The Deen Show – Muslim Revert Sinead O’Connor has just passed away Her first interview on Islam

The Deen Show
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the deaths of Sinead O'Connor and the importance of protecting one's privacy and avoiding negative media impacts. The host of the interview discusses the confusion surrounding Islam and the impact it has on people, particularly the way people speak and wear. The importance of acceptance and learning to be a creator is emphasized, as well as the dangerous and transferable nature of Islam. The segment ends with a promise to provide a free copy of the Quran.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum. Everybody grieves a peace. The headlines are reading all over Iris singer sinead o'connor if you haven't heard, the sad news has died at the age of 56 causes of death are unknown at this time. May God Almighty Allah the Creator, have mercy on her and grant her agenda. But we do begin with that breaking news from the music world. ABC News is learning that Irish singer Sinead O'Connor has died at the age of 56. Many news agencies are reporting on this breaking news, covering different portions of her life. What made her famous the early portions of her life, some of the controversies like her tearing up the picture of the Pope because she was protesting the abuse. And

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the scandals in the church regarding the children that later came to the mainstream now also went through some of the support to see how much time they gave, if any, to the greatest decision that she made in her life was a few years back before she died, accepting Islam at the time, this was huge news. They're not really given too much focus on it. I'd like to hear what you guys have to say. What do you have to say about that? Leave it in the comments below. But for those of you who want to know, I was fortunate enough, I was blessed to go ahead and speak to sinead o'connor off camera and on camera, she made a promise that she would only talk to me. And also I made a promise

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that I would only talk to you that when I was ready to talk about this, I would only talk to us when she was ready to talk shortly after she accepted Islam and Sinead O'Connor she kept her promise. And we had an historic, exclusive interview. So I thought it'd be a great opportunity for those who have not seen the interview, who are really curious to know, towards the end of her life before her death. Why would Sinead O'Connor, she was a legend in her air, Irish icon, somebody who was like an Elvis Presley of her time, very famous, well known, she ends up accepting Islam, they're not touching upon it too much. So for the reporters out there for the news agencies, they can also watch

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this interview that we did if they want to be fair and balanced. They can go ahead and report also, on many of the things that she discussed, she may she gives some very intelligent answers to the questions that I've asked her. And you guys can go ahead and benefit from this interview. She really, really went against the odds. And she was bold and fearless and accepting Islam why? That's the question, or you're only going to find out truly, because this was one of the only interviews that happen out there the first. So we made history with this Alhamdulillah. And going deep into her story here on the deen show. So I hope you enjoy and hopefully this can be a benefit to open your

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heart, open your mind. And enjoy this interview I did with Sinead O'Connor and at the end, I'm going to have a special gift for you. There is no introduction needed. We're with Sinead O'Connor, one of the legends out there you you actually made a statement. And it's really profound. But But first, before that, I want to say that you you purposely didn't want to do any interviews, because you didn't want people questioning your sincerity and this decision of becoming a muslim? No, it was more because I felt that I didn't want to have to.

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A it wasn't it was a private decision. Yeah. And be I didn't want to I didn't enjoy privately having to justify it to people so much. There's so much stigma, you know, and I felt like, you know, I don't have to explain to you or to anybody else why I became a Muslim. And that's it. That's what I was trying to avoid. I didn't feel like I had to explain it to anybody, you know, denials, very good advice, which from you know, someone whose name I'm I promise, not to mention, but a prominent musician, who also became a Muslim advised me that the best thing I could do would be to keep as quiet as possible, you know. So I made a promise to myself that for a certain length of time, I

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would not go to the mosque, for example, because I didn't want media following me there. Yeah, I'm bringing all of that there. And also, I made a promise that I would only talk to you that when I was ready to talk about it, I would only talk to you so I'm not after this. I'm not talking about it. You know, although saying and saying that. I know that can't be true a because I'm female and I love talking.

