Abdul Wahab Saleem – Embracing Quran #04 – It is Not Easy to Convey God’s Message to People

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes the struggles of Islam's second segment where messengers send them all as messengers. The speaker discusses the history of Islam, including the use of a scrim to prevent similar accidents and the "army" system to label individuals. The segment emphasizes the importance of holding back one'sContinues and not allowing anyone in, while also discussing the use of "slack" within Islam and the "marows" concept.
AI: Transcript ©
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spit out hamdulillah salatu salam ala Rasulillah Welcome back to embracing Quran Tafseer Sophia seen. Now we're in the last section of the second segment of the surah. Allah subhanho wa Taala is now telling us of the result of these people. But let's do a little bit of a recap. In the first section of the second segment Allah subhanaw taala tells us of the Syrian Antioch to which two messengers of God were sent. They were rejected by the people of that town. So Allah subhanho wa Taala sent a third Messenger, and the third messenger and all of them together, they proclaimed that Allah subhanaw taala had sent them all as messengers. There were still rejected, and there was a lot

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of opposition. So there is a man who came from the furthest part of town and that was a second section of the second segment. All right.

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Now, this man, what did he do? He was a color to God. He started saying, You guys oh, people, oh my people. Yeah, tone. My people. It Debbie Earl mousseline follow the messengers of God. These are messengers of God who have been sent to you by God from God. So you've got to follow them.

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What did they do to this person? They ended up killing this person as well when he proclaimed that he believes in Allah subhanaw taala the only one they ended up killing this person and that person is Allah subhanho wa Taala narrates to us the things he said after his death. He said that Oh, how I wish my people knew how Allah subhanaw taala has forgiven me. And now Allah subhanaw taala tells us the outcome of those people who reject their messengers, when the message comes to a people and they reject that message that comes with that what that comes with consequences from Allah subhanaw taala. So Allah takes us now to those consequences. He says, Well, mountains Allah Allah call me

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human better de Min Joon, the minister, you will mechagnomes Ilene

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we didn't send to the people of this person who was murdered because he was a color to God, we didn't send an army from the heavens. And we didn't have to do that. Well, I'm not gonna zoom in. And there was no need for us to send down an army, okay? Because these people are so weak when it comes to the strength of God. So Allah subhanaw taala, saying, I didn't send an army down to destroy them. I don't have to do that. Well, if I could, no one's even incarnate enough for Hetton Wahida. All it took was one large screen. That's all it took for either home ha me do soon. When that happened, all of them were completely extinguished. That's it, they're finished. So Allah subhanaw

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taala. His strength is such that when people become arrogant, because of the strength that they've been given, and they try to attack the messengers of God, Allah subhanaw taala doesn't even have to send an army to distinguish these people. All it takes for Allah is to allow a scrim to happen and everything is annihilated. So Allah says all it took his site Hutton and they say that Falah is as if in Malik says without a Latin Lima Ratan kegels. Literally, Hey, Tim Kegels that anything that comes on the the pattern of Falah it's for the occurrence to happen once? So this site How was just once the word site already denotes the fact that it happened once, but Allah emphasizes the fact

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that it's once by saying, Say hurtin Wahida, it was just one one only screen.

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If Allah didn't say why that one, the word R, it already denotes the structure of the word already denotes the fact that it happened once. But Allah wants to emphasize that who is really just once that's all it took the entirety of this village, and the people all of them were annihilated, and all of them were extinguished. Yeah, has certain Island rebelled

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Oh, pity be to the slaves of Allah subhanaw taala. Oh, pity be upon these, these slaves of Allah azza wa jal.

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And the pity happened, why Maya de himer Rasool in there was never a messenger of God that would come to them. Illa cannot be here. Yes, does he own except that they would mock the messenger, except that they would mock that person. And today as well, what do we see? We see people mocking the colors to God within the ranks of the Muslims sometimes and also sometimes within the ranks of the non Muslims as well. So we see people who call to Allah subhanaw taala being marked in every which way. Look at these people. They're so backwards. Look at these Marvy. sarbs Look at these x y Z's everybody's got a name for it. And there's a lot of mockery that takes place and and Allah

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subhanaw taala saying what pity betta these people who are mocking the messengers of God may

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Hema Rasul Allah not a single messenger comes to them. And the men over here, it's supposed to be for emphasis, okay, my t mira Sulan, no messenger at all comes to them in that God will be here just as the only the only thing that they will do as they would mark. That's all they could do. Mockery are brothers and sisters mockery is not a thing that is accepted in Islam, it's a sin. And Allah subhanaw taala. He says in the Quran, that, that the men shouldn't be mocking other men and women shouldn't be mocking other women as well. Because sometimes within the same gender, we see a lot of mockery as well, right now is her own woman called me, I sat in your corner higher on minimum, that

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don't let a group of men the word comb actually refers to men, even though oftentimes it's translated as a people that

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but the Arabs, they used to use the term comb for men specifically.

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And this is within Arabic earlier with poetry as well. So the word comb is referring to men. So Allah is saying that a group of men shouldn't be mocking other groups of men. And a group of women shouldn't be mocking another group of of women as well.

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When did he want us to be hard to agree upon hustling? Omnicell a poet says that I know not. And I'm never going to know or I'm not going to know that whether Al Hasan the people of Hassan is basically trying to, to assault them verbally saying that the people of Heslin I don't know if they happen to be foam, or they happen to be Nissa. And that's how we know the word poem actually means men, because he used the opposite of that. And he said, Nissa on the opposite side. So ALLAH SubhanA wa Allah says in surah gerat, he says that a group of men shouldn't be mocking a group of men, perhaps those other men are better than the ones who are mocking. Similarly, a group of women shouldn't be

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mocking another group of women, perhaps those women happen to be better than the ones who are mocking. So there is no way that you can know that you are better than a person for you to go and mock them. And when you mock a person, then you're belittling them and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he told us that the problem with kibin He says, it basically leads a person to hellfire, that the person was even an atom's weight of Gibbon within them, they're going to enter hellfire. And the Prophet SAW Selim discouraged looking down upon

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another believing Muslim. He said he has been named Michelle, and yet got a whole Muslim. It's enough for a person to be evil that they ended up disdaining and looking down upon one of their brothers. So these people, that's exactly what they're doing. messengers of God are coming, and they're just standing and they're looking down upon these messengers, and they're mocking these messengers as well. Now, if you're forbidden for mocking people who are regular people, what about people who are people of God, we've got to hold our tongues and hold ourselves accountable. I ask Allah subhana wa Tada to give us the ability to hold ourselves to account and I asked Allah subhanaw

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taala to give us the ability to hold our tongues as well. And a poet, he says that,

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that but you do have to worry or W Lisanna, who hopefully Qlm you in the whole mo for well, that a person who is very scrupulous and pious, perhaps he will hold his tongue back, even though he happens to be a person who knows how to speak. Just because you know how to speak doesn't mean you have to speak, okay? Just because you have been given words doesn't mean you have to always use them. Because if we use too much words, then sometimes we ended up becoming, we ended up becoming aggressive in the way we speak and will be held to account for that. So we have to hold our tongues back in order for us to not be held to account by Allah subhanaw taala for the things that come out,

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that are intended by us and sometimes even unintended by us ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant us that tofield Allah whom I mean, are some Allahu Allah so you didn't um, hammered in early he was so heavy engineering

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