AbdelRahman Murphy – Be Like Muhammad

AbdelRahman Murphy
AI: Summary © The speaker encourages people to be the most true to themselves and others, and to practice these values, finding the right person for their needs and not acknowledging negative experiences. They emphasize the importance of being true to oneself and not just acknowledging and accepting what others say.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam O Allah emammal mbi

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Mohamed Salah aloha to sell them for Allah Allah He was happy he woman to be a homie ascending Elijah Medina, Medina man whom I mean everyone say, I mean, don't ever say me and listen to what you're saying I mean to me. So

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we basically what we do is just we just ask Allah Spano tala, we just praise Him and thanked him. And the beautiful thing about the phrases 100 Allah is that it's always applicable. Right now we were walking outside in beautiful British weather. And I was and I'm wearing linen tongs. So I was like, hum de la, you know, it could be worse. It definitely could be row, hum de la, you know, we always praise and take a loss marmorata because he, he enabled us to do so many things. And we didn't really do anything to deserve it. You know, we were born from the law the way we are and we didn't really do anything before birth to earn anything. So I'm the law. And then we asked Allah

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smart Allah to send his peace and blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad so Sutherland, who, without him we really don't have this gift of Amen. All right, this gift of Islam. You know, I was talking to a lot of my my youth group in Knoxville. And by the way, I have my one of my friends are here from Knoxville tutor. Well,

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I was talking to one of them. And I said, you know, the best gift that we have? What's the biggest gift that we have in our life? What's the traditional like Muslim answer?

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Like the biggest gift that we have? most precious blessing?

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Huh? So Karanja, okay, it's kind of part of that. But what's like, the only you know, maybe, can you not hear me? Should I just talk like this stream of back? So what's the what's the what's the most prized blessing that a Muslim has?

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Islam, right, his belief is guidance. And one of my youth group told me but Murphy, I don't really believe that. Like, my ps4 is pretty valuable. Right? And you and he just he was being honest, he just told me he's like, I don't really see the big deal, like I don't like Islam is there, but I'm not really quite sure why it's the biggest blessing that I have. And the way that I explained it to him was that, you know, if you didn't have light in this room, or if you didn't have light in a room that you were trying to search for something in, you know, if you're trying to find something really important, you would be stumbling around that room, and you may end up finding something, you may

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end up finding it but chances are you look like a fool on the way and possibly even hurt yourself. When you have that light. Or when you find that light switch, let's say you really need to go to the bathroom, right? And you can't find that light switch, the minute you find it, you feel so relieved. You feel it, you can't hear me, you feel so relieved, right? You feel so like, you just feel so happy that you found the switch that enables you to then see. Because once you can see once the light gives you the ability to see, then you're able to navigate correctly and make the right decision, right, you're able to see where you're supposed to go. And so I explained to this part, I

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said Islam is kind of like that light, that you can walk around the earth and live your life all 60 7080 years of it without having that light. And perhaps perhaps you might find what you're looking for, you might end up stumbling upon that drawer and finding whatever whatever you need. But Islam is the most precious thing that we own, not because it's necessarily, you know, miraculous, extraordinary, kind of like, every single day BAM in your face. But because without it, everything is dark. And really that's why a lot of people who accept Islam after after being raised like they weren't born Muslim. That's why they really appreciate it. That's why Congress tend to have the

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stereotype of being really appreciative of Islam, because they feel like they will walk around the dark all the time. And finally, someone turn the lights on. Right. And so that's why we think aleste prasada for the Prophet Mohammed Salah Selim, because without him, we don't have that light. He's the guy who installed the light bulb for us, right? So and then we asked a lot to make us amongst his followers until the end of time. This is the final talk of a tour that is very, that has been very, very close to my heart. You know, I got here on Sunday, I got to Birmingham on Sunday. And we, you know, I've done nine talks now in six days. And every single talk has been about the Prophet

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hustle salon, and every single talk, um, you know, I've prepared for it for a few hours and walked away from each talk feeling like man,

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this guy is just upon a law like, you know, I said, you just can't get enough. You can't get enough of the Prophet Muhammad SAW said them. The more you learn, the more you read, the more you just kind of become, you know, magnetize towards them. You just become attracted to him in that way. And you just really want to learn more. And so this is a sad moment. For me. It's kind of a bittersweet moment that we're closing off the whole tour here. But the law, you know, has to come to an end, right, just like all good things. And so I want everyone to repeat after me. Be like Mohammed

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That was we

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say it be like Mohammed,

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this is your mission statement. This is your goal in life, right? Every single thing that you do, wherever you are, you were to look at the mirror, the spiritual mirror, physical mirror to check yourself out, right? But the spiritual mirror and you're gonna ask yourself, is what I am doing? Or is what I am saying? Or is how I'm acting? Is that is that? Is that a sufficient enough way for me trying to be like Mohammed soul or something? And the answer is, sometimes it's going to be no flat out, you're not always going to achieve it. But to strive to that level is very important. Now, this talk is called all day every day. And the way that the tour has worked is that we've tried to

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highlight different facets of the problem chromosomes life through each talk, right? So we talked about socialized like it's suddenness, we talked about how was the prophet SAW some as a friend? What was he like? We talked about six points. To be a friend like the Prophet Muhammad SAW seven, we talked about happiness in the home, What was he like at home? So we talked about a few points to how to be like the Prophet. So some at home, we talked about community building, how can you establish a community like the Prophet seldom did, we talked about points. today's talk is actually my favorite topic to prepare for, because all the other topics, they focus on the miraculous, or they focus on

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the specific or they focus on the incidental or the event cause. So for example, we always look at the problem himself sometimes example, and we Marvel in different like miracles that happen, but did you know that he split the moon? Did you know that this happened, this happened, but what's actually the most miraculous thing about the Prophet Muhammad said to me, personally, is that he was able, as a last month, I told him and described in what in Nuuk, Allah, Allah Farouk and Alvin, he said, that you are on top of good character. The most miraculous thing about the Prophet himself silent as I've gotten older, is that he was able to maintain good character all day, every day, that he never broke

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from it. Right? Some of us may think that we're good people. But we can all admit that there have been days where we just want to break something, right? Or we just want to like really get back at someone. Right? We're all we're all human. And so the fact that the problem chemists awesome, was able to maintain that level, that really rigorous high level of goodness is really miraculous to me, right? We look for Islam, we look for the scientific miracles want to prove to people that Islam is correct. So we're like, did you know that if you read the Koran backwards, you will start flying? Right. And everyone's like, what? And we like, did you know that Islam actually has the best recipe

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for goat curry, and he's just like, random, random things. But I believe that the most the most miraculous of things, as these brothers distract everybody by pulling away podium, I believe the most miraculous thing is the Prophet Muhammad SAW Saddam's nature, his his behavior, his personality. So let's go ahead and take a look. There's a few points that I want to talk about.

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One thing about the profit center, I don't think any of us can claim this is that every single person he interacted with no scratch that every single thing that he interacted with, ended up admiring him and adoring him and loving him. Even people that were planning to kill him. There was a time when the Prophet Thomasville Salim, also friend's daughter who was Muslim, although Sophia was not Muslim. Also, John's daughter who was who was Muslim was going to marry the Prophet from this assignment. And there was a group of the courageous leaders, the kuffaar. And they were sort of like taunting, I was a fan. They were like, Man, this is the guy that we're plotting against. We're

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trying to kill him. lol your daughter's gonna marry. Hashtag awkward, right?

