Zahir Mahmood – My thoughts on Khabib vs McGregor – 12.10.18

Zahir Mahmood
AI: Summary ©
The history of Islam is discussed, including the implementation of Islam's values and the use of images to motivate people. The conflict between Islam and religion is discussed, including the use of images to motivate people to "the" and the negative impact of pride on one's parents' health. The importance of showing one's values to others and avoiding harming their father is emphasized. The negative consequences of returning to a backwoods and the importance of not drinking backwards are also discussed, along with the use of "immighter" in a media campaign. The speakers emphasize the need for pride in one's religion and trusting oneself.
AI: Transcript ©
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The best MMA fighter in the world nobody touches you pound for pound and you say when I get home my father's gonna smash me.

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You know why for the man who's in office Bob values

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all behind me for salatu salam Ala Moana serene Malema 100 while he was high V woman said the Illuminati robot brothers, elders, sisters, salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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You know, social media has this amazing, amazing ability to bring things to life, set things a place. And so Paula says last week, since the fight is so amazing, you know, people have been talking about this issue. And really many, many things actually have kind of come to the fore. You know, brotherhoods wise he thought what pacifists, you know, who had nothing to do with kind of fighting or the UFC, we're actually sending messages on WhatsApp on Facebook, regarding the fight. And it made me actually think about a couple of things to a couple of things actually were brought to light which are really interesting. certain questions I was asked for answers is UFC tournaments

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had one brother actually sent me a text message he said,

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I have never seen the oma united behind one person was so powerful. Others were saying what Why are people so fixated on this person? It's not like if you fought the battle on whether he's getting a purse of $2 million.

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I know robber bro. I actually personally know he had a dream two days before that he was morning corner. Exactly how the fight took place. So one of the other robots that sarcastically said, Why don't you tell us we could have gone to Paddy Power and put down a wager really not might be a good idea, but Paddy currently doesn't have too much power. But these are certain thoughts which were going through people's minds. And

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rightly in all honesty, this is not like some people would like to make it a conflict between hearken back to you know, your ad hoc on this, I bought it on this side. This is not the day of bother. But there are certain things that we can actually learn from this and we can take home and the most important is finance, to Window values and where the Muslim values non Muslim values come from the teaching of the message of a loss of alarm. The problem is a lot he was

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regarding him Allah Subhana Allah stated

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in the message of Allah, there is a sublime capitalism, beautiful balance, beautiful principles. And then Allah, Allah says, In the Quran, Quran, say, oh, SEO message of Allah in quantum

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only, if you love Allah, then Follow me Follow my precepts. So the only way that you can get close to Allah is to have the values the principle, the morals, of the message of a muscle alive he was. And you know, the values are something that we in Britain, and in the West can often we often hear, oh, British values, these are British values. And sometimes you also hear and you actually see that the Islamic values icea various times with a value within the wider society. So the value of the believers come from the deen of Allah subhana wa. And one very, very important value

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is, Joey wants time.

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You know, when we went to school,

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if you are bullied, if somebody says something nasty about you, you will go to the teacher and the teacher will tell you one thing. She will say Oh, he will say sticks and stones may break my bones, but names won't hurt me.

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And really, this was a common phrase. This was a value which was instilled in us when we were children. It's true. You don't want to be too thin skinned because why become very difficult, but sticks and stones do break your bones. But names also hurt, may break reputations may break people's hearts. And this is why the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the head, beef and muscle

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A Muslim is he

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is an honest and true Muslim is He who people are safeguarded from his restaurant

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is very interested in the message of a loss a lot of what he said, Listen to him first. And then he said hand, why? Because the damage of the tongue is greater than the damage of the hand. You have a happy family. And you spread one false rumor about the husband, or the wife, and all that happiness is thrown out of the window. All that happiness is loss. You have a brother and sister chaste.

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Never indulge in a relationship outside marriage, what a rumor about the sister for

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her entire future may be punished. Why? Because this lady had honor and you destroy the honor. So the damage of the tongue is actually worse than the damage of the hat.

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In Islamic law,

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if you say regarding somebody that you committed to you had a relationship outside of marriage, and you can't prove it.

