Abdul Nasir Jangda – One And Why Part 4 Of 4

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The importance of gratitude and embracing gratitude to build faith and confidence is emphasized, along with the need for everyone to be aware of their own actions and experiences to build a sense of belonging. Bronzism is a belief that one is the most likely to die in a situation, and it is important to be inclusive and hold one's actions accountable. The universal teaching of all prophets and messengers is also discussed, along with the importance of finding a partner who understands and acknowledges one's needs. The importance of learning one's religion and respecting people who are not members of Islam is emphasized, along with the use of flyers and social media platforms to promote Islam's value.
AI: Transcript ©
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salatu salam ala rasulillah Allah and he assigned me as marine Solomonic.

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Mashallah a lot of people here.

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Bigger event, it's a Friday night. So usually there's people from other communities that will come over. But just wanted to give a special shout out to all the colleyville people, salaam aleikum second time just for the colleague up vote.

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Challenge is continuing after what if I'm the demon What brother Omar talked about the topic of faith and belief and addressing the concept of faith and belief and also addressing the simple fact in reality that there are there is a crisis of faith and belief that is experienced by many people, even within our own community. This is not something that is limited to people outside of the Muslim community. This is not only limited to people who maybe are non Muslim, but this is something that includes, and something that also affects people that are within the Muslim community. And my first effort here today, right now, just to touch on, I wanted to touch on a couple of things that they

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brought up, one of the first things that I wanted to touch on is, you know, gratitude keeps brother no one talks about gratitude. And our gratitude is a seed of faith, and it leads to faith and it builds faith and in gratitude can actually corrupt faith over time. There's a very interesting Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam were the prophets a lot. He sometimes says lawyers who love us, that somebody who is not who cannot think a lot, or somebody who does not think a lie, someone who also does not pay people. And what we learn from the prophets of Allah is a simple fact that even gratitude in and of itself is a process. And even gratitude is a quality that is either

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developed, that is strengthened, or that is weakened over time, we have to learn to be grateful, we have to incorporate the quality of gratitude, it's not something that is a natural, given, it's not something that you're going to listen to an awesome lecture. And automatically, you're going to walk out the door being, you know, enormously more grateful, a lot more grateful, all of a sudden, magically, it doesn't work. That way, you have to build, you have to incorporate you have to work on the quality of gratitude. And one of the things that helps is just making an effort to constantly regularly be as grateful as possible. And the profitable muscle on him is teaching us specifically,

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that, you know, the little things, the little things that he was talking about, if I can simply say thank you to another person, if I can thank my mother, I can't take my father, I can't thank just any ordinary human being for something small. That is an indication of a disease of the heart, that's the key there. That's an indication to yourself that you have a problem. And if you don't correct this problem, it's only going to grow like any other ailments, and the other disease any other virus would, it'll get further and further. And the thing about evolving beliefs that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told us, he explains his tickle metaphor, the profit to lobbyism says

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that a man is that which takes root into the heart. It takes root in the heart, just like a tree, sends its roots further and further deeper into the earth. And then the actions of the human being are like the limbs of that tree, that they are an indication of the health of the roots. How do you know that the roots are strong, you can tell by looking at the tree, however much more fruitful, the branches, the leaves of that tree are is an indication of the health of the roots of that tree. So similarly, what tells us about our own emotions, our actions, and if I can simply say thank you to another human being, I have a problem. And if I don't correct that problem that's only going to

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grow. So that's one of the first things I wanted to talk about now talking about this issue of, you know, having issues or problems or issues of faith. As a community, what is our approach, the very first thing we have to understand as a community

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is our power which Allah in the Quran, he tells us, not one, but many times actually two separate times of us. That tells us in Sudan, Sudan number 21, is 92. And then again in Surah, number 23. I in number 52, Allah says in the heart of

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the most definitely this oma this nation of yours is one singular United Nation. What's very interesting about the language of the is the word ultimate that already means one nation or what people

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are done is repetitive. And the repetition is for emphasis, that you are only in only one nation. You're united. You're like one family, you're one group.

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And I am your Lord of losses. I'm your master. So worship me and be conscious of me. But what's very important to realize is it is that faith that unites us, but the fact that we are to be one unified Roomba, like one family, one household, that means we are not as an oma as a community, we are not in the business of exclusive of excluding people.

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We're not in the business of exclusive this exclusivity, we're in the business of inclusiveness.

