Aarij Anwer – 3 Lessons from the Death of Abu Talib

Aarij Anwer
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of learning from the Prophet's teachings and understanding who one is in order to protect one's religion. They stress the importance of learning from the story and not giving up on one's religion. The speakers also emphasize the need to value and appreciate the value of one's religion and not give up, as it is crucial for personal health. They stress the importance of protecting one's actions and actions to protect one's gifts, expressing gratitude and affirming one's own actions in order to protect their gifts.
AI: Transcript ©
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La vida hula Sheikh

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Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa he was having his right follow

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up on the regime. Yeah, you were living in la porta potti he was

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a little Muslim on bacala us Medina aman de la salida useless La

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La, La

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La, La La La La La La La La La La Jolla, the Manisha

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will move to LA.

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I want to share a story with you today. His story that happened with the Prophet alayhi salatu salam. And a story that's referenced in the background, or as the backdrop of the ayah that I just recited is number 56 from Surah 28. sola causes the translation of the eyes as follows. Truly you do not guide those who you love. Rather, Allah guides who he wants, and he knows best, who is looking for guidance. And who isn't.

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The backdrop of this ayah is the Prophet alayhi salatu salam was inviting his dear beloved uncle, a blue ball into Islam.

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And this was in the moments the last moments of the life of Obama. The last moments of his life as he was about to pass away.

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The description of it goes as follows.

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Law Mahabharata refer to a building a tabula rasa, when it was time for Abu tala to pass away he was on his belt, and he was about to pass away. The Messenger of Allah also visited him and said to him, yeah, Ma, La ilaha illAllah ash, how do we hire?

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The profit center is Uncle Oh, my dear uncle, c'est la ilaha illa law has defined that there is only one deity a word that one deity worthy of worship, that only Allah and if you say that I will have something to argue on the day of judgment on your behalf, I will be the one testify that you are a believer on the Day of Judgment, just give me this piece c'est la vie below.

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And as the prophets or someone is reminding his uncle of this enemies in his very last moments, next to I will call him next the prophets uncle is sitting

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next to him sitting his his Abuja Hall. Next to him is

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another leader of Quraysh and they are telling a lowball it. They tell I will call it I will buy it. Are you going to leave the way of automotive? Are you going to leave the middle of Russia? Will you leave the legacy the way of your forefathers

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and this battle is raging the Prophet is done his uncle, your uncle, c'est la ilaha illAllah and I will generally say you're going to leave the religion of your father, you will leave our religion before you die. And this continued until

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I will call him said that

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Lola and Irani Bihar khoresh una mahama Allahu la isla de la la to be hygienic. He said, Oh, my, my nephew. If it wasn't that poor, he would say, this man gave him the last moments of his life, and they will criticize me call me weak. If that wasn't the case, I would have surely accepted them, I would have made you so happy. But he died saying Allah millet,

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Allah miletti he died saying that I'm not a believer. And at that moment, Allah, Allah revealed this verse that you do not guide who you love. It is a love of guys who he wants.

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This story or this incident in the background drop of this ayah is narrated in many books of Sierra. And there's many things that we can learn from this. And I want to focus on three main lessons. Three main lessons that we can extract from this particular

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really, really saddening story. Firstly, you have to understand who thought there was the uncle the Prophet, who was this man, maybe you know, maybe you don't know. He was the brother of the prophets father, he was the elder brother of the prophet SAW someone's father, the prophets father, as you know, a beloved passed away before the prophets or son was born while he was in the in the womb of his mother, his father passed away. So it was the man who acted as the Father for the profits on Sunday. After the profits grandfather passed away, I will call him was the man

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Who took the profits on his home and raised him like a son meaning he raised him by his very own son.

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The prophets also lived with him from when he was six years old until when he was a grown man and he married and moved out. So literally, the prophets Islam grew up in this house. I will call it not just raised him as a son but also established the Prophet systems as a as a businessman. We have narrations where I would call him would go to a sham, the area of the Levant and he would go there for business and trade, and the profits of them would be accompany will dial in and learning from his uncle the tricks of trade and business.

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And to do this actually is how he got married to her deja vu studies are the one who saw that here's a young man who's a trader from Pradesh, and he's a noble and honest man of integrity. And she proposed to the provinces on them and they got married. But despite knowing the profits on them better than any one of us would ever know the profits are that

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literally nobody knew the profit and is not better as a human being than volunteers. Because the profits ism literally grew up in front of his eyes. Despite knowing him that well, this man still did not accept Islam.

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This is a man who would say about the prophet to some he was a very eloquent point.

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He would make he would, you know, compose these beautiful lines of poetry about the prophet SAW he would say hola hola hola and the GLB soup but in the julu Allah Masha enough in Mahaffey, Lucky Nirvana wala Minna De De De De

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De De De De La Mancha de una de una.

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De very beautiful lines of poetry, which in which she says that we all know our our son, the prophets of Salaam is a man of truth. We know he never tells us he never tells lies. We know also he's never wrong. Bala Be confident about any man he says something is right. We know that.

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Yet he did not accept Islam.

