Zakir Naik – Hajj-e-Badal its conditions and the reason behind stoning the Jamaraat

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The caller asks about the meaning of Hajj and if anyone who hasn't performed it will be affected by the stone. The representative explains that while the person who hasn't performed Hajj will not be affected by the stone, they will be protected from the devil and the government is trying to curtail it down. The caller also asks about the meaning of the Jabra facility and if anyone who hasn't performed it will be affected by the stone.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato maltman Salam and Philippa, my question is regarding Hajj can a person who has not yet performed Hajj do hijab battle or not? What is such a battle? And the second question is posed by a non Muslim regarding the rituals in the hajj. When we throw stones, what is the relevance of that? And does in any way shaitan get affected by those stones or not? I mean, this was one of the thing and in that act, there are lots of people who die. I mean, what is the answer to that as well as the first part of the question that a person who has not performed Hajj and since * furred can do hajipur The first question the second question is that when we

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stone the camera, does the Satan does it ever get hurt and don't people get killed? So what is the reason as to why the first question is concerned, that can a person who has not done hijab either know cannot do hijab other means doing Hajj on behalf of somebody else? Maybe the person is alive, he may be sick, he physically cannot perform all the rituals of Hajj. So surely he can say that? I'm giving you money.

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Just because I'm physically not fit. I am asking somebody else to go. As far as I can by the question is concerned that when we stone the camera, does the devil get hurt CMF to realize that when we stole the camera, it is not that physically, you're causing a damage to the Satan. It is symbolic. That means we are against the devil.

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That is there and we know that the devil always strive to take him on the wrong path. So when we are stoning, the jamaa, we are actually symbolically agreeing that we are against the devil, and we want to fight against him because he's an avowed enemy to us. As far as the last part is concerned that while doing the jamaa, many people that settle that's the reason the government is making facilities. The government is getting more facilities where people can stone and yet there may not be a stampede, etc. But if you analyze whether, previously when people used to go for Hajj,

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maybe 50 years back 100 years back 200 years back, more people used to die as compared to today. Today, about two and a half million perform Hajj every year. On average, two and a half million people perform Hajj every year. Previously,

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it was less than a million. If you go back more, it was less than 100,000 people yet, when we went for Hajj, supposedly in India, we had to go by ship you take money to do now you can go further and come back even in six days time.

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Minimum even less than that, on average, they take two weeks to three weeks so that they want to go to Medina etc. And stay in Macau for longer periods. But the minimum requirement can be done in a few days previously take months. And whenever people need to go find this to meet the realtors.

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And there was an understanding maybe we will not return back. Maybe chances not that they won't return for sure, but chances are they were the 20% they will not return back 30% affordable whatever it is. But now if we analyze the two and a half million people going and the total number of people dying for whatever reason, it is point 001 person it will be less than point 1% So compared to before, now the facilities are much better as far as the toilets are there Mashallah. very hygienic, compared to before, but now, we don't want even a single person to die.

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So if any one person also dies for any reason, because of overcrowding or stoning, the Jabra, the government of Saudi Arabia is trying its best to curtail it down. And when non Muslim experts when they hear about the facility that the government is giving, they say it is impossible. Logically and scientifically. It is impossible that two and a half million people are gathering together in Arafat, Mena and performing the rituals without hundreds of 1000s of people dying. They say it's impossible yet Alhamdulillah we see that every year has been performed. There have been occasions where there was some fire took place and fuel people expired, there was a tunnel that caved in, but

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if we see the percentage, it is very negligible. So even in Jabra, now the government made a flyover and I've extended the Jabra so that you can stone from the ground floor level, the first level now a second level has come and more will keep on coming. So they're trying their level best and see to it that people come and do what is required in the religion without being hurt. And when people go for Hajj, there they see the millions of people getting together. People desktop in two pieces of unsewn cloth preferably right? They we see the real brotherhood. People from America, Canada, UK, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, UAE Gulf countries, the desktop in two pieces of unsewn might

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cross preferably. You cannot identify the person standing next to you is a king or a popper, with rich or poor all look similar. So here we get the universal brotherhood

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Practically demonstate so we perform Hajj because it's one of the pillars of Islam it's the first commandment online they're full of themselves

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