Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seek to Obey

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of answers to questions when praying, particularly in regards to motivation for praying. They also emphasize the need for daily prayer and sharing material online for better understanding. The speaker emphasizes the need for motivation and sharing, as it is often difficult to determine whether a question is right or wrong.
AI: Transcript ©
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Mila will hum de la salatu salam ala Rasulillah who Allah Allah He was rbh Marine.

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The topic that I have is seek to obey, becoming more obedient to Allah and His Messenger, sallallahu alayhi salam, and what exactly it means to be a Muslim. But I'd like to give that conversation some structure, rather than get up here and, you know,

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quote the ayat that very honestly speaking, most of y'all are probably familiar with a three hola hola, hola, hola Ross, who obey Allah and obey His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. We're familiar with that. We know that. But I'd like to create some perspective. Because a lot of times it's not necessarily the lack of information

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that prohibit somebody from following or being obedience, but it's a lack of depth and understanding of that information. Or sometimes there's a lack of environment that encourages and facilitates the implementation of what you already know. So I'd like to take us a little bit further back into timeline of the life of the prophets, Allah, the Zoom tool, a landmark moments, a profound turning point in not just the life of the prophets, Allah ism, but what I would venture to call human history.

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The Prophet of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had migrated from Mecca to Medina. He had left his home in Makkah, along with hundreds of companions, Muslims, and they had moved to a small farming town, called yesterday now referred to as Medina, the city of the prophets a lot he said

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they had been residing there for six years,

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after six years of living here, and those six years, involved dozens of skirmishes, small issues, small little fights, if you will, between the people of Makkah and the Muslims of Medina. There were three major epic battles. The Battle of brother in the second year, the Battle of boyhood, in the third year, the Battle of the Trench, which he alluded to in the fifth year.

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So there were three major epic battles sprinkled in between dozens of skirmishes.

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So it's been a very contentious and difficult relationship.

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At that point in time, you know, we really don't oftentimes explore some of the just profound and really mind blowing strategy and philosophy of the prophets Allah, He said, It is unprecedented

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that there are two enemies that are that severely in conflict with one another. And what does the prophets allottee Selim do? While they're very much of his own ongoing war between these two communities, he tells 1400 Muslims

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to go into a state of Iran.

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Anyone who's been for Hajj or Umrah is familiar, or you've at the very least you kind of know what it's like you've read a book about it, seen it on TV, watched a video about it, particularly men. When they go into a state of a haram. You're basically just dressed in two sheets of cloth, two white garments, two sheets.

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It's like you're wearing two large towels. That's it.

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And the Prophet of Allah salah the some tells these 1400 companions to go into a state of Iran, not armed to the teeth, not put on their armor, not load up all the the artillery

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but basically go for worship, and we will march towards Mecca. We will march towards Mecca. Why to go and perform Umrah to go worship.

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So two warring communities and all of a sudden abruptly he says we're just gonna go there and pray.

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Very unprecedented move.

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And he's doing it to kind of force the issue that How long are we just going to keep going back and forth,

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fighting with each other.

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So they march out and days they go in the direction of Macau until they're short. They're really close outside of Mecca at a place called Hubei BIA

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which I'm the law earlier this year. We have the Kalam aamra group, we went to South Murphy myself with the company and we had a bunch of people for Hans parents were with us mashallah that we ended up visiting the place of her debut.

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And at that place of her debut, and when they reach there, they're cut off.

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And what ends up happening is that the McKinsey center people

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Hello saying stop right here. You do not have clearance to enter into our city our territory. This is a no go zone a no fly zone. You can't come in here. Okay? The prophets Allah the psalm center or Thunbergia are fun to negotiate on their behalf in Mecca. They going there he goes into Makkah, this long story. I'm going to kind of summarize it. Basically somebody spreads a rumor that are they murdered or Uthman it was bad enough that they would murder one of the people of the prophets Allah they said, um, but on top of that, even based on tribal law,

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that he was an emissary

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and the killing of an emissary is a declaration of war.