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There was a very interesting incident that happened when the prophets of Psalms Tao when his message was gathering steam people were accepting Islam the leaders of the leaders of Makkah did not like this they did not want a religion that called only to the worship of Allah, tala. They were actually very multicultural and multifaith you could come and worship any Gods you want you can be a Christian and you can worship you know a Salah salami the garbage you can worship whoever you wanted. As long as you were like you know what your religion is okay and my religion is okay. That was the deal with polish the prophets are some said No, only a lust to be worshipped and they

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couldn't stand that. So when that momentum or that that was gaining momentum, the hinge of the profits on

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the set

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you better stop your nephew.

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You better stop your nephew in Milan to Sandia manana avena furniture Yakubu, stop him Are we going to do something about it? So I will call it now coordinate by these leaders of maca does what speaks to his nephew says Oh, nephew, you know, can you do something about this? The profitsystem replied in a very beautiful way to his uncle. He said, Oh,

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uncle, lower Waldo shum, Sufi Yemeni or common Orpheus early marker, ama, you'll hear a whole lot. He says the very iconic statement. If they were to place the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left hand, I will not stop calling people to this cause meaning it doesn't matter what material promises they make. What if they want me to become the leader of Quraysh? They want to give me money. I don't care what they offer. That's not my intent. My intent is to call people to the worship of Allah Baba.

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Even if they gave me the whole world, I'm not stopping. At that moment of law. They've had a very difficult choice. Do I stick by my nephew? Even though I don't? I'm not the same religion as him. I don't accept the religion that he is following in preaching? Or do I? Let's do a step away from this conflict. And let him deal with the people of course. It's a very difficult decision. But he made the courageous decision to step in between the Profit System and flourish. And he won't Cordish if you dare touch my nephew, it's war.

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Even though we me and you are the same religion, I'm going to fight you. If you come and do something for my nephew. He stood up and defended the property and protected the profit from harm in that very difficult moment in those very difficult years. Even to the point where

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The people a monk are gathered to lead a siege against a Buddha and his clan Banu Hashim and they were literally starving to death. Still, this man did not give up the profits of some of them

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at the expense of his own life and human being and he is not even a Muslim

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and he would say things like with Eliana you'll see who he they can be genuine he was Ravi Divina pasta v emblica. Malaika Ba ba ba ba, ba ba ba ba kameena mega una Coronavirus

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de la casa de la quinta, Amina Baraka, dienen darauf to be a Naboo min Haley at the end in Berea t Deena Allahu Akbar. He said, No one can touch you, or sniff you, no one can touch you.

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As long as I'm alive, as long as I'm not buried in the sand. He said, he says, Go and do what you're commanded. And whatever you have, whatever you need to do you do I am here to support you. And I know you're advising me.

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I know you mean well.

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And I know the religion you're asking me to accept is the best religion in Haiti at the end in Berea. Tina, I know all of that. But Lola mallamma to ohada de Missa. button. La gente de Samhain Viva La Vina, what if, if it wasn't that I was afraid of what people would say.

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So people will blame me people will say this man gave up his religion, he was weak. If it wasn't for that, I would have gladly accepted your faith.

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This was this man, this was a model.

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He knew the profits are some better than anybody else. He protected the profits on them through thick and thin. To the worst imaginable circumstances he protected, the profits are solid. And you could argue he gave up his life to protecting and defending the profits on them. He knew Islam was the truth, as well as if not better than anybody else who's ever lived. Because he knew the Prophet isn't better than anybody else. He saw the truthfulness from his own eyes.

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And not just the Prophet, his own son, his own sons, Joseph de la huangfu, ali.

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All of them accepted Islam in front of his eyes. So he knew 100% what the message was all about. But he still did not accept Islam. He died not he didn't die as a Muslim. Can you imagine?

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The lesson that we can extract from this brother sisters is number one, this gift that we have of Islam, Allah gave it to us. He didn't give it to the Prophet uncle.

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He gave this gift to me and you.

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He did not give it to the most dear the most beloved person in the province.

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What does that say about us if we don't value this gift?

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What does that say about us? If you're not thankful to Allah for the gift of Islam,

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we have to value this blessing. This the greatest history the greatest gift that we have, we have to truly value this gift.

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We have the value with brothers and sisters by being thankful to

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be near Mattila bigger.

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We have to value this is a gift by being grateful to Allah subhanaw taala the the one of the command Alhamdulilah scholar he have the hammer defect he would say a Salatu Shaku Shaku

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Shaku, he said that when you pray that is an act of gratitude, when you fast doesn't have to gratitude, any good deed a person does. That's an act of gratitude. When a lot of other talks about our feet in the Quran, will be here Matthew Robic as for the gift of your Lord for His death,

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then be thankful about it. Talk to people about it spread the good that that is in it.

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We have to grow the sisters see this religion not as a burden, not as something that makes our life difficult. We have to understand how incredible of a gift it is and how lucky and blessed we are to have received it.

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When the prophets uncle who lived far more than any one of us could ever do. Didn't get that gift.

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We have to understand this value.

