AbdelRahman Murphy – Checking Your Niyyah

AbdelRahman Murphy
AI: Summary © The Prophet salall diving inrows and the announcement of the Embarkment from Mecca to Barcelona have been important for the Muslims' afterlife. The importance of not losing out on opportunities and not doing things that make the end result is emphasized. The history of Islam is also discussed, including the deaths of shakeshops and the use of Islam as a excuse to avoid evil behavior. The importance of having a good deed and being a good person to live in healthy life is emphasized, along with avoiding accusations of bias and distraction in daily life.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah hamdulillah Isla de Anza Allah Abdi Hill kita but well let me jump under who and

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what hamdulillah Allah the lemme golem EULA Dwolla Mia cuando coupon Ahad or hamdulillah namah de who wanna start you know who want to step foot on SD whenever we lodgement surely unforeseen our women see eye to eye Madalina miyetti level further medulla. One way you did it further ahead yella shadow en la isla illallah wa sallahu la sharika a shadow and Mohammed and Abdo who were a pseudo Salawat Allah He was salam when I read the law called Allahu taala. If it Kitabi mobian by that was a biller him in his shades on the regime was a bit odd if we were doing we had Durham, hedgerow and Jimena about

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and one of the most critical moments in the life of the Prophet salallahu Salam at a time in which the Muslims from Mecca were about to embark on their migration from Mecca to Medina. After enduring years of persecution, harassment, all types of pain, emotional and physical. The Prophet I said to Saddam, he spoke to the companions that were migrating. And one might think that in this moment, when the Prophet is little Saddam is going to make an announcement. And there is such a major moment in the Sierra and the life of the prophet saw sudden I'm him leaving his home of 50 plus years, and going to a brand new city a brand new place with coordinating and sending off the Mexican Muslims in

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small groups, sometimes by nightfall so that they can reach there safely. One would believe that this announcement that the Prophet salallahu Salam was going to make was going to have something to do with operations or logistics, how to prepare oneself, be ready in case you are found, pack your shields your swords, something to do with physical welfare and livelihood. And in this moment, when the prophets also that makes this announcement, the words that he says, actually end up being even more important than that. And for us,

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you know, 1400 years later, this foundation that he sets alongside them with these words, lives on, universally, what did he say in that moment to those people? He said in the amount of vignette,

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we're in the Maliko Limbo in Manoa. He said, every single action that you do, is guided and is determined and is ultimately possible only by the intention the NIA that you hold inside of your heart. And then he said and for every person, they will achieve whatever it is that they intend whatever they want, they will accomplish from an Kennett his role to who it Allahu wa SULI whoever is about to embark on this hijra, the this Embarkment from Mecca to Medina for good and whoever is doing this for Allah and His messenger

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for Hijra to who will Allah He was a Saudi, then that intention will come to reality. It will come to fruition. They will have done it for the right reason. woman candidate his rato Hooli dunya you see Baja? Oh imra 18 Yong Yong ki hoo ha, whoever is doing this Hijra so that they have some opportunity, like in business that they could accomplish. Maybe Medina has some markets that have been untapped. Or there is a woman that will marry you, maybe in Medina, for his one or two who Isla Maharaj or LA. Then you will have also made hijra, but your Hijra will be a little bit different than the ones who did it for Allah His messenger. Now this hadith, in the commentary has its own

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story. And there was a person by the title Mahajan place that was given that label as a result of this very proclamation. There was an individual that was joining in the Hijra from Mecca to Medina. But his reason for going and making Hindraf primarily was not for Allah and His Messenger, meaning that it could have been on the list that I'm moving because this is the move that all the Muslims are making and eventually be better for my religion. But his Hijra was based upon this opportunity that he had to marry a woman that he was interested in. They were corresponding, and she said, Look, I like you and I'll marry you, but only if you move to my hometown. If you come to Medina, then

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we'll get married. This brother was very interested and he said, You know what? You're willing, for me you are a person that I'd be willing to move for. And he moved and he married her. Now this is an in

