so from that the Arabs they would call somebody who died in a noteworthy cause. He didn't even found in pre Islamic Arabic poetry. They would refer to that person as a he Shahid Leanna who shahida ash had an officer who lie basically this person presented himself for the sacrifice, so that's why they would call them shaky. Allahu taala

01:13:01 --> 01:13:03

somehow Subhana laby Nice to Colombia.

Chapters 15-17


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