Yasir Qadhi – Wisdoms of the Quran #18 Greed

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The concept of "Granny's greed" is a consequence of one's past experiences and is a consequence of their past experiences. It is a consequence of their past experiences and is linked to their belief in Jannah. Overcoming greed and understanding one's own values is crucial to avoiding evil behavior. The importance of saving one's own happiness and being generous is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Today's Quranic wisdom

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is repeated not once but twice in the

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Quran. The exact same phrase in Surat Al

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Hashr and Surat Al Tuhabun.

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says,

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manages to protect himself

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from his own greed,

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That is the person who will be successful.

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Whoever can protect his own soul

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from his own greed, woman yukashuhanafsi'i,

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The greed is coming from within.

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If you can protect yourself

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from yourself,

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Allah is saying, faulaika

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These are the people that shall be successful.

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And this ayah comes exact same phrase, not

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once but twice in the Quran. And of

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course, the concept of greed, the concept

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of desiring, you want, you want, you want,

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you're never satisfied with whatever you have. Allah

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Subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions and the hadith mentions

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that this is one of the faults of

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Wa uhdriratil

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The soul is constantly

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surrounded by the feeling of greed. Wa uhhdiratil

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Your nafs is always wanting more. And Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says,

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Man has been created

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in a very feeble state. How so?

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The smallest problem comes and he begins complaining

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all the time.

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And the greatest good comes, if wealth or

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money comes, then he becomes the stingiest.

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Yani, you're never happy. If the smallest irritation

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and nuisance,

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then complaining, and grumbling, and not happy. And

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if blessings upon blessings come, then you become

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stingy, and you don't wanna share with other

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people. So Allah is saying this is the

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reality of man. In fact, our Prophet Sallallahu

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Alaihi Wasallam said that Allah says the famous

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hadith Qudsi in Bukhari in Muslim. Our Prophet

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Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said that Allah says that

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man shall never be satisfied.

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If man, if a person

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were to have a mountain of gold,

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he would still desire to have another mountain.

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If he were to have a mountain of

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gold, his nafs would still be greedy for

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and nothing will satisfy his desire

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until the sand in the qabr fills his

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belly, then he will be satisfied. It's an

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expression. Until you die and you enter the

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kabr, you will never be satisfied. And our

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Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, it's a beautiful

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ad in Sahih Muslim.

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A man continues to grow old,

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but two things remain young.

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A man continues to grow old, yahramurrajul,

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but 2 things remain shade, remain,

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remain upon the youth. What is that? Number

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1, alhirsalalmal

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Wanting to have more wealth. And number 2,

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to be more greedy for life and time

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as well. You always want more wealth, and

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you always want a longer life. Doesn't matter

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how old you are, but your soul will

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remain young in its greed. So Allah is

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telling us in the Quran,

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yourself from yourself.

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Protect yourself

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from that greed. And subhanAllah, another beautiful Qur'anic

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wisdom with regards to greed, with regards to

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Allah references in the Quran

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that the more we are blessed with,

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the more greedy we become.

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The more we

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have, the more stingy. You know, you would

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think that that's not the case, but in

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and scientific and psychiatric studies have shown

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that people who don't have a lot are

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the most generous.

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People who are struggling are actually in their

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hearts, they're the most generous.

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And people who are blessed with 1,000,000 or

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become the most stingy. And even, you know,

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these YouTube channels and whatnot, sometimes they have

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these experiments, social experiments. You give a homeless

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person something, and he's gonna willingly share, and

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the richest person is gonna be the most

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stingy, and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala references this

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in the Quran,

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If you had access to Allah's

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if you had access to Allah's treasure,

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which is infinite,

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if you had the keys to that, you

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would become stingy to give anything to anybody.

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Allah is referencing

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that the more we have,

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generally speaking, the more stingy we become. And

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this is, as I said, an observed

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psychiatric and cultural reality that is referenced in

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the Quran and sunnah. So the question arises,

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if we know that

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stinginess is destructive, and in fact, our Prophet

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SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said so in a beautiful

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hadith, 3 things are destroying of a person.

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3 things destroy.

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Number 1, he said that,

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hawan muttaba'an.

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A person follows his desire. Whatever he wants,

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he does it. You need to control your

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desires in check, and that's why fasting is

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so important. And number 2,

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greed that is obeyed. This is the same

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concept. Shuhan, greed that you obey. You want

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something, you're always eager for it. And number

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3, he said, a person being conceited with

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himself, having a self centered arrogance. Point being,

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he literally said,

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greed is one of the things that destroys

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you. And you know, you don't even need

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to be religious to understand this. Even those

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who don't believe in God, they know that

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greed is a vice.