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Interesting Hadith because the Prophet ISIL said, is teaching us something about every action that we do. He tells us I sort of set up in this moment where there is imminent danger for the Muslims as they're moving. That the most important thing that you can think about ever in your entire life is why you do what you do. Many people think about what they're doing. Some people think about how they're doing. But very rarely do people think about why they are doing. So the Prophet SAW said, I was teaching us that, before you do anything, you have to imagine the Y. And that Y will ultimately change the course of your entire life. And in fact, it will change the course of your afterlife. If

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you don't spend time doing maraca and Mahaska examples it says being aware of what's going on inside of you. And at the end of each day, taking a pencil and a paper opening up your phone in the Notes app and going through and seeing was your heart aligned with what your mind knew you should have done did I do this? Because Allah wanted me to do it or did I do it for some other reason? If a person doesn't have that regimen built into their life then there could be some unfortunate things that happen to them in their afterlife May Allah protect us. So the Prophet SAW sudden um, he makes sure that everybody embarks on this journey, that they know that they are going to do things for the

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right reasons. imams are Nugee and his battalion which are out of them, he actually has a beautiful couplet that he includes, where he says, Can minute I'm getting into so what are we suited to our medic dunya says how many deeds are there in the world that you see every single day

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that they are depicted? Or painted with the imagery of a deed that looks just like a deed of Islam?

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From my you see, it will be Hurston Nia team and I'm mad at Africa, but they are transformed into a deed of the next slide of the asset. Why? Because the person had a righteous intention. How many times do you see somebody at a grocery store that's holding open the door for somebody? How many times do you see somebody that decides to pay for the person behind them in line? How many times do you see somebody that at work, just tell somebody, Hey, it's good to see you. Now, those actions, they appear just to be very mundane actions. It's what anyone would do. Hold the door for somebody. Why? Primarily because you don't want to be seen as a rude person. If I don't hold the door open,

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they're going to think that I'm a jerk. Right? If I don't compliment my coworkers, I'm not gonna get that promotion because I'm not a team player. If I don't do these things, and there's no benefit for me,

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but the members are newgy includes this and he says how wasteful it would be and how tragic it would be that you live your entire life doing these mundane actions that look just like everything else. But because your heart was not focused in the moment you lost out on a great opportunity. And then he finishes the couplet with a scary thought. Well, Kim and I'm getting into salt water be sorted nonmetal after familiar tsunami that automatic dunya be suited near. And how many deeds are there that we see that we do? That appear to be deeds of the afterlife? Someone's praying someone's fasting, someone's giving sadaqa someone's teaching someone's giving hope but someone's reading

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someone's posting good beneficial reminders. How many deeds do we see that appear to be deeds that a person looks like they're doing for the sake of Jannah

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but then he says but they transform because the person has a bad intention. The person is not thinking of Allah. They're thinking of other people. So this topic of Nia is one that is quite literally make or break. It is the foundation of every Muslims life. If no Tamia Rahim Allah He said that every Muslim should wake up every day. And they should refresh and renew their Nia, of shahada with Allah subhanaw taala because it is so important it is so critical. What are the things that you and I do every day? We do them because they mean something. we brush our teeth we get ready we make our coffee, we get dressed why? Because these things are pillars of success.

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If we don't think about our intention every day then we are willingly neglecting a huge pillar of our success with estimates out there are three things that this rejuvenated thought about Nia gives us number one is that it makes sure it ensures that we do not lose out on all the good that we do I want you guys to think for a moment about all the Ramadan fasts. You know it's less than six months away May Allah Tada give us Ramadan. Allah Allah they live now Ramadan. Think about all the Ramadan fasts. Think about all the total we prayers that I can add to that you've prayed. Think about all the Quran that you've read all the charity you've given. Think about all the times that you've done

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something good. Now if you're like me, most of us we are imagining in our head that Allah accepts these things from us. And we're hoping that the end

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Angel on our right shoulder has a very large book with all these deeds in sha Allah that Allah will accept. And by virtue of His mercy, He will grant us paradise I mean,

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but could you imagine

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doing these deeds your entire life

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4050 6070 years after maturity, and then showing up on the day of judgment, and being very surprised.

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The Prophet I sort of said, I'm setting the Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim that on the day of judgment of the first people to enter hellfire, there will be three. The first of them is the one who gave his life or her life for the sake of Allah and died as a shaheed.

