Yasir Qadhi – Have Some Psychological Humility

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the cultural principles of Islam, including the belief that everyone is responsible for their actions and the importance of avoiding potential consequences of a virus. The speakers emphasize the need to stop speaking about other people's mistakes and backflights, and recommend small steps to deal with one's own mistakes and avoid negative consequences. They also stress the importance of acknowledging and applying the principles of Islam to one's life, cautioning against giving too much weight to one's words, and using Islam as a means of pride. The segment also emphasizes the need to be mindful of one's actions and not to give too much weight to one's words.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Ali consider moral

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law at

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a wall

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in Alhamdulillah Nigel who want to stain or Horner stole photo, why not? Oh the villa Himanshu Rudy and fusina woman say Dr. Molina Mejia had to Hila home Fela medulla, woman yo lil Hofer la ha de Allah. Wa shadow

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ilaha illallah Hua Honda Cherie Keller, what a shadow under Mohamed and I will do what I swallow you whole arena. I'm an otaku. Allah Hakata RT y la termo tune in to Muslim on a My bad, do Muslims? How often is it that we hear a hutzpah a lecture, we hear a piece of advice. And the first thing that we think of, oh, I wish somebody else were here so and so we're here, he or she needs to hear exactly what I have heard. That person will benefit more than myself.

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Do Muslims if every time and advice is given to you, if every time something of benefit is given to you and your mind automatically goes to somebody else thinking that somebody else needs it more than you then the fact of the matter is that this is a sign a symptom of the beginnings of a spiritual disease. That disease is called spiritual ticket Burr. The notion that I am

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To holy I don't need this. The notion that I don't need this advice that guy needs that advice, my my enemy who did this, that evil person who did that automatically as if you are made out of Teflon, everything comes your way goes over you goes to somebody else, dear Muslims, to have the sense of spiritual arrogance is a symptom of a disease of the heart, one of the biggest diseases of the heart, and that is the disease of Kibera of arrogance. Worse than this is to go beyond deflecting every nasiha to somebody else, to then become obsessed with you becoming the person who is correcting everybody else's mistakes, even as you ignore your own mistakes. Dear Muslims, the

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righteous person is more worried about himself and herself than about anybody else. The one of Taqwa the person of spirituality is far more concerned with one's own faults, one on one's own shortcomings than with the perceived shortcomings of other people. Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran, Fela to Zakho and Fusa come, who are our lamb will be money taco. don't ascribe piety to yourselves. Only Allah knows who has Taqwa. don't ascribe piety to yourselves. Anyone who thinks I don't need that advice. Anyone who says hi and pious has demonstrated that they are not pious. Because true piety doubts its existence. True Taqwa trivializes its presence. In other words, the

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more Taqwa you have, the more you will be scared you don't have it. And the less Taqwa you have, the more you will feel you will have. And that's why Allah is telling us don't ascribe Taqwa to yourselves. Don't describe piety to yourselves. That's not the way of the believer. Only Allah knows who has truly achieved Taqwa. Do your Muslims never forget of the fundamental principles of our religion? The Quran is very clear more than a dozen verses tell us what it says it was the rotten wisdom raw, no soul is going to bear the burden of another. You are responsible for yourself primarily, even your spouse and children on the Day of Judgment, you will only have to answer to

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your responsibility to them not what they have done. Now what they have chosen to do. You are responsible primarily for yourself. Allah says in the Quran yeah you Allah Dena Amma know Allah you come and full circle. Are you who believe guard your own selves? Are you who believe monitor yourselves? Lie your guru. C'mon, Bala, either today to the misguidance of the one who goes astray is not going to harm you. As long as you have achieved your own hidayah. Allah is telling us to not be obsessed with the perceived faults of other people and to be far more obsessed with your own state in the eyes of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. Allah tells us in the Quran, Quran Lunasin Bhima.

