Yasir Qadhi – Is Nutmeg Halal Q&A

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The transcript describes a conversation between two speakers, one identified as Speaker 1 and the other as Speaker 2. Speaker 1 talks about the use of nut-2019 in various foods and the importance of planning for divorce. They also discuss the use of spices in foods and the potential for "arson" eating to enhance one's taste. Speaker 2 responds by saying they cannot comment further as they are already part of the conversation.
AI: Transcript ©
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saw the house

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nanny Mina mostly me.

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah who are the early he was the woman who Allahabad. Welcome back to another q&a and today inshallah we have a number of questions as usual from around the globe that are pertinent once again, the email to send the questions to is ask why Q ask why Q at Epic messages, one word, epic E P IC mestu dot o RG. And once again, for the record, I choose from hundreds of questions, those questions that I think are going to be the maximum benefit. And I reiterate that I cannot answer individual emails. So please don't send me specific, you know, questions, especially about marriage and divorce, that requires

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specific factors. We talk about generic issues that lots of people benefit from. So we begin our first question for today. Brothers setac from Indonesia, emails and asks about the ruling of nutmeg in Islam, because he says that he uses it regularly in his cuisine and spices. And yet he just heard a fatwa that says that it is how long so this is a spicy question inshallah pun intended not to make as of course, the name given to the seed of a particular plant. Its its biological name is and I'm going to butcher the name here. Rusty Shia Frank grants, which is mainly harvested in Indonesia, Indonesia is the largest exporter of nutmeg. And so our brother setac is emailing from Indonesia.

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And of course, it's also produced in India to a lesser degree and other places. And it is used as a spice or a flavoring in many, many cultures. And then in particular, the southeast and Southeast Asian cultures. So, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and of course, Indonesia, Malaysia, especially in these but also even in the Western cultures, you know, there's a famous drink here, that is done in western lands that involves nutmeg and whatnot. So it's a very common spice here. And this the term for nutmeg an Arabic is Joseph poetry, and is also called Joseph in Hindi as well as scribe to India, even though it does not typically originate from India, meaning it's not the

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main source. However, in the good old days, spices would go through India and then reach the Silk Route and so, nutmeg in particular, it will Yes, it will be grown in India, but it will be brought from Indonesia and other places, and then it will be spread. And so it was called Jos al hint, basically the the seed coming from Hynde and also by the way, just FYI

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according to many historians nutmeg was one of the main factors that Europeans wanted to discover the direct route to India so Christopher Columbus, his journey was because of nutmeg will not make and spice and

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nutmeg and also pepper and salt they wanted to direct access. So nutmeg actually played a very big role in the, the incentive for Europeans to try to discover as they call the the new world they write, and that's all about the the spice of nutmeg. Now, what is the problem? why would why would our brother ask what the issue of nutmeg Well, the the the fruit or the seed of nutmeg started to seed, the seed of nutmeg, it has a compound called virus to seed and this compound, it is ingested in a particular concentration and in its pure form, it can produce effects that are hallucinogenic, ie the same types of effects that happens when you drink alcohol when you drink Hummer wiener or

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whatnot or if you take some types of drugs or whatnot. So, this seed if it is ground and ingested in a particular manner with a particular purity to particular concentration, it can produce hallucinogenic effects. However, if it is used as a regular spice, if it is cooked in a small quantity and mixed with food and used in the regular cuisines around the globe, then in fact it produces a very nice flavor which any of us will have eaten and I myself have eaten that my plenty of times obviously, that we are very familiar with and these types of food items, no matter how much you eat that food item, whether it is a drink, whether it is a spice, whether it is a curry, that if

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you were to eat to that or drink the substance in large quantities, nothing would happen because it is used as a spice and so therefore you have the same substance. One aspect of it is primary usage is for spices and it's a very nice spice and it is a international spice and it is

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is also possible to derive from the same substance, something which is without a shadow of a doubt how long because it is hallucinogenic. And there are people and there are cultures even. But it's very, very rare that use nutmeg to produce that hallucinogenic effect. And it is something that is very, it is done in acts of desperation when people don't have access to actual, let's say, the hardcore drugs or they don't have access to alcohol, and they do have access to nutmeg, and they are addicted and they need to get that high. So there are ways to do it. Again, it's not something no need to teach you all of this and not that I'm an expert at Hamdulillah. But my point is that there

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are ways to use the same substance to produce that hallucinogenic effect. So therefore, what will the ruling be? So, this topic or this issue of nutmeg, it is not something new, it is something that has been discussed since the very beginning of its discovery amongst the out of and the Muslim populations. And therefore, we do have a number of early early medieval through them actually not early because again the by the time this so I classify or demand to you know, early and medieval and pre modern and monitor this fruit for you know, large categories you can say. So, the amount of the earliest phases, but generally speaking nutmeg hadn't reached Arabia less at that time. However,

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however, we do find discussions of this, Joseph Kleber, Joseph and Hindus called, we do find fatawa from aroma from more than 1000 years ago. And it is true to state that quite a lot of them did view nutmeg to be in the same category as those substances that cause a scar that cause soccer, which is basically intoxication. And so they lumped it together with alcohol. And therefore, to be precise, therefore, the question of nutmeg actually is a very interesting discussion about the types of substances according to the classification of the Sharia, when it comes to haram or halal, and if you were to consider anything that intoxicates no matter how it is, whether it's liquid or solid,