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That is the theme of our oma, we have to be inclusive.

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And we don't exclude people, we don't rush to judgment about people. We're not willing and always ready to eject people to get to keep people out of the game. That's not what we do. That's not how we operate. Rather, the Messenger of Allah salani sort of displayed the complete opposite attitude.

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complete opposite attitude. And great classical scholars of our religion in our Deen had very strong quotations about this fact. Even Jamie was known as a very, very strong critic of sources and texts, meaning his specialty was to take classical texts like Hades and tafsir, and things like that and critique them.

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So he had a very, very critical eye. But that didn't affect his attitude and dealing with people in people in the community. It was a very famous quote.

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Anyone who stands up appraisers are never going to call them caffeine. The Quran tells us

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to be less than mobila. When somebody says to you, don't you dare ever say to that person that you're not a believer? Somebody says a lot you don't you dare ever say that you're not a believer. So we have to be inclusive.

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And so once we understand that, we're not in a rush, and in a hurry to say, Oh, that's it caffeine tea later. So I'm going to get off the machine.

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Right? Next either person, like slowly.

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All right, which is ridiculous, by the way. All right. Nevertheless, that's not how we work. That's not how we operate. Now, once we understand that basic premise and that theme,

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moving on,

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if that's the attitude that we're going to move forward with asking questions, and people will have questions. Asking questions is acceptable, must be accepted and must be treated with property.

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We don't brush questions aside, we don't yell at people for asking questions. We don't tell our young people How dare you ask this? What's wrong with sheesh, we don't talk about this. We don't ask any questions about that.

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In the Peranakan two places in the Parag, which is a slight variation, I'm not going to comment on the variation in certain number 16 three, and then I get into trouble number 21. So till ambia, in both sued us, and was part of

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publica, and in the next few lectures,

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rather than

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the first one, it says my mom said, I'm in public a second.

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Very, it has a difference for another day, and another topic for another day. But never the less the last one is addressing the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he's saying that we never ever, ever sent before you, in law to each other knew he lay him, except that they were men. And we had given them this instruction, meaning to put it into more plain language lesson every single time. We sent a messenger, we sent a prophet, he had very clear instructions to inform his people first.

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In going to Latin, as the people of remembrance, so this reminder that you're getting, going to ask the person that you're getting the reminder from if you don't know if you don't understand, if you don't comprehend just knowing

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that the prophets were given very clear instructions, every single prophet. So this is not specific to our oma not specific to Muhammad Rasul Allah Islam. This is a universal teaching of all the prophets and the universal instruction from Allah to all the prophets and messengers, that whenever you remind the people about a law and you deliver the message of God to people, when people don't understand they can and they will then come and ask you questions. Not only that, but you should open questions up to people, you should hold the q&a session and say, anybody who doesn't understand anything, I don't say anything I've said anyone who doesn't understand a word that I said, Please

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come and ask me afterwards. I'm completely okay with your questions. And we see this in the Quran

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in surah, number in Surah, number 20.

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When musala goes down,

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And presents the message to him.

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Fit out says,

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Who is your Lord?

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He's talking to Messiah.

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He said this Lord, this Rob this God that you told me about? Who is he?

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Who is Yoruba. And by the way, the Quranic context, when you read it, you find out that it wasn't like a really honest, sincere person, like a seeker of the truth, who showed up in the middle of the night and said, Please tell me about a law that was in front of us being sarcastic.

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He was being condescending.

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The Quranic context tells us that, so he says, who's your Lord who's up?

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up that's it. You want to * down.

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He didn't say that.

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sarcastically asks a question. Mousavi Sam seriously answers a question. He says,

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Our Lord our master.

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He is the one that granted each and every single thing. Its creation, its form. And then he gave it guidance. Meaning what use is actually great intellectually answered this question. That God is the one that not only created everything, but then give instruction to everything.

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How does the child know to cry? How does the child know to suckle when the mother feeds the child? How does the child know these things? How does the animal know how to do this and know how to do that?

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A lot

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of that nother place

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where musallam is even

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talking to us even more condescending, even more arrogant, where he doesn't even say Who is your Lord, he says to me, what's this? business? What? What's this business? I'm tired of you talking? What's this? business? Again? musante. So I'm very seriously very respectfully very intellectually. He answers the question very intelligently. He answers the question. He says

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he's the Lord the Creator, the Sustainer of the heavens and the earth.

