AbdelRahman Murphy – Jumuah Khutbah 22-07-22

AbdelRahman Murphy
AI: Summary © The Prophet servicing the shadow has created a bond and opportunity for connections, and the shadow's presence has created a bond and opportunity for connections. The Prophet's teachings include a connection to a young man's father and a teacher with a heart for him. The importance of protecting one's relationship with Allah and prioritizing spiritual security is emphasized, as it can be difficult to convince people to change their behavior. The experience of working in a job and not being able to see the shadow has been highlighted, and the importance of remembering the history of Islam and forgiveness is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hello my fellow

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I'm a

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a shadow

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hi Jana Sala

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Long Walk on

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come to the LA hamdulillah the NS Allah Allah Abdullah treated Allah Masha Allah who

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will hamdulillah Allah de la mia let one of you la la mia conda who for one I had called hamdulillah Naghmeh who want to start you know want to still fit on a steady when there are other bIllahi min surey and fusina women say Dr. Molina manga de la who follow mandala? Well my elderly father had yellow eyeshadow Allah, Allah illallah wa sallahu la sharika who eyeshadow and Mohammed Abdullah sudo So what Allah He was salam ala Ali I read Allah Allah Allahu Allah Thank you Debbie he will mean rather are the bIllahi min ash shaytaan the regime when Nick Allah, Allah hooligan, Avi about

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I want you to imagine that you are with the Prophet SAW Selim, you are in His presence. What would you be feeling in your heart at that time? Now I want you to imagine even further, that you're not just in the gathering with other people. You're not just in a circle of 15 or 20. Other individuals with the Prophet SAW Selim, but it's just the two of you, one on one.

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Now, imagine even further,

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that you are the companion of the Prophet SAW Salem, physically sharing with him, the animal that he was writing on, meaning that he's the one in front and you are behind him and your arms are holding on to the Prophet saw something physically to ensure that you don't fall off. How close must this companion have been this narration is by a young man. His name is if not Abbas radula Han. And he starts his Hadith narration by describing the physical state he was in.

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He says, going to help and Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that I was right behind the Prophet SAW Salem. And we were both riding the animal, the camel or the horse or the mule, whatever it might have been. We were riding an animal together.

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And the prophets all Salam in this position of proximity of closeness. He turns to me over his shoulder, I used to sit down, and he looks at me, right as much as you can. And he says these words. Now in this position, right, when you're so close to somebody, you don't give messages that are general you don't give things that can be said any other time. When it's just two people in a room or in a car or wherever, and they need to have a meaningful conversation. The substance the quality of that conversation is very high. You know, you don't turn around and just say something that is just casual. How's the weather? No, because this is an opportunity for

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Are you to connect one on one?

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So the Prophet SAW send them says to him, yeah, hula Oh young man. If not bass says at this point in my life, I was about 10 years old, maybe like 11 or 12. So he really was a young man I see I look around the room today and I see kids that are probably that age if not close to that age. And the Prophet SAW said, um, turns him says, Yeah, hula in New York, Lemo K met in New York, Iluka kalimat, that I want to teach you something, I want to share with you something. Now before we get to what the Prophet SAW said him said, there is a huge lesson here already.

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Number one is that the Prophet SAW system is teaching us a prerequisite of teaching. Many of us think that we can teach simply because of some status or a biological reality like, Okay, well I'm, I'm the father, so I have to teach her I'm older. So I have to teach or I'm this or I'm more knowledgeable. So I have to teach and when I teach, as somebody who's older or your parent, or more knowledgeable than you should listen.

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But the Prophet SAW sudden, I'm never, we never have a narration where the Prophet SAW Selim, just by the mere virtue of the fact of who he was, would go upon somebody and impress upon them, that you have to listen to me.

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The Prophet SAW Selim, despite the fact that he was the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam. And despite the fact that he could have utilized that logic, and that rationale for people to listen to Him, He still made the effort to create that connection, so that the person didn't feel that they had to listen. Rather, they wanted to listen.