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and whether it is you know, ingested as small quantities, it becomes a spice if you were not to not care about any of this, and you were to consider all such substances to be Hummer, then you would apply the ruling of Hummer to not to make what is the ruling of alcohol? What is the ruling of vodka of wine, what is the ruling of gin of beer, our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said mascara cathedral for Kullu haram that which intoxicates in large quantities will be haram in small quantities. Now, this is the ruling that is given to alcoholic drinks. And therefore, if you know 510 glasses of beer intoxicates an average person then one drop of beer to add to your Thai food for

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the for the sake of that, you know beer, it would be considered haram. And this is the photo of quite a number of aroma. And in fact, even if you log on online in Arabic or English fatawa, you will come across a number of Alabama that have said not make is haram based upon this principle. And this is not a strange or unique or bizarre. That's why this is a mainstream traditional fatwa. And there's nothing wrong with this fatwa. And one of the great scholars of our medieval tradition even headed hate me Who died 974 Hijra So 600 years ago or 500 something years ago, he was asked about nutmeg. And he said that the scholars of Makkah and Medina and the scholars of Egypt have differed

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over nutmeg. So this is an hour controversy taking place. So the controversy is now taking place. This is now the time that nutmeg is spreading in Muslim lands. And so you have various groups of early amount. So groups are allowing it groups are not allowing it and then he himself said that I like to follow him into cricket eats feta, which is another great shot for a scholar who said that it is euskera it is the same ruling as alcohol and another great scholar even though they're a mod he said that just like hashish just like you know, the drug hashish It is haram. So to nutmeg is going to be haram and he then quoted the Hadith Kulu, skerin, Hummer Wakulla hombre and haram

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anything that in toxic case will be called a hammer and every hammer is haram. So this is the fatwa of Ibn definitely read and have even remembered and even hedger l hate me. This is not by the way, but hedger. Half of the Escalante who commented on Tilbury This is another urban hedger who's called 100 hate me, there's two famous even hedges, there's 100 years between them. So the point being you do have that photo and you find it online. No problem. Is this the only photo? No, there are a number of other Allameh who looked into this deeply. And they said and this is the key point here. That nutmeg does not fall under, muscular. It doesn't come under that which is intoxicating, rather,

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it comes under something else called Modere. Or they say more fat

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Tierra or they say Mifsud. So there are and again, this is a much more advanced topic I'm not going to go to all of this Sommaruga my categories such substances into one that's we'll skip out there say no there's two other say three other say four. So here's the point, how do you categorize all of these substances that will then make your distinction of the fact was that not all of these substances are the same and a number of greater odema said that these types of substances that are used as spices in some some areas, and perhaps as as types of drugs and others, they cannot take the ruling of the musket especially because they are not something that the Sharia has come explicitly

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forbidding. So we look at other factors as well, the Sharia has forbidden Hummer and Hamid is a type of drink that has alcohol in it. As for more HUD there than that in the model is typically a solid substance that effects the body by bringing about a sense of lethargy or also sometimes bringing about ecstasy as for more effective, this is something that brings about a generally speaking, a type of sleepiness or even a move city is that which basically knocks you unconscious. And according to another group of scholars, amongst them is the famous Imam Romley and the the Maliki scholar al Qadhafi in his book Al Farooq, which is a very encyclopedic book that he talks about the differences

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between that which might be considered the same he goes no there actually differences. So he says difference number 40 is between the musket art and the Mahabharata, because these are not the same categories. And he says that is that those substances in which there is a need to use them not for pleasure, but for some medicinal purposes, let's say okay, and the body finds a healing mechanism through them do not take the same verdict as alcohol, and he gives a number of examples. And he also and this photo, by the way, is not something new, a member of Bromley was asked about nutmeg, and he wrote a fatwa in his famous book called fatawa, in which he said that it is allowed to ingest not to

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make if it is done in small quantities. However, if it is done in large quantities, then it becomes haram. Why? Why is this distinction made? This distinction is made, because the concept of Mohammed did is not the same as that of musket. And the reason for this is the following that there are many differences between the mojado category in the mosquito category, for example, the punishment for drinking alcohol, which is the lashes in the Sharia will not be applied to somebody who takes for example, let's make this not it's not the same punishment in for the sake of Hi, I'm saying if you take it for the sake of becoming high, that punishment will not apply, as well. The issue of an

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adjuster not make is not notice. However, according to many scholars, Hummer isn't just now again, the position that I hold as somebody's not an adjuster, we talked about that maybe another lecture. I know I gave a longer lecture about this. But the point is they distinguish between Mahathir and muscular, and they said Mohammed is not nudges, whereas musket is nudges, and other punishments as well, that differ between what did and musket. So the point being what this group of scholars said is the following, they said those substances that are solid and that do affect the body, we look at the goal and the purpose of those substances. If it is done for the sake of the same high the same,

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you know, hallucinogenic effects that Hummer produces, then it is haram. However, if it is done for medicinal purposes, or if it is done for a spice, and it does not have the hallucinogenic effects, then in this case, this group of scholars argues that the mojado does not take the ruling of the musket. And this is the fatwa that I personally follow because it is the common sense, and it is the logical one. And it is one that confirms with the goals of the Shetty. And I'll give you some simple examples. So what do we do when we need to take a substance to numb a part of the body for an operation? What do we do when we need to knock ourselves out for an operation, you know, the person

