Taimiyyah Zubair – The Beautiful Names of Allah #09

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speakers stress the importance of finding the "beauty of the creator" through his name and the Day of Judgment as a source of beauty, avoiding offense at the beginning of a relationship, and balancing behavior and avoiding offense at the beginning of a relationship. They also emphasize the importance of finding the], [The speaker discusses the benefits of praise for individuals and groups, including personal growth and personal development, and the importance of honoring Islam's accomplishments.
AI: Transcript ©
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I said I'm already on what I have to lie he will Barakatuhu

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Are we the Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Karim rubbish rocklea sodbury were Siddeley emri workflow looked at a melissani yufka who Kohli Allahumma Colby was sadly Sani Wessels of Hemet akorbi Armenia mobile al Amin.

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inshallah, we will continue with our study of the names of Allah subhanaw taala. The most beautiful the most excellent Names of Allah, Allah smart will Hausner and today inshallah We will begin with the names al Karim and a crumb al Karim the most the noble Al Quran the most noble, these names both of them we see that they occur in the Quran. Al Karim occur occurs three times and a crime occurs once in the book of Allah. Allah Subhana. Allah says, Yeah, a U haul. insurnace malheur waka bureau B Kal Karim, all mankind, what has deceived you concerning your Lord, the generous and we see that in the first revelation, Allah, Allah says if Cora were a bukal, a crumb, recite, and your Lord is

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the Most Kareem, meaning the most generous. Now when we look at the names of Kareem and accomm, we can see that these names are from the word column, and column which is generally translated as nobility or generosity. Basically, the word column has three connotations. The first connotation is that color means nobility and excellence, it is basically shut off fishy, fishy Neff, ce, O feel hollow, P, it is the ability, the excellence the dignity and worth, that is in something. So basically, Kareem is what is in and of itself. Noble, excellent, highly esteemed, valued, and, and calm is also in, in the nature of something. So it is, it is when something is in and of itself,

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very noble and worthy. And also its nature is very noble. And we see that in the Arabic language or agilone Kareem, a man who is Kareem, or a follows a horse that is Kareem, is basically that which is of great worth, or a person who is highly esteemed. And we see that when it comes to the property of people Cora immelmann refers to that property of a person, which is highly, you know, valuable or precious to a person. So, and we learned that the Queen of Sheba, she said about the letter of said a man early his salon, that keytab and Kareem a very noble letter has been delivered to me. So Kareem, in essence, is that which is highly esteemed or prized, that which is excellent, very

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respectable, and we see that the Arabs used to call the grape line cut them, Why, because for them, someone who drank alcohol, any all of a sudden they were very noble, why, because it was only the wealthy who could afford it. And also when when they would be drunk, they would give up their wealth in charity, which which they would not give otherwise. So, they they, they consider the drinking of alcohol to be very noble. And so the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said let us lead to some molar in herbal calm, do not call the grape vines cut them. Why? Because for inhale karma, original Muslim, because true nobility is actually in, in a in a Muslim, or in another nation, we learn that for

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enamel camel Colville movement, that true honor and dignity and worth is actually in the heart of the believer. True dignity is in the heart of the believer. So the first meaning of the word column is dignity, honor, respect, high status worth. This is the first

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Meaning, secondly, the word Khurram also means a Saha or generosity to be generous in giving. So for example, it has said come home at a loo that so and so's land was cuddled with Kabbalah meaning it was very fertile. So, its produce was a lot, it yielded a lot of produce. So it was very productive. And from this coma sahab is When, when, when clouds bring a lot of rain, so, calm is also generosity, it is the ability to give very easily and to give a lot, without feeling any difficulty. We see that sometimes, you know, we want to be generous, but it is very hard to be generous, we find it very difficult to share what we have or to give of what we have, that is not cut off, cut off is

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to be able to give easily lavishly, generously without any difficulty. And then we see that column thirdly also means to pardon and to forgive. So, I will go to B says that Allah subhanaw taala is Al Karim, meaning that he is ever generous. So his generosity is abundant. He is ever pardoning so he forgives, and he overlooks his slaves, even when they commit sin, and he continues to bless them with different things. And he is Kareem, meaning he is Allah Aziz, he is Almighty, He is noble. He is perfect. He is excellent. So these are the three meanings of the name al Karim. Now when we see that Allah subhanaw taala is not just kidding, but also a crumb. What does a crumb mean? A cron

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means that he is the most noble, the most generous, the most pardoning, meaning that there is no one whose generosity whose nobility could ever come close to the generosity, the nobility of Allah subhanaw taala, he is an Cromwell, Accra mean, the most noble of all who are noble, and his column is beyond our imagination, even he is more generous than we could ever imagine. He is more noble than we could even comprehend. So he is Al Karim and also a Chrome. And then we see that Allah subhanaw taala has come is not just in his being but also in his actions, meaning he is in and of himself, very noble. And he is also very noble or very generous in his actions. Look at the way that

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Allah subhanaw taala gives, we see that what Allah subhanaw taala gives, he gives without expecting a return, any when we give a gift to someone or we spend on someone, we expect that they will pay us back, Allah subhanaw taala does not expect that his creation will pay him back as a Lost Planet. Allah says in the Quran, that lalgudi do main home, that I do not want from them, that they should feed me or that they should give me anything. Rather it is Allah who is a Lezak, who is the provider of all. So he gives without expecting a compensation or a return. And we see that Allah subhanaw taala he gives, he's so generous, that He gives even without a reason and he gives without needing

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anything, and he gives and he likes that his favors and gifts are accepted by his slaves and used by his slaves and he gives before even he is asked and he gives to all and he gives to his servants and then when they do a little good, then he also appreciates them so panela we learned that once Junaid the ascetic he heard someone saying he heard someone reciting the idea about a YouTube earlier his Salaam that in now which are the now holesaw bureaux nerima loved that indeed we found him to be patient, what an excellent slave he was. So Junaid said Subhana Allah, Glory be to Allah, He gives. And then he also praises his slaves, meaning no one can be patient without the help of Allah

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subhanaw taala without the tofield of Allah. So they were only able to be patient by the gift of Allah. And when they were patient, Allah subhanaw taala praises them. He appreciates them. So this is his generosity. This is his column, and it is from his column that he pardons even though he can punish. It is from his column, that when he promises his slaves something then he fulfills those promises. It is from his column that he continues to grant favours to his slaves. So when Allah subhanaw taala is Al Karim Allah Quran? What is it that we are supposed to do? It means that first of all, we should only think good about Allah subhanaw taala because Allah

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Is al Karim, he is good he is excellent, he is noble in all of his characteristics in all of his actions he is generous. So let us think only good about Allah subhanaw taala. Secondly, when Allah subhanaw taala is Al Karim, he has been generous to you. This means that his generosity should be visible on you. It should be visible on us. We learned that once a man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the state of that man was not really you know that presentable, meaning His hair was messy, his his clothes were not, you know, all that clean, and in a good state. So the Prophet sallallahu Urdu said, I'm asked him that, do you have any wealth? Do you own any

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property and the man began listing the different types of property that he owned. And the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that when Allah has given you wealth, then the effect of his blessing should be visible on you. And the effect of his kurama meaning the way that Allah subhanaw taala has honored you, that should be visible audio. So when Allah subhanaw taala has been generous towards you, he has treated you with dignity, then let that dignity and that generosity, the that blessing of Allah be visible on you. And when Allah subhanaw taala is Al Karim. This also means that we should ask him because he's so generous, he loves to give as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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said that in the law, hey, you can even that Indeed Allah is heavy, he is shy, and he is karimun very generous, very noble. Yesterday he feels shy, that when a slave of his raises his hands before Allah subhanaw taala and Allah subhanaw taala should return them empty handed, meaning he would not do that. So ask him because he is very generous. When Allah so panel thought is Al Karim it means that we should also be generous and we should also be forgiving, because we learn in a Hadees that in Allah Karim on your humble Koroma that Indeed Allah is Karim. He is generous or pardoning. And he loves those who are Koroma meaning the people who are also generous and forgiving. So be generous

