Aarij Anwer – Qur’an for Teens #1 – Introduction

Aarij Anwer
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the meaning of "immaterial" and the importance of being the greatest generation. They also touch on the idea of "immaterial" and its significance in modern writing. The conversation touches on the difficulties of the birth of a child, the importance of practicing and understanding their religion, and the importance of learning and avoiding mistakes in their religion. They also mention a book they will read and encourage participation in a study on their religion.
AI: Transcript ©
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a thicker is, you might know what a thicker means. Anybody know what the word a thick means? We can try type it in the translation, excuse me, type it in the chat. Or maybe you could just say it. Either way, you are free to participate, please. What is the word as big as it is? You might know what, uh oh, sorry.

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I just went on YouTube. So now you can hear me again.

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The reminder? Yes, the reminder. So the reminder is a remembrance. Excellent. Right there members of Allah. That is what the Quran also is, it's a, it's a reminder, it's not going to always teach you some brand new information.

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That is not what the Quran professors. What it professes it to be is something that will remind you of what you already knew, but probably we're not implementing it. That is the idea of what the Quran is as a remembrance, I'll give you an example from the life of the Sahaba and you know, there's many anecdotes that from personal life that you can share.

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I should give you one personal anecdote and one from the lifeless sahabah personal anecdote is whenever there is a situation that I find myself to be in where I am,

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where I feel that I have about to lose my temper, particularly with somebody who is

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you know, Junior to me say like my kids, for example, a very easy for a parent to lose the temper on their kids because that's just the nature of being a parent Okay.

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Now, what is interesting is that I once when I was listening to put ons explanation by by by one of my teachers, he was explaining the idea of serotonin sort of Surah Al e Imran

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Rasul Allah is with Sora Does anybody know with surah Solomon

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it is the

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second solo second sooner is Baccarat the Oliver on is

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the third sort of very good idea man is a third sort anybody know what Alhambra means? By the way?

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The family of the family of Iran. Excellent. And who exactly is this Mr. Owen?

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My father, Miriam, Father, Maria, the grandfather of

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Acer. Acer.

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Very good. Right. So this is a man who is a very significant significant man his daughter is

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in terms of women, she's the goat.

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The problem told us that actually there's a for women that are like at the top of the list of women, because there's no profits in women.

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You know, for for men, the top of the like the creme de la creme, the goat rankings of men start with profits, okay. But for women, it doesn't start with profits because there's no profits there. But number one on that list is Madame la Sara. Okay. Do you know who's number two?

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number two on the list is

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number three on our list is

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Fatima Ilana, the daughter of the solemn the wife of a family and number four on that list is another interesting lady, inspirational lady

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referenced in the Quran but not mentioned in the bandwidth. Hmm.

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that Alan's wife? Yes. In Morocco for our own, the wife of the for our own, who is what's her name? sia, sia or the other one how right so Subhana Allah you see, Asya was the one who raised Moosa. Not she wasn't like his biological mother, but she also grew up in the house of Asya. In fact, as he was the one who convinced the pharaoh to not kill baby Moosa, amazing. And Maria Manet Salam was the one who raised Isa, right and if you think about it, he was a single mother. And then Khadija was the wife of the prophets of Allah. And the Fatima was the wife of Ali and of course, the daughter of the prophets, Allah. So all these four are like the top in the Surah Surah Allah Miranda surah. That's

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named after the family of Iran that has like the goat lady and Maria Melissa lab. And then he said Islam was one of the top five prophets. That is a very rare, this is the Royal

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Right, this is a family of royalty in this surah Allah mentions a very beautiful excerpt about their, their life and what we can learn from it. We'll get to that not in this class, we'll get to that the next part, we're going to cover charlo once he finished a law, but there is one passage here, that's very significant. And that's why that's what I wanted to share with you. That significant passage is this idea right here. Okay, this is I need a volunteer.

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I could.

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So what's your name? Oh, hi. Oh, hey, Mashallah. So how are you?

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I'm good. Well, how old are you? I am 1010. Great. Good job. So I'm gonna read.