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I feel so passionately about Islam, and passionately about defending against stigma that I probably will talk a lot about, but I wasn't ready, you know. Well, thank you so much. Thank you for coming on today's show is Do you Do you find it ironic that people can make all day

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Run personal decisions in life and they won't catch as much heat. They'll do all sorts of things. And now why when it comes to Islam, now it's like everybody's, you know, bizarre? Well, you know why it's because the very tenant tenets of Islam are against everything the world worships the world worships money. That is, is the truth and has the truth and has the truths, plural. And that's why it's so dangerous. Our culture is built on one great big lie, which is that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, right? And all the ensuing lies that can be manipulated out of that, including the very idea that Constantine had some type of epiphany. Sure he did. He wanted to exploit something and cause a

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whole series of lies. And that's what happened. Islam is the truth, the person who has the truth, and who also has nothing to lose is an extremely dangerous person, you know. And that's what how Islam is perceived. In Ireland. Also, we suffered from the same stigma also because of extremists, that we also had extremists because we had a war going on here. And there was a prejudiced and false idea that if you stood up at all, for Irish nationalism, this meant that you supported terrorism, you know, and I think that your faults may have meant that you know, and I think that Islam has suffered from the same stigma that because there are extremists, and there are terrorists, it's very

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easy for those who want to stigmatize us to say that we're all terrorists, and we all support terrorism, which of course, we don't, you know,

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so and then I found, what I was amazed by was the prejudice I found from women about the fact that I choose to wear hijab,

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because I find it amusing, because to me, they're saying to me that, oh, you're trying to comply with Eastern man's view of beauty. First of all, I'm not at the stage of me, I'm not beautiful at all. But secondly, it's nothing to do with that. It's a choice. And in fact, under the under the Islamic law, my age, I don't have to wear hijab, actually. But what amazes me about it is that these women have their hair bleached blonde, it's got a thing going across here, and it goes down here, their hair, their hair itself is a hedgehog, they're very hair, they're trying to conform, in fact, to Western man's idea of beauty. So I keep saying, Well, if you don't like your job and shave your

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hair, same thing, there's no difference.

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But I'm amazed at the prejudice about that. I find more prejudice by wearing the hijab and about actually becoming Muslim, you know. And so consequently, I love wearing a shirt, you know, and I feel naked without

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people. I mean, you pretty much to sum it up. You said by saying the shahada, by accepting Islam is that you love the Creator of the heavens and earth first and foremost, beyond materialism, beyond anything in creation. You did what Jesus did, you did with Moses and all these great messengers, God Almighty sent, that's all you're doing. In essence, you're just choosing to love and put God Almighty first thing, I'm not gonna do anything but the Creator. That's, that's what Islam is. What happened to me was, I had been studying theology since I was seven years of age, really, in truth. And I had gone to college and I had studied all different kinds of things. And I had left Islam to

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last for some reason, probably because I have prejudice, you know. And then what happened was, and only yesterday in the Quran, did I hear it being sad that this would happen to people who happened to me was as soon as I started to read it and listen to it, I realize, Oh, my God, I've been a Muslim all my life. And I didn't know wow, yeah, I was all my life because it's a headspace. It's a way of thinking, Islam as a way of thinking about God. It's exactly what you just said, somebody who believes that nothing in this world should be worshipped more than God. Even though I fail sometimes. I'm not perfect. I fail. I worry about money. I worry about the teams that we all worry

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about. I forget sometimes that I don't need to do that. You know, I mean,

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you know, and you know, so yeah, that's what happened to me. What if you say, why did you become Why did you decide to revert? Revert is the right word? Yes. I was always always Muslim. Even knowledge. Yeah, that's, that's that's the belief that every child is born in a natural state. If you left it alone, it would worship just to create or the one God alone. Yeah. And that's what you did. You came back to the natural way you came back in a pure way a pure monotheism, worshipping the one God. And it's very much for me about the strength of the Scriptures, the intelligence, the sheer intelligence of the scriptures, that I just knew immediately, like nobody wrote this book. God, nobody signed

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this to Gabriel or tomorrow, my book God, nobody could have created a book. God is so intelligent and so you know, it's mind blowing. I can't even find words. It's mind blowing. Every time I listen to that, I'm more mind blown up

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What I love as well, which is probably I shouldn't love but I do. Some of the insults Irish people love insults, and I love them when God gets annoyed in the Quran when Allah says things like, we will brand him upon this now.

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And things like that when God is in a temporary, it's kind of funny, some of the things I love so much when he says, you know, if there were two gods in the sky, you would have ruined both of them. Yeah, that talks about the religion that I left religion before and into, which is Catholicism. You know, that, to me sums up Catholicism if there were if there were, as they believe more to Gods, which is the devil, is there another God?

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Like both of them, you know, yes.