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You know what your punishment will be at lashes.

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Because you have destroyed the owner or you have endeavored to destroy the owner of another individual. Now, this value this principle may sound absurd when you live in a society where premarital * is a law.

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But see, you have to have values, you have to have honor, you don't have any values if it means nothing to you.

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And what really was interesting about this kind of conflict and this fight was brought to the fore to values which are the most valuable ended bolts terrorists to the Muslims. It bought into the equation

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very closely. And secondly, your parents islamically there is no values, which are more important than faith, your belief in the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then secondly, your parents. And these were two things which were violated in this country and

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I was speaking about the pyramids, Allah Subhana Allah sees that Allah prescribes Allah orders that you only worship here while the

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summer and you are good to your parents. Then our last our policies is if one of your two parents grow old with you, or both of them grow old with you, maybe in the UK, but

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do not even say off to them.

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Do not review their

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own getting back and say to them noble worse. Now,

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in the next verse, He said lower your wings, out of humility of humility, out of rahama out of mercy for them and maker tomorrow for them. Oh Allah have mercy on my parents, like they had mercy upon me once I was a child.

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Know that this verse, Allah says, worship Me alone, one verse, that Allah goes, be good to parents, if they become older, do not even say to them,

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Do not rebuke them, say to the noble words. Be humble in front of your parents.

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And make one for that one verse regarding himself the last panel Darla and six commandments regarding your parents, because this is a matar that parents have in the D two when Connor said regarding his father that your father was intrigued, and rightly so. He was upset. And you shouldn't be upset because

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he doesn't get upset when you see in justices.

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When you see wrongs, you should feel upset. That's your short answer.

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Who said to blah, blah. Are you son of a black woman?

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He went to the restroom

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Hello. And the room is on the line with someone and he complained to him as Ebola.

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Bill, in all honesty, you are black.

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What's the issue?

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What he said is not a lie. The message? Well, I didn't say that because he understood what he meant. He was insulting the dear person to hear the message of Allah. He was insulting his mother. So he called a Buddha. And he said,

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Your Honor a man with john Lee, you, john Leon is those shapes which have nothing to do with

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those which occurred before Islam

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to the Sahaba, they said, you know, he, he follows a boo john, and we know what the Buddha said he was.

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He was a homer, but the robber is on the line, he was said.

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He said to the Sahaba, he said, don't, don't mention his father in an evil man, I

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didn't want to hurt you and harm to his father.

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So when he was insulted through his father, he had the right to be angry. This is Laila, Laila, the most precious people to you in this dunya Are your parents, and all I have to offer.

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This is about values. This entire talk is about how to talk to the man

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in front of millions of people,

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in front of millions of people watching this, what did he say? You're the baddest UFC fighter pound for pound in the world.

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The best MMA fighter in the world, nobody touches you pound for pound. And you say when I get home, my father's gonna smash me.

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You know why, but the man who's in all of his boss values.

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We reached the age of 16. I can handle myself. You know, I'm a man Mao. Leave me to it.

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This was a man Boy, you understand why he was a man because he understood the Islamic teaching perspective heroes

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of honor for your parents. And because of his love for his father. I love the look at what his father would say two, he could say in front of the entire dunya his father could say to him,

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that I am gonna treat him worse and my punishment, we will be worse than what the UFC will give him. You know, was it a couple of words to us in front of our friends that we feel really embarrassed, we can show our face And if you don't, why values,

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its values, we have a value for your father, you have a value for your peers, and you will honor them. And let me tell you, if you have no value, if you have no values, then you saw how to do better. If you have no value, then you themself have no value. The second issue was

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religion. I was in the direction

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that the only religion in the eyes of Allah, Islam. There is no other salvific part of Allah, Allah, Islam. The South would say Alhamdulillah he either Islam

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or Praise be to Allah on the favor of Islam.

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And if this was the only favor that Allah gave us, nothing else No. Nothing, it will have sufficed.

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He saw the religion being thrown into the mix.

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You saw when Connor offered him the whiskey. What did he say to really interesting What did he say?

