Yousef Bakeer – The Ultimate Goal When Raising Muslim Children

Yousef Bakeer
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of family and the need for parents to be uniting. They touch on the idea of finding the " farm" and achieving the ultimate goal of preserving a successful family through purpose and desires. The journey of learning from the Prophet's teachings is emphasized, along with the importance of faith in building successful families. The speakers stress the need to focus on each stage of one's child's learning journey and not to forget to learn from the Prophet's teachings.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the Hamdulillah, Madhu who want to stay in who want to stop

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Pharaoh, when I would rely to Allah mean truly and fusina will

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say it I'm Melina now Manya de la HuFa la moody la la. Woman *

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lil fella had yella why shadow Hola Hola. Hey Lola whadda hola

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Shari color. Eyeshadow Anna, Mohammed and Abby who are Zulu.

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Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran

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you have been

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talking more or

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law or telco law how caught on call T. Moon tune.

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Tune in

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to Muslim.

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He says all believers have taqwa in Allah subhanho wa Taala which

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means that we should be conscious of him, we should be aware of him.

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And we should protect ourselves from his punishment and his wrath.

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And we shouldn't allow ourselves to die, except in the state of la

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ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, I begin my hotbar by asking ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada first

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and foremost, to send blessings and prayers upon our beloved

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prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allahumma salli wa

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sallim wa barik ala nabina wa Habibi, ana Muhammadan wa ala

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early he was after he was added into steam and cathedra. About

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in the time of Fitton, in the time, when the world is going

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through certain values that's against the Islamic ones. When,

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you know, we be in a time where people are constantly, you know,

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advertising for this idea of individualism, this idea of living

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for your own self, your own self, what matters, your desires, what

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matters, your dreams, what matters, nothing else but

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yourself. We live in a world when the idea of a family is being

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When we think about the prophets of Allah cinemas approach, since

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he came to Dawa, since he started up, you know, preaching to people,

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in his mind was the idea of a family is establishing this sense

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of family is a strength in this idea of family. The whole concept

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of Islam was built on this idea of GEMA.

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And, and that's why in the prophetic traditions, you will

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find that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam constantly talking about

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this idea of GEMA many Hadith that talk about this idea of being

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together as a family of being together as a community, of being

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together as an omen. During the prophets, Allah said, I mean one

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of the most beautiful Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam,

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when he said that a wolf would not attack a sheep that's walking off

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its flock. So if a group of sheeps are walking together, a wolf will

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be so scared to go and attack that group. But if a sheep gets out of

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this group, then a wolf is easier for the wolf to attack it. This

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analogy the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has given us to just

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highlight the importance of being united as an OMA and being united

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as a as a community and then being united as a family.

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Subhanallah you know, the idea of a family, the idea of freezing,

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raising children in the US, or in the West in general, is something

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that we constantly should think about as a community.

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What are the things that we need to consider when it comes to

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raising our children here?

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At the end of the day, the end result? What's the end result?

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What's the purpose? These are questions that we constantly

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should we should ask ourselves? What is the purpose when raising

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our children? I want to ask you this question and ask myself

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so Allah in premarital

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sessions that you give sometimes, what was asked those who are

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considering marriage? I asked him, Do you want to have children? And

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if the answer is yes, then I ask a follow up question. Why? Why do

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you want to have to have

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what is the purpose? What is the reason? You know, in psychology,

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they start speaking about, you know, the parenting and whatnot

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once the baby is delivered, then they start talking about the

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stages where the baby is going to be developed and then you know,

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from zero to five, and then from five to you know, 12 and then you

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know, pre puberty and then post puberty.

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The Islamic approach is a little bit interesting, because it's

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Allah interesting actually, because it talks about this idea

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of parenting before even considering having a child. Allah

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subhanaw taala. In the Quran is called said if kala timbral

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outwear Imran to not be in other two laka Murthy, botany Mahara

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in Raja Emraan, the mother or the wife of Emraan, the mother of

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Maria Maria has Salam. She was concerned before giving birth,

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before giving birth. She was concerned about what about the

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child that is going to come to the world, the purpose of this child

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and she said to Allah, Allah Allah, in order to like Emma for

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the buccaneer, Mahara, ya, Allah, I dedicate my child in my womb to

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you, your Allah, I want that child to be righteous, I want this child

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to be somebody who leaves a mark in this world, I want this child

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to see La ilaha illallah in this world. She was concerned about

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this before giving birth. This is an AI mentality of a Muslim, we as

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Muslims should ask ourselves, when building a family, what exactly we

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want these children to look like? What is the purpose of having

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these children, because if we are lacking that purpose, then by

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default, our children will actually lack that purpose as

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Working with youth for the past, I would say 15 years,

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you know, in different countries, either in Europe, or here in the

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US in New Jersey, or here in Dallas.