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So they were all like taking on and making fun of them. Right? They're making bonobos Sophia. And now think about this for a second about Sophia as he became Muslim after pressing Mecca. But at that time, he wasn't. And more than anything, they just want to kill the Prophet something more than when I read the Billa. They wanted to really hurt him because they were just tired of the fact that he was taking away their socio economic power and all of their status in the community. So again, as they're taunting him, you would expect him to do what lash out to yell back at them. Leave me alone, y'all know is difficult, right? It's hard for a player out here, right? But know what he does is

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very interesting. This is a man who is currently plotting to kill his future son in law. What he says is, I swear that there is no one better for my daughter than the Prophet Mohammed. Right? He was a prophet, obviously nothing. But even a person who was on his on his mission to hurt the Prophet says, You know what? There's no man better to be married to anybody. Right? There's no one better to marry than the problem. He admitted it as an enemy. You know, there's a there's another famous story we'll talk about it as we move on, about how even even nature love the Prophet Muhammad SAW Some even things that we consider like inanimate objects, loved the Prophet chromosomes. Let's

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go and talk. I have six points.

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I have six points. Yes, I have six points. Okay. I have six points as to why his character was turned from ordinary to extraordinary. And the reason I highlighted these six points, there's many more I'm not like doing this comprehensive. There's an

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Any more of these six points, I promise you, if you and I try to inculcate them, even one or two on a daily basis, you will start to see that you will start to feel when people talk about that thing called sweetness of a man, you'll start to feel that the * out of him and you'll start to feel that sweetness. The first reason why the Prophet Muhammad SAW someone was incredible on a daily basis. And for those of you who are walking in this weather to this, to this event, you can probably empathize was because he is also Sam was always known to be smiling.

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Do you think anyone's smiling walking outside right now? They're all in that like, quasi moto 10 toes like walking, trying to get as warm as possible. everyone's faces scrunched I was just having lunch. This isn't being okay. I was just having lunch like earlier this week with a brother who is the head of his ISOC. And he was trying to tell me that people don't come to the ISOC programs, right. And as he's doing so he's like, I don't know why.

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big beard, and his eyebrows just look like this.

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And I'm like, dude, you looked at that emoticon. Like I hit your face on my iPhone. Right? Smile a little bit, dude. He's like, I tried Like,

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seriously, and you know what's funny, are laughing but it's honestly, it's difficult. It's difficult for your default face to be a smile. And it's partially difficult because we're also addicted to like, different technologies. We're all looking at things right? We always got our brows furrowed and we're staring at screens trying to read text all the time. But this brother was literally like, Yeah, I don't know why people don't think I'm nice. Right? And so when you think about the the narration of enmeshment Medical de la Brian, when he says the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, he says, I never saw him not smiling.

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I never saw him not smiling. I want you to imagine this for a second. I want you to imagine this for a second. Can you say this about anybody that you know? Maybe, right? You might be able to Yeah, I have. always smiling. I have a friend who's always so joyful. But think about this for a second. We know for a fact that the problem by myself Simon certain times was not smiling.

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Is this a contradiction? Is ns line? invalid? No. It's actually even more powerful than that. The problem was also that was a human being there were times where he was not smiling. For example, when his son passed away, he cried. For example, when his wife passed away, he cried when we know that there were times when he shed tears, and he was not smiling, right. But what's interesting is that for somebody to say, he was always doing XYZ, that must mean that that person's habit was so dominant, over whatever else happened, whatever other instance, one offs happened, that this was so dominant, that they couldn't even remember these. Give me an example. If somebody works out a lot.

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What do we say, Man, that dude lives in the

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gym? Very good, right? Or, like, if my mom woke up to cook for a big party, as a man, my mom's mom spent the whole day in the kitchen, she probably did it. She might have gone to the bathroom, she might have gone to lay down for an hour. The guy probably doesn't live in the gym, hopefully. Right? Hopefully others need to figure out some situation for riders USA sorted out, right? So but because that's what they're known for.

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Because that's what they're known for. Because that's what they're that's the predominant sort of effect that you notice visually of them, then you're comfortable saying that they do that in perpetuity, right. So the Prophet promises on his face was always one that was positive to the point where even though there were times where he didn't smile, and I said, I never saw not smiling. It's crazy right? Now, what do you think of something? What Ulsan is portrayed in the movie? Are they ever portrayed smiling?

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Only at the end when all the bombs are going off? Right?

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So I'm being real with you like I'm being real, or at the end of taking when that big, like fat Muslim Arab guy finally has some sexually that he bought, right?

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No, this is terrible stereotyping. This is terrible stereotyping. And you know, what's unfortunate is that we reinforce it. And we don't even know it. But we are reinforcing it. And we're not even aware of it. Right? We hold open doors for people for love. We even do that as a miracle. But like, we hold them in doors for people. And as they're walking by, we're just like,

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you know what the prophet SAW? You know why he was able to smile all the time, because he considered himself literally, to be at the service of humanity. And I think when you have that mindset, it becomes easy to smile at people. Right? I'm at your service, right? I'm a Hadith of the Prophet. So someone says what are the Muslims? Master people serves them. And so if you want Islam to kind of show its true colors, and you want to snap to show everybody like how it is so enlightening, so rejuvenating, so wonderful, then have that mindset. I'm the servant of humanity, and part of that is to smile at people. Part of that is to be kind to people. Today on the train. I'm wearing this too.

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I don't really don't want this goofy. I actually should have worn them today. This lady I'm feeling like really ill because all this traveling and the last thing you want to smell you're feeling ill is like French fries. This lady comes in on the

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too, and she sits next to me and she just has this big bag of burgers and fries. And I'm just like, right? And she's like eating and then she dropped her bag. And I picked it up for her. And I gave it to her. And I remember that I was wearing this. So I made sure to smile at her. And she gave me the most awesome British smile everywhere her teeth Mashallah or

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no fan, but she gave me a really big smile back. She appreciated the fact that I did. I'm not trying to put myself up. I'm just saying that's what happened today. Very quick results, smile at people. The prophet SAW something did so. And that's how he was able to maintain that character all day every day. What's next? Number two?

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Oh, this one's good. He was gentle with every thing that he encountered. Right? He was gentle. Allah subhanaw taala. Suddenly, he actually describes the Prophet. He said, it's a good thing. I'm going to give you a modern translation. Okay. Right now he No, no, no, it is a good thing, that we blessed you by being gentle. Because if you were harsh than everyone would have left you. That's the modern translation. So as Iran? Well, that's my thoughts. I was a prophet. It's a good thing that we gave you this ability to be gentle with people. Because had you been harsh, everyone would have disappeared. You know the unfortunate reality about religion in general. But as you know, especially

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amongst the Muslim community, we feel it is that religious people tend to be the ones who scare away people from religion and most people who claim to be religious. So whenever anyone's trying to get closer to Allah, those who claim to be close to him, and the push, pushing people and repelling people away. This wasn't the character of the Prophet Thomas Nelson, his character was to be gentle with everything that he encountered. The prophet SAW asylum his father died when,

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before he was born very good. His mother died when he was okay. Then who died is he was in the care of his grandfather. Right? Right, who passed away. Then his uncle who also passed away then his wife was in a very good, okay, so how many people is that father, mother, grandfather, uncle's wife, that's five people in the span of his life. 40 years, right? Up until that point? 40, let's say, no, it's actually a 52. So 52 years, he had five major deaths in his life, including his wife, which is kind of abnormal doesn't happen to everybody as their wife does. And also uncle grandfather, okay. And father mother died, his father was dead before he was even alive, right? So it's safe to say

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that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam knew a little something about experiencing death. It's safe to say that Yeah. But he knew a little something like for someone to say, Well, you know, have you ever experienced the death in the family? The Prophet system has credentials to say, Yes, I did. So one day, the prophet SAW someone's walking, and he sees this lady, and she's, she's near the graveyard. And she's just wailing. She's crying, hardcore, right? Very, very upset, obviously, visibly disturbed. So the problem is, if something goes up to her kindly and he kind of just looks, you know, and he goes, excuse me, like, Is everything okay? And she was getting away

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from me. You don't know what I've been through?

