Yasir Qadhi – Surah Al Kawthar & The Seerah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of understanding the Quran and surrounding context in the recitation of Prophet's words. They explain that the Prophet system has no son and that the legacy of the Prophet is still present. The speaker discusses the sadness of the death of the Prophet and the sadness of the new spread of Islam, including the use of "will" and "willow" to describe actions and events. The importance of praying and giving charity is emphasized, as it is a gift given to the Prophet system and a way to earn good deeds. The speaker emphasizes the importance of highlighting the importance of thankfulness and listening to the message to gain a better understanding of the message.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala manleigh And Abby, a bird, a bird. It is my great honor and my great pleasure to address you in this beautiful and this historic city of Lahore. It is my first time ever lecturing in your historic city, inshallah hope is not the last time we shall have dalla. And it is a city that has so many beautiful sights that he must choose. And so many historic sites you are very, very fortunate and blessed to be in such a historic land. My talk today is about something that is very near and dear to me two subjects that are very near and dear to me, the Quran and the serum. And generally speaking, these two topics are discussed in separate classrooms and

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separate lectures. But in fact, there is a science and there is a discipline that seeks to combine these two topics, and to interpret the Quran and understand the Quran through the serum, and to benefit from the Syrah by seeing when the Quran was revealed after which incident it was revealed. And this topic is one that helps us contextualize the Quran understand, which I was revealed after which incident and this underscores the psychological realities of these verses when we understand why Allah revealed this particular verse. When we understand the suburban Masood is called an Arabic we understand the incident that triggered that revelation, not only will our understanding of the

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life of the prophet system become better, our understanding of the Quran will also become better. So, in fact, one of the sciences and disciplines that is very interesting is to combine the tafsir and the Sierra and to study the Sierra through the top seal and to study the FCC through the serum. And today's lecture will be a type of example of you know, this type of genre of this type of discipline. And of course, it is an immense Eman booster, because you study the life and times of the processes. And you study the revelation of Allah simultaneously together. And so I decided to illustrate this via one of the boat most oft reciting Sutras of our life and that is Surah Al

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Goethe. Of course, we are all familiar with Surah till Goethe because hardly a Salah goes by, except that we recite Surah Goethe in that particular sunnah, perhaps even hardly ever car goes by except that we recite it, it happens to be the favorite Surah of the majority of the Muslim ummah. And of course, the reason being, it is such a small surah and we emphasize it and I have to also point out by the way, it is as if even in the small sutras. Allah subhanho wa Taala made the religion easy for us because the two smallest sutras that are the most oft recited of the Quran, are certain SLS and certain Kota. These are the two sutras because we're lazy people right we just recite them all the

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time in our in our in our salons. But even in this there is divine hikma because SUTA loss is about Allah subhana wa Tada and who is Allah and Sudeten co author is about our NaVi solar setup and who is our Debye so we are constantly reminded even when we're lazy, and we choose the smallest sudras because Allah knew we week, Allah knew we were weak, and Allah new we're going to choose the smallest ones. So he made the smallest and easiest sutras reaffirmation of our Eman, but unfortunately so many of us don't even know what the surah means. We don't even know why it was revealed. We recite it but we decided without knowledge. We memorize it, but we memorize without

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meaning and I hope that inshallah today's short lecture and I know that Moghadam is coming in soon, inshallah we're going to lecture to around 530 or so and then we will pray motive collectively, so don't worry inshallah we will pray mostly within the time of moderate but a little bit delayed because of the lecture before salata nation inshallah so my goal today is actually multifold one of them being to incite a curiousness and an inquisitiveness about the Quran that we should want to know what we are reciting. We should want to know the meanings of this revelation, even if it's just a simple understanding of the sutras we recite in our daily Salah and Surah tel co author is one of

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the most profound sutras despite its short length. I had a colleague when I was at the University of Medina