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Loss motto says to the older wrestlers in the Quran, it says Aaron Nadeau the schuco locker room and

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he says to Tao Salaam and the family of doubt the family of David

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He says to them work or family of David,

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to express and to show your gratitude

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for very few people are truly thankful for

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the era to allow the sugar the word sugar on here is linguistically what's called my own level. It's you know, it's in the status of NUS has two fat has chocolate. And there's a reason that the reason provided for that is its own level. Why are you being thankful?

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It's because you want to be sorry, why are you doing something? erema? Why are you doing things that are acts of or manifestations of fate? The answer that question the why behind it is shadowclan, to express gratitude, to express gratitude for being chosen to be a part of this ummah, to be chosen to have accepted Islam or to be given to have been given the gift of Islam, to express our gratitude, the prophets of Solomon, what expressed his gratitude in the most incredible way, he would pray, it doesn't matter to

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Regina who he would pray until his his feet would crack up, meaning they would swell they will become, you could visibly see that there's swelling there. And his wife would ask him, Yasuda law, he or

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she would say, oh, messenger of Allah, you're doing all of this and Allah has already forgiven you, you're already guaranteed paradise. Like why do you have to go that far? Why do you have to pray for that long? When you're already a person of paradise? That's a very, it's a factual statement. And the Prophet says, Dr. Aisha

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Shakira, should I not be a thankful, Grateful, grateful servant to my Lord, should I not be a thankful, grateful servants to my Lord, the gratitude for being a Muslim, the gratitude for showing that we are blessed that Allah chose us, comes through our actions comes through or is expressed by our devotion to the acts of faith. And those acts of faith are small and large, daily, like salah and once in a while, but they're all acts of our devotion and expression of our devotion, expression of our gratitude.

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I'm sharing with you in light of the ayah, hitting the Galatia demon in the La Jolla.

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Indeed, Allah guides, indeed you do not guide who you love, but Allah guides who he wants. In the backdrop of this ayah was the story of a lawless death, and him refusing to accept Islam, even on his deathbed, while the Prophet of Allah is pleading him to accept Islam. And there's three things I wanted to talk about. One is, firstly, we understand what what all it was. And once you understand what we'll call it was, we could understand how Allah Allah gave this gift of Islam lesson two, this gift of Islam was not given to him, but it was given to us. So we have to evaluate, we have to express Our thankfulness for being those who are chosen.

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Because the most dear person to the Prophet was not chosen for this, but mean you were. So we have to express our gratitude to unlock our gratitude. Lesson number two is expressed through our acts of devotion through our acts of worship. It goes from the smallest thing like a smile in the face of your brother, a good word set to somebody to cheer them up, a help helping hand that can be given to somebody to get them out of a difficult situation, and also in the way we do our ritual worships and the acts of spirituality. Although those are expressions of our gratitude, Ehrman added eldership from the last point is,

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or the last lesson is, we have to protect this gift of Islam. We've been given this gift, we understand, or we hope to understand the value of it. We hope to try to live up to the blessing of this gift, but we also have to protect it from bad influences. from fear, irrational fear. You look at a bulldog. What was his reasoning for not accepting Islam? Did he not know the Prophet is not a prophet?

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Did he not know the Quran is a miracle? They did not see the truthfulness of the prophets, Islam and the message he saw all of that is poetry that accorded you repeatedly talks about how he knows the prophets of Allah is the truthful prophet. And there's no doubt about it. But he was afraid.

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irrationally afraid of people saying, Ah, see, his nephews calling for Islam. So he accepted is that he loves the religion of his father. That irrational fear fear of will people see fear of others perception. That literally is what stopped this man from accepting stuff. He didn't need to be convinced about the truthfulness of the faith, he was convinced it was the fact that he was afraid of what people would say.

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So this kind of negative influence, we have to protect this gift of Islam from it, we have to protect the gift of Islam from the negative influence of bad friends and bad company.

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ie, the enemy of the profits are suddenly an enemy of Islam. This man was at the deathbed of Abu Dhabi when he was dying.

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And he is the one who kept reminding him Hey, are you gonna leave the religion of a blue bottle it? Will you leave the religion of your forefathers? Are you going to do this while you're dying?

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And literally, this man prevented the prophets uncle from becoming a Muslim in those free in those last moments of his life,

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the bad influence that comes from having bad friends of keeping Bad Company

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of having bad input. If you're consuming media that is vulgar, that talks about vulgarity that praises vulgarity that glorifies promiscuity. What does that do to our soul?

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What does that do to our soul and how we view the values of Islam? These are all things that have to be considered. These are all considerations that we have to make to protect this gift of Islam. I will Thailand did not accept Islam.

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He did not accept Islam, because he was afraid.

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He was not accepted Islam because he had bad friends. We have to protect the religion that we have been given the blessing that we have been chosen to hold by removing bad influences by removing irrational fears in my life. That is how we value this gift to stamp the astrological topic to understand the foreign solar implemented in our lives in the love of my life.

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Are you

3 Lessons from the Death of Abu Talib

1) Value the gift of Islam
2) Show gratitude for this gift by action
3) Protect this gift from fear of others’ perception

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