Ismail Kamdar – The Power of a Ramadan Dua

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary ©
The importance of "slow of worship" to receive blessed acts of worship is emphasized, along with the use of"slow of worship" to avoid wasting time and receive "Returns of worship." Visitors are encouraged to practice the etiquette of being in a state of voodoo, repeating the DUA, learning the names of Islam, and making "naught" for oneself and others. Visitors are encouraged to make "naught" for themselves and others to increase their chances of being answered by Allah.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Alhamdulillah muda who want to stay in who and is still fearful when we know we hit our qawwali when our older Billa him in Cerulean fusina Amin See ya the Amara Lena, Mia the healer who was moody Lola, Lola Hadiya, Rama bad.

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That's just being a few days away from the blessing month of Ramadan. Today just want to share a brief reminder on an important act of worship related to Ramadan that we that we sometimes overlook or neglect. And that is the importance of dua.

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So when we think about Ramadan, we think about fasting tarawih Sahul Iftaar, led to Qadr aitikaf. But sometimes we forget that Ramadan is also the month of dua, and is a month when do us are answered, often in miraculous ways.

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And there are several Hadith that we can draw from to make this conclusion.

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Number one, the famous Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stated that when Ramadan comes the doors of Allah's mercy are open, and the doors of Jahannam are closed.

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Some of the commentators have stated that when he's when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the doors of Allah's mercy are open. This means that our dewasa answered, right, if the doors of Allah's mercy are open, then that means our do ours will be answered. Because Allah's Mercy manifests itself in this world through answering our doors. Furthermore, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in several Hadith when he lists those people whose do ads are never rejected. He mentioned the fasting person. For example, in one Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, three people they do and I never rejected the dua of the traveler, the dua of a parent for the

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child, and the dua of the fasting person.

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So from this hadith and all the different versions of it, we can conclude that if we make dua while we are fasting, the DUA has a higher chance of being answered. Another Hadith the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam said that the fasting person at the time of Iftar, before opening the fast they do are they make that time is not rejected?

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Furthermore, Aisha Rajala, one hub, she asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that if I had to recognize Leila, to cuddle, what do I should I make? And he taught her that important to us that we all know Allahumma Inaka Hoon to Hebrew alfalfa for honey. But some of the commentators see that why did she ask what do I should I make instead of what Ibadat should I do? And the conclusion was, because this is a time into other answered, so she wants you to know what is the best dua to make at the time and to answer answered.

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So when we take all of these Hadees together, we can conclude that the month of Ramadan, between the blessings of Ramadan itself the blessings of the last 1/3 of the night, the blessings of the time of Iftar the blessing of their two quarter and the blessings of fasting and even the blessings of sadaqa because most of us inshallah increase now sadaqa in Ramadan, when you put all of this together, the potential of our do as being answered, skyrocket.

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So this Ramadan I want us to, to truly make dua to Allah subhanho wa taala.

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And for those of us who have never sat and made dua from the heart, let this Ramadan be the time we will do this for the first time. You know, sometimes our acts of worship become ritualized, they become cultural, and for some people do arduous becomes raising your hands, while the Imam says something in Arabic that you do not understand. And you're dreaming and you just see Amin, and you think that that's all there is to do. But no, dua is a direct line of communication between you and your Creator. Do Art is a potential for changing your destination. It is your direct means of asking Allah for miracles, for asking ALLAH to open the doors to that to which the doors seem completely

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And do art can be made in any language. When you are sitting at the time of Iftar, waiting to open your fast you can make dua in any language. When you are awake at the time of the 100 waiting to eat the whole you can make dua in any language while you are fasting. And you see you've got some time when you want to do extra Ibadah you can make dua in any language. And I really want us all this Ramadan to increase in our dua, heartfelt, sincere dua in our own languages.

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We communicate directly to Allah. We complain only to Allah, we ask Allah for exactly what we want and what we need. Even if it seems impossible, even if it seems like it will require a miracle. But we ask Allah, because we know only Allah can give us miracles, only Allah can give us what we want. Only Allah can change destiny. And so the importance of dua in Ramadan is something that we should not take for granted.

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And each of us should take some time to think about what do I want to ask Allah for this Ramadan. And if you find it difficult to remember on the spot, maybe write it down, make a list of the things you want to ask Allah for you can be anything, passing your exams, getting a better job, Baraka in your business, getting married, moving to another place, whatever it is, anything that you feel, would benefit you with in terms of deen or dunya. You can ask Allah for it. Allah when he answers I will do as he answers and in one of three ways. Either he gives us what we want, or he gives us something better than it or he saves the reward of the dua for the Day of Judgment. In any case, you

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are not wasting time by making dua because it's always somewhere that comes to you from that to ah, I want us very briefly to go over the etiquette and manners of dua, so that the chances of our doors being answered are increased.