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I'm gonna read the Arabic And I want you to read the English for me. Okay, so I okay. All right. All right. This is ID number. What's the number? So that one?

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Yeah. 100 159 159 Okay, Furby Mara. Mati Mina, LA. Hey, Linda, let him

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go So, so mercy from Allah.

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You were lenient with them. So by the mercy from Allah or by mercy from Allah, you were lenient with them. Okay. What can

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we learn from boomin? How lick?

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And if you had been rude and speech and harsh art, they would have disbanded from about you. Excellent. Okay. Thank you very much. So hey, by really appreciate that, does that go okay? Okay. This is what Allah says about the Prophet. So this is the Prophet of Allah. Allah says that you were lenient or prophet of Allah, because it was a mercy from Allah.

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Being lenient and being gentle is a mercy. It's a positive character trait. It is not a sign of weakness. It's a sign of strength of character. And it is by virtue, not just of a person's goodness, it is actually by virtue of Allah subhanaw taala okay. And that's what Allah tells the prophet SAW them. And then he says to the prophets, Allah had you well, because lo by the way in the in Arabic is what they say. hurtful in xR, right? That it is a word. That is hypothetical if it hadn't happened. And in reality, you wouldn't have been the problem was not like this, but hypothetically assume, if he was like this, had you been rude? And had you been harsh? They would

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have disbanded from about you, they would have left you whose day in the eye? Who do you think is they?

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Any Any thoughts? Whose day like there is a pronoun? Right? Who did refer to

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Quraysh? Possibly number good Ollie? Is that you who answered the question?

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Good, man, are you guys good? Good. Possibility number one Quraysh. Possibility number two.

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The believers hasn't says okay, is it Hassan or her son?

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Her son has an excellent against believers. Number The javeria says the Sahaba. Right. And the correct answer actually is is talking about the Sahaba.

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The Sahaba at the time when the ayah was revealed, this ayah particularly they were in the audience Hmm. So when Allah says they would have disbanded from a belt you or would have left you, he's talking about the Sahaba. Now the Sahaba would never leave the porcelain, the province will never be harsh or rude.

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That never happened at all. However, what Allah subhanaw taala is trying to do is make a point. The point is all profitable love despite you being the best of all time. And also, however, being the greatest generation of all time. If you were harsh, and if you were rude, they wouldn't stick around. They will leave.

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That's for the greatest of all time. How about for the people who are much much lesser

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what other stick around if we're harsh and rude. But they know no one would stick around people would just be like, this person is a very, very ill mannered person, a very, you know, if a complete displeasure to be around, and there's other words that I want to say that people describe others as gay and we don't want anything to do with him or her.

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This is every single time I think of

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You know, when I'm being rude or harsh, I kid you not. This is the eye that comes back to my mind. Because that's what when I was learning the Quran, that's for how my teacher taught me.

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And he said to me, if you're rude to people, people will never, ever want to be around you. If the people wouldn't be around the Prophet if he was rude, how would you assume people around you if you were rude Subhanallah that's a very beautiful

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concept. This is what the Quran is, it's a reminder.

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It reminds you in those moments where you have forgotten, it reminds you the most in the moments you forgotten because you were you're emotional at that time. That's the job that the Quran says it does. And that's what it it fulfills fully, but for it to fulfill that role. You have to know it. You can't just like expect to be reminded from the Quran if you don't know the Quran. Also, you can be expected to be reminded from the Quran if your study of Quran is just reading it just reading without thinking about what it means. Is this the objective of the Quran? Is this the purpose of the Quran? That just to read it? Yes or no people?

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Is it just the purpose the Quran is there so I have it on the nice bookshelf in a beautiful cover. And I open it and I read it. I don't really think too much about it, that I put it away. That's it. Is that the purpose?

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Yes, no. No. Right. Is there is there a danger in just reading Quran without understanding?

