Nouman Ali Khan – How Hamd & Tasbeeh Cleans our Hearts and Minds – Surah Al-Taghabun

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is a jumbled mix of thoughts and words that do not relate to anything specific. The focus is on the physical and psychological aspects of the brain rather than the spiritual aspects. The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of characters and symbols.
AI: Transcript ©
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My actual adherence to Allah, my actual submission to Allah cannot just be purely intellectual and cannot be purely spiritual. In fact, Allah gave us warnings about that there were nations before us that came, they became overly intellectual, like the Israelites.

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To have a pure conception of Allah, you are declaring the spear in the Quran whenever somebody says something that's blasphemous, or something that's shaky. Something that associate something with Allah you know what Allah's response to that is SubhanaHu wata Allah and Maya coloane Subhan Allah He I'm not usually going to be says no shirk, that's a, that's a contaminated concept of God. No, he's too perfect for that. This be literally used to declare Allah as perfection. Perfection means no imperfections allowed, all imperfections cleansed away. So that's our intellectual purity in our concept of God, that's the spear. But then what is hand hand is praise and gratitude, two things. A

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chakra was Santa actually, the word hummed? Before it's used, you know, like abstract how that was used. When somebody's belly is full. They're completely satisfied. Like they enjoyed the meal. And they are grateful that they got the strength from that meal they need, they got what they needed. And from it came the idea of two things praise and thanks, actually originally has to do with h bar, it has to do with being full. That's where the word Hamed actually originally comes from. But anyway, so Athena was sugared. The abstract concepts are praising something and thanking someone. Both of those, by the way are emotional responses. They're not logical responses. You know, what,

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when do you praise something, when you find it beautiful. That's when you praise something. You pray something when you find it amazing, you guys, some of you guys are watching this thriller UFC fight, and one kick, and the guy's dead or the guys knocked out, you're like, Oh, I didn't watch the replay. And you're praising it, and praising it, because it's something remarkable. That's a qualitative assessment. That's not a scientific rational, you know, black and white assessment, that this B is about evidences that this B has about the right concepts. But how and is about what you feel.

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You cannot do harm without feeling it actually and it's not harmed at all. And the same way hunger is not just about praise, it's also about thanks. It's about thanking someone and thanking is something that comes from the heart. It's something that's felt. So actually, when we do this, we have Allah, we're cleaning our minds, and we're doing the hunt of Allah, we're cleaning our hearts is the heart and the mind. Both of them covered in both, you know, and there's a there's an aspect of spirituality in this be Halsall and there's an aspect of the intellectual in hand also the opposite is also true. But this beer is dominated by the intellectual and hummed is dominated by the

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spiritual that's that's actually the the way that the two are divided. And look at how the angels speak to Allah, they say, well, national wasabia will be handicapped or no cut this way like we do your test be by doing humberview. So what are they? Do they combine the spiritual and the intellectual together? And that's what the Quran is. It's not just an intellectual book. It's not just a spiritual book. It's a combination of both, right? So we're going to see both of those elements in the Sudan, of course, then there's more. Now if you look at the previous, I said, there's an intellectual component, there's a spiritual component, and there's a practical component.

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Now if you look at this, either you're going to find there's this we have Allah, which I said is what? Intellectual there's the Hand of Allah, which is spiritual. And between the two, Allah says He alone owns all kingdom, authority, Dominion, guess what that takes us to the practical? Where does he actually have authority over me? When When should I be waking up? When should I be going to sleep? What should I eat? What should I not eat? What kind of relationships can I have? What kind of money can I earn? What kind of money can I spend? Where should I spend? Now there's an authority over me that's overlooking that. That's the practical side. And the practical is in the middle of to

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which to the intellectual and the emotional, the spiritual in between the two. What does that mean? That my practical behavior, my recognition of Allah sovereignty, Allah's kingdom over me, sometimes it is dominated by the spiritual, sometimes it's dominated by the intellectual but if I only have one or the other, it's incomplete. And my actual adherence to Allah, my actual submission to Allah can not just be purely intellectual, and cannot be purely spiritual. In fact, Allah gave us warnings about that there were nations before us that came, they became overly intellectual. Like the Israelites were very intellectual. And they're Allah says their hearts became hard. By the way, when

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you say the hearts became hard, that means the brain is working really well, but the hearts not working anymore. So the the emotional was gone.