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And dealing with parents all times. It taught me something I

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would to summarize all of this experience, I would say, number

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one, first and foremost is is lack of purpose is the top of the

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challenges that I've seen with families, lack of purpose,

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everything evolves around this idea of purpose. The parents, if

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the parents don't have that purpose clear, then by default,

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the children were struggle to to actually find that purpose as

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well. I see it. Two big things that, that this idea of purpose

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comes to place. Number one, first and foremost when we talk about

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this purpose, and before I give this finding purpose in life is

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something that not only the Muslims are looking for, even the

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non Muslims in the past 12 years, over 100,000 books were sold from

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Amazon, that actually talk about purpose. People want to know their

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purpose of life. People want to live meaningful life. I want to

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know why am I here on this earth. I don't want to live like some

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it's like, you know, like an animal. And we'll call him Robbie

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Alana said something very profound about that this idea of purpose.

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He said that the Allah subhanaw taala has created the angels with

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purpose and no desires.

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And Allah has created Allah subhanaw taala has created the

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animals with desires but no purpose.

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And then Allah subhanaw taala has created the human beings with

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purpose and desires. So if then human beings are striving to find

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that purpose, then they're getting closer to the angels. And if the

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human beings are fully drowned by their own desires, just following

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their own desires, then they're getting closer to the animals. And

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then Immanuel Kant said, it might be the human beings higher in

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status than the angels. Why? Because Allah has given us the

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choice and that choice is the test. The angels lie as soon Allah

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Amara Humvee only obey Allah. They cannot go against Allah's

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obedience. But the human beings Allah has given us that choice

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that tests

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and so if we were to strive to find that purpose, we might be

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higher status than the angels. And then he said that you will miss

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can actually be worse than the animals.

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Why? Because the animals don't have that choice. Allah has

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created them this way. They're just you know, the drink and eaten

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meat. This is what

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Animals do. And so if the human being voluntarily decides to

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follow to follow their, you know, desires blindly, then that's a

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choice. You decide to follow your own desires.

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And so going back to this idea of purpose,

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you know, when talking when raising our children, we have to

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emphasize this idea of the ultimate goal. As a child, I have

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a mind that when I'm raising my child, I want that child to be

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first and foremost, the son, my son, I want him I want him to be a

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successful father, and husband.

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And I want to preserve his Deen.

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And for my daughter, I want my daughter, that's the ultimate

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goal, the ultimate goal. I want my daughter to be a successful wife,

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slash mother. And I want her to preserve her dream.

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That's the summary.

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I want them to be successful and building their future homes. And

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that, by the way, will require a lot of work. We're not there yet.

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We didn't talk about what actually can get us there. That requires a

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series of lectures. But we're just breaking it down today in this

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hotbed in sha Allah Tala, just to understand the the ultimate goals.

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So we have it in mind, if we are lacking the ultimate destination,

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then we will never be able to reach it.

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I want to go to Florida, Florida is my destination. And therefore I

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will plan accordingly to actually reach that destination. But if

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that destination is not very clear to me, then I will get lost. And

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Wallahi many parents over there, they're actually trying to find

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that, you know, destination.

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But again, if the destination is not clear, then we will end up

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actually trying, and sometimes you're putting an effort in the

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wrong in the wrong track in the wrong direction.

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Bottom line is as Muslimeen we want to raise our children to

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preserve a successful family.

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While they're preserving their faith, to things

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if we're able to actually evolve all of our efforts around these

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two concepts, then Wallahi we're actually we're actually striving

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towards achieving what Allah subhanaw taala wants to see from

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how to do so this is a big subject. These are a series of

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lectures. But that's the destination. That's the goal.

