Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 195

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallavi's life is a period of loss and loss of physical strength and energy, leading to severe physical weakness and loss of walking. The importance of the return of the church's presence and the return of physical weakness and talent is emphasized, as it is a holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy. The importance of the physical condition of profits and the loss of physical bodies is also emphasized, as it is a very important moment for Africa. The upcoming weekend event will include narratives and powerful statements from the prophets, and a presentation and discussion of the upcoming weekend event.
AI: Transcript ©
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said I want Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu this afternoon sir Jenga. If you enjoy and benefit from listening to our podcast, please donate to column by visiting support alarm.com we love being able to share this content for free with you and your donation ensures that we are always able to do so. Each podcast we produce has 10s of 1000s of listeners. So the opportunity for gaining immense reward by supporting this effort is endless inshallah. You never know who will be able to benefit from your contributions and donations. Just akmola Hayden was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato

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Bismillah, you will aim to lower salatu salam ala rasulillah you are and he was, he

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shall continue continuing with our study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a Sila chinnappa, we have the prophetic biography.

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In the previous session, we talked about the 11th year of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam as residents in the city of Medina, the 11th year of hydro, now, as I explained previously, but I just

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will do so again, I'll just reiterate and summarize very quickly. But nevertheless, just so that it doesn't create any confusion. Most people are familiar with the idea that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam spent 10 years in the city of Medina. So when I say the 11th year of HR or the 11th year, the 11th year of HR or the 11th year in Medina, then the question begs that, how was the profits a lot he said, I'm alive because we know that he spent 10 years. So there's two things to understand, obviously, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he spent about 10 years residing in the city of Medina where his residence was the city of Medina. But the prophets a lot, obviously did not arrive

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like on the very first like, if we're, you know, the first of all how to run and then passed away on the last day of the 10th. year, he arrived a couple of months into the calendar year, and therefore the profits allottee. Some similarly passed away a couple of months into the 11th calendar year. So while he was technically the 11th year, the total time that his residents was the city of Medina, amounts to 10 years. And so that's just a quick explanation. So we're looking at it from a historical point of view a little bit more, if you will, academically, and that's why we say it was technically the 11th year of the calendar.

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Nevertheless, we talked about how the profits will be some returned back from the hedge hedges and without the farewell pilgrimage and the prophets. A lot of these have basically resumed his daily activities in the city of Medina, as I use the expression previously as well. It was kind of as we say, business as usual. The daily activities continued where the profits a lot he said, I will go to the masjid. He would conduct his, you know, activities within the community, he would have his meetings and so on and so forth. And he resumed all those things. But then what we talked about previously was a few days into the month of Robbie.

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which is the third month of the calendar year.

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About a few days into it. A boom away Heba. radi Allahu taala Han who, who was not only a companion of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but he was someone who had free who was freed from slavery by the prophets a lot. Hmm. So he was waiting for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the night to basically assist him in going and using the restroom making will do so on and so forth.

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That particular night when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam came out of his home in his residence, he told the homeboy Heba in the middle one azura Hakuna. He hasn't been here the profits a lot he Selim said, I have been commanded to go visit these old friends in the graveyard of Medina, Alba or Berkeley. Or as we often refer to it as agenda tillbaka. And so the prophets, a lot of them went there, and he visited there. And we talked about all that. And at the end of that narration, wearable, Moy Heba tells the story. He talks about how the profits, a lot of them alluded to the idea at the end, that basically his time was coming to an end. And then finally, a boy who bought

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the Allahu taala and who he says, from Alibaba, Latika Illa Saba on the money and Hata COVID that the profits a lot is basically live for another week. So what we're going to be talking about today, is that we're going to start at least talking about that last week of the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. Now, there's quite a bit that transpires during this last week. So it might take us a few sessions, or at least a couple of sessions to go through it. So as to be able to

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study it and cover it thoroughly or as thoroughly as possible. Nevertheless, that's what we're going to be delving into starting today inshallah. So first and foremost, hat tester is a b e bt mimouna. So even as hop he narrates in the CETA,

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along with many others, that, basically a boy says that duration that when the profits alabi, some returned back that morning, it was basically later that day, the profits all of a sudden complained of not feeling well. He complained of not being so well. And initially, the way that it's set in and we'll talk more about this is he complained of having a headache, and then the profits a lot he sort of started to

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develop a fever, which eventually led to him having many, you know, kind of body aches, and then ultimately starting to lose a lot of his physical strength and his energy. So that day, the profits a lot of a sudden was actually staying in the home of his wife. maimunah bentyl. Hadith, radi Allahu taala. And he was staying in the home of maimunah de la Mancha. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he started feeling sick that day. He further Elisa who the prophets a lot his own called together, the mothers of the believers, the wives of the prophets along the sternum faster than you might and you might be laughing Beatty, for five in Allahu

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Allahu Allah. And he narrates that the prophets, a lot of them gathered together his wives. And again, the tradition of the prophets, a lot of them was that he would basically alternate days amongst the homes of his different wives amongst the homes of the mothers of the believers. So the prophets a lot, he said, he would never go stay somewhere, when it was basically someone else's time, unless and until there was permission to do so. Because that was the fairness of prophets, lobbies and practice. So he gathered together his wives, and he basically requested them for permission to be able to go and stay in the home of Chateau de la hotel, until he did not start to

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feel better.