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right at the seat of the surah in his master's, my master's another topic, I had a colleague that was doing a master's on suits and co author, and he wrote over 850 pages in Arabic. And the dissertation was entitled, the theological benefits we can derive from Surah Tokota 850 pages of Arabic dissertation, about just the theological benefits, the word one can derive derived from Surah Alkota Surah, Al Goethe was revealed in the middle of the Macan stage, after one of the most difficult episodes in the life of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as we are all aware, of course, he was married to our mother, Khadija, and the two

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of them, they had six children, they had six children total. The first of them was named awesome. And that's why the cornea of the prophecies and was able to costume and costume was born pre Islam, and he died pre Islam. So cos him was born before the Prophet system received revelation of your crop. And he lived to be six, seven years old. And then he passed away, and the process was still in his 30s. So if Kira has not yet come down, when a revelation began, the prophets of Allah who said them had at least two, maybe three daughters, but he only had doctors, and the Quraysh began to oppose Islam, make fun of Islam, ridiculed Islam. And one of the things that they said, was, oh,

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well, no big deal. Since the Prophet system has no sons, when he dies, the religion will die with him. This was the correct set, since he has no sons because the Quraysh were a society that preferred sons or daughters, you know, this, right? And the Quraysh were society that when a daughter was born, they would become irritated. Maybe even rubella killed that girl, as we know. So they thought in their genitalia, that since the Prophet system does not have a son, the legacy of this man will not continue when he passes away. So they consoled themselves that you know what, he doesn't have any male sons? Allah subhana wa taala, then blessed the Prophet system with a son in

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Islam. This was the only son of Khadija when in Islam person was before Islam, Khadija had four daughters and two sons, okay, that six later on our processing would have Ibrahim from Marielle, to another lady from Khadija he had six, four sons, four daughters and two sons, the first son before Islam, this was the only son in Islam, and his name was Abdullah. And he was called a boy hit and authority. These are titles locked up, his name was Abdullah,

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when Abdullah was born, the kurush felt a sense of sadness, and this shows you the evil hatred, you know, even if a relative you don't like him, when he has a son, it's your own blood, there must be a feeling of happiness, you know, it's your own non your own family, right? The Quraysh had so much hatred in their hearts, that the birth of a son made them irritated that what we were saying about him not having a son is no longer true. And Abdullah lived for a number of months, perhaps even a year and a half. And that's the sweetest age you know, a year and a half is the sweetest age of the child. We have something in English called the terrible twos when they reach two years old, then the

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descent begins. Okay. So within the first two years, year and a half, it's The Sweetest time,

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Allah's Will was there and by the way, there's a Hadith of the Prophet says that

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the Prophet muscles cannot have sons because if they have son there's a hadith that if he were to have sons, they would be prophets after him. So it is in Allah's hikma that he does not have sons. The hadith is about Ibrahim the other son that if he lived, he would be an OB. So it's not appropriate there is no nobody after the process. So it is not Allah's mother that the lineage of the process and remains through sons. His lineage remains through daughters. This is Allah spada. So Abdullah passed away at around a year and a half.

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And the Prophet system was obviously very sad, obviously. How can you not to be

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the kurush in this tragic moment when the new spread that he passed away, the Quraysh rejoiced. And you know, one of the most painful realities of life is when your enemies rejoice at your misfortune. This is human nature. When your enemies rejoice at your misfortune, and there's a prophetic dua, Allah to Schmidt da da da, Allah do not allow the enemies to rejoice at our misfortune as an omen.

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When Abdullah died, one of the most evil of them and our seven one, he was sitting in the Kaaba, the news came that Abdullah died. He jumped for joy, and he shouted in all of Makkah, called the Buddha Mohammed or the Butera Mohammed.

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The Nabi Muhammad wa salam has been cut off and amputated.

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Meaning he has no lineage, meaning he has no sons. And there is also a vulgar connotation that I will not verbalize, but understand that you then there be a sustainer has been amputated, but Butera Mohamed

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So can you imagine he's just lost his son. And on top of that, the Quraysh are literally jumping for joy and rejoicing, literally screaming at the top of their voices.

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At this sad moment, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada revealed Surah telcos.