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and forgiving towards the people who are around you. And then when the most soprano thought is Al Karim, and he has, he has treated us with dignity. As a last part without us as well about the Quran, Ebony Adam, we have certainly honored the children of Adam. And this means that we should show respect and courtesy and dignity to one another. And especially people who have certain privileges or whom Allah subhanaw taala has given a certain status to whether we like that or not still be accepting of it, and also treat people with with the dignity that they deserve. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said either attack him karimun either attack him, Kareem will come in

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for a chemo that when the noble or the respectable of a certain nation come to you, then treat them with honor. Meaning when someone who is treated with a lot of dignity in their home, in their country, in their community, in their people, when they come to visit you then even though they don't have that status in your people in your community, you should still treat them with respect and dignity. And we also learn, especially when it comes to guests that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, then he should honor his guest for Ukraine by for who he should treat his guests with, with generosity with forgiveness, and also with

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nobility, meaning in a good way, in another head, the sweeter and Moncada umino Billa he will, he will advocate for nucleon Jara, who, that whoever believes in a line the last tip and he should treat his neighbor with respect and dignity. So whether it is people that you come across, you know, in your workplace or people who are coming to visit you or people who live next to you, whatever the case is, treat people with respect and dignity that they deserve. And then when Allah subhanaw taala is Al Karim and he has treated us with dignity, and he has sent His dignified his noble book. to us. This means that we should also honor his book as Allah subhanaw taala says in the whole local and on

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Kareem, that indeed this is a noble Quran. This is a very respectable book. So treated with respect and respecting the book of Allah doesn't just mean that we you know, put it on the highest shelf possible and we never touch it. Or that if we are even to look at it, you know, we blow kisses or that if we were to pick it up, we kiss it any okay that is part of respecting it but not not the ultimate way or or the way that has been required of us.

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The way that we are supposed to treat this book with respect is that we we put it, first of all, we handle it with respect, meaning that we don't put other things on top of it. We don't put it on the floor. Because we see that once when the Torah was brought to the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, he put it on a pillow. So if that is what he did with the toe rot, then what do you think we should do with the Quran? You know, sometimes we say that, oh, I've been to the harem, I've been to the must have the number we and I've seen people putting the most half on the floor. So you know, this is our culture. No, this is this is the example that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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said for us that we treat the book of Allah with dignity. And that means that we don't put it on the floor. Rather, we put it on a pillow, or a table or something like that. Don't treat it like any other book. And this also means that we don't put other things on top of it.

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And part of treating the book of Allah with respect, is that we don't ignore it, meaning, it shouldn't be the case that days go by and we have not opened it up, we have not recited it. And this means that and this also means that when we recite it, then let us recite it with respect. Ne don't read it as if it were like one of the companions compared, you know, someone's recitation as throwing cheap dates away, you know, like, Oh, these dates are, you know, unworthy, they don't matter at all, they're useless. So you just cast them aside. So don't rush through the recitation of the Quran, you know, treating certain words or letters, as if they were unimportant, that you, you

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know, don't recite them properly. Rather, when you recite, then give each letter its do give each letter its help any, every single letter and sound should be distinct, it should be beautified. And also part of respect is that we when we are trying to memorize the Quran, when we're trying to learn the Quran, when we're trying to comprehend its meanings when we're trying to study it, then let us not get frustrated. You know, don't show that annoyance that Oh my God, I've been reciting for so long I still don't get it. I've been trying to understand for so long. I've been trying to memorize for so long, any don't get exasperated. Don't show your frustration with the book of Allah. This is

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the book of Allah. This is a book that is dignified. This is the book of Al Karim. So treated with respect. And of course part of that respect also is that when Allah subhanaw taala has given you the gift of the Quran, then treat yourself with honor and dignity. Don't allow yourself to say things that are inappropriate to do things which are unbefitting to look at things or to or to listen to things which are unbefitting when Allah has honored you with the Quran, then treat yourself with that honor and dignity. And this also means I want to last panel Tata has given a person the gift of his book, then we should also treat them with respect. So for example, if it's your own child, who

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is who is memorizing the Quran, or who has memorized the Quran, then treat them with respect any don't don't belittle them and and do not, you know, hit them and do not scold them and do not treat them as if they are of no worth whatsoever. No part of honoring the book of Allah is to honor the people of the Quran. Even if those people are your own children, even if they are your own students or people who are younger than you. If Allah has honored them with the Quran, then you treat them with the Quran that they deserve. And then when Allah subhanaw taala is Al Karim Allah Quran. This also means that we should not take his generosity and favor and his you know, his kind treatment of

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us for granted. We should not take it for granted. We should realize that when look when Allah subhanaw taala is generous to us in any way. This is also a test for us. So Allah Subhana Allah tells us in the Quran for ml insano either ama batalla hora boo for a Chroma who when are ama who fire kulula be a common that as for the human being for as for the person as for people, when Allah subhanaw taala tests him when the last punctata tests a person a patella, who and then for a Chroma who How does the last Python test in the last panel, Tara honors him, how would the status with a position with some kind of success? One Arma who and he gives him a certain blessing, whether it is

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of wealth or have children or have you know a status or you know some kind of success? Then the person says for your call or be a common? He says Yes my lord has has treated me with a lot of honor. And yes

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This is something that we should acknowledge that Allah subhanaw taala has has, you know, blessed us with his generosity, but we shouldn't get lost in that blessing, we should realize that that blessing is also a trial. It is also a test, a test of what of our patients of our gratitude, of, of remembering, what the you know the fact that it is Allah subhanaw taala who has given us His favor, and we should not forget him after he has blessed us. And then when Allah subhana wa tada is and can email accom This also means that we should seek the real courage, the real dignity, that he will give to his slaves, in the Hereafter, and also in this world. And when How is it that a person

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receives that dignity it is through a man through belief, and through righteous deeds, you see, we seek honor and dignity, how through worldly things, we think that if we have worldly things, you know, if we get into a certain program, if we have a certain job, if we have a certain title, if we have a certain number of you know, followers, etc, only then we are worthy. But this is not the measure of worth. That is near Allah, soprano Karna because he gives to everybody, those who believe in him and also those who don't, those who are obedient and also those who are disobedient, real worth real status is of who in a Chroma coma in the law he at Arkham it is those who have the core

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of Allah, those who live with the consciousness of Allah subhana wa Tada. So Allah subhanaw taala praises the believers in suitable and file I afford and he says Allah iica whom will mean una haka la Honda Roger Turner in the lobby him women who feel rotten, what is going Kareem? He describes the believers and then he says, those are the people who truly believe and for them will be high ranks near their Lord and forgiveness and risk on Kareem, a Kareem provision, Kadeem as in generous and Kareem as in noble, that will truly make them honorable. So that is the real provision that we should be seeking the real reward that we should be seeking, that Allah subhanaw taala admits us

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into paradise, Moodle and Karima in a noble way, and that he blesses us with the most noble provision because he is Al Karim and a chrome

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so when Allah subhanaw taala is Al Karim a chrome How can we call upon him with these names? We see that first of all, the DA which the Prophet sallallahu earlier said, I'm thought it Chateau de la marinha. To say On les little COVID. And that da is Aloma in the car for one Kareem on the hibbeler fwaa for forany. In one narration, it is just Aloma in the car for one to herbal alpha. And then another narration it is Aloma in the car for one, Kareem on to hibel alpha. And what does this mean that Oh Allah indeed you are our full, you're ever forgiven. You are ever pardoning. You are kidding, you are very generous to hibel alpha. You love to pardon and remember that one of the

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meanings of Kadeem is ever pardoning, so you love to forgive, therefore, forgive me. Now, of course, this is a dog that the Prophet sallallahu earlier said, I'm taught that we should say on a little potted, but it doesn't mean that we should only say it at that time. You can also say at other times, when you're seeking forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala, that Allah in the careful one Karim, that your Allah I know I am sinful, but you are carrying, you're so noble, you love to forgive, you are so generous, so please forgive me.