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So they all basically said, Absolutely, there was no issue. And one of the things before I go forward, that is talked about here is why specifically the prophets, a lot of a sudden, wanted to stay in the home of art and shadow, the Allahu taala. And amongst all the other homes. And it wasn't necessarily due to any type of, you know, facilities or luxuries, or anything of that nature. Because all the homes are the profits, a lot of human, very simple, very humble. And in fact, the home of Chateau de Allahu taala, was maybe one of the least spacious of the homes of the prophets allottee silho, that the home of Chateau de Allahu taala anha was no bigger than what we would

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consider like a walk in closet, if even that big at all. It was very, very humbled. There's many different diagrams and models and things like that you'll find them online that have been created demonstrating how large the home or how small rather the home of a shadow the electron How was her quarters, her apartment, if you will. And this is this can simply be understood by two things that we know from authentic narrations number one, that the apartment of Arusha it was just one room. And it was so small, it was so humble, that when the prophets a lot, he said, would pray at nights. And he would wake up very, very early in the night, when you know, half the night or even two thirds of

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the night had passed. He shadow the Allahu taala. And a lot of times, we'll wake up a little bit later, to pray Hertzog but the prophets, a lot of these men would wake up sometimes two, three hours before the federal prayer to start praying for his nightly ritual.

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That sometimes when he was praying, the apartment was so small, the room was so small, that I shadowed the Allahu taala on how would be sleeping, and her legs would be in front of the profits a lot of the time where he was praying somewhat so that when you would have to go down in sajida, he would have to move her legs out of the way to be able to do this, to be able to prostrate, and that illustrates how tight the room was. Secondly, the room was also the ceiling of it was so low, that the profits allowed him basically he stood up and he stretched his arms all the way up. And yes, the profits allowed him was a little bit taller than your average person, you know, maybe around

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something like what we would describe maybe about being six feet tall or something. But when the prophets a lot, he would stand up and he would stretch his arms all the way up. He could basically place his palms on the ceiling. So that's how low the ceiling was. So it was very small.

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very humble. So the point that I was getting to was that why did many people talk about why did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam choose to stay in the home of Chateau de Allahu taala. So there's a couple of things that, you know are talked about the wisdoms of why the prophets a lot of them stayed there. Number one, obviously the relationship to profits allottee some had with our Chateau de La Cucina, and has well documented the love that he had for her the relationship that they had the nature of their relationship, Chateau de Allahu taala. And, of course, all the mothers of the believers are profoundly knowledgeable and our teachers, but I shadowed the Allahu taala and

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I was particularly the more knowledgeable of the mothers of the believers, somewhat so that she was one of the most knowledgeable of the companions of the prophets a lot. He said, Oh,

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Allah tala writes that half of the religion comes to us through our shadow the Allahu taala. So there's that element that's there, the personal dynamic that they had. Number two, the second thing that I would mention here is that the home of it showed the apartment of eyeshadow, the Allahu talana was also very interestingly, and what we can say strategically positioned according to the mustard or in terms of its attachment or proximity to the masjid, the mosque of the prophets allottee setup. So if the prophets a lot, the sun was leading prayer from here like where the Imam stands, the home of Arusha like when we visit the masjid today, machine number one in the old

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machines of the profits, a lot of his own, where he is laid to rest was the home of eyeshadow.

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So it was basically like directly next to where he would lead the prayer from. So in terms of proximity, if he is not physically feeling well, it was the place where he could most easily access the mustard from and he could come to lead the prayer, number two, number three, and kind of speaking retrospectively. Of course, we know that Abu Bakr, radi Allahu taala. And who was the next was the leader of the Muslims. After the profits a lot It was the halifa of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it would be easier for Abu Bakar the Allahu taala on who to have access to the profits of lobbies him during these last few days if he was in the home of Arusha

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because he showed the wife of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was the daughter of Abu Bakr, radi Allahu Allahu anhu. And obviously, that'd be a lot easier to access because it's his daughter's home.

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Nevertheless, the prophets a lot of them went to go stay at the home of Ayesha, radi Allahu taala. And now when the profits a lobby, some went to go stay there. The narrations talk about how the profits a lot he said them day by day, his condition continued to worsen his condition, his condition was worsening. By day by day, somewhat so that I shadow the Allahu taala on her. She actually narrates that in the next day or so. The physical condition of the profits, a lot of the setup deteriorated. And he started feeling weak to the point where the profits a lot of them needed physical assistance to go and lead the prayer. He required help to be able to lead the prayer. And

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at that time, she says Dr. Raja rasulillah salam ala Vina Raja Lainey min Li, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam basically asked for two of the young men from the family of the prophets, a lot of them to come, and to assist him in going further prayer. And there's a number of different companions, there was almost a rotation of them, his family members who were amongst these young men who would come and take him for the prayer. You have people like I'd even call him father had been our best. These are his cousins. And you even have in some narrations that summer to mosaic. So you had all these different individuals who are basically coming, and the narration says you had the bane of his name.