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He said, Hey, the whiskey Have a drink. He said I don't drink. He said why not? What What do you say you need a drink? He was probing he wanted him to say Oh, my religion doesn't allow it. He didn't say that. But he already had his answer. Really? What did you call him? He called him a backwoods.

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See, what does that mean?

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Now Islam become committed to the equation because as a Muslim, you don't drink your backwards you went door to door so don't drink. It's actually a positive in his record. When a Muslim doesn't drink. Oh, this

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is related to backwardness, he must be battled. And this slander this slur is insult

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is not restricted just to Habib.

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He's slaughtered and salted.

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Clearly to brilliant individuals who don't drink that your backwards.

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Because you don't drink that your religion is backwards because you don't drink. And see this is really interesting values. Why? Because see when the guy gave me

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some heavy and then he congratulated him on his whiskey.

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Let's ask ourselves why

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99% of us will remain quiet, we wouldn't have said a word. Why say it? Those who don't mind back? What did he say? You can't get a loan. And they've given congratulations on the whiskey. And this is what youngsters go through day in day out

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with your parents and your 20

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year old brother, your virginity. You don't drink you must be backwards about a man

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who didn't have to say anything. When you're a celebrity. Generally this is a take you don't hold us in anything. But he is folk because he believed. And this is principled. And this is banners. You know people are pleased to share with you happy to be one so he's always happy.

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I said I know it's a Bloodsport, but did you want me to be happy?

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And the title the message of

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the Romans and the Persians had a war.

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The Romans are Christian and the Persians was the Russians, the Persians

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were happy, because these were people that they worship

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and allows

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your room the Byzantines, the Romans have been defeated. And then Allah sees later on Allah.

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But time will come.

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That the that the Christians that the Byzantines will defeat the Persians and allows Pamela seeds when he mentioned this yo money then

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on that day, the believers will become happy

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that the Christians are one, the Christian one do jihad. The Christian didn't believe it allows people to disbelieve in armies fighting each other. But the Muslims were happy because these were people.

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They were closer. So I was actually happy because this fight is a bit more than just two people. This was a brother fighting, and this was a struggle for fighting.

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Do I

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Do I agree with the fact that he jumped the cage?

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Not necessarily.

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I actually think that as a professional, you know, he should have said he should have stayed composed.

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But what can I understand as a believer can the Why? Because it's about values.

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Compete is exalted Your father is exalted your religion. And although you shouldn't have done it, because it could have impacted a lot of innocent people. But 200 degree I can understand because I hold those values. I tell you something, which would really hurt me all those years, and that is evolved to the fight.

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So he had gone up to McGregor and shake shook his hand.

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Now you might be thinking, Well, what do you mean? Sure. Don't we have so many robots on the line? He was so forgave people transgress people, abused him, but the Messenger of Allah

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forgave them. Yes, we do. But that's when it's limited to the person. If he had done that he would have normalized slavery, Muslims are getting away with it, slandering your father and getting away with it. So this this, if somebody transgresses your personal rights, and you forgive them and how they learn something good, but if the implications are wider, that is not actually permitted. Why? Because you didn't normalize.

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People coding was backwards and you say, Oh, it's only outside the rink in the reverse course. It's done and it's done. If we had actually done that, that would have really, really upset by the grace of Allah subhanaw taala. He did it because he understood the why the implication of that action now

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Why don't say that MMA is permitted is Japanese? By no stretch of the imagination.

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Is MMA permitted. But

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did anybody ever say that boxing is gize? Because Muhammad Ali box, nobody said that. Why? Because we'll have it on he was bigger than Foxy.

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This was a man when he passed away, everybody went for enchilada. They were all wanted to carry his generator. He was a boxer, but he was bigger than boxing.

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He was bigger than boxing. And the time when it was not fashionable to be proud of the fact that you're black. He stood up and he was black. At a time when it was not fashionable.

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To be Muslim, he was elusive. And he was proud of the fact that he was a Muslim. When they told him principle valuable, they told him, they took away his title.