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He could have been like, a lightning bolt.

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He seriously, he seriously? Could you know you have people like this. Now, you know, the whole cartoon thing. When you're like, Oh, these people talk about the Prophet, we should kill them. Dude, people used to talk to him like that to his face. When he was in Medina and he had an army, he easily could have done that. Right? So when you're talking about like, killing people, for insulting the Prophet, then think back for a moment about how he reacted, right? So he could have done that. But what did he do very wisely, Mashallah. The prophet SAW Selim said, okay, he walked away. Later on, people were talking to the lady. And she said, and this happened, and this man came up to me and

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he tried to like, you know, asked me about something. And they said, Yeah, that was the profit stuff. And she was like,

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why? So she runs to the profit systems house because she was Muslim. She runs the profits of some house. And she's like, frantic, okay, and she goes up to your salon. I'm so sorry. I did not mean to yell at you. I had no idea was you? My husband passed away, and I was just grieving. I just miss him. I'm so sorry. The Prophet systems is what? It's okay. Don't worry about, right. Like, how much internal strength did it take for him to be the bigger person and say, It's okay, don't worry about it. How many times have you been wrong in your life, where you were technically in the right way that person shouldn't have cut you off. That person shouldn't have taken that before you that person

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shouldn't have done that to you, or you've been wronged. Promises almost wrong very openly. And by the way, being shamed publicly like that is very disturbing is very hurtful to have someone yell at you in public, when you're in a position of honor is very hurtful, very disrespectful. Do you think that the prophet SAW Selim was just like, Oh, I'm gonna get you back. You can't yell at me and public disrespect my authority. Right? No, that's part of his character was that

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Even when people encountered him with harshness, he always, always always gave them gentleness back, you know how many is described in the Quran, you know how he's described a lot, actually the brother recited it as bichette on one of the at all, as a person who first Allah uses this order on purpose, who first gives people good news that she had, like they deliver bush raw? And then if the good news doesn't work, if the gentleness doesn't work first, after multiple times, then what does the Prophet doesn't have to resort to? The at all warning? Right? So first is good news. Where's the Hey, listen, if you do the right thing, if you live your life correctly, you're gonna play a lot and get

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to go to Paradise. That's amazing. Isn't that great? keep reminding them of that. Keep in mind, if it doesn't work, and it gets to the point where they're like, forget it, then he's like, Listen, if you do in fact neglect it. There is something called Hellfire and you don't want to go there. How many of us can say that? This is the way that it's time to talk today. Yes or no?

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Lord Almighty is not right. Do you guys have Sunday school or Saturday schools here?

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Are both isn't weekend schools. What are the things like a Muslim country? Do you all when you have

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when you were learning about Islamic education? Was Hellfire ever used as a threat to you?

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was done to us as a motivator first?

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Maybe Maybe not? Probably not. Right. So are we living up to the prophetic character? Not quite. And maybe that's why we're not finding the prophetic results. That's that's what I would like to offer. So the second thing, he was always gentle. The third point? Oh, this is cool. Okay.

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How many of y'all have a pretty big group of friends? Anybody?

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pretty popular?

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Are Facebook friends. So?

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Right? So you're like, yeah, pretty popular. So you might have a few different? Do you guys have a few different clicks? Do you guys have like the one click, you had other clicks, you got this big? Like the Dallas click, I see them when I go to family parties, and the uniclic the yacht? Like you know, whatever, all the girls are gonna talk shop with my

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or top man, I saw that I was like, that's strong enough for me.

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Anyway, so

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I will, I will challenge you with something. Okay. In that in those cliques of friends? How many of you okay, how many of you think that each of your friends is honest to goodness, convinced that they are your best friend? Each of them?

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Is there anyone willing to be so arrogant as to raise their hand right now? Right? You know, what's interesting about the Prophet, Allah? Is that everybody, I think, Sarah, you might actually be that person. not arrogant, but I think everyone does actually think that you're the best, either. So.

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So, the prophet SAW something. Everybody was convinced every single person that he met, was convinced that they had something special with him. Right? Everyone's like, Hey, we have all the problems as Oh, did you? That's cute, right?

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I'm sure y'all like to talk to something. On the other hand, he and I, we get together. So from the same place, right? So a lot of like this brag noise and this hobby used to do that they used to brag to each other. Well, I, I kind of, you know, I have a really good relationship with process. So if you need me to tell him something, I'll tell him for you. Right. So there was seriously competition amongst them, right? So, um,

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one day, he was convinced that like, the Profit System loved him the most. He just felt the need to tell everybody. So he tells everybody, he goes, listen, guys, I know you guys think you're cool and all but I'm definitely the prophets best friend. Right?

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Yeah, so everyone's like, I don't think so. Right? And he's like, No, no, trust me. I definitely am. And they're like, Okay, let's go ask him. And he goes, Okay, sure. So he walks up to the problem. He says,

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We're having a little bit of discussion, and apparently was a misunderstanding. Who is your favorite person? And the prophet SAW Some said, what I shot.

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Right? That's right, girls, right?

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Check this out. This is even better. This is even better. So all the guys are like,

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and then it goes, No, no, he says, military Jad from the men, right? We know that all of our wives are our favorite people. But from like the homeys, who's your favorite male friend, right? And then he said, her father. what's beautiful about the story is that his love for Russia was so strong that he didn't even call a book of Sadiq by his name. He referenced it through his wife. So he didn't say my favorite male friends on book as a deed. He said, it's actually my wife's dad. Right? Because his love for her was so strong. But imagine this, even though it was not necessarily his favorite, right as we learn from the story. Think about that for a moment. How do you how do we treat our friends?

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Do we treat them all in a way where they are convinced? How would you have to treat each of your friends

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For them to be convinced that you were seriously the closest one to them. It's a serious thing. It's a very serious commitment to your friendship to a relationship, right? So it's very important to think about that. It's friendships are very mundane things. They're very ordinary things. But remember that. So sometimes the point of this talk is we're talking about how he was able to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. So he was able to turn friendships, into relationships that people were like, so moved emotionally by they were convinced that they were his best friend. They were absolutely convinced, okay. Fourth

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Profit System

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is actually actions inside the house, and outside the house work in groups.

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They were parallel, they leveled out. This is actually something that's very important. It was a famous speaker who said that there are three realities to a person, the public self, the private self, and in the real self, right? We all live separate lives. That's a reality. We all have separate lives. We all can't compartmentalize different aspects of our lives. The problem from associating them was a master at being able to make sure that his public life did not supersede in terms of like spirituality, his private life, because that could lead to a lack of sincerity, about the study, very famous, dropped, that he would make a lot make me better than what the people think

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of me. Make me better than what people think of. Right? So and don't use that and like people think of me terribly right. I will not let them think me terribly was any better. No, not that. What it is, is when people compliment you, when people are praising you, then you can private turn to Allah to Allah make me better than what they think of me. Because I know that they think of me in a certain way. But I really want you to make me privately better than that. Because I would love to be somebody who's not hypocritical who's not insincere. My house. You know, I shot I think she gave the prophet SAW some of the best praise when she described his character. And let's think about this for

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a moment. If anybody knows the ins and outs of a person, it's their stops. If anybody knows all the strengths and weaknesses of a person is their spouse. And so I started Lila Han Has she knew it's easy to say that she knew the personality. The prophet SAW Salem as one of the best for sure, easily one of the best, right? Because she lived with him. She was the one who would see him we all the narrations about how he used to worship in private. It's not like he would go out there like, Hey, guys get some fruit that happened last night.

