The purpose of the journey is not to be perfect

Yasmin Mogahed


Channel: Yasmin Mogahed

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purpose of this journey is not to be necessarily comfortable. But the purpose of this journey is to grow and to become purified and to become more beautiful and to grow in our character and to develop our character and to become closer to Allah subhanaw taala. When we are clear of that perspective, then the way in which we deal with our lives becomes very, very different. It transforms the way we interact with our lives. It transforms the way we understand our hardships. It transforms the way we understand our struggles, it transforms the way we understand loss. It transforms the way we understand what it means to not get what we want all the time. It transforms the whole concept of

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our relationships, that relationships are no longer just about feeding me, but they're about building me they're about making me better building my character. When we have our focus clear, then the way in which we interact with our with our entire life transforms