Aarij Anwer – Elevated by Islam – Abdullah bin Masood (RA)

Aarij Anwer
AI: Summary © The interviewer describes the influence and importance of the Prophet's name, Alayhi wa sallam, in the world of Islam. The manners of Islam, including milk delivery and finding out who is true, are discussed. The importance of integrity and character in bringing out the message of Islam is emphasized, along with the need for people to trust others and not be arrogant. The success of the Spanish flu and protecting the public is also highlighted.
AI: Transcript ©
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Many of you who already know he's been really involved in our community and at heidemann lead, he's a director of religious education just out of General. If you were ready to go, thank you

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah

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are early he was happy he won't

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publish at least recently and we looked at Emily Sania koko de la Tina Fey, Tanya Santa Clara de la Santa Clara de nada Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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Look, look at this Takata Moroccan zarbin your oil venom

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you've successfully climbed a difficult steep climb your little Shepherd

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that's what Abuja when the enemy of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam. That's what a Buddha has said to.

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To Abdullah live in

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the moment, Abdullah bin Massoud executed him in the Battle of battle.

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Abdullah when was rude, indeed began as a little shepherd. He was little in his physique

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and he was even smaller in stature in Makkah before Islam.

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But Allah subhanaw taala

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elevated Abdullah when was rude through Islam, he rose to become become

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he rose to become one of the top Sahaba one of the most important people in our history. And one of the most influential people of our academic legacy.

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environment the hubby the great scholar, the great historian, described Abdullah bin Miss rude as for key Houma, he is the scholar of this nation.

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And this is while we have overcup and Roma Flan and Ali and even Abbas etc, etc. Is that how we chose to bestow this title about a part of the lemon nosode

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Abu Musa luxury as a hobby as well a companion of the Prophet. He said that right to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Amara

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Amara in Lebanon was rude, mean athlete, I saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And then when I saw the Prophet I didn't. I didn't think Abdullah bin was rude was anything but his family. That's how close Abdullah was to the Prophet that will Moosa who was you know, from outside of Medina, and he was a little late to Islam. When he comes in, he meets the prophet and he sees the Prophet. He's like this man is his family. Because he's always with him. He's so close to him. That's how close he was to the Prophet. And that's how important he was to the Prophet. When he passed away of the loving a Buddha, another great scholar of the of the Sahaba. He said, mataranka,

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about the who mithila who, this man, there is no man like, like him that's left anymore.

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And at that time Othman was the halifa he was the Caleb, and Ollie was alive.

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And despite that, he said, there's no one left like of the lovingness route. That's how important he was. I'm trying to tell you how, how amazing this person became. And look at how his beginnings were so humble.

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Also, like in terms of his influence, his influences, so it's so significant, that when the scholars of Hadith, when they say Abdullah, or the historian say, Abdullah, even though there's many, many people who had that name, in the Sahaba, there were at least five people who, who had the name of a beloved, if they just say Abdullah, without mentioning, which Abdullah, they're always referring to a belovedness route, like he is the Abdullah. He's not just any of the law. That's how influential and that's how important he is a figure in our history.

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Eight of the top scholars of the Sahaba

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eight of the top companions of the Prophet in terms of their scholarship, they narrated a Hadith of the 11 Miss route. And then the people after the Sahaba the generation after there is no count.

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right but just within the Sahaba he was seen as the senior scholar and in the books of Hades today, we have more

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850 ahaadeeth associated to him. This great influential man had extremely humble beginnings, extremely humble beginnings. His name his full name is Abdullah bin was rude. Eman was awful. alhuda alhuda Lee, and from the tribe of a hotel. His nickname is Kenya is a verb. The man was born in the year 594, approximately in Makkah.