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The Prophet SAW Selim, he connects with this young men, if not best, imagine you could be going somewhere, you could be going and running an errand. And you look and you see your children or your son or daughter or whatnot, sitting in the living room, it's summer vacation, and you decide to yourself, I have to go and pick up something from the store. I can be quick in and out. But at that moment, you think, you know, what,

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if I,

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you know, provide hindrance to myself by inviting my son or daughter to come with me. Maybe as we're strolling the aisles, they'll see something they want. And it'll make things go slowly. But maybe by doing this, I will have created a bond, a connection, and opportunity, a small window of time. We're in that drive to and from the store and back, we're gonna be able to have a meaningful moment, a conversation where they might open up and ask me something.

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My kid wants me to spend more time with them calls me to come look at something they built. And I can easily just say, You know what, it's gonna be just like the last thing they built.

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Can you come and read a bedtime story, Baba? Well, I read to you yesterday. All of these opportunities, the Prophet SAW, some didn't think that they were burdensome, he saw them as chances to connect. So he's taking him now bass Rhodiola Iran,

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on his animal with him, and they're writing and he creates that emotional connection. And then on top of that, the Prophet SAW sudden them uses this moment where they're actually even physically connected. Because the prophets all sudden, he used to go and he would, when he would talk to young people, he would put his hand on their shoulder even. Right, he would greet them, he would shake their hand, say Saddam and he would hold on to their hand. If he wanted to impress something upon them that was very serious. He would take his hand eyeshadow Salaam and he would put it on their chest, right? Almost like hold them like hey, listen up. He created these moments where the person

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he was talking to never felt that they were having to listen that this was imposed upon them, but rather, they felt like this man soloists and, and really cares about me. know many of us struggle with trying to get things across to people. We struggle with trying to impress lessons to people like children or friends or what. But we don't necessarily always do the prerequisite work, to make sure that my message is landing softly. The Prophet SAW Selim, he cultivated the heart of the person before he ever even uttered words to them.

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So you see this incredible teacher SubhanAllah. He doesn't say, Hey, I have to talk to you get on the animal.

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He says, Let's go riding. Come on. And then as they're close, and as they're on their journey, and you know, kids, they're writing an animal they think is the coolest thing in the world. The Prophet SAW Selim seizes that moment, says Yahoo lamb, right? Doesn't even say something. Lamb is a is not necessarily a title, but it's almost like a it's a serious way of addressing a young person. Oh, young man. Right. He says, I want to teach you some words in your argument quickly, man. Now this phrase also has its own meaning before we get to what he's saying.

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The Prophet SAW said I'm here doesn't say hey, you have to listen to me. I have to you need you need to give me 30 minutes. Right. I'm back

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teach you, I'm the messenger of God, give me 30 minutes of your time No, the Prophet SAW sent him says, Hey, I just have to give you one or two quick things literally translates as I want to teach you some words, just some words. And if you hear the Hadith when you read it or listen to it, you can't but imagine that this conversation didn't take longer than three minutes. Because that's so short. But the Prophet SAW Saddam had this way it sort of impressing upon people such depths of meaning in such a short amount of time. Something that we're not used to these days, he never rambled. He never allowed a person who was listening to him, to yearn for what, for him to stop

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In fact, the Companions when the Prophet SAW Selim would stop talking to Companions would actually say, Yes, Will Allah keep going, keep teaching? Like, we want to hear more, and he would say, I can, but I don't want you to tire of my voice. I don't want you to become tired.

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All right. I'll never forget the times when I talked to, you know, children. And as I was speaking to them, right, oh, there's in the Sunday school classroom or something. After about 15 minutes, someone raises their hand and I think, Oh, good. A good question. Here we go. Yes. What's your question? They say, when's lunch?

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Which is their way of saying what? Yeah, we're done. You know, you had 15 minutes. Like, and honestly, that's, that's pretty generous of a kid.

