Abdul Nasir Jangda – Tafseer Of Surah Maryam – Day 03

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of context in translation and how it can lead to issues. They stress the need for training and learning in English, the importance of being emotionally sensitive to language, and the importance of language translation and learning for understanding the needs of children. They also discuss the potential for the generation of the worldly markings of the worldly markings of the worldly markings of the worldly markings of the worldly markings of the worldly markings of the worldly markings of the worldly markings of the worldly markings of the worldly markings of the worldly markings of the worldly markings of the worldly markings of the worldly markings of the worldly markings of the worldly markings of the worldly markings of the worldly markings of the worldly markings of the worldly markings of the worldly markings of the worldly markings of the worldly markings of
AI: Transcript ©
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was meant to be our humble son, Elijah Medina, you know, one of the things that's one of the biggest lessons from the story of medium, and PR, one of the wisdoms of why it has such a prominent place within the Quran. And the story of medium is something that reoccurs into put on that very, very powerful times from suta, Allah and Milan, sort of muddy I'm, of course here. And then of course, again, in sort of, to to him, there's a very, very powerful, valuable lesson, I'm not sure if it'll actually come up in the context of the Sears Hall. Just while we're waiting for everyone to get settled in. I'll kind of bring it up here. The story of Miriam is something very remarkable,

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especially the ayah from Surah Emraan. And so the earlier I'm Ron, it talks about, you know, the remarkable parents that medium Solomon Alejandro de la Han had that she had, and it talks about the intention that her mother had made in need of up to like a Murphy botany maharana that I have devoted, I have Devin dedicated I have made the commitment that whatever is in my stomach, whatever it is that I'm carrying the child that I'm carrying, around, it will be free of any expectations and he needs any requirements for me for Taco Bell Mini. So please accept this from me, Oh Allah. All right. When the IRS goes on, it's a las panatela tells us for them our data polytope Nevada.

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When she did give birth to Miriam she said any robot to Atlanta, or like giving birth to a to a daughter to a girl to a female

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releaser that will love them will be my daughter Lisa crew calusa and Subhan Allah Allah subhanaw taala says in response to that will love Allah will be mobile God, Allah knows best what she gave birth to.

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Because the mother was saying it in the tone of I gave birth to a daughter, I made the intention for my child to be dedicated to the deen to make these amazing accomplishments and commitments to the deen of Allah. And I gave birth to a daughter. Like there's a little bit of disappointment, there's a little bit of maybe she gave birth to Alexis when they said that that's not to say that they're exactly the same, or different beats the weaknesses or different strengths between men and women, male or female. There's different challenges, different situations, different circumstances, that's fine, but a lot of those best what she gave birth to. So there was a little bit of hesitation that

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may be, you know, it's not going to live up to the expectations I had, but less and less power, which gave birth to and then when we look at the story here and what we're going to be reading ahead, I'm not going to jump the gun here. But when we read ahead and switch it up, and it talks about the resolve, the dedication, the commitment, the strength, the fort into the modesty, the the the just the the character, the resilience of money, it'll be a lot more now. And then finally, in conclusion in terms of diversity in the last panel, our data says that money is not just a role model for women, but money, unity to learn their Deen, if I were to have some that you would have

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when my daughter is talking about the miraculous letters through which just sudo begins. And then Allah says he's about to deliver us a very powerful reminder about the mercy of a lion Howard showered down upon his selected slaves that Khadija and the prophets a lot of sin was being addressed here because the prophets amongst the Muslims are in the thick of it. They are dealing with some very, very difficult situations. And it's kind of like as soon as the door will open, boom, the landslide just just kind of fell down on them. It's like the sky just fell on your head. So that that reminder is being given you that you're in difficult situations, the odds are against

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you. But let us tell you about another slave of ours. A law says that the odds were against him but the mercy of Allah came to his aid in his rescue. And the same thing is about to happen for you as well. In other Oklahoma, he called out to his Lord, very, and he was very humble and he was very, it was very heartfelt and he was very sincere and calling out to his door. In that open.

