Abdul Nasir Jangda – How many days to fast for Ashura

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the voluntary, encouraged deed of fasting on their shoe law, which allows for fasting on any day and any time. They explain that the deeds of some people, like the narrator in the transcript, are usually voluntary and allow for flexibility. The speaker emphasizes the importance of fasting on all days and allows for fasting on specific days.
AI: Transcript ©
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So many times people ask the question about fasting on our shoe law, that what if I can only fast one day? Do I have to add another day? And what if I forgot to do it the day before? Can I do it today afterwards? Can I fast all three days? And in reality, the answer to everybody's question is yes, yes, yes, yes. And yes. First of all, just generally speaking, it's a voluntary, encouraged deed. And the nature of such deeds is usually there's more flexibility. If somebody can only fast one day, they can fasten a vow shoot, because the prophets allottee some facet, just that one singular day. So it is okay as proven by his action. The profits are lovely. Some said, try to fast

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the day before, if you're not able to and fast the day after, and one narration of delivering on what he talks about fasting all three days, so whatever you're able to do just Thursday, Wednesday, and Thursday, Thursday and Friday, or Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. It's all good. Just make sure you do it.

Shaykh Abdul Nasir reminding everyone to take advantage of Ashura.

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