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Cassava, Tara Hina. Every soul is going to be stopped on the day of judgment or Hina means you're going to be mortgaged, you're going to be stopped or hundreds or mortgage you're stopped there until you answer not for the deeds of other people for your own deeds. Kulu Neff sin Bhima, casa, but Raveena, every soul is going to be stopped based upon what they have done, they will have to account for their own deeds, their own good, their own bad, we have to monitor ourselves far more than other people. And when we find that our minds are always going to other people, when we find that any advice, any hutzpah, any poignant message that anybody tells us automatically we think it doesn't

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apply to me. I'm not arrogant. I'm not this, I'm not that. And we think of another person. And you know what, maybe that person doesn't need to hear it. You know what, maybe that person really is guilty. But the fact that you automatically feel you're not guilty is a problem that has nothing to do with the other person. Maybe you're right. Maybe that other person should have been listened to the whole but as well, maybe that other person has the same disease 10 times worse than you. Maybe you're right. But on the day of judgment, that other person's disease is not going to harm you. It's not going to affect you. Your disease will affect yourself. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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reminded us beautiful Hadith and Sunnah tell me the men who Sunni Islam and Maori total Kumala Yanni of the perfection of one's Islam, it is the per

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faction of your own Islam is to leave what is not going to benefit you mind your own business primarily concern yourself with your own lives and your own lifestyles rather than that of other people. Once in the late Madani period when a lot of new Muslims had embraced Islam, many of them were hypocrites. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stood up and he gave a very emotional hotbar this hadith is in Timothy, he raised his voice very loudly, Rafael Soto who the Hadith says and then a part of that hope but what did he say? Jamar Shah Rahman s Lama Billy Sunday he Well I'm Jakob Eman will call be HIPAA law to rule Muslim in or people whose tongues have said they're

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Muslim, but their hearts have not yet touched Iman, or people who claim to be Muslim. But your hearts do not have Iman, listen to me the process of his saying do not harm other believers, one or two IUT whom do not criticize the other Muslims. What are our arty him Do not follow their mistakes. Notice the other believers have mistakes. It's not as if they're without mistake. But the prophet system is telling people don't follow the mistakes of other people don't advertise the mistakes of other people don't criticize other people for your own mistake for their own mistakes. Why? He said whoever follows the mistakes of his brothers, Allah subhanho wa Taala will follow his mistakes.

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Manta Tebrau Arataki he talked about Allahu Allah who you're going to follow the outro. The outro here means mistakes. The guys covered it up. The guy hasn't publicized it. He's doing a sin. You find the mistake. You discover it and you publicize it. You tell other people about it. You go to all of your friends and family you posted on Facebook I saw such and such a person do this. Our Profit System said if you're going to follow other people's mistakes, guess what? Allah azza wa jal is going to monitor yours. And then he said and whenever Allah follows the mistakes of a person, that person shall be humiliated even if he remains in his house, Allah will humiliate him. This

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hadith brothers and sisters is pertinent to the entire genre of concentrating on yourself rather than the mistakes of other people. A man came to the Prophet Celeste and I did this and Muslim and Muhammad a man came to the process and said, Oh Sonny rasool Allah, give me some good advice on Messenger of Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the user guide in Nursey Mata Allah MINDEF SIC, the knowledge you have of yourself, should prevent you from speaking about other people. I want to pause here and I want you to absorb this hadith, the knowledge you have of yourself. This is a Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim. And it is so deep and profound. The knowledge

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you have of yourself should stop you from talking about other people you have enough to deal with on your own plate, you have enough sense in your own backpack that you're carrying, you have enough to answer for for your own life and lifestyle. Why are you bothered about exposing and criticizing and making fun of and mocking other people, if you truly understood yourself, then you would be concentrating only on yourself rather than other people. And it is reported from Abu Hurayrah the Allahu and some have said it's a hadith but it is not a hadith as Raghu Hurayrah. And this message is also found in the New Testament as well from Jesus and Abu Huraira also took this and spread it

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from himself as well, that Abu Huraira or the Allahu unsaid, one of you sees the speck of dust in his brother's eyes, and he ignores the logs sticking out of his own eye. One of you sees the smallest mistake in his brother and makes it a big deal. And as he does so he ignores the big mistake in his own life. And he attempts to cover it up. Once again, the notion of why are you obsessed with other people's mistakes and false you have enough to worry about on yourself, a righteous person, a turkey, a person who truly understands what Qiyamah is, is going to be far more concerned with his or her own false and shall prioritize his or her own sins than the false and sins

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of other people. The famous scholar of our tradition, Ibn Hibben, boosts the one of the great scholars of Hadith and also actually interestingly, also a philosopher and a person of the Teskey or two so enough, CMAT wrote a lot of books, this great scholar Ibn Hibben. He died in the third century he wrote al Hua Ji while Mussolini Liu zoom was salamati Bitter kita justice you and Ruben NUS the obligation on every Muslim is to have a pure heart by abandoning eavesdropping and spying on other people. And by concerning