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Chiba my bones are falling apart, my head head is going completely white or light. You see my condition here. I'm pleading and begging, I'm crying. I'm dying here alone. And then it says whatever couldn't be true, it cannot be shown to you. But at the same time I've stuck to making blocking a lot and I've never walked away deprived or empty handed. You've always taken care of your love. And I trust that you're going to take care of me this time as well. So this is not powerful.

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Beautiful means of supplication. That's it getting out. I just said I was offering you for Allah. Now he states and I in number five, where we're starting from today, he states, what is the intention? Or rather, what are the motives? What are some of the things that have driven him, because all at the same times that can he of course, we don't doubt the fact that he was constantly making you up. But it kind of seems like everything has kind of come to a peak here. And when we find the into a higher Enron that the reason why he's really emphatic at this particular point in time is, you receive that very powerful reminder from money. And, and I don't, again, we're gonna

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get to that in just a little bit. But zirconia was basically the mentor the teacher of money. All right. And so she provided a reminder to him a very powerful reminder, when he approaches when he walks in, doesn't it hasn't been at all that she's, you know, into the, into the front of the mustard area. And she's sitting there, and she's eating fruits. And he says, I'm not lucky, how did you get this because it's out of season, it's not available, but let's move in.

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So she says this is from a lot of luck, and give whomsoever He wants, however much he wants, whatever you want, without any type of restriction or constraints.

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So navigate the uncertainty around that. And there's a video since

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Zachary, that has

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a lot

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to do.

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This is Oh, my lord gift to meet a very, very beautiful, attractive, pious, righteous offspring. In the case of Indra, I have no doubt about the fact that you are listening to supplications at all times, you are constantly listening to the supplications at all times, regardless of who is making them. So that's obviously one connection. Why is it that he is all of a sudden it just kind of it came out from him and he, he, more emphatically been drawn to maybe I'd ever done before. But at the same time to him gives us another perspective, he says, we're doing noelia knew

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that most definitely, I fear.

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I'm afraid, I've grown to fear and morality, and morality comes from moda. And often refers to in a specific context, it refers to not direct relatives, not like your own inheritors, like your own children. But it means kind of like extended family members, and Mojave in the especially the poor versus like extended like cousins and uncles, second cousins, kind of like the extended family members. So he says, I really fear in regards I'm very apprehensive, I'm not comfortable. I'm not very confident about my extended family members, because I was like India doesn't have any children doesn't have any direct offspring. So who does he have to rely upon in order to carry on the message

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and to, to propagate this message onto others, he's got to rely upon whoever is available in the family, or whoever is available to come in. And those are the cousins and uncles and friends and neighbors and people like that. And this is another continent in the Milwaukee from beyond me. And that's like an expression in the Arabic language

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expression. What it basically means is after my death,

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after I'm long gone, I don't have a lot of confidence in these somewhat distant relatives, these people around me that they will really stick to it. There's another near recitation in there's another narrative recitation that is narrated for this. And that is huff

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couplets and Noah Hufford basically comes from coffee, if it means for something to be light. So he says they're very light, meaning, again, basically the same understanding, I don't have a lot of confidence, right? They're not great. They don't inspire confidence. They're kind of flimsy, they're kind of flaky. So the people are out here kind of flaky. I don't really trust leaving and trusting everything over to these people will get into it.

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But at the same time, my wife

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is altium. Now let me take this word by word. He says in law, it means my wife, I'm translating it as my wife, literally, if you were to look it up, it basically means my woman,

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my woman now, all right, even from an English perspective, in the south, especially how southerners speak, we kind of know that, but the problem with that is it sounds very derogative like a woman, you know, like my woman, you know, so that doesn't sound very pleasant. Very nice. And that's why I hesitate to translate it like that, because you have to take social context into consideration with translating. I hate to keep going off on tangents and rants, but I can't help myself. All right. One big huge misnomer. misunderstanding is this

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English is my mother tongue. English is my first language. English is my native tongue, I speak English. All right. And then if I study Arabic, and I learned Arabic very, very well, like I'm qualified in Arabic, that does not necessarily qualify me for translation.

