Yasmin Mogahed – Hijab – Trends Interview

Yasmin Mogahed
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses her past experiences with wearing theents and her belief in the world and herself. She emphasizes the importance of strong foundation to be recognized and respected by human beings, such as building a strong foundation with Allah's Islam subhanaw and not just trying to avoid it. She suggests individuals should make their foundation stronger through strong relationships with their waif, such as being engaged in events like the Red Cross and strengthening their bond with their waif through strong relationships.
AI: Transcript ©
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So I started wearing Hijab when I was between 13 and 14 years old. And I, what motivated me to do it is that I was actually I used to be pretty active when I was in middle school in high school in these youth camps, Muslim youth of North minute specifically Muslim youth of North America. And one time when, summer after eighth grade, I was a summer between eighth grade and ninth grade, I went to a minicamp. And this particular minicamp for some reason, I just felt at the end of the camp, I wanted to change my life, I wanted to become more serious about my stomach identity. And so at that time, I made a couple of decisions. And one of those decisions was that I would be absolutely

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committed and regular to my prayers to my salon. And because I like a lot of middle schoolers, I was, you know, on and off. And I decided at that point that I was going to be committed to my salon, I was never going to miss my salon. And then it was also at that time that I decided to wear hijab starting before the next school year, so I went into high school wearing the hijab, so hijab, to me, means so many things, it's something that is absolutely a part of my identity now. But most of all, hijab is a symbol of my love of Allah, my love of God, my

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my commitment to the fact that as a woman, I am not to be objectified. There's so much objectification of women in our, in our society, and in ads and in media. And I feel, I feel like my hijab is a symbol of empowerment. In that it it says, you know, it's a symbol for me that represents that I am, what's most important about me is my relationship with my Creator. I'm not to be on display, I'm not a body, I'm not the external, but I am the internal. And it's a decision that I've made, to put a love first to put my Creator first. And what is beautiful to my creator is more important to me than what's beautiful to society from the beginning of my journey with hijab, I feel

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that I've worn it from the beginning, for the the reasons that I still wear it today. It was actually a very funny story. When I told my mother when I was like 1314 years old, I told her, you know, Mama, I'm gonna start wearing Hijab and her reaction was so funny. I still remember what she said, her initial reaction was, I'm not forcing you. I was like, we're not forcing you. It was like, Yeah, no, Mama, I want to wear it. So it was like, it was like a, it was just like this further emphasis of the fact that it was my decision. It wasn't anything coming from my society wasn't coming from my parents, it was like, obviously come from a husband, I was like, I was a kid, you

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know, but, but it was just something from internal inside of myself. And so because I had that strong conviction, that this is part of my path to God. And I continue to feel that way about it till today. I honestly, I feel very, very blessed in that

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sense have this belief about

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the world around us. And that belief is that

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when you become very, very firm, internally, when you become very firm, and strong in your conviction internally, you actually people see that, like you give off. People can tell whether you're confident, whether you're firm in what you're doing, and what you believe in, or if you're not. And so I truly believe that our what we need to do as women is and as women and men really is that is that wet is to be convicted is to be convinced and to be, and to have conviction in our faith and in our beliefs. And when we do that, what happens is, no matter, really, no matter who it is, human beings have respect for that there is there is a respect for a person, even when you don't

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you agree with them, even if you disagree with them, but you respect their conviction. And so I think that, that as long as we are a people of conviction and strength, that that that comes off and people people no matter who they are, in general, I found they respect that they respect a person who's stands up for what they believe in and stays for a minute. One of the things I mentioned the beginning was that was the salon and I truly believe that there is a very there is a very strong link between our salon hours, our prayers and everything else in our life including hijab including any any other acts of devotion. So what my advice would be to people considering putting it on or

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considering taking it off, is that make your foundation strong with Allah subhanaw taala. And the, the best way to make that foundation strong is by building a strong relationship with your Salah. And as long as a person does not

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compromise in that in that relationship, specifically the commitment to sola, sola and salon time, as long as a person stays firm in that anything else will become easier. And that's just that's a basic that I've learned. And I've, I've I teach, because either those who are just thinking about putting it on or those thinking about turning, putting it off, taking it off. It's all linked to the salon. I truly believe that I believe that.

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There that hijab is a symptom. In a sense, it's an it's a, it's a symptom of our, the, our relationship with Allah subhanaw taala. In other words, it's a manifestation. It's one and let me correct. Let me let me emphasize it's one of many manifestations of our relationship with Allah. Because at the end of the day, it's one of many acts of devotion that we do for God. Why do we wear hijab because Allah said, so, you know, people can give lots of reasons. Yes, I gave I gave the benefits of, of not of showing the basically making a statement that I'm not objectified. Obviously, that's a that's a benefit. modesty is a benefit. But what's the actual core reason that we wear

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hijab? Because Allah said so and because we are slaves of Allah and it's part of our semana will altana we hear and we obey. And so

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why, what why I'm saying it's a it's a it's a manifestation of our devotion to a love. And when a person gets to a point where they feel like they want to take it off, or they're having trouble with it, you know, I've had people come to me and asked me that question, you know, what advice do I give and my advice Honestly, I don't talk about the hijab, I go back to the route, I go back to the route and the route is in the relationship with Allah subhanaw taala specifically in the salon, that if a person can strengthen the the relationship with Allah subhanaw taala and, and that bond with a lot through the salon, then it will become easier to wear the hijab, and to keep it on, and not just the

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hijab. Obviously, any act of worship will become easier when our bond with a loss of Paragon is strong.

An interview regarding Hijab with Yasmin Mogahed

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