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correcting himself rather than correcting others, because whoever is concerned about his own faults will live a far more peaceful life and will not be bothered about other people. And the more he is concerned about other people's faults, the less he shall be concerned about his own faults than had been headband said, Allah says in the Quran. Oh you who believe defend yourself against those that are attacking you from close by caught to the Lydian that your Luna committed kuffaar Defend yourself from immediate enemies rather than faraway ones verse in the Quran. In other words, monitor the close enemies rather than the far ones. Ibn headband says listen to this, your closest enemy is

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yourself. Begin with yourself your own ego, your closest enemy is what is inside of you. Begin with your own ego. Allah says conquer your immediate enemies, conquer your soul before you conquer anybody else's. Take care of your own knifes before you worry about other unforeseen out there beautiful extraction from a verse in the Quran, one of the scholars of our past one of the students of the Sahaba somebody came to him and said, I noticed you never mentioned somebody else with evil. I noticed you know, all the buzz I go all the Guru's I go, you never mentioned somebody else's name. I go to other people's lectures, they're always mentioning other people. And this great scholar and

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student of the sahaba. He said, I am not satisfied with my own self, such that I began criticizing other people I feel myself is so much worthy of criticism. How can I criticize other people when I am the number one critic of myself in my own eyes? What right do I have to talk about other people when in my own eyes I am the biggest sinner. And in telling us this he tells us the reality of what Taqwa is, once in a gathering of great people had been Abbas was sitting there as well, the great cousin of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and as is prone to happen in gatherings, a person began to mention backbiting. So talking about another person, I saw this and this happened, some

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social drama might have taken place. It'd been a bus interrupted, stopped. The conversation had been Ibis said, if you want to talk about the faults of mankind, rather than began with the faults of other people, let's begin with your own faults. Let's hear your own false and then you can talk about other people's faults. Ibn Abbas taught him wisdom. Why are you obsessed about social drama? Why are you creating a scene and talking about the mistakes and the sins of other people? If you really want to talk about the sins of mankind? Well then let's begin with you and let you tell us what you have done rather than you backbiting about your fellow Muslim brother or sister. So

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brothers and sisters, be careful of going down this evil slippery slope. Be careful of ascribing piety to yourselves. And this is a surreptitious, a hidden manner of ascribing piety to yourself, when you talk bad about other people, when you smack, talk about other people, there is an inherent psychological reality that you think you're better than other people, you think you're not worthy of that smack talk and that criticism, and that's why our religion teaches us be careful brothers and sisters, concern yourself with your own before that of others. Now, how do we go about this process? What are some practical steps that we can take to concentrate on ourselves other than other people?

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Number one, point number one, and this is something we learned from the Sierra we learned from the sahaba. We learned from this books of the great sages, Imam Al Ghazali, had been headband. So many scholars have no claim they mentioned this as a tactic. They mentioned this as a routine of the movement of the person on the path to Allah subhanho wa taala. One of the things we incorporate in our daily schedule, one of our scholars said every night before you go to sleep do this is to go over your own fault lists in your own life for the day. What did I do wrong today? What was the mistakes that I did? All too often, we completely ignore our own errors, days, weeks, months go by

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before we even think what are the things that I have done, and this is not the way of the pious, the way of the righteous the way of the Moutai you are constantly self assessing yourself. You need to be your own CPA, you need to be your own attorney and accountant. You need to take account of yourselves before Allah will take a count of you. And the way that is done is you literally dedicate some private time some alone time. That's why our scholars will do it when they lie down in bed before going to sleep. They're going to go over their daily routine. What did I do wrong today? What sin did I commit? Who did I back by whose feelings Did I hurt? Where was I short and my salah in my

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charity? What missed opportunity was there when you constantly make it a habit to monitor your own false automatically in your daily routine, you're going to concentrate on the