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will give us that substance. And it is of course, you know, just sometimes we could be illiquid, sometimes it could be, you know, inhaled or whatnot. Now, these types of substances affect the mind these types of cells. So morphine is a good example. Right? What do you do when somebody is in pain, and he has to be given morphine and morphine does have a type of ecstatic effect. However, that's not the primary goal. That's not the intention. The intention is to numb the pain. The same goes for those things that

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energetics, for example, or those things that will cause us to go to sleep for the sake of an operation, generally speaking, we are not to allow to ingest or inhale substances that are going to interfere with our minds. Yet it is allowed before operation to, you know, knock a person out and to ingest or to inhale or to put this liquid into the person's body. Why? Because this is not of the musculature, it is not taken for pleasure. It's not taken to produce that high is not taken to escape from the problems of this world, in spirit because that's what people do when they want to get drunk. They want to escape from the problems of this world, and they want to produce this

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temporary high that causes them to feel that ecstasy, that euphoria, that hallucinogenic effects, they're daydreaming and they're in a, you know, a type of phase or whatnot. That type of of pleasurable ecstasy, which serves no purpose and it harms the body and the soul. It is haram in all circumstances. However, what if the substance is taken for another purpose and not for that ecstatic purpose? Now, if the substance is Hummer, there is no leeway because the Sharia has come with Hummer forbidden cover, and the Hadith forbids Homer and our prophets. As I have said, it is not a cure. It is the disease itself. There is no cure. In Hummer itself, you don't drink vodka or gin or beer or

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wine for any medicinal purposes. And one drop added to your food will make it haram does not make take the same ruling. Some group of scholars says yes, it does. And another group says no, it doesn't. And they said, Those who ingest nutmeg in those quantities because it requires a much larger quantity. So FYI,

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many cultures use nutmeg. As I said, it's something that is done around the globe. And none of the, you know, items, the food and drink items that are consumed around the globe. When they are produced properly. None of them causes any effects. There's no hallucinogenic effects. I mean, children eat these food items. And you know, adults and pregnant ladies and elderly people, they eat and drink from these nutmeg products, and nothing happens. In fact, I guarantee you, many of you watching this YouTube video right now are actually shocked to discover that nutmeg is a hallucinogenic substance, it can be used as one, it's not the primary purpose. And the majority of people who have it in their

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shells don't even know that it is potentially hallucinogenic. Because the one you buy it from this the stores by the way, it's actually diluted and it's something that you know, you really have to go a little bit crazy and overboard to to become hallucinogenic offer the product that you buy, if you wanted to do do that, you would get the actual nuts and you would ground it in a particular matter particular concentration, those people who no no, and the the end product that we buy from the market is actually very different. And it is very difficult. I'm not saying it's impossible, you know, it's very difficult to use that substance to become high. And therefore, and also, by the way,

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those who are, you know, wanting to go down that route, they don't use nutmeg, because there are so many other substances that are easier, accessible, and do the job better nutmeg is only done, you know, for by those people who are so desperate, and they don't have any other alternative, and they figure out how to do it. Otherwise, it is not something that is resorted to therefore the bottom line, there is a good position a solid position that considers nutmeg to be the same ruling as alcohol. And so they would say that the small and the large of it is haram. And that is a respectable position. It is backed by the generalities of the concept of musket. And the they asked

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for the analogy of nutmeg being the same category as the musky Rotter as the alcoholic drinks. However, there is another position which is also mainstream. And it is also you know, early is our medieval Islam. And it is also something that our earlier scholars have 500 years ago discussed. And I would say the majority of researchers who understand food and medicine and modern science, in our times, the majority of scholars who have a chemical background, seem to sympathize with the fatwa that nuts make is not the same as alcohol. And I'll give you a number of examples. So there was a very well attended very large conference that took place

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in Kuwait 20 years ago in 1995. That was done under the Organization of the Islamic Conference, one of the largest councils of the world, the network, the the the medical network, fathia, the eighth Council, and they discussed a number of things. And they said the Mohawk deer, the Mohawk did, generally speaking are held on except if it is done for medicinal purposes, for a need and for the level that is needed. In other words, there's got to be a need and the level has to be appropriate for what you are doing. And then in the same fatwah, they said and there is no

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Oh sin on using Josette are three which is not to make in order to affect the flavoring of the food, if it is done in small quantities as long as that quantity does not bring about a sense of euphoria or ecstasy or induce hallucinogenic effects and fatwah so this is a fatwa from the one of the largest food councils of the world. And generally speaking these councils, they bring experts and specialists and they bring people who know these matters better than a because again, there is an element of chemistry that is involved. There's an element of fully understanding the realities of of these substances. And of course, because of this, we do have this this, you know, debate or

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controversy on so many issues between generic scholars who you know, they have a good understanding of the Sharia but maybe not fully aware of the specifics of what they're talking about, versus those who have other specialities. Another great scholar, who's a member of the International Union of Muslim scholars, one of the largest fifth councils of the world. He is actually the president currently. Dr. Ali Morehead the Mohiuddin Cora dalvey. Very great Adam, and also one of the senior rouda ma he actually is taken over from Sheffield called Bowie, the field Council and he has a fatwa as well about nutmeg. And he says that the usage of nutmeg is permissible, if it does not lead to a