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But then we get a little bit upset, we get frustrated, why aren't you listening? Why aren't you listening? When the question might be? Why are you talking so much?

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All right. The problem is all sudden, I'm says, let me just give you some words. Okay, then the first word, he says, the first thing he says, is something very profound, says, Father law, your father

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translates literally as to protect, preserve Allah, and he will preserve you.

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But the power of this word is that we know that Allah Tada is not subject to anyone's protection, he doesn't need anyone's protection, it's not possible to protect Allah. So what does this mean? Well, it's a it's an Arabic expression, which means to protect your relationship with Allah, to preserve it, to make sure that it's secure, I want you to think about like, the most valuable thing that you have. Right? For some people, hopefully, everyone here who's a parent, it's your children.

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Or for some people, they have really valuable things, people belongings, whatever. You have this almost innate, you know, anxiety. And even dare I say, a little bit of paranoia, right? Not clinical, but you have a little about what their safety. You know, if you want to make sure that your house is safe at night, when you go to bed, and Shavon whispers that thought into your mind, is the garage open?

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Who goes to sleep after thinking that thought is the door locked? Who on earth can fall asleep safely, comfortably knowing that maybe the doors are locked? When something is valuable, you're like, I'm not gonna let anything come near the risk of taking this away from me. And so you get up out of your bed and you go and you check the door, and you see that it's locked. And you say, Why did I do that? Now I have to go restart the whole process, or you see the garage and it's closed. And so why did I do that?

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When things mean something to us, we don't leave it up to chance.

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The Prophet SAW sent him here, he's teaching a young boy 10 years old, that in your life, never leave your email and up to chance. Never leave your relationship with Allah in the zone of danger of risk. Because you can't always guarantee that you're going to be able to bring it back.

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You're not going to be able to do that. So he's teaching this young man, that if you protect your relationship with Allah, then that will be your primary responsibility in life. We all have goals, we all have aspirations, personal professional, but the primary aspiration in the life of everybody has to be spiritual. It has to be nothing can get in the way of our relationship with Allah. If it does, then we have to reconsider it. We have to think about it. We have to say, You know what, this new job is great. It's everything I hoped for. But Joomla on Fridays, they're saying no, not possible maybe once every couple of months, you know what, I have to rethink that. I have to rethink

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it. This isn't compatible with what I know needs to be protected my email.

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This is you know, a common example that people have and we have to make sure that we prioritize that. Allah Allah says, when he describes those people who they protect their relationship with Allah he details what they do. He gives us the secret ingredients. You're eating at a restaurant to delicious

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and you're like, I wonder how they make this. Allah to Allah says

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that what was Leafa till Jana tulad mattina write about it had an eye to eye dune luckily a word Hafeez he says on that day the day of judgment, Jana will be brought close to all those people. All those people who are entering Jana, they won't even have to walk towards Jana, they will heart already have done every all the work they needed to do here. So as a result, Allah says, well, it was Leafa and you learn this from the grammar. You should take Quran and sentiment Salah starts this week on the side of the baby. Okay, what was Leafa? What was Leafa till Jana? It's brought to them, like the angels are bringing gender to you. Right? You don't have to walk.

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Right liquidly away but happy for the person who was repentant and protectant.

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So then Allah it's almost like a colon who is unhappy, who are the 11 Highfields men, Hershey or Ramona baby will be called Ben Mooney.

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Two things. Number one, they have this all in fear of Allah, not in front of people, because that's easy. It's easy to do the right thing when people's eyes are on you believe when they are by themselves when they're alone, in the middle of the night, when no one can see them when no one can hear them. And they know that they have not prayed a shot. They haven't prayed a lot that I shot.

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They say themselves I have to pray when they're up in the morning, and it's Phaedra time and they know that it's time to pray, but they're so tired and they have a long day ahead. And they look around the room and no one's there. They'll say no one will know that I didn't pray. Right. Then they tell themselves you know what Allah is watching me.