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And then we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it's been reported from Abdullah bin Masaru. There'll be a lot more on who to say this particular draw in sorry, also, sorry, meaning the ritual that we perform in Ramallah in hajj, which is to go between safa and marwah. And what is this, or this Dora is Allahumma fairwater ham was until arzoo, a crumb that Oh ALLAH forgive and have mercy and you are our as the most the most mighty, and you are a crumb, the most honorable, the most generous, the most forgiving. Allahu mofetil or hum was until arzoo a chrome and this is also a dog that you can say when you when you really feel the the might of Allah. You see there are times

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when we feel extremely weak. When we feel that we have nothing in our control. Think about how hard you're went between Safa and Marwa a she she had no control over her situation she needed water. She needed food.

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But she couldn't find any she was going back and forth doing the best that she could. But at the end of the day the results were entirely in the hands of Allah. And sometimes we also feel like that where we have, you know, for example, done our best, we have gone to the experts that we know we have done whatever that was within our capacity, we have gone through the treatments we have taken the medication, we have, you know, studied, you know our best we have done the best that we could, but then the results are in the hands of Allah. So at that time when you truly feel your weakness, your neediness, then call upon Allah, Allah humo fear were hung, or ALLAH forgive, have mercy. What

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until Arzu a crumb, and you are the most mighty, the most honorable, and I am in need of your generosity. And then we see that when someone has passed away, then we learned that even for the deceased, we should make the lovable fella who were him who were our fee he worked for and who were actually Missoula, who Salaam, Dora, part of which is that the deceased person or love, forgive him, have mercy on him, pardon him, overlook his mistakes, protect him with a grim new zula who and make his arrival into the next world. Honorable academe because Allah you are carrying, and you are the one who honors his slaves. So you treat the slave of yours with honor and dignity. Welcome him into

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the next world into his next home with with dignity and honor because you are al Karim and a Chrome. So these were the names of Allah Allah Karim Allah cron. Now we will look at the name of Allah subhanaw taala Allah Jamil

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al Jamil be extremely beautiful.

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The name of Allah Allah Jamil only occurs in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the Lucha Jamil on your hibel Jamal, that Indeed Allah is beautiful, and he loves beauty he loves that which is beautiful. Now what is the meaning of the word jameela Jamil is the one who has Jamal. What is Jamal Jamal generally understood as beauty. It is a host no Phil, Phil Kati, well healthy, it is beauty in manner and also form. It is extreme beauty, in what in one's manner and also in their form meaning in the way that they are. And we see that in the Arabic language. The word Jamal also signifies perfection or completion in

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body. Now, it's also used for fat, okay? Why? Because one of the linguists explained that when a person has eaten enough and they have fat on their body, then it means that their body has become complete their Jamal has become a parent. Now, we might think that that's not the case. If a person has a lot of fat on their body, then that's unhealthy. The thing is that we when we think of fat, we think of obesity. This is not what Jamal is referring to. One is a person who is famished, right, they're, they're extremely weak, they're theirs. They're basically skin and bones. And another is a person who has eaten enough there's enough fat on their body, which makes them which makes their

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body complete me and that is what reveals their beauty. So, this is what Jamal is all right. So, Jamal is visible beauty, okay, it is visible beauty because it is in the appearance and also in the manner of a person in their character and their actions and also in their behavior. So, Rocky explains that Jamal is a horsnell Kathy, it is a lot of beauty or extreme beauty. And it is in two ways. One is the the beauty that is within a person. So for example, in their body, in the way that they do certain things in the way that they speak that is one aspect of their beauty. But then the other aspect of their beauty is their beauty which reaches others which reaches others. So it is for

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example, their kind words, their kind treatment or their generosity, the gifts that they give, right the way that they deal with others. So Jamal is really it is visible beauty, which which is perceived which is witnessed by

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Others, any if if, for example, a person is all dressed up, and they're sitting at home? That's not Jamal. All right? Or, for example, if a person is, you know, they claim that they're very beautiful on the inside, but their words are only ugly and hurtful, that is not German. Or if a person is just, you know looking very beautiful, but their actions are very mean again, that is not Jamal. Jamal is what is within a person, in their form, in their appearance, in their manner, in their behavior and also in their kindness, in their helpfulness. So, it is beauty that is perceived, it is beauty that is perceived, it is not just tangible, nor it nor is it just intangible it is both So,

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so, this is the meaning of the word Gemma and her snow Kathy. And Al Jamil as I mentioned earlier is the one who is extremely beautiful, the one who is extremely beautiful. So when Allah subhanaw taala is Allah Jamil, what does that mean? It means that he is extremely beautiful in his that meaning in his being in who he is. He is extremely beautiful in his usmef in all of his name, so all of his names are beautiful in all of his sleep out all of his attributes. And also he is extremely beautiful in all of his actions in his fall. So when we're talking about the names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala, yes, they are truly beautiful, we see that they're described as a listener,

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the most excellent. So truly Allah subhanaw taala is excellent, he is beautiful in all of his names, in all of his attributes, and we see that his beauty is permanent, it is it is perfect, so much so that the people of Paradise will actually find the most joy in looking at Allah subhanaw taala. And it will be the greatest enjoyment of Paradise to be able to see Allah subhanaw taala, to be able to be with him. This is the greatest experience the greatest source of joy, so much so that the people of Paradise, every time that they will see Allah, they will actually increase in their own beauty as well. So Allah subhanaw taala is Allah Jimmy, he is truly extremely beautiful. And he is such that

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his actions are also beautiful. So when Allah Hill asthma on her SNA, all of his names are excellent. And then also his actions are excellent. His actions are only beautiful. They're only praise worthy, for which we can only thank him or xojo because he is just in what he does. He is perfect in what he does. He is free from any injustice and free from any error in every action of his. As we learn in solitude, I have 56 that in Nairobi, Allah say Dalton was the team, that indeed my lord is on the straight path. What does that mean? That whatever that my Lord does is correct. It is right. It is not wrong. It is rather rather it is perfect. It is free from any imperfection

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instead of the normal 88 we learn sooner Allah He levy Akana color shade, that this is the work of Allah, meaning what Allah subhana wa tada has made and how does Allah subhanaw taala make things? How does the last panel Tara do things and let the uttrakhand akula she's the one who has perfected everything, meaning everything that he does, he does it perfectly. So his actions are perfect. And when Allah subhanaw taala is a Jamil it also means that he is the source of all beauty. So all Jamal comes from Allah. Because think about it. If Allah subhanaw taala has created so much beauty, that how much more beautiful would he be himself because the giver of beauty, and he is beautiful in and