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state of extra tea or euphoria and it is used in a small quantity for food in order to bring about the taste. However, if it is done for other than this, if it is done for euphoria or ecstasy, then it is not going to be permissible and quote, and the great scholarship, Hua Zhu Haley, who has written many, many volumes of work, and his most famous work for Chris Nambi were dilla to which is a multi volume work, which goes over all of the issues of contemporary contemporary money, and it is an encyclopedic reference for every single student of knowledge. I use this book also a lot all the time shanwa Xu Haley gave a fatwa about this that llama near Minister Manuel Calib, palladium and

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Joseph the trip is like a Tommy will khaki when we were at the mall, Kathie Lee Anna Mahavira there is no problem in using a small quantity of nutmeg to bring about a change in the flavor of the food or a cake or anything of this nature. And it is not allowed to ingest a large quantity because it will become a mahadi So, Dr. What was your Hayley and the council and Dr. Animal Hibino corredera and before them Sharon Lee, and before the Mocha Rafi and although them they basically said that nutmeg is not the same as alcohol. And the same goes for many other substances that come under this category, that they do have a purpose that is not hallucinogenic. That is not meant to induce a

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euphoria and that purpose is halal. It could be medicine, or it could be flavoring, as long as it does not produce that effect, then it is permissible to use in that realm. It is not take the ruling of Hummer and this is also the fatwa of the devil Iftar of Egypt which is one of the senior in fact it is the Senior Council of Egypt consult composed of many Redeemer of the ASEAN University in particular. And so the official fatwa of the dark if that is that that make is allowed in small quantities for cooking. And this is also the fatwa of the fatwa Council of Jordan as well, that they too have given a fatwa in this regard. Now, again, as we are aware, usually that's why we ask these

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questions, you know, generally speaking, the questions I do would have some, you know, back and forth. Otherwise, if somebody if something has been unanimously agreed upon, generally speaking, there's no question about this. So our brother was using nutmeg and he came across a French word that says It is haram. So this confused him. And I conclude by stating that is a legitimate and valid fatwa We respect your Allama who said that, and there's no problem to follow that fatwa. However, there are many rules. Dare I say that in our times, those who understand the science of you know, these products and those who understand the chemical nature of food products and of herbal

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substances, generally speaking, we find that they do not agree with this somewhat simplistic notion of viewing all food categories that might potentially affect the mind to be the same as the category of hammer or alcohol. No hammer is a category and so the most skill is again, which is liquid and toxic ins that have alcohol is one category and we'll have it is another category and we can even say more affected is yet a third category there should be at least three categories if you ask me but anyway, that is a more longer topic in a nutshell. Pun intended. In sha Allah Allah nutmeg is halal when it is used for the sake of your spices and

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Your food and if somebody uses it for other than that and to produce hallucinogenic effects, then there is no question that it would become haram. And it would take the ruling of all other types of drugs that are taken for hallucinogenic effects and for ecstasy and the sin would be upon that person that does not negate the fact that it is permissible to use denmat nutmeg for Khaled and that is the default of what mankind uses it for. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best.

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Our second question for today, interesting one that actually chose this one, for a reason I'll get to it. so hear me out here, brother is from India, emails, that there is a Hadith that he has read and its meaning has confused him. And he emails saying, can you explain this hadith, he says that the hadith is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that of the rights of the husband or the wife is that and I quote The hadith, she does not allow anyone to walk over his bed that he does not like end quote, he does not allow that she does not allow anyone to walk over his bed that he does not like end quote. He is asking, What does it mean to walk over the bed? And also this

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condition? Which is what really confused him that he does not like? Because he is saying that? Why would that condition be there? Because the implication would be our own to believe that if the husband did not mind, then this would be allowed. So he's asking this question. Now, the response to this, I actually chose this question, not just because of this one Hadith, because actually, there's many such texts and many such, you know, translations that I could bring it up. But I wanted to choose this question to bring up to underscore a different point. And that is that it is very, very risky to read the translations of Quran and Sunnah. And then to derive or attempt to derive fielke

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rulings or understandings from them, frankly, it is also risky to read the Arabic If you know Arabic, but you don't know, you know, the rules of fear and the rules of a solar field because you wouldn't understand some of these, some of these problems. So this is a classical problem, not just of translation, but in fact, so there's one translation problem. And then there's also another problem of solo Feck, which we're going to come to as for the translation problem, so the translation problem is that this translator has taken a phrase that is meant to be figurative and translated it literally into English. And the hadith is an authentic hadith is a Buddha with the

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Telemedia Nisei in the Muslim environment. It's also by the way, a part of the whole Buttonwood Ah, so this is a very important phrase, the prophets have said this in front of the largest group ever in his life, maybe 100,000 people he said this, and the Arabic phrase is that he's talking about the rights of the wife or the husband and the rights of the husband or the wife and he says of the rights of the wife of the husband over the wife that he has this right that over his wife that for a Maha pecan Island is a foreigner you take in a voodoo share calm Manta Cara Hoon, as for the right that your wives have, that the husbands have over the wives that the wives do not allow, then this