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Man because you have Ramana light

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on their phone, on their laptop, whatever it might be. They fear Allah always.

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And the second part is why? Because when when you

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whenever they do make a mistake, because it's natural, it's human. They always come back to Allah with a repentant heart. You know, the crazy thing about mistakes, brothers and sisters, is that everyone makes them. Not a single person can claim to have been a pure perfect record. There's no it's not possible. The only difference between people is not who does and doesn't make mistakes, but who apologizes for the mistakes they make and who doesn't. That's the distinction. That's the delineation and humanity who has the courage and the humility to apologize to Allah to make Toba.

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And Allah describes that the person who protects their relationship with Him, they master these two things. They're sincere with him when they're alone. And they also have no problem coming back to him with a heart full of repentance when they know that they need to. There's no arrogance, there's no resentment there we ask Allah to give us this.

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Now the next line that he says Subhanallah, which is powerful as he said it for the Lucha to jitsu to Jack. Remember, protect your relationship with Allah. Right? Another benefit, number one is that Allah will always protect you. You remember Allah, Allah will always preserve you, you preserve that relationship, you're not going to have to worry about finding another job. If you do the right thing, you're not going to have to worry about this or that if you do the right thing, Allah will all this promise. Then he says a second thing, you also preserve that relationship with Allah to did who to Jack, you will always find him with you.

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And it's true human beings, there are times where we feel more distant from Allah than others. We feel that we feel like we're not as close we're not as connected. But the reality is that Allah has never deprived of us, but we are deprived of him. So how does that work? Well, it says they say, you know, if you feel distant from Allah, you have to ask who's the one who moved?

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It's not Allah. Allah is always there. Allah says that if you come to me walking, I'll come to you with haste. You come to me a hand span I'll come to an arm spent.

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Whatever we do to Allah, Allah gives us multiple fold back. So if I feel distance, and I feel like you know what, I just, I don't feel motivated. I don't feel connected. I feel like my drawers are falling flat. I don't feel that Eman. Then I have to inspect internally, what's going on? It's like a person who's driving on a sunny day.

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And they can't see the road because their windshield is filthy.

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But they're blaming it on the world. Why is the world so dirty? Where did the beautiful road go? Now the road is still there. It's your worldview that's being blocked and obscured by the filth. Allah is always present. His mercy is always available His blessings, never ending, unstoppable, immutable, but the heart that can recognize Allah is the heart that gets filthy is the heart that blocks it and this is what Allah Tada says Flm Yasuo, Phil Arlt firts Akula hum Kuru Boone yaki.

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We're gonna be here

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then in New Smyrna Beach for in Tamil episod what I can Tamil Kuru ality for Zulu, Allah says have you not travelled through the earth and witnessed with your eyes and your ears the wonders of Allah. There are people who look at the sunrise every day and they don't think about Allah the sunset every day and they don't think of Allah. Even the things that we don't necessarily enjoy people who feel the heat. I had a friend's Pinilla whenever it got hot outside, or whenever we touch something that burned us, we would express all that so hot, you know, he would say Jahannam is hotter. He was that guy, right? Sometimes you were like, Thanks for the reminder. Sometimes you're like, we don't want

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to hear that. Right? He would say well not agenda. Misha do Hello. Hello is hotter to remind us. So even the things you don't like you step outside in Dallas, Texas, hum the last 99 It's a cold day today, guys. You step outside and the words I'm hearing used by our friends is what feels like an oven. Right? And again, this isn't to take us too far away from positivity. But then you have to think to yourself two things. Number one, what on earth must Jahannam feel like Allah protect us? And then the opposite is can you imagine the feeling of rest and tranquility when we take those two first steps into Jannah. When you feel that breeze, the dunya will feel like an oven. When you enter

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to Jannah no matter where you live, San Diego or none. You're going to enter to Jenna, you're going to say the earth was miserable. Right? A dunya seasonal movement. It's a prison for the believer doesn't matter how beautiful the weather is, doesn't matter how delicious your food is. When you enter Paradise, you're gonna say that place was a dump.