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So Surah tell Kota was Allah's constellation at the death of Abdullah

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our NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was consoled at the death of his son by the revelation of pseudo Lakota and in one Hadith, it is said that he closed his eyes Surah Al co author of the revealed he opened it and he said a surah has just been revealed to me it is more pleasing to me than this whole dunya and all that is in it Subhan Allah we love sootel Kota because it is small our promises and loved it because of its meaning. Look at the difference between us two we love it because it's the quickest shortest one but he loved it because of its meaning. It is more precious to me than this whole dunya and all that is in it and then he recited for the first time ever

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because it just just come down Bismillah R Rahman Rahim in our clinical co author for suddenly Rebecca one Hello, inertia knee aka who won a bitter indeed. We have given you Alkota inner outer Inaka Alkota

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this is the other now. Right?

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Is another exam now. So we should just pause with the other was the other

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Oh, that's not from the Moscow okay, I'm hearing they're done somewhere. Okay. So when it comes from the mosque, we'll pause just to make it easier to listen to inshallah. So the the surah transits of course, that we have given you Alkota in Athena qualcosa, for suddenly Rebecca 100 Therefore, pray to your Lord and sacrifice for him in the Shanika who and upto indeed those who hate you, they are the ones who are completely cut off. Now remember, the man shouted for the booty Rama, Ahmed. And Allah revealed in the Shanika, who will avatar using the same word at the end, and Abdel the one who is completely cut off. So the suburban Rasool is to console the Prophet salallahu it he was send

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them at the loss of his son, Abdullah, and to give him good news of something that should cheer him up. Something that is more precious than one human being. No matter how precious this human is to Yasuda, Allah, I'm gifting you something that is more precious than one soul. What is that gift in our clinical Goethe, so uncouth or whatever it is, we have given you Alkota whatever it is, it is meant to cheer up. And this shows us a quranic psychology, when something is taken away from you. Look at what Allah has blessed you with when you don't have something. And this is by the way, human psychology and his management skills in his HR and everything right? Don't concentrate on the

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negatives concentrate on the positives. Find the manuals for use on in the manual. With difficulty there should also be ease with difficulty that also be ease. Look at the good as well. Yeah, Rasul Allah, you don't have Abdullah and that's painful, but you have something else and that should cheer you up. And that thing is we have given you Alkota. So the verse begins in the Athena qualcosa. A lot of Muslims always ask, Why does Allah refer to himself in the plural in?

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And this causes some confusion? The reality is that there are two easy explanations of the plurality and both of them are valid. The most obvious one the more common one is that Allah refers to himself in the plural because in the Arabic language, there is something called the plural of majesty or the plural of respect. So in English, we really generally don't have it anymore. But still in exotic or ancient English. The Queen of England still calls herself we, for example, she does she never says I, if you ever listen to the Queen of England, she never says I did this. She says we and this is not the plurality of entity

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It says the plurality of Majesty and Arabic has this. And so when Allah is saying in every time Allah says We, it's a plurality of majesty, there is another interpretation which is also a valid one. And that is that whenever Allah says in the plural, he is talking about himself and the angels at the command of Allah, the angels have also done. So when Allah says We created the heavens, so yes, Allah told the angels to create an angels did it at his command. When Allah says We sent the Quran down. Yes, Allah said the Quran God brought it down. When Allah says we reveal the rain. Yes, every single raindrop has an angel. But Allah azza wa jal, when he says Worship, he says Worship Me,

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He never says worship us. So this is also a valid interpretation that the plurality here is actually a plural. And the plurality refers to Allah and the angels whom Allah delegated the tasks to. So Allah is saying, We have given you aka, the word otter in Arabic is beautiful. It is a gift that is given because of the generosity of the one giving, and not because of the work that the one who is being given is done. It is a gift that is bestowed to honor the recipient. It is not done as a recommendation, you didn't earn it. It's not something that you're doing as a salary. Our thought is something that is given to show the generosity of the one giving and to show honor to the one upon