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And when they are asked, What did you do with your life? The person will respond, I gave my life for Allah. Why did you do it, they'll say, to serve Allah, to show him that I was willing to give my life for His sake. And the angels will respond with the most frightening response. They'll say, cuz

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you have lied.

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You did this. It's true. But you did this so that people might say that you are courageous work on it. And it was said, meaning what you got what you wanted.

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You did this so that people would talk about how brave you were. And people talked about how brave you were.

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And then Allah Tada will give the command that because this person lived their life in the most insincere way, with a Nia that was corrupt, that this person will be dragged into the pit of fire. The next person that comes was a scholar and a recite of Quran. And there'll be asked the same question, what did you do with your life? I spent my entire life learning and studying and reading. There'll be asked, Why did you do this? The person will say, for the sake of God for the sake of Allah, and there'll be responded to by the angels saying what? Conduct you're lying. You did this so that people would say that you were a scholar, you were knowledgeable, and you could recite the

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Quran beautifully, well called T. And it was said, You got what you want it and that person will be taken. And the third is a donor, a philanthropist, someone very charitable, gave all this wealth. And this person when they're asked what they did they describe it even more powerfully, they say, I did not see a single cause that was in need, except that I gave to it. I did not abandon a single ask everyone who asked me I gave to them.

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Why did you do this so that I could support and give from Allah gave me You have lied. What do you mean? I'm like, You did this. So people would say you were generous. That was your reason. Now, I want you to think about this. The angels are not making accusations. Right? We're like waiting, when's the person get a chance to defend themselves? No, no, this is the Day of Judgment. This is the date in which every fact will be made plainly apparent. There is no accusation here the angels don't know what's in the heart of the person. They're only pronouncing that you're a liar because they've been told by Allah that this person is in fact insincere.

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But because this person lived their whole life, and in the first case actually gave them for a reason other than for the sake of Allah, it will have ultimately destroyed them in their Africa.

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So Nia is critical. Why? Because could you imagine every jamaa every tunnel, we every fast every dollar, and on the day doesn't we show up and there's nothing there.

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It's almost like a failure on top of failure. It's assaulting the wound.

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We ask a lot of put to protect us.

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So keeping your Nia and check, make sure that every moment that you do something for Allah, you really do it for Allah. This is why some of the scholars would recommend it's not an obligation, but they would say, before you do any act of worship, take a moment take just a second. And in your heart, or even some would say with your lips, pronounce your Nia for the sake of Allah. You don't have to say it loudly. It doesn't have to be a show. But in that moment, remind yourself why are you doing this hustle and bustle your harmala He used to say, check your knee or three times, check it once before, once in the middle and make sure you wrap up your good deed with a good idea to just so

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you don't let that deed escaped from your grasp not being written by the angel on your right side.

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What is the second thing that a good knee allows us to benefit from? Is all of the other deeds that we do that are seemingly mundane. In between acts of worship, we do all types of things we go out to eat with friends, we hang out with our family, take care of our spouses and our children. Call our parents right we spend time with the community. These are all mundane deeds, they're permissible, they're great and we enjoy our life because of them. They're like spice and seasoning for the daily life. But not all of them are guaranteed to be good. But for the elect few who are

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able to keep Allah in their heart and in their mind all the time. Every single second that they live, every single breath they take can actually be for the sake of Allah. There's a hadith it's also in Behati Muslim, in which there are also three men, three individuals that are traveling and they get trapped a boulder comes across a cave that they're taking shelter in.

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And they don't know what to do. So they come to the conclusion that perhaps we can call upon Allah, and he will save us. So they are they tell each other that we should ask Allah by the most sincere thing we've ever done.

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The most sincere deed we've ever done in our life, raise your hands and ask Allah Oh Allah help us by this deed. Now, if you're reading the story, you're imagining, maybe one of them has done Hajj, maybe one of them has built a masjid, you're waiting for a very explicit good deed. One that's undeniably a bad like, you're like, Okay, I memorize the Quran for your sake, Oh Allah, please help us. That's what you're waiting for. But you know what they say? The first one says, Oh Allah. One day I came home late from work.

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And I was preparing on the way some food and refreshments, some drinks and refreshments for my family. And by the time that I had gotten home, my parents had already fallen asleep and they went to bed hungry.