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You get reward for that? Yes, you do get reward right there is a hadith about the person to reach for an end for one half he has every half that they read every letter has 10 rewards 10 adjure and,

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and Robert said Lola aku Alif laam Meem help for that elephant have alarm on her mummy moon harv says Elif is a lecture alarms and lecture means a lecture meaning you have so much reward just for reading it, even when you are not understanding it or Alif laam Meem doesn't have a meaning by the way, there's just letters.

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Even in that situation, you have edges, so the idea is there. But is that why the Quran was sent by Allah Allah? Is this how the Prophet is on site? The answer is a resounding no. Okay, the pourrons purpose first and foremost is to be understood the Quran purpose more than anything else is to be acted upon. And that is, that only happens once you are able to understand what is saying, Okay, so that is the idea of the Quran being a guidance, it shows you the way it's like the lead animal of the pack, it'll guide you and it'll tell it's, it's guiding you to the best way it's going to protect you from pitfalls that you don't realize that they're in life. That's what the hurun is for.

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And number two, it's a reminder, not everything is going to be brand new information. Some of it might be maybe a lot of it might be but not all. And certainly after you've studied at once, when you study the second time, the information is still the same. But now the way you will experience the Quran changes from time to time place to place, your state in life will change the way you experience. The poor are kept. So that is a slightly long introduction, but I wanted to make sure that we're all clear about what we're doing and why we're doing it.

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And yes, I will make a lot of coffee during this seminar.

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Ciao, childless. Alright, so that said, let us jump right into the first suitor of the first sort of call is what?

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Very good.

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That was not a trick question.

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sudo Fatiha is the first word of correct, yes. All right. Can you all see my screen?

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Yes. Excellent. All right. So Surah Al Fatiha

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to rattle Fatiha. It's mid name means

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the opener, right? The opener the thing that opens it's called the thing that opens because

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it's the thing that when you open the Quran, it's the first surah there right. So no, that's one of the reasons what that's what it's called. It is called Al Fatiha because it is

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or excuse me, it's called also in the Quran Sabha.

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meenal masani the Quran describes alpha as server aminul mahtani seven oft repeated verses. What does this mean? These verses are read a lot where or they read a lot.

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In Salah huh? In Salah right? you're required to read Surah Fatiha

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in a harmony like how many times in the Salah, like once in a while or in every regard of Iraq in every regard, right? Yes or no exception being like, I mean, if you're praying the handle Imam, then that's a different conversation but assuming you're praying by yourself, your readings would have had to have in every regard Yes or no?

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Yes. The pillar of the prayer, okay. So it is called the seven oft repeated verses, and that's exactly what it is. It's very frequently repeated and read. Okay. Very nice. Now.

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What about certain fact they have also another name sort of had to have is what Allah calls it as the prayer or something to solve a

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custom to salata benei webinar abdeen is fine. I have distributed the Sala, between me and my servant into two halves. And when he talks about it, he's actually talking about Surah Al Fatiha. So sort of attack is called the Quran as Christian is called the Salah. Now why would you call it the Salah, as you mentioned is repeated every time in the Salah. But also it's kind of like the core of your prayer is represented by Serato Fattah. We think about it, like if something if a if an action has many elements to it. And then there's one thing that is like, foundational, that's fundamental. You see, it's, that's the one that's most important, in a way, right? Like if you think about

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sports, for example, if you think about basketball, the most fundamental skill there is dribbling, okay. And that's why a lot of people would spend their time focusing on that if you think about hockey, the fundamental skill there is being able to skate and not like falling every time. We think about like martial arts or mixed martial arts, the fundamental skill there is like grappling and wrestling, that's like the foundation. These things are like the core, okay? If you don't have the core, it's like the rest of the thing will just fall apart. Okay, that's not the whole thing. But if you don't have your core there, everything will just like not be as fruitful. So

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the idea of SATA SATA is that it's the core of your prayer. If this is not like if you're not focused here, if you're not connecting through it, you're missing out. And also, Al Fatiha, as you'll see is a Dora sofa is a door. And our prayer actually the salada we pray is also a doula. In fact, linguistically, the word Salam means to our prayer, supplication. So it captures the essence of the prayer. It's the core of the prayer. Those are some things about two thirds have some interesting things about sort of how to as well. It's the first surah revealed in its entirety. Okay. The Quran was not revealed all in one shot. Okay, so you have muslin Islam, the Torah was

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revealed to the moose, moose Allah Salaam, all in one time. Okay. That was how Allah revealed the Torah. You have Isa Elisa, Jesus, the Injeel was revealed to him all in one shot, okay. Then you have the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a loss hada did not reveal the whole Koran to him. All in one shot. He revealed the Quran to him piecemeal, over time, how many times many years? That way? No.