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I've had the honor to leave behind that.

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Religion of lies.

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Now, the Irish people have a really good history with the Muslims, I remember the potato famine, at one point when you had this potato famine, and then the Muslims came and you know, lend support and, and the Irish have really been loyal to that and they respected that that you know, that help and the Irish are really amazing people. We have the second largest minority, if you like, or a majority in this country is Islamic people as Muslims. So we have a huge Muslim culture now, you know, but it's not big enough because there's not enough masks. You know, the need to be more a mosque, but still, the we are now Thank God we use when I was growing up, it was only Catholicism here. But in

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this country now, there are many different religions, but after Catholicism that the strongest and most fastest growing religion in this country is Islam. Yes. And so the course the Catholic Church and terrified of Islam, come on. I mean, it's a no brainer, and they have every reason to be terrified. You know, if it's good enough for Muhammad Ali is good enough for me, and it's good for anybody else. You never say but good enough for Muhammad Ali. It's a very frightening thing to cover. From anyway, I can explain that for an hour, but I think you'd understand what I'm saying. Yeah, maybe you can because you are you are the person that Conor McGregor picked out of everyone to

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come out for his opening song. Maybe now you can actually get help get some Dawa and invite him to this purpose of life. You know, maybe you can get him now like he invited you you can invite him for a sit down and talk to Conor McGregor. Yeah, but you know, what I really believe is that, you know, in the scripture where it says, you know, take me by the forelock and make Islam the limit of my desire. You know, Allah will take who he wants. Yeah. He wills Yes. Precisely. I don't feel like it's my job to convert any No, no, that's not our job is just to be the best human beings we can and to convey you know, to try to do our best to come Yeah, yeah. I don't know because I really do feel

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I love that part of the scripture that this idea of allowed to buy the forelock and Britain you need to Islam if you know and you won't you won't understand the crowd and or understand Islam at all. It isn't already in your genomes, and nobody can put that in here.

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How was it also we when Lindsay Lohan Do you know her when she started reading the Quran, you know, she she's, she's trying to, you know, get her life together. And then as soon as the whiff got around that she was reading the Quran, she also caught some heat. Did you ever talk to her? Realize until after I converted that she had done the same? I saw an article about it. So I didn't read I didn't realize she had done not at all, but I was delighted to know. Yeah, I don't know her I never met her.

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So you made you made a statement is very powerful.

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proud to have become Muslim, the natural conclusion of any intellectual, so any intellectual theologians journey. I mean, that's such a profound statement. I mean, this is not something that's hard to figure out. One God worship Him alone, simple, easy to understand. And also, you know, no theologian, as far as I'm concerned has the right to call themselves a theologian, if they have not studied the Quran. They have deeply listened and I don't mean read it. This is not for reading as such, he does it to me, I don't get it when I just look at it with my eyes. I have to hear the way it was designed to be heard, you know.

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But you can't say you're intelligent, intelligent, if you haven't studied Islam, as far as I'm concerned, and if you study to look to Islam, and say you're a theologian and come out, trying to crucify as, then you're not a theologian, either, because you don't have the intelligence. Only only an intelligent theologian come here to Karana go. I'm home. That's how do you know? Yes, you are. How is it now? Because you you almost like conquered the world. I mean, what I mean by that is that you had everything that this world can offer.

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Right. And many people are still chasing that they feel like if I just make a hit record, if I just make, you know, a little more more money, you know, how does it compare? Because you've been all that? And what advice do you have for people who they don't, you know, take it to the next level, they just, you know, succumb to their desires and just want to chase material, the material things, but they forget about connecting with the One who created them. Well, you know, I'm no different. I'm the same as every other human being. We all do that. We all do that we're all flawed. I'm no different. As I said to you earlier on, I worry about money. You know, I'm not as rich as people

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might think I am, you know, 32 years ago, I had one hit records do not I'm trying to work to make my money, same as anyone else. I'm not broke, and I'm not a poverty. Do you know what I mean? But, ya know, I worry about the same things I forget, sometimes, as I told you earlier to remember that I don't need to worry, you know, yes. Yeah. So I don't feel like I'm in a position to advise any person who is suffering, because, you know, I would advise people, obviously, to hear the Koran and to believe I'm talking to myself, even when I say this, to believe that there's no reason to assume a God, because God has always taken care of me. So I have no reason to assume he won't continue to

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take care of me. But you know, I suppose it's very hard. You can't from a position of feeling okay, lecture people who are not okay. So how they should, you know, I'm saying,

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sometimes faith doesn't put food in your mouth. You know, that's the facts. The fact is, there are an awful lot of people in the world as we're talking who are dying of starvation, even though their most faithful people on earth.