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whom it is given. So by using a very specific verb, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala saying, we have honored you, your rasool Allah, we've honored you, Allah is speaking in the plural and then he goes to the singular I clean that cup. We have honored you out of all of mankind. There's one person we have honored above everybody else that our talk we have given to nobody else except one entity, one shot see and that is you your rasool Allah and what is that? Alcocer what is Alkota? We would not know what Goethe is simply from the Quran. We learned it from the Hadith of the prophets of Allah. Why do you send them from the Hadith we learn? The Prophet system is saying that I'll co author is the main

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river of Jannah. It is the main source of water of gender. And in a number of traditions. He told us that the water of Goethe It is sweeter than honey. It is whiter than milk. It is colder than ice. He said the banks of Goethe if you walk up to the banks of the river of Goethe, it is like a pearl that has been carved from inside. He said the goblets the flasks will go through or more than the stores in the skies. So imagine Alkota is the primary river that is running throughout all of Jenna, all the people of Jana will be drinking from Alkota and they will be drinking from a Goethe for all of eternity, it will never end. So the profit system is being told the main source of water for the

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people of Ghana, it is actually your fountain and everybody who drinks from it. It is your gift to them that we have given you, everybody who drinks from alcohol. It is in fact a gift that the Prophet system owns and he's giving it to everybody else. And of course, a co author is called Alkota from the Arabic l Kathy and Kathy means a lot and our co author the source of a lot. That's what a gopher means. And why is our co author called co author because the water of Alkota will never finish is always abundant. I'll go through we'll never run dry, because it must be alcohol. It must be more than adequate. Here it is Alkota. So our co author is called co author because the

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water is ever abundant and ever flowing. So Allah says Yasuda Allah everybody in Jana will thank you for Alcocer you will have them a calm that everybody will remember you every time they drink. It is your fountain that's your fountain yeah rasool Allah you have, we have taken something away, we have given you something else. And this thing that we have given more people than you can count will flourish because of it. And more entities that you can imagine will always remember you because of it. Indeed, it is painful that one son has been taken away. Nobody can replace that one son, but what we are giving you is an infinite amount of good that large groups of people will constantly be

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thanking and giving slots upon you because we have gifted it to you in our in our calculator. Now notice as well. Allah gave Alkota as a gift to the Prophet system. Nobody can earn Allah's gifts. What Allah gives us we don't it's not a salary. Allah doesn't need us to do anything He gives and he gives because he is Al Karim, he is almanac he gives and even the prophecies and he is gifted and chosen by Allah. As Allah says we are in the suffering

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We have chosen you Yes he is. And Mustafa, what is that Mustafa mean? The Chosen One, the chosen one. So we have gifted you Alcocer. there for the fire here fuck. Therefore, the fire here means because of something you must do something because we have given you Alkota therefore, pray and give charity. Notice Jana is not earned because you pray and give charity gender is a gift from Allah. Jana is a gift from Allah. You don't earn Jenna through your deeds, you can be the best human being and your deeds are not enough to earn Jenna, because they're more than what you can earn.

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Rather, Jana is gifted by Allah to those whom he chooses, but we must show Allah that we appreciate his gifts. And in doing the small amount that we do, Allah blesses us infinitely more.

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If Jana had a price, no one could afford it. Gender is priceless. So our good deeds are not done. This is a mentality that is wrong. Some people think when I do this, Allah will give me that Allah gives Allah gives Allah gives regardless. But when you are thankful, Allah will give you even more and appreciate your small amount of good deeds that Ceccato there is even if you are thankful I'll give you even more. So because the profitsystem has been gifted with Goethe, therefore for So Lily Rebecca one how pray to your Lord and sacrifice to him. Now the commandment to pray and sacrifice is very interesting. In over 70 verses Allah links, Salah and Zakka, Salah and charity in over 70

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times. And as you know it is the pillars of Islam. And these two pillars, Salah and charity are actually indicative they're meant to illustrate the entire amount of good deeds why? Because all of the good deeds are two types. Number one between you and Allah directly Salah zikr dua Quran tahajjud, this is between you and Allah directly. Number two, you benefit other people hit mahalo because we say right, you benefit other people and this is also a bada. And the best type of that is 100 As we're going to explain right now, so by mentioning salah, and by mentioning one how Allah is indicating do both types of good deeds. And by the way, all too often those that are religious kind

