Concept of God in Judaism

Zakir Naik


Channel: Zakir Naik

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The speaker discusses the concept of God in Judaism, stating that it is mentioned in various Bible verses and that it is not possible to create any other God besides oneself. They also mention the book of Exodus, which specifies that God is a jealous God and cannot create any image of anyone. The speaker warns that reading the Jewish scriptures will increase the understanding of the concept of God in the Jewish community.

AI Generated Transcript ©

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The concept of God in Judaism.

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It's mentioned in the Old Testament, in the

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book of Deuteronomy.

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Chapter number 6, verse number 4. Moses

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said, It's a Hebrew quotation which means

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Israel. The Lord, our God is one Lord.

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It's mentioned in the book of Isaiah, chapter

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number 43, verse number 11. I, even I,

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am Lord, and there is no savior besides

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It's mentioned in the book of Isaiah, chapter

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number 45, verse number 5. I am Lord,

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and there's none like me. There's no God

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besides me.

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It's mentioned in the book of Isaiah chapter

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number 46 verse number 9. I am God,

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and there's none like me. I am God,

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and there's no one besides

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me. It further mentioned the book of Exodus

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chapter number 20 verse number 3 to 5.

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It says, thou shall have no other God

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beside me. Almighty God is saying that thou

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shall have no other God beside me. Thou

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shall not make unto thee any graven image

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of anything, of any likeness in the heaven

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above, in the earth beneath, in the water

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beneath the earth. Thou shall not bow down

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to them, nor serve them. For I, thy

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God, thy Lord is a jealous God.

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These verses of the Bible strictly prohibit idol

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and making an image of God. In the

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book of Deuteronomy,

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chapter number 5, verse number 7 to 9,

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the almighty God says, thou shall have none

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other God besides me. Thou shall not make

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any graven image of any likeness, of anything

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in the heaven above, in the earth beneath,

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in the water under the earth. Thou shall

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not bow onto them, nor serve them. For

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I, thy God, thy Lord is the delist

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So if you read the Jewish scriptures, you

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should understand the concept of God in Judaism.

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And this will increase

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the brotherhood

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