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of himself. And this is something that we learn about Allah Who knew was somehow if you will old, that Allah is the light of the skies and the earth, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say, Allah whom Allah can hand or Allah for you is all praise and canula somehow if you will, or the woman fee when you are the light of the heavens and the earth and whatever that is in them. So he is the source of all beauty. And when Allah subhanaw taala is a Jamil he is extremely beautiful. This means that all of his commands are also beautiful. All of his commands are also good, and he is the one who beautifies so one of the meanings of the word Jamil is

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More Jamil meaning he is the one who beautifies different things. So when Allah subhanaw taala is Allah Jamil? What is it that we are supposed to do? We are supposed to first and foremost believe that he is the most beautiful. He is truly beautiful, the most beautiful in his names, in his characteristics, in his actions, in his commands, in his decrees, honey, there is nothing about Allah except that it is beautiful, it is perfect. When Allah soprano thought is a Jamil we should also realize that he is the source of all beauty. So he is the giver of beauty. Which means that if we feel that something is beautiful, or someone is beautiful, or I am beautiful, then don't be proud

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of how Allah Allah has made you. Or, or don't think that the beauty that people have, or the beauty that is in things is because of their own power? No, the fact is that it is Allah subhanaw taala who has made them beautiful, who has given them that beauty because he is the source of beauty, he is the giver of beauty, and he gives it to whomsoever that he wants and and this is something that we learn in the Quran, and so the Nile is six, where las panatela says Willa confy had Jamal Lune hanaa to the hoonah where hanaa the solar home, that for you is beauty in your animals even meaning when you're looking at your animals at the time when they are leaving for pasture and also at the time

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when they're returning. So when you look at your property, right and and it is so so for example, here in this particular IRA animals are being met, are mentioned cattle are mentioned that as they're leaving as they're going out to pasture, you know, in in that big, you know, flock as they're heading, you know, out of your sight, or they're going so many of them, you admire their beauty, realize that it is Allah subhanaw taala who made that scene beautiful, and who made that property beautiful, he is the giver of that beauty. So whether it is your house that you're looking at, or the beautiful clothes that you've collected, that you're looking at, or you know the

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different things in your house, that you know or your certificates, your achievements, whatever it is that you admire, remember that it is Allah subhanaw taala who is the source of that beauty?

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And we learn in the Quran, that in Niger Allah Allah Allah Allah Zina tala Halina Beluga home, au arson or Allah, that It is we who have made upon the earth, whatever that is upon the earth, a beauty for it meaning a means of beautification for the earth. And this is only a test a test of what you are saying what Amala that who is going to do good deeds?

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Then when Allah subhanaw taala is Allah Jamil? This means that he loves Jamal, right as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah subhanaw taala is beautiful, and he loves beauty. So this means that we should be beautiful. This doesn't mean that, you know, we should become excessive and wasteful in beautifying ourselves that but that, first of all, we should be, we should begin with beautifying our manners, we should begin with beautifying our character. And this includes being beautiful, even when observing patients. So first, we're sobran jameelah be patient with a patient that is beautiful. Now that we are complaining and screaming and yelling and wailing, and

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then we say, okay, fine, I'll have some suburb, no suburb begins from the first moment that you that you get hit by a calamity. And it begins from that moment onwards. So first, middle, suburban, jameelah beauty in patience, also beauty in the way that you avoid people when you're home, Hedren. jameelah If you must avoid them, if you must, you know, leave them. And there are different reasons for this. You know, for example, someone is not a good influence on you, or you believe that what someone is doing is wrong, what they are saying is wrong, and you have done your best to speak to them to try to conveyed you know, your your your, your point of view to them, but you still

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disagree. So when you must disagree with them, why Jerome Hudson jameelah still leave them in a very beautiful, dignified way. Not that you stormed out of the door. And you are, you know, hurling insults at them and then you're writing Facebook posts, you know,

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against them, and you're canceling them everywhere that you go, this is not hedged on jameelah, we're at your home had, you're on jameelah if you truly follow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And if you truly must leave some people, for whatever good reason that you have do that in a beautiful way, even when it comes to divorce, the prophet in the Quran were told was suddenly hoonah, salah and jameelah if you must send them away, meaning meaning a wife of yours, you know you you've been married to her for so long. And now you must divorce her for whatever reason you have come to that decision, that divorce should also be Sara and jameelah. So sometimes it happens that,

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you know, you're working somewhere and you quit, right? You are working somewhere you have a contract with them. And now that contract is coming to an end, or you want to dissolve it. So if you must leave an organization, in a workplace, or a group of people, for whatever reason, even if you're very bitter inside very hurt inside, you feel betrayed, you feel that you have not been treated properly. Even then, why had your home had run jameelah was suddenly hoonah, saraha and jameelah. Leave them in a dignified way. And also when it comes to forgiving people, we learn fosse for his self help Jamil. pardon them forgive them in a beautiful way. Not that you say that you

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forgiven them. But then every now and then you send negative messages, right? Or you bad mouth them or you, you know you you speak ill of them. And you're always backbiting them, no matter where you go. So false for his self held you mean if you've truly forgiven them, then get over it, move on. And this is something very important. You see, all of this we see in in the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa Salaam, there are description so many stories that we learn about regarding the companions, but when it comes to the enemies of the Prophet sallallahu early, who was suddenly the way that they treated him, we see that all of that all of those narrations are our are basically a

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handful, not that many. We see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam spent more time in Makkah than in Medina. But when it comes to the Sierra, when it comes to the narrations, we have more of Medina, then we have of Makkah. Why because in Makkah things were very difficult. And that is the time where the Prophet salallahu Urdu center was practicing sablon jameela Hedren jameelah a self help Jamil and this is why we see that that's not what they spoke about all the time. In fact, I shall dwell on what on her she had to ask the Prophet sallallahu wasallam that what was the most difficult day and then the Prophet sallallaahu Ernie Sutton mentioned the incident of a five but our

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problem is that we say that we have forgiven people we say that we have moved on from them but we haven't truly which is why in every conversation, right we go back to talking about the people that have hurt us, even if years have gone by. Because the fact is that we haven't truly forgiven them. So remember that beauty is not just in the lipstick that we put on. Beauty is altering the way that we speak about people. It is also in the way that we think about people. It is altering the way that we that we you know recount things of the past. So be beautiful. And then when it comes to physical beautification adorning ourselves and he of course that is something permissible, the adornment that

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Allah subhanaw taala has given to his servants. This is not something that we're allowed to, you know, prohibit on ourselves as Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran, Pullman had Rama Zina tala he Leti Roger Lee, everybody who dares to make unlawful the adornment, the beautification that Allah has produced for his slaves. in IE if Allah subhanaw taala has created beautiful things in the world, these things are for us to use to enjoy. But then we must not think that you know we can use them we can enjoy them without any limits, or or without any care. No, of us parents are also direct us in the Quran that led to Sri Phu Do not be extravagant because extravagance is something that

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Allah is proud Allah does not like, and it's rough. It's rough is not just excessiveness. We think that that extravagance is excessiveness, whereas that's not the only meaning. extravagance is first of all, that a person does what is unlawful. So for example, adorning oneself completely permissible, but when it comes to adornment, are there any rules that we have been given? Absolutely, we have been given certain rules. So for example, when it comes to a woman, you know, wearing perfume perfect

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Fine, but wearing such perfume, the fragrance of which spreads everywhere and leaves a trail behind a woman and then going outside or going against a you know, amongst men. This is something that the prophets of Allah who are in Islam clearly forbid. So, the wearing of perfume in and of itself is not wrong, but wearing it in such a way or in such a place where it is not appropriate that would be wrong. Likewise, for men to adorn themselves completely permissible. But that doesn't mean that now in the summer, they're wearing shorts that are above their knees and their own eyes being revealed that that is inappropriate, or for example, you know, get it getting your haircut, you know, making

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sure that your face has presentable any Mashallah excellent. But then trimming the beard to such an extent that it doesn't even look like a beard, right? Or trimming it off completely shaving it off completely, that is clearly going against the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So we shouldn't be beautifying ourselves in a way that we are opposing the way that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam taught us. Likewise, when it comes to beautifying ourselves, we must make sure that we don't feel arrogant now that we don't start you know, showing off to people and we don't start belittling people, because we see that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that

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there is no person who has even you know, a tiny amount of pride in their heart.