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of sometimes forget the second category which is Good Mythical, and those that are not so religious, they kind of forget the first category and they emphasize Hizmet right? Islam is based on both types of categories. We worship Allah directly in our Salah and Riba and whatnot and we worship Allah by helping other people and that is also Riba. So by combining these two we are told our religion is both types of these, these types of worship and also 100. Let us talk about one how we all know what sunnah is, and salah is the pinnacle of riba because of course, it combines everything it combines dhikr it combines dua, it combines Quran it combines recorded combine such the Sunnah is the

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pinnacle of all the Riba because everything is incorporated inside out. And that's why it was legislated in early Islam and Allah azza wa jal called the Prophet system to Astronomia Raj to give him the five deities. As for one house, it's a very interesting verb. One who actually means sacrifice a camel, believe it or not, this is what one hour means. It's a very specific verb sacrifice a camel. There's two types of sacrificing animals in Islam that we have. And now, we all know that we have the Savarna. Right? That'd be

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the difference between their behalf and not how long is where you cut the animals neck. Sorry to be a little bit graphic here. But just to understand that about half is done at the jugular vein at the Adam's apple, they say, okay, higher up. Now how is done towards the chest? That's why it's called now because in Arabic, the Hermes chest, so now he's done closer towards the chest. Now, how many of you have seen a camel getting slaughtered? How many of you seen a camel getting slaughtered? Where is the camel slaughtered at the top of the neck or at the bottom of the neck? At the bottom of the neck which is connected to the chest? That's what 100 means. And where is the goat and the cow it is

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at the middle of the neck? That is Dubba Have you understand the difference? Right? So Dubba is done to the cow, the sheep, the goat. Now how is done to the camel, what is more expensive, the cow or the camel? The camel and Allah is telling the Prophet system to do the highest salah the highest one hour. Now, when this verse came down

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the Prophet system could not afford a camera

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And he didn't own a single camera.

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He didn't have a single camera.

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He actually purchased his first camel, right before the higit or by one day.

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He purchased his first camel called Alaska, the day before he migrated to Medina because he could not afford it in early mucker. Allah is telling him sacrifice a camel, but he doesn't own a camel. And Allah is saying in the plural, sacrifice camels, and he doesn't even have one. In this is a prediction. Yeah rasool Allah one day, you shall have plenty of wealth. And when that happens, make sure you are generous with that wealth. And subhanAllah 10 years later, when the processes and performed had jetan WADA he sacrificed 100 counts 63 with his own hands, and the rest he told us even a bit over the Allah want to sacrifice. So when this revelation came down, in it is a

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prediction. And that prediction is the situation will become secure, life will become peaceful. You shall be blessed with wealth beyond your your measure. And when that happens, be thankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala this also shows us that our Ibadah is done not to repay Allah's thanks not to give back but rather to actually earn more from Allah Our a bada we do it independent of what we have and don't have and what we get from Allah we are thankful for. We do not earn what we have from Allah because that's a gift from Allah. Understand this point, all the Riba you do, it would not earn you your health, much less your wealth, much less your family, much less your existence, much less

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That is from Allah as a gift. And we want more and more and more. But our AICPA is done just to show that we understand and appreciate, not in retaliation, not as remuneration, not as an honorarium, not as a bargain. We don't bargain with Allah. Allah doesn't need anything from us. But we show Allah we are thankful and that's why one of the names of Allah is a Shaku. Shaku means the one who is extra thankful even if what is given is small. So we give a lot of very small amount and a shampoo returns us much more than what we give Allah That's why Allah is a shampoo.