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It was 2002 I say that again? The plan or Hassan?

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It was actually 123 How do we get that figure? The prophet SAW them was 40 years old when he could receive the first revelation. How old?

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How old was he when he received the first revelation? 1440 right. That's we can maybe even make this a point here. Okay. The prophets of Salaam was 40 years old and he received the first revelation by the way masala Islam was also 40 when he received the first revelation from Allah subhanaw taala at

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That's a law cap.

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age when receive first revelation

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14 Okay, now the profits is alum left for left Makkah for Medina when he was 53 years old. Okay 53 years old. How many years have you spent in Makkah?

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1313 Okay. All right. And then he passed away salsa lamb when he was 63 years old, huh

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All right, so that tells you a few things. This was like just bare bones of the process of life. So the time the full Quran was revealed

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over how many years now 23 years right.

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How many years if I would say makan Quran What do I say by maka? Quran? kuranda was revealed when the Prophet son was still in Africa right? How many years 1313 years and if I was to say Medina Quran 10 one that was real after the Prophet left Makkah. 1010 years Okay, so this is like the basic idea behind it now. The first

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surah the Prophet received or the first part of the revolutionary received was corrupt,

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right? It's obviously Arabic Allah, Allah famous incident, or in the cave of Hira. Okay, but the first full surah first full surah of the Quran was alpha. Okay, so that's a very unique surah in that aspect as well. All right, with that, let us look at what certain fat is actually saying. It starts with this letter of manner him

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Do you need to read this pillar again when you read solfatara in Uppsala, that is an optional thing you if you want to you can, but when we study it as Koran, we study the western law as part of sort of factor. If you're reading it in your prayer, you it's an option you can choose to read it or not read that part clear.

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Yes or no? Yes. All right. All right. I need a another brave soul

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If we can use the Zoom of zooms notes, feature the hand feet hand raising feature that'll be awesome in order to do that raising hand in zoom

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have a Mashallah you've you read once I appreciate that. Let's have some other volunteer if that's all right.

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All right, Hassan.

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guardia Hassan Okay, Hassan what I'm going to do is actually I need another volunteer. Let's pick up the rock man. Man You with me?

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Man, I want you to read the Arabic and Hassan I want you to read the English. Okay, and has a New Guinea pig. Maybe you read what Dr. Mustafa hotjobs translation is that okay, okay. All right. Yeah, man, you ready?

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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim.

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Allah has the name of In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful.

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all praises for Allah, Lord of all worlds.

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Nana Rahim, the most compassionate, Most Merciful

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Maliki oma de and Master of the Day of Judgment.

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You're gonna do or you're gonna stay in. You alone. We worship and you alone we asked for help.

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At dinner Serato stop by him.

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Guide us along the straight path.

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Sir Alton, Nadine and I'm daddy him. I am obovata him well, Barney in the bath of those You have blessed not those who are displeased with or those who are a strength. Excellent. Well done both of you guys. Mashallah. Thank you for participating and volunteering for this. I appreciate that.

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It takes us by the way, like, you know, like it's really nice. I feel very, very happy when I asked

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Who can volunteer and somebody say I'll do it. So does our co located Miller award you? May Allah make you even more awesome. I mean, okay Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful. ie, we begin our study in the name of a lot, the most compassionate, the Most Merciful. We begin our citation In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful. If you're eating food

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What do you say before you're supposed to eat

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Mr. Miller right.

