Yasir Qadhi – Glad Tidings to the Ones Who are Tested – Special Needs

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The conversation covers various topics including the historical context and benefits of shedding, the use of symbolism in people's political lives, and the potential consequences of shedding. The speakers emphasize the importance of maintaining patience and being patient while learning from the "will" of others. They also mention the benefits of testing people and encourage them to do so. The conversation ends with a brief advertisement for coffee and a drink.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah who Allah Allah he will be here woman novella Hammerberg. Today's short Hatha is going to be about a topic that is not very common to hear about, but it is very important. And that is just some brief remarks about how the Quran and Sunnah, how the seer of the Prophet Salah Salem is teaching us to deal with those who are emotionally or physically challenged in our societies. You know, Allah tests, some people that they don't have what other people have Allah test some people physically they don't have what other people have, emotionally they don't have what other people have mentally they don't have what other people have.

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So what can we talk about from the Quran and Sunnah from the syrup about this reality or this phenomenon? Let us begin by pointing out that those people that are tested, there is no question that it is a very difficult test. And it is a part of the Sunnah, to give them glad tidings of Jannah if they are patient. So we have the incident of the blind man coming to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and saying that, you know, oh Messenger of Allah, you know, ask Allah to cure me. In fact, even before this, there is another Hadith that links with this, our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever Allah takes away his two beloved things, the eyes and he

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is patient, Allah shall give him Jana. So he told us beforehand, that whomever Allah takes away his eyesight, and he demonstrates patience, there is nothing less than Janna. And in the Hadith also, we learned that on the Day of Judgment, when Allah shall reward those who have been tested and tried, those who are not tested and try the Aafia people will look at that reward. And they will wish that in this dunya, their skin were peeled from their live bodies, so that they could get the reward of those people who were tested. So in this world, we don't want to be people who are tested. But in the next world, the people who are not tested will feel jealous of the people who were tested. And

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they will wish to go back and be tested. Of course, they're going to wish but it's not going to happen. Because when you see the results is different than those here. So we don't want to be tested, but we give glad tidings to those who are tested. And it is human nature when you are tested. You don't want to be tested and that's halal. And that's permissible. And you ask Allah to lift up the test back to the Hadith I began with that the blind man came to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, he said, Yeah, rasool Allah make dua to Allah to cure my blindness. So Kay is halal. You don't want to be blind. Nobody wants to be incapacitated. Nobody wants to be sick. So the

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prophets have said to him, if you wish, I'll make dua and if you wish, be patient and I guarantee you agenda means Subhanallah What a beautiful thing. If you want to make dua okay. But I'm telling you that if you maintain this and you are patient, you will get Jana and the man he's a human being even his as a hobby he said, Yeah rasool Allah make dua panela make dua and inshallah get Jana otherwise I wouldn't this dunya I want to see so it's a long hadith is called the Hadith of the blind man, you can look this up, the presidents had said this drop go home, pray to DACA you know, do will do say this dua and Allah will kill you. And in this exact exactly what happened. Another

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lady came to the Prophet system. And she said, you have a pseudo law. I suffer from Jani we now know it's epilepsy. She describes it and it fits and what not I suffer from epilepsy. Make dua that Allah cures me. He's a folder, the same thing. If you wish, I'll make dua and if you wish, be patient and you shall get Jana. Now, why do you think our process is telling the blind man and the lady who is suffering fits? Why is he telling them this? Not for them for me and you? Because he's not going to? We cannot go to him and say, Allah make dua for my son, that's gonna be the door shut down. Right? So he's giving Glad Tidings to every disabled person, every person till the Day of Judgment, who

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does not have access to come and say, Allah make dua for me? That's why he made the rule. If you wish, I'll make dua no problem, but let me tell you, if you are patient, you shall get Jana SubhanAllah. So in this case, the lady said I will one Jana, by the way, both are Sahaba. Nothing wrong for not wanting to be tested. It's human nature. Don't feel guilty to your brother or sister that you're constantly making dua you have every right to make dua and make dua nobody is saying don't make dua but in this case, the prophet Sessoms is a bit higher, and he has that opportunity to say if you want I'll make dua and if you want you shall get Jana. Okay, nothing wrong with us making

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dua. So in both of these cases, the processing gave both options. And in both of these cases, each one took a different option. So the lady says, Okay, I want Jana, but then she had one request, but I have one Rick

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STR rasool Allah and that is when I am having this fits sometimes my clothes reveal my IRA, at least make dua that my IRA is covered Subhanallah SubhanAllah. So the process of made dua that are out to always be covered when she's suffering these fits, right. So the point being you have both of these examples and, you know, role models for us to follow. We learn from the Sunnah as well, that we should be sympathetic and kind to those that are suffering. It's a part of our sunnah our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would visit those who are sick, he would visit those who are disabled, it is authentically narrated that a blind man came to the Prophet system. He said, Yeah rasool Allah

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sometimes the rivers come or the when the rain falls, I should say, my I cannot walk to the masjid so I pray at home. So I'm asking you a favor. Can you come to my house across the valley, so different mini city outside of Medina? Can you come to my house, so that your prayer spot I will feel comfortable praying there that you pray there? This is the Baroque it's allowed for the Prophet SAW Selim. Now the man's houses a large walk away. He is Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he goes now I'm in the forest. I shall do it. Tomorrow. I'll come to your house. He called a worker an automobile. They walked to the man's house. He's a blind man. And he entered the house. He goes,

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where do you want me to pray? The blind man pointed in that corner. That's what I liked you to pray and the process and pray to raka just to make him feel good about himself just to give that extra time extra encouragement. This is our sunnah. In the Hadith in Sahih Bukhari we learn there was a lady who was mentally not there, you know, she wasn't normal. And she walked into the process of gathering walks straight up to him and said, Yeah, rasool Allah, I need to discuss something with you.