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the faults of other people in a less manner and one of the scholars of the past. Sadly, he he mentioned this explicitly as a part of the routine of the righteous person, Maha Sabha. It's one of the chapters in Haroldo Medina, and that is that chapter of self accounting. Point number two, the second advice, any time you find your mind wandering to the mistakes of other people, anytime you start contemplating you listen to a hooker like hold that guy needed to listen to it. Stop yourself immediately. And ask yourself, what will I benefit from this advice? Forget so and so? How can I benefit from this advice? change the course of your mind to stop thinking about other people's

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faults and wonder when you listen to something of benefit? What can I put in my own life that I can be a better person? Point number three, remind yourself of the dangers of all that is surrounding putting other people down because this is a disease that leads to many other diseases. When you're obsessed with other people automatically, a bunch of other sins take place of them spying that just says you're always wanting to see what the other person is doing of them. Eavesdropping of them is to find out in a manner that is not halal, what is going on in their lives of them Zeba constantly backbiting of them bogged down slander of them sue Elvin thinking the worst of your brother,

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sometimes an ambiguous thing happens. It could be good, it could be bad, but you have trained your mind to always be critical. So you're automatically going to read in the worst interpretation. And this is betraying your own weakness. We're supposed to have good thoughts of people, pure thoughts of people, we're supposed to make excuses. But when your mind goes down this road of constant criticism, all excuses get thrown out the window and you become a person who always sees the glass as being half empty, who always sees the negative of life and will law he's such people are despised by their own family and their friends in society. Nobody likes a grumpy person always looking at the

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negative. And when you go down this route, you become such a person, number point number four. Point number four.

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Teach Yourself to always put other people in a better platform than you think they deserve, especially your brothers and sisters who are righteous, think of them with better thoughts. And we learn this from the Quran from the Sunnah from the Sierra. When Allah subhanho wa Taala said to our Prophet Musa, I have chosen you, you go to fit Allen, you are the Prophet I've chosen Musa immediately What did he say? He said, Yeah, Rob, my brother is more eloquent than me. Can you send him as well? Notice he didn't say yes, I'm the chosen one. I won the first place. Allah said to him in this stuff, a Touka. I have chosen you, but in his mind, and this is a sign of piety. He was the

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more righteous he was the more pious but because he's the more righteous because he actually has Taqwa. When Allah says I've chosen you. Musa says, I'm not the best person in Aki Harun who have some in the sun and my brother how rune is better than me. He's more eloquent than me. You should choose him Oh ALLAH and send him as well. Look at how the mind is thinking. The same goes to our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a man came to the Prophet system said, always the best of Allah's creation. Yeah, higher already. Yeah. And he is the best of the creation He is. But immediately his humility said, no, no, that is my father, Ibrahim. Ibrahim is the best of creation,

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even though he is the best of creation, but in his humility, and this isn't false humility. This is genuine. He really believes Ibrahim is better than him. But we know that he is better than Ibrahim alayhis salam. This is a sign of Taqwa. When the best of the best is no one who I'm not the best, Ibrahim is the best. What does that show you? When another man comes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he is trembling in fear. He's scared that the process is such a big figure. Literally. He began trembling. The process of him smiled, put a hand on his shoulder and said My dear brother, yeah, oh, yeah. Oh, here when Allah enough sick, calm down. I am not a king. He said

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this in the less to be a mother come now the king in illustrate America. I'm not a king. I am the son of a lady who was so poor. She couldn't eat fresh meat. She had to eat dried meat for her meals. I am a mere son of a lady who was very poor. He's putting himself down in a legitimate manner like I am not the king and he wasn't a king. He was a prophet. He was better than a king. I am not a king. I am the son of a lady who would have to eat dried meat. You couldn't afford to eat you know fresh meat. Why is he saying this? Because this is the sign of iman. The sign of Taqwa that you don't make yourself bigger than you are that you are somebody who puts himself down and the time of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a Jewish

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person and a Muslim person. They had a big fight almost a fist fight. Actually they did have a fist fight. The Jewish person said, Allah has chosen Musa over the prophets of Saddam. And the Muslim said, Allah has chosen Warhammers, Assam over the Prophet Musa. Now, in our Sharia, we do not put other prophets down by raising other prophets up. We don't do this. It's not as Allah azza wa jal says that all of the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala Kulu, whom all of them they are the prophets of Allah, we don't consider in a manner that puts another one down. They both came to the process of this hadith isn't Behati the Prophet CISM himself is asked Yara swill Allah, the Muslim