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And the etiquette and manners they're not compulsory, you don't have to do it. But the more you do, the more of the ethical demands you do, the higher the chance of that you are being answered. So from the advocates and managers of dua, is to be in a state of voodoo, and to face the Qibla right to be in a state of voodoo and facing the Qibla. Again, you don't have to do it you can make dua at anytime you can be lying in bed in the middle of the night and you can just make dua, but from the etiquettes is to make wudu. And then to face the Qibla and to raise your hands to raise your hand is from the Sunnah and from the etiquettes of your art. And you can make do outreach in your hands. But

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again, the more etiquette you do, the more the chances of it being answered. From the ethics of etiquettes of dua, is that you begin with the Hamid was Salawat you begin to praising Allah and sending Salawat upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So you begin your DUA with any wording of the damnedest Salah you can see Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah you can extend it you can add more words to it, you can use any form of the Hamid or Salah word but the the Sunnah is to begin with these wordings. Right, so you are praising Allah before you ask Allah for anything, and you are sending Salawat, the one the most beloved to Allah, that will also increases the chances

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of your DUA being answered. And so this is from the etiquettes of TA from the etiquettes of dua, the internal etiquettes is that you make dua consciously and sincerely, you're not absent minded. You're not thinking about something else you are present with your heart in your DUA, from the internal etiquettes of dua, is that you have full hope and optimism that Allah will answer your DUA. So you're not sitting there saying, Oh Allah, you know, helped me to pass my exams but in your heart, you digging Allah is not really going to help me. You don't make dua like that. You have full hope and conviction that Allah will answer my dua. And you are completely optimistic, when you make the

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From the internal etiquettes, of making dua, is that you only think good thoughts of Allah. Because Allah subhanaw taala states in the Hadith, Oh, good. See, I am as my servant thinks of me, I am as my servant thinks of me. So if you are making do our thinking, the worst of Allah, you're doing is not going to be answered.

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But if you are making dua thinking the best of Allah, then inshallah you will get what you asked for.

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From the ethics of etiquette of dua, is that you repeat the DUA three times. And we see most of the Sunnah do us you have to repeat them three times. So even you making your own dua, you repeat it three times, right? So instead of just saying, oh, Allah helped me pass my exams, you say three times from the etiquettes of dua, is that you link it to the names of Allah that directly match what you're asking for.

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And to do this, you have to learn the names and attributes of Allah. And how many of us have studied the names of Allah and how many of us have taught our children the names of Allah, it's really important that we know who Allah is, and that we call upon him by the appropriate name for whatever we are asking for. So if you're asking for an increase in risk, you call up one of those, Zach, or Zach, the one who provides if you're asking for forgiveness, you call up the web they accept of repentance. If you ask Him for mercy, you call upon our man to perfectly merciful.

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Whatever you're asking for you call upon Allah by the name that is

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actually where that is closest attribute to what you're asking for the one that has the most impact on what you're asking for. But to do this, we must learn the names that attribute

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stuff Allah. Finally, if any overlooked, important condition for the acceptance of dua that many people neglect is that our income and I will food is halal.

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Now the food being allowed part of Hamdulillah we take care of it right? But too often we neglect the income being Halal part. As Muslims you must make sure that our money is halal. And this directly affects our two.

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In a very famous Hadith such an important hadith is actually a no always 40 Hadith compilation, right even though, so this hadith is important enough to put in his 40 Hadith. He mentions that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recited the verse of the Quran, where Allah commanded the prophets to eat that which is pure. And he said, Allah has commanded you would what He has commanded the prophets that we eat from that which is pure. And then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam gave us a parable or a example. You said, Imagine a man who is lost in the desert while traveling, and his clothes are dirty and he's hungry, and he's in a state of desperation. And he raises his hands and

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ask Allah for help. But his money is haram, and his food is haram and his clothes are haram. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, How will Allah azza wa jal? Why would Allah Azza his dua?

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This hadith teaches us that the acceptance of our Dewar's is conditional on our income being halal.

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And so sometimes we may be going through portions of our life where we don't find any of our dwarves answered, perhaps it's time to take a step back and look at our sources of income and ensure that there's no riba there's no haram sources of income. There's nothing in there that is displeasing to Allah or that brings about the curse of Allah subhanho wa taala. So, understand that acceptance of dua is directly linked to the how Halal your wealth is. And this is a very important aspect of it that we often neglect. So, to summarize, we learned today that Ramadan is a month when do as are answered

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and we also learnt that

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for our two hours to be answered, we need to make our do ours in a way that is as per the Sunnah. Right in a way that is pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala and per the Sunnah. And from the etiquettes. We went over we learned to begin I will do as with praising Allah and sending Salawat upon the Prophet sallahu wa salam, to make wudu to face the Qibla to raise our hands, to have good thoughts about Allah and to hope based on Allah and to be convinced that Allah is going to answer your DUA and we said do our can be made in any language, do our can be made in any language, and you can repeat your DUA three times the Sunnah is to repeat the DUA three times and to call upon Allah

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but his names and attributes that are directly linked to what you are asking for. And finally, we reminded ourselves that from the conditions for a DUA to be accepted, is that our income and our food are halal. From the conditions for a DUA to be answered, is our income and our food or halal? We ask Allah subhana wa Tada to allow us to reach the month of Ramadan. We ask Allah subhana wa Taala to answer our daughters Ramadan, and to grant every one year that which they need and to help everyone out of the difficulties and to give us all is Subhan Arabic Arabic is at the embassy phone was salam ala mousseline with hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen.