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I can't advise those people how they should feel or

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how do you have some people come around? I mean, now from the shock, have some friends or family like after they've Has anyone taken the initiative to be like, Hold on, let me open this Koran up, let me actually see for myself instead of hearsay. Well, the people close to me were very good to me about it, actually. And the person who has become interested is my father, who is a very religious person, your father, my father's very religious person, and he is very interested in I have a hobby, which is painting scriptures. I've always painted scriptures and I made him recently, the scripture that says not a leaf falls, but he knows it. Allah, Masha, Allah gave that to him for Father's Day,

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and he loved it. So he said that he would like to start to read the Quran. But I keep saying to people, no, don't read it. Listen to it.

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It's not designed for reading Muhammad couldn't read, as it said in the prophet Isaiah. Right It was predicted in Isaiah saying he's gonna be illiterate he got depressed. That's actually a prophecy prophesied the last in front of Mr. Prophet Muhammad. Yeah.

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Book of Isaiah 29 Chapter 29. Yeah. So it's not so I keep saying to people, no, please don't read it. It's not for reading it's for listening to Muhammad, don't you think he must have been a beautiful singer? He must have a beautiful voice, you know, to recite the Quran to be the first person chosen by God to recite the Quran he must have had some voice Yeah, it just amazing goes beyond comprehension that a man who was illiterate he couldn't read or write someone who was known as being Allah mean the trustworthy to be able to compile a book today that's memorized by millions, I mean, all over the world. And sometimes even if a person can't understand what's being said, but

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the here the Quran is powerful, it's very quickly, I find it much more powerful to hear, like, if you look at how it was created, it was designed for the air. Music. I mean, it's I know that this is not PC, to call it singing because it is recitation. But it's like singing. It's similar. It's similar to singing. So music You see, when when something is delivered that way, it's the only thing that doesn't go through your intellect before it gets to your soul. It goes straight to your soul. See, if you read a thing is going through your intellect, you're thinking about it as you're reading it, you know, whereas when you listen to it, you just carry it away, and you're going somewhere else

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So what I love is on YouTube, they have this and this is what I always tell people on YouTube, they have these beautiful recitations where someone is reciting it in Arabic, and then someone speaks the meaning of the paragraph in English. You know, I've been the one that I use called journey through the Korea clan. That's just him speaking. That's Jeremy to the Koran. But there's some beautiful playlists where you can hear it being recited and also spoken. Yeah, yeah. So that's what I would advise is that there has to be listened to. So we'll leave that some advice from sinead o'connor to listen to the Quran to pick it up. At least listen to it. And why not ask the Creator who created

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the heavens and earth I'm sure like you did a loan for guidance if one is seeking permission

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If you want to know purpose as very straightforward and simple,

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yeah, very, very nice. Thank you so much, Sinead O'Connor what another thing is, before we cut out, do you find that because of the, the Irish people were were also there was at one point in time, you know, being a minority they were also there was a lot of some negative press. Do they relate more with Muslims nowadays knowing that, you know, Muslims are some of the most oppressed people in the world and some of this media hype that Muslims are terrorists and all this other, you know, hype that's this false narrative that's being perpetuated. They can see through this. Yes, absolutely. That's why people like me are reverting that's exact, we can see completely and utterly through it.

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You can see Yeah, of course we can, because of what's happened in our own church, the scandals that everything that's been going on for the last 30 years, 20 years that people have been discovering the lies that we've been discovering this horrible state, the horrible smell of oppression of the most vulnerable, you know, we've been watching what's been happening in the world Palestine everywhere. We're not stupid. We're not stupid people. I just came from and you can, inshallah God willing put it, put it on your to do list to visit a hidden gem. I came from there. And I like to say that

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there's a deep history in Bosnia. And this is where my family's from. And when you study the history of how the Bosnians came to Islam, they were actually crit Unitarians, the true Christians who didn't believe Jesus was God or literal Son of God. And they also disconnected from the church. And they were considered heretical. But they were just ones who just wanted to worship like you like yourself. They just wanted to worship the one God. And then when Islam came submission to the will of God, Islam, it fit like a glove, they accepted it. And this is how Islam came to, to Bosnia.