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But he was born in Makkah, but he was from the tribe of Jose. Now, historically, people who lived in Makkah, were from the tribe of which tribe? koresh, right. They were from the tribe of polish. And the people of Quraysh. were extremely proud of their lineage. They were extremely proud of the fact that they were living in mockup. They were kind of like, you know, if you think about you listen to the rhetoric that's coming from the south, right in the GOP debates about building a wall and keeping up the immigrants, right. That's kind of how they were too. Like, we are the people of Makkah, and everybody else is a second class citizen in America. That's kind of how they saw

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everybody. So I believe in this route, even though he was not a slave. But because he wasn't from koresh, he was always a second class citizen. He could never have power, you can never have any influence. Right? He was a shepherd. That's what he was. So he was born into the situation where there was not a lot of money. His parents were completely unknown in the sense that they were not Noble. They had no prestige. He comes from a very underprivileged background. And he started off because of his situation as a shepherd. Now he describes an incident that happened to him when he was when he was tending to the sheep of his of his employer. He said that he was tending to hit the

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sheep, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and a worker said he came to him. Right. So now, if you imagine Makkah, outside of Makkah, there are these little pastures. So the people who are tending to the sheep will take their sheep. You know the shepherds, they will take their sheep outside of the city, and then go to those pastures. So Abdullahi Massoud is doing the same thing. He's outside the city of Makkah on the outskirts. He's at the pasture. The sheep are, you know, doing whatever they're doing. And then he sees the profits of the lemonade workers. They're coming towards him. So the Prophet says to have the lemonade route. He says, Yeah, well, I'm in the camp in

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Lebanon, for the screen for Dustin for this piano. That a young man, do you have some milk that you can give to us that we can drink from? So David mustard says, In the motorman Wallace to st Kuma is that I am entrusted with the sheep. My employer has entrusted me with the sheep. This is the milk is sold for a price. I can just give this milk to you for free.

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Right You see the integrity. Now the Prophet then said Okay, do you have a sheep that doesn't give milk?

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He said yes, here's a sheep that doesn't give milk. So the brothers Islam brought that sheep for Tanaka the profits and petted that sheep, then he petted the sheep on the other and made the arm and then for half I love Dora by the the other became full of milk and the profits are selam. Then milk the sheep in a bowl that oh burger Siddiq bought. And then the Profit System gave that bowl to obok have to drink. Then he gave the bowl to

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throw to drink. And then finally he himself drank from that bowl.

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After this,

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Abdullahi Massoud sees this thing and he then comes to the Prophet after the Prophet has returned to Makkah. And he said he had also Dola aluminum in his home, he accepts Islam right away. And he says, teach me this religion. What is this that you just did? Teach me about this religion more than the Prophet you know, caressed his head for Messiah. See what color your hammock Allah Who? In Naga, holy holy moon wylam. He said, may Allah have mercy on you, you're going to be a young man who's gonna know things. You're going to learn you're going to be somebody. And so panela What an amazing statement. Because guess who we became right? Now, there's a beauty a couple of really beautiful

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points in this Howdy. This is how he accepted Islam.

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The lemon was rude. But also there's a few really nice things we can learn from this number one is how beautiful were the manners of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, right this is how he would treat people. He would take milk and he gives it to a blocker Sadiq first, then he gives it to

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And then lastly, he's the one who has a drink. And this is not the first time he did this, right? If you look at the books of syrup, almost every single time he travels, and he's milking something like a goat or a camel to drink, he always gives the drink to somebody else First, if there is milk in his home, and he's invited people, he always lets them drink first. And he's the last one to drink. And in fact, goes on to say southdale, coma, zero home Shabaab, the people, the person who is, you know, feeding people and giving them drink, that person should be the last one to drink, and eat. And this is of the manners, the beautiful o'clock that the profitsystem taught us. And he was so

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charming philosopher, right, you just see Abdullah and Miss rude just saw the prophet in action, didn't have to see anything. And immediately this man accepted Islam. And this is not the only time this has happened. There's so many instances that for example, the instance of Omar but when the Prophet was traveling from Mecca to Medina, he was fleeing Mecca going to Medina, exactly the same thing happened is she accepted Islam just by looking at what he was doing. Our actions, our ethics, our manners are the best dollar. That's the best way we can invite any person to Islam is how we present ourselves, how we carry ourselves, that is the most important form of Dawa, that we can do.

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And this is the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Another very important lesson that we learned from this is the integrity of Abdullah. The integrity and the ethics of the law. You just heard about the the integrity of man. Well, the law one who, but also look at Abdullah, he's a young man, you know, he probably doesn't like his employer, because he's a little Shepherd, but he's entrusted with the sheep. And he doesn't want to break that trust, even in the slightest.