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he didn't go on, like, announces everybody I show was the one who would after he passed away would say my husband used to get up in the middle of the night and pray for three hours without telling anybody without announcing it. And so one of the miraculous things about his character was that he didn't try to front. He didn't try to impress people in public, and then get lazy in private. He was the same person. In fact, it's safe to say that if it's possible, he was actually much more better, right? much more better out. He was much better in private. And I know that sounds weird. And it actually sounds a little disrespectful. So don't take it that way. It's not that he was worse in

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public County, but that he was amazing and public. But then he did so much in private that people didn't even know about donations, he gave the worship he did. So how did I should describe him? Right? How did she describe them? She said, Can I pull up a boo elbow and that his character was the Quran? And then she also had adequate honorem she was like a walking caller on. Think about this for a second, how much respect does the Muslim Ummah have for the Quran?

00:28:26 --> 00:28:29

If someone took her on right now, and whether it would be legit dropped on the ground, what would everyone do?

00:28:30 --> 00:28:43

It would just run to grab it right? Even people who don't really understand what's inside of it, or don't read it on a regular basis. There's so much reverence and love for the Koran. That's why even if we don't have an active relationship with it, where's it always stored in the house,

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on the shelf just in time for weddings, funerals and new houses, right.

00:28:48 --> 00:29:04

But it's safe to say that the reverence that we have for the Koran shows us that there's something very valuable inside of it, there's something extremely valuable, there's a treasure chest inside of it, that's much more valuable than any of the earth riches. So to compare somebody's character, to that

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is amazing, is an incredible testament to who they were as a person, if you want to be more like the Prophet homosassa them, which again, is our mission statement, be like Mohammed, ask yourself the question, am I the same person in public as I am in private? Right? And if you're, if you're terrible, and private, you know, again, pretty terrible public too. Right? Then it's time to raise the bar a little bit. And someone asked me a question yesterday in Sheffield, they said, How do we protect ourselves from hypocrisy? How do we make sure that we are sincere Muslims? And the answer my teachers gave me which I gave to him, and I'm going to give to you is to make sure you do more good

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deeds in private than you do in public and make sure that not all of your good deeds are in public. Right? It's very easy when people are around to do the right thing. But how easy is it to do the right thing when no one's around? It's quite difficult. But when you do the right thing when no one's around, that's the moment when you feel amazing in your connection with Allah subhanaw taala that sweetness of you man is so real, and you know what happens the next time shaitan

00:30:00 --> 00:30:12

That little punk tries to come to you, okay? He's a punk. He tries to come to you. And he says, oh, you're a hypocrite, or Oh, you're not a true Muslim, then you develop this Arsenal, great football team, you develop this arsenal.

00:30:14 --> 00:30:50

You develop this arsenal of things that you can point out to him. So once I found that you're a hypocrite, you only prayed because they told you to, like actually shaytaan punk. Listen, I woke up this morning, no one was home. And I prefetcher by myself, no one saw me eat it. Right. Or you fast on Monday, no one knew. So you do small deeds in private that no one knows about that way. When you have doubts about your own faith, and the quality of your own belief. You look back and you say 100 of that I was able to do that in private. I'm not as off as I thought. But you continue to try to do those things. So the profit sometimes private life and public life working group, that's number

00:30:50 --> 00:30:59

four, tutorial. Number five. And I like this one. This one's I'm going to call this the SAS, the SAS characteristic. The Pro Yeah.

00:31:01 --> 00:31:03

The prophet SAW something was counterculture. Right.

00:31:04 --> 00:31:06

You get it? Okay. So as counterculture, okay.

00:31:07 --> 00:31:09

All right, cool. Yeah.

00:31:10 --> 00:31:48

The prophet SAW, Selim was himself, okay. He was himself a lot of his personality traits, his characteristics, the goodness that you found in him, was directly diametrically opposed to the Arab norms of the time. And they probably still are today, to be honest with you. The prophet SAW them. For example, when his son died, when his son Ibrahim passed away, he cried. And some of the companions were not used to seeing men cry. And so they asked, the prophet SAW something and they said, Yes to Allah, aren't you? You know, isn't this part of the color of Allah like that your son was going to die? Basically, like, isn't this all, you know? Wasn't this already planned? Like why

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you showed it showing someone's emotion? And he said, these tears, he pointed out his tears. He said, these tears are mercy from Allah spawn, Tada. Think about what he meant. Could you imagine feeling that anxiety in your chest, that that pain, that suffering and not being able to express it, it's like a pressure cooker. Like you're not letting anything out? And people develop serious mental conditions from not letting their emotions out? I'm a mental health specialist. I know. So for the for the ability to cry. The Prophet systems of this is Rama going directly against what the Arabs were used to. But he didn't care. He was just like, I don't care. Like, I'm going to show you who I

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am another example, and hasn't seen his grandchildren. One day, he saw them, and he gave them kisses. And he would, he would randomly just pat a little kid on the head, give the kid a kiss on the cheek. Right? And the boys especially he would give them hugs and kisses and hold them up and toss them up in the air. And he was like that cool uncle, right? I want to give you 100 bucks on he, right? He was like that cool. I'm cool. So all the kids are seeing him and they would run up to him. And he would just like, pick on the cheek, give him a hug. So one of the one of the Muslim companions who happened to be a Bedouin was against Lola, you kiss your boys like you kiss and hug

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your boys. Like, that's, we don't do that. And the Prophet says, Yeah, of course, like kissing my boys. Like why wouldn't you show them some love and affection? And the guy says yes to a lot. I have 10 sons. And we're lucky I've never kissed one of them.

00:33:11 --> 00:33:12

Right? He's like,

00:33:13 --> 00:33:15

really, like, boom, like,

00:33:16 --> 00:33:28

the promises and said, this is this is powerful. And for those of you who's like, it's actually a very touchy subject as a lot of our parents didn't treat us the way the prophet SAW them. Treat has been like my dad, when I was growing up. I think God, I love you. He's like, thank you.

00:33:30 --> 00:33:44

And it's not because he's like, it's not because he's a he's a harsh person. But he just because he wasn't used to that, or he wasn't used to that. So you know what the prophet system said back to this man. He said, because the man was bragging, the prophet said, How can I help you but Allah has removed mercy from your heart.

00:33:45 --> 00:34:19

You know what that means? That's so powerful. He didn't say he didn't say mercy for your kids or your family. He said mercy in general, a sign that someone is merciful as a person is that they're able to show affection to those that they love. They're able to show that affection. If you truly love somebody, you're able to show it. Right you're you won't be afraid to the culture was all against the prophet SAW someone that you're not you're not supposed to get you're not supposed to have in case your boys. The problem is I don't care. Right? See you are I don't hurt, right. I'll do it if I want to. And you know what, you know that, you know, those those people became, it hasn't

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been Sandy became some of the greatest leaders that the Muslim community ever had. And though and the way that he taught his companions to treat their kids, after Robin Sharma, all these amazing people, they came from that school of raising kids, right? Don't be afraid to be yourself. The prophet SAW Selim was so comfortable in his own skin. He was so comfortable in his own skin. That's why he said what he said Islam came as something strange, and it will end it and the world will end as a symbol something strange. So he said glad tidings to the strangers. Basically saying, don't worry about it. You're always gonna be a little bit different. Don't freak out. Don't Don't try to

00:34:54 --> 00:35:00

always assimilate. I'm just like, you know, just be cool with who you are. Listen, if you're a little bit different. That's cool. Right? That's all

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I have an orange beard, right? That's cool. Like, who cares? I don't dye it. That's cool. Right? be totally okay being yourself.

00:35:07 --> 00:35:13

The last point, right, the last one we're gonna make tonight, y'all and then we're open up to a little bit q&a. It's only seven o'clock.

00:35:15 --> 00:35:19

And this is gonna be the toughest one for sure. for everybody. All right, well, maybe I don't know, the smiling ones pretty dumb.