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That means then I begin my my my meal In the Name of Allah the Most Compassionate the Most Merciful. Anything you're doing right? And you say Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. It what it means is I am doing this in the name of Allah or I'm beginning this In the Name of Allah the Most Compassionate the Most Merciful. We do this because this is how we receive blessings from our last pumper. What other reason would be what other reason would it be for us to start our you know, like say the study the study of our meals, everything that's good. What is the reason?

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What could be some reasons to start with Bismillah? Can I just get a couple of people to

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maybe share their thoughts? Oh,

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so so not what you have the one but what could be the reasons or maybe let's put it like why. Why started with this? Okay, yeah.

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Um, because it would help you like allow it gives you more guidance or somebody help you will help you excellent. What else to see the blessings of Allah, blessings of Allah you receive the blessings of Allah excellent. Weather hammer this time says, remember a lot more often. I like that a lot more often. What else?

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Anybody else have something to add? make whatever you're doing. Make whatever you're doing.

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Easy, easy, make things easier, right or easier, easier, right? All those are excellent reasons. Okay, I'm gonna actually maybe

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put them all in one place.

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Right? That's excellent as well. Okay. All those are fantastic reasons. The prophets of Salaam has instructed us that when you are starting something good is start with Bismillah and when you are

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because that is a way to get the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala the Quran says the Baraka surah because will generally when a crumb, the name of your Lord is full of blessing. Hmm. So we start whatever we're doing in his name, to receive the blessing. Okay, now, our rock man, the most compassionate, the Most Merciful. You also see in the second transition the lord of mercy, the giver of mercy. What's the word in these translations? What's the one word that's king in all of these translations?

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mercy, mercy,

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mercy, okay. Now what it means in Arabic is what's described as gentleness and love and gentleness and love.

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That is the essential idea of what Mercy is mercy in English actually has a slightly different meaning. Okay, mercy is more related to

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pitying somebody that you feel sorry for them okay. Whereas, Rama, which is the root word there is an expression of love and care, okay. How is that expression of love and care for example, even non dual, the great linguist described describes it or defines it as such. It's the expression of love and gentleness, a lot of what risk can

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also you look at another word that has the same linguistic origin. rhyme, okay, Rahim. Anybody know what that means? to him.

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It means the womb of the mother, okay. That the womb of the mother, ie motherhood, a mother bearing a child.

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That is a representation of what love and gentleness

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I, the mother will suffer. May Allah have mercy on our mothers and guide them the best in this world. And next because they go through so much. When they were when they were burying us if you have a sibling, or excuse me, if you have a if you if your parents are about to expect a child when you're about to have a new sibling, you can see the difficulty of others going through, right, she can sleep properly, she can die properly, she's sitting down awkward, she's throwing up a lot. Okay, those are real difficult things. And then sometimes the most difficult part is the actual birth, the labor, very, very intense process. Okay, it's not for the faint of heart.

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It is very difficult. And then it continues to be difficult because the babies are helpless and the baby has to be fed and burped and changed. And, and and many, many things happen. Very, very difficult. What does a mother represent? She represents love. She represents gentleness, she represents kindness. That's what Rahim represents. That's what the word Rama comes from. It is a law saying he is the one who is full of love, and gentleness and kindness to everyone.

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Okay, but specifically, our man is for a man means something that's full of something. Milan is something that's full jajuan is somebody who was hungry, right? Like they're basically like, they're full of hunger or they're completely empty. They have no food, okay? Right Yan is somebody who was, you know, well, well hydrated. Hmm. All of these words, similar pattern, express being full to the brim of something. Imagine I have this coffee cup is full to the brim. That will be my an M. The Quran describes a lot as a man he is full of drama, love, kindness, gentleness, mercy, all of these emotions are, you know, full of it. And this is a generic thing. This is for everyone. for all

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humanity, for all creation, for the cosmos, for the animal to the human. Everything in between Allah spotless full of that, but also our Rahim is special. Or Rahim is special for who?

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Raheem is special for the believers. Everybody gets as part of being, you know, as part of being alive you get the incredible love and kindness and gentleness of Allah that is represented by a man. But as the believer you get something extra.