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So if one language is my mother tongue, and I learned another language, to the level of human expertise, that doesn't necessarily qualify me for translation, translation requires training. It requires learning, you have to learn to translate, you have to be trained to translate. And that was something that was a part of classical scholarship, they would train their students in translation, it would make them translate something and bring it back to it will make them sit there and listen to them translate, they will make them simultaneously interpret as they spoke. And we hope that this was something that was a part of the system of learning that I was able to be a part of our

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teachers, they would put it put us through this discipline where we would go and translate, they would look at it, they would grade it, and they would correct things that maybe you got to take this into consideration can be too literal here, you weren't, you weren't literally enough there. And he was simultaneous interpretation, where they would be talking in Arabic, and we would have to talk simultaneously translate into another language, or vice versa, if you're talking about language and local language, and we're translating into Arabic. So translation requires training. And one of the key elements in translation is social context. Because if you just want to language is really well,

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and you're translating across, at means that you will translate in my wallet. Now, that's fine. You might say, brother, you're kind of blown out of proportion, but let's take it into consideration. We're talking in the English language. And this is meant for English speaking audience. So maybe somebody who's not quite familiar with formatting language and doesn't realize that in Arabic, it's not in that same type of tone. And he hears this, that the more he reads this and my woman is barren, it sounds really derogatory. It's not appropriate. So these are just considerations are very, very important. And we're not sensitive enough to them. Not nearly sensitive enough to these

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issues. So again, that literally means woman. But he's saying my wife saying it, my woman is basically a way of saying my wife. But there's another way of saying my wife also in not just in Arabic, or classical area, but in language, and that is, oh, gee zoji, my wife, my spouse. And something that's very interesting that we find here. Specifically, I'm not even talking across the spectrum I'm just talking about in the story of zirconia here he's saying what kind of thing but I'm gonna try my wife and he refers to his wife I called him or woman in another place in some

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sort of an MBR over there when a lot of refers to zirconia. He says first the Gemini what what happened

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was last night na whose own job?

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So then we answered his prayers. What will happen out of that, who Yeah, when we gave him as a gift, the sun in Gambia was Latin America who soldier and we made him very well, we basically, we corrected or we, we maintained in good condition his wife for him. So Allah refers to the wife of Zachary at one place. And so here he's referring to the wife of Zachary as Emma woman.

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And so what's the difference? What's the significance? So when we study or onic eloquence, when we take a look at this comparison, we see something very interesting. That refers to the wife of as in raw as woman is done in a context where Yes, they are husband and wife. All right. But nevertheless, the relationship has something that is maybe lacking. There's something lacking in the relationship, there's some point of stress in the relationship. There's something that's kind of holding the relationship back just a tad a little bit. Sometimes it could be something significant, something could be very something very small. For example, when the Watchtower teller refers to the wife of

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new and the wife of *, unless it's one right and knew him, was

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the wife of the wife of Lupo with the word, woman, the woman and the woman have moved. Why because there was something lacking in their relationship, what was lacking in the relationship? faith, faith was lacking in the relationship, or at least the conviction of faith was lacking in the relationship. All right, same example on the flip side, into the him when I was kind of attalus. Remember 66 when the last kind of agenda speech about the wife of fit our own, what does Allah say adorable along with

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the wife around meaning the woman a fit out

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The woman or physical, because again, what was lacking in their relationship? Again, faith, faith was lacking in that relationship. She was a belief in woman, she was a believer, and he obviously was not. So when something's lacking in a relationship, it's almost as if it was very suddenly brings that to our attention. And there was some stress here in the relationship. And the case of new new than the wife of around Asya, there was something major Lee in consistent in a relationship that was faith. But here in the case of zirconia, Allah again uses the word Emma to let us know there was a little bit of stress in that relationship. And what was that that was the lack of a lack

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of offspring, the lack of child, it causes stress, it causes this rest, it can lead to certain issues. And so that's here. But once Allah has given them a child, the idea of allies giving them a child, he says, when we got here, we had already given him the son yahia, there were just a walk called the wife of zirconia. Then he calls her soldier,