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And all of that, which is between the two in quantum opening but you gotta believe you gotta want to believe.

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So you we see even in the Quran, prophets and messengers

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got a question about a lot get out.

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Right? He didn't say that. He's answering the question properly, why don't you

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tell the people to get out? If they don't understand we as a community need to change our attitude even about these conversations? Because we have the right of

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tobacco, right. We need to even change our attitude about these types of conversations that they It is okay. The messenger the loss of autism, she has been mentioned to be on a Salah

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you know, I'll tell you the end of the Hadith. First, you know what the prophets a lot of them says at the end of the Hadith about you believe coming, he says

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he came to teach y'all yours religion.

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He came to teach your your religion.

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And how did he go about and the scholars you don't need them to be in this. These are the books and books and books have been written about it. Just explaining this what he said many of the scholars call it

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it's like the mother tradition of all the literature, some recollection. It's a foundational tradition of the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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And so the scholars actually note that every little thing that's mentioned about Judaism, there is an etiquette on how to learn your religion. From the way he says to the way he talks to the way he behaves the way he's dressed everything.

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And you know how that that conversation takes place? How he teaches us to learn about our religion. How was it anybody remember?

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It's a question answer format. Make Islam what is our

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money, my

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And the person sits there and in detail properly and respectfully answers each and every single one of his questions.

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He came to teach you your religion, the prophets a lot. You know, there's another variation, where a man actually asked the prophets a lot he sermons on several occasions This question was asked sincerely, and on some questions, this was a question was asked sarcastically condescendingly Mikasa.

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Mother Sarah, when is the day of judgment? When is this our when is this big event that you keep promising us is going to come? When is it you know what the

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How the profitsystem answered that question. He didn't answer that question by saying when you die

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He didn't say that. The Prophet of Allah Azza wa sallam answer that question by saying, Listen to this, to where that person he loves him, though I can't answer your question, but look how he answers it. Look at the empathy in his answer. He says, monogamous Ooh.

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That's the one being asked to question me doesn't know any more than the one asking the question. The one question doesn't know any more than the one then the questioner then the one asking the question. I'm sorry, I can't help you here. But don't worry, if you read in the way that it's phrased in the tone of the answer is basically saying, Listen, if that's your trouble, if that's your problem, don't worry, I don't know either. I don't know either. Either.

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Either, it's okay. It'll be alright. Why don't we sit down and talk about what really is the issue, what really is the problem, or let's see if we can address some of your concerns or issues. That is the attitude that needs to prevail in our communities, about these types of conversations. And

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addressing the issue of believing in God believing in a lot 11 not shy away from the conversation. A lot did not shy away from there are intellectual evidences provided upon, they'll gather

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data, that if there was more than one God in the heavens of the earth, you would have all been, it would have gone to just chaos and corruption, because they would have fought over the domain. In another place, if resurrection is your issue. And

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Allah subhanaw taala says that the one that will bring you back to life is the one that he

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is the one who created him the first time How did you end up here in the first place? Boom, that's right, and come back to life.

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And even more spiritually aware answers to question as well. That's why

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don't they look at the camera, how it's been created, where it came from, how the skies been raised, where energy Valley came from, how the mountains have been placed,

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how the earth has been spread, who

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that he's the one that created the earth for you, you made it humble, you build on it, you dig into it, you park on what you drive on it, you walk on it, so much more or less is gonna walk up into the mountains, the most power some of the most powerful of us creation, go walk up onto those mountains and walk around, and then eat from the sustenance that grows out of this earth. And then reflect on one fact, you got to go back to him

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experience all that which is around you a little reflect, to bring you back to a law will frequently share in law, who is the law.

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In each and every single thing, there is a miraculous sign that tells you that God is one he's alone, and he's there.

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And that's, that's something even Allah subhanaw taala doesn't shy away from in regards to that conversation in the forum. So we definitely as a community cannot shy away from that conversation. We can be too nervous to have that conversation. When somebody has a question, we have to take their question seriously, we have to show them the utmost of empathy. And we have to sit down and converse with them, we have to talk to them. Because as was what was said previously, by the two previous speakers, a lot of times of crisis and faith is coming from an issue or crisis in another area of life. When we show somebody like that we only further their problem, we only exacerbate the problem,

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we only make it even worse. So that's the last thing that we have to do, we have to plug the problem, we have to plug the leak. And we have to start helping this person. That's very important. Now, as a community,

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a couple of very quick notes that we can take that we can take note of a couple of things, to start repairing this issue in this problem number one, and I'm going to say this with the utmost respect and regard towards our elders.