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You know, you know, if a person has even a tiny amount of pride in their heart, they will not be able to enter Paradise right layer the whole Janata man fee for beam is all with the Ottoman kibin myth Kala dama is, is an atom's weight, any miniscule amount of arrogance. If it isn't the heart of a person, they will not be able to enter Paradise. So someone asked that messenger of Allah, a person loves that their clothes are good, and that their shoes are good. Is this part of arrogance? The Prophet sallallahu earlier said them said no, in the Lucha Jamil on your hibel Jamal, Allah is beautiful, he loves beauty. Well, akindele Kiba kibra Bertha will help her humbleness. arrogance is

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that a person rejects the truth, and that they belittle people Subhanallah It's so beautiful that both of these statements come together.

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that a person rejects the truth and belittles people humbleness. This is what arrogance is. So sometimes it happens that a person thinks that they're the best that they are upon the truth. And what they do is that they go on belittling people, they go on treating people as if they're nothing. And literally, sometimes it feels like I remember somebody sharing with me that they went to a particular gathering, a gathering where people were supposed to be on the ultimate truth. And she said I went there and I felt like I was not even a human being. The way that people were speaking in such a condescending way, the way that they were looking down on her, because her hijab was not

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massive, right? Or that she had come from a certain you know, school from a certain background. And he the way that she was treated, she felt like I was not even worth a shoot any just because you know, you feel that you are upon the Hulk, you are upon you know the truth. It doesn't mean that you treat people as if they are nothing is that how the Prophet sallallahu wasallam treated his enemies even know he didn't you need the machete keen the people who worshiped idols, look at how the Prophet sallallahu earlier said addressed them look at how the Prophet sallallahu where it is and have interacted with them. We see in the Quran, the example of so many prophets, right where they

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address their nations yeah call me or my people your call me all my people, any they treated them with so much respect the way that they spoke to their their their people. But we think that just because we are on, you know, the Hulk that that we think is the Hulk we can treat people as if they're nothing. So we come up with such derogatory labels. And we call people ball Moodle move said this that any How dare we? If this is not pride, then what is it? Any Yes, you should be confident of the truth. But being confident does not mean being condescending. Being confident does not mean that you go on belittling people and talking about them, and treating them as if they're nothing at

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all, as if they're worthless. So we see that, that the being beautiful means that we beautify our character, that while we focus on external beauty, we make the inner beauty our ultimate goal.

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And we learned that a last point that the Prophet sallallahu earlier said himself

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In Allaha, Alejandro de la sala de comilla illa unwelcome Allah subhanaw taala does not look towards your faces toward your physical appearance, nor does he look toward your properties, meaning he doesn't care about that. Well, that can young little Isla kulu become our Malecon. But Allah subhanaw taala looks towards your hearts and your actions, meaning what is it that's in your heart? Is it pride? Or is it humility? Is it arrogance? Or is it gratitude and if you believe you are on the truth, you should be filled with gratitude. You should be filled with humility, not that you become judgmental of people and start canceling people right, left and center. And, and, and you

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know, start treating them as if they're nothing. No, Allah subhanaw taala looks towards the state of your heart. And also he looks at your actions, that what is it that you are doing? And remember, piety is not just that you pray as even our busload your loved one who said about the IRA sell below unto a loo would you have comparable mochizuki well McRib, that piety is not just that you pray, and you do nothing else, no, piety is that you pray, you perform the acts of worship, but then how are you treating people? How is it that you are behaving with them, that is also a part of piety, a major part of piety, so beautify yourself in a holistic way, beautify your external and also

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beautify your internal and remember that if a person's you know, external is just beautiful than that is not impressive at all. In fact, we learn about the hypocrites that Allah subhanaw taala mentions them in the Quran we're either at home or dibuka or just some home that when you look at them, their bodies impress you any their physical appearance is very pleasing. It's very impressive. And he the way that they have kept themselves their hair, their hairstyle you know their skin their clothes, everything so perfect you know on point Masha Allah, but either at home or dibuka exam home but that's it.

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On the inside, they're like hollow pieces of wood. Any they have, they have no faith. They have no virtue. They have no no good. No good characteristics. No If loss, no sincerity, no marhaba no love No Hershey or no fear. No, no Ahrens before Allah No, no humility, no who sure before Allah. So the external beauty should not be our only focus, we need to focus on inner beauty as well. So remember that ultra beauty, there's nothing wrong with it. But when it is with a Seraph, where a person's you know entire attention and focus is on external beauty, then this is where it becomes blameworthy. Why? Because definitely focusing on it too much is going to make you neglect inner beauty. And also,

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focusing on external beauty too much shows that you're being too materialistic, right? That that is what is more important to you. And when that becomes more important to a person that they don't even care about what is permissible and what is not permissible. And what the repercussions are of them beautifying themselves, you know, for example, when it comes to the makeup industry, any we spent so much on makeup, but we should think about you know, the the basic ingredients, even that that are used in makeup products, that how are they affecting the world? How are they affecting the people of the world? And how are they affecting the environment? Any so much plastic? Think about it any any

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one makeup makeup product? How long are you going to use it for six months, maybe? Right? Maximum a year? I mean, for hygienic reasons. You shouldn't be using these things for so long anyway. But then every six months, as you discard as you throw away, as you replace this means that you are producing garbage, right? That is going to damage the environment, right? Because what's going to happen to that plastic is just going to sit in landfills. Right? And then think about how those ingredients are being are being produced. And you think about mica, you know that glittery? That Chinese stuff that that basically makes your makeup products very shiny and glittery. Where is that coming from?

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It's little children who are working with bare hands to gather the dirt in which in which mica is and these children so many of these children actually die in that process? So many of these children actually get buried alive. So many of these children don't get paid. And even when they do get paid. That money is barely enough for them to you know

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Eat food with, they don't get to go to school because of our greed. Because we want cheaper products. And because we want a lot of products, and we're not happy with just one layer of makeup, we want multiple layers. So Pamela, any there This must be in some kind of moderation. So there's nothing wrong with beautifying ourselves. But we must do that with we know with consciousness, that where is the stuff coming from? And what is the impact of this? And what is the impact of this on my soul also, that if I'm spending hours and hours on just my physical appearance, every day, every other day, then definitely that time is is coming from somewhere, something else is getting, you

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know, is is getting neglected. And sometimes what is being neglected is the children. Sometimes what is being neglected is the recitation of the Quran sometimes what is being neglected is the vicar of Allah. And he I'm not saying don't beautify yourself, no Allah subhanaw taala loves Jamal and the Prophet sallallahu Arneson clarified in this Hadees that wearing nice clothes nice shoes is not something wrong at all, this is part of beautifying yourself and we should not prohibit the beauty that Allah subhanaw taala has created for ourselves. However, this must be you know with moderation and with consciousness, that we should be careful about, you know, what the impact of this is? And

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then also remember that when Allah subhanaw taala is any other Jamil he is the extremely beautiful, then it is, then we should seek beauty from him also. And how is it that we seek beauty from him? Because remember, he is the source of beauty. So he is the giver of beauty. So how do we seek real beauty from him by pleasing Him by doing things that will bring us his approval, or zoologia. We learned in the Quran that on the Day of Judgment, some people their faces will be covered with glue.