00:35:20 --> 00:35:22

But the profit.

00:35:24 --> 00:35:26

Genuinely, genuinely,

00:35:27 --> 00:35:29

one more time genuinely cared for everybody.

00:35:31 --> 00:36:08

So difficult. I'm telling you, it's I've tried, I've looked, I've looked at myself long and hard, right? I've really, I really looked at my condition. And I've really investigated my own heart. And I said, Do you really care for everybody? Like, do you honestly care for everybody? And there are moments as human beings where we're like, I just don't care about that person. You know? But I mean, let's listen to a couple stories. So the Prophet Muhammad SAW Salah one time, there was a lady. And she was she was actually mentally disabled, right? So she did not have intellect. She was she was not, like, taken seriously by a lot of people in the community. She would kind of go and just talk

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random things. And everyone would just kind of like, pass her off. Right? They like okay, yeah, you know, this kind of, and that's exactly how people with disabilities are treated today in our society. No one wants to make eye contact with them. No, wants to treat them like human beings and wants to, you know, it's that's how it is. It's been passed down. One time she goes to the Prophet Muhammad SAW Salah, okay. And she says, Prophet, I talk to you. And everyone's like, Oh, God. All right. Let's see how the promises. I'm gonna handle this one. You know what he did?

00:36:36 --> 00:36:42

He said, My master. He said, I'm at your service. Whatever you need. She said nothing for the people. Let's go walk.

00:36:43 --> 00:36:52

They walked some of them. And so they walk for hours. And she just kept talking about anything. And he just said he's walked behind her.

00:36:53 --> 00:37:02

Okay. Yeah. Okay, I agree. Yeah. So finally, till she was done, the Hadith says, until she was satisfied.

00:37:03 --> 00:37:06

She brought him back to his house and said, think about what I talked about.

00:37:07 --> 00:37:08

He's like, okay,

00:37:09 --> 00:37:10

that's top.

00:37:11 --> 00:37:42

That is like to put yourself to lower yourself. Promises, some can never be lowered. But to to put yourself into a to exemplify that humility to a point where you will walk around with someone who is not mentally all there, right? mentally disabled. Someone who is not physically intellectually capable is as a lot of people, to put yourself in a position where you are their servant, and you walk with them, and you listen to them, and you entertain all their thoughts. Sincerely, sincerely. What kind of person can do that? Only someone who genuinely cares for everybody.

00:37:43 --> 00:37:58

Let's go to somebody else. Another person who's neglected by society, another person whose emotions and feelings are oftentimes neglected young boys, young boys, and they say this hurt my feelings when we say rough and dirt on it. Right? Get up Be a man, right? Because like three Be a man.

00:37:59 --> 00:38:00

bleeding. Stop it, right.

00:38:02 --> 00:38:28

Young boys, we don't validate their feelings. The young girl falls down the UK, the world's ending Oh, my God. young boy falls down. We're like, get up. Right? We don't validate young young boys feeling. There's a young boy, his name was Ahmed. And he had a bird. And the birth name was right. Probably he's the father of lineage to Pakistan, where everyone has rhyming names. Okay. So not for hombre. Right.

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00:38:32 --> 00:38:49

So our mayor had a bird whose name was new there. And Omar was like a young boy, America wasn't like, you know, 27 years old working it like he wasn't he was a young boy. And one day, the Prophet Muhammad silverland came over to his house, and he noticed that a new lead was not there.

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And he says, Yo, man, what happened to your new live? This shows you number one, that the Prophet system was a keen observer that he was able to notice that something was wrong. Right? So he didn't have to wait for someone to build anything. Oh, I got my bird died. But he was like, What happened? Well, man started crying to my bird passed away. Right? ever passed away. So where is he said he's back there. Like

00:39:13 --> 00:39:13

no problem.

00:39:15 --> 00:39:16

It wasn't like you're Let's eat

00:39:17 --> 00:39:19

chicken. All right, let's do it. No.

00:39:22 --> 00:39:29

It wasn't like, Oh, it's okay. Just a bird. I'll get you a new one. Right? Oh, no, he's just sleeping. Right? You just wake up for you clicking on the bird, right?

00:39:31 --> 00:39:49

It wasn't like that. He's validated this young boys feelings. Do you know what extent He did? Okay, this is the last prophet of all time. I don't know about you guys, but like, I'm busy. I can imagine that he was probably much more busy. So to do what he's allowed to do is pretty remarkable. He goes to Ahmed Xiao mer. He says, Let's go and have a burial for your brain.

00:39:51 --> 00:39:59

They go to the bird they get the bird the puppet system goes in the back in the backyard that they had our back of the house. He digs up a hole with his hands. He lays the bird and

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covers it. And he holds on their shoulders a marriage cry.

00:40:04 --> 00:40:39

That's somebody who cares for people. Again, like what is that going to do in the in the grand scheme of things, we bury your birth together? Great, right? But looking over here Now, the problem commit suicide is a smart, smart man. He says, You know what? This young boy's feelings need to be validated. And I represent religion to him. I'm the Prophet. So in order for him to feel that things are okay, this is okay. That's okay to feel this way. His role model, his mentor, His Prophet, Mohammed sauce on them, has to be with him through this experience. has to join them has to tell him it's okay. Right. The prophet SAW some genuinely cared for people.

00:40:40 --> 00:40:55

Got one more story. Oh, yeah, this is this one's great. We all know the story magazine. In one of his videos, he portrays a story, the story of the Jewish lady who used to put garbage on the profit systems front porch, okay. And one of the problems was when she got sick.

00:40:58 --> 00:41:03

He went to her house to check on her You want to know the amazing part of the story. She never became Muslim.

00:41:06 --> 00:41:06

That's incredible.

00:41:08 --> 00:41:14

We sometimes become very excited to serve people or to do things. The man comforts.

00:41:18 --> 00:41:29

That's why we get so excited to serve. We're like, yeah, let's give him food. And then let's be like, yeah, you know, Allah loves you. Right? So I eat this food and be Muslim. And just it's good.

00:41:33 --> 00:41:44

Right? But the problem teaches us a very valuable lesson. Listen, in that lesson, the lady who used to and he just happened to be Jewish, it doesn't make it I don't think it's part of the Jewish religions. But

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obviously not she just happened to be that's how she identified right? She's a lady who was she when she used to put guards in on the doorstep of the pockets.

00:41:54 --> 00:42:08

And so it's, you know, she instead of like freaking out or yelling back at her one day, he noticed the garbage wasn't there in the car. That's strange, right? It's like the day the bullies absent from school. All the women start celebrating, right? Just kidding. It's really just good.

00:42:10 --> 00:42:23

So the prophet SAW what he does, is he goes, he's like, That's weird. Instead of celebrating and being like, Ah, you're sick. That's what you do from Islam, the prophet of God. That's what happened. I told you, right? believe this dough, right?

00:42:24 --> 00:42:31

The promises and what do you do? He went to her house? And he checked on her. And he's like, what's, what's going on? She never converted?

00:42:32 --> 00:42:36

Why? Why did he even care about her, she's not going to convert, because she's a human being.

00:42:37 --> 00:43:11

The funeral of a non Muslim was passing by the prophet was sitting with his companions discussing something he stopped and stood there looked at locked into Mexico City. So why did you stay with us? Is it not a human life? That person was dead, they weren't even there to see the Prophet stand up for them. Right. So you knew his intention was not to convert them? Right? Because they're not alive. They're done. Their time is over. But his respect for humanity, his genuine care for people, these are characteristics that if Muslims had them, there would be no such thing as people trying to kick us out. As people getting angry wouldn't happen. You know, we're so convinced at convincing

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people to do this and your classes and education, I want you to find me the number of times that in this theater, I challenge everybody this right, find me the number of times the Prophet Muhammad Al said them tried to convince someone through intellectual debate. And finally, the number of times he he influenced them through his experience with them. And I guarantee you the experience will outnumber the intellect by 10 to one at least, at least, if we're really concerned about the image of Muslims in our countries in England and America, wherever in the world, then it would really behoove us to look at these six points, and to say, which one of these Can I inculcate into my life?