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So even though they didn't have a lot of equipment with them, even though he didn't come ready to fight the prophets a lot he sent him assembles and gathers all the Muslims, where that tree was where he sat down under the shade of a tree we went there on might have been Abdulaziz Rahim Allahu taala. One day later, Muslim rulers had a masjid built at that place. And the remnants of the ruins of the masjid are there still today until today. And so we went to that particular place, the prophets, Allah, the psalm sits down under the shade of that tree. And he tells us a habit to start approaching him one after another after another. And he starts giving them taking an oath of

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allegiance from them, that we will fight to the death, we will avenge the death of Earthman we will fight every single one of these people to seek justice from them. And if we die in the process, then so be it. And they all give this oath of allegiance, ready to lay their lives on the line for what's right, and to defend what's right, and the rights of the people.

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And he takes his oath of allegiance from 1400 people, until finally he puts his own hand in his other hand, and he says, this is the Bay of Earth man. They have yet to Earth man.

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And after that they're basically ready to go. Right as they're wrapping this up. Allah subhanaw taala reveals the AI as well, that God is pleased with the people who gave the oath of allegiance, devotion and dedication to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And as you're wrapping this up, guess who walks back in or if man arrives?

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And he says no, I'm safe and sound. They had kind of like that imprison me, but they didn't kill me. And they have sent some negotiators with me. They have certain terms they'd like to negotiate.

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Okay, let's sit down, have a seat. They sit down, start to negotiate. Now when they start to negotiate some of the terms, first and foremost, Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem they say no remove that. We don't agree with that. We don't say it.

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Sahaba very offended. The Prophet system says remove it.

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Then I live in Abu Talib Radi Allahu taala. And who is being dictated the terms who's writing on behalf of the prophets, Allah ism writes, Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And again, the objector, like objection, remove that, because if we agreed to that, then we wouldn't be sitting on opposite sides of this table.

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So remove that.

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And again, the cyber theory offended.

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I'm not going to erase it. I can't, he doesn't refuse the request of the process. And to erase it. He says, I don't think I'm physically capable of doing that.

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Like, I don't think I can handle it.

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And for the narration mentioned the process, I'm just kind of licks his thumb and he just wipes it out.

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And he says, he tells the other person, right, Mohammed Abdullah, Abdullah, Mohammed Hassan Al Abdullah.

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So insult upon insult. Now, the terms of the treaty,

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the terms of the treaty, say first of all, first of all, I know y'all came, ready to go ready to worship. But you don't get to come into Makkah this year, you have even though you came all the way, you're only an hour outside of NACA, you've traveled for a week,

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we don't care, you will go back home. And then you will come back next year. And we will let you into Makkah for three days maximum, after which you will leave again and you will not bring any weapons into Makkah, and on and on and on and on.

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And the Sahaba are like

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and the prophets Allah the some says agreed and they're like, what, why are we agreeing to this? Then the next term, the next term? They say that if

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someone from Makkah, even if they're Muslim,

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they leave

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MCCA in go to Medina, you have to return them back to us legally. That's the contract. We don't care who it is. We don't care why they're leaving MCCA we don't care who they got in Medina, doesn't matter. Somebody leaves McCain goes to Medina, you have to return them back to us. But if somebody leaves Medina, and come silica, we will not return them back to you. Unless we don't want them then we'll give them to you.

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You ever tried to work out a deal with somebody who's basically setting giving themselves like eight options and you have zero options?

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Right? What do you do with that type of negotiation? You get up and you walk away. So you don't end up slapping that person.

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Right? Like, are you okay? Are you Are you for real?

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And again, they're dictating these terms. And the Sahaba are like, okay, all right, looks like this is where this is all gonna fall apart. Good. Hamdulillah we don't want to we don't want to work things out with these people. Look at them. They're just a bunch of jerks. And to their bewilderment, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, agreed,

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and that's when the Sahaba could not even believe what they were hearing.

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And Amara below her dobre the Allahu Anhu comes to the prophets a lot. He said, I'm unable to just kind of hold it in. And he says, Unless now I'll have to assume Alan button.

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Yara, sunnah Allah Oh messenger of God. Don't we have the truth and they don't. Are we right and they're wrong? Yes or no?

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And the prophets Allah He said m says now Yama.

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And he says Elisa Khazanah Phil generika dinar? Isn't it that if we end up fighting we go to Paradise if we die and they go to *.

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And the prophets Allah the Psalm says, No, I'm Yama is like kind of like what's your point?

