Salah Should not be Reduced to Mere Prayer

Zakir Naik


Channel: Zakir Naik

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The speaker discusses the difference between the Quran and English, stating that the Quran is focused on prayer, while the English word " spotting" comes from the Arabic root word " Cole" meaning connection. The speaker also discusses the importance of not lying and cheat in praying, as it is a programming towards righteousness.

Transcript ©

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The Quran talks about

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salah. In English,

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people normally translate salah as prayer.

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if you open the dictionary means to beseech,

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to ask for help.

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According to me, prayer is not the appropriate

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of the Arabic word salah.

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What we do dua after the salah,

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that is

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The salah is far superior to praying.

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In the salah,

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besides asking for help, we are getting guided

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by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. The Arabic word

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comes from the root word

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means connection.

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The servant connects with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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So salah means connecting to God. I call

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it the programming towards righteousness.

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When we pray,

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we read Surah Fatihah. After that, Imam is

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telling us.

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He's giving us guidance.

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we are being programmed towards righteousness.

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we are being programmed towards righteousness.