Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 191

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallama alayhi wa sallam is considered the profit maker of the Prophet sallama, who gives a ride to a woman and claimed to be giving her a ride. The profit margins are high, but the speaker suggests that profit margins are driven by a culture of sharing resources and profits. The importance of practical spirituality and hunch is emphasized, along with the need for guidance and direction for children. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being a partner in a relationship and finding the right reward for parents who make money.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh this optimiser Jenga. If you enjoy and benefit from listening to our podcast, please donate to column by visiting support along.com we love being able to share this content for free with you and your donation ensures that we are always able to do so. Each podcast we produce has 10s of 1000s of listeners. So the opportunity for gaining immense reward by supporting this effort is endless inshallah. You never know who will be able to benefit from your contributions and donations. Dis akmola Hayden was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato

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salatu salam ala rasulillah. You Allah, Allah, he was happy to be here, marine shower continuing with our study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, zero to number we have a prophetic biography. In the last many sessions, we've been talking about the farewell pilgrimage digital readout of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when you perform the Hajj at the end of his life, in the 10th, year of higit, up, where we left off previously was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam going from our fat tumors Delica. And observing the night within was Delica we talked about extensively about how the prophets a lot excellant spent the night in was

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deliever. And that is the prophetic prescription that the judge they spend the night in was Delica. However, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did provide a concession.

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He did provide an allowance for someone to be able to leave most elephant in the middle of the night and spend a little bit of time there and be able to go to Minot early. And then if need be, that they also had the ability they were also given permission to be able to do the job or the stoning of the biggest of the three pillars that are stoned at the place of Mina, to do that, even before fudger time came in to be able to do that during the nights. Otherwise, what did the prophets a lot exam himself do? What was his action? So going back to the detailed hadith of Jabba the Allahu taala anhu in which he details the entire Hajj of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam along with of

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course the narrations that we have in Bahati and Muslim narrated from many different viewpoints of different companions, who are on this hedge dehydrated media. They say for solids for solid federal facilities Suba Hina to begin a local super hobby and then in a coma gin, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam waited until fudger time came in.

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Once federa time came in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked below the Allahu taala to call the oven. after which the lines were basically made for the prayer. He asked below to call the comma. This is all at the place of Muslims. And then they prayed a lot to fudger there after they prayed a lot and figured out the placement was alpha. The narration says throughout our cable swap the prophets a lot a Salaam den sat on the back of his camel for stuck below the table letter. And then he turned the camel in the direction of the Qibla the direction of the prayer for Allah azza wa jal were kabara who were held Allahu Allahu. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he

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started to make dua. So he prayed fudger and was edified and then he engaged in supplication, he started to make dua and supplicate to Allah. And along with that, he praised and Glorified Allah, one of the things is narrated that the prophets of Allah Allah who sentiments said at these kinds of instances, was because it specifically mentions kabara who were hunted Allahu Allahu Allah, Allah, Allah Allah who was wa de la Mancha will have to

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add. Another thing that is narrated the prophets a lot he said at this particular juncture was he said La la la la, Silla a woman da da, da da, da. So in different ways he praised and glorified God. And of course, he engaged into supplication had for 11 years. In fact, as far as

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the prophets a lot of them den stayed they're facing towards that they've left on the back of his camel. And he continued to make draw for quite some time, until it started to become very bright. It started to become very bright and what that basically means is that the time of fudger did not

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And yet briga very close to ending, but then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said something, or rather, he said something that is also narrated, that are built on top of the Allahu taala. And there's a hadith in Bukhari, in which I'm going to be mamoon, one of the top of your own. He says that I performed Hajj during the hill Africa, under the guidance and the leadership of

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the llamando. And he said that Amara, the Allahu taala, and who Salah be Gemma in a superhero, he prays a lot to fudger at the place and was sinefa thermoblock. Then he stayed there and he stopped for some time and he made

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then our photographer, the Allahu taala. And he said, in a mushy, mushy Nakano line for you do not have