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Or Rahim mercy, and what that means is in the life afterwards, and the Day of Judgment, there is no more love and mercy and kindness for the one who has lived their life. disobeying and rejecting Allah then is only justice. Okay, but for the one who was devoted, the mercy of a man extends into the next life and extends into eternity. So that is our Rahmani Raheem not amazing thing is this is the first time we learn of Allah right the first ayah and that's what Allah introduces himself as the one who is a Rahman Rahim. And you notice they're both the words are together from the same root. What that means is that Allah is trying to express how great how, you know, almost

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indescribable is love, gentleness, kindness and mercy is to the people. Okay, so that is a command that Rahim. Now Allah says, All praises for Allah, the Lord of the worlds he's going to describe. Allah is going to describe himself to us. Number one, He is the Lord of the worlds that have been I mean,

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what will it mean? I mean, is everything that exists, everything that is around us, that we can see. And then we can't see the cosmos. He is the Lord of it all. He is the one who brought it into existence, the one who sustains it. If you think about the, the idea of the universe existing, the universe cannot be an infinite regression. There's a bit of philosophy for you, okay. It cannot be an infinite regression. It has to have a finite beginning and there has to be a prime mover that

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moves into action and that there's a prime mover that moves into action that Prime Mover has to be independent of it. It has to have will and power to do it. That is what Allahu Samad means Allah is independent. Everybody else is dependent on MPs completely independent. He is the necessary being the one that needs to be exist for the world to exist. So this is logically you know, what a lot is a rubble al amin and then observably He is the one who takes care of everything exists in such a beautiful perfect harmony. That's number one. Number two, Allah describes himself as a man. Number three, Rahim, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, the most compassionate, the Most Merciful, the

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Lord of mercy, the giver of mercy, words aren't able to express the mercy, the kindness, the love of Allah, tala. Number four, he describes himself as what the Owner of the Day of Judgment are the Master of the Day of Judgment here, excuse me, the Master of the Day of Judgment is performed like this.

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Another transition that is there is magic as someone who owns something, I prefer that transition to be honest with you, because what owning something represents is a you are, it's yours. Generally you own an object I own this cup. Hmm. But Allah says he owns the day. Do you notice that he owns the day and what that means is that everything that happens in that day does not happen. Until and unless laws Ponte Allah allows it. So for example, in the Day of Judgment, nobody could speak. Right now we have the ability to speak right? You can say whatever you want. But on the Day of Judgment, you will not be able to speak until and unless Allah allows you to speak. It will be complete. Lee

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under it'll be complete control of a loss patola Maliki on with Dean. And that day is not like any of the day it's the day of a dean.

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A Dean a dean, it also means what do you know what a dean means? Like? It also you This is the dean, what does that mean?

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Religion, religion, right. Excellent. Okay. But there's another word in Arabic. that's similar to Dean,

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a Dane. Anybody know what they means?

00:37:38 --> 00:37:43

They is loan to loan excellent. Okay.

00:37:44 --> 00:37:57

Yomi Dean is the dame and all the loans are paid back is the day of payback. Hmm, that's what it means is the day of payback. ie, whatever you did in life,

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you will get the just reward for it. You will get paid back for it in the most just manner. A and that is the essence of the deen. That's the essence of the religion. That what we do today? We do it not just it's not just today, we will have to answer for it on the Day of Judgment. That is the if you want to summarize Islam in one sentence, that's what it is. Your choices have consequences. The choices you make today will have consequences in the next life. That is a dean, Allah says he is the owner of that day. No One No One will be wronged. No one can do any wrong. Nothing can no one

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can bypass a loss pantalla and get like a deal on the side? Nothing. He is the one who owns that day. So he describes himself as four things. Let me just finish this and I'll let you say what you have to say. The one who is the Lord of an island mean everything that exists, okay? The intensely Merciful, the giver of mercy. But also don't take his mercy for granted. Don't take his love and kindness for granted because your choices have consequences. Mm hmm. The Day of Judgment. That's how Allah describes himself and him describing himself in this way. It's like he's describing the religion, the summary of Islam to you.