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In fact, we learned about words such as bass hero basilar, meaning completely contorted, any absolutely frowning, not just the forehead, but the entire face frowning. And we know that you know, if a person's face is covered with makeup, but then they make that ugly face, you know, where they're frowning, the expression is very, you know, upsetting, they don't look beautiful anymore, it is not the colors that make a person beautiful, it is it is what is on the inside. So, there will be people on the Day of Judgment, who will look extremely ugly. Why? Because they will be filled with fear and worry and regret and anger, self loathing, they will blame themselves. It is the day when

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the wrongdoer yo May Allah lemo Allah day when the wrongdoer will bite at his own hands, own hands, why out of regret, any people are so particular about you know, their nails, your cuticles, you know, we want to make sure our hands look perfect Subhanallah but if this is coming at the cost of being able to make Voodoo, right, because if you get your nails done, you know, if you get those fancy nails, acrylic nails, whatever you're not able to make will do them. Right, if you make will do on top of that your your will do is not valid, because a major portion of your of the part that needs to be washed did not actually get washed. So the widow is not valid. So he only the nails are

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looking beautiful, okay, fine. But then what's going to become of this on the Day of Judgment. So remember, that we should see could beauty from the giver of beauty, how by obeying Him and by pleasing Him, not by disobeying him, and by going against his commands, because if we go against his commands, and the beauty that we have right now is temporary, it is temporary, it's not going to make it to the hereafter. In fact, his body is going to rot and decay in the grave, it's going to finish. And on the Day of Judgment, people will be resurrected, how in the very forums that they were created in. So even if a person managed to modify their body, they want to come on the Day of

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Judgment with all those modifications, know their bodies will be in the original form that Allah subhanaw taala created them in. So seek permanent beauty from the giver of beauty and that is by pleasing Him by obeying Him. So use these hands, right for what for worshiping Allah subhana wa Tada. We learned that when a person makes whoo then this will be a source of nor for them.

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On the day of judgment, but if for the sake of you know the makeup that we've put on we're not making wudu many sisters asked me that is it okay if I'm wearing, if I have makeup on I just make to mom. No, it is not correct for you to make to mom because you have makeup on what you're supposed to do is remove it make will do and then you can put it back on. But that's the thing because we've spent hours and and hundreds of dollars on it. And you know we've gone to a wedding, then we don't want to take it off. So Salah is being delayed, Salah is being compromised at what cost, right? So remind yourself at these times that Allah is Allah Jamil, and he is the source of Jamal. And I

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cannot be beautiful by disobeying him, if I want real beauty that I must seek it from him. So we learn about the people of Paradise Allah subhanaw taala says in Surah insan I 11 that will account home. Now Broughton was so raw, that our last panel Tara will give them delight and comfort. And natella is basically such delight that is visible on the face of a person and he will make them beautiful, what does our home bml sabado Jonathan we're harira and he will reward them because of their patience with Jenna and hurried and silk and the clothes of silk Of course you were you know at a special occasion. Right or, or when you can afford to wear silk everyday any it shows extreme

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luxury. So Allah subhanaw taala will give them all of this beauty and all of this comfort, Why be male suburu because they were patient and and patience is needed to make wuhou patience is needed to pray, patience is needed to forgive people patience is needed to refrain from things that Allah subhanaw taala has forbidden patience is needed, you know when you feel that compared to other people you might not be looking all that impressive, right because you have limited yourself to what is lawful to halaal and other people don't necessarily you know follow those rules that are lost puntata has given so software is needed over there. And remember that all of this subject is not

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going to be wasted. Allah subhanaw taala is going to give so much beauty to such servants of his So Allah is Allah Jamil This means that we should seek beauty from him azzawajal now how do we make dua to Allah subhana wa tada through this name? Well, there isn't any draw in which we see this name mentioned specifically, but there are definitely draws in which you know the the meaning of of this name is very very much present. So, for example, the Prophet sallallahu urja Some would say in his sajida all right in Salah in his sajida A Dora at the end of which is love Worsley thinner and our lake and Tacoma at Anita island of sick that Oh Allah, I cannot praise you enough, you are as you

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have praised yourself, meaning Yeah, Allah You are so beautiful, that I cannot praise you enough You are so perfect You are so excellent that I am unable to praise you enough. So, you are as you have praised yourself. And then another girl This is also a part of a long draw, which is what Luca loved that another the ILA which was shown on Isla de ca a, that Oh Allah, I asked you for the delight of gazing upon your face. And I asked you for the joy of meeting you. Because imagine Allah subhanaw taala is Allah Jamil how, what an experience it would be? What a joy it would be what a pleasure it would be, to be able to see Allah to be able to look at Allah subhanaw taala well as a new can lead

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that anomaly illogic and remember, this is the greatest leather, this is the greatest pleasure of paradise. The greatest pleasure of Paradise is not the the biggest house that you can imagine the biggest mansion it is not, you know the rivers of Paradise or the fruits of paradise. All of those are, of course, different pleasures of paradise. But the greatest pleasure is the pleasure of looking at Allah was Luca leather tonnellerie ila which was show called a lollipop a Can I ask you for the joy of meeting you and then another door Allah whom are sent the healthy for us in hold up? That Oh Allah, you have made my form my physical form beautiful. So also make my character

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Beautiful and this is also the art that we should be making. Especially, you know now that we know that

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Jamal is not just physical beauty but it also includes internal beauty, the beauty of character, the beauty, the beauty of manners, and Allah subhanaw taala. Any, this is what he is, this is what he appreciates in his slaves. So we should ask Allah subhanaw taala to assist us in that matter. The next Name of Allah subhanaw taala that we will be looking at today is the name of Allah Al Hamid al Hamid meaning the one who is most praiseworthy, the one who is worthy of praise, even if people do not praise him, why is he worthy of praise because he is perfect in and of himself? Why would he not be Hamid when he is Jamil meaning when he is so beautiful, then absolutely he is heavy, he is

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praiseworthy. Now this name of Allah and Hamid is mentioned 17 times in the Quran. We learned last month Allah says lahoma is some RP woman feel all the way in Allahu Allahu Allah honey, you'll Hamid

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in total Hajj, that To Him belongs what is in the heavens and what is on the earth and Indeed, Allah is the free of need the Praiseworthy, he owns everything. And yet he is and he is a levani, he is free of any need, and he is happy, he is perfect, he is praiseworthy because of His perfection. Now, Hamid is the one who is praised, right? The one who is praised or the one who is worthy of praise, the one for whom hum is done. Why because of who he is. So the question is what exactly is humped? Now helmed is to praise the one who is worthy of praise. How, in the most beautiful, honest, loving, respectful and thankful way. So, remember, how is to do what it is to praise the one who is worthy

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of praise? How, in which way, in a way that is beautiful, in a way that is honest, honest, as in you actually mean it. And honest as an IT is correct. It is it is not fake praise, and then loving way, you know, with love, with respect, and with thankfulness, so it is loving, thankful praise.