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But we have to be very conscious, we have to be very careful about miscommunication.

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All right, a lot of times maybe whether it's a language barrier, or it's a cultural difference. A lot of times are different tones, or different ways, different methods of addressing something that might be acceptable or might be specific to one culture, but it doesn't transcend into the other culture. It communicates the wrong way here. And this is something as well that are lost power what Allah instilled within the messengers in the prophets when models are not intuitive on him. Allah says we whenever we send a messenger, it would have been nice and he told me, we spent we sent him with the tongue of his people, not the language but the term

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meaning he he understood his people he spoke the lingo, not just the language, the lingo of his people. He knew how to speak to his people.

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And so we need

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have proper resources in place. And this is a blessing that we enjoy in this area where we have moms who are needed to this area, they're native to the language, they're educated within the religion, and then they can properly express the teachings of the religion. A lot of times a huge reason for this misunderstanding is miscommunication. So we have to fix an address that communication.

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Secondly, for the person that is receiving that advice, or has this question on their mind, it goes without saying it was addressed by the previous speaker, I just want to reiterate, in Surah, number 41. So facilita law tells us who say, meaning, let them know who I am, I know

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that for somebody who's willing to believe in this, it will be guidance, and it will be a cure for your problem.

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But somebody who's not even willing to believe, who just comes to you for the sake of argument, then we still give that person due courtesy and respect, and we give them our time. But that person needs to understand that if I'm only here to debate and argue, will let in the light as he walked up, it's like there's going to be a blockade in your ear. You're not even going to hear the truth. Even if it's said to you over and over and over again, repeatedly, your question could be answered you will hear.

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And the person will be blind to this reality and the truth. I mean, it could be it could be plain as day, but the person just won't get it. So there has to be an openness and a willingness from both sides to engage in a respectful, proper, educated, clear communication on the issue. That's very, very important. And I have a real specific message. I don't know if any of those people are here or not. But even if they're not, then something you can keep in mind. Next time you come across somebody who has these types of serious questions that need to be addressed that should be addressed. One of the things that's specific to our community. And again, I say this with the utmost

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respect. But please understand that people are members of the community, or even your own family

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are not representative of Islam all the time. They're just not that's the essence the god honest truth. I don't know how to put it more plainly.

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And what I mean by saying that is they don't know everything about Islam, they might actually be wrong about so

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be open to the possibility Does that mean you can disrespect them? Absolutely not sort of answers that question. Even if your parents force you to do shit, don't do shit, don't oblige, to their requests, don't do shit, but was actually Macedonia. While you still are treating them extremely well, in the life of this world, you still are respected, that's still your mom, that's still your dad, that's still somebody older than you, that's still a community leader. You still gotta respect them. But you don't have to care what they're saying, to be the exact word of God. Don't make that mistake.

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Go out there and learn that when seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every believer, every believer has an obligation to know about your religion, go out and get answers about your religion yourself. Go ask a question, go talk to the email, open a book read,

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find out maybe what you what you're being told is not the truth. And the reason why go I want to say this here at the end.

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It's because even if somebody has a little bit of a disillusionment with a family member, or a community member, I'd rather that they end up dealing with the reality to tragic reality that they don't know exactly what they're talking about, rather than than that person losing their faith. And if any parents is here, who really truly honestly loves and cares about their child, they'll know they'll say the same thing, that if I end up being wrong in one issue, right? If I end up being proven wrong, if it will maintain the amount of my child, I'll be wrong 100 times over. I'll be wrong 100 times over. Because when you want to prove yourself, right, and you forcefully force, you

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push your version of the truth down your child's throat, and they lose their email one day because of it. You could sit and cry. You could cry, tears of blood, but it won't fix the issue. And at that point in time, that person will sit there and they'll cry. And they wish I would say I wish I would have gone about this the right way. So be be cognizant of this fact, if you are a parent or a community leader or an elder, go back in and even when you talk to people be open to the reality you might be misinformed about something and kids or children or youth who maybe have some serious questions and they don't understand the answers that being they're being given. Maybe the person

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that you're getting answers from doesn't exactly know the correct answer. Go and find out for yourself go and learn. And another very small point but very relevant point to this discussion is a lot of these questions about

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come up through the study of science.