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Even in the slightest, he's like, I'm not giving you any free milk. Because I'm trusted by this, right? This man entrusted me with the sheep, I'm not giving you any free things. So smila contrast this with our ethics or our lack of ethics today. Just contrast it right.

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The profits are solemn. I'll give you an example of a profit. And then I'll make a another point here, the prophet was known as a soluble amine. Before he became a prophet, he was known as the one who was truthful, he was known as the one who had all the integrity in the world, before he started calling people to Islam.

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Before he said, people believe in Allah, people knew that this is a man of integrity.

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How can we spread the message message of Islam, if we're constantly caught lying, or we don't have any integrity with the people?

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You know, there's a, I was talking to some of the people in our Missouri, some of the young men in our Missouri and they were talking about Salah that we have to pray on time. Even if you're at school, it doesn't matter what's going on. You got to make time for Salah. So one of them reasonably nice point, he said, You know, I want to pray. And I do pray at my high school. The problem is that I have to take time from class. So I tell my teacher, hey, I'm going to go in the middle of class and go pray. And then I'm going to come back in like five minutes. All right. The problem is that there are other Muslims in my class, who do the same thing. But instead of taking five minutes to

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pray, they pray. And after that, they're hanging out for 10 minutes and 15 minutes and 20 minutes, just, you know, chilling outside, in the hallways, and they come back later. So now the teacher doesn't trust us anymore. This teacher who had a good faith allowed us to go outside and practice her faith. That good fight is broken, because there is a person who's abusing it. There's a person who's exploiting that situation, for their own good just to have some fun and chill out a little bit. See that we can, if you cannot forget about spreading Islam. You can even be an ambassador of Islam, if you don't have any integrity is as simple as that. If people can trust you, how can they

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take you as a Muslim? Seriously?

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It's a very important question that we have to ask ourselves. And you see the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, you see Abdullah was rude. They were people of integrity. The Prophet said that here rocanville g Ria cirrocumulus. Nam is the fact

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that the people who were the best before Islam

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are the ones who are the best after Islam, meaning the ones who did not have Islam.

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But they were really good people, people of integrity, people of character. When they have Islam and they do become Muslim. They are even better. They are in fact the best. At that point. The integrity is even more the character is even better.

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This is the profits are some talking to us about integrity. And he also mentioned the lack of it in a hadith when he said what are you doing as Sharon as the people who are the worst kind of people who really don't have any integrity, you can trust them. Who are these people? These are people velvet hain, they have two faces, to face people. Allah de la olavi watchin wa olavi watch, this person comes. And for a group, he has one face for another group, he has another face to face person, you can trust what he say.

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And the Prophet said, This is the worst kind of person. So we have to ask ourselves as we look at the lives of the Sahaba as we think about them, as we hear of their stories, we have to reflect on how much integrity Do we have RB two faced or be exploiting people's trust?

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Or are we trying to be like Abdullah was rude. And like the prophets of Salaam, you know, showing true strength of character.

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A lot of inroads was Ghana minister Burkina Oberlin he was one of the earliest of the Muslims. He said about himself that I was the sixth Muslim. And there was nobody else who was a Muslim besides us. Right. That's a pretty fantastic, you know, Number Number six, in terms of who accepted Islam. He was of the great scholars of the Sahaba. He participated in many, many battles, particularly the Battle of butter. He was the one who eventually killed a Buddha, the great enemy of the Prophet and war Hydra Hydra thing. He made his law twice. He made his law first, he made the migration, first from Mecca to Abyssinia. And then also he made the migration from Makkah to El Medina as well. So

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this is a man who has been through it all. And he's done it all right. He was also a scholar of Quran. Abdullah Ruud was one of the foremost scholars of Quran the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam said about him, man Abba and yes, my al Khurana Robin. Come up on zil fall, yes, Mara hoomin ibni ami Mattoon that the person who wants to listen to the Quran like it was revealed fresh, right, beautiful word that's like it was revealed like fresh revelation. The one who wants to listen to Quran like that should go listen to it from Abdullah in the road, the low one who Subhana Allah what an incredible honor. And he himself said about his own standing his own