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that emotional gene, they would not leave was dead, he fought until the sun had fully risen. The machine again would not leave, the machine would not leave the place of nostalgia, until the sun had fully risen, so they would stay there for that time. However, the Katara the Allahu taala anhu. He said, What Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a father Kabbalah shows that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would leave the place of study, before the sun would fully rise, he would leave One study found before the sun had fully risen. So the profits a lot of them broke tradition with the machinery and how the machine used to do it. The profits allow the salon broke

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tradition with that, and he basically re established the way that the that the way that was done if I was supposed to be observed at that particular time, and that is pray fudger there makes him do something good, and then proceed on and leave before the sun fully rises. So that's what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam observed. However, the next thing that I wanted to highlight is

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in the hadith of Bokhari, Abdullah bass, radi Allahu Allah and Omar, he narrates that when we are talking about this previously, when the prophets a lot of his own wind from arafat, to Muslim differ when he traveled from arafat. He was on the back of his camel as well. He had Osama bin Zayed writing behind him.

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When the Prophet sallallahu Sallam left and was delivered to go back to Mena, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had forgotten Barnabas writing the behind him. What that tells you is a couple of things that I want to highlight here. Number one,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not travel alone. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam made sure that he was always giving someone a ride.

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And not that they couldn't have provided another extra camel at the behest at the request of the prophets a lot dieselon that was completely doable. They totally could have gotten another camel and given a ride at that time. So as I was saying

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that the prophets a lot he said I gave from alpha alpha. He had Osama bin Zayed riding with him. When he went from a xenophobe back to Mina. He had further bass riding with him. We learn a few things from this particular moment from the life of the prophets a lot. He said a few things. The first thing I wanted to highlight that we learned from that is, as I was saying, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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he always made sure he always made sure that he was giving someone a ride. This is Mohammed Allah slice allottee. So true. In early as long there was just a lack of resources. They didn't maybe have enough transportation. This is not that moment. This is 100. And without

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all of Central Arabia is in the fold of Islam, there would have been more than enough transportation that was available. However, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he, almost the profits allowed him by his own example through his own example. He's illustrating, he's demonstrating that always try to give someone else arrived. Always try to share resources for and having this kind of a mindset, this kind of a mentality, this kind of a culture in the community.

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Because there might come a moment when we have a lack of resources. And then imagine I'm driving my own car. I'm one person in a car with three empty seats, four empty seats, and I just drive by people walking on the street.

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Right, and we see that happen all the time because there's not that kind of a communal mindset. And so the profits a lot is almost always leading by example. And the profits are largely some illustrated. give someone a ride, share your resources. That's why the profits are lovely, some very beautifully says the anganwadi Yes, yuxi his name, what the army Lithuania yerba food for one is actually enough for two and food for two is actually enough for for right and so that's the first thing the profits a lot of illustrates here. The second thing the profits a lot is teaching us as well, particularly here is that he gave one person a ride from a water fountain was identified as

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giving another person a ride from was delivered to me now. And this for lack of a better expression is kind of the idea of kind of spreading the love. Right, the profits a lot is made sure that he was just using that as an opportunity, touch base and check on different different people.

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The third thing that we see from this is both people, the prophets, a lot of them give a right to some New Zealand, dinar bats are

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younger people. They're young people. And you see the prophets, a lot of them always had this focus from the very getgo that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave a lot of time, a lot of attention focused on quite an extent in regards to younger people, right, that at some point, you know, the rhetoric that we have, it has to be implemented and as to become, you know, you know, there's the old adage goes, putting your money where your mouth is, right? We talk about the youth, we talk about the children, we talk about the future generations, but at what point do we actually bring that to fruition? And the prophets a lot is always paid this kind of special attention and

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gave time and gave his attention to younger people. Right. And this is also just as a side, you know, side note, in regards to this same point, this is the succession planning of the profits a lot, etc.

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Right, this danger is not, of course, this Dean will be preserved. But meaning that the guaranteed that this Dean will pass on to our future generations, that part is not guaranteed.

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Again, very carefully, the fact that their religion the dean will carry on that is guaranteed in that

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we're in the hospital, but the fact that it will carry on to our children, that's not guaranteed, right? The famous old expression. That's right, the son of a doctor is not a doctor, the son of an alum is not an island.