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And then he's like, why are we agreeing to this and

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we gave you an oath. We told you will fight to every single one of us. Every single last one of us has fallen. We're here. Why are we doing this? And the prophets Allah a Selim says that Jamar, I am the messenger of God.

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Allah will not ruin me Allah, Allah will not allow me to suffer and to make the wrong decision. Have faith have trust, sit down.

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And the prophets Allah ism agrees to all of their terms, stamps seals, the contract. This is called the Treaty of who they be Yat Sen who they BIA

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and they handed over and now they have a predicament. And the predicament is that they are in Iran. Now as for him was explaining a little bit about Hutch that the rules of Iran in that sacred state that you are in is that the way you fulfill it is you have to fulfill whatever is obligatory and mandatory on you. Unless and this is the incident where we get the rules of sod which is a chapter within the issue the fit of Hajj and Umrah. Saad means you are prevented and obstructed from fulfilling from fulfilling your Hajj or Umrah then in that situation, what do you do? So you do whatever you can do. And that is that you sacrifice your animal. You shave your head for the

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brothers not sisters, please. Okay. So you shave your head or cut a little bit of your hair. And you come out of the State of Iran and now it's mandatory on you to make it up and that's why they came back the next year and they made up their camera and it's called the camera to cover the makeup Ramadan. Anyways, so what they have to do now is they have to sacrifice their animals and they have to shave their heads and then they can remove the lamb and then head that to Medina. So the prophets Allah the same goes back to the Muslim camp and he says Listen guys, this is what we're doing. We will be back next year in order to perform Umrah for now I need everybody to sacrifice their animals

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shave their heads, remove their harm, go ahead and clean up if you need to. And then we're hitting the road we're going back to Medina

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and the Sahaba are just in a daze.

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They would never dare disobey the messenger or ignore the messenger will either biller. We know that they went in because God vouch for them. Reach out to them. So the Kuma, Allah Holly, but they were in such a daze in such disbelief, and what had actually just happened, they were so shocked by what was going on, that they were just traumatized.

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So they were sitting there kind of without response,

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just in a daze.

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So the prophets Allah is

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sama never seen this before because literally a couple of hours ago with the negotiator who came from Mecca, he actually mentioned I have been to the courts of kings, and I've never seen such devotion and dedication as Mohammed companions have for him. He said that when the prophets Allah, the salam says a word, everyone hangs on every syllable that comes out of his mouth. When he tells them what to do, before he's even done telling them what to do, they've already done it. If he tells them not to do something, they will never they swear it off. So much so that he when he made will do, they rushed to catch the water dripping off of his face and his arms to capture water in their

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hands and rub it on their own face.

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I've never seen such love and devotion.

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So from a couple of hours ago to now here, they're just sitting without response. Without reaction. It was very shocking. The again longer story, the prophets, Allah ism, goes into his tent, consults with his beloved wife, who was a genius. And she tells him they will never disobey you. They're just in shock. You need to understand their situation right now. So she says that go ahead and you start doing what you have to do and they'll see you and start doing it. themselves. They're in so much shock right now. They don't hear but they'll see you. And so the profits a lot of them goes out sacrifices animal start shaving his head, and everyone gets up and starts helping him and everyone

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starts doing it as well. And everything happens. And once they're done completely with the whole routine and the ritual.

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And then they pack their bags onto their animals. And they they get on to their rides.

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And they start to move on the road back to Medina. As soon as they start making their way on the road to Medina. Or Omar bin al Shabaab, the prophets Allah the symbol used to always travel at the back of the army to keep an eye on everybody. Oh, Mara, Ceylon, who says I was even behind the prophets, Allah acela. So I was kind of like, out of line out of rank. And the reason was, I didn't want to be in the line of sight of the prophets, Allah the salam, because I had kind of lost control of my emotions. And I had kind of like spoken out of turn out of line, and I was so embarrassed by it. So you know, kind of like when you're in trouble with your parents, and you're just trying to

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like, avoid, like, they're directly looking into their eyes, especially your mom because you'll melt, right? Like, I can't make eye contact with my mom when she's angry, because I'll just start to melt. Right? And so,

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the Allahu Taala Andrew, he said that I was just kind of writing behind the prophets, Allah the salam so that I wouldn't get in trouble. And he says that I saw the head of the prophets, Allah at some kind of go lower.