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You hadn't been his name, that he would basically put his arms around their shoulders, and they would kind of hold him around his waist, and they would kind of help him walk while he leaned on the two of them. But because of his worsening and weakening condition physically, because of that, she says Eventually, he became so weak that even though he was relying on them, leaning on them, and they were taking him to hope to other law who that eventually he would sometimes like lose his footing. He would lose his footing to the point where he could not walk, and they would continue to carry him. And because the profits a lot, he's almost tall, his feet would drag on the ground behind

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him leaving lines in the sand behind the minds in the dirt behind him. And many companions like Abdullah bin Miss rude. I'd even thought it but don't be alarmed.

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On whom they all basically mentioned that we remember seeing this, that it would leave these lines in the sand behind them.

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Secondly, as again, the physical condition of the profits, a lot of them got worse. One of the things that as they would bring him for the prayer the companions noticed was a shout out the Allahu taala says that his head was pounding, like his head was hurting in his head felt like it was pounding. So what he did was he asked to eyeshadow, the Allahu taala. Now can you get like a scrap of cloth like a scarf, and she got something like that. And then he asked her to tight around his head into tighten it. And she said, I tighten and he said, tighten it more. And she said, I tightened it to the best of my ability

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and the tight that around his head.

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So when he was coming for the prayers, subsequently, I'll see Ben razza who the companions remember in the note, the fact that his head was tied up, and that that's how they were able to tell us well, that the prophets a lot he said of his he was experiencing such a severe headache.

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Another very fascinating thing that the prophets a lot of them commented on, especially with the onset of such severe physical weakness, for us losing the ability to stand up and walk the profits allottee some segment hadith of Bokhari to Arusha de Lago canon visa, some yakushima de matar fee Yahushua masala Judo, Allah Tommy Lee, akin to be hybrid.

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He said, Oh, I shall, I can specifically feel the weakness physically coming on. It seems as as a consequence of the poisoned food that I would have accidentally consumed at the place of labor. When the profits a lot, it's a win for the expedition of labor, we talked about this, that there was a residents woman there from the Jewish tribe, who had basically poisoned some food and sent it. And the profits, a lot of them took a bite of it. Julia Allison came to the profits a lot, he stopped him and he told everyone stop, one companion, unfortunately had eaten too much. And he ended up dying from the poisoning, but the profits of autism became a little bit sick in the aftermath of the

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bite that he had eaten. And when he commented on this, it seems like he said, I feel a lot of the same pain kind of coming back that I had felt at that time when I had eaten that poisoned food. So it seems like maybe, like if you have a lingering injury, or you have maybe something so there might have been some type of internal issue that are maybe not fully healed or something like that. And then the profits a lot of the time was feeling kind of the return of that or the lasting effects of that being in a more physically weakened state, or lack of talent and so on.

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along with this, there are

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a number of other narrations that I wanted to share here, which again, kind of demonstrate and illustrate what the condition of the profits allottee some was starting to become, at this particular time, and this can be best understood

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through the narrations, in which the companions of the prophets Allah, they talk about what they remember and what they had noticed about the physical condition of the profits allowed him during this last week. I've delivered Mr. Trudeau, the Allahu Telangana narration of the Muslim Imam Ahmed. He says the cultural lnav Salafi sama, you are

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the brother I went to go visit the prophet to lobby them to see how he was doing and he was, he was he had a fever for my sister who. So I touched him to check his fever

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for Rasul Allah in Nicola to Aqua Wacken shalida. He said, I've never seen anyone

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heating up so severely, having such a severe fever, bother adyen in the coma, you are called Roger lightning minko said I'm experiencing twice as much of the fever as one of you experienced and again, that's used in a figurative sense, meaning I'm suffering a much more severe fever that you would never be able to physically bear. And we do know that the prophets a lot he sent them possessed, you know, superhuman strength, he had greater strength. And so that's what he's referring to, and then other than Masuda the Allahu taala, on who ever the student, right, he was always one of the most keen of the students of the prophets allottee senemo, one of the greatest of the

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teachers of the next generations and one of the people who did one of the most remarkable jobs in transmitting the life and the legacy of the prophets a lot, he said.

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Mr. Peron. He said when the prophets a lot of them said that I then asked him in Malacca July. So does that mean you get more reward? carlina Amala Dena cvad and he said yes, I swear by Allah, ma and out of the Muslim moon, the prophets Allah said every single believer on the face of the earth, you see boohoo, I then mean merredin farmasi wahoo any Muslim on the face of the earth, whenever they suffer anything in any way at all, whether it be due to illness or something else Illa Hata lava and we'll be happy to accept that their sins, drop away, wash away from them come out to shitara to Baraka, just like the tree sheds its leaves in the fall. Similarly, when a believer goes

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through some type of struggle, that believer sheds their sins just like a tree loses its leaves. And this is narrated also in the books of Bukhari and Muslim.