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translator translates his eyes to walk over your bed. And you know, this is an actually valid literal translation, you will take in a photoshoot to walk over water I mean to walk over. So the water the famous book is the book that has been well traveled. So you will take Photoshop calm to walk over your beds. Now, obviously, obviously, this is a metaphor for intimacy, it's a metaphor for inviting somebody into the bed. And so the point is that the rights that have the rights that the husbands have over the wives is to guard their modesty and to guard their personal chastity and to not go and out of Lego to other men, that is not something that is allowed. And so a figurative

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speech is used. And that is that do not allow another person to walk on your bed. So this is a figure of speech. That means intimacy, like we're saying the English language that so and so was caught red handed, it doesn't mean his hand was red. And if this phrase were to be translated into another language, it would in fact be a mistake to translate Red Handed as literally Red Handed No, you should say he was caught in the act, you should say that he was caught, you know doing the deed whatever is the figurative meaning needs to be translated, not the literal meaning and this is the same that should goes for any translation of Arabic. So use it in a Photoshop calm should have been

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translated as you know, to allow intimacy that this would have been a better translation and

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So this is the first problem that the translation was done, literally. So the brother was like, Well, I guess he figured out that it meant intimacy. But he's like, what does it mean to walk over the bed? But then he brought about the more, you know, interesting point, and that is that men Takara Hone, that somebody whom you don't like, Does this mean I will do Billa Billa. That if he doesn't mind, oh, the biller, this is disgusting Yanni, you know, probability. But does this mean that was the question that our brother asked like, why is this condition put there? Because the implication is that if that condition is not met, then the ACT might be able to be permissible. And

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this is yet another misunderstanding, which is why I said it's so important that we look at the text of the Quran and Sunnah with knowledge, because when we don't have knowledge, and we don't have the necessary tools, it is very easy to misunderstand or to derive rulings that are absolutely wrong. And so the the notion of the notion of mentor Cara Hoon, this phrase, those whom you don't like, it is not a conditional clause such that if this condition is met or not met, then it will affect the thing before. Rather, it is a description. And sometimes a description occurs in the Arabic language in the form of a conditional clause, but it is not meant as a conditional clause. So I'll give you

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an example in the Quran that will help clarify insha Allah Who to Allah and that is that Allah azza wa jal says in the Quran, that in a long list of those who you whom you're not allowed to marry Allah subhanho wa Taala says that you cannot marry you know, the mothers of your wives, okay. So you cannot marry the mothers of your wife. So, your mother in law and what about EBO Latif, you who Julie come, and the rubber ape are the daughters of your wives who live in your houses, okay. So the Quran forbids that will Omaha to disarm the mothers of your wives. So once you marry a lady, okay, her mother becomes how long your mother in law's how long for you can never marry your mother in

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law, okay? Even if you divorce your wife, and it's finished, your mother in law remains forbidden permanently for you. Now, then Allah says, What about Ibukun allottee? Few who do recom and your daughters of your wives who live in your houses. Now?

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Why does Allah say who live in your houses? Does this mean that when you marry a lady and you live with her, but she happened to be married to another man, and he kept the daughters from that marriage? So if this lady you ended up divorcing? Are you allowed to marry her daughter's from another marriage? And these are your stepdaughters, know by unanimous consensus of all of the scholars of Islam, all of the four schools of Islamic law, all of the aroma of this seed and fit. They say, this clause is meant to underscore how could you marry this girl who was raised in your house and you are married to her mother, she has a status that okay, she's not your biological

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daughter, but she takes on a status. So Allah brings a clause and that clause is not needed for the mother in law. Because generally speaking, there might be that once a divorce takes place, and this lady might have a daughter from another husband in Jamelia, this would have been happening in the pre Islamic time. If that divorce took place, a man would marry the daughter of his ex wife who was from another husband, okay. And that was allowed in Jaya Helia. Now the Quran came and said, No, you cannot marry the daughter of your wife. Then Allah says who lives in your house? Now? Does this mean if the daughter of your wife did not live in your house? You could marry her if you're if you're if

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you're divorced your wife No, that is not allowed. If you lived with your woman, your wife and she was your your you know your wife, even if she passes away or divorce happens and her daughters lived in another land those and you never met them until after the divorce or after she passed away. Those daughters would be permanently haram for you permanently *. So why does Allah say what about well let if God come to underscore that there is a responsibility, there is a relationship and it is not a condition. It is a description. Okay, so the point here when our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that know that the right of the wife that she has the right of the husband over the wife

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is that she and her by the way, I mean, this Hadith also looked at the context that it was very common. Back then up until recently when still it is common in many, you know, cultures, especially in those you know, places where the economic situation might not be so, you know, powerful or whatnot that I

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husbands might have to leave for long periods of time. And it is possible therefore, that these types of circumstances are created where haram can take place. And so our Prophet sallallahu sallam said, this is the hawk that the wife has, the husband has over the wife that even in his absence, and he is gone for a few months, you know, earning and doing whatever and sending the money back that even in his absence, she has to fear Allah subhana with the ad, and of course, he does have to do the same as well. And she should not allow any man in her bed, because that is something that he would not like, not someone whom he would not like, because that is something that nobody likes.