00:43:47 --> 00:44:03

Right? And by the way, none of them require you to become like Schiff. None of them require you to become like multimode on another. None of these require anything major from you in terms of studying, studying, studying, they all just require a little bit of commitment. Can you do it? Can you be like Mohammed?

00:44:04 --> 00:44:09

sha Allah, because listen, if we walk away from here tonight with a commitment to be like Mohammed,

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I guarantee you in sha Allah on the Day of Judgment, he will stand there greeting us all into paradise.

00:44:17 --> 00:44:42

Enter in peace, because you try to be like, we ask the Lord, to give us the ability to inculcate his son of his prophet, we ask about the blessings gathering to forgive everybody in this gathering of any mistakes we've ever made. We ask the Lord, to increase our love for each other, and to make us those who can inculcate the six characteristics and more inshallah Tada, it's upon Colombo become zignature the one La Ilaha Illa and istockphoto going to be late. Does anyone have any questions?

00:44:47 --> 00:44:48


00:44:50 --> 00:44:55

Might as well just go on with it because I mean, there's like, it's gonna, it's gonna open the floodgates. So the first person just go for it.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:02

Okay, yeah, very good.

00:45:07 --> 00:45:24

Very good. Very good. So the Quran for example, there's many times of the Crohns world will bother. The question was, what does it mean to have the character put on? What does that mean? means two things. So when I, as I said the purpose of them was a walking through on, what does that mean? It means that he lived every advice and command.

00:45:25 --> 00:46:03

Okay, what does that take? Number one technology? You have to know if you don't know you, how do you know what you're going to walk like, right? Number two, is Allah subhanaw taala. Many times he says to us to treat people well to do the right thing to be amongst the team to be you know, thing to be amongst the truth. Well, to be much the patient walks you have to treat people well right to treat your, your spouse as well. So there's a lot of commands of character in the Quran. So to highlight those identify, those tend to become that person who inculcate those commands. That's what it means to have a character like this wrong. Because we're on commands that it really like tries to

00:46:03 --> 00:46:07

facilitate that in your life, you're able to do that. And your character will reflect upon

00:46:09 --> 00:46:09

the question.

00:46:11 --> 00:46:12


00:46:17 --> 00:46:19

How do we all

00:46:26 --> 00:46:27

no pressure?

00:46:30 --> 00:46:31


00:46:32 --> 00:46:44

my answer is going to be a couple of things. Number one, I firmly believe the question is, how can you give us one thing to increase our love for the Prophet Hamza Salaam. I think we talked about a few stories and hopefully your love increase for him through those stories.

00:46:45 --> 00:47:19

And if your love did increase for the Prophet system by hearing those stories, then that's proof of one thing that the more you learn about him, the more you'll love him, by far, like I'm a firm believer in that, that the more you learn about the prophet SAW something, the more that you'll love them. The second thing I want to tell everybody is that your love for Allah and for the Prophet is unique as your thumbprint is as unique as your thumbprint. A lot of times people try to force you to fit this Muslim mold, but you have to walk with me talk with me think like me, right? But Islam Allah smart Allah says, Well, levena jaha do phenol and at the end Allah home, Subaru Lana. So Allah

00:47:19 --> 00:47:37

says, For those who strive towards us, they try their best to get to us, then we will guide them to our paths with an S. Right, because it's Sabina, he says su bolena. What does that mean? That means that there are multiple paths to Alice comments on it. Now they're all headed the same direction. Don't forget, right one direction.

00:47:39 --> 00:47:45

Nailed it. Right. They're all headed the same direction? Because you didn't get it? Okay, you're not.

00:47:48 --> 00:48:21

They're all headed on the Saltonstall team, right. They're all parallel. But there's many lanes on this highway. And so it's up to you, it's really up to you to find out what are some things that increase your love for the problem. I'm so that for me, I love when I read more about the Prophet system as humanity. When I read about the times where he got really emotional, either happy, or when he was moved to tears, that really, really affects me. And I know some people when they read about the miracles of the Prophet, so sometimes they're just like, wow, you know, his face was as bright as the moon eight, when he walked into a dark room, the room would literally light up the commanding

00:48:21 --> 00:48:53

said that literally there'd be so much newer on his face, the room would light up, people, some people really like that. Some people really like to read about how you know, he wasn't a battle expedition. Some people, everyone has a different sort of thing when it comes to how they connect to the problem kind of sauce on them. And that only can be discovered. If you pick up a book or listen to a lecture or something about him that can only be discovered. I will recommend a couple books to you. The first is taught from Madonna in the footsteps of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that book. I love it. I love it. I love it. It's such a great introduction. It's not very long at all. I know you

00:48:53 --> 00:49:28

guys are all students, you have a lot of stuff going on. Some of you maybe are parents and you have kids and a home to take care of. If you don't have a lot of time this book is perfect for you. It really introduces you to the personality of the problem homeschool silent, it's not just expedition encyclopedia, date of birth of this hobby of this this. It's the personality teaches you who he was. Now if you want to have an a more in depth look, then look at Mohammed, man and profit by Atul Salafi. He's also a British author, okay. And if you like to listen to stuff you don't like to read as much. Then the shehab the Nazi agenda on the column podcast has his setup podcast, it's free.

00:49:28 --> 00:49:41

It's every Tuesday, it comes out and they have like 70 episodes now. So if you just like to listen to stuff while you're walking between classes, or driving or just like laying in bed, then you can listen to that. To love the Prophet is to know him, and you can only know if you learned about him.

00:49:44 --> 00:49:45

Good question. Yes.

00:49:46 --> 00:49:55

So the first book was in the footsteps of the profit by Tarik Ramadan. The second one was Muhammad men and profit by Otto Salahi.

00:49:56 --> 00:49:58

Thank you for the question is a great question.

00:50:02 --> 00:50:03

Anybody else?

00:50:05 --> 00:50:07

Any questions? Oh, yeah.

00:50:20 --> 00:50:21

Call that

00:50:36 --> 00:50:38

interesting question. I don't I don't.

00:50:39 --> 00:50:43

I don't know if there's a huge difference there might be. I mean, I wonder if we could do like a study on that. But

00:50:44 --> 00:51:19

I don't know if it's if there's a better or worse, I think a combination of both is best. If you think about the, if you think about the problem homosassa them was initially raised by his mother, and then you had a min and you have Halima sadiya. So he, I mean, the wood the women in his life really made him who he was. Yes, he had with all of us. He had Optima. Yes, he had water, carbon nofo Yes, he had his companions. But in the early stages of his life, he had his you know, he had that lineup of women plus his wife. And so I really, I don't think that there's any, anything missing from a woman narrating In fact, there might be something that a man just can't do. In fact,

00:51:19 --> 00:51:56

it probably is like, I mean, let's be real, right? So I, I feel like my mom was my first teacher, and she still remains my closest teacher, you know. So I don't see why I like to think that I have a healthy relationship with the Prophet Muhammad SAW them. And I would attribute that mostly to my mom, my dad was very much about character, but he didn't know a lot about like, the texts and the resources. He's like a historian but he wasn't, he's not as like knowledgeable about the seat and things like that. My mom on the other hand, Mashallah was like really into that stuff. So, you know, if I use myself as a as a as a benchmark, which is very low, don't I mean, you want your you want

00:51:56 --> 00:51:59

people that you Everyone wants to be much better than, than me, obviously.