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saying, I said, you are better than Musa and this man. He said, Musa is better than you. Now pause here. Technically, our Prophet system is a higher degree than Musa but the spirit of the sahabi was not correct with utmost respect to him, his spirit was he wants to put Musa down by putting the process up. That's not weird. We all look up to the profits. And so our profit system said Hadith isn't Behati love to follow the loony either Musa don't say I am better than Musa in this type of context. Don't say this, because on the Day of Judgment, I will see Musa ahead of me in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala I will see him holding on to the Throne of Allah when I am resurrected, He

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is going to be ahead of me and the Hadith goes on praising Musa pointers. Our Prophet system did not consider himself in this manner, how can we consider ourselves in this manner, even though he was the best of creation, he was the best of mankind, He was better than Musa but it is not the way of the believer to ascribe piety to himself or herself. And the final point brothers and sisters, with regards to this issue of concentrating on other people versus yourself. Remember, on the Day of Judgment, all the mistakes of all of mankind will not harm you, as the smallest mistake on your own roster will irritate you. No matter what anybody else has done. It will not affect you at all, what

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you have done, the smallest of your sins will be bigger for you and more painful for you then the biggest sense of all of mankind. Now all of this quick disclaimer before we finish the first hot buck. All of this has nothing to do with the Islamic obligation of preaching the truth, and commanding the good and forbidding the evil this must be done has nothing to do with this. And if you think that this topic contradicts commanding the good and forbidding with evil, then frankly, you have not understood the entire hotbar today, the hotbar today is about your own psychological knifes it's about your own paradigm. It's about how you view yourself. Even when you commander good

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to somebody in your own heart. You should be feeling Yeah, but I am worse than him even though he's doing this sin. My sin is a bigger sin in the eyes of Allah than his sin. What we're talking about today is psychological and spiritual humility, that humility has nothing to do with your obligation of commanding the good and preaching the truth and forbidding the evil May Allah subhana wa Tada make us of those who listen to His Verses and apply us to the best of our lives. May Allah bless me and you with him through the Quran and made him make us of those who is versus they understand and applies halal and haram throughout our lifespan. I ask Allah is forgiveness he was while asking for

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his love of food and the ramen.

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Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah helwa Had Allah had a Samad Allah de la mula, mula wollemi Akula aquifer and I had to do

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the concept of problematizing other people more than yourself is always a problem. It's always a spiritual disease. But the spiritual disease is compounded when a religious element is added unjustly, and when religious fanaticism joins the picture. overzealous overzealousness fanaticism is a common problem since the beginning of times, even in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that beginning came of groups of people who thought themselves better than the Sahaba or stuck for Allah even better than the Prophet sistema himself, a stop for Allah. And this is what happens when you allow this spiritual disease of arrogance of spiritual arrogance to corrupt your

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heart. Do your Muslims and I especially appeal to our youngsters who are religious, a smaller segment segment of us but still it is a reality. I caution you of the lure of spiritual arrogance. I caution you of the appeal of fanaticism, the notion that I am upon the truth and everybody who opposes me is upon Balton is a deviant is misguided. Be careful of the naming and shaming culture. Be careful of the online social drama scene because I swear to you and speak to those older than you that have gone through these phases. I swear to you there is no

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All good in concentrating on the faults of other people as you ignore your own, you are going to become spiritually bankrupt. This is a sign of arrogance to consider everybody to be misguided, except you and a small group of people other than you. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said hadith is the same was slim. Whoever says all of mankind is misguided and destroyed. He is the most misguided of them. Whoever says everybody's off, everybody's gone. In fact, he is the worst of them. There is good in the OMA of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the owner of the Profit System is a great OMA the best or MA quantum higher OMA, anybody who comes and tells you the bulk of the

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OMA is misguided. Anybody who tells you the majority of aroma are sellouts. Anybody who tells you only a small group of Muslims is rightly guided I understand. It feels good. I understand you feel empowered. I understand it makes you feel special. I don't doubt your sincerity. I do doubt your knowledge and your wisdom. This is not the way of Islam. Listen to me and listen carefully. The bulk of the OMA is upon good that's not my words. It's the words of our prophets. ism is the words of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, Allah, Allah. Allah says in the Quran, you are the best Ummah, our Prophet sallallahu sallam said, in the OMA to Martin Moreau, whom my Alma is an alma Allah has shown