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And I recognized that he was receiving divine revelation. And he said, I started to think to myself, Oh, no, it's about you. The eye is gonna say Omar will go to *. Right? So worried. And he says that as soon as he lifted his head back up, and I stopped breathing at that moment,

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and my worst nightmare was realized. The Prophet sallallaahu Salam said, Where is Omar?

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Right, I would like lose my will do at that moment. Completely. Right. I would be done.

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And Amara, the Allahu taala. And who came up and he said, I'm right here, right? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam set up Sharia.

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Congratulations. Oh Allah. Allah has revealed the IR in Africa. For Tamil Bina, We have granted you and open victory.

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And so one of my teachers when explaining this to us, Rahim, Allahu taala. One of our one of my teachers was there and he got to him. And when explaining this to us, he explained, he said, What was the victory here?

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And what exactly Why did Allah revealed this at this point? He said, Because see the problem? The the the issue of the Sahaba was, you asked for us to sacrifice our lives. And we did it.

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in Makkah, in torture in button in Ohio, we sacrificed you asked us to sacrifice our wealth, our money, our property, in hundreds and for years, and we did it. We've given you our lives. We've given you our wealth, we've given you everything.

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And still,

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we have to accept defeat from an enemy.

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When do we get the chance to win

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In the last panel, we're gonna ask them for one last sacrifice, which is the highest level of sacrifice.

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You can give your life, you can give your money.

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But can you sacrifice your dignity? If that's what Allah asks you to do?

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Can you give up your pride? If that's what God wants you to do? You are in the right.

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You're saying I have a lot on my side, I have the profit. On my side, I have Islam on my side, I am willing to fight for the truth. But what if Allah is telling you to lower your head

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and turn around and walk away?

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Because I'm telling you to, even though you're right, and even though you can fight, but I'm telling you to walk away.

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And your enemies will point. And we laugh, and we'll turn to you, and you'll be able to hear them, look at them go with their tails between their legs. Now who's boss, we taught them a lesson, and you'll hear them saying that,

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keep walking,

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if you can do that for Allah, now, you are ready for victory. Now you deserve victory. Now you won't abuse, your power, and your victory.

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And so I realize it might not seem connected to my topic. But there is an underlying thought and a philosophy in our religion that I'd like to share with you here. And that is

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the willingness to obey.

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We know what Allah wants us to do and what he's commanded us to do what he's prohibited, maybe we need a little bit more information. But you don't need me to stand here and tell you that in 30 minutes, you can pick up a book and read that for yourself.

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The information is that difficult to get about what to do and what not to do. It's the willingness

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and that sometimes will feel like defeat, that sometimes we'll feel like you have to sacrifice more than you'd like to. But that's exactly what you have to. That's what you have to do. And that's what you have to be willing to do.

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The other thing, before I kind of wrap up here, I wanted to share that I think it's really important for there to be more discussion and discourse on this within our communities. The Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salaam

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that was specifically kind of mentioned. I'm not sure if it's in your session description as well. But there's a hadith of the prophets Allah the son from Bukhari and Muslim. Narrated by Abu Zubaydah Radi Allahu Taala and who he says to me, I do rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa salam ala Cool, man I hate to Kuma and who fudged Honey Boo? What I have forbidding you from doing stay away from it? Or am I allowed to come be he for two men who must have thought him and what I have commanded you to do? Then do it to the best of your ability. We have a principle within our religion, that this hadith teaches us if you want to work towards self improvement and development, first focus on

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cutting out the bad things, then focus on continuing to build in a good and a solid direction. Before you begin to implement very heavy and detailed and long and strenuous regimens of voluntary worship. I went to recite five Jews every day, I'm going to memorize the entire Quran. I'm going to do this, I'm going to do that that is very good and start at some level. Absolutely. But don't crushed yourself under the pressure of that. Because the prophets Allah ism is saying first and foremost, stay away from the bad things and there are a handful of bad things. There are literally you can count on your two hands, what Allah has absolutely prohibited. And that's it.