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I will say,

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radi Allahu taala and another great companion of the prophets a lot. It's a theory that he's narrated many narrations of the prophets a lot. So he says without God and an abuse allottee cinema. He said, I went to go visit the prophets a lot even during these days that he was sick. In between the prayers and I placed my hand on the prophets a lot of a sudden will like him out with the flu and other IE D is a common should that the hamaca Rasul Allah. So messenger of Allah, I can't keep my hand on you. You're burning up so hard, I have to move my it's burning my hand.

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For calendar view, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the prophets a lot a subset at this time. In namaha Sharon ambia

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We are the fraternity of prophets. You love lenell Bella.

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We are more severely tested gamma Yudof, who Lana Judo, just as we are more abundantly rewarded,

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we are very blessed people. But we also we are also people that have whom a lot is asked

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or we are very blessed, a lot is asked of us a lot is

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required of us.

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And he says it goes on to say income and abdominal MB that mean an MBA. He used to live in Manhattan, New York to LA. He said there was one prophet who suffered, you know, such a physical condition due to like lice and things like that, that he ended up dying from this condition. Why in Canada Roger Liebe de la bill od hattah Yehuda alaba. For you, Joe, when he said that some other prophets before me, they were afflicted with such serious physical conditions and this kind of refers to like, almost like a rash or a breakout of the skin that they basically would have to constantly take, you know, what they would do a lot of times to kind of relieve it, they would take

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certain fruits or vegetables and they would basically mash it up and they would apply that almost like lotion or aloe to just provide some coolness and some relief. We're in canula ephra hoonah bill Bella he Kamata for hoonah bit raha but he said, the difference is this. The prophets, they understand the purpose of difficulty and hardship, that it's an investment in the betterment of the world and the betterment of humanity and in the life of the year after he sent the prophets would be happy that God was asking so much of them, and they would in fact be grateful and they would celebrate their their their their sacrifices, just like you sacrifice you celebrate your luxuries.

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They would celebrate their sacrifices, like you people celebrate your luxuries.

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In another Hadeeth are Chateau de la jolla and her she says Mara, Allah had an usher

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in a Muslim, Chateau de la kulana says, I never saw anyone go through physically more than the prophets, a lot of them went through

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another narration

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Oussama tube news aid

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in a hadith of Timothy, who submitted news aid, and I've talked about him previously, but just a real quick reminder, who submitted news into the Allahu taala and Houma. He was a very

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beloved Companion of the prophets a lot. So, when the Prophet sallahu son passed away, he was a young man he was like 1718 years old

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and he was very beloved his father was like the

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adopted some of the profits from the profits. A lot of them had basically raised his father as a bit hot Eva. And his mother was one of the caretakers of the profits a lot. He said, I'm one day young, you know, girls that looked after the profits a lot even when he was a baby.

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And so she was very beloved to the prophets a lot, as well. So because of that, Osama was very beloved to the prophets. A lot of a sudden, he was referred to as he was called by the people of his time, he Buddhists who likes a lot. So the Beloved of the messenger he says that habit to have Hubba NASA Mariela Medina, he says that when the prophets a lot he sent him, became sick and became ill in the news of his illness started to spread, that he was physically becoming so weak. He said, I and along with me, many other people flocked to Medina, like even people outside of Medina flocked to Medina, to go see the prophets a lot. So he says, Well, what the * to Allah rasa Salafi cinema, I

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went to go visit the prophets a lot he sent them well for the US matter of Allah.

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At this point, his physical weakness had become so severe, he felt so weak that he did not have the strength to speak. He couldn't talk.

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And so when I walked into the room, he looked at me he saw me He smiled, for yada yada feria de la sala de familia su boo ha Lega.

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He said the profits a lot of a sudden started raising his hands up to the sky, and then pointing them at me like this. And then he would raise his hands up to the sky. And then he would point them towards me, kind of bring them down in my direction. And he kept on doing this repeatedly. And he says that article and yet they're early. And he said, I recognize that what he was trying to communicate to me is, I'm praying for you.

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I'm praying for you.

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I'm delivering our bus rhodiola hotel, and he says that when the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he started to get more and more sick as we're describing the profits a lot. He said there was like a little cloth, like think of a hand towel, a little cloth, a hand cloth that he had next to him that he had requested from Chateau de Lago and he would keep it and from time to time, he would cover his face with it.

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And then, you know, when after a little while, then he would remove it, but he would have to sometimes just cover up his face. He was associated years condition at this time.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he started getting more and more sick.

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The Companions Jabir bin Abdullah the Allahu talanoa Hadith basically he says, that matters like Salam yaku populum ottb Saracen, oxymetholone nabilah he started repeatedly saying the phrase assay nevanlinna Bella, have a good expectation of God.

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Think good of God, have good expectations of your Lord. Jabba the Allahu talanoa not a Muslim he says, the prophets Allah asylums elaborated, he said, Leia mutanda Camila

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lakita, Allah, none of you should ever leave this world except that you're in a state in a spiritual condition, where you expect nothing but good from your Lord.