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his wife by the means of the word zones, because when the word soldiers use, that means there's absolutely nothing that is holding this relationship back at this point. And that's why the loss of power which Allah speaks about, speaks to Adam alayhis salam, what does he say? Yeah, as opposed to an anti war zone juca agenda. You and your wife zone would go live in paradise. When Allah speaks about the prophets of Allah, Allah who send them in Surah Surah to the exam. Allah says nmbu own I've been meaning to say again, what as Rajiv Malhotra

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as well as we refer to the Prophet, wives of the Prophet some as as much

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as logic, old profits, overhead, let's say to your wives,

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as well. So. So that's something very subtle, very nuance about product usage, or anything, we find that here's what you say, what happens.

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So ladies usually already involved because right now there's still that stress point to their relationship. Are they really long for children, and it's causing a little bit of stress, they're in a relationship or it has been causing stress for quite some time. So he says, What can I do about it?

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My wife is out there and basically refers to a woman who has not been able to carry a child was not been able to carry a child, it doesn't necessarily mean that she's barren, that she absolutely no way possible, that there's something so severely biologically wrong, like there was some surgery done or there's an organ missing, or there's something like just naturally from birth, there was some type of issue that she never would be able to bear true. It doesn't mean that it simply means that just It never occurred, it never happened. She didn't have children. The word for being buried, in that sense, like not just biologically physically being able to bear children is opting after

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All right, now, again, I need to point out here that in one place,

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it adds to be specific suit,

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or excuse me suited to shoot I'd like to correct that. So to shoot our student number 42.

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a las panatela when he speaks about uses his word RP, we only make the shot whenever we have an image shot with us only to him, the Brahman ye nothing like

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that are like his sons whomsoever He wants. I like his daughters to whomsoever He wants. And sometimes they can even give them pears.

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But whomsoever about wills, He makes them completely barren, unable to bear children altogether. But what's really interesting isn't suited to that he allows parents are very, very specifically over there When the angels, they bring the good news to zirconia that she will bear children for subcut what others

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have been saying to him, excuse me about the brand new products along the way from Ibrahim, when when the news is brought to you by a salon, that his wife for soccer, she literally like slaps her face like just out of shock. She's a

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very old woman and I have been

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so this word is used in the form that a woman completely altogether biologically out of the question being a infer able to bear children. But that's not what's the essence about his wife, he says.

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And the scholars even tell us they point this out saying that y is now realized we talked about this the last couple of sessions, the weatherstripping he ends up getting and both his wife are very, very, very old. All right, through all those different iterations, he didn't compete at all.

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With the position, they're both very old, but he doesn't think he says the opposite. And that also shows they have been and the hopefulness that second year has been making God that he doesn't use a word that says she's completely incapable very true. She says, just it's been the situation that she hasn't had children so far. But the possibility still exists, because she's often but not acting. And that teaches us another, we're learning a lot of lessons on how to draw from that curiosity center.

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Now, he's reminding us that you always should be very, very helpful when making law never counted out, it's always a possibility, it can always happen. And so even uses a word that leaves that possibility open, what kind of let's see what it is. And my wife hasn't been able to bear children uses the word guy. That's which means consistently, mean, we've tried, we've made while we've asked, but it just hasn't happened consistently up till this point, though. And then he goes on with his two cents for heavily militant company. How do we know that when he uses his hub, this is the command form in the form of a supplication it's as a request. But it comes from the root word,

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HIPAA, HIPAA, whatever

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the the, what this word means it means to give a gift that you do not expect or ask anything in exchange for that gift, nor do you ever expect any type of return to ever come from this game. So you give a gift, not expecting not wanting, not asking for anything in return.

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And you also don't care if you later on benefit from that gift or not. You're just giving the gift, out of generosity of kindness, benevolence, that's giving a gift and that's a word that's used. And so Pamela, the Oran, when it talks about children, when it talks about children, and giving children whenever law speaks about giving children, he always uses this word of giving that gift, that in exchange for that gift, nothing is asked.