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Just clean out the filth

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and then start building according to your capacity and don't overburden yourself, then people are confused by the next part of this fame. Am I like a lithium in public on Tesla Tuberosa Ely him because what destroyed the people that came before you? Was there excessive questioning? What is the laughing him Allah and BIA him and their differing in regards to their profits? Now I'd like to talk about this issue of their excessive questioning and the session description as well talks about the differences of opinion. I'd like to share with you something philosophically, I was just talking about in the bizarre as well, that when we talk about difference of opinion and the philosophy in

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the community and differences in within the community, we need to have one thing very

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very clear, shoveling a lot for him. Allahu Taala explained something about the philosophy of our religion.

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He says that there are certain things that are absolutely conclusive in the religion.

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I would just give me the examples. Is there any difference of opinion about how many prayers are mandatory in a day? How many prayers are mandatory in a day?

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answered the question, please. How many prayers are mandatory in a day? All right, very good. All right. Number two, is there any difference of opinion about the fact that you have to fast in the month of Ramadan? Any difference of opinion? No, it's mandatory. All right. So some things are very clear.

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And they're absolutely conclusively said, by Allah and the prophets a lot. He said they didn't leave any room for difference of opinion.

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But some issues are not that conclusive.

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They were left open ended.

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And here's the tricky part, pay attention.

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They were left open ended intentionally.

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Think about it, think about it.

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Because if there's not if there's an issue that has a difference of opinion, what language should the Jamal said Bobby, and

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there are differences of opinion. But there's no a hadith or an IRA that absolutely clearly says it has to be done like this.

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But if you treat the issue, that it has to be done one way, then you're basically saying, Allah or the prophets, Allah, He said made a mistake. Because they were supposed to tell us that it's supposed to be like this, but they forgot to,

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well, I as a biller, now you have a much bigger problem,

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you have a much bigger issue. And we are creating this type of philosophical quandary within the community, because we take things that were left open for us and we try to narrow them down.

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Whether Allah left open ended, will remain open ended, and no scholar, no madhhab. No school of thoughts. No organization, no Institute has the right to narrow and close that issue down.

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When the prophets Allah did some left something open ended.

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Many Mufti in the world can narrow that down and close that issue off.

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We need to understand that of our deen and religion. Now that we understand some things are supposed to be left open ended. Now you know what that does, that basically eliminates about 90% of our problems within the community.

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Because it's done.

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People are sometimes students as well that like study with us. They're very, like, almost weirded out, for lack of a better word. They're puzzled by my approach initially, because they're like, Oh, what about this issue? Some people will say it has to be like this. And some people asked to say it has to be like that. And I answered the question by saying, yes. And he's like, wait, no, which one? Is it? Yes. And he's like, so which one is correct? Yes.

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Like, what are you doing?

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And the problem is, I failed to see a problem. There's not a problem.

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It's completely valid. Allah loves to is in I asked them, Is there an idea about this issue? No. Is there an authentic narration that gives one answer on this issue? No.

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Okay, then.

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Then what?

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And eventually they kind of get it. But that eliminates 90% of our problems.

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Number two, is that yes, the Hadith of the prophets, Allah the Psalm says, get through to Messiah in him. Excessive questioning. The Quran talks about the cow have been listening at the excessive questioning. But understand, understand, I need to explain one thing here, though.

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That is talking about malicious questioning with malicious intent with evil intentions, where you're asking the question to undermine the authority of the one who is answering your questions. You understand the difference? How many parents are in the room? Raise your hand if your parents you know exactly what I'm talking about.

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Yeah, everyone's like, yes.

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Yes. All right. So you know exactly what I'm talking about. The difference between when when your kid really asks you a question, and when a kid is trying to be a smarty pants, right when they're trying to like undermine your authority a little bit. Oh, why does it have to be like that? It's like it has to be like that because I'm wearing a shoe that comes off very easily.

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All right.

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Right? My slippers actually a boomerang? Right. So, but it's you so you understand when somebody is asking a legitimate question when somebody is not asking legit. It's talking about the question that is illegitimate, malicious?

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Now I have a question. That's an issue of what?