00:52:01 --> 00:52:04

Then I would be comfortable with that. And my mom was like, my main teacher, so

00:52:05 --> 00:52:07

Sharla as well for Topeka.

00:52:10 --> 00:52:12

Anyone else? Yeah.

00:52:20 --> 00:52:20


00:52:23 --> 00:52:24


00:52:25 --> 00:52:35

Out of these ones, I actually didn't tell the story, the best one that I liked the most. But I've already told it before a lot on YouTube. So but where you have to so as competitive,

00:52:36 --> 00:52:37

no awkward is called you out.

00:52:39 --> 00:52:42

That's okay. A lot of people worried. But that's the story of a thought of a really moved me.

00:52:45 --> 00:53:13

Because he was, he was young, he was 16 he committed a sin. And he was so embarrassed that basically, he didn't, he didn't want to make eye contact with the prophet SAW them. So when the prophet SAW him and found him, and, you know, put him in his lap, then Salah basically started crying until the Prophet don't don't touch. You don't put my head on your lap. I'm not worthy. And it just really moved me a lot. Because I think that there are times where as Muslims

00:53:15 --> 00:53:36

we feel as though we're not worthy of loving the problem I'm associated. And that story showed me that no matter what, no matter who you think you are, or who you think you're not, the profit system will always care for you and always wants you to have that relationship with him. I saw that movie on YouTube. I think I don't want to tell it now because I'm going to start bawling like a baby again. But

00:53:37 --> 00:53:40

if you look it up, I think I hate to be that guy. Look it up on YouTube, but

00:53:41 --> 00:53:42

I think it's there. So.

00:53:46 --> 00:53:57

Any other questions? I think we have time for a couple more inshallah before we have a couple of very important presentations. They drove all the way from Birmingham. So I really request all of you to sit just for a brief moment, Chawla. Any other questions? Yeah.

00:54:04 --> 00:54:04


00:54:23 --> 00:54:27

Yeah, so like, who if the Profit System was always so positive? Who do he complained to?

00:54:29 --> 00:54:30

know the answer?

00:54:32 --> 00:54:43

Allah. So this is another thing is that I think, oftentimes, salah and da is oftentimes translated as prayer and supplication. But really, really, really, it's a conversation.

00:54:44 --> 00:54:59

And what you do is you end up kind of talking to Allah subhana wa tada not in like a crazy street preacher way but like in a sort of, like, I depend on you kind of way. And you really, you know, it doesn't have to be out loud. It can be through your heart. It could just you could just kind of like think thoughts to Allah subhanaw taala

00:55:00 --> 00:55:35

The best place that I find most productive is just such that sometimes I won't even be praying, I'll be my room and I'll just kind of go into settings and I'll just apologize to Allah for all the things I've done incorrectly and can probably thinks he's given me that I don't deserve. And after a while, once you get beyond the the sort of weirdness of not being used to it, it actually feels very good. And, and, you know, it's a I don't have to say it, but obviously, he's aware and he's listening, he can hear you. And so the prophet SAW some had a very close relationship with Allah subhanaw taala. Also to realize them, and also realistically as well, his wife, you know, his

00:55:35 --> 00:56:06

family, his closest friends, you know, he would talk to them about situations where he felt neglected, or he felt hurt. And so he wouldn't explode on the person, he would go back and talk to Ayesha about it or for the job of the ohana. The a great example is when the first revelation came, he was flustered. He was very he was so flustered, that he was just so you know, confused about what his role was and who he is. It didn't even really happen. And he went to his wife, and he just told her everything. And so I think number one is that in your family, the person that's closest to you, right tends to be oftentimes your spouse, if you're not married, that I could find maybe like a

00:56:06 --> 00:56:39

sibling or your parents or someone that you really connect with. The prophet SAW them, you know, teaches us that, you know, a lot of people don't know this, but the Prophet Solomon had a very strong connection with his mother even after he passed away. Because, you know, she raised him until he was six. And he obviously loved her a lot. But when there was one time where they were traveling, she died outside of Medina live outside of Medina. And they were one time they were traveling from Medina somewhere. And they set up tents overnight, and the companions woke up. And they, they, they looked in the tent, and the Prophet system wasn't there. And so they went looked around, and they

00:56:39 --> 00:57:01

saw him sitting in the graveyard where the graves were, and they saw him sitting at the foot of his mother's grave crying. So, I mean, you know, he had a very, he was very emotionally healthy in the sense that he was always willing to sort of express emotion. And he would find the right outlet at the right time the right person to do so. So, including a very good question. Exactly. Okay.

00:57:04 --> 00:57:05

You can ask questions not about the topic, by the way.

00:57:07 --> 00:57:07

Oh, wow.

00:57:10 --> 00:57:11


00:57:21 --> 00:57:23


00:57:35 --> 00:57:48

Yeah. This is a very English question, actually. So she said how she said, prophets isms character was the Quran? How do you deal with people who have different interpretations of the Koran? It's always best, you know, whenever you look at anything, academic,

00:57:50 --> 00:58:23

academic standards, if you're in school, what do they always refer you back to there for you back to peer edited journals, peer reviewed journals, by professionals in that field, who have mastered that science. And those become the best references you can use for your papers for your speeches for your projects, right? So if you're studying law, then you look back at like, the best lawyers in the field or physicians you look at like all the researchers and scientists and things like that. Islam also has that rigor in academics, we have the scholars of Tafseer they're not just random guys. I mean, they spent decades studying this stuff. And where does it all go back to it goes back to the

00:58:23 --> 00:58:51

original explanations of the prophet SAW, sent him to the Lebanon bass club and Mr. Wood. So he taught people, when he received a verse, he would sit and he would tell them, this is what it's for. This is the reason why it was revealed. This is this, this, this, this and they were there, they experienced it firsthand. So when you open up a book of tafsir, right, and there's many books of Tafseer, it's not just me, everyone can hear is one of many, when you open up a book, it's a car, you listen to a lecture about tafsir you're actually getting a peer reviewed, right? Because anything that wasn't accepted by the Jim Crow or the majority, they would just be like, you know,

00:58:51 --> 00:59:13

this is kind of not really a mainstream opinion. You're getting a peer reviewed professional, academic rigorously put together journal about Quran and so my advice would be always go back to that reference. Always go back to the traditional sources always go back to the classics, right? And oftentimes, you'll see that the classics are much more wide and vast than people let make them out to be.

00:59:15 --> 00:59:45

At some point you just gonna have to let bygones be bygones. If someone's not willing to accept that fact. Then you're gonna be like, Okay, fair inshallah, like I guess. I guess not right. But I mean, there's so many instances where the Quran teaches us one thing and the modern day interpretation of Muslims are just so far off. And when you listen to people like Mmm, so haber, no Molly Han or Shackleton, Nasir, Russia comes to use it for any of these amazing scholars who have studied for decades. Like most people who try to force Islam on people have studied for 10 minutes, right, whereas our scholars just study for 10 years. And so once they start to get to that point, you're

00:59:45 --> 01:00:00

like, Okay, they have much they have a lot more credentials behind them. And so I kind of might lean that way a little bit. And if someone's not willing to accept that the parents all he just got to kind of you know what I showed him hedges on jimmied. As of last month, I says leave them with a beautiful leaving right make hedra from

01:00:00 --> 01:00:01

Beautifully, just kind of like, okay.

01:00:03 --> 01:00:08

So, if you're not able to recognize professionals like you are, then it's just no point in fighting.