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And then that specific connotation that association is made. And something again, we have to understand and realize children are a gift from Allah. And the last one that literally uses that word. For how many so gift to me, children, I was a DI What do you mean is he gifts to chill, he gives children to whomsoever He wills. So children are a gift, and not just a gift, but they are one of the greatest gifts of a lot.

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Because just from a human perspective, from the emotional side of things, there is nothing more emotionally fulfilling them.

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A parent knows exactly what I'm talking about. You could have had the worst day of your life,

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the worst day of your life.

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And when you walk through the door, and you look into the innocent eyes of your child, what happens, everything's gone. You could be the most miserable human being alive. And when your child smiles at you, that will make you even you smile.

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That's the type of gift children are emotionally and even spiritually, children are a huge gift from alone. Because they're like an investment opportunity. We do understand how children can be an investment in terms of dounia. That's what we all want our children to be doctors, right? But children spiritually are a huge investment opportunity.

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Because the prophets, Allah tells us is our magic no Adam, in Coca

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When the son of Adam when a human being dies, all of this action sees except for three, three actions continue to the meter keeps running, he keeps gaining he keeps benefiting.

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So let's go to Jamia perpetual charity, and when the knowledge that continues to benefit or benefit is derived from it. Well when I saw you,

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and a pious righteous child that continues to pray for the parent, that will benefit the parent, even long after the parent is gone. Children are a huge difference.

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We need to learn to value that we need to learn to cherish those gifts. And not only in the spiritual center, we need to make sure that we allow them to spiritually grow. And we allow them to reach their spiritual potentials. No doubt, that's usually where these lectures leads to. But I'm also wanting to talk about it from the emotional psychological side of things. That we all physically care for our children. And we need to spiritually be aware of our children. But a lot of times and this is a huge issue today. That we also need to be emotionally and psychologically very, very sensitive to our children's needs. We need to be very careful with our children. And we as a

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Muslim community are no exception to this. We have the same issues going on. We have

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You know, child psychiatrists, psychologists that can tell you about this, and the issues that children are experiencing, you know, youth directors, people that work with the youth, brother Thurman Murphy who's in town, he can tell you, the majority of the youth that he deals with the quote unquote, troubled youth, the problematic youth, the one that that issues, once he's able to get past the surface, he can tell you 90% of those problems are coming from some type of an emotional, psychological, lacking that they felt from what they experienced in the home and in their relationship with their parents a lot of times, so we just need to be very, very careful and

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sensitive to this issue. So for how many middle of winter, when he says gift to me, mean, I don't care.

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It's meant means from Lego means like, especially coming to you, especially from you mean.

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Now, once again, this is a type of an expression, when you construct these types of words together, it forms an expression, what it basically means is a very, very special favor from you. And not just as a special favor from you, but like,

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and I'm going to use some common language, some vernacular only. So the point gets across, like, when you have a very, very close friend, when you're very close with someone, and you say, Come on,

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come on, come on, can you

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write so you know, you, you're going to the rental counter to rent your car and your friends at the rental counter, where you go, when he's at the rental counter, you booked an economy car and

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hook me up. Like, don't just send me any car or the car that I bought, you know.

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And so many that don't get, it's that type of an expression. They're all like, gift to me, the child but as a special favor from you.

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Like really, really look out for me, really, really hooked me up here.

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And the scholars, they point out again,

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that this type of language doesn't allow

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that this type of language, it is indicative of there being a very, very close connection, because you don't walk up to a stranger, or at least most of you don't walk up to the stranger table.

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Right? So usually is because you're close, you know that this person will help you up. And so somehow we can see again, that supplication that methodology of supplication, hear that video is not just making the drama, but he's emphasizing the newness of the relationship. And he's literally capitalizing on the newness of that relationships and roll up, please, please, special favor, give me the best that you know, what we get. And when he sort of, he doesn't ask for a child videos for a wedding.

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And when he is somebody that is somebody is somebody that you're close with somebody that you trust, somebody that you can rely upon, somebody that you can lean on somebody that you can depend on? And why specifically, is he asking not just wedding music? For how many there

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are probably millions?