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mercy to this is the OMA of Allah azza wa jal that he has chosen, the bulk of it and hamdulillah is upon good and guidance. Therefore, anybody who tells you everybody's misguided except us, mark my words and listen to the Senior Scholars older than me and older than you, they themselves are misguided because Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah, the vast majority of Muslims, even if they don't live righteous lives, they recognize righteousness, they recognize piety, the vast majority of our Allah ma, they're preaching mainstream Islam, and this is the reality from the beginning of time. Anybody who said otherwise, they went down the path of fanaticism, look at the hydrogels look at every other

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group, you will find them to be small, you will find them to be sectarian, you will find them to be fanatical, the bulk of the Ummah has always been rightly guided and the bulk of Islamic scholarship from the time of the Sahaba up until our times they are preaching mainstream normative Islam and the differences between them are trivial and they don't negate that overall they are upon good and upon hair, brothers and sisters. Islam is not a Netflix drama. Islam is not an HBO cereal, Islam is not online entertainment. And if you find that the majority of your Islamic activism is online drama, if you find the majority of what makes you feel better as a Muslim is to put other Muslims down, then I

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tell you honestly, this is not the Islam of Allah subhanho wa Taala it's not the Islam of the prophets of Allah Salah and it's not an Islam that is going to benefit you. Concentrate on your own false concentrate on proving yourself and even if other people are misguided, you will have to answer for yourself on the day of judgment. And listen to the senior most scholars listen to those who by and large don't get involved in online drama. This is a sign of actual scholarship, a sign of actual piety, what you see online between various people here and there. Honestly, this is not Islam. It's not going to benefit you at all. Learn from the righteous or Allah MA and learn from the

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greatest scholars that are alive. You don't find them stooping to this level brothers and sisters I conclude with a famous teammate of Imam Malik Ibn Anas. We all agree who Imam Malik was, we all agree the greatest scholar of Medina from the time of the tabula rasa of your own Imam Malik said that in Medina, I met groups of people in Medina, I knew groups of people, they did not have any mistakes amongst them. But all they did was to find the mistakes of other people. All they did was to talk about other people. And so Allah subhana wa Taala created mistakes in them. And they became the target of criticism because all they did was criticize other people. And I met other groups of

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people, they had mistakes, but they were more busy with their own mistakes than the mistakes of other people. So Allah concealed their mistakes and protected them from humiliation. This is Imam Malik speaking to groups of people, the one group they're obsessed with the mistakes of other people. Imam Malik said, Allah azza wa jal exposed them and Allah created for them mistakes humiliated them, because all they could do is to be obsessed with other people and the other group. Sure they weren't perfect, but they didn't worry about other people's mistakes. They're more worried about themselves and Allah bless them conceal their mistakes and gave Baraka in their Dawa. This

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should be our philosophy as well. Concentrate on your own shortcomings bother with your own sins than the sins of other people. And if

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You do so you will live more righteous life and you will be on the path to Taqwa. Allahumma in NIDA and family no alarm Allah that IV Khaled Yomi ism and it love affolter wala Harmon Illa for Raja what are they in an illogical data weather media on ILDA chef Atia while I see Ron Illa your Sarita Allah my friend Anna What are you one and the DSL Pune been Eman? Walter? I feel coluna Hilda Lilina Armano Robina in Nicaragua for Rahim, Allah Azza Islam, Muslim in Allahumma Israel islam al Muslimeen, Allah Humam and Aradhana are the Islam or Muslim individual and vegetable who've been FC which outed me Rafita is BT here polio disease rebirth Allah in Allah to Allah Amara convey their

00:35:40 --> 00:36:15

behavior NFC within NaVi Mala credico se was held as a become a you know an engineer he went into football as an acquired in Lima in Allah Muhammad KATUSA Luna Allah Nabi yeah you Allah Dena Amanu Sallu alayhi wa sallam with a steamer Allahumma Salli wa Sallim wa Barik Al Abdullah Costa Rica Muhammad Ali he was IVIG marine rebels Allah in Allahu Allah mobile idli Wilier Sunni Waitara orba Wayan hylafax Shy will Moon carry well belly you're either Camilla Allah come to the Quran. Oh the Quran Allah had I'll email the Quran wish Kuru who is what are the crew Allahu Akbar welcome is Allah

00:36:28 --> 00:36:29

Allah Allah

00:36:33 --> 00:36:35

no more eyeshadow no

00:36:38 --> 00:36:42

more Hayato sauna de Hi Yan and

00:36:44 --> 00:36:49

for the walnut your sauna to bother to solder whoa

00:36:56 --> 00:36:58

Street in euros the Euro gaps in the line

00:37:00 --> 00:37:03

along like bongs.