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And the person continues and said, Oh Allah, my family was waiting and even my child was that my leg whining.

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crying a little bit about give me the food, please give me the drink, give me the milk.

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And he said, Yeah, Allah. I stood there all night.

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And I waited at their bedside until they woke up so that maybe in case they woke up in the middle of the night, I could have given them something to drink, or at least the first thing they would see when they awoke was that I was there waiting for them ready to satiate their hunger.

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And then they say this beautiful line. Fit in Quinta Talamo in the fall to Delica empty ha what heka? Oh Allah. If you know if it's the truth that I only did this for your sake, Allah.

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Stuff, Raj Lana minha. For jetten normanhurst sana, allow us to have a little bit, give us a little bit of this space and save us and allow us to start to benefit and see from the sky give us a little bit of daylight. And the bolder moves a little bit. The next person says, Oh Allah, I loved this woman in my life so much. And she loved me too. And we were going to get together and we just decided to forego the marriage. Just live and let love win.

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And in the moment when we were going to go out and have a romantic evening together and be intimate, she reminded me to remember Allah.

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And in that moment, I left her presence. And I was reminded of you and I decided to do the right thing. Oh Allah. If you know that I only did this for your sake, yeah, Allah then please give us a little bit more daylight. And the boulder moved. And the third person said, Oh, Allah, I used to have this person that worked for me. And they did some work for me, but they left before I had the chance to pay them.

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So when they left I had their their, their money, currency was in the form of grain. So I took their grain and I invested it, I planted it. And it multiplied and grew and grew and grew. Later when the person who worked for me who I never paid came back. He said, Hey, you owe me some money. And I said, You're right. I do. And I said all of this is yours.

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And he said I didn't do that much work and he goes I know you didn't do that much work you only did this much but I took it upon myself to invest it on your behalf and look at what came from it all of these years enjoy.

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I did the right thing. Oh Allah if you know that I only did this for your sake Gala, then please give us a little bit of daylight and the boulder moved completely and they were saved. what's so remarkable about this story and the one before

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you almost expect that the deeds that we talked about in the story of the men who are trapped, are as illustrious and magnificent as the deeds of the first three men. You're waiting for the Shaheed the Mujahid you're waiting for the odd and you're waiting for the the one who gives money. But you know what you find?

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You find a man who took care of his family and prioritize his parents you find a man who remembered and made the right decision when his desires were overtaking him and you find a person that treated someone that did work for him with ethics and with virtue morality. And Allah Tada. Save them by those virtues of those sincere deeds. Why? Because of their Nia, a good Nia can take your normal life and make it incredible can take the ordinary and make it extraordinary. May Allah Allah grant us that and the third and maybe the most amazing of these

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benefit of a good Nia.

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One of the gifts that Allah gives a person who focuses on having a good intention having a clause is that he gives them the strength to be able to ignore the haters. He gives them the strength to be able to push aside all of the different things that are said about them. And you find this to be the case with none other than the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. There was nobody in the history of this world that was more ridiculed, harassed, and really just attacked than the prophets of Allah and from all of them. During his life. The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam experienced very unique and very an incredible amount of ridicule and harassment. What did Allah Tada tell him? Allah

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Tada told him what's better than a balloon? What had your head around Jamila? He was reminding the Prophet SAW Selim was brought and I couldn't be patient over what they say. All of these people are coming at you. They're calling you what? A liar. They're calling you a phony. They're saying that you're doing magic on people. They're saying that you're a great speaker. And the only reason that people listen to you is because you give a great speech.

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And this is hurting the Prophet SAW center. These are his people, his neighbors, some of them are even his family members. And they're attacking and physically harassing even some of the people that are following him. And Allah Tada tells him that if you remember the reason why you're doing this in the first place, then none of this will bother you.

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We have been afflicted as a people with the disease of Loki aka hanging.

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What will people think? What will people think we are obsessed? We are so immersed in views on YouTube, in shares on Instagram retweets. Did you hear Did you hear Did you hear?

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This is an indication of a lack of sincerity in the hearts. A person with a floss with a good Nia doesn't actually pay attention to other people.