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In another narration, he says that God says, an end of me rbbb folio, Luna v. Hydra is such a beautiful Hadith bootsy what we call sacred tradition that we've heard of many times before. But isn't it remarkable? The prophets, a lot of them said this on his deathbed.

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He said on his deathbed, the narration where he quotes a law that God says and are in the veneer of Devi.

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Right, that God says that I deal with my slave according to my slaves, expectation of me,

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for the abundance gonna be hired on. So let my slave have good expectations of me, Allah says,

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but we know this nourish and so powerful, but it's at the same time, sometimes you think about it.

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And again, I'm just speaking, very frankly, here, not to condone it, but just to kind of acknowledge it, and to deal with it to remedy it. We know we've heard this narration before. But sometimes it seems really hard.

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It seems difficult.

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Right? You hear somebody say, have good expectations of your Lord.

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And you think like, Yeah, I know that.

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But I'm struggling over here. And it's hard.

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But then context is your context is so important. The prophets have said this on his deathbed

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as so profoundly powerful and insightful. They said this on his deathbed.

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And as radi Allahu anhu. He says, that cannot wait to see a Tierra de su mahina, Hydra remotes. He says, looking back during the last week of the life of the prophets a lot, he said, and

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he would repeatedly give the advice, you know, many people are coming to visit him. And so you would give this advice to many people would come and even ask him for some advice, some words of wisdom, things like that. And the general advice of the prophets, a lot of them during these last few days was a Salam. Salam Alaikum

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Salaam Alaikum hamanaka cimabue.

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Take care of your prayer. And be mindful, be God fearing in dealing with the people who are put in your charge.

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Be very mindful of the people that you're responsible for. And the example that he used was like when someone has slaves in that person's care.

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Be very good, be very mindful. And so a Salama Nakata in Monaco

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had Tatiana you heard a roofie behalf he said that he or my your feet will be handy. So I know. Sometimes when people come to visit me you would keep on saying over and over again. A Sala a Salama Monica de Monaco, sala de Monaco As salam alaikum. And he would keep on saying it over and over until he would lose his voice. And then he would finally it was to the point where he couldn't he couldn't speak the words from his tongue from his mouth anymore, because he would lose his strength. And we you would just hear kind of like this grunting or mumbling sound coming from his throat and his chest, where eventually he was just kind of almost grunting the words that you

00:32:08 --> 00:32:19

like, he was like, he couldn't move his tongue. His tongue was swollen, he had a fever. And he was just kind of like mumbling but you could tell that that's what he was saying. And he would keep on saying it over and over again.

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In another narration

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I live in a Vitaly brodi Allahu taala. And

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he says

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that I asked the prophets a lot he said

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or he says, excuse me rather than the Muslim Imam Ahmed. I live in a Vitaly radi Allahu taala narrates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he told me that go and get something to write so I can give you some advice for the oma.

00:32:51 --> 00:32:55

So he said that I was afraid

00:32:57 --> 00:32:58

to leave him.

00:32:59 --> 00:33:08

Like his condition was worsening so much, that this fear just gripped me in that moment, that I don't want to leave his side.

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So I told him on messenger of God,

00:33:13 --> 00:33:13

in the

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Messenger of Allah, I will please tell me I will remember it, I will preserve it. I'm a young man with a strong memory please just trust me. And then the prophets Allah the sermon said, all see, this celerity was the karate Mama monoket in Monaco.

00:33:34 --> 00:33:38

My my dying advice to you,

00:33:39 --> 00:33:49

my last bequest to you, my last will and testament to you is, mind your prayers.

00:33:51 --> 00:33:55

Be very particular about your charity.

00:33:57 --> 00:33:59

And always be God fearing

00:34:00 --> 00:34:04

in dealing with the people that you are responsible for.

00:34:05 --> 00:34:12

That you are responsible for never abuse, your position of authority and power. Never ever dare do that.

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I shall read the Allahu taala and he says that again during these days when the condition of the prophets a lot of sunken getting worse.

00:34:24 --> 00:34:26

He asked me

00:34:28 --> 00:34:32

I shadow the Allahu taala and he says he asked me for a bowl of water.

00:34:33 --> 00:34:38

And she says I brought him this bowl of water for you to Hulu, Yahoo Phil.

00:34:40 --> 00:34:42

He would put his hand into the bowl.

00:34:43 --> 00:34:59

Kind of wet his hand through my yum Sahaja will be mad and he would take his hand out and wipe his hand. wipe his face with his wet hand to kind of cool himself off a little thumb way a boon I love marine Niala Sakurajima

00:35:00 --> 00:35:22

And then he would make to I would say a lot helped me in dealing with these pangs of death, the separation of the soul from the body. Because it's a transition to the afterlife, it's not easy. The soul is completely intertwined with the body. And so as it's coming and done leading up to a person's passing, he said that it's not easy.