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Because this place is so much better. We ask Allah to grant us that. So the obscurity of not being able to witness Allah working in your life does not mean that Allah is not working in your life. It's simply my inability to recognize that. So he tells this to this young man, if for the law, your father there for the law, to do to to Jack. And then he continues and he says to him, well either so Elta first Allah Allah. If you find yourself in a position in life where you have to ask, make sure that you ask Allah

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or either stand up for Ebola. And if you seek aid, make sure that you seek aid through Allah. Now we know that the Prophet SAW Selim in his life, through his example, that he did things by asking others for help. He sought assistance from others, he sought strategy, he sought, you know, economic strategy, war strategy, he went and he asked people for advice. Allah says, Well, shall we have them fill em? seek counsel from them in all affairs, right in matters? So how does this reconcile with this advice? Well, the way that we understand everything is that if I asked someone for help or advice, if my battery dies in the parking lot, and I need help, right, and brother and Ron is there

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and I said, Hey, you gotta need jumper cables. And he says, Yeah, I got you.

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While thanking him in my heart, I realized how beautiful was it that Allah supplied me with the aid of Imran

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that Allah diverted his path. And as you get older in life, you hear more and more stories and you begin to experience more and more stories where you realize that in the times where you needed Allah the most he sent somebody, and that person was not even maybe planning on being where you need them to be. But Allah is so powerful and so wise and gentle and compassionate and merciful, that he has the gel in his incredible, unlimited wisdom will divert somebody to come and to be there for you when you need it.

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So when you need Allah asked for him, and realize that Allah has an unlimited amount of aid and assistance that he can give to you. It's not a matter of him having low supply you know, we're, we're concerned about an American now to supply issues. Allah does not have any supply issues. Right? You need help financially ask Allah. You need help, emotionally. You need help in your family, you need help with your ask Allah and Allah will provide this is his promise. Then he says what, what LM and amatola determine as Allah and Indian Pharaoh can be shaken. Lemon Pharaoh can be shaitan ill Ketubah Hula, hula

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or lamb. Then he says, we're in this Tim Andrew Allah and your doula cabbie che in lemmya, do Ruka Ellerbee che inkaterra Hola, hulak Rofi Auto Clam, or Jaffa to serve? He says and I want you to remember young man, this is the third part he teases me with three things. Says number one, take care of Allah in your life. Never let that go. Number two when you need him call upon him. He's always there. Number three. If you feel anything in life, about needing that assistance, and people are

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are gathering to help you. And you put all of your hopes and dreams on people or a person, man, I got the best hookup, I'm definitely gonna get the interview, I'm definitely getting the job. I know the VP, then realize that if Allah did not write that for you to get that job, it doesn't matter if you knew the person who signs the check themselves.

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That's not for you.

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Likewise, if you're so afraid, if you're pinned by the anxiety of all the evil that could befall you, and you're looking at it dead in the face, the tiger is clenched and growling right here, an inch away from your face. If Allah did not write for any harm to befall you, then no harm will befall you.

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And then he finished his Eisah to sit down by saying, the pens have been listed in the pages of dried.

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I want to reiterate something here that I said in the beginning before I conclude,

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the profit so somebody's teaching this to a 10 year old boy.

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Many of us are hearing this in our 30s 40s 50s 60s and beyond the warlike SubhanAllah. How true, how amazing are these lessons? He's teaching this to a 10 year old boy.