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And we see that, you know, people praise others. And sometimes that praise is not always accurate. Or that praise is not always, you know, something that the person deserves. Why? Because they're being praised for what they don't have. Or they're being praised for something that they don't really deserve to be praised for. Like, for example, if a person is being praised for their height, well, what did they do to be tall? Did they, you know, choose their height, and he did this select those genes in particular, no, any your physical appearance, this is something that you don't get to choose, this is something that I'm most proud of Tara decides for you. So how is to praise someone

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for what they have done, okay, to praise someone for what they have chosen to do. And it is not just thanks. But it is praise, with thanks, with love with admiration with respect. So Hamid is the one who is worthy of praise. And Hameed is the one for whom is all praise forever, for always, from the beginning, and never ending and praise in all states, and in all matters, meaning no matter what happens, no matter what time it is, no matter what the condition is, no matter what we're going through, no matter what is happening in the world, Allah subhanaw taala is still worthy of praise. So ignore him says about the verse of hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen that all praises for Allah, Lord

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of the worlds he says, it means an humble canoe lillahi Rabbil aalameen all praise in its entirety. Any if there is any praise that is to be offered, ever, who is worthy of it? It is only Allah who is truly worthy of it. Because if you think about it, even if there's a person that you praise, for instance, for a gift that they give you, someone teaches you something very nice, so you say you praise them, right. But ultimately praises for who for Allah subhanaw taala because if he did not send that person to you, you wouldn't have known if he did not make you able to benefit from them, you would not have learned if he did not give them the ability, the realization that knowledge they

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would not be able to pass it on to you

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So all praise in its entirety is for who it is for Allah, because Allah subhanaw taala is an Hamid, the one who is praiseworthy, and this is why we see that 100 Allah, He Rob Billa on me All Praise to Allah who is Lord of the worlds, and he Alhamdulillah for the fact that he created for the fact that he commended for the fact that he forbade for the fact that he, you know, created certain things, and then he changes things, and then he provides for them, and then he, you know, continues to take care of them. And then there are things that he that that he finishes, right because he is the giver of life and the giver of death. And remember that Rob, Rob is not just creator, but ultimate would

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have been, right the one who regulates the affairs of the creation.

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So Alhamdulillah in all states, because Allah is an Hamid, the one who is worthy of praise. So we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say, Allah, Allah can hand or Allah for you as all praise, because under Chi, he was somewhat he will have the woman fee him, you are the maintainer of the skies on the earth, and off whoever is within them. Well, I can hand laka malaco summer worth he will have the woman fee hidden for you as all praise because you own the dominion of the skies and the earth and whoever that is, in the end, you think about it, there is nothing except that Allah owns it. So is he not worthy of praise? Absolutely. There's nothing that happens. No

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raindrop falls. And no, you know, oxygen that you breathe, no breath that you take except that it is because of Allah subhanaw taala. So, Allah is absolutely Hamid worthy of praise.

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So this is why we see that Allah subhanaw taala praises himself. Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen and he is praised by his slaves were in min che in inner u sub B who be handy. There is nothing except that it is glorifying Allah with his praise. And for Allah is praise lol humble fill Allah. Well, our hero, for him is praise at the beginning and at the end, any from the beginning to the end. For you know, since forever and for always, this is why we learned that even in Jannah in Paradise, what are the people going to do? They're going to say Alhamdulillah he lady had an early Harada All Praise to Allah who guided us to this. They will say Alhamdulillah had Lady of her Bernal

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hasn't All Praise to Allah who took away all sadness from us. So they will continue to glorify and praise Allah subhanho Carr. So Allah is Allah Hamid he is truly praiseworthy, for the fact that He alone is the rub. The Creator, the owner, the Sustainer, the provider Alhamdulillah he Liddy Hello customer what he will up all praise to Allah Who has created the skies in the earth Alhamdulillah for the fact that he has revealed books Alhamdulillah he led the ends Allah Allah of the hill Kitab All Praise to Allah who revealed the Book on his slave. All Praise to Allah for the fact that he owns everything and hamdulillah Illa de la who Murphy's summer wati wa Mirfield

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and then Alhamdulillah all praise to him he is Hamid because he is one and he is unique. There is no one like him. Work with Al Hamdulillah he ledi lamea toffee dweller in Salt Lake Esra io 111 that say all praises for Allah who has not taken a child? Well let me akula who shall he confirmed? Well, he has no partner in the dominion, meaning he alone owns everything. Well let me akula who will a human adult and he doesn't have a helper out of weakness, meaning he doesn't have any weakness because of which he needs helpers. No, Allah is Hamid because he is perfect. So he does not have a child he does not have a partner and he does not need an assistant. He is perfect. He is Hamid. Now

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when we look at the name of Hamid in the Quran, we see that the name is paired with First of all, the name of Allah, Allah nee.

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So it comes with the name of Ernie. So we see what is called insert Look man, I a 12 that when my Yesh called for in them is cool enough See, woman kuffaar off in the Lavanya Yun Hamid, that whoever shows gratitude than indeed he shows gratitude for the benefit of himself. And whoever is ungrateful than Indeed Allah is honey, he is rich, and he is Hamid worthy of praise. Meaning even if people are ungrateful, that doesn't diminish the praise that Allah subhanaw taala deserves because he is perfect he he doesn't become Hamid when someone prays.

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him are a zoologist, he is Hamid even if the creation does not praise him, he is he is Hamid because of who he is and because of what he does, because of what he has created and because of what he has legislated and because of what he has decided, he is Hamid, Allah is lynnie un heavy, he doesn't depend on us, he is free of need of us. And then we see that the name of Allah Hamid also comes with the name Majeed. Majeed, meaning Noble. So, Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh who are la con el el Batey in her homemade Majeed that Allah subhanaw taala is Hamid Majeed. So, because he is so noble because he is so great. He is also worthy of praise. And then we see the name also comes with the name Hakeem.

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So, specifically when it comes to the revelation of the Quran, lay at t Hill Belfry lumen benei Today he will m in confy 10 zero min Hakeem and heavy the Quran is a revelation from the one who is Hakeem, who is wise and praiseworthy. So, we praise Him, He is worthy of praise because whatever he does, his with his wisdom, whatever he commands his with his wisdom, whatever he decides is with his wisdom. So he is forever for always Hamid and then we see that the name also comes with Ali Ali meaning the friend the supporter, the protector instead of the Shula I are 28 were last panel tada says Well, one lady unit zero Haytham embody my anata when shuttle Raj Mehta will who will will be

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your Hamid, that he is the one who sends rain after people have despaired and he spreads His mercy and he is the Protector, the praise worthy. So we praise him, why because he he is the one who helps and protects his slaves, meaning it is because of his blessings that we are alive. And then we see that the name Hamid also comes with the name eyes ease or disease as an almighty women are coming home illa umino Billa Hila Aziz Mohammed in total brooch I ate Allah who is Aziz mighty Hamid praiseworthy, why is he not praiseworthy, when he is Aziz meaning when he is almighty all powerful, then then of course, He is worthy of praise. So, what should we do when Allah subhanaw taala is an

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Hamid when he is Hamid This means that we should praise Him. He doesn't need our praise. He doesn't depend on our praise. We praise him for our own benefit. Any we were created to worship Allah subhanaw taala and worship we see that Salah begins with what the recitation of Surah Fatiha. Surah Fatiha begins with what? praising and thanking Allah, we need to praise and thank Allah subhanaw taala we need to practice gratitude for our own good. If we don't do it, we are the ones who suffer. So we praise him for our own benefit. And we praise Him because absolutely He is worthy of it. And this means that we praise Him in all of our states, meaning no matter what condition we are in, no

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matter what we witness, and no matter what happens still Alhamdulillah Why? Because Allah is Hamid. Why, because even if what we are experiencing may be difficult. Allah is Hamid. And that is the reason why, even though there is something difficult, there is still good in it. There is still good in it. You don't see it. You don't witness it. You don't realize it right now. But what Allah subhanaw taala has decreed is filled with goodness, because you can only expect that from the one who is praiseworthy from the one who is Hamid, therefore praise Him in all your states, in all your situations, no matter what happens, and realize that the people will praise Allah subhanaw taala.