00:35:26 --> 00:36:04

The prophets a lot of them said something very beautiful. inshallah the Allahu Allah, Allah was there, right? She was caring for him taking care of him. So she was seeing all of this witnessing all of this. And it's not easy to see someone who is so beloved to you, let alone the Messenger of Allah sallallahu someone who is the most beloved of all human beings. Going through all of this. The prophets a lot of them said something very beautiful. He said, in a hula, you have one aleya one of the things that made this entire experience easier for me. In Neeraj a to buy Alba coffee is shuffle agenda.

00:36:07 --> 00:36:15

I can see when I close my eyes, and Allah shows me paradise, I see the hand of sunshine paradise.

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I see the hand of Ayesha with me in paradise, just like she's here taking care of me. She's there with me in paradise.

00:36:23 --> 00:36:31

I see her I see her and in Paradise, which is like an expression Arabic that I'm holding her hand in paradise. So beautiful.

00:36:34 --> 00:36:36

The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

00:36:40 --> 00:36:41

In this particular condition.

00:36:45 --> 00:36:48

The prophets a lot a solemn He continued,

00:36:49 --> 00:36:55

going to the masjid to lead the Muslims in prayer

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over the next couple of days, even in this condition.

00:37:02 --> 00:37:25

But obviously, his condition became so severe that he needed some physical assistance, as I talked about previously, to get to the masjid. But then even when they took them to the masjid, because of not having the ability or the strength rather, to stand, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would sit

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and lead the believers in prayer.

00:37:29 --> 00:37:31

Until finally

00:37:33 --> 00:37:43

his narration excuse me generations mentioned that his condition became so severe that one morning was fudger time.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he woke up in that morning.

00:37:51 --> 00:37:55

And he wanted to sit up.

00:37:57 --> 00:37:58

He wanted to sit up.

00:37:59 --> 00:38:00


00:38:02 --> 00:38:07

the profits a lot this home was unable to physically even sit up, let alone anything else.

00:38:08 --> 00:38:14

So at this juncture, at this point in time, the profits a lot of a sudden,

00:38:15 --> 00:38:20

after trying for some time, and then the bid Allah to local children, we call the

00:38:21 --> 00:38:26

villain, radi Allahu anhu, the more than he called the oven.

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Now, something very, very peculiar, unprecedented occurred for the companions.

00:38:37 --> 00:38:51

And that was, this was a for even for Villa de la one. And that was that this was the first time they ever experienced that the profits a lot. He said it was in the city of Medina, he was not traveling, he was out of town

00:38:53 --> 00:39:02

and belonged to the Allahu taala. And when you would call the grandfather, oftentimes, the Prophet would tell him would notify him that it was time for fudger

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he would be praying and making their own worshipping and then it would be time for fudger and you would go tell Bella

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00:39:14 --> 00:39:16

right, you would tell him go call the other

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or without reading Allahu Allahu, if the processing was particularly really kind of like still, you know, he was completely immersed within his prayer that day. And it was time for vegetable Allah, the local Jelani would sometimes can notify the profits, a lot of them that I'm about to call together, give them a heads up, get permission, so to speak.

00:39:38 --> 00:39:46

Or sometimes at the very least, if you would come and look at the profits, a lovely human, he was into our supplication or something, then he would go and he would call the other.

00:39:48 --> 00:39:59

And as soon as below will coffee and the profits basically would immediately get up and then he would come for the prayer. But what I'm essentially saying is that the beloved the Allahu taala

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who had never even experienced this? That it was time for the prayer he called via than and then the prophets a lot he said it was out there.

00:40:13 --> 00:40:20

So now the time for the counterfeiter happens, the prophets Allah Allah alayhi wa sallam,

00:40:21 --> 00:40:24

the Beloved of the Allahu terrano cozier than

00:40:25 --> 00:40:28

the Avalon only Salah a as an early Salah.

00:40:31 --> 00:40:34

And then the prophets, a lot of them did not come

00:40:36 --> 00:40:46

because he physically couldn't even sit up. So if he can even sit, nobody can, I mean, he wouldn't be able to even come and sit and lead. So what do we do now?

00:40:48 --> 00:40:50

So while the companions were there waiting

00:40:54 --> 00:41:07

Abubakar, Allah Han, who was maybe kind of running a couple of minutes late, you know, reasonable restaurant making will do something like that. The companions were gathered, and they said, What do we do?

00:41:09 --> 00:41:10

What do we do for the prayer

00:41:11 --> 00:41:50

of their hand? withouth radi Allahu talanoa on one of the expeditions, one of the journeys of the profits a lot of the military expeditions when the profits a lot of the some have gone with Molina been sure about to go find a suitable place to use the restroom. And they finally found a place kind of really far away, and then the profits a lot easier to relieve himself. And then they have to find a clean place where he can make will do and then they have to go make will do. And then the profits a lot of his was wearing this jumper omiya that was given to him by Timothy Medina, the Allahu anhu, which had very tight sleeves, so he couldn't roll his sleeves up. So he basically had to take off

00:41:50 --> 00:42:04

that robe that he was wearing and get to take it off and then make will do. And then he put his robe back on. And then they started walking back and it was a little they had walked away quite a bit of a distance. And then the the time for prayer came.