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These are things that are critical for us to remember not once, not twice, but every day when we wake up. Every day, this reminder, it keeps us going. Number one is Allah has first always, if something tries to take the spot of Allah in your life, you have to remove it, you have to renegotiate it, you at least have to reevaluate it. The second thing is that you are always you always have 24/7 365 You always have Allah on your side. He's available at all times. The question is not his availability, the question is your ability to ask. And the third is that Allah His plan cannot be outworked or outdone, his strategy is not at the whim of another person. No, you don't

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have to go to sleep at night worrying about what people are doing or saying or thinking or anything. As long as you have Allah with you, then you know that his plan is what's going to happen. And you just want to stay on the right side of that plan. We ask Allah to Allah to give us Sophia. We ask Allah Tala to give us all the lessons from this hadith and more. We asked Allah Tada to forgive our sins critically how there was stuff that allah and You welcome while you sila Muslim in the Muslim manifesto fill in the hula.

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala MBI almost an incentive Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are early he was having us rain. I wanted to conclude the hook. But But I would be remiss if I didn't mention

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that this could but the reason why I wanted to, I never want to get flipped ever. But the reason why I wanted to give up but today was because I wanted to talk about the idea of the timeless universals.

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Things that don't matter if you change place or time, they will always be relevant. Everything the Prophet SAW Selim said in this hadith is as relevant today as it was when he said it did not mass 1400 years ago.

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And this is what it means to leave a legacy. Now the Prophet SAW Selim could have talked about Middle Eastern economics and socio political challenges of the time, he could have written thesis statements on this stuff, he was the most intelligent of all creation.

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But when he's sitting and talking to somebody, he wants to make sure that that person leaves with the things that will stay with them, beyond even his own life on a Salto setup.

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When you look at somebody like Sheikh Mohammed, Sharif, may Allah have mercy on him, who passed away suddenly yesterday at the age of 47. While he was with his family in Dubai, you may or may not know who he is or what his name is, but all you have to know is that all of the work that you benefit from in the United States of America, in the UK, in the Western world, the weekend seminars, the status, the sign of delivery, of passion of teaching, the intensives, all the things that even we do here, are made part possible by the work that Sheikh Muhammad Sharif did. And he passed away at 47. Many of us in this room might be older even than that. And you have to wonder Subhanallah about what

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kind of legacy he must have left.

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Why? Because Sheikh Mohammed Sharif, if there's one lesson that I learned from him, and my time knowing him was that he didn't focus on the incidents of life. He didn't focus on those things that were going to disappear five minutes after people talked about them. He focused on the things that were going to be there, beyond even his own life, until the end of time.

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This hadith is a way in which we can recommit to that the Prophet SAW Salam

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giving this advice for us is a way for us to refocus. Ask yourself, when I feel upset or petty or backbiting or when I feel angry about something. Is it something that's going to disappear in just a few moments anyways? Or is it something that I really need to dedicate my energy to? We ask Allah to audit to make us people have legacy. We ask Allah Tala to make us people who focus on the long vision, not the short term we ask Allah to audit to forgive us of our sins. We ask Allah Tada to grant curious to those who are sick. We ask Allah to Allah to grant forgiveness to those who have passed away. One of our community members brother Mohsen and his wife Saira, her father passed away

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suddenly in California this week's We ask Allah to Allah have mercy upon him as well. Obviously we know about our sister that was brutally murdered in Chicago as a result of domestic violence we ask Allah Tala to forgive her and to accept her and Jana all of those who passed away even those that I don't know of course we asked Allah Allah to forgive everybody. I mean a little bit odd I mean, in Allahu wa Malacca to who you are. So Luna, Allah Nebby Yeah, you're looking at amadores Solu Allah He was studying with us Lima Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Anwar Ali Mohammed came out so later on I brought him or other early Ibrahim for Allah mean in Nikka Hamidah Majeed Allahumma barik ala

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Muhammad sinuata Muhammad come about Okta, AlDub Rahim Allah al Ibrahim Farah Alameen in Nikka Hamid the medina in the Lucha yet moto Bidadi. Will San Juan at the quarterback Wayan Khalifa che will mancha the Woodville era look, I look them to the Quran, nothing masala.

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