00:37:11 --> 00:37:50

hamdulillah hailed I've been on a meeting. All right now and you're rocking? Mani Kiyomi do me. II kinda I want to do one kind of styling. Then I'll say it all for them most dumpling said all levena And I'm gonna eat him Ohana easy to know who they are laying him model balling

00:37:52 --> 00:37:53


00:37:55 --> 00:37:57

Um, I know Ron soon will be my

00:38:00 --> 00:38:06

Zilla ina him and more be here with me Moon Coonan

00:38:07 --> 00:38:32

he wants to Allah Ekati he was going to be he was sworn in law no Federico Boehner AHA demilune Sona wa walk on Sameer I now want on well frog God on BANA wa ala Yuka mostly la yo can live for Allahu nuff son in

00:38:34 --> 00:38:39

law ha gesagt Batswana you MK does

00:38:40 --> 00:38:42

a better job

00:38:45 --> 00:38:46

in nursing

00:38:50 --> 00:39:03

a lot better I want to I mean I know ina gamma hammer the town hall and I lead them in all been in a rock band now. Why not your hammer mill

00:39:05 --> 00:39:09

law courts Atlanta Wow four

00:39:10 --> 00:39:12

wall feet Atlanta wall

00:39:18 --> 00:39:19

sold on

00:39:23 --> 00:39:27

feeding a long walk alone

00:39:34 --> 00:39:37

semi Allahu naman Hamidah.

00:39:41 --> 00:39:44


00:39:51 --> 00:39:53

Allahu Akbar

00:39:57 --> 00:39:59


00:40:00 --> 00:40:01

Oh come

00:40:08 --> 00:40:11

along kaboom.

00:40:16 --> 00:40:34

Alhamdulillah here I've been on me and Manuel Rahim Emma Nikki young woman Dini yuck and avoid the wandering kindness the thing they no say at all. It's one of the most stumpy mostly along it's on Nadine and

00:40:36 --> 00:40:36


00:40:39 --> 00:40:41

behind him more than

00:40:46 --> 00:40:48


00:40:50 --> 00:40:52

I mean

00:40:54 --> 00:41:05

what Tini was a Tony wants morning scene in our Hi there BANA Jia Ming, loco Honda upon

00:41:06 --> 00:41:12

santa fe de San it's out Boeing

00:41:13 --> 00:41:26

Mara Danna, who is fed us feeling in a Lahaina man who I am you know saw near hottie father whom I don't know

00:41:27 --> 00:41:39

noon family you can leave all GABA I do Dubin Dean. Allah isa warm Woombie Kameel

00:41:40 --> 00:41:45

Aki me along welcome

00:41:51 --> 00:41:54

semi Allahu naman Hermida

00:41:58 --> 00:42:02

along workable

00:42:10 --> 00:42:12

hola hola como

00:42:17 --> 00:42:20

along likeable

00:42:28 --> 00:42:33

all one Cubone

00:43:01 --> 00:43:02

center Santa Maura

00:43:07 --> 00:43:14

Santa Maura inkoop documents on

00:43:25 --> 00:44:01

so welcome I've been asked to make dua for a number of our members who are sick sisters obey the Han brother Mirza, big to South Habib and Khalid Sadie and also one of our sisters sister Lazada. Her mother passed away in India. So we make dua for them. Alohomora Bonanza double bossy, and Tasha fellowship Isla Shiva crescendo there's a comma Allah Masha Allah Donna one more than was seeming Allah mushy Madonna one what does it mean? Allah mushroom Shiva and I urge you to live or the Lusaka Allah and Muhammad mo Tana one moto Muslimeen O Allah Allah monks to our sicko, Allah cured them swiftly cured them permanently. Oh Allah, Oh Allah, all of our members, family members and our

00:44:01 --> 00:44:11

friends who have passed away, forgive them, grant them full dose and grant us submit after them and make the last words that we say in this dunya La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu ascendo bodyguard

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