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Why does he know? Why does he polygon because remember what he said in the earlier part of the immune system earlier, I'm not very confident about the people around me. So I need you to give me somebody that is going to be very, very close to me and somebody that I can rely upon.

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And why do I need such reliance upon something? Why do I need somebody that I can rely upon, and somebody that I can trust, I am number six, get a three way adding to an idea to

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get it to me, this comes from the

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word water if which basically means to inherit, it means to inherit

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so so that he gets to me he will inherit from me when everything will go by and he will also inherit from the art of yaku.

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All right, first of all, let's do with each word one word at a time. The word ad. Typically when you look in translations, you'll often see the translation

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family very good golf and see the translation of family.

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A slight adjustment here, a little slight adjustment

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families included in it, but as extensively on family. The word

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Hamza ha in love.

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The word alone means household members of a household immediate family. But the word that is your the ayah the elephant the mud on it, the squiggly line on top of it in the love

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that this word is broader than that. This word means associated or affiliate, a fit anyone that is associated or affiliated with. So that obviously includes family

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that also includes

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followers, that also includes friends, companions and supporters. That's why you know, in the prayer in the Salah, and even outside of this a lot, you know, the, the salutations upon the prophets, a lot of

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the soul a lot on the prophets a lot, a lot,

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a lot more.

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The word is used the word is not used, it means anyone that is affiliated or associated with. So in that publication, we're not just making drama for the family of the process, but also his followers, his companions. And so we are actually included in that supplication because it also incorporates and involves the followers, it includes it, it's a very inclusive word. So he's saying to me that this one he, this child that I will be able to depend upon and rely upon, he will inherit from me. And he will also inherit from all those who were affiliated and associated with Yahoo. I need to set up. And basically he's referring to Yahoo, because again, he is a prophet from Louisa, he, he's a

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prophet from Luis Rai from whether was hacked by new Yahoo. So he basically goes back to the forefather, and he says yaku, and all the prophets that came after Yahoo, Yahoo, and all the followers that came after Yahoo, Yahoo, and all the pious Raja scholars that came after Yahoo, all of those people, he will inherit from all of them.

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Now, the obvious question remains, what type of inheritance are we talking about here?

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So there's three opinions or two scholars say or there's basically there's three possibilities actually stated that way, let me kind of take a broader sense, there's three possibilities that we can interpret this. Number one, you can interpret it as inheriting Prophethood. Because the father is that he is a prophet, Yahoo, the forefather is a prophet, and all these other, you know, great, great, great, great grandfather's that came afterwards, were also prophets of Allah, and messengers of God. And so this would be talking about prophet. And however, the scholars say that that's not a proper interpretation. Because Prophethood is not something that is inherited. Prophethood is based

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on selection, not inherited, the son of a prophet doesn't automatically become a prophet. And we have a very prime example again, and see this is for Ana collaboration, or Ana corroboration, you have to corroborate parts of your product with other parts of the time in simpler terms that were unbuilt or on, you have to take all the different issues within the product to consideration. And we have a very prime example in front of us and sort of mood, that the son of a prophet wasn't necessarily a prophet, he was, in fact, the quite opposite of being a prophet. And that was the son of new

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the son of new

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So we have a very prime example in front of us. So obviously, this is not talking about inheriting profit, because profit doesn't, doesn't transfer in that method.

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So the second possibility here is that it's talking about the transfer of knowledge, and wisdom, and foresight, and all these great qualities that as a prophet zecharia, embodies many, many great qualities, and the forefathers, leading all the way back up to Yahoo. And even beyond that embody these unbelievable qualities. And that's what he's talking about, that he will inherit these qualities from me. And he will inherit the same qualities, going all the way back to the heart of Yahoo, all of those people that were affiliated associated with Yahoo, and the messenger, Yahoo. And this is the opinion that the majority of scholars, this is the possibility that is the opinion of

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the majority of the scholars, also making them the Sahaba villalpando.