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In one, like in one passage, or in these four ayat that you have to understand a lot is the most loving and the most caring, so never think you are beyond hope, or everything, any situation is beyond hope. But also understand Allah is the Owner of the Day of Judgment, the day of payback, so never assume you can get away with whatever you are doing.

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Never assume that there is never think for a minute that no one is. You can just get away with something if no one is watching molokhia media is watching.

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And to understand who Allah is, do you really want to know who Allah is? Do you really want to understand and find out who Allah is? Alhamdulillah here of Belarus aalameen you find out who your Lord is, by looking at the things that he made Allah, Allah mean.

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Allah says in the Quran, we'll see roofing or go travel the earth. Go travel the earth, fun little game gave a bad ol Hulk, then go look at how Allah began the creation. Go study how the world was created.

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Why? Because that will make you realize who your Lord is. That will make you realize who you are, when you study the Al amin you will know who Rabbil aalameen is okay. When you know how the Al amin were brought into existence, you will know how amazing the rugby penis and then you will be certain of magic even within that if a law can make this the first time he can bring you back just as easily. Questions or comments by somebody.

00:41:21 --> 00:41:22

This is the first part of

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the part where Allah describes himself. The second part of sort of hotseat is about us. Okay, and that's an interesting transition. Do you notice the transition here? It was describing in self mastery of the Day of Judgment, most compassionate and most merciful. And then it turns into, like a person speaking you alone, me worship and you alone, we ask for help.

00:41:50 --> 00:41:53

It's like imagine, like a scene from a movie

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you know, like, something is happening in the scene shifts and transitions into, like, this person is in that state. So for example, someone is describing their dream. And then the movie takes them into like, their dream or someone's describing like a memory of the past. And the scene shifts into the actual memory. Right? You guys see what I'm talking about? That's the idea that the sooner is trying to get to you. When Allah is describing himself al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen en Rahman Rahim, Maliki oma Deen, imagine now you are standing in front of a lot.

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And you are saying he cannot do what you are going to study.

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The transition takes place as if you are in his presence, as if not you are literally as if you're in his presence. And you are saying you alone we worship or law, and you will only ask for help. This is the transition the suitor makes to give us the idea that our prayer the Salah we do has to be prayed as if we are in the presence of a lost pantalla as if we can see a Lost Planet Allah. That's what the prophet SAW Selim. That's how he prayed. That's how he explained we should try to lead our lives. That's a very high standard. But that's what the Quran encourages us to get to eat dinner Serato Mr. Team, Guide us to the straight path, the path of those You have blessed not those

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who you are displeased with, or those who are astray. Hmm. This is a two hour from here I am number six to the end of iOS seven is a door up, Guide us to the straight path, okay, or guide us along the straight path. The meaning is as follows. This is two parts, part number one is asking for something. Part Number two is asking protection from something, okay? asking for something is asking Allah to guide us to the straight path. A certain theme as described by the scholars of the sphere is actually the truth of Islam. Okay. It's not like an abstract concept. It is the truth of Islam. So when you say in a sorority, Mr. P. O Allah guide us to the truth of Islam, if we are not guided

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to the truth of Islam, and also it means that if we are actually Muslims were born Muslim, or born Muslim or we accepted this lab, then Allah guide us to the correct understanding of Islam because people don't always understand Islam correctly. And then also it means all that guide us to the truth, all the way to the end, until we pass away.

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So all of those meanings are there to guide us to the straight path. That's what we're asking for. And the straight path is not just like the truth of Islam is not an abstract concept that I can deduce myself. It's not an equation in math.

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It's not something that's observable in the in,

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in, in nature, okay? It is understood by the truth of Islam is understood by serata Latina naantali him The path of those that you have blessed the Prophet and the prophets, the righteous, the Sahaba. Okay, the truth of Islam is understood, just like they understood it. If I take a word in the Quran and say, Well, this word doesn't mean this. Okay?