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I'm sorry, go. No, and this and this is why we'd like to say that I make these points because many times people think this is something of the other is something far away. But man, we could say, Well, look, we were the original Christ followers, the ones who followed Christ in pure monotheism. Well, that's exactly why Islam is so dangerous, in inverted commas to be open to the world that worships money, because as we said earlier on at the beginning of this interview, Islam is the truth and has the truths. You know, that's very, very dangerous. And then you have an element of Islam or feels understandably, like it has nothing to lose. If you oppress people long enough, they're going

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to feel like I got nothing to lose. And there's nothing more dangerous than somebody armed with the truth, who also feels they've got nothing to lose. You know. Thank you so much. May God Almighty the Creator Allah and Aramaic, the language Jesus spoke, who we love and revere, he will say Allah Hi. So that's the same creator. And he would say, peace be unto you, shalom, oh, Lake, we say a Salam aleikum. You see what bridging those those gaps, educating the people so they can say like, wow, like you did? Wow, that makes sense. I want to check that out.

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I say what I like to my salaam, thank you. Yes. Thank you so much, sister. May Allah continued to bless you, and keep you preserve you and keep you safe. Thank you so much for being on the D show now with sinead o'connor brothers and sisters again. May God Almighty Allah have mercy on her and grant her gender it should be a wake up call for all of us, that this life is transitory it's very short and death can come at any time. So just like sinead o'connor being in a position of ultimate fame, and stardom and money. And then finally towards the end of her life, she before dying a few years back, she accepted Islam.

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And now for the people out there who are seeking to know the purpose of life. And what's this book that Sinead O'Connor was talking about? If you open your high heart, open your mind, and you beseech the Creator of heavens and earth for guidance, and then read the book, read the book, we'll send you the book, I'll send you the book as a gift. And if you have any questions, go ahead. Don't be shy Tom at Essentia, one 800 662 Islam. And that should be something that should really shake people up death. What are you going to do with all that money you accumulate? At the end of the day? What are you going to do with all those cars and you'll enjoy it for a little bit of time, then it gets

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played out. And then what happens with everything, you're going to leave it all behind. At the end of the day, it's not going to go with you. But your belief what you believed in any good that you've done. These are things that are going to be transferable to the next. But then there's a paradise. And if you work for it, just like if you work for that paycheck, you working hard, you put the time and you put the effort, and then you get paid. But if you don't show up to work, if you don't obey your boss, what's going to happen, you're going to get fired. And we've got Almighty Allah, if you don't fulfill your responsibility, roles and obligations. That fire is the Hellfire side of the

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love. We're trying to get people to contemplate and think save people from the hellfire. Get them to

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agenda to paradise. And the roadmap for all of this is in the iron. That's the book that Sinead O'Connor was talking about. So contemplate and think the lights will come on the party will end the buzzer will go away and then what do you got? What have you live for 7080 90 years old if you make it to that much and then what? Health issues teeth falling out gray hairs start kicking in and what's it all for? What's it all for at the end? But if you fulfill your purpose and now when you transition from this life and you go on to the next is eternity brothers and sisters eternity in Jana, and gentleness is based on proof and evidence it's not blind faith and it's not a irrational

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belief is the belief of worshipping one and only one God Almighty alone, worshiping the Creator not the creation that's the foundation of Islam and living a morally upright life. Learn More, Go and call if you have any questions tell them I sent you don't be shy one 800 662 Islam 475 to 106 624752 and go to the deen I will get you a free copy of the Quran. Thank you very much subscribe if you haven't already hit the notification bells so you can get all the upcoming shows and videos when they come out. And until then Peace be with us Salam aleikum, but I want to come up with a live Attica to Hello I'm Dr. Ronnie Allah that I'm so excited to be here at the deen center, mashallah

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which is under renovation. And I can't wait to see what's going to come and Shala there's going to be a data center. There's a masjid, there's a school and Islamic school, a gym and what we hope inshallah we'll also have a mental health part of this center as well in sha Allah. So I'm asking you to please make sure that you support this effort, inshallah I really hope that it spreads and really the knowledge of established people get to know more about Muslims that have gone through this effort.

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