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One thing that's beautiful about Islam, amazing about Islam, unlike many other religious traditions, Islam does not contradict does not have a problem with science. We don't.

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We don't.

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It's all a possibility, unless and until it takes God out of the equation. Because even if it's propagating a process of luck with that process into place, that's not hard for us to understand.

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But here's the question, here's an issue or a question I have for anybody who fits that description, studying science aggressively, and all of a sudden, it's leading to serious questions in your faith. How much of the Quran Have you read?

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How much of the life of the prophets of autism have you studied? We talked about balance, we need a balance. If you want to aggressively understand science, the sciences viewpoint, and their version of the story and their angle, then make sure you also go and read the prompt just as much.

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Because right now, we don't have a balance in that conversation. We don't have a balance in that study. Read the prompt any single time, every single time I've been somebody has brought these concerns to me and said, well, sciences isn't sciences downsizing. I asked him simply how much? Have you studied? little to nothing? And I know I'm generalizing. And I apologize if somebody is the exception. But that typically is the case, very little to nothing. Well, that's right there you got your answer. You know why you're confused. Because you haven't read the religion. You haven't studied the religion, go and study properly. And then tell me what type of questions you got after

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you study it properly. All right.

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And last, but not least, there is a spiritual component to this journey, as a community. And as individuals, there's a spiritual component. He talks about Yusuf Ali Salaam and his father, Mousavi Salaam, when he dealt with a major crisis, you always wanted to murder he had to run away from home, he has nothing to eat nowhere to sleep, nothing. This is the worst moment of his life. At that point in time, who sadly sort of did watch rugby in India, and

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he may or whatever you give me I needed take care of me a lot. You've always taken care of me take care of me. He turned to me do I open your heart just a little, give it a chance, put your head down Institute and tell me if it doesn't feel better. This is a truth in a reality we have to deal with. We have to come to terms with and I'll end by quoting one, do our once application from the life of a prophet sallallahu sallam, which really opened our eyes to the truth and have a process the truth. The prophets Allah is a member of the

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peace allottee the process and passed by a man and he was making God his prayer. So the process of as a good teacher does the process of stopped and started listening to this man's to us application. And he heard the man saying

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all the one who eyes cannot see in this world, what are 202 whose minds cannot comprehend his greatness. When I asked before when was the food and people cannot praise Him as He deserves to be praised, when not to hate your situations and events do not change a lot.

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A lot is not fear the passing in the tribulation of time. Yamasaki legenda, the exact weight of all the mountains of the entire world.

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He knows the exact volume of all the oceans of the entire world.

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He knows the exact number of drops of rain the fall from the sky, while either the weapon as job and he knows the exact number of leaves or all the trees of the entire world.

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And Allah knows everything that the days have illuminated with its light and hides in its darkness. When

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one sky cannot shield another sky from Allah. What about one ground cannot shoot another ground from Allah when the wind and the mountain in its deepest darkest cave cannot hide anything from Allah when the bottom of the ocean and its depths and darkness cannot hide anything from Allah, just a small sample of how to be inspired and how to believe and when we once we start to look at the world in this light, then it naturally goes a long way in solving a lot of these problems and answering a lot of these questions, which is our

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Finally I just want to mention that

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100 I just want to thank all the youth First of all, Allah subhana wa tada

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was able to make everything happen with ease, and how the program went very well. And I also think shikantaza and brother domani Harper coming and sharing some time with us.

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Got lots of hearts out of listen to the lives of also what i what i was saying in the beginning is that I wanted to actually take all the youth of kalibo budget for putting this program together. They did a lot of hard work to put this program together in terms of designing the flyers, putting on the flyers, spreading the word on different social media networks, that a lot of hard work, I usually take the names of a lot of youngsters, but I don't want to take it just a case. If I do leave out someone's name and then someone does get offended. They may not like it, so I won't take anyone's names, but the use of the columns are the ones who are engaged in a lot of hard work. So we

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pray to Allah subhanaw taala Allah blesses them in their life

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as well as the hereafter and also not to forget to mention that even the management

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also we have worked with him also in

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some of the other EC executive committee members, and once again, for everyone to come in.

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