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It doesn't work that way. Right. And so that is going to take a specific focus and effort and if we don't focus on that, and we neglect that, either. God forbid our future generations won't care. or number two, may Allah protect us all. But Allah subhanaw taala could just deem us not worthy, willing to allow yourself to open it to Malaya Kunal,

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you turn your backs, that's okay. Allah will replace you with another people. And then they will be like you, they won't take it for granted. So you see the prophets, a lot of them focusing on these future generations. And the last thing I wanted to also kind of emphasize here at this particular point

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is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the he always shared his ride his food, his resources with people, the profits, a lot of these are made in different different people, thereby kind of spreading the attention. They were younger people. And then the last point that is very important to note. They were young people who were from the family of the prophets.

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The reason why I mentioned that is while Yes, the prophets Allah, the son would share and give love to and pay attention to, you know, everybody and all young people. But there is a specific point to noting the fact that they were from his family. The reason why I mentioned that is that because the rights of one's family, the rights of the people of one's own home and family have more of a right on that person than other people do. Right. What we'll are having about the humo lab involving freaky tabula, that even within the family, there are people who have more rights than others do. That's a reality. So you see that the profits a lot isn't we being so busy, so preoccupied, having

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so much on his plate, having so much to deal with that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam might not have had enough as much time or been able to pay the kind of attention that he wanted to, maybe to the young people of his own family, his younger cousins.

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In, you know, so on and so forth. So the profits a lot of the time is utilizing this as an opportunity to be able to focus on them and pay some attention to them and be able to ask them and check on them. How are things going with you? One of the very beautiful narrations of the profits and while they set up is without deliberate bass, radi Allahu Allah Anima where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Yabu lamb in the wild Luca Kalimantan says listen, son, I'd like to talk to you about a few things. And then he proceeds to give him some advice.

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Now moving on from this particular point, the profits all of a sudden goes from steady fire back to me now.

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And as he's traveling from auto factory was dead. He felt Osama was writing behind him from his belly fat, Amina fatherly is writing behind them. And in both cases, in both instances, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they both note about the profits a lot. He said that he continued to say the telopea he continued to say the baker lamella bake all throughout the journey. While he was writing, he continued to say the debate he continued to say the baker lamella Baker data all throughout that process. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did not stop saying the big Allahu Allah bake until he cast the first pebble in the direction of that major pillar at the place

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of Mena, where the three pillars are the three Shea thongs that we felt that we throw the pebbles at the only the largest one is pelted on the day of the 10th of the ledger. And he the moment that he cast the first pebble, the first stone, he stopped staying that lbr at that particular juncture. And that's exactly what we're going to talk about now. The next thing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Actually I just wanted to mention one particular thing before I move forward.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he shared he taught us how to perform the Hajj. Right, he said huami Manasa kumbu minima, learn how to do hug from me, la de la hija de la mirada right that I will not do hide with y'all possibly after this year. And that was actually the case. That was the truth. That's exactly what happened. So the prophets a lot he taught us he said how the mopa wa hakuho. He said, You stand at the place of autofire. And all of the area of autofire is a place where you can stand and mcdouall he said then had a mocha for Gemma. And

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he said muslin if you spend the night in almost any field is an area where you can spend that night. Then he said about Mena hotter than Manhattan where Mina.

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Mina is the place you go on the 10th and you will make a sacrifice. When he was teaching this as they were about to go from was dead. In fact, to me now,

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a young woman who was from the tribe of Hassan, Hassan, Amelia, she came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And she asked him a question. And this question that she asked the Prophet sallallahu Sallam actually is a very important technical issue about hunch. She said in the obesity debate on

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she said that my father,

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he is a very, very elderly man. He is to the point where he really cannot actually do much at all, because the other aka too far into life.

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But right before he became so ill,

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he had the financial means, and he had the physical capacity to be able to perform the Hajj, for how you do

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so in the future, can I basically perform a hedge on his behalf? Had you better?

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Can I perform a hedge on his behalf? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Now I'm for a D and A B.

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Now I'm D IBG. He said, Yes, perform the Hajj on behalf of your father. He gave me the permission to do so. And in fact emphasized her it upon her saying this is good.