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hamdu Lillahi wa Salatu was Salam ala mon Lana Ba ba ba to inner circle Hadees ik a tabula rasa you heard you heard the Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was shattered Omoni the third to how Columbo does indeed work a little bit attend Bala Kulu.

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When we are making dua to Allah subhana wa taala. We should prime number one, we should make dua for ourselves. So always begin with yourself. Whether it's asking Allah for forgiveness for your sins, for asking Allah to end your calamities, or asking Allah for long life and good health, whatever it is, but you first make dua for yourself. But do not restrict your do ask yourself. After making dua for yourself, make dua for your family.

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For your spouse, your children, your parents, your siblings, make dua for your family, make dua for them by name. But don't restrict yourself to that either.

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Make dua for your community, make dua for the Ummah as a whole make dua for anybody you know who is going through difficulty. In another Hadith the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told us that when you make dua for somebody else, the angels make the same to offer you. So don't be miserly with your to us. Make dua for others. Think about others at the time of making dua, the Ummah is not in a good state right now. And we don't know whose do ours will be answered that could ease the problems of the ummah.

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So make dua for the ummah. Remember the people of Palestine in your doors. Remember the Muslims who are being oppressed anywhere in the world in your hearts. Remember the Muslims in India who are on the verge of a catastrophe. Remember dimming your doors and ask Allah to grant that land just leadership, so that the catastrophe does not happen.

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Think about Muslims around the world who are facing difficulty who are facing problems and make dua for them.

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And need it may be the true the baraka of you making dua for somebody else, that Allah keeps you safe from catastrophe

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for caring for the rest of the Ummah, Allah protects you as well.

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I just want to share three, two hours from the Quran and Sunnah, that I believe we all can benefit from making a regular habit of making these to us. Number one is the most comprehensive dua in the Quran. In surah Al Baqarah Allah subhanaw taala teaches us to do our Robina Artina for dunya Hasina will fill you with the Huseynov working as a banana

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Oh my lord,

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or I will Lord grant us the best of this world and the best of the next world and protect us from the hellfire. So this dua is comprehensive. And you asking Allah for the best of this world. Human guidance, Good Life Hello our risk everything's inclusive, the best of this world and the best of the afterlife, which is Janna. Right. Jana. So that's what you're asking for. We see the best of next life you want the highest levels of gender. And you're asking Allah for protection from the hellfire. So this is the ole comprehensive dua that Allah Subhana Allah teaches us in Surah Al Baqarah. Then in Surah, Al Furqan, ALLAH SubhanA, Allah teaches us another dua, dua of the pious for

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their families, and I want us to learn this dua and to make it a regular habit to make dua for our families. And that is the dua Robina hablan, Amin as wodgina was reacting a Kurata Are you in which elderly Kena Mr.

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Which translates as Oh, my Oh our Lord, grant us such spouses and children, who will be the coolness of our eyes, and make us leaders of the righteous.

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So there's two parts to this two are the first is that your spouse and your children become the coolness of your eyes, which means they become your source of pleasure in this world, that your spouse and children are the primary source of joy you have in this world. And number two, you're making dua for yourself and your spouse and your children. Allah makes all of you the leaders of the righteous, meaning that you all become truly pious people. This is the dua mentioned the shura for common Allah describes the qualities of EVA de Rahman, those who truly worship Rama. This is one of the qualities that they regularly make this to. So they just regularly make this to the dead do I

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want to mention is found in a hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught as a DUA to make for protection from poverty is a very important tool that we should make regularly. And that is Allah Who McWeeny Bill Halleck on heroic, will argue Nene Byford Nica among Seawalk allow mfine Behala lick on haram equal agony before Lika Amanzi work these two are translates as Oh Allah make Halal sufficient for me against the Haram meaning grant me such Halal risk that I'm not tempted towards haram. What other Nene before Lika and make me independent through your grace from everybody besides you, grant me financial independence. Let's see what the DUA is for. You're asking Allah for

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financial independence make me independent of everyone besides you. Because we can never be independent of Allah. Allah is the only one who is our only truly independent, we all depend on Allah for our risk. So we ask Allah to make us independent of everyone besides Him. So these are some of the duels from the sooner that we can revive in our lives, that we can make this Ramadan. And we should make part of our habit for both in and out of Ramadan because these are very comprehensive to us, that cover every aspect of life, from our risk, to our akhirah to our families, all covered in these two hours. So we ask Allah to allow us to reach Ramadan and to Allah and to

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answer our doors and to relieve us from our calamities and to grant us ease. Robina Artina dunya Hasina will fill in with the husband or working out or Bunnell Robina Hublin as wodgina was

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on the Lynwood, Akina, Mr. ullmark fina Behala Alec and her amico agony now before the common Seawalk Subhana rahbek. Robin is at Yama, yes, ephone was salam ala mousseline will hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen, optimate, Salah

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