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And the reason part of the reason for that I'd like to kind of explain this out is because we have another issue on the table. And that is, you could somewhat consider it a fifth issue, but it's very, a very specific issue. And that is, do prophets. Do prophets have the characters in the worldly sense? Like do prophets materialistically pass on inheritance? So we obviously know from Super loss of a loved one who send them we ever had eaten some people call it were abubaker the love narratives honeys, when this issue came up about the inheritance of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam that he said that the Messenger of Allah salami, no matter what,

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no matter shall, we are the society. We are the fraternity, we are the Brotherhood of profits.

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That we do not pass on inheritance. Nobody inherits from us. materialistically.

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And he said, no matter what, no matter

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what we leave behind for whatever

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it is sacrifice is charity. So anything we do happen to leave behind, and so have a lot of us or somebody so that it's in the way

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Books of Sierra and the books of honey. Now what the material possessions of the prophets, a lot of them that he left behind were things of the nature I don't remember exactly, but I do remember a few of the things that they were it was a straw man.

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It was like a water jug that he would make blue from that we would use to take a bath or like purify himself.

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And it was a sword and a shield. Like some of the armor that he would use and battled outward literally the material possessions of the profits of auction on the day he passed away.

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On the day he passed away, there's a narration from Alisha

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that she was asked to try to get a feel for what the passing of the processor must have been like. She was asked, on the day the profits a lot of son passed away. What did you cook in the house? What did you eat?

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She said, eat cook. She said, I would have had enough kerosene, enough oil to light the stove, I first would have at least at least lit the lantern.

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She said when it was evening, on the day the prophets election passed away. evening time came, it was dark in the house of the prophets. Because we did not even possess own enough kerosene and oil to light the land.

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We sat in the dark.

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So those are the material possessions. And

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so based on that

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profits, don't leave inheritance. This is talking about the inheritance of knowledge and wisdom, good qualities, good character flaw, etc, etc. But there remains one question in that case that Yahoo is saying to me, he will not hear it from me.

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And he will also want to hear it from all those other good people that come from Yahoo all the way down. So that kind of repetition. That's like a reiteration it's almost redundant.

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Because academia is also the practitioner of all the knowledge and the wisdom and the good qualities, they are pooping all those other good people were so I think you'll inherit those things for me, wasn't it already point to chief? Why does he reiterated that fashion, because for us not redundant. So remember, I told you on the very first day of the introduction, Saturday, two days ago, with the cheer I mentioned, that the profits alone, I mentioned that one of the themes should be one of the themes of sort of money is the consistency of the message, the consistency of the message, that in the in the timing approach, the setup is basically being set

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up did not pull this message out of his pocket. But the themes, the primary themes that his message, your message messages based upon, though he wanted to serve God. And we talked about prayer and charity be good to family and parents serving humanity, etc, etc, these universal values, these were consistently found through all the message of all the prophets, I think.

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So similarly, what's being said here, the reason why is anything that takes an extra step, and he says, you won't just inherit from me, but it also inherit from all divided into two is that this is not just my message. These are not just my knowledge, and my wisdom and my qualities. But these are all consistently found in the message of all the good righteous people lead all the way back up to Yahoo. But even beyond that, so that theme of consistency of the message of the prophets is again from here, then there is a finally a third possibility. And this is the opinion of a minority of scholars, a minority of scholars, but I'd like to still go ahead and save you here because it is an

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opinion. And that is that the some of the scholars, and this was actually I should make a correction isn't just scholars, some of the Sahaba were actually of this opinion, that

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this issue of not having not passing on wealth in inheritance. This was not general to all the prophets and messengers of Allah. But this was something specific to Mohammed Salah.