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for suddenly Arabica one *, what this means is one of the ways we motivate ourselves to pray is by reminding ourselves of the blessings we have

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not the other way around. We don't pray and then we think okay, alumina was polio president would have gotten by the way will do bad Car Town. They can angrezi Murray preferred Surbana you see why preferred zivana? I don't even know what they prefer to do. So we pray not in order to get more money or better health No, regardless of our circumstance, right? I'm looking at my birthday to show ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. We appreciate what we have. Not as a token, I'll get him Namaaz wedding. Allah para Punko petsitting It doesn't work that way. We don't bargain with Allah subhanho wa taala. But this is shows us one of the incentives of our Salah and our charity we remind ourselves Alain mo

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kitna sada do Atlantic nasaga diem loco, we should so show some thankfulness, some thankfulness. Olenick 24 hours, the Westminster parliament are gonna sue her PR department as I predict what little amount we are doing. Allah gave me 100 rupees of Smith 2.5% economics that God didn't get in the kidney to DC button. This is a motivation, not a tit for tat, not a bargaining you see the difference right. So the co author has been given, the good has been given. Now remember that and incentivize yourself to worship Allah for Solera become one help. And then the last verse that was in this sort of in Shani, aka who will up top indeed, the one who despises you know the word China

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is actually a very interesting verb. And again, the Quranic verbs are very unique, very interesting. And as you know, as you know, Arabic is a very comprehensive German language, you know, there's hardly any language there's no other languages like Arabic, the complexity of Arabic, there's over 20 verbs for the same concept in in, for example, the word love. There's actually over 17 verbs for love in Arabic, and in English is all love. So in Arabic, you have motherly love, tender love, passionate love, love of something that is inanimate love of something that is animate, you have all of these different types different types of love, and in English is all just love. Same thing goes

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for hatred.

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There are words in Arabic that are not Chena that are more common both for example, okay, both law is the most common verb for hate.

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but it's not used in certain culture. It's a very specific word that is used in sha Nika. And that is because one of the meanings of Shanna is to hate, passionately, cycle like pathologically without any good reason. This is one of the meanings of Shala is to hate passionately as if you have a mental disease like there's not a reason to hate. It is as if we are being told nobody who is sane can hate the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. To hate him, you must have a pathological disease. That's why this very unique verb is used in Shani occur in of course, is you emphasize anytime in nice emphasize. And this is something that is gone in English, we don't really generally speaking,

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we don't emphasize anymore. But in Arabic, one of the things that Arabic students learn, there are many ways to emphasize and the point of emphasizing is to bring attention to something. And in the Shanika, who will absorb we don't have time to go into it. But it's emphasized four different ways. We don't have time to go into the detailed linguistics. And it also requires a background in in Arabic syntax and Nahoon and Bulava and soft. But Allah has emphasized it as four different ways which we don't have time into to get into four different ways Allah is saying the one who passionately despises you for no legitimate reason. The word who Oh by the way is also extra, ie,

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it's not needed grammatically. You don't need it, you could have set inertia and uptime, but that who are you know, we have these emojis and whatnot, right? You know, the finger pointing when you do it, right. That guy right there. That's what the who does that. Who are we in Facebook, you poke right? So the poking, okay, that's that poke. That's the divine, oh,

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Allah saying that person, that very person who hates you. That's what the hood does. It's very terrifying when you understand what it's there, in Shani, aka hula, and after the person who despises you that very person, and that's allowance and others that made fun of the processor, who avatar and this is again very powerful. And if lamb and then Avatar the form that is used, the man used the word brutal. But Butera Mohamed and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada took that verb, and amplified it arbiter, and then added the LF lamb abita. Ie he is the most cut off of anyone who is cut off. So the man said, the prophet has been cut off, Allah revealed back, the one who despises and hates you

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that very one. He is the one who has been completely cut off from all good. And this is exactly what happened. This particular person

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that the verse came down regarding his own sons abandoned him, and they embraced Islam. He died without any children that loved him. His wealth was completely gone. And when these verses came down, he would boast I have mad and baboon. I have wealth and children, I have everything. And Allah said, don't worry. Don't worry, the one who despises you shall have nothing left. Nobody remembers his name even except if they studied the Sierra and they know he was an enemy and evil person and they hate him. What is his legacy? What is his legacy? By saying that the one who despises you shall have no legacy? There is an implied meaning. And that is, you we are rasool Allah will have the

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ultimate legacy.