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If you see the first people who went to * fire their problem was that they were obsessed with other people. They did amazing things. Could you imagine fighting in battle? Why not to save your own life not to protect your own family, but so that people could talk about you? You're not even going to live to benefit from it.

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That's a strange disease to have Subhan Allah may Allah protect us? Can you imagine spending decades studying reading learning why so people could praise you are giving all your wealth away? Subhanallah why so people could just talk about you.

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So if a person has a good Nia, they are protected from the inflict from the affliction of caring too much about what people say and think about them. And this is why the Prophet SAW Selim during his most difficult moment, the moment of thought if when I asked him about the law on how I mean, you also Allah was the hardest day of your life. He said it was the day of his life. And he made this powerful dua. There's one line in this dua that is just gushing with sincerity with Nia with a good new year. What is it? In Lem? Ye kobika God deeba eylea Fela Valley Oh ALLAH look at what they've done to me.

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elaida escudo Africa Wati welcome letter. Hey, Letty, well, Hawaii are in us. Oh Allah. Look at these people how they're treating me.

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bleeding from his head. His sandals are covered in blood.

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The narration says that his sandal changed colors from brown to red.

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And what does he say to Allah? As long as you're not upset with me?

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I know well, I don't care.

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This is the advice he gives him a bass Yahoo lamb for the law. Yeah, Father, oh, young man. Worry about Allah.

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And Allah will take care of you.

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And later in the narration, he says What

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if people gathered together all of them the entire world to harm you, or even to benefit you? No one can do anything. It Allah called cuttable hula hula, Allah, Allah has destined it for you. Don't worry about people that live your life for Allah. Don't take the praise too seriously. Don't take the criticism too seriously, either. Worry about Allah and let the rest fall where it may we ask Allah to Allah to give us class. We ask Allah Tada to give us a good Nia and to make us people that live for His sake. I mean, you're a bit odd I mean, critically how there was stuff that Allahu Allah come while he said Muslim you know Muslim manifesto federal in the hula Fuhrer.

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From the reliable Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala shuffle MBA will mursaleen say Namaha

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emits a low selling or other early he was hobby he is rain I wanted to give everybody just one piece to take from this clip but today and that is that we are aware that good deeds, prayer, fasting, reading Quran These all require a good Nia, one of the areas in which Maulana Ashraf Ali Tanvi Rahim Allah Allah, he said is the most dangerous for people is not ascribing any intention to your everyday life. What I hope that we can do today after this, though, where we talked a little bit about having good Nia with Allah, is that we return back to our life with our family, our friends, our co workers, our colleagues, and civilization, and we try to implement goodness into everything

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we do, son. Why? Why did the Prophet saw someone say about sun?

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It's as if Allah is watching you every moment you're aware of it. And so why am I good to my wife? Obviously because I love her but also because this is a gift from Allah.

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He tests Kunal elaida, why am I good to my children? What can they do for me? It's all of them Heba. They're a gift. Why am I good to people because Allah Tada told me, that you are from the OMA that has been brought out to be the best of all creation. I have a responsibility from Allah to make sure that every interaction that I live is a good one. It's an Amana and it's something that I'll be asked about on the Day of Judgment. We ask Allah to Allah to make us people have good Nia We ask Allah to Allah to make us people that are able to live our life with intention to be present in every interaction we ask Allah Tala to forgive us for our shortcomings. Forgive us for our

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negligence. Forgive us for our forgetfulness We ask Allah Tada to give shout out to those who are sick. We ask Allah Tada to forgive those who have passed away. We ask Allah Tada to make it easy for those who are enduring difficulty. We ask Allah to Allah to put Baraka in our health in our happiness in our life and in our wealth. Me no but I mean, in the Lahore Malacca to who you saw Luna, Allah Nebby Yeah, you're living in Amman or Saudi Arabia. He was sitting with us Nima Allahumma Salli. Ala Muhammad Anwar early Muhammad came outside later Allah Ibrahim or other early Ibrahim for the Alameen in Nikka. Hamid and Majeed Allahumma barik ala Muhammad Anwar Ali Mohammed

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come about Okta, other Ibrahim while early Ibrahim for the on Amin in America Hermina Majeed in Allaha yet moto Bill audible if son what you tell you that quarterback way in handy fascia it will monkey with your in the computer under come to the Quran of the masala

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