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Intention? What's in somebody's heart? Do you see inside somebody's hurt? Can you know, I cannot see inside someone's hurt, you can't either. So when someone's asking a question, you don't get to decide whether their question is good or bad, right or wrong, especially when we have the state of our community the way that it is that very fundamental, very basic and fair questions have not been answered legitimately, by the leadership of our community, either there, either due to an absence of vacuum and leadership, or because of, you know, not fulfilling our responsibilities or trust or being overwhelmed. Whatever the case may be, a lot of very basic, legitimate questions have not been

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So we don't get to decide whose question is right or wrong. That means there are two different instructions being given here by Allah and His messenger by Islam.

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The instruction to the question asking the question is do not excessively maliciously in appropriately ask too many questions.

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But the ends the instruction being given to the one answering the questions is you have to answer each and every single question to the best of your ability.

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And this is how balance is created in a social dynamic. This is how communities created

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the prophets, Allah Islam told the Quran Islam teaches the guest. It teaches the host excuse me, so I invite brother for hon actually works the other way around. So I go and stay at brother for Hans house. All right, he has a room in his apartment that is called my room. All right, me meaning my I just won't refer to myself in the third person because that's not right. So but so I go and I stay at brother for Hans house. Now when I go and see at his house, Islam tells him as the host, he Montana Human, Hula, hula, and the woman asking for you couldn't pay for.

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It is it is a reflection of his Iman and his faith, how he treats me as his guest. How he treats me as a guest will reflect how good of a Muslim he is Subhanallah as huge.

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But Islam's instruction to me as the guest is, do not overburden your host, leave as soon as possible. Don't make too many requests don't get in their way, don't invade their privacy, that if they I can't even just because I'm staying at his house, I can't just open the door and walk right in and barge into his house, I still have to knock and take permission before I enter. And then when I go in my room, the room that I'm singing, I can't just walk out of the room. Right and walk into the kitchen and get myself some low. I had to get permission.

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So it's teaching the host be as hospitable as possible. It's teaching the guest Do not be a burden. What ends up happening in the middle, you have a beautiful interaction in relationship. He I feel like he treats me like a king and he feels like I did not trouble them at all. I was a pleasure to have mashallah say Mashallah. Thank you very much. So

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that's how the perfect dynamic is created.

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Allah is telling the community us do not inappropriately and maliciously ask too many questions.

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But it's telling the person who is being asked the question,

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answer people's questions. First Alou Allah Vic, go ask questions, and answer people's questions when they come to you.

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So yes, we need to obey.

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But the problem right now is give people a reason to obey.

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If I can mention one thing to you, and I'm going to wrap up with this, I'm done in 60 seconds.

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One of the big issues and problems that I dealt with growing up in the community

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and one of the things that I saw constantly that the youth in my community brothers and sisters in my own community struggled with. I'm I have younger siblings, I my parents as well. I've been in Summit school teacher I've taught Sunday school. I've been the Imam and the community like this is

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an overall problem. For men for women.

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for children, for everybody, that one of the biggest and most fundamental and foundational obligations we have is the five times daily prayer.

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And at the same time, one of the most difficult things that people have to do is the five times daily prayer.

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It's the most important thing. And it's also the most difficult thing for a lot of people. But when you hear stories of the prophets, Allah, they said,

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that he loved prayer so much. When you hear stories of the companions, that they loved prayer, they look forward to prayer, they will want to move from prayer to prayer.

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Because they just enjoyed it so much. And it almost kind of sounds like we're talking about people from a different planet.

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That Who are these people that enjoy sulla, that much who enjoy salah

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they must not have television, right? So there's this whole issue that people have. So I came up with a solution for myself.

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And then I implemented that solution with my own classroom, my own community.

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And eventually, I started teaching this material as well around the country. And that solution was give people a reason to pray.

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Give them some motivation to pray. Then right now, people don't feel like praying because they don't know the they don't know what the experience of Salah is. They haven't experienced the beauty, the power, the magnificence of prayer, let them taste some of that sweetness, and then they'll come back for prayer themselves. So hamdulillah there's kind of a curriculum where we go through the meaning of each and every single word that we recite within the prayer and inshallah that course is conducted online. If you go to meaningful prayer.com Inshallah, you can find the material there and sign up. It's something very beneficial for you, your families, your children, your friends, so

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inshallah take a look and share with others. May Allah subhanaw taala grant us all the ability, the insights and the wisdom to obey Allah subhanaw taala Subhan Allah him to use

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