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And that's exactly what happened. There is no human being who has a more profound legacy than our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam no human being is more admired, more loved, more looked up to as a role model than our Prophet SAW Selim. Not a millisecond passes on earth, not a millisecond passes on Earth, except that millions of people are sending salatu salam upon the Prophet sallallahu it he was sent them. The other one is going at some place in the world at any given time and within the shadow Allah, Allah Allah, Allah, Muhammad Rasool Allah, we began lectures we say Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah. We say that the Shabbat we have to say so that upon the prophets as the

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Durood is recited from Jakarta, all the way to Alaska, millions and millions of people and that's what Allah is saying, what are find the croc your mcommerce rasool Allah we have raised it up high in the Shanika going up to anybody who opposes you as no legacy, but you your rasool Allah will have the ultimate legacy. It is as if he was being told ya rasool Allah, your legacy is not via sons. That's the God understanding. Your legacy is higher than this. Your legacy

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it'll be in the teachings and message you leave behind your legacy shall be in your life and times, your legacy shall be not in one sun, not in one human, but in billions and billions and billions of humans who will love you and admire you and look up to you. Like a person looks up to a father and even more so we love the processor more than we love our mothers and fathers. That is his legacy. And those who oppose him had no such legacy. So to summarize this sort of brothers and sisters, to summarize, time is limited, we could go deeper, but I want to just impress upon you a simple point

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Insha Allah, after today's small lecture, I hope that anytime you read this surah, which is basically every single slide, as we know, right? Anytime you read this surah

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you now have a new appreciation of it.

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And you think about every word and every phrase, and you remind yourself that this surah was more beloved to the Prophet system than this entire dunya and all that was in it. Don't trivialize the surah just because it's small. Go ahead and recite it Allah has made the Islam easy for us. And if we recite COVID, in every single Salah it has allowed no problem. So recite it, but recite it with love and meaning. And if 120 minute lecture, can insha Allah to either change your association with the surah your relationship with the surah Can you imagine if you started the same journey for every surah you know, and more than 20 minutes and listen to see and understand the meaning. This is our

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journey towards the Quran and the serum. This is our journey towards coming closer to Allah.

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Allah does not require every one of us to become an alum. That's a long journey. But at least let us not remain giant. At least let us not remain with knowing nothing. Every day, learn one new fact. Every day listen to one small lecture even if it's 510 minutes every day, read one new thing and do it consistently, persistently. And you will see bit by bit slowly but surely as the days turn into weeks and the week started to month and the monster two years you will realize mashallah I understand my juice Amma. Now I understand the sutras I recite I understand how the process of does certain things you're going to gain bit by bit and all of life will be that journey that is coming

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closer to Allah and the goal of brothers and sisters the goal is the pleasure of Allah and to be with Rasulullah sallallahu ala you set them in Jannah and to drink Alkota from his hands don't we want that? Don't we want that. So in order to get that this is our journey to read the Quran to study the syrup and to implement what we know I pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala forgives all of our sins. I pray that Allah subhana wa Taala blesses us with the genuine love of the Quran and the love of the prophets of Allah Allah he will send them I pray that Allah subhana wa Tada allows us to be those who listen to the Quran and act upon it and who listened to the promises and and act upon

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it. I pray that Allah allows us to live our lives as righteous Muslims to live our lives as good Muslims. I pray that Allah allows the Kadima to be our guiding light and the Quran to be a positive force for us. I pray that Allah subhana wa Tada makes the cover a place of light based upon our Quran and our thinking on our salah. I pray that on the day of judgment we are shaded when there is no shade other than a shade under the shade of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada I pray that Allah subhana wa Tada grants us the blessing to be under the Shiva of the Prophet says on the Day of Judgment, I pray that Allah subhana wa Tada allows us to drink from the Goethe or to drink from the house on the Day

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of Judgment at the invitation of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I pray that Allah Allah, Allah allows us to enter gender along with the Prophet system and to be in ketosis either along with him Yasuda Allah and with this I conclude Joseph moola Farah with Santa Monica Ramadan Bahia wabarakatuh.

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