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This is how the hadith is intended. Okay, so when you're gonna get literal, and you're going to translate according to the translation that our brother sends me, which is that you do not allow a man to walk over your bed, if you don't like him. So then our brother is doubly confused, like, what does it mean walk over the bed? I guess he understood that big. And then he goes, if you don't like this man, then it's not allowed. And as I explained that the reason I chose this question is not just because of this height. It's an interesting idea to explain. But the point is broader than this. And that is the reality to underscore that it is imperative that when you open up books of the

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Quran, and Sunnah when you open up these classical references, that you have some background to derive. Fifth, if you don't have that background, go ahead and benefit generically but do not apply, you know, specific fifth rulings without verifying them from people of knowledge. Otherwise, you will walk into, you know, disastrous areas and derive very bizarre ruling. So I hope that that clarifies and that inshallah will so understand why this question was chosen so that we do not misinterpret a phrase or without precondition knowledge that we need to have about the science of deriving the rulings of faith. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best.

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Our last question for today.

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Our last question for today, brother Hessen. From here in Dallas, he says that if a wife asks for divorce, and then the husband divorces her, is that a divorced Ebola? Or is that a Hola? So this is the question. If the wife asks for divorce, then the husband divorces what would it be called? Will it be called by luck? Or will it be called another thing we'll talk about now, which is Hola. Now, before I begin realized that the answer that I'm going to give is going to be based upon, generally speaking, the humbly might have been independent of the Shafi school. However, there are multiple opinions out there. And so if you are going to follow a particular men's hub, then ask your scholar

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because this these are very technical issues. And I don't want to go into the controversy today, maybe in another q&a, I'll go into the more details about the different positions about Hola. But all the methods agree that there's something called Hola what is a coda? A hola is when the wife requests her husband to finish off the marriage, and she also gives up her mother back, so the whole art takes place. So the difference between Talaq and hola is that a lot takes place by the husband. And when the Tanakh is given, the gifts and the MaHA are kept by the wife. So the wife keeps whatever the husband has given of the marriage. So the Muhammad was 50,000 20,000, whatever it was,

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and for whatever reason, the marriage is not working out, and the husband, you know, decides that this isn't working out, and we just have to end so he praises the father, he does his due diligence, and they may even try counseling, they decide is not going to work out. So the husband gets caught up, in which case, the dowry amount, the MaHA remains with the wife, and technically speaking, as well, the gifts that were given over the course of their marriage, the general ruling, by the way, the general ruling is that if the husband divorces, then it is retained by the wife. Now, what if we flip it around, and we say the wife is not happy for whatever reason, and the wife feels that this

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isn't working out. And it's not through a fault of the husband, because if it's the fault of the husband, maybe something can be done, we're talking about. So by the way, there's a hadith, how I've been to Cambridge, great, famous hobby that, you know, she married a famous Wahhabi Sabbatarian place and she said, Yeah, rasool Allah. I have no complaints about, you know, my husband in terms of o'clock in terms of Deen, but basically, to make a long story short, she basically said, you know, I just don't find myself attracted to him. I don't find myself getting along with him on a personal level. I have no complaints about, you know, he's a good man. He takes care of me, but it's just not

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there. The sparks aren't there and I can't find myself. I can't imagine myself being remained married to you know, but for the rest of my life, basically. So she's basically saying, it's my fault in the sense I

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Want to end this marriage? And I just it's not working out here. So she is the one initiating the enrollment of the marriage. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to her, will you give him back the garden he gave you he gave her an entire garden which is a very expensive thing. And that was the Mahara. Will you give him back the the Mahara that he gave you? And she said yes, I will Yasuda Allah so the Prophet ism said okay, then the marriage is adult. Now, this is a wholesaler. And the wholesaler is initiated by the wife, and generally speaking, ratified by a judge or by the husband. And she gives back the entirety of the matter, or a negotiated portion of the matter if the

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husband agrees to less, that's his choice. He can say no, okay, you can keep half and give me half back. That's his choice. It's his act if he wants to do that, but technically, you know, he has the right to demand the entirety is like, Look, everything is fine from my side, if you want to leave, you know, the marriage and I haven't done anything wrong, then, you know, the mad I gave you the 50,000 they gave you well, then I should get that back. And so if she decides that, yes, indeed, you know, I don't want to continue in this matter, then and she's the one that wants to end then she is going to ransom herself or this was called hold as like the ransom he like she gives her money back.

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So look, here it is, and call us Let me just you know, what that means to to take away basically to it's as if she she, she she threw it back with you give gave it back to him so that he could then or she could then walk away from the marriage. Now, this is a Hola, now there are a number of differences between color and Talaq. And again, this is meta based. So ask the particular method that you follow with the shape of your red hat. If you ask me. Generally speaking, I give within the humbly school generally speaking, if I don't, then I'll tell you

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otherwise, but generally speaking most of the stuff, the default is that I'm going to give you the humbly position. And so of the differences between hola and talaaq is that the hola cannot be taken back by the husband. Once the husband agrees Hollis and the story the annulment takes place. And so the hola is not a prologue, this is another key point it is an annulment or the technical term is facet of the marriage. Therefore, if the whole act takes place, the husband cannot change his mind. Whereas the Qaddafi can change his mind in three months with the three menstrual cycles, he can change his mind. Once the hula is given, the lady leaves immediately.