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But then the other prophets there, the possibility exists that they would pass on an inheritance wealth. But this is of course, like I said, there's nothing really solid or something authentic or substantial to base that opinion upon. So that's why it's a minority of the opinion of the minority of the scholars in the decades it will take me three means you will be my inheritor in a worldly sense, well, you gotta be coming out of the womb, and you will inherit from the out of the womb, in that spiritual sense. Well, while john lost power and some of those best, nevertheless, we see something very beautiful here. And that is, and I talked about this again, on the first day of the

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intro to the surah. Yeah, zecharia means Allah is not simply asking for a son, because of the emotional fulfillment even though there's nothing wrong with that. But he's not only asking for a son because of the emotional or psychological fulfillment of having a child. But he's asking for offspring is asking for a child to preserve the theme

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to preserve the theme. Since a lot, I have this knowledge and this wisdom, this character these qualities that

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You gave to me. And you told me to propagate these arms to people. I look around me right now, I'm an extremely old man, and I look around me and I don't see a lot of people, I don't find a lot of confidence in leaving this message behind. I don't feel comfortable. I don't think somebody will carry on my message properly. So give me a child.

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Some and I'll complete the iron in just a second where you see Yes, what specific type of child who will carry on this message from? And then he qualifies that statement by saying that's why because my motives are not simply personal or emotional or psychological. But my motives are spiritual, and in for the betterment of humanity. What does he complete? Look at the completion of the number six, he says, What's your rock beat around leaving?

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and make him My Lord, I rub my master. Again, we find the abbreviation of the wardrobe, or be it's abbreviated rugby. Again, because of that sense of urgency that he's trying to deliver it Oh, please, I need this, which I'm going to be as the now we'll begin comes from the root word, which means to be pleased with something to be pleased to be satisfied.

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All right, but the interesting thing about the word or the Robie, really you're really young here is that this is

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simple moussaka is a MOBA.

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This is the symbol mu Shaka is some super random,

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some super simple, Misha difference of terminology, Potato Potato. All right. But this is a simple question. The interesting thing about super mashup is that it's a very versatile derivative. It's a very versatile round, it's used both in the active and the passive meaning at the same time. So when he says, make this child that I'm asking you for, make him one that will be that will please, meaning he will please you Allah.

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And he doesn't, he doesn't qualify me, he doesn't limit the statement in any way. So one that we'll call it that one that will please you or a loved one that will please his parents or loved one that will please the people around the government, and you'll be a good person, a person of good character, good luck and good conduct. And it also is used in the passive meaning that he will be someone that we are pleased with or you are pleased with. So not only will he be pleasing with you pleasing to you, you will try and strive to please you Allah, but he is someone that you are automatically pleased with.

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He is a blessed child. And not only will he try to please his parents, but he's someone that his parents will be pleased with him monthly. So not only are they in the house,

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and that people will be pleased with him who works in both directions. And this is a very interesting issue from the principles of moronic eloquence that there's initial thought was sort of hitting that sometimes when you have a word that could have four different possibilities, like in this case, it could have multiple possibilities like you in this case, then you're supposed to appreciate all the possibilities in that one word means all those things at the same time. You don't have to say it's only one of those things, you don't have to do that. But you should leave it broad, because that is the beauty and the eloquence and the power of Alaska law that he says so much. In so

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little, he says so much at the same time. So, what we learned today, yesterday, we learned about how to begin to draw out how you enter into the introduction to the raw state, your weakness, and state all the blessings that Allah has showered upon your life, give whatever can be done either. Alive, never walked away, empty handed, wherever you always took care of me. Make it heartfelt, and then be sincere and mention all the blessings of love that you're showered with, and state your weakness and why you are so desperate for what you're asking for today. And the lesson that we learned from second era on how to be dry and how to supplicate is that. What are your motives for making

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and your motives can be personal, but the real.

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The very, very

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powerful supplication, if you will, the beautiful supplication. The accepted supplication is often the one that doesn't just have personal motives behind it. But that person doesn't with that bigger picture in mind. He's thinking not only about himself, but he's thinking beyond and outside of themselves.

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He's thinking about the betterment of the dean, the past along with the dean and the benefit of humanity after he is gone because he is a messenger of God and messenger of Allah, and he has a message that must continue. And so he says, Give me somebody I can rely on and trust upon that will inherit this knowledge and this conduct and character for me and will carry it on.

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From gotten into a please you and people will be pleased with him may have lost power telling it was all the ability to practice everything that was said to her. So kind of like we'll be happy

Ayahs 5-6

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