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And then such people are hemudu hemudu mean those who prays a lot, a lot. And this is a habit, right? This is a habit, that if you are used to praising Allah saying Alhamdulillah then even when you you know, here's some bad news, the first thing that's going to come out of your mouth is going to be at hamdulillah. Why because you believe that Allah is good, and that only good comes from him. So the people who praise Allah in all their conditions, then we learn that such people will be the best of Allah servants on the Day of Judgment. We learn in the Hadees that, that that hierarchy by the law, or or

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the upload, the most superior servants of Allah on the day of judgment will be hemma, Dune. Those who praise

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A lot, and especially we learn, we learn in the narration about, you know, a person who loses their child, and then their praise and glorify Allah at that time. And the angels witnessed that and they tell Allah subhanaw taala about it about the response of the servant, that he or Allah, your slave praised you, your slave praised you. So Allah subhanaw taala told us angels that build a house from my slave in Paradise, and it's and it will be called baitul hand, the house of praise, meaning the house which is for the people who praise and glorify Allah. So remember, Allah subhanaw taala loves to be praised Mammon, Shea in there is nothing that is more beloved to Allah than praise, as we

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learn in a Hadees and it is the best way of thanking Allah. So, Allah is Hamid, what does that mean? We should praise him how in every situation, and we should also show gratitude to Allah by praising him as a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Of Manu, shoukry and hamdulillah the best way of showing gratitude is to share is to say Alhamdulillah.

01:21:07 --> 01:21:56

Even in loss, say Alhamdulillah, we learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah does not bestow a blessing upon any slave. And he says Alhamdulillah except that what he gives is better than what he has received. What does this mean? This means that when you get to say Alhamdulillah, then that is better than the blessing that you just enjoyed. So for example, you just had the best drink, you were extremely thirsty, you know, you've been craving a certain drink, and you have that. And as you take your first sip, you say, Alhamdulillah, right, that is a blessing. But you know what, what you said right now have Alhamdulillah that is actually better for you, than

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the drink that you just had. Why? Because the drink that you just had, it went in, you swallowed it, right, and now it's gone. But when you said Alhamdulillah, this phrase, as we learn, it fills the scale. Kenny, this is a back here to solly had this is the permanent good, this is the good that will remain forever. And he imagined the reward Alhamdulillah so praise Allah subhanaw taala over every little and big thing and praise Allah in every situation, even in difficulty. Because when you praise Allah, that is how you get the approval of Allah. in Hades we learn that Allah subhanaw taala is praised with the slave who eats a bite of food and praises Allah for it, or takes a sip of a

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drink and praises Allah for it. So that first sip of coffee, that first sip of your milkshake, or your boba or whatever it is that you're drinking any Alhamdulillah add that you will earn because of that you earned the approval of Allah subhanaw taala. Now how do we call upon Allah subhanaw taala with this name, Allah Hamid, first of all, we see that when Allah is a Hamid This means that we should be praising Allah subhanaw taala meaning that we should be saying Alhamdulillah and we can say Alhamdulillah in different ways. At different times, we see for example, that hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen All Praise to Allah, Lord of the worlds and hamdulillah here allow coonley hurl in

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difficulty Alhamdulillah he Liddy binaire muttahida tim masala hard when you when you receive some good news, when you accomplish something, when you reach a goal, when you complete something, then Alhamdulillah Hillary binaire matita masala has people are congratulating you, you say All Praise to Allah, because of whose blessing good things are completed, meaning we wouldn't be able to complete this we wouldn't be able to have this without the blessing without the gift of Allah so Alhamdulillah so use the words of the Hamid in all of your states make a habit to praise Allah subhanaw taala and specifically glorify Allah when or praise Allah? at what times we see that in

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Salah when the Prophet sallallahu Urdu said and would get up from bluecore he would say Allah him on a banana can hump because when you get up from recor you say Samir Allah halimun hamidah, Allah has heard the one who praised him.

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So this is the time of praising Allah. So how did the Prophet salallahu earliest and in praise Allah at that time in different ways? One is that you simply say, Robin Allah can hunt right? Or you say Allah humara banana can hound Oh Allah, our Lord, for you is all praise. Or you can say as a prophet sallallahu earlier said I'm said Allah moto banana Cal hand mill SMR wa T one mill early on.

01:25:00 --> 01:25:02

When will imitate them and cheat him Bardo.

01:25:03 --> 01:25:49

He will manage the Hakuna Karna loved workqueue lunella cut or Allahumma menerima arleta while I'm more clearly ma'am and errata while I in fact with Lj demon culture and what does this mean? This means Oh Allah for you or Allah our Lord for you is all praise how much praise the praise that will fill the skies and that will fill the earth and will fill whatever else that you will after that meaning if there's anything bigger than that and you know of it and you want that to be filled with praise for you than your Allah I praise you that much. You are a listener you will mage You are worthy of praise and glory. How come upon, you are most worthy of what the slave has just said.

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Meaning whatever that I have said over here, or whatever any slave has said in your praise, you are most worthy of that you deserve that. And you are you are worthy of even more than that. Well couldn't lunella carbs and all of us are slaves to you. I love them Alemany or any metal plate Oh Allah there is no one who can prevent what you give. Well, I'm more clearly my monarch and no one can give what you prevent well I in front with a gentleman culture and the riches of a rich person cannot avail him against you.

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And then we see that a man once said aloha model banana can hand hand and Kathy ronpa uban Mubarak and fee. He said this when he got up from bluecore and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. He prays this and he mentioned the reward for this also. Then we see that insula in the showed right? We say Allahumma salli Allah Mohammed Eduardo early Mohammed in kamasan. Later Allah Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim in nakka hamidah Madrid in naka hamidou indeed you have you Oh Allah, you are heavy, heavy, doesn't you are worthy of praise. But then not just in Salah, outside of Salah also, when we eat right Alhamdulillah and then Alhamdulillah he Kathy run by Ubud, Movado confy hieromonk Fagin, what am

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what they are in Willa mastana nanhu robina The Prophet sallallahu Urdu some would say this, that all praises to Allah, praise and abundance, good and bless it, it cannot be compensated for meaning the favor that we have received, we can never truly compensate Allah for it, nor can it be done without meaning we cannot live without it, we cannot leave it, and we cannot do without it our Lord. So you cannot learn different doors, through which we praise Allah subhanaw taala and these laws, we can say them after we eat, and also when wearing new clothes before going to sleep. Alhamdulillah Hilary Khalfan, you were aware any wild aramony was so corny. Along the way, in this altar, were

01:27:54 --> 01:28:36

praising and thanking Allah subhanaw taala for all the favors that he has bestowed upon us in the night, also Allahumma local hand and the normal somehow it will or the woman fee when the Prophet sallallahu earning send them would say this, and then they could meaning just saying Alhamdulillah and this can be after Salah 33 times and Hamlet Illa and in general also saying Alhamdulillah Why? Because this is something that Allah subhanaw taala loves, this is something that is greatly rewardable so make it a habit to praise Allah to thank Allah. May Allah subhanaw taala make us amongst those who thank him for his blessings. May Allah soprano to make us amongst those who

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recognize his blessings, appreciate and use his blessings. Well last panel to give us the ability to praise him to know him to to to learn about his names and attributes to continue with this journey in sha Allah and also to worship Him in the most beautiful way so that he or xojo is pleased with us. I mean, inshallah we will conclude over here subhanak Allahumma would be handed a shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta stuffie Raukawa autoboot Lake wa Salaam wa Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Welcome

01:29:13 --> 01:29:15

to my TNS TLS startup beautiful lecture from

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