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Excuse me, she does not need to spend two, three months or one month in the husband's house, nor is the husband obliged to take care of her during this time, she simply goes to her own home, or to her parents or brothers wherever she wants. And she waits. And again, there's a big controversy, how long one position is that one month she waits one cycle, and then she's free to remarry. Another position is three months, and then she's free to remarry. But the point is that whether it's one month or three months that the husband does not have the right to return the wife because now he's given it up, he's forfeited his right, because she has paid the money back, she's given his money

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back to him. Now he has no right over her whatsoever. This also means according to the humbly school, that the three products that are allowed hold does not count as one of them. So far, has nothing to do with those three products. If they wanted to remarry. After a year or two, they would have to do a new Nikka. And if for whatever reason the husband decided to unable to finish the marriage and to give it to Allah, that will be the first time that the whole lot would not count as a product. This is the hamburger school, the Hanafis and others have different positions in this regard. So the point being there's a number of key differences between Hoda and Talat, and I

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explained the main point is that hola is initiated by the woman, and she gives them a her back and product is initiated by the man and the woman keeps them out. This is the main difference here now.

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Our brother Hessen says the wife asked for divorce, and the husband gave it but there was no monetary exchange, there was no point of the wife saying I'll give you the money back. This is not a holder. Rather, it is a request for a Tada. And a request for a follow up is simply a request for a product. That's all that it is. So it is basically a simple request. The wife has the right to say we're not getting along, you know, you know and by the way again, I mean, we should always make these disclaimers just like we prepare for marriage and think about marriage and think long and deep should is this person the right person for me we praise the Hara. So too as we plan for marriage, we

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should plan for divorce. If we are thinking of divorce, divorce should never be done spontaneously. Divorce should never be done on the spur of the moment. It is one of the biggest mistakes and by the way, out of the hundreds of emails I get every single week. The largest quantity are regarding divorce or with a biller. It's really sad

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had the largest quantity about emails that I in every single chakra, that's my husband did this, my wife did that, you know this that is just marital issues. This is a huge issue and we need to really, you know, talk about this, frankly, divorces should never be given on impulse. You plan a divorce, even more than you plan the marriage, you think about it, you talk to people, you talk to your spouse, you try to work it out. And then if, after all of this and it's the hara, and it's the Shara and talking it you both decide that it is best to not remain, then you decide for the divorce and then what type of divorce is palapas. At first, this is again decided and again, as I explained,

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generically speaking, if the wife is dissatisfied for her own reasons, then it's going to be the holder and she should give them her back. And if the husband is dissatisfied for his reasons, then it is thought and she gets to keep the MA in this case, if the wife asks for Talaq This is not Hola, this is ASCII for Talaq and it will only become poorer. If she then adds on to it, look, I'm going to give you my Maha back, I want to end this marriage. Once she says I want to give you the MaHA or take whatever you want from the Maya 50 processor, she negotiates, basically giving back what he gave her okay, because obviously, you know, it should not be more than anybody who does more than

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this has really fallen into the little no lady should give more than what has been given to her this would be lived with her husband demanded more. But if he were to demand his amount and say, look, the mod was 50,000, you know, I treated you fair and square. I don't you know, if you don't like you know, you know, me or whatever, then you want to leave the marriage, I want my my 50,000 back, then the wife says, Okay, fine, I will give it back to you. The minute that that negotiation is done, then they unload the marriage, they finished the marriage. In fact, according to the Federal from the humble school that one of the positions, even if he uses the word deadlock, right, but in the

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context of hola and what is the context of hola the context of Qatar is if she gave the money, okay, that he goes okay, to lock Turkey, he took the money, he goes to lock Turkey, even he used the word Talaq, but he took the money and the context is hola This is hola so the main point of hola is that because the wife gave the money she gained the freedom from her accord and the husband has no right over her to say I changed my mind I'm going to take you back if there is no money involved, and she said let's end this Marriage Divorce me and he says okay, fine. I agree. I divorced you this is a simple divorce based on the request of the wife that's not hola requesting a divorce is a request of

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the divorce it is not gonna so I hope that that is inshallah Tada. Clear and Allah azza wa jal knows best. We have time for one more question shallow Tada. It's a very simple and beautiful one that inshallah will be beneficial to. One aspect of theology, Brother Mohammed from Aberdeen, Scotland emails mashallah Aberdeen, Scotland, one of the northern most city very beautiful city. I've had the pleasure of going there once in my life. I've been to Glasgow and Edinburgh many more times, but Aberdeen up north Brother Mohammed for Aberdeen emails and he says that he has a question about the famous Hadith of the one who killed 99 people, but was eventually forgiven by Allah. He says that he

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understands that Allah's Mercy is infinite. And indeed it is possible for Allah to forgive everyone. But he says, how about the justice for the 99 families and the murdered? Where is the justice? He says, I can understand Allah's forgiveness. What about the people who were murdered? How can that be understood? In light of this hadith? Where is their hack for the rights that were taken away from them in light of this hadith? Now, this hadith is a famous hadith is reporting behind in Muslim our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said there used to be a man amongst the people before you who killed 99 people. And he regretted that and he wanted to repent. So he asked Who is the most