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understanding of the Quran, he said, Well, la he Allah de la ilaha illa who he said I swear by Allah, man desolate Ayah to Kitab in LA Illa Allah, Allah, Allah wa femaleness and that, he said that there is every, every single ayah in the book of Allah, in the Quran, I know where it was revealed, and who it was talking about, basically saying, all of this, I know, all the Quran, I know. And it's not strange, because he's been with the Prophet from as close to the beginning as possible. And then he also says, that if I knew that there was anybody more knowledgeable than me in karate, who I can reach a tie to who I will go and learn from him. You see, the scholars of the

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Sahaba, these people who had immense knowledge, their knowledge did not make them arrogant.

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being knowledgeable, and being humble and having humility goes hand in hand. They're inseparable, you cannot separate the two.

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And this is the example of a doula even Mr. rude. He said that I've seen the revelation in front of me, but there's somebody who knows it more than me, I'm going to go to him and learn from him.

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The more knowledgeable a person, the more humility the more humility, they must demonstrate. This is how this is the example of the profit. This is the example of the Sahaba that we learned from them.

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From this on the same note of him being a scholar of Quran is a very beautiful, you know, story that we find in the books of the Pharisees in the books of history as well. That the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam went to Abdullah bin Massoud once, and he said to him, a Corolla? Yeah, he's

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beside the Quran. It's of the lies like

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you are the one who received it in Revelation. Why am I reading it upon you? Right, he says, a karateka. While a Kansan like

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You're the one who received in Revelation. So

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the prophets had in the hippo and a smart human lady, he said that I want I like to listen to it from other people. Like I want other people to recite it. And I like to listen to the Quran being read to me by other people. So the lemon mustard starts reciting from certain Nyssa surah number four, chapter four of the Quran, he starts reading through the nisab and then he reached an ayah he reached the ayah that says for K for either jigna when Coolio Mata Misha hit ojinaga Allahu la he shahida,

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the ayah that says, How is it going to be? How is the situation going to be when every single nation on the day of judgment will have somebody to testify against them?

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That will be the Prophet that was sent to that nation, that prophet will come and testify against that nation, meaning that they are going to offer not excuses for their for their nation, they're going to come and they're going to stand as witness against their own nation. And then Allah says wodgina, Vika, Allah, Allah Ishida, and then we will bring you as a witness upon these people, meaning the Muslims.

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And Abdullah says that his cyber Navy, the profitsystem, was crying.

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He was crying like his eyes were flowing with tears at the thought of testifying against his own nation.

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It was such a heavy idea. It was such a devastating thought to offer a testimony against his own people, that he couldn't hold back his tears.

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And at that point, Abdullah bin NASUWT stock broker, Abdullah, he stopped reciting. So panela you see how the profits on them was so connected to the foreign, the effect it had on him, and the burden of the responsibility that he carried? Right, he would make the app for us, after every single prayer he will make to offer us and He will say, stuck to Allah quani I want to meet my brothers. And the Sahaba said Allah if Wanaka Rasulullah aren't for your brothers, he said, but unto masabi You are my companions. You are my disciples, in kewanee COVID Coleman, your tuna body, my brothers are people that will come after me. You know, maybe while I'm here, Ronnie. They are the

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ones who will believe in me without having seen me.

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Pamela, he was talking about us. He was talking about us, he would think about us, you make dua for us, he would cry for us. So Allahu alayhi salam. So the thought of him coming and being a witness against us, was so difficult that he couldn't even hold his tears.