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They need jailed him, he went into bankruptcy, all this but the man's the man's still remained firm because the man

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and this is the same I believe about Habib to a degree in a time where it's not fashionable to be to be Muslim. There were, you know, Muslims are high their identity where Islamic organizations will hide their identity or peace, oh, Islam. I've seen Islamic organizations have, you know, a valence where they were a rabbi. They were a Christian Islamic organizations, but they don't have Islamic scholar.

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So are some of the fatwas that Allah give one will make you cringe? Because they make you feel like second class citizens. And you have this guy.

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You have this guy who will come on stage and say Alhamdulillah he will say inshallah he was a martial law. He does so much a vicar. I press conferences. I think I'm sitting in a Sufi.

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Why? Because he's proud. And you know what that is in Buse, in many people pride of their religion in a time where people are not proud to be Muslim, and are finally where people hide their identity. You have here, a young man who doesn't need to do it.

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He doesn't need to do it. But she does it. And really, this is a lesson for us brothers and sisters.

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That we should be proud of our Deen

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there is no greater net mother the net more of this D.

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There is no greater NEMA principle. You saw his Instagram message yesterday. He's ready to give his title in.

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He's ready to give that to keep your $2 million. I would say that 2 million give you $2 million.

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Nobody really say that.

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But he's doing it on principle. And therefore I I no way say Oh, Habib is a wonderful last panel.

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You know, a lot of criticism is meeting with Putin. Now, the truth is, I don't know what was said in that meeting.

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Yeah, we know that Connor brought it up. He lives in Russia. Maybe Maybe he said something to him. Maybe he said something Oh, beneficent benefit. to him. Allah knows only Allah Subhana Allah, Allah knows what he said to him. And therefore as a believer, I'll give my Muslim brother the benefit of the doubt.

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Or even the benefit of the doubt. So in no way

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do I say

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that this guy is a valuable, I'm not telling you now take your pick who lives or copy. But what I'm saying that this issue of values is greater than optimum.

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And if you just keep it to the octagon if you believe that this fight between him

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and the corner was only limited to the octagon, then you missed the point. We can take many value from this, especially the West. No, be proud of your deed. You have this person, you know, around about six months ago, he actually shared one of my talks as more power over to dump in Russia.

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And online when I heard this, that somebody sent it to me that he shared one of your talks. I was shocked. I'll tell you why. I will show

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Because I can guarantee you that 80% of Muslims in this country or in the West would never share that. It was the discussion between Mizzou bear and his mother.

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At that time he had 3 million followers

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vast majority most likely non Muslims and he shared it you know why he shared it? Because he will probably believe

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that talk is one of the motional most emotional talk there is

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his mother says to be said a mother I'm scared when I die she said fight fight like a man and he said what when I die they may be capitated You know what, you know what she said to him? She said oh my son

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as long as she doesn't feel the pain when his skin

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and when he meets he's got his armor on he says when you're wearing the armor for those who desire what you desire, don't wear this. Take it off. And he said I want to get into control you he shared this video

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I asked you only Muslims here would actually share that with you how many Muslims in the West will share that video. Now why and within as this is where we need to know regained.

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We need to regain our confidence as believed our values our values.

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our parents and our Deen are the most important things to us. Our community our brotherhood, look at the man's loyalty. For his brother is ready for his brother He doesn't need to do it for his brother and his brother Brother Brother, a brother in the dean is ready to give throw him his title. He's ready to give a purse 2 million pound purse basically on principle

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and brothers and sisters. You know as believers we are meant to be people of principle. So again, I reiterate the statement. I have no way making Jays MMA. I am not saying that this man is a warrior over last month alone alone lonely alone knows who the willies they are. And I finish off with a staple of the loneliness.

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Only trust in those who are debt, you want to follow the song of anybody if you don't really want to trust in anybody. Trust in those who are dead because they are the only people say focus.

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Don't sustain me. Don't trust in any scholar because tomorrow they can fall into fitna don't trust a beat but what we see today we can take benefit from it. We take the good we leave the last panel of preservers met last one is former strong,

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makers, people principle maker people of value because if you have no values if you have no integrity in the eyes of people, you have no respect

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for one

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