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The question would be how did you know this word? Or how do you know? or How can you claim this word means this or that? The reference point for how we understand what a word means is how the prophets have understood how the Sahaba understood it. That's how we understand our religion. Of course, you know, if the Sahaba and the Muslim left something unexplained, then they gave us a framework. They gave us some rules of how to understand the the religion.

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But the point here is that author Latina and I'm telling him the truth of Islam, right. So I don't want to stop him is the truth, the slum, the truth of Islam, that is understood by the people who lived that truth. And that's what a lot tells us. That's what we asked for. What are we asking a lot to protect us from? Number two? We're asking a lot of protectors from not being like the ones who lay them out do Vla Him, who

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if you were displeased with Okay, that is a okay translation those who incur

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no anger. That's not an excellent translation, either. I'll translate it or the better. I don't know Luba is the one who is a recipient of anger in a loop is the one who's a recipient of anger. So I'm assuming that your parents get angry at you. At that moment. They are the one who is loudly Borbon and you are the miskeen at that point, Mahboob. Okay, I'm sure we can all relate to that experience.

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But alamelu I lay him when Allah describes it as such, is describing

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someone who has done some things wrong, and has made so many wrong choices, that they're wrong choices, end up defining them.

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And thus, they are the recipients of anger. Just like if you do something wrong, you are the recipient of the anger of your parents, this person or this group of people have done made so many bad decisions, so many wrong choices that they are the recipients of anger. That's what they're called Alma jovially.

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What does this mean? This is someone who knew they were doing something wrong, and couldn't care less. couldn't care less if they were doing something wrong. So we asked a lot to not make us like that.

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And a baleen On the contrary, is someone who

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doesn't care, doesn't even know fully whether they have done something right or wrong. They're just oblivious, not somebody who was ignorant, not somebody who genuinely doesn't know. But this is a person who couldn't even care to know. You see the difference. Both of them are making the choice. That's wrong. Almodovar lay him knows fully well. And still couldn't still doesn't change his or her behavior. A balding, doesn't even care to know doesn't even care if

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you know what they're doing, if there is a right or wrong in it. So we asked a lot when it comes to the truth of Islam, following the truth that we that we

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be like the ones alladhina naantali him, the prophets, the truthful ones, the martyrs, the righteous from all time, not just from the Sahaba before the Sahaba and after the Sahaba

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all of those people who fit that description we want Allah to for you to guide us to their path. And we want you to allow us to practice Islam the way they practice it at all. I don't allow it Don't let us be like the ones who knew there were some doing something wrong and still did it. Or those who did something wrong, couldn't care if it was right or wrong.

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didn't even bother to understand or didn't even bother to verify it if there's something called right and wrong. Okay, completely oblivious. This is how Allah describes the total fat so two fatty

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is a beautiful da da where we are taught who Allah is.

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And then we are asked to make the offer the most important thing which is that we be we understand our religion and then based on our religion, we make the right choices

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as a consequence of understanding our faith, okay. So that is Al Fatiha, we will inshallah start on Baccarat as I said this, so, this study is on Fatiha and abakada so Surah Fatiha we spent more time on because sort of it has very, very deep, very, very involved you know, like there's a book I'll show you. So this is a book of the year that I was, you know, reading it's very good book. It's very thick book. Mashallah, right, so certain Fatiha you know how long it goes into to faster, sort of Hotez is one page.

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That's how long just sort of it has. And then the next two Jews of Quran are this big. You see, one page of Quran is this much, and to Jews, which is about 40 pages, he spends this much time on it, to show you how deep the surah is, and how many meanings it has. That's how you know the scholars and discuss what if I'd had to spend so much time on it in sha Allah, we will discuss Surah Baqarah next Sunday, inshallah, I hope you enjoyed.

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Hope you will be back. We will continue to learn together and I won't I will. Today it was mostly me talking, but inshallah from next Sunday I will be encouraging you to participate by sharing your thoughts, and I would really, really like it if you were to do so inshallah. Thank you very much for coming. I'll see you all next Sunday. Same time, same place that McLaren

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fire on.

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