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Some on Allahu alayhi wa sallam. What it shows you though brothers and sisters is what what kind of status Abdullah and Massoud had in the eyes of the Prophet, this is the man that the Prophet chose to listen to the Quran from, and his love for the Prophet. And these moments with the Prophet are all over the Sierra all over, we find these beautiful moments between the prophet and Abdullah bin was rude. He was also known, for example, as the man who would walk around with the Prophet number 11. Musa said that I thought Abdullah bin was rude is the prophets family. So meaning the Abdullah was always with the Prophet, he was, you know, carrying the shoes of the Prophet, he would put the

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shoes of the Prophet on his feet, he would walk in front of him, making sure that there's nothing obstructing the way, when the prophet will reach a destination, he will take off the Prophet shoes, he would keep the shoes with him. When the Prophet wants to get up, he would offer a hand for the prophet to get up. That's what he would do. So panela and that's, that was his habit. Well, the low one who, so his love for the Prophet was immense. And his service to the prophets awesome, was also immense. And the prophets love for him was just as much it was his love for Abdullah was just as much one time the Prophet told Abdullah to climb up the tree and, and he said, you know, bring some

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dates. So

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he starts climbing the tree, okay. And then the the companions of the Prophet.

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They saw the, the shins, the legs of a villa, and they started laughing, because they were very skinny, right? He had very skinny legs. Remember I said he was a smallish man. So for liking Who? They started laughing at him.

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So the Prophet intervene, he jumped in and he said, Matata, Hakuna

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says What are you laughing at?

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What's so funny? Says the original abdillah uS calu filmi Zan, yarmulke, Mati min offered, he says, a leg of a blog.

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Just a leg of of the law is heavier on the scale on the Day of Judgment than the mountain of effort.

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That's how valuable this man is.

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You know, when you're when you're boys with somebody, it's okay you laugh at them no harm intended, right? You're always laughing at your friends.

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And you know, the Sahaba were not being malicious. There was no harm intended whatsoever. That's how it that's for anybody who hangs out with their friends as we do, you laugh at each other, you have some fun, and you move on, you know, no offense given no offense taken.

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But the prophet because of his love for the law, because of his admiration for the look, he jumped to his defense

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was parallel the profits of some was so charming, and he was truly a stand up person that he stood up and he defended his people. He always had their back.

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So supine, I love him. He loved him so much he loved Abdullah so much. Another interesting lesson here, by the way is that your looks aren't a measure of your value.

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Brothers and sisters, particularly younger ones, understand that they're not a measure of your value. Your value is who you are.

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evaluate what you're good at, like Ali would say teammoto Maria, Maria, you know who your value is what you're good at.

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Right? So maybe you can be like Mike,

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but you can be like a Bula inshallah.

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In conclusion, brothers and sisters, this is the great Sahabi Abdullah bin Miss root for Cahill, oma, the scholar of this nation. The one that the Prophet loved so much, and admired so much, his love for the Prophet was immense. The scholar of Koran, and authority of Quran, somebody that was very respected and extremely influential in our history.

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One thing we must say, as we are listening to the story of a bola even the most rude and all the other Sahaba that you have heard, and inshallah will hear that

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we must be certain that the rules that our last pantalla has enacted, they remain the same. Well, entity that is soon not in La Habra de la, you won't find a loss pontoise ways to change, they're gonna remain the same.

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You know, the glory that the Sahaba attained was immense. their achievements were amazing. They were remarkable.

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Their transformation from people who were nothing,

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personally and collectively as a as an oma, was just awesome. That's amazing, right? You see someone like a Buddha, who was a nobody. And he became so powerful and influential. So I talked about last time, a villain, not the only one who, who was a slave. He's an icon now. Right? People named the kids after him. So

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that this this transformation, is this awesome. There's no other way to put it. But the point is, that the one who gave the Sahaba the glory,

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the one who transformed them,

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the one who made them role models, the one who elevated these people through Islam,

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that one is a loss pantalla and he is still there. In the LA Haiyan layer mode, Allah, Allah is alive, always has and always will be.

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So the onus is upon us, the ball is in our court. Right? If we love a las pantalla, just like the Sahaba did, if you're ready to change, just like the Sahaba we're ready to change if we are to adhere to Islam dearly and hold on to Islam dearly, despite all the obstacles, all the difficulties, pressures that we might face, but we're ready to hold on to Islam and not let go of it for any reason. than last month, I will try to transform us as well. He will give us glory as well. He will elevate us as well, just like he elevated the Sahaba when he listened that Allah hit Abdullah you will not find a lost pontoise ways to change barakallahu ECOSOC Monaghan was Salam alaykum

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warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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Zack Lafave chef

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