01:00:10 --> 01:00:10


01:00:36 --> 01:01:10

Good question. You guys have a question. How do you how do you in a healthy way, express your emotions? And what's the difference between that and backbiting? Right? What's interesting that in backbiting? There are a couple of times when the Prophet system was asked a question. And what he did was he pointed at the person and he directed at their heart, and he said, you have inside of you a moral compass, and you are the only one who's gonna be able to know what your true intention is at this time. So use the phrase a step to call it takes literally means take a fatwa from your heart. Right? So let's, let's give an example. Someone, not everyone, okay? Everyone's like, I can take

01:01:11 --> 01:01:11


01:01:12 --> 01:01:15

Right? Nando's, right. So

01:01:16 --> 01:01:52

the, the province of them said this to people who were already kind of like, relatively sound in their in their kind of whole being. So he wouldn't say someone who didn't really know that much or, you know, whatnot. But he said, Look, you seem like a reasonable person. He said, If you think that you're making a mistake, that's ask yourself, right? And the Prophet system says another 100. He said, The Good, The Good, good actions, good things are what may give you pleasure, and bad things are what make you anxious. Now, the qualification for this is that a person has a sound heart, relatively sound heart, right? That they're able to discern good from bad, okay? So for example, if

01:01:52 --> 01:01:55

you're asking yourself, well, am I backbiting ask yourself? Am I backbiting,

01:01:56 --> 01:02:25

right? Like, I can't tell you if you're backbiting or not, because I don't know what's in your heart. Only, you know, if you're deriving some sort of secret pleasure, because you're telling everyone the secrets of this person, right? Only, you know, or if you're like, Look, I'm genuinely concerned, or I'm genuinely hurt, or I'm genuinely this, that's up to you. And that's a really tough place to be my general advice, it's always best to err on the side of caution. So it's always best not to tell too many people and not to tell people too much. Right, the profits or some segments, something that Jeff, whoever is quiet is successful. Right. And there's actually some wisdom behind

01:02:25 --> 01:02:56

that not to tell everyone your business, but only you know that and sometimes people keep too quiet when they should, in fact, tell people. So just kind of like, you know, if you have to just process it, think about it. In counseling, we talk a lot about processing events, a lot of times you don't process processing needs to sit down, put your phone away, don't tweet, don't sub tweet the person, right? Just put everything away and just be like, Okay, what just happened? Go through all the events. Once you reach to it, once you come to the conclusion, you're able to make a decision about how to go from there. Right. So once you're able to do that, then your heart might give you the best

01:02:56 --> 01:02:58

idea, Chawla. Great question.

01:02:59 --> 01:03:01

Huh? Last one show, okay.

01:03:02 --> 01:03:05

Yes. Wow. There's two of you. Oh, gosh.

01:03:07 --> 01:03:08

We'll just see what the change Oh, God.

01:03:11 --> 01:03:12

What's Huh?

01:03:16 --> 01:03:19

Oh, wow, that's a good question. Again, I think it's gonna be different for everybody.

01:03:20 --> 01:03:50

You know, there's a lot of things there's a lot of factors the Prophet Sal said, I'm sad motorolla Dena Khalili that the person is on the religion of their friend. Ask yourself who you're hanging around, right? Is your Are you feeling down? Because you're around people that don't push you up? Right? Are you wrong? People who are always negative, there's sometimes there are people who seriously get very happy by talking negatively all the time. Right? I was there's actually Sorry, I'll tell you Sorry. afterwards when I'm referencing to this public, because everyone knows in Knoxville, but there's a person in Knoxville, who like when the snow knocks was hit with a

01:03:50 --> 01:03:59

snowstorm. When the snowstorm hit, and there was an exam, the next day, school got canceled. Everyone else is celebrating like, yeah, school canceled the person's like, I study for that.

01:04:01 --> 01:04:02

And it's like,

01:04:03 --> 01:04:34

What is going on? Right? And they're like, they'll turn anything into negativity. So you have to really look like Who am I hanging around? Okay. The other thing is, if you're feeling down, you know, you can look to yourself and say, am I somebody who prayer makes me happy. Just hanging out in the machine makes me happy. I was feeling awful after so as I was just feeling so tired It's been a long week, I went to a masala lay down for 10 minutes and I felt great. Sometimes just kind of getting into that sanctuary mode can really help you reading some theater listening to some Quran, you know, last month and it talks about the Quran is she fat, he calls it a cure. Right? Well, Rama

01:04:34 --> 01:05:00

and mercy. So he gives it all these names because it has these functions. So if you're feeling kind of like socially ill or socially sick or negative, listen to some cons see if that makes you feel any better. One time a person came to the prophet SAW Simon said the Quran doesn't affect my heart. Like I hear it doesn't affect my heart. And he told that person go to an orphan and be kind to that orphan pat the orphans have given the orphans and food spend some time with the orphan. ie what soften your heart by visiting those who don't have

01:05:00 --> 01:05:18

have less than you if you're feeling down, do some work go visit some people are homeless, make them some food, some dodgeball or something like that. Just put it all together, put it in and go and give it to them these small things you'll feel really boost your spirits inshallah. Okay, but kind of investigating Sharla last question where she Yes.

01:05:21 --> 01:05:38

Did the policy was good, but there was a difference of opinion on that. No, to the profit someone's parents got agenda, there's a difference of opinion on that. Some scholars say no, some scholars say yes. In the end, it's for lots of judge and we hope that every single person goes to denona. inshallah, so I'll accept probably isn't the crown that'd be an awkward, so.

01:05:42 --> 01:05:45

So anyways, listen, I want to say I want to say something. Last last question.

01:05:56 --> 01:05:56


01:06:02 --> 01:06:03

Like me after this talk,

01:06:04 --> 01:06:14

okay. Just be honest with the person. Just tell them listen, I want to be there for you. I'm gonna be there for you. But tonight's just a bad time for me right now. And I just need to rest.

01:06:18 --> 01:06:48

Genuinely, they tell them that, like there's nothing wrong. Honesty is a really good policy. Now. Don't be like, I can't be there for you, right friend? definition of friend. His definition of friend is someone who's there for them. Don't be like, don't be like, just be like, Listen, I think that's so and so is a better option. I think that's such a better option. A lot of times people just want to vent for the sake of venting, and that's fine. entertaining for a while. But then at the same time, you can also be honest with him and say, Look, here's here's some practical solutions based on what you told me. If not, look, I think that's a really good person to talk to you. Right?

01:06:48 --> 01:07:04

I think so. And so is a really good person to talk to you. I think they're really and I think that you'd really click with them. Right? Just be honest about it. Don't leave them on. Okay, listen, y'all I want to say a really big design lock it down, especially to the people have been standing there. I'm really just wanted to give you chairs and drones in general inshallah.

01:07:07 --> 01:07:38

It means a lot to me that, you know, I you know, some people were like, I saw this one girl and one of the events I was at, she was like, you're up there, my Murphy and I said, I am right. And it gets weird to me when people when people like see me like that, but I appreciate the fact that you guys gave an evening of your life to come listen to me just a student talk. And I hope that we all benefited I benefited just by being in your company. And it really humbles me that you guys would invite me to come and talk to you guys. So design Morehead and I appreciate it. There's really really, really important announcements. I really I beg of beg of everybody here no one get up

01:07:38 --> 01:07:48

please. There's really important announcements from a couple of organizations who without which I wouldn't be able to come and spend time with you inshallah. So I don't know if you can please just pause for a second and take the announcement.

Sent by God to guide humanity to the right way, the lessons and example of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are just as relevant today as they were 1400 years ago. Applying those lessons to issues that affect young Muslims living in the West, Ustadh AbdelRahman Murphy talks on how emulating the Prophet (PBUH) will result in you excelling and prospering in many of life’s situations.

Have you heard about the man who was a religious teacher, social reformer, moral guide, administrative colossus, faithful friend, wonderful companion, devoted husband, loving father – all in one? Have you seen the impact of the man who preached a global religion, founded a state, built a nation, laid down a moral code, initiated social and political reforms, and established a powerful and dynamic society to practice and represent his teachings? Did you know that this man was sent as a role model for all of mankind?

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