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But they're very philosophically minded and very legally minded and very theologically smart, etc, etc, bar volumes and volumes of books. So the the intellectual remain that the spiritual was got on the flip side you got the Christians, right, who killed the intellectual and held on to the spiritual and that's another problem that's now they're dictated by their feelings, their connection, what happens to Muslims we can fall into either the intellectual or the spiritual, some of you are overly funkified

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Or you're overly arcade alized. And guess what you're overly what? Intellectual, your intellectual, you're constantly discussing the authority versus the Ashati versus the maturity versus the you know, who, you know, the more artsy Lee, you're discussing the atheist arguments, you're discussing the rational arguments, scientific, intellectual, intellectual, intellectual, intellectual, right. And then what that does is, then your emotional disconnect starts happening because it's just a subject. Human beings cannot actually be driven entirely just by emotional things. On the flip side, some of you say, You know what, that said, I don't want to do this intellectual stuff. You know,

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like, the Sufi poet and reduces airlift another car, you just need was just remember, Allah said, I just need to do thicker. And then you're like, the vicar gives me this feeling that none of this intellectual stuff can ever give me. So I'm going to do more and more thicker and I'm going to liquefy and liquefy thing. And then you're like, I need to get a stronger feeling because the feelings are strong enough. So I need to come up with some extracurricular activities. And then you're gonna get more creative with the vicar activities, and then they're gonna, then some of them might invite involve turning the lights off, and some of them might involve some other you know, you

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know, spinning around or whatever, whatever you're going to come up with, because you need the feeling the feel the feeling or get domain the feeling or, because guess what happened. Now, some of the things you're doing are highly unintellectual they're violation of the intellect. Right? So the two extremes can exist in Judaism and Christianity. The two extreme cases very much exist within within Muslim civilization, they can and they in fact do exist. And what is the Quran do the Quran is making the call that if you come back to the board on the Quran, if you become people of the Quran at the core, then you will never let go of the spiritual and you will never let go of the

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intellectual you will hold them in balance together like in surah Allah Imran Alladhina yet Quran Allah Akiyama nwoko Rudan where Allah would you know be him what yet effect Karuna Hunka sama. What are they remember ALLAH standing sitting in on their sides, remembering Allah is spiritual. And they think deeply about the creation of the skies and the earth thinking is what I see. Now. That's, that's the that's the lethal combination, a spiritual thinker, the spiritual thinker, that's what the Quran does. That's what the Quran impact is. That's why the Quran is the way it is, if the Quran was purely an intellectual book, if it was purely intellectual, then Allah would not have to repeat

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his this be in five different sutras.

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He could just say it once you got it, I got the concept. I just need a concept. Just give me the concept. Let's move on. By the way, if the Quran was just a book of concepts, you could probably fit it on two pages.

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If you just want the concepts, but the Quran is conceptual, its intellectual, but it's also what its spiritual. There's another side and those two fuse together, because at the by the way, let me now bring this home these two things together, what did they make? Let me tell you what they make these two things together, complete Iman, they complete ima they complete transformation. The Quran is a book of transformation. A human being will not be could not be transformed, just with information or just with emotion. They need both. And this is don't even think about your faith. Think about life. Think about life. What is it that you are driven to do? You're dying to do it, there's an emotional

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attachment to something that's why you're working for it. There's a car you want your work in overtime, you're saving up your work because you want that car, there's an emotional attachment, right? Or there's actually even as an intellectual conviction, you're going to a lawyer, you're filling up this paperwork, this paperwork this because you're convinced this is what I'm going to get at the end of all of that effort. At the end of getting that case solved at the end of solving this problem or whatever our behavior is driven by the intellectual and the emotional all the time. And when both of them are in right measure, then practically we are able to abide Hey guys, you just

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watched a small clip of me explaining the Quran in depth as part of the deeper look series. Studying the Quran in depth can seem like a really intimidating thing that's only meant for scholars our job at WBNS to make deeper study of the Quran, accessible and easy for all of you. So take

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Guess upon that challenge join us for this study the deeper look of the Quran for this surah and many other sources on Vienna under the deeper look section

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