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Preserving one is faith. Yes. Especially here in the West. Yes,

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absolutely. Absolutely. When does that start? It starts with a very

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young age, at very young age. When sometimes, you know parents come

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to me and with with with problems with their teenagers. Sometimes

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they look at them and say, You know what? It's too late now. We

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can definitely try. We can, we'll definitely have to try. But it's

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too late. And they look at me as like What do you mean, but what do

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you mean by it's too late? I told them at the age at least at the

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age of four. You start this journey of getting their hearts

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connected to Allah subhanaw taala at that age for

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and how so? This is what the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has done

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has done it before with the Sahaba one of the Sahaba said Can they be

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useful Allah Allah Salam, your alumina, l e man whom Al Quran,

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Allah Mata alumna Al Quran is dead in that manner. He said the

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Prophet was so concerned when I was young Sahabi was talking about

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his own journey with the Prophet. So when I was young, the Prophet

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salallahu Salam used to focus so much on this idea of, of nailing

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and cementing this faith within our hearts a very young age, even

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before teaching us the Quran, he used to teach us who Allah

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subhanaw taala is,

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who are the prophets before him and how their journey looked like.

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All of that connects our children to Allah subhanho wa Taala it's a

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Inside psychology they say the the thing that you do frequently in

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your daily basis will have an impact on you on the long term. No

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matter what you exercise every day. You're you're into

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basketball, and your exercise you're working out every day. It

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means that eventually you will be in shape and you will master that

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sport. It's a fact. Imagine every day I remind my children are very

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the first thing in the morning. The first thing in them

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Morning, I take my children and I teach them to is to call them in

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and know that the DUA that we should recite when we wake up in

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the morning Alhamdulillah Allah the hyaena Didyma Matana we're

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elating the show. Yeah, Allah, we thank You that You have given us

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life after death. And we know that eventually we'll be restricted to

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you or Allah. That's a dua that we all should say in the morning. But

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just imagine your child at the age of three or four,

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all of his life every single day. He reminds by himself by who, by

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his Lord by Allah, and his thanking Allah for giving him life

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on a daily basis. And then he's saying, Yeah, Allah, I know that I

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will be restricted to you.

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And then he starts the morning at car, and I make sure I make sure

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that I actually sit down with my children and recite those altcar

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in a daily basis. All of the earth car, the morning I've called the

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moon Morning, guys evolve around what around Allah, His beautiful

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names, his beautiful attributes, and reminding ourselves that

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eventually we will go to him. Imagine in a daily basis, at the

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age of three or 4am, actually reminding my child and reminding

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myself by Allah subhanho wa taala.

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Eventually, that has to have an impact on him growing up, you

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might say, like brotherhood, but you're kind of making it so

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simple. Right now, there's, you know, there is massive,

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aggressive, you know, atheism, that's attacking our youth. I

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understand that you acknowledge this. And I'm telling you, that it

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starts here.

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It starts here, at very young age at the age of three, yes, at the

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age of three.

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And then, teaching them the lives of the Sahaba of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The beautiful characteristics of the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam call it a Shema in Abuja,

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the beauty of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and

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in teaching them the prophets before the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, then teach them as mal Prusiner at the beautiful

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names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala that eventually

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will get their hearts attached to Allah subhanaw taala then when

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they hit teenagers, when they actually 1516 1718 Now we actually

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can enhance our conversation a little higher, and talk about you

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know, theological, you know, aspects of our religion and what

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you know, what are the proofs of the existence of Allah subhanaw

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taala and we can talk about this, but build the foundation first. If

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you have a child at this age, I urge you to consider this. Since

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today, do not skip one day, every single day, every single day, when

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they wake up the morning.

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And before they sleep do I know

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story time we talk about the prophets of Allah Islam the

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battles of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the way the Prophet

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carried himself

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the Rama of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Hikmah the

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wisdom of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam some incidents that

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happened and took place at his his lifetime and how the prophets

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Allah Selim dealt with it

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in a daily basis and routine Wallahi that is the best

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investments that is the best investment that you can do to your

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child at very young age.

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Growing up, many other issues will appear.

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And so Allah Tala muy, muy, if Allah subhanaw taala wills for me

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to meet you again. I want to talk about each stage, each stage, and

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what are the requirements of each stage? If I have if I have a child

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at the age of 10, what are the major things that I need to focus

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on when raising him? If I have a child in 1617?