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Always wanting something is a vice. Why? Because

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the greedy person, number 1, is the most

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the least compassionate.

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The greedy person, number 2, is never satisfied

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with life,

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never satisfied.

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And number 3,

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greed causes you to do evil, to fall

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into haram. Our Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said,

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hadithas and bukhari,

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iyakum washoo'ah.

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I warn you of greed because greed destroyed

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the nations before you. Greed caused them to

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kill one another and go to war. And

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by the way, what is war caused by?

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The number one cause of war in the

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world is greed for other possessions,

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is natural resources that you want. That greed

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is destructive for mankind. So Allah says, waman

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fawlai kuhl mumufmufuli'un

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Question arises very quickly. How does one overcome

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one's own greed? How does one overcome the

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shawl that is in the qalb, in the

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heart? A number of things we find in

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the Quran and sunnah. 1st and foremost

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is to understand

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what we should really be greedy for is

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that which is eternal and not that which

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is temporary.

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Mainda kumyanfadwamaindallahi

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baq. What you have

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will all be gone, and what is with

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Allah will be forever.

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So, stop being greedy for the temporary,

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and start becoming eager for the permanent. And

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this leads me to the second Quran point

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about overcoming greed, and that is start

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believing in the akhira in a stronger manner

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because Allah links greed

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with not believing in the akhirah. If you

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don't believe in a hereafter, you're gonna be

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greedy. Fa'mma mumbaqila wastarna

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Whoever is stingy and greedy

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and denies the day of judgement, denies Jannah.

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Notice how Allah linked between belief in Jannah

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and not being greedy versus being greedy and

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not believing in jannah. And then number 3,

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of the ways we overcome greed is to

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that Allah is the razaq, the manan, the

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Once we understand our rizq is not in

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the bank account, our rizq is not in

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my pocket, Inna Allahahuar

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razaq Wallahuya zukukum

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Allah is the razaq, then it will allow

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us to give. As our Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi

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Wasallam said to Bilal, Oh Bilal, spend, and

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Allah will spend even more on you. An

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fiqh, you go ahead and spend, and Allah

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will spend on you. And one of the

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other things we'll mention, time is limited, but

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of course so much can be said. One

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other thing that is gonna motivate us to

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overcome greed, and Ibn Qayyim mentions this, and

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also Ibn Jauzi and other great scholars. They

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if the stingy person were to only realize,

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even in a selfish mind,

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when you give unto others,

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what you gain of respect and love is

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more precious than what you kept in your

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pocket if you didn't give. Even from a

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purely secular perspective,

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when you spend on others,

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you gain their love, their trust.

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You gain the of

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the people,

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and that is more precious and more useful

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to you than that which you were wanting

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to be stingy about. And that's why our

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Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said, Allah is kareem,

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and He loves karam, and the people love

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the one who is kareem as well. So

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brothers and sisters,

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give for the sake of Allah. And by

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give, I don't just mean charity.

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Give everything to your loved ones, to the

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people around you. Give your charity of happiness,

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of of smile, of akhlaq, of time. Give

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for the sake of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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And one warning, especially to the youth and

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those that are feeling, inshaAllah. If I had,

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I will be very, very,

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generous. Be careful that you don't have these

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grandiose notions because Allah warns us in the

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Quran. Waminhum

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lana sadakanna

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So there were people, the hypocrites,

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they promised Allah. They said, oh Allah, we

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promise you. If you give us, you will

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find us to be of the most generous.

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Allah says, when Allah gave of Allah's bounty,

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they turned around and they became the stingiest.

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Fa aqabahumnifaqanfiqalubim

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Because of this, they became unafiqeen.

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So don't pretend

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that if you have wealth, you're going to

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be pious. Rather say, O Allah, bless me

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with wealth and make me pious. Don't say,

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O Allah, if you give me, I promise

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you I'm gonna be. You don't know. Rather

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say, oh Allah, give me from your ghina,

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give me from your barakah, give me from

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your riz, and make me from the salihin

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and generous.

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Never ever goes back to my yesterday's talk,

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falatozakku alfuzakum.

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Never think you have that level of piety.

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Give for the sake of Allah and Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will give to you. Save

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from your own selves, own shuh, your own

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greed, and whoever does so will be victorious.

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May Allah make us amongst them. Assalamu alaykum

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