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So we learned a very important thing that someone is able to particularly children, particularly family members, are able to do a hedge on behalf of elderly parents or elderly grandparents or family members, so on and so forth. That's a very important issue. We learned from that. But like I said, that's more of a technical issue that I don't want to get into too much details in regards to here. We do have seminars and things like that when the season comes around. We'll talk more about that at that time.

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But aside

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from that particular benefit of knowing that that is something that is permissible. There's another element of the story that is very interesting.

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And this is going to touch on something very real, very practical, but at the same time, somewhat of a delicate topic. But it's still something I think it highlights something very important about the methodology, the philosophy, the approach of the prophets, a lot of early heusler.

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Were lower earner.

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This young woman from Hassan was asking the profits a lot of these questions.

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And while he was the profits, a lot of him was that answering she was asking these questions while he was answering your questions. Further, remember we talked about he was writing behind the profits?

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The profits along the salon? While he was answering the question, he turned father's head to the side.

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He turned his head to the side.

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And he continued talking

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afterwards, father's father,

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father, Bernard bass, is the cousin of the prophets a lot easier than his father, who is the uncle of the processor on a bass.

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He wasn't objecting. But every single thing the prophets wanting him to do, they were very curious. So they would ask so they can learn. And sometimes they would say that a nakka

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nakka nakka inaccurate.

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We saw you doing something we've never seen you do it before. Please explain. Like the famous Hadith where the prophets Allah was sending the member. He was sending the member and the profits of lobbyism ascended one step.

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And he paused and he said, I mean, then he ascended a second step. And he paused and he said, I mean, then he ascended a third step. And he paused and he said, I mean,

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and the Sahaba said,

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we never saw you do this before. Please explain. So similarly, here, the profitsystem is having a conversation with somebody. fatherly, his cousin is sitting behind him while he's talking. He turns his head to the side and continues talking.

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Now, my boss comes up to him afterwards and he says jasola Lima waiter, or no.

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And he says it would respect because he says he doesn't say he says, oh, messenger of God. Please inform me. As to the wisdom of vine. You turned the head of your cousin.

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You see, there's a lot of other than that question. He didn't say why did you turn my son?

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That sounds defensive. That sounds confrontational.

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Why did you do that? No, but rather he said he's your cousin. Yeah.

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But so that's why he's asking the wisdom so I can learn why did you turn to that color to sharpen which have baton philam ammunition upon Allah Hema.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I saw the confluence

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of two very volatile elements. I saw a situation. The situation was that there was a young woman asking a question. And there was a young man sitting right next to the profits a lot in the process of knowing that young man being his cousin. He said that I found I found another narration he elaborates that I saw a father staring at her.

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Like I felt that father was, you know, kind of maybe, you know, being enticed by the situation. His eyes are starting to wander. He's starting to stare, Gok, whatever you want to call it, and not in a bad or, you know, not not in a very, you know, inappropriate way like we're to, to, to to cast aspersions on Southern Baptists, because he is the Sahabi of the process and he is Medellin bait. We're not saying he was doing something really vile. He was doing

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what any young man or young woman when maybe around each other's company, what naturally would occur. He felt,

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you know, intrigued by this young woman, and he started to physically demonstrate some interest in this demo.

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So the prophets, a lot of them said, in order to kind of create some, you know, kind of remind everyone to be appropriate and to be, you know, conscious of the situation. I turned his head

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and what we see

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Like I said, it's a bit of a delicate topic, obviously. Nevertheless, it's very important, because we learned a few things here. Number one, we learn that, even at the time with the profits, or even the convenience of the process, in the family members of the profits a lot easier. During the days of hudge.

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Human beings are still human beings. temptations are still temptations, desires exist within every person.

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And number two, what we also see here is how the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did not necessarily express concern about the fact that Father might be interested in this young woman, and might want to inquire about her, or this young woman might be interested in further than wanting to inquire about him. He moreso is concerned about making sure that things don't proceed in the incorrect manner or fashion.

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But if things proceed, they proceed, there's a practicality to how the profits allottee some approaches spirituality, is why I often like to talk about practical spirituality. Because impractical spirituality would entertain the idea or the notion

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that young men and young women should become so pious that they don't even think about the other.