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knowledgeable person so he was guided to a monk, a monk is a worshiper who doesn't have any knowledge. And he said to the monk, I have killed 99 people, will Allah ever forgive me? And the man said, 99 people, how can Allah ever forgive you, you are doomed. So he became so angry that he killed the monk and made 100 And then he became repentant again. And so he then approached a scholar, and he asked the scholar, can Allah ever forgive me and the scholar said, and who can possibly come between you and Allah's forgiveness? Of course, Allah will forgive you. But then he said to him, You are living in an evil land go to a righteous place. And the long story short, he

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went to that place and on the way he died, and eventually ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada forgave him. Now the brother is saying he under

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understands the forgiveness, he does not understand the concept of justice. And the response is that on the Day of Judgment, our Prophet sallallahu Sallam told us that people, those types of people who have done wrong unto others, and especially those who have killed because our Prophet system said that a person is going to be in a state of ease, there's always going to be hope for a person on the Day of Judgment, unless he has shed the blood of somebody else. And our Prophet sallallahu ala said, I've said, the first issue that Allah will deal with on the Day of Judgment is blood, if somebody has shed blood, that is going to be the first issue Allah deals with in the court of the Divine on

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the day of judgment, and the long list of crimes. Number one, in terms of the crimes between mankind is, you know, those that have killed lots of people were criminals, what not, you know, mass murderers, they were going to be judged. Number one, and our Prophet SAW Allah, why do you sell them said that on that day, volume is going to be taken into account and the currency between the volume and the volume the currency between the one who did volume, and the one upon whom it was done will be the currency of good and bad deeds. So the one who did learn will be forced to give his good deeds to the one that he did the room to, until he runs out of good deeds, then bad deeds from them

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of room will be given to the one who did the volume until all accounts are settled. And our prophets of Allah Whitey who was seldom mentioned the case of the one who is a bankrupt person who said, Do you know who is the bankrupt person, and they said, the bankrupt person is the one who has run out of all money. And our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, No, the bankrupt person, in my on the Day of Judgment, from my own will be the one who comes with good deeds like mountains, yet he also has done zoom into many people, and he has killed people and hurt people and backed by the people and slandered people and stolen from people. And so on that day, the good deeds that he's

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done will be given to all of these other people until he runs out of all of his good deeds. He said, That is the bankrupt person. So in our brother asked the question, how do we understand this hadith and the response is very simple. One of two ways, number one, that the default is that the sinner who does not repent, or even who repented imperfectly shall be forced to deal with the sin that he has done unto others, because again, we're talking about the sin that was done to other people, by giving his good deeds. So it is possible that Allah might have forgiven this murderer. And so Allah will not punish him for what he has done. But this murderer might come on the day of judgment and

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become bankrupt. In light of the 99 or 100 claimants, he has to settle, and it is possible that because of that, he might be punished, but eventually, he will go to Jannah. Because how long will you remain for the punishments, you know, for the sins of this world, and then there is a second alternative, and that is that Allah azza wa jal accepts the repentance of such a person to such a level, that Allah will directly recompense though those upon whom voting was done from his account, and not from the account of the one who did vote. So in the end, the justice will be settled in the court of Allah, by the rights of the mother room being given to that person. And now whether the one

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who has done boom will be forgiven or not, it depends on his repentance. And this gives us hope, because there are people amongst us who have done gloom unto others, and those people are now gone from their lives. We don't know where they are any more. What can we do? Well, we can make dua for them give charity on their behalf, but we really are guilty, we're very repentant. What else can we do? We can turn to Allah subhana wa Taala and show our remorse and regret. Make for ask Allah for forgiveness. And a sincere, sincere, sincere repentance from Allah will be so powerful, that on the Day of Judgment, such a person will even be forgiven the Hillcoat against others, but they will not

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walk away empty handed, they will walk away with rewards from a Lord directly, which will be even more than what this man could have given them from his own good deeds, and so they will leave happy. And Allah azza wa jal because of the repentance of the sinner will allow the sinner to be forgiven. And this shows us that the Door of Mercy of Allah and the Rama of Allah and the generosity of Allah is beyond our account. And the point of this is to make us feel a sense of optimism and hope. No matter what sin we have done, even against other people. The doors of mercy are still open if we turn to Allah

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subhanho wa Taala and we sincerely show Allah we are guilty where we are, we're turning to Him with our good deeds, we're turning to Him with our Eclass insincerity or asking for His forgiveness. The more that we do in front of Allah subhana wa taala, the more the chances are that even those deeds will be forgiven, even if they're involved the rights of other people. And in fact our prophets of Allah, why do you see them said Hadith isn't Behati that Allah is amazed and when Hadith Allah laughs at two people, the killer and the killed, and yet they're eating together in Jannah. They're drinking together in Jannah. Each one of them in this world, their animosity and hatred was so bad

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that one of them killed the other. But it is possible that the one who killed was a non Muslim who repented he accepted Islam. So the one who was killed becomes a Shaheed the killer is forgiven, because he embraced Islam. And so in general, in general, they're together in Jannah, they're together and in this world, the one of them killed the other and that's each one will end up with the good deeds based upon what they have done. So all of this is to underscore that insha Allah to Allah if we turn to Allah and are sincere and perfect our repentance, then the doors to Rama are always open. We ask Allah subhana wa Tada to forgive us and to guide us and to make us of those who

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are in Janata for those of Allah inshallah I will see you in our next episode next week. Sokka. Molo head was set on wanting to La he will Baraka

00:56:24 --> 00:56:29

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