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It's awkward, and you don't, but everybody knows she's not normal. So the prophets have said, Yeah, I'm at Allah, Oh, servant, female servant of Allah. Tell me what time and what place to meet you. And I shall meet you. And we will discuss social indeed, she pointed a time and place the process and went in a public place and he spoke with her. It was some whatever we don't know what it was, but to give time for somebody who's mentally unbalanced, right, just to make them feel good. This is our Syrah or sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also we are taught to very clearly to our will We will never make fun of somebody or to make somebody feel awkward because of this hadith

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isn't Behati that you know, even muster with he suffered from a disk form a deformity of the legs, his legs, they would curve and that's why he would wear long garments. And so one time he climbed up to get something from the top of a tree and so his legs could be seen and somebody laughed in public or profits or some said are you laughing at even lawsuits? Legs? Will law he they are heavier in the skills of on the day of judgment than the mountain of water it? Who are you to laugh at even mystery, but he made the point are you laughing at this, you don't make fun of people because they are of this nature of something I will do below what type of humanity is left in you? So we go out

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of our way in fact, there's an authentic hadith our Prophet says I'm even forbade staring at those who are disabled led to the moon Nevada, Elon Musk Doom is a Hadith and that culture, it was okay to stare in that culture. You know, in our Western culture, it's very rude to stare right? And that culture is okay you just stare, stare stare or profitsystem forbade Don't stare at those who are disabled is gonna make them feel bad. Subhanallah so even this notion of you know, making conscious being conscious of how they are feeling, being conscious that you don't put them in an awkward spot, even this is coming down in our Shediac In fact, there's a verse of the Quran that is revealed

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because of this awkwardness. Allah says in the Quran, Lisa Mahajan, while the other halogen Well, I didn't marry the halogen, one and first, second and third column and we took on the verse goes on, there is no sin on the one who is limp or the one who is a blind or the one who is sick, or the one you know anybody who to eat in your houses or houses of your father's or, or anybody the list goes on. When I first memorize the Quran, I was like, why is Allah mentioning there is no sin on the one who's limping and the one who's blind and the one who's sick, you know, to eat together? Why would Allah say the limping and the blind? What is this got to do with it? Then one time comes in, you're

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reading the books of tafsir they've seated poverty tells us why. In Jay Haley society, there was a stigma attached to people who are disabled. And that stigma was if you're around them, you will also be affected. So Allah from above the seventh heaven revealed laser hydrogen while other ology hydrogen water under the MIDI, the hydrogen if you're blind, if you're limping, if you're sick, if you're no problem, eat together or eat singly or eat with your parents or eat any it's okay to eat together. Allah revealed in the Quran so that people don't feel an awkwardness to intermingle with those in Jahai it was they thought it was wrong to intermingle.

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And so our shedding has come to lift up the spirits of those who they have been tested in ways we have not been tested with. And ASHA has come to remind us of their book. In fact, in an authentic hadith our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and this is a very very scary Hadith, Allah's lie now is on the one who misguides a blind man Subhanallah there's no practical joke, there is no such thing as a blind man comes he wants help. And then you out have fun you tease him. Allah's learner is on the one who misguides a blind man Why do you think this hadith is coming? Because these are the most vulnerable people those that are intellectually not like us, those that are

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physically disabled, those that are emotionally just you know, going through difficult what not anybody takes advantage of them. They're the worst of the worst Allah's Lana is on such person, can you imagine just there is no such thing as taking advantage of such people. And that's by the way also, the issue of orphans property, even the orphans is a temporary but still, why is it so harsh orphans property because they're vulnerable, and when you take their property, then you have no humanity left. And our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah's help shall come to you, when you help your alpha and you're weak, Allah's help comes to you when you help the weakest

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amongst you. So these are the weakest amongst us. And when we help them go out of our way for them to take care of them. That is one Allah's blessings are gonna come to us. Final point is that for those of us that are not being tested in those ways, by the we realize we're being tested in other ways, right? Each one of them is being tested for those that are not being tested in those ways. There is a dua that we say to ourselves, not to others, not in public, we say to ourselves, Alhamdulillah Hilah de I find him Taraka we ask, we thank Allah azza wa jal that he has protected me from what he has tested you with and that He has blessed me that he has preferred me over others.

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This is a prophetic DUA and the purpose is not are with a biller to gloat, the purpose is to appreciate your blessings. There's a big difference between the two, when you see somebody underprivileged, struggling, when you see somebody who is a lesbian, I mean, Allah is testing him in a way that you are not being tested with, then you should thank Allah, not that you're better than him, but that Allah has given you a blessing, and you should not take it for granted. Alhamdulillah Allah the funny meme of tilaka this has not said to the person this is between you and Allah that you appreciate. And you thank Allah for a blessing he has given you so this in a nutshell is some

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and of course much more can be said the bottom line, those that are being tested should welcome Jana in sha Allah to Allah and that is the only reward for those that are being tested for their whole lives. Those that are not being tested, a lot of obligations are on us towards those people there for Coke and their kindness and taking care of them making dua for them making life easy for them and that we do not take advantage of them. May Allah subhana wa Taala make sure that we are more alpha in all of these things. May Allah azza wa jal continue to bless us and protect us from all harm and evil, which is optimal look, I said I'm welcome rahmatullah wa barakatu. Long

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