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But that's not realistic. And that's not practical. Oh, you should become so pious, you never feel tempted by anything. That's not realistic. That's not how human beings work.

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However, the prophets, a lot of a sudden understands, yes, there will be this kind of temptation or interest.

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But then thirdly, we also see that the prophets, a lot of them utilizes his role

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as a big brother, as a mentor, as a teacher, to correct behavior where he feels it needs correcting.

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And that's something else that's very important. We cannot forget how necessary it is not. First of all, we cannot forget our responsibility when we find ourselves in that role, whether it's Big Brothers, Big Sisters, as mothers and fathers, as teachers, we have to remember our responsibility. And number two, what we also have to understand is that young people need,

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forget about what they want or don't want. Because sometimes they just don't know what's good for them.

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But young people need a sense of guidance and direction, they crave it, they need it.

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And so the prophets, a lot of humans providing them. And one other very profound benefit that we derive from this

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is that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is able to see the situation happening.

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He's able to address it, he's able to even kind of personally be able to turn father's face aside. And he's able to do all of that.

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Because father is sitting on the animal right behind him.

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He has the relationship where he can do that.

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What we want to do a lot of times is we want to tell the youths

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everything that is wrong with them.

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How much time how much energy, how much have we invested into them with them.

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And I understand being a parent to myself, you're getting to see some of that in action here today. But being a parent myself, nobody sacrifices more than parents do for children. But if I may, very humbly, and I say this reminding myself, I say this to myself, that at the same time, especially when our children start to get a little bit older, when they start to become teenagers, and beyond is the only extent the entire extent of our conversation with our children is telling them what to do what not to do, reprimanding them,

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yelling at them.

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Then, at that particular time,

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we really don't have the kind of capacity and we don't have the kind of capital that needs to be built up and developed in order to be able to advise them when the time for advice is necessary. Some parents might feel Oh, I spend a lot of time with my kids. Now you spend a lot of time yelling at your kids.

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And again, please forgive me some parents might, you know be offended at the notion But listen, we do

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As I'm talking to myself here, I'm reminding myself, I talked to my kids a lot about what?

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It's not about the quantity of your conversation. It's about the quality of your communication.

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Not about the quantity of words coming out of your mouth in their direction. Did you pick up your clothes? Did you clean your room?

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Did you clean out your back? Did you do your homework?

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Did you finish your crop? Did you do this? Do that go eat, go to sleep, Go brush your teeth. Go do this, pick up that do that, oh, you just said a lot of words.

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But that's not what's called quality communication.

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And we have to ask ourselves that we have to really genuinely the prophets, a lot of them invested time, he's giving a ride.

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And they're probably talking.

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Right, they're conversing. They're having quality experiences with one another. And then when the opportunity the moment arises, where the profits of autism sees something that could be problematic, the profits of autism is able to address it by turning his head to the side.

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And further, there's nothing Of course, it's a messenger of Allah. Nobody ever takes anything from him the wrong way. But he's still setting an example for us. Try that. Try having a relationship with someone

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actually being there for them, talking to them, spending time with them. And then being able to sit them down and be like,

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you shouldn't do that. That's not right.

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And then see how they receive it from you.

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See how they take it from you. And that I felt was a really powerful moment. From the edge. It literally happened during Hajj. And I just thought it was so profoundly beautiful. And this example the prophets a lot.

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Now, when they arrived back at Mena like I said, they go throw seven pebbles at the largest of the pillars.

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I wanted to, and I'll conclude with this, just talk very briefly, because I had alluded to it earlier, the prophets a lot. So he

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Abdullah Mazumdar, the Allahu taala who says that a McDonough be a salami sent him for letting us be hotter, Amaya moratalla. AKA to be overly harsh, often, he says I kept watching the prophets a lot

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of something very beautiful. So I would he would study everything he did. And he said that when the processor got to Mina, and he got to the biggest of the three sheath arms, the three pillars, and he got to the biggest one, when he was saying a big, a big a big election, he conducted a bake. And when he threw the first one that after that, he did not say the big anymore, that was the end of the debate. All right.

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As I mentioned previously, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he gathered his pebbles, the end. Similarly, on the next three days, he would also need pebbles for each of the three pillars, seven each, he gathered all of his pebbles at the place and was anything that is a sinner. But if you're not able to do it there, you can get pebbles from there at minimum, and know the pebbles are not like water that once they've been used, they can't be used again, there's nothing like that. Right? So a lot of times, but again, those are the issues I'll leave them for a different discussion, but the profits a lot is him gathered his pebbles from the place that was that he found,

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however, something very interesting, the profits a lot easier said at this particular time, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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When he was gathering pebbles, he showed the Sahaba

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how small the pebbles were, and they were size of like chickpeas. There's tiny little pebbles. And when they got to the place of Mina, where they were tossing the pebbles, the profits of loving Some said very carefully, and very gently toss the pebbles. And he said, Yeah, you Hannah's Lai. Jaco Baba, Baba. He said, Don't murder each other at me now.

00:34:13 --> 00:34:21

Don't kill each other at minute. He said for it to work for you that are made to a gem rotta firmoo be mythri

00:34:23 --> 00:34:33

he said when you throw the pebbles at the pillar, then throw pebbles, no bigger than the size of chickpeas. I don't show up there with a brick.

00:34:35 --> 00:34:36

Right and then load up

00:34:38 --> 00:34:47

and try to throw a brick at miles per hour. Don't do that. You'll kill somebody. That's not okay. Similarly, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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When it came to the throwing of pebbles, the profits a lot of them also when he picked up the pebbles and was that in fact, he started walking around with alpha and he started he was holding the pebbles

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He was showing people bm 30 Hobby Lobby. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Hakuna

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so beautiful. The character the prompts he's walking around was that if I showing people like this, like this, like this guy's like this like this. He's helping everybody. And then he said what he Yakumo Hulu, for Yamaha Hulu. Don't become excessive, don't be extreme, find Mr. Lucky, Montana public, aloof.

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extremism within the religion actually destroyed the people that came before you

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don't commit that critical error.

00:35:39 --> 00:35:55

And the last thing I mentioned here is Ahmed Hussein, radi Allahu taala. And she says, so powerful how she says this. In the hadith of Sahih Muslim she says, Hi, Judge tomorrow's ally, somalisa Mahajan.

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I did HUD with the Prophet ceylonese.

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She's so proud of this. so grateful. I did hide with the prophets a lot.

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And she says what she saw and then she says, Hi, Judge subresources Mahajan, with a Tucson Matabeleland

00:36:15 --> 00:36:39

when the prophets a lot, he said was good walking in Mina to go throw the pebbles at the pillar at the shavon at the gemorah she says that the prophets a lot of humans actually riding this camel. And I saw sama and Bella, radi Allahu Allah Anima are with him. When I do my IV, don't be tommyknockers genovesa salam, when

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will your Ansel boohoo? Yes To whom in and

00:36:45 --> 00:37:16

I saw that one of them who summoned Milan One of them was walking in front holding the rope of the camel over the process of walking the camel. And the second one was sitting behind him. And while sitting behind him, he had a shawl. And he was holding it over the head of the process of like an umbrella. Imagine someone sitting behind him holding an umbrella over his head so that the sunlight would not directly hit him. The Sahaba love the prophets, a lot of them so much. And it just it always blows me away to just imagine that moment in that scene.

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And how that mission that vision of the prophets of autism came to fruition at this beautiful moment where more than 120,000 people are going

00:37:30 --> 00:37:50

to go do the romney to go throw the pebbles and the processor is walking with them and everyone saying at the top of their lungs love Baker love them in a bake. And you have Osama holding the rope of the animal and, or and or VLAN sitting on the back of the camel holding like a shawl a covering over his head.

00:37:51 --> 00:38:15

It's just such a beautiful moment. May Allah subhanaw taala send his peace and blessings upon the prophets of Allah. And may Allah subhanaw taala be pleased with the companions of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and May Allah subhanaw taala grant us all an invitation to Hodge into his house. And may Allah grant us all the ability to practice everything that's been said and heard. So Hanalei, we have de semana, Colombia Hasidic, Masha Allah ilaha illa Anta

Hajj – Morn of the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah

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