00:42:05 --> 00:42:14

And so at that time of the Roman era, the Allahu taala and who he basically said, Okay, so he told someone called the event, and he started to lead the prayer.

00:42:16 --> 00:42:37

And he was correct in doing so. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam did not reprimand him or correct him. He was correct in doing so. The process of approved and then the profits, a lot of them came and joined into the prayer. So because of that experience of the human being out for the Allahu taala and who he said Abubakar should lead the prayer aina Abubakar.

00:42:38 --> 00:42:43

So, at that time, they looked around and said we don't see Abubakar.

00:42:45 --> 00:42:52

Then he basically turned to Omar radi Allahu Toronto, and he said, Omar, you lead since Abu Bakr is not here.

00:42:53 --> 00:43:00

And everybody that was present there agreed with this whole process that he went through Where's Abu Bakar he's not here yet. Okay, or amo?

00:43:01 --> 00:43:13

And I'll be getting to this a little bit later maybe in the next session, but that right there kind of shows you there was this understanding present amongst the companions? Nevertheless, I'm one of the delegates at ANU started to step up to lead the prayer.

00:43:15 --> 00:43:35

And when very reluctantly, of course, and when he told people like to start straightening the rows and this night he spoke up the profits. Right next door in the apartment of Ayesha, he heard the voice of aroma of the profits a lot he sent him. He summoned all the strength that he could summon at that moment, and he said La la

00:43:37 --> 00:43:39

la la law. No, no.

00:43:40 --> 00:43:41

Foul, you suddenly become

00:43:45 --> 00:43:49

the center of a vocal hava Abubakar. He leads the prayer.

00:43:50 --> 00:44:03

And then he called and then he told the eyeshadow De La Cucina, the daughter of a worker, he told her that go tell your father, Woody aback, he finally suddenly been nasty.

00:44:04 --> 00:44:06

Go tell your father

00:44:07 --> 00:44:08

to lead the people in prayer.

00:44:10 --> 00:44:15

Now hear something quite, you know touching

00:44:16 --> 00:44:18

on the Allahu taala and

00:44:20 --> 00:44:29

the daughter of Abu Bakr Siddiq, the wife of the Prophet allottee so the mother of the believers, she says to the prophets of autism,

00:44:30 --> 00:44:36

that if I may or messenger of Allah, for me express something

00:44:37 --> 00:44:41

she says in in Ababa Quran Rajan as

00:44:43 --> 00:44:48

I will work it is a very, very soft hearted man. He's my dad, I know

00:44:49 --> 00:44:55

he's a very soft hearted man, either Arma comma Columbia city and new Salinas

00:44:57 --> 00:44:59

if he has to stand where you stand

00:45:01 --> 00:45:04

He won't be able to leave the prayer. He'll crumble.

00:45:05 --> 00:45:06

His knees will give up.

00:45:08 --> 00:45:12

He won't be able to it'll, it'll, it'll tear him up. inside.

00:45:14 --> 00:45:15

Another narration

00:45:17 --> 00:45:22

she elaborates further. She says, LEM, use me in NASA meanwell buka

00:45:25 --> 00:45:27

he'll cry so much.

00:45:28 --> 00:45:33

recognizing what that means. There is the fill in for you for so long.

00:45:34 --> 00:45:39

he'll cry so much nobody will understand what he's reading. could just stand there and cry.

00:45:42 --> 00:45:44

Maybe tell someone else to lead the prayer.

00:45:45 --> 00:45:49

If that is suitable, of course.

00:45:50 --> 00:45:54

And the prophets a lot he said he repeated himself.

00:45:55 --> 00:46:05

When he said says he said it multiple times as a response. file you suddenly been nasty evening a vehicle halfa Let me be clear.

00:46:06 --> 00:46:08

Abubakar leads the prayer.

00:46:11 --> 00:46:26

And at that time, I Chateau de la jolla, and I said I zipped out, found my father on the way to the masjid rushing, is running behind. You know, like I said before, just personal need whatever. And I told him that the prophets a lot. He said he has commanded.

00:46:28 --> 00:46:34

Father He has commanded that you lead the prayer. And then Abu Bakr radiallahu children who came,

00:46:36 --> 00:46:42

it was a very overwhelming moment for him. But he came and he led the prayer at that.

00:46:46 --> 00:46:47

Along with this

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I'll mention one other narration.

00:46:54 --> 00:47:08

Or I mentioned two things here. Before I get to and I'll save this for the next session, because this will take more time. But basically, the events of Sunday and Monday,

00:47:09 --> 00:47:24

the last two days of the life of the prophets a lot easier. Because something very particular. Something very, very specific in particular occurs on that Sunday. And then of course, Monday is the day the prophets a lot of sun passes away.

00:47:25 --> 00:47:26


00:47:28 --> 00:47:40

two last things that are mentioned here, number one is along with and there's a lot of commentary on this, about the prophets a lot of appointing Abu Bakr radi Allahu charanga, to lead the prayer.