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What are the major things that I should focus on? Every stage has

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its own techniques, you cannot deal with your child at the age of

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four the same way you do with your child at the age of 15 and 16.

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Every stage our children, their brain work differently at each

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And therefore, this is this is a subject that I'm bringing to you

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today. I'm just opening opening a conversation I guess, because

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there is absolutely no way that it you know, in 25 minutes, we can

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actually cover this huge subject, but I'm just open

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Winning this conversation, opening this discussion,

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what are our ultimate goals? And then each stage of my child needs

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certain elements that I need to focus on. So I can actually raise

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somebody who is successful building a family and who is

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preserving his faith is preserving lack Allah illAllah Muhammad

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam maculicola had suffered

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while you?

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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim o salat wa salam ala Rasulillah paella alihi

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wa sahbihi wa salam Sleeman Kathira Subhan Allah and the

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Prophet sallallahu Sallam started his Dawa in Makkah, he did not

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overwhelm the Sahaba with rulings with the rulings of cm with the

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rulings of you know Salah with the rulings of Hajj. He did not focus

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on all of that. He was only focusing on one element, one

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element. And by the way, do you want to differentiate between the

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mucky and Saudis and the Mediterranean surah in the Quran,

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there is actually a very simple way to actually get to see that

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difference. The mucky and Surah as all of the sewers will revealed in

00:21:28 --> 00:21:34

Mecca, are focusing on this idea of la ilaha illAllah Muhammad

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Rasul Allah, this idea of faith,

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you will find Allah always speaking about, you know, his

00:21:41 --> 00:21:46

creation, the creation of mankind, the creation of the universe, his

00:21:46 --> 00:21:50

beautiful names, the way he described himself, all of that is

00:21:50 --> 00:21:56

to do what is to make the Sahaba attached to that the ultimate goal

00:21:56 --> 00:22:00

which is faith. And then eventually when they get this,

00:22:00 --> 00:22:04

then that, you know, along the road they can build on that that's

00:22:04 --> 00:22:08

the foundation. In Medina, Allah has revealed all of the Arcam all

00:22:08 --> 00:22:13

of the rulings, but after what, after building the foundation,

00:22:13 --> 00:22:14

first and foremost,

00:22:15 --> 00:22:18

you will see Allah subhanaw taala and the McKeon sutras by the way I

00:22:18 --> 00:22:21

would consider teaching my children first the mucky and

00:22:21 --> 00:22:26

soulless, all the sores that talk about Allah and talk about his

00:22:26 --> 00:22:31

creation. Make your child love Allah subhanho wa Taala young age

00:22:31 --> 00:22:34

through the McKeehan source and the medina sewers of course, but

00:22:34 --> 00:22:39

just the Macuser is like it's it's it's overwhelming information

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about who Allah is beautiful,

00:22:43 --> 00:22:48

beautiful and Sahaba Ludo Allah Allah him in Medina eventually the

00:22:48 --> 00:22:52

the the just grew drastically why because they were hollows they

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were built in this concept of faith was built in already. And so

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in Medina, it was now the time where we go and we we did all the

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ones for fights and battles and then the you came back to Mecca,

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the conquered Mecca, the open Mecca, that you know, character of

00:23:11 --> 00:23:16

a Sahabi, who was able to go back to his own town and open Mecca was

00:23:16 --> 00:23:20

not, you know, built overnight. That's on the course of 13 years

00:23:20 --> 00:23:27

of Makkah, cementing this idea of faith. So yes, it starts it takes

00:23:27 --> 00:23:31

time. It's a long journey. It's a long investment, but Oh Allah,

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it's worth it. I ask Allah subhanaw taala to make our

00:23:35 --> 00:23:39

children steadfast under the rubble alameen and ask Allah

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subhanho wa Taala to strengthen our children's faith here at

00:23:42 --> 00:23:46

Carmela Grameen, Aloha MFI Luna de nobuna Westlife and FE M Rena with

00:23:46 --> 00:23:50

a bit after them and also now call me Catherine along Marina haka con

00:23:50 --> 00:23:53

Audiokinetic Ah, we're adding a Delta about now we're looking at

00:23:53 --> 00:23:56

NAB, Robin and Hubble and I mean as well as in our react in our

00:23:56 --> 00:24:00

Kurata ion channel Matakana EMA welcome sada

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