00:47:42 --> 00:47:52

That as kind of like later on, I'm kind of mentioning it here, after the passing of the prophets a lot. So what the companions would say at that time,

00:47:53 --> 00:48:04

that the man whom the prophets a lot isn't deemed qualified to trust with our prayers, our Dean, our religion,

00:48:05 --> 00:48:07

while he was still alive,

00:48:09 --> 00:48:13

why would we not trust that man, to lead us in this world?

00:48:15 --> 00:48:19

to lead us in terms of governance, and logistics?

00:48:21 --> 00:48:41

If the Prophet says, like, think about it, that morning, that's why I emphasizing this. That's why I put so much emphasis on that moment, multiple times. When here's La La vaca leads to prayer says Ayesha Abu Bakar Lisa prayer when she tries to say it might be to my aboubaker leads to prayer.

00:48:42 --> 00:48:48

That that is a very critical, important moment that cannot be glossed over.

00:48:49 --> 00:48:52

And then I wanted to mention

00:48:53 --> 00:48:55

one other very interesting

00:48:56 --> 00:49:06

narration that is mentioned at that time, that during this these last few days of the life of the prophets a lot, he said,

00:49:07 --> 00:49:09

there's a very interesting

00:49:11 --> 00:49:41

narration that mentions that during these last few days, there was a woman who came to see the profits of lobbyists and she was from, you know, so to speak out of town. She was someone who had become Muslim, and she had come to Medina, for her Islam. And she came to visit the prophets a lot. And see the prophets a lot.

00:49:42 --> 00:49:59

After you know, coming in, with permission, and just kind of paying the prophets a lot isn't a visit because he was not feeling well, because she had become Muslim. And because she was visiting from abroad. She was

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Visiting from out of town. She had some questions about Islam that she had wanted to ask the prophets a lot.

00:50:11 --> 00:50:13

So when she came to see the prophets, a lot of

00:50:14 --> 00:50:19

the prophets a lot he asked her if there were any questions that she had.

00:50:21 --> 00:50:22


00:50:24 --> 00:50:25

at that time

00:50:28 --> 00:50:30

she asked some questions.

00:50:33 --> 00:50:46

After asking a few questions, you know, she said that's it. She didn't want to ask any more questions. The prophets a lot. He said I could sense that she had maybe some more questions to ask.

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And just generally, also just to leave the door open.

00:50:53 --> 00:51:05

He said to her is narrated by Joe Bateman with the Lakota Toronto and body and listen that the profits a lot a synonym for Amara Ha. Antara Jia LA.

00:51:07 --> 00:51:17

The prophets, Allah told her, why don't you please come pay me another visit? Feel free to visit me again, have a follow up discussion. If you need to

00:51:18 --> 00:51:19


00:51:21 --> 00:51:33

And, you know, sometimes some people are just very straightforward. And maybe because of being out of town, being a villager are better when she said, our aid to injury to me.

00:51:35 --> 00:51:37

She said, What if I come back and you're not here anymore?

00:51:38 --> 00:51:41

It's like a way of saying, You don't look like you're doing too well.

00:51:43 --> 00:51:45

So she's asking a logistical question.

00:51:46 --> 00:51:47

She cares about her Islam?

00:51:49 --> 00:51:56

What if I have questions I need answered. So what if I come back or eight? Or what do you think in G two, when

00:51:58 --> 00:52:00

I come back and you're not here anymore? What do I do?

00:52:03 --> 00:52:20

The narrator feels the need to explain. She's basically alluding to the fact that you know what if you're dead, but again, that's not rude because a lot of the Bedouin people, they just spoke like this with this kind of frankness. They didn't mean any insult. They're just very humble, simple, Frank people.

00:52:23 --> 00:52:24

And the prophets, a lot of them said something.

00:52:26 --> 00:52:28

He said Elon, tajine,

00:52:30 --> 00:52:31

fatty abubaker

00:52:33 --> 00:52:36

if you come back, and you need anything,

00:52:37 --> 00:52:39

and if I'm no longer here,

00:52:40 --> 00:52:41

find a book.

00:52:43 --> 00:52:44

Find a book.

00:52:46 --> 00:52:50

habito Buhari Muslim so that I wanted to mention here

00:52:51 --> 00:53:08

also goes right in line with what we're talking about the prophets a lot of appointing will work at acidic or the Allahu talana to lead the prayer in those last few days of his life. So with that in sha Allah, I'll conclude here, and we'll continue

00:53:09 --> 00:53:15

in the next session. May Allah subhanaw taala make the lifetime of the prophets a lot he said.

00:53:17 --> 00:53:21

A source of guidance for us. And may Allah subhanaw taala make

00:53:22 --> 00:53:32

the light put on in the life of the prophets Allah is a guiding light for us. May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to benefit from the noble blessed tradition of the prophets.

00:53:33 --> 00:53:46

And may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to live our lives to the best of our ability in emulation of our beloved messengers, Allah Subhana Allah Subhana Allah we have Nick, a Chateau La ilaha illa